Decide on the correct form of the verb with each word combination i read pushkin


Брат моего друга закончит занятия в институте к лету, и ему не терпится приступить к

преподаванию. После того как он закончит институт, он начнет преподавать в школе. Я думаю, он станет хорошим учителем и дети будут его любить. Сейчас он упорно работает,

потому что знает, что время летит быстро, и может случиться, что у него не будет

времени повторить все основательно. Вчера мы занимались вместе, и я помогал ему с его дипломной работой. Завтра он будет работать весь день, а вечером мы пойдем в

бассейн, потому что, я думаю, к тому времени он закончит всю свою работу.

8. THE PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORMS have been + -ing (Participle I)






have been reading


have not been reading



been reading?



been reading



not been reading



been reading?



been reading



not been reading



been reading?



been reading



not been reading



been reading?


have been reading


have not been reading



been reading?


have been reading


have not been reading



been reading?


have been reading

They have not been reading


they been reading?


been reading



been reading

She‘s been reading



been reading



denotes an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still going on.

It is usually used with:


f o r .

I have been learning English for 10 years.

I have been learning Spanish since we last met and have made some progress in it.

It is rendered in Russian by the present.


denotes an action which was recently in progress, but is no longer going on at the present moment.

There are puddles everywhere. It has been raining hard.

It is rendered in Russian by the past.


NOTE: The verbs not used in the Continuous form cannot be used in the Perfect Continuous form either.

In this case we use the Perfect form:

I have known him since last year.


Ex. 1. (A, B) Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

1.1 (work) on this problem for two months. 2. She (sleep) all this time? 3. You (talk) this nonsense all day long. 4. «Any news about your latest project?» — «I just (tell) about it.»

5. He says he (not/feel) well for the past week. 6. You are red all over. How long you (lie) in the sun today? 7. I (try) to get you all day, George! 8. I (not/sleep) well for months.

9. We (see) each other regularly since the party at Helen’s. 10. «Jack isn’t working now.» —

«He (not/work) for years.»

Ex. 2. (A, B) Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous.

Example: Suzy is in her riding boots, (she/ride) — She has been riding.

You are dirty all over. What (you/do) — What have vou been doing?

1.Have a rest now. (you/work too hard/lately)

2.You are shivering, (you/stand/in this cold/long?)

3.Her hands are red and wet. (she/scrub/the floors/for three hours)

4.The children are quite voiceless, (they/sing at the top of their voices/since morning)

Ex. 3. (A, B) Translate into English.

1. Ты давно меня ждешь? 2. Вы опять дрались? 3. Как давно у вас болит нога? 4. Он занимается уже три часа. 5. Я учу испанский с сентября. 6. Анна ищет работу шесть

месяцев. 7. Мой брат курит десять лет. 8. Они работают в Манчестере с 1 марта. 9. Какой глубокий снег! Сколько времени шел снег? 10. У тебя глаза красные. Ты плакала? 11. С

какого возраста ты играешь в шахматы? 12. Как давно вы живете в этом городе?



The Present Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous

when? — (now)

how long?

What are you writing?

• I have been writing it for

I am writing a letter.

an hour.



Ex. 4. (A, B) Open the brackets.

1. There is nobody in that room.

you (read) detective stories again? 2. What

you (do) here? 3. He

(do) his lessons since after lunch.

4. «Where’s Fred?» — «He


(work) in the garden. He

rose bushes since dawn.» 5. All things in the drawing-room are out of place. The children

(play) hide-and-seek! 6.1

(think) of your aunt’s proposal

since we last met. 7. Where you

(swim) at this early hour of the day? 8. We

(stay) at the

Regent Hotel; won’t

you come and see us? 9. For a week now

those mice

(steal) food from the pantry. 10. Down by the pine woods they

(lay) out a new road.

Ex. 5. (В, C) Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He had barely entered the room when his secretary said: «Somebody (ring) for you for the last five minutes.» 2.1 (read) Shakespeare in уоцг absence and now I (try) to learn this beautiful sonnet. 3. «What the children (da)?*» — «They (play) Games all morning and now they

(learn) to tell time by the position of the sun.» 4. «Our friends (leave).» — «How long they (stay) with you?» 5. «What you (think) about?» — «I (not/think), I (count) the birds in the sky.»

6. «Where’s my daughter?» — «She (talk) to a policeman.» — «What’s happened?» — «She

(drive) without a license.» 7. What you (do) to yourself since I’ve been away? 8. «Florence, dear, I (look) for you everywhere.» — «What’s happened?» — «Mr Cusak (wait) for you in the house.»

