Decide on the correct word to complete the blanks inhabitants dwellers

A. Choose the correct word.
1. The …… from that chemical are highly toxic.
A fog B fumes C flames
2. The match was called ….. because of the weather.
A off B for C out
3. Dinosaurs have been …… for millions of years.
A inactive B disappeared Cextinct
4. He wants to go home, he’s feeling under the…….
A clouds B climate C weather
5. The Captain and …… welcome you aboard.
A team B crew C staff
B. Fill in the correct preposition.
6. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings…… ruins.
7. She’s very competitive …… nature.
8. The forest was …… flames.
9. The patient is now……of danger.
10. Where ….. earth are my keys?
C. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: collapsed, survivors, habitats,
famine, avalanche, waves, injured, homeless, flood, earthquake, rescue.
11. Animals’……..are being destroyed.
12. We keep searching for …….
13. When the …… hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.
14. A terrible …… was caused by continuous rain.
15. The massive …… have killed 1500 people.
16. Thousands of people were left…..
17. The apartment ….like a house of cards,
18. ……. teams tried to save as many people as possible.
19. Doctors were helping …… people,
20. A(n) …… in the ocean can generate a tsunami.
D. Choose the correct item.
21. Tim will never forget meeting/to meet Jenny for the first time.
22. You must take/taking your keys with you.
23. Dan avoids buying/to buy anything that cannot be recycled later.
24. The children look forward to get/getting a dog.
25. He decided to join/joining an environmental organization.
26. People should buy/to buy products with biodegradable packaging.
27. I didn’t use to wear/wearing glasses.
28. Fay and her family are happy to sponsor/sponsoring a child in Ecuador.
29. They won’t let her to go go to the party.
30. I’m writing to tell/telling you about my trip.
E. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
31. A local businessman made a generous … the hurricane victims. DONATE
32. The …….of ship has never been explained. DISAPPEAR
33. He has a …….of stamps. COLLECT
34. I like the ……of living close to work. CONVENIENT
F. Fill in the blanks with used to be used to, get used to and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets
35. Sheila …….(drive) to work, but now she takes the bus.
36. Mr Roberts is a primary school teacher, so he …..(work) with young children.
37. She isn’t too comfortable with the idea of car-pooling yet, but I’m sure she…..(share) a car with other


  • #1

Reports that the government is about to give the go ahead to plans for the building of a new runway at London’s Gatwick airport have angered local inhabitants / dwellers / occupants / residents and raised fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution.

Yes, the book asks which one is the best for the sentence :D
Here the definitions ;

inhabitant (n) : a person or an animal that lives in a particular place.
-> a town 11000 inhabitants

dweller (n) : (especially in compounds) a person or an animal that lives in the particular place that is mentioned.
-> apartment dwellers

occupant (n) :
1- a person who lives or works in a particular house, room, building, etc.
-> All outstanding bills will be paid by the previous occupants.

resident (n) : a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there.
-> a resident of the United States

(Oxford Advanced Dictionary)

As I realised when I was writing the definitons, we can eliminate occupant and dwellers words, but what about inhabitant and resident ?

Last edited: Nov 13, 2009



Allegra Moderata (Sp/Eng, Cat)

  • #3

I would say ‘residents’ too.


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

  • Collocations/Expressions

    A Complete the blanks with the verbs go, come, reach or






    a decision

    to terms with

    into trouble







    to sleep

    rid of


    the sack

    in handy








    an agreement


    the job






    on sbs nerves

    off sbs back

    down to business

    over the top

    even with

    B Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in
    the box below. Use each one only once.

    in somebodys shoes on top of in search of on the safe side in
    charge of in trouble with

    1 Mr Johnson is in charge of ____the companys marketing

    2 People who systematically cheat the tax system will one day b
    e ________ in trouble with the Tax Department.on the safe side3 The
    doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to
    be __

    4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood __________in
    search of

    5 Nobody would want to b e __________ in his shoes_________ _
    pot with all those debts he has to pay off.

    their lost dog.

    6 After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally
    on top of the situation.

    C Complete the collocations below with the words in the box. You
    may use some of the words more than once. In some cases more than
    one word may be correct.

    bar bunch can clap flash flock pair pint set sheet swarm


    flashof pyjamas

    of lightning

    a pint/can of beer

    a set of traffic lights

    a bunch of flowers


    barof paper

    .o f soap

    pair of sunglasses

    flock of birds

    tube of toothpaste


    flockof scissors

    of sheep

    set of rules

    claP of thunder

    swarm of bees

    Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with
    their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the
    box next to each definition.

