Decide which word is correct id like to take this new book

Grammar test  V-1

which word is correct

1.      I’d
like to take this new book. Has your wife read it____?     

done       b)for         c)just          d)yet

2.      Ann
writes her books very quickly. She’s _____

her last one.

a)      already  
 b) been      c)for       d) yet

3.      I
haven’t seen that coat before. How ____ have you had it?

a)      already    
b) for     c) long          d) since

4.      I
haven’t seen my friends _____ last Christmas.

a)      Just     
b) already     c) since      d) for

the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1.      You
know you ____(be) my best friend.

2.      We
_____ (notsee) him since Monday.

3.      How
long _____(helive) here?

4.      They
_____(buy) the furniture last Saturday.

5.      We
_____(know) him very well. He is our doctor.

6.      What
____you____(do) at this time yesterday?

7.      ____(your
teamwin ) the football match yesterday?

8.      What
time ____(the post arrive)  today? – It _____(come) while I ______(have)

test  V-1

I.         Decide
which word is correct

1.         I’d
like to take this new book. Has your wife read it____?     

done       b)for         c)just          d)yet

2.         Ann
writes her books very quickly. She’s _____

her last one.

a)         already   
b) been      c)for       d) yet

3.         I
haven’t seen that coat before. How ____ have you had it?

a)         already    
b) for     c) long          d) since

4.         I
haven’t seen my friends _____ last Christmas.

a)         Just     
b) already     c) since      d) for

II.        Use
the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1.         You
know you ____(be) my best friend.

2.         We
_____ (notsee) him since Monday.

3.         How
long _____(helive) here?

4.         It’s
Bill’s birthday next Monday. He ____(be) 25.

5.         We
_____(know) him very well. He is our doctor.

6.         What
____you____(do) at this time yesterday?

7.         ____(your
teamwin ) the football match yesterday?

8.         What
time ____(the post arrive)  today? – It _____(come) while I ______(have)

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3. Nine years of classes are compulsory.
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5. On the first of September we get acquainted with our teachers.


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Однажды утром Люсинда и Джейн вышли, чтобы прокатится в кукольной машине. Вдруг пришли две мышки. Это были Том Тумб (плохо имя видно) и Хунка Мунка. Мыши пошли в кукольный домик. Они открыли дверь и пошли наверх. Там они увидели мясо, рыбу, торт и несколько апельсинов на столе. Мышки были счастливы! Том Тумб взял мясо. Он хотел съест мясо, но это оказалось не так-то и легко. Внезапно мясо cломалось. Под краской была глина!  Том Тумб и Хунка Мунка раскололи торт, рыбу и апельсины. 

A Introduction

Vicky, Emma and Matthew are at a club in town.

Vicky: Where’s Daniel? He should have been here half an hour ago.

Emma: He may have got lost. It isn’t easy to find this place.

Matthew: He could have forgotten all about it, I suppose.

Emma: He can’t have forgotten. We were talking about it this morning.

Matthew: Well, something must have delayed him.

We can use a modal verb with the perfect (have + a past participle).

We use this structure to talk about possible past events.

BMay have, might have and could have

We use these forms to say that possibly something happened in the past. He may have got lost. (= Perhaps he has got lost.) You might have left your keys at work. (= Perhaps you left them at work.) Someone could have stolen them. (= It is possible that someone stole them.)

We also use could have for an opportunity that we didn’t take or a possible result that didn’t happen.

We could have gone out somewhere, but we were too tired. You were very lucky. There could have been a terrible accident.

May not have, might not have and couldn’t have

Compare these different uses.



Possibly something did not happen.

Daniel may not have caught the bus. I expect he missed it.

(Perhaps he didn’t catch it.) 7 might not have locked the door.

(Perhaps I didn’t lock it.)

Must have and can’t have

Must and can’t are opposites.


My watch says it’s only ten past two. It must have stopped.

I realize it is certainly true that my watch has stopped.