Ex. 6. (A, B) Translate into English.

1. «Мужчина у окна смотрит на нас.» — «Да, и что из этого?» — «Я его встречаю в библиотеке в последнее время.» 2. «Куда ты так торопишься?» — «Мама ждет меня

у метро уже пять минут.» 3. Вы читаете эту газету? 4. «Которая из девушек Аня?» —

«На ней красное платье.» 5. Я ношу эти туфли уже два года. Они очень удобные. 6. Кого вы ждете? 7. Давно вы его ждете? 8. Что вы слушаете? 9. Она преподает английский с прошлого года. 10. Она учит меня английскому языку. 11. Я проявлял

фотографии весь день. 12. Я проявляю наши летние фотографии. 13. Кому ты

машешь (рукой)?




The Present Perfect

— denotes a completed action, a result.

The bottle is empty. Somebody has drunk the lemonade.

I have typed your letter. (=l’ve done it.)

The Present Perfect Continuous

— has an implication of incompleteness.

• Somebody has been drinking from this bottle. It’s half empty.



Ex. 7. (A, B) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Many people believe that our climate (change) very markedly. 2.1 (collect) the pictures with bridges since I graduated from the University. Now I (collect) enough to organize an interesting exhibition. 3. She (read) a fairytale to the children since breakfast. They (not/, finish) yet. 4. Those people (wait) for atram for the last fifteen minutes. I’m afraid, they don’t know that the electricity (go) out. 5. What (happen) to Mary? John (ring) her up the whole, evening and nobody (answer). 6. «You (come) out at last,» he said. «Well, I (stand) here long, and (listen) to the nightingale.» 7. So, you (arrive). We just (speak) of you. 8. «How long you (know) about it?» — «I (know) it all the time.» 9. «Why you (turn) off the music?» — «I (play) the records for hours; I’m tired now.» 10.1 definitely (decide) to give Pendle up.

Ex. 8. (A, B) Decide on the correct form of the verb with each word combination.

Example: (She/clean/the flat/for two hours) — She has been cleaning the flat for two hours. (She/do/two rooms/so far) — She has done two rooms so far.

1.(I/read/Pushkin’s prose/in the garden) (l/read/three of Belkin’s stories)

2.(Mother/sew/in the morning room/since lunch) (She/make/a ball dress/for me)

3.(My brother/ski/since childhood) (He/take part/in many championships)

4.(Father/write/children’s poems/since he retired) (He/write/four books)

Ex. 9. (A, B) Ask a question using the correct verb form.

Example: He trains young athlets.

How many young athlets has he trained?


She is travelling in the East. How long



He translates books. How many books



He translates from Japanese. How long



They are visiting the hospital. How many




10. (A, B) Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Perfect

or the Present Perfect Continuous.

Examples: I’ve run (run) out of petrol. Can you lend me some?

You are out of breath. Have vou been running (you/run)?


The secretary

(type) the letters you gave her but she

(not/finish) them yet.


There’s sufficient light, you

(waste) electricity for nearly an hour.


Look! The child

(fall) asleep!


(smoke) here.

Open the window. Somebody



(do) the accounts all evening. But she

(go) home already.



is a famous

playwright. He


his seventh play.


Ex. 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

I.(A, B)

I. We (meet) before? 2.1 often (see) his name in the papers this year. 3.1 (try) to catch the waiter’s attention for about 15 minutes now. 4. She (study) English for a year and

(learn) many words and expressions. 5.1 (not/hear) about him since yesterday. 6.1 (look) for him since I finished my lesson but I (not/find) him. I (be) to his office and to the laboratory but he isn’t there. 7. «Hello, Sven. You (see) Alex yet?» — «No, I (not/be) to the shop floor today. I (talk) on the phone to our clients all morning.» 8.1 (be) up here since about six. I (wander) around for hours. 9.1 (come) to you to invite you for a ride in the car.

10.1 expect these young men (inform) you who I am. 11.1 really don’t know what you (do) there all this time. 12. I (love) you ever since I first saw you. 13. And that’s where they

(stay) ever since.

II.(А, В, C)

1.«I know what you (think) of these last days,» he said..»You (make) up your mind?» 2. They (struggle) with this problem for about a month and they (solve) it at last. 3. They

(discuss) the case for hours but (be) unable to come to any decision. 4. You (see) Harry again. He (put) this idea into your head. 5. You (listen to) gossip. The things you (hear) are quite impossible. 6.1 (wait) here since 10 o’clock. Nobody (look) in here. 7.1 (tell) you so for years but you never (pay) any attention. 8. She (talk) about it ever since I met her and nothing (come) out of it. 9. She (do) shaping since September and her figure (improve) remarkably. 10. You (ask) him this question for a week and still he (not/ answer) you.