    A COME1 While cleaning the basement, I came across something I
    thought I had lost

    years ago.

    2 Joe came into a lot of money, which changed his life

    3 Why doesnt Julie come round to our place anymore?

    4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their

    5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his

    6 It took the woman a few minutes tocome round/to after she had

    3 stop by, visit

    2 inherit

    1 find by chance

    6 regain consciousness

    5 betaken ill with

    4 think of and suggest

  • unit 01

    move / travel around, visit



    start sth

    continue doing

    turn sour, start to decay

    examine / discuss in detail



    Words with Prepositions

    B GO1 They decided to go ahead with their trip despite the bad
    weather conditions.

    2 Once you have finished cleaning, you can goon w ith your

    3 The doctor wanted to go over the test results w ith his

    4 That tie goeswith your suit nicely.

    5 Luckily no one was injured when the bomb went off.

    6 While visiting Rome, we went round all the major
    archaeological sites.

    7 The child went through a lot before recovering completely.

    8 The milk went off after only an hour in the scorching

    9 Whats going on in there? Open the door!

    C BE1 What’s on this weekend at the theatre?

    2 We were promised that the hard times would be over soon.

    3 I was about to leave home when some unexpected visitors

    4 I’m for the mayor’s plan to relocate the town hall.

    5 What are the boys up to? Dont tell me theyre ruining the
    garden again!

    6 I must be off now. My parents are expecting me for dinner.

    A Complete the blanks with prepositions.

    Adjectives Nouns Verbs

    excellent at an answer associate w ith praise sb f o r sth

    experienced in an exDert o n / in /a t concentrate o n sth
    provide sb w ith sth

    happv for sb (take)Dride in conaratulate sb o n sth provide sth
    f o r sb

    h a o D V w i t h / a b o u t s t h a reDlv t0 cooperate with sb
    succeed in

    D ro u d f a reDort on deal w ith supply sb w ith sth

    respected for an opportun ity include ‘n supply sth t o sb

    responsible f o r

    G Read the following sentences and complete them with

    1 Congratulations Rodney! I’m so happy for you and your

    2 I would be more than happy to provide you with our company’s

    3 We supply all major companies with our products.

    4 She takes great pride in her work. That’s why she’s the best
    in her field.

    5 The government w ill provide housing for the homeless.

    6 You shouldn’t be proud of yourself. What you did was

    7 The government supplied food and medicine to the victims of
    the hurricane.

    8 The journalist was praised for his report on the starving
    children of Africa.

  • unit 01

    Grammar Revision (Tenses)

    See Grammar Review page 147 ^

    Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. All
    missing words are auxiliary verbs (is, was, have, has, had, do,
    does, did etc.).

    My life (1)__________has__________ improved a lot since last
    year. You see, before

    that I ( 2 ) __________ _____________ been working in the same
    job for five years and

    I ( 3 ) __________was__________ beginning to feel rather bored.
    I ( 4 ) __________ was

    getting ready to apply fo r another job when one day my boss
    called me into her office. «Our company

    (5 )_________ __________ planning to expand overseas,» she said.
    «We ( 6 ) ___________^ __________

    w ith Spain, therefore we w ill ( 7 ) ___________be

    branch there. ( 8 ) ________ ^

    th inking of starting

    needing some of our best employees to support our new

    the time I (9) did

    you th ink you would be interested in a transfer?» Naturally I
    accepted, although at

    _ not know that they (1 0 )_________ ______________also going to
    promote me

    to assistant manager.

    By the end of this month, I w ill have (11)

    exciting my life (12)__________ has

    been living in Madrid for a year. You can’t imagine how


    B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past
    Progressive, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive
    and complete the boxes with the time words below. Use each time
    word only once.

    fo r while yet still when ago already since


    was cooking

    Mary was having


    _ (have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen.

    (cook) her favourite dish because I ________ wanted________
    (want) to surprise her.

    s h e ________ came__________ (come) into the kitchen, she
    couldn’t believe her eyes!

    2 Jim: Mum. I iafen looking (look) for my black belt

    I stj|| havent found



    (not find) i t . . Havethe past hour and

    ________ you

    Mother: No, but I th ink you

    (see) it anywhere?