Should have and ought to have

It is impossible that something happened. Daniel couldn’t have caught the

bus. It doesn’t

run on Sundays.

(It is impossible for him to have caught the bus.)


You’ve only spent five minutes on that job. You can’t have done it properly. I realize it is

impossible that you did the job properly.

We use these forms when someone didn’t do the right thing. We didn’t play very well We should have played better. I got lost. ~ Sorry. I ought to have drawn you a map. It was a lovely old building. They shouldn’t have knocked it down.

29A Will have done 46 May, might, could, must, can’t 48C Needn’t have 49 Should, ought to 146 Would have

53 Exercises

It may/could/must have been, etc (B-D)

Look at each conversation and choose the best sentence, a) or b).

Has the car broken down? ~ Well, we may have run out of petrol.

a)I’m sure there’s no petrol left, b) I think there’s no petrol left.

1You could have had a free holiday. ~ Yes, we could, but the dates weren’t convenient.

a)We had a free holiday, b) We didn’t have a free holiday.

2Did you record the programme? ~ I can’t remember. I might not have done.

a)I’m not sure if I recorded it. b) I certainly didn’t record it.

3Can’t you find that newspaper? ~ No, someone must have thrown it away.

a)It was necessary to throw it away, b) I realize now that it was thrown away.

Should and ought to (E and Unit 49B)

Complete the replies. Use should/ought to or should have/ought to have.

► Rita:

Tom’s car was stolen. He hadn’t locked it.


I suppose it’s his fault then. He should have locked it.

► Tom:

I can’t sleep sometimes. My neighbours play music all night.


That’s a nuisance. They shouldn’t play music all night.



The picnickers left litter everywhere.


That’s awful………………………………………………………….



Jessica isn’t very friendly, is she? She never says hello to people.


I know.



I don’t think Daniel’s going to get that job. He was late for the interview.


That can’t have looked very good. …………………………………………………………



Did you see Vicky crossing the road? She didn’t look.


She could have been killed………………………………………………………………………….

3 It may/could/must have been, etc (B-E)

Complete the conversation. Use cant have, might have, must have and shouldn’t have.

Harriet: There’s a parcel outside. The postman (>)must have left (leave) it.


Well, (1) ………………………………………………..

(he/ leave) it outside. He isn’t supposed to do that.

Someone (2)…………………………………….. (take) it. Why didn’t he ring the bell?


He always rings. (3)…………………………………………..

(you / be) out when he came.


I haven’t been out. So (4) ………………………………………………….

(he / ring) the bell.

4 It may/could/must have been, etc (B-E)

Complete the sentences. The second person agrees with the first. Use might have, couldn’t have, etc.

► Matthew:

I’m sure the computer didn’t make a mistake. That’s impossible.


No, of course the computer couldn’t have made a mistake.



I can’t see the letter here now. So clearly someone posted it.


Yes, …………………………………………………………………………………………….



It’s possible Emma didn’t hear the alarm.


Well, I suppose ……………………………………………..



Henry drove at 100 miles an hour. Don’t you think that’s dangerous?


Yes, I do…………………………………………………………………………………………………..



I just don’t believe that Andrew has failed the exam.


Andrew? Impossible! …………………………………………………………………….

Modal verbs (Units 44-53)

Test 10A

Decide which word is correct.

Could I have some more tea, please?

a) Could b) Shall

c) Will

d) Would


Everyone’s asleep. We…………….. make a noise.

a) couldn’t b) mustn’t

c) needn’t d) wouldn’t


you like to go for a ride with us?

a) Do

b) Should

c) Will

d) Would


I wonder if this is the right way. lt …..notbe.

a) can

b) could

c) might

d) must


I don’t think I want to see this film. ~ Oh, I think you…………….. enjoy it.

a) can

b) shall

c) will

d) would


I’m quite happy to walk. You

………. drive me home.

a) don’t

b) haven’t

c) mustn’t

d) needn’t


1 show you the way? ~ Oh, thank you.

a) Do

b) Shall

c) Will

d) Would


It’s late. I think we …………….. better go.

a) had

b) have

c) should

d) would


We all tried to push the van, but it…………….. move.

a) can’t

b) couldn’t

c) won’t

d) wouldn’t

Test 10 B

Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out

of the sentence and write it in the space.