Ex. 12. (В, C) Translate into English.

1.Почему у тебя синие губы? — Я ела чернику. 2. Ты съел весь кекс? 3. Что вы делаете? — Мы собираем яблоки. — Сколько вы уже собрали? — Мы собрали 5 корзин.

4.Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе летние туфли. 5. Какой чудный запах! Бабушка варит варенье. 6. Я полирую этот стол с самого завтрака. Я очень устала. 7. Что ты делаешь в гараже так долго? — Я накачиваю шины (pump the tires).

Я уже накачал три. Ты поможешь мне с четвертой? 8. Ты знакома с Томом? — Я знаю

его целую вечность. 9. Почему вы так шумите (make a horrible noise)? — Я потерял

ключ и пытаюсь разбудить жену, поэтому я бросаю камни в окно спальни.- Вы

бросаете камни не в то окно. Вы живете в следующем доме. 10. Он только что продал две свои картины. — Ему повезло. Мой муж рисует уже пять лет и еще не

продал ни одной картины. 11. Я все утро занимаюсь домашней работой и еще ничего

не сделал. 12. Почему вы не принесли мне письма? Вы их еще не напечатали?

13.Куда ты дела мои ботинки? Я нигде не могу их найти. — Майк только что ушел в

них. 14. Тот человек стоит на автобусной остановке последние полчаса. Сказать

ему, что последний автобус уже ушел? 15. Мой муж собирает картины современных художников с тех пор, как мы поженились. Он уже собрал так много, что не знает, куда их повесить.



Ex. 13. (A) Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

1.A.: What you (look) for?

В.: We (look) for school things. We (not/buy) everything yet. A.: I (buy) everything.

2.A.: What you (do), Jane?

B.: I (read).

A.: But it (be) late. What you (read) all this time?

3.A.: Where (be) John?

B.: He (work) in the garden.

A.: He must be too tired. He (work) there all day.

4.A.: Who you (wait) for?

B.: I (wait) for Jack. I (wait) for him since 11 o’clock.

5.A.: They (stand) there for the last 20 minutes.

В.: What they (talk) about all this time?

6.A.: What you (think) of?

В.: I (think) of our life together.

7.A.: The girls (sing) in the sitting-room.

В.: They (sing) since I (walk) in.

Ex. 14. (A, B) Open the brackets. Use the Past Continuous, the Past indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1.Greg (return) at last. Mary (wait) for him so long. 2. Margaret, you (read) my letters. Don’t deny it. 3. When I (come) home, Mother (make) breakfast and Father (have) his morning tea.

4.When you (discuss) it? I never (hear) the subject mentioned. 5. No, you can’t go to the Smiths’. You (be) there twice this week. 6. Why, you (not/change) at all. I (recognise) you the moment I (see) you. 7. Terry (go) shopping already? 8. When you (go) to bed? 9. I

(offer) to buy them out. 10. My dear girl, you (overeat) for years. You (lose) your looks, you (lose) your figure. You can’t get back to normal overnight. Remember what doctor Lecter

(tell) you on Monday. 11.1 (see) her when I (drive) past their house on my way to work.

12.He (not/say) a single word to me yet and he (get) that letter on Sunday. 13. The children

(talk) of nothing else for weeks. 14. And we (sing) together ever since that time.

15.Where he (be)? — He (sit) at his desk. He (not/move) since she (leave).

Ex. 15. (В, C) Open the brackets. Use the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Andy, you (hear) me? I (talk) to you for a minute already. 2.1 want to see how much the place (change) since I was there last. 3. We (not/see) them ever since. 4. I don’t want to take a cure at all. I am perfectly happy. All my life I (be) perfectly happy.

5. Here’s my key. I (leave). 6.1 (go) to the shops, (not/begin) cutting the material until I (come) back. 7. Wait till you (see) Moose and (talk) to him. 8. The children (live) with their aunt since their mother (be) ill. 9.1 must not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or

Henry’ll know I (cry). 10. The train (not/arrive) yet but a lot of people (stand) on the platform. 11.1 (know) him very well. We (know) each other since I came to live in this


house. 12. He says he (listen) to the same tunes for fifteen years. 13. Earthquakes

(rock) the surface in different parts of the world from time to time. 14. What are you going to say to the President, if he (ask). 15. «Dear little Hans,» cried Rotten, «I’m in great trouble. My little boy (fall off) a ladder and (hurt) himself.» 16. «You (hear) that

Walter (ask) Mary to marry him?» — «Again? He (ask) her three times so far. And she obstinately (refuse) him all this time. She (accept) at last?» 17. «This other gentleman,» cried Mr.Pickwick, «is, as you will see when you (read) the letter, a very near relative, or

I should rather say a very particular friend of your son’s.» 18. He (be) here for six years.