    Ie ri__________(lend) it to your brother about a week ago

    Jim: Oh, youre right. He hasn’t ciyen/didrrc give (not g (ve) jt
    back to me. I bet he nas been wearing (wear)

    it all week. Where is he now, Mum?

    Mother: I’m afraid M ark___

    H e__________ 90t

    has already left .(leave).

    .(get) up about an hour before you . did . (do).

    3 | have been working (work) on this project

    havent finishedI (not finish) it yetthis m orning but

    . What am I going to tell my boss?

  • & My sister loves cats. /She loves cats. /M

    (Only one subject in each sentence.)

    $> There is a book on the table.It is Susans.

    (Use there when mentioning sth fo r the firs t time. Use it fo r
    sth already mentioned.)

    > They don’t have a car. / (have = own)They haven’t got a
    car. / (have got = own)

    They haven’t a car.

    He has a bath every morning. / (have = take) He doesnt have a
    bath every morning. J He has- got a bath every moTning.

    James didn’t use to smoke so much. / James didn’t used to sm
    okesom ueh. (did/didnt + bare infinitive)

    & I do speak French. / (emphasis)He does eat snails. /They
    did buy a house. /W e did saw the thief.(do/does/did + bare

    She has gone to Italy. (She is still there.) She has been to
    Italy. (She has returned.)

    I bought this bike two years ago. /(Past Simple + ago)I-
    have&oughtthis bike -two years ago.

    I boughtthisbtke tw oyearsbefore .

    I have had this bike for two years. / (Present Perfect+for)
    Ibavethi-sbike-lortwoyear-s. —

    I have had this bike since 1998. /(Present Perfect + since +
    time)I have had this bike since I was sixteen. / (Present Perfect +
    since + Past Simple)I have-had this-bike since two years ago. (Only
    one time word in each sentence.)

    I haven’t studied for a week, (refers to the past: The last time
    I studied was a week ago.)I have to study for a week, (refers to
    the future: I must study fo ra week before I do sth else.)

    I haven’t eaten spaghetti for six months. /

    Key Transformations

    I have never been to Malta before.

    It is the first time I have ever been to Malta.

    I had never been to Malta before.

    It was the first time I had ever been to Malta.

    W hen did he start working?

    How long has he been working?

    How long is it since he started working?

    & The last time I saw her was a year ago.I last saw her a
    year ago.

    I havent seen her for a year.

    It has been a year since I last saw her.

    It is a year since I last saw her.

  • unit 0 1

    Examination Practice

    A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each
    space. Use only one word in each space.

    MONGYThere is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it
    today, (1). what

    keeps modern economic life functioning. Yet, th roughout
    history, money, in whatever form, has provided

    people (2 )_________ with__________the ability to buy (3
    )_________ and/or_________sell goods.

    Thousands of years (4 )__________ ago__________, civilisations
    (5 )__________ used_________ to rely on

    the barter system as a way of exchanging goods. W ithin this
    system a person had to exchange one thing

    for another. This meant that the two parties involved had to (6
    )______ make/reach_______an agreement

    as to what they thought the ir products were worth. Items such
    (7 )__________ as___________wheat,

    tobacco and livestock have all been used as money at one time or
    another. It was not until much later

    that humans came up (8 )_________ with__________ the idea of
    money in the form of metal coins. So why

    (9 )__________did___________the barter system come to an end?
    The answer is simple. Coins were much

    easier to handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins
    has become widespread. It has made

    commerce simpler and has given countries an opportun ity
    (10)__________ _____________development

    by doing business w ith other countries fu rther afield, which
    they (11)__________ h^d__________ never

    done business w ith before.

    In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the
    world, as it is easier to use. It

    (12)__________ ^ __________ not be long, however, before plastic
    cards take over completely, replacing

    coins and paper money.

    6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
    to the first sentence, using the word given

    unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including
    the word given.

    1 We last went abroad a long time t yye have not been
    abroad for a long time.

    When did they start living in the suburbs?

    have How long have they been living in the suburbs?

    It’s the firs t tim e she has ever had problems w ith the

    trouble She has never had trouble

    4 When Carl was young, he went to a holiday camp every

    used When Carl was young, h e __________________used to go

    w ith the authorities before.

    . a holiday camp every summer.