I won’t be able to come to the meeting.



We didn’t needn’t have watered the garden because it’s raining,


1Would you like to be in the team?

2Did people have to bring their own sleeping-bags?

3I could to ski when I was quite young.

4Would you mind for checking these figures?

5We may be go swimming tomorrow.

61 knew that I would be sorry later.

7If you had fallen, you could have been hurt yourself.

8We’re not supposed to use this entrance.

9You don’t have to do all the work yourself.

10Anna wasn’t be allowed to take photos.

Test 10C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets. ► Perhaps Susan knows the address, (may)

Susan may know the address.

1We should be careful, (ought)

2I managed to finish all my work, (able)

3I realize that it was a terrible experience for you. (must)

4It’s against the rules for players to have a drink, (allowed)

5The best thing for you to do is sit down, (better)

6The report must be on my desk tomorrow morning, (has)

7It is possible that Joanne did not receive my message, (might)

8It’s impossible for Martin to be jogging in this weather, (can’t)

9Tessa wants a cup of coffee, (like)

10 It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat, (didn’t)

Test 10D

Say what the speaker is doing. After each sentence write one of the phrases from the box.

asking for advice

giving an order

making a suggestion

refusing permission

asking permission


offering food

expressing a wish

making a request

offering to help

► Will you have a piece of cake?

offering food

1May I sit down?

2You must report to me every day.

3What jobs should I apply for?

4Would you like to spend the day with us?

5Shall I do the washing-up?

6Shall we sit outside?

7I’m sorry. You can’t park here.

8Could you fill in this form, please?

9We really must have a nice big party.

Test 10 E

Here is some information for visitors to New York City.

Write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

Before you travel to the US, you (►) must find out what documents you need. British people do not

(1)……………………….. to get a visa, but there are different rules for different nationalities. For example, you

(2) …………………….need to show that you have enough money with you. But there’s one rule you can be sure about: everyone (3)……………………….. . to show their passport. The roads in New York are very busy, but don’t worry — you (4)……………….. get around cheaply and easily by subway. Remember that you are not (5)………………… to smoke on public transport or in shops. And don’t forget either

that you are (6) ……………………. to tip taxi drivers and waiters. New York is not the most dangerous city in the US, but you really (7) …………….. walk along empty streets at night. And it is safer if you are

(8) ……………… to travel around in a group.


1.- Decide which word is correct.

~ Could 1 have some more tea, please?

a) Could  b) ShalI  c) Will  d) Would

1 Everyone’s asleep. We_________ make a noise.

a) couldn’t  b) mustn’t  c) needn’t  d) wouldn’t

2 __________you like to go for a ride with us?

a) Do  b) Should  c) Will  d) Would

3 I wonder if this is the right way. It___________not be.

a) can  b) could  c) might  d) must

4 I don’t think I want to see this film. — Oh, 1 think you ______________ enjoy it.

a) can  b) shall  c) will  d) would

5 I’m quite happy to walk. You __________ drive me home.

a) don’t  b) haven’t  c) mustn’t  d) needn’t

6 _____________I show you the way? — Oh, thank you.

a) Do  b) Shall  c) Will  d) Would

7 It’s late. I think we _____________better go.

a) had  b) have  c) should d) would

8 We all tried to push the van, but it ______________ move.

a) can’t  b) couldn’t  c) won’t  d) wouldn’t

2.- Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.

If the sentence is correct, put a tick (√). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word

out of the sentence and write it in the space.