    5 A fter the earthquake, the government supplied food and
    medicine to the homeless,

    provided After the earthquake, the governm ent_______provided
    the homeless with_____

    6 Lucy hasn’t visited me since February.

    was The las t_______________ time Lucy visited me
    was__________________ in February.

    .food and medicine.

    How long has he had this car?

    bought How lo n g _________ is it since he bought this car?

    8 I haven’t caught a cold fo r ages,

    down I las t___________ came down with a cold ages ago.

  • unit 01

    Words easily confused

    Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the
    sentences in each group A-H below. You

    may use some of the words more than once. In some cases, more
    than one word may be correct.

    job occupation work em ploym ent profession

    1 People in the m e d ica l______ profession

    2 In order to get a (n )_________ 12^______

    work long hours.


    as a computer analyst, you need a degree in computer

    __since January.3 Betty has been out o f ____

    — Employment______ agencies help people find work in the ir

    5 I was asked to w rite my present occupation________ on the
    application form.

    B task course duty

    1 They were set the

    2 It is a nurse ‘s___

    task of cleaning the room after the meeting.

    duty ______ to make the patients feel comfortable.

    3 Her marks are quite high, so she can choose between a medical
    or a la w ________ course at university.

    employer employee colleague assistant clerk o fficer

    1 The shop assistant

    2 The car park

    3 All

    ___ helped me choose a jum per that suited me.

    attendant_______ js responsible fo r parking customers cars.

    employees_______ are expected to be at work by 8.30. O u
    r________ employer

    4 Jill worked as a (n )_________clerk_______

    5 All m y ______ colleagues_______ at the office are

    for a law firm before entering politics.

    6 Bob is a senior officer in the armed forces.

    insists on it.

    D party crew staff

    1 A member of a p o lit ic a l______

    2 The teaching

    3 The search _

    4 The s h ip ‘s__




    party gave a speech in the town centre last night.

    at our school have formed a basketball team.

    _ had no luck in finding the missing child,

    served drinks as the ship set sail.

    aim goal intention challenge success am bition

    challenge and took me over an hour to solve.1 The Maths problem
    was a (n )___

    2 T h e _______ aim/goal________ 0f environmental organisations
    is to stop environmental destruction.

  • unit 0 1

    3 People with ambition

    4 Their firs t album was a great

    5 I have no intention

    w ill always try to achieve their goals

    success and sold two m illion copies worldwide.

    of changing my plans fo r tonight.

    achieve fu lfil cope

    1 J o h n _______ succeeded________ jn convincing his boss to
    give him the day off.

    2 He doesnt ________deal/cope________ w ith crisis situations
    very well.

    3 Despite his health problems, J o e
    ________fulfilled___________his ambition to play in the local
    football team.

    deal face succeed

    4 The Johnstons are facing financial d ifficulties after Mrs
    Johnston lost her job.

    5 Kim put a lot of work into her project and

    6 During his career as a teacher, he h a s ___

    achieved excellent results.

    dealt w ith students from different backgrounds.

    manage run operate undertake

    1 You have to read the instructions carefully before y o u
    ______ operate

    2 Brett couldn’t find experienced staff so h e _________

    3 Kate was supposed t o _______undertake_________ train ing of
    the new staff.

    4 The company is managed/run_______ by two people who share the

    __________ the photocopying machine.

    his business on his own fo r a few months.

    H skills qualities qualifications experience

    1 To get the job you must have three years experience in
    telecomm unications and the necessaryqualifications ., one of which
    is a university degree.

    2 Leadership qualities __are required by a Prime Minister, as
    well as com m un ication .

    3 Learning to w indsurf was a fa n ta s tic
    ______experience_________ |


    A Look at the sentences below. What part of speech (verb, noun,
    adjective or adverb) is each of the words in bold type?

  • unit 01

    Each part of speech has a d ifferent function in the

    n u m describe actions, events, feelings or situations.

    (e.g. The two patterns differ from each other.)

    refer to people, animals, things, actions, situations or

    (e.g. There is a difference between the two patterns.)

    2 describe the qualities of nouns.

    (e.g. This pattern is different from that one.)

    describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, phrases or whole

    (e.g. The two patterns have been differently designed.)



    A lot of English words can be used as roots fo r the form ation
    of other words, which are called derivatives. Most adverbs, fo r
    instance, are formed by adding the ending -ly to the root

    careful 4 carefully terrib le 4 te rrib ly d iffe ren t 4
    differen tly

    B Choose the correct word A, B or C to complete the following

    The zoo’s main _________ attraction________ are the pandas.

    A attractive ly B attractive (c )a ttrac tio n

    2 The teacher w a s ___________angry__________with the student
    because he d idn t do his homework.

    A anger (BJangry C angrily

    3 Before I set o ff on my journey, my father to ld me to d r iv
    e ___________safely__________.

    A safe B safety (c)sa fe ly

    4 What’s t h e _________difference________ between increase and

    A difference B d ifferently C different

    5 I hired a _______ photographer______ to take pictures at my

    A) photographer B photography C photographic

    6 Despite his age, he leads an __________ active__________

    A activ ity B acting ( ^ a c t iv e

    7 She completed the p ro je c t________successfully_______ and
    was promoted.

    A success (B)successfully C successful

    C Read the sentences below and decide what part of speech is
    missing. Then, complete the sentences with

    the correct form of the words in capitals.

    1 I love sitting on my new sofa. Its so (Part of speech:
    adjective_______ ) _____ comfortable COMFORT

    2 She chose light-coloured furn iture to (Part of speech: ve|-b
    ) _brighten_____ ___ BRIGHT

    up her dull flat.

    3 Its certa inly (Part of speech: adjective ) ______ dangerous
    tQ drjve gt hjgh speed DANGER

    4 August is a (Part of speech: __ adjective ) peaceful month in
    our city, as PEACE

    everyone is away on holiday.

  • noun robber

    unit O f

    5 The (Part of speech: _

    stole 200 000.

    6 Nobody could find the (Part of speech:.

    d ifficu lt Maths problem.

    7 Even though they had financial d ifficulties, they were (Part
    of speech:.happily

    held up the bank and


    ___ married.

    8 I feel very (Part of speech:_________adjective ) sleepy

    some coffee.

    Examination Practice

    solution to the


    today. I th ink Ill have





    A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best
    fits each space.

    F I N D I N G E M P L O Y M E N T

    My firs t (1)^ job was as a sales (2)_ assistant

    I wanted to work part-time, because I was still studying

    (4 )_________ able__________ to work a few nights a week.


    I came (5). across the advertisement in the local

    newspaper. I remember the interview as though

    (6 ) I!___________were yesterday. The personnel

    manager sat behind a large desk. He asked me various

    which surprised me because all I wanted was to work in sales. An

    later, I was told that I had got the job and was given a
    contract to go

    (7 ) over_________ . I was to be trained for ten days before

    took my post. Also, as a member of (8). sta ff

    I was entitled to some benefits, including discounts.

    When I eventually started, I was responsible (9)_ for

    at a large departm ent store.

    ___university and I was only

    the toy section. I really enjoyed it there

    and I loved dem onstrating the different toys. I was surprised
    at how friend ly my (10) _

    were, too. They made working there fun even when we had to
    (11)________deal with


    customers who

    (12) . got on our nerves. On the whole, working there was a
    great experience which I w ill never


  • 1 A occupation B job C work D employment

    2 A employee B attendant C officer ( d) assistant

    3 A in B on ( a t D for

    4 A excellent B able C proud D experienced

    5 A across B into C on D round

    6 (A ) it B 1 C that D there

    7 A on B over C ahead D with

    8 (f i ) staff B crew C team D party

    9 A of B at C with D for

    10 A assistants B staff ( C) colleagues D employees

    11 A control (JB) deal w ith C manage D cooperate

    12 A came B went g o t D were

    Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in












    Last week I made a (1)_______ suggestion______ tQ my C0USjn A
    |ex 0f ferjng to

    take him to an (2 )______ amusement______ park. He was very
    excited because it

    was his (3 )_______ favourite________place. However, from the
    moment I picked

    him up, he was very (4 )_________ noisy__________ which
    surprised me since

    his behaviour was (5 )_______ normally________very d jfferent,
    At one point,

    while waiting to get on a ride, he disappeared. (6 )________

    the manager, who was very (7 )_________ helpful_________ found
    him an hour

    later amongst a crowd. Apparently, Alex had seen a famous
    basketball player and

    wanted his autograph. He (8 )______ apologised_______ to me
    immecjiate ly but I

    was so (9 )_________ angry_________at him that we left. It was
    then that I made

    the (10)________ decision________never to take Alex out

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