~ I won’t be able to come to the meeting.    (√)

~ We didn’t needn’t have watered the garden because it’s raining.   didn’t

1 Would you like to be in the team?

2 Did people have to bring their own sleeping-bags?

3 I could to ski when I was quite young.

4 Would you mind for checking these figures?

5 We may be go swimming tomorrow,

6 I knew that I would be sorry later.

7 If you had fallen, you could have been hurt yourself.

8 We’re not supposed to use this entrance.

9 You don’t have to do all the work yourself.

10 Anna wasn’t be allowed to take photos.

3.- Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

~ Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may)

Susan may know the address.

1 We should be careful. (ought)

2 I managed to finish all my work. (able)

3 I realize that it was a terrible experience for you. (must)

4 It’s against the rules for players to have a drink. (allowed)

5 The best thing for you to do is sit down. (better)

6 The report must be on my desk tomorrow morning. (has)

7 It is possible that Joanne did not receive my message. (might)

8 It’s impossible for Martin to be jogging in this weather. (can’t)

9 Tessa wants a cup of coffee. (like)

10 It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat (didn’t)



1 mustn’t

2 Would

3 might

4 would

5 needn’t

6 shall

7 had

8 wouldn’t


1 (√)

2 (√)

3 to

4 for

5 be

6 (√)

7 been

8 (√)

9 (√)

10 be


1. We ought to be careful

2. I was able to finish all my work

3. It must have been a terrible experience for you

4. Players aren’t allowed to have a drink

5. You had better sit down

6. The report has to be on my desk tomorrow morning

7. Joanne might not have received my message

8. Martin can’t be jogging in this weather.

9. Tessa would like a cup of coffee.

10. Nancy didn’t need to clean the flat.


1 Complete the story about a thief’s punishment. Write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

This is a true story (~ ) which is supposed to have happened somewhere in the US. A man________(1) was accused of housebreaking appeared in court. He had put his arm through the window of a house and stolen some money_________ (2) was lying on a table inside. The argument____________ (3) the man’s lawyer put forward wasn’t very impressive. He said that (4) was the man’s arm ____________(5) had committed the crime and not the man himself. ‘You cannot punish a man for_______________(6)  his arm has done,’ said the Lawyer. Now the judge in ______________(7) court the man was appearing wanted to show how stupid the lawyer’s argument was. Instead of finding the man guilty, he found the man’s arm guilty and

sent it to prison. ‘He can go with his arm or not, as he chooses,’ the judge added, _________(8) made everyone laugh. But ___________(9) the judge didn’t know was that the man had an artificial arm.  He took the arm off, gave it to the judge — ____________(1O) could hardly believe his eyes — and walked out of the court.

2.- Combine the two sentences into one.

~ That man was Anna’s brother. He just walked past.

~ The man who just walked past was Anna’s brother.

1 The plane was twenty-five years old. It crashed.

The plane …

2 One day Tessa was ill in bed. Martin rang.

The day ..

3 Our offices are in Queen Street. They are new.


4 Some documents have been found. They were stolen from a car.

The documents . .. .

5 That map is out of date. You were looking at it.

The map. . .

6 The King’s Theatre is in the centre of town. It dates from 1896.

The King’s . .

7 A woman was terribly upset. Her dog was run over.

The woman. . .

8 Janet solved the puzzle. She did it before everyone else.


9 A man was standing outside the building. He was selling newspapers.

A man

10 The talk was very interesting. Judy gave it.

The talk

11 The house is empty now. I used to live there.

The house



1. who/ that

2 that/which

3 that/which

4 it

5 that/which

6 what

7 whose

8 which

9 what

10 who


1. …that/which crashed was…

2 …when Martin rang Tessa was…

3 …new offices are offices, which are new, are…

4 … that/which were stolen from a car have been…

5… (that/which) you were looking at is…

6 …Theatre, which dates from 1896, is…

7 …whose dog was run over was…

8 …was the first who solved…

9 …who selling newspapers was standing …

10 …(that/which) Judy gave was…

11 …where I used to live…

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