He (do) a lot to help things change. 19. My good man, Signora Lollobridgida (be) a head nurse in general to all of us. She (look) after sick people ever since she was in short frocks, and (do) it better than any sister of mercy I (know). I needn’t leave any directions if she (come). 20. Things (not/be) the same since the British went. 21. Your attitude

(puzzle) me for some time now. Why you (look) at me like that? I (speak) about your last article. What (make) you write all those awful accusations?

Ex. 16. (В, C) Translate the sentences into English.

1. Боюсь, вы наслушались разговоров кого-то старше вас. 2. «Как дела у вашего сына?» — «Очень хорошо. Я только что ему звонила по телефону.» 3. «Вы давно здесь работаете?» — «Около трех лет.» 4. «Вот и вы, — сказал он. — Я давно вас жду.» 5. Я со

вчерашнего дня думаю о том, что вы сказали. 6. Тэд, я вас ищу повсюду. Что вы

делали все это время? 7. Входи, дорогой. Я целое утро пытаюсь найти тебя. 8. Мальчики в саду. Они уже с полчаса наблюдают за птицами. 9. Скажите, когда придет механик? Я жду его с 10 часов. 10. Вот уже тридцать лет, как я изучаю своих собратьев (humankind). 11. Дождь идет уже три дня. 12. Я не сплю уже вторую ночь.

Ex. 17. (В, С) Translate into English.


1. Я его только что видела. Он переходил улицу. 2. Ты в жизни своей никогда понастоящему не работал. 3. Когда он приходил? 4. Директор еще не вернулся. 5. Что вы там так долго рассматривали? 6. Последнее время вы меньше работаете. 7. Спасибо, я уже пил кофе. 8. Она мне все рассказала. 9. Вчера, когда мы ехали домой, она мне

все рассказала . 10. Они играют в шахматы с самого обеда. 11. Я работаю над этой

темой с весны. 12. Я о вас так много слышала. 13. Когда он в последний раз написал

вам? 14. Где я видела это лицо? 15. Она все объяснила. Она была тогда больна и не

могла позвонить. 16. Ты написала маме?


1. Он тренирует эту команду всего полгода, но они сделали большие успехи. 2. Кто

взял мой словарь? Я его вчера здесь на полке оставила. 3. Он посмотрел на меня и

ничего не сказал. Он ждал кого-то. 4. Они спорят уже полчаса, и я потеряла всякий интерес. 5. Почему ты с ней так разговаривал? 6. Вы давно его знаете? 7. Давно вы

меня ждете? 8. Когда вы начали изучать английский язык? 9. У тебя руки красные. Что ты делала? — Я чистила свеклу. 10. Он уехал на прошлой неделе. 11. Он подошел к окну, открыл его и помахал кому-то рукой. 12. Мы ждем здесь с двух часов, и никто не сказал нам, что делать. 13. Боюсь, что она передумала. Она мне ничего не сказала, когда я видела ее в последний раз.






I had been reading

I had not been reading

Had I been reading?

I’d been reading

I hadn’t been reading



denotes an action which began before a definite moment in the past, continued up to that moment and was still going on at that moment.

It is used with:’


f o r .


denotes an action which was no longer going on at a definite moment in the past, but which had been in progress not long before.

ПWe had been climbing for six hours when at last we reached the summit of the moutain.


П Outside everything was in deep snow,

It had been snowing hard all night (not atthat moment).

Ex. 18. (A, B) Put the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Clouds (gather) all day and now rain came down in sheets. 2. «I’m coming all right,» said Mr Dilinger, who (shiver) for the last ten minutes. 3.1 realized that he had come away with me in order to discuss once more what he already (discuss) for hours with his sister-in-law. 4.1 slowly released a breath and only then realized that I (hold) it for some time.

Ex. 19. (B) Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. When I (leave) home, the snow already (stop). 2. It (be) 6 p.m. and Jack (be) tired because he (work) hard all day. 3. He clearly (listen) to our conversation and I (wonder) how much he

(hear). 4. She (say) she (teach) at this school for twenty years. 5. He (say) he just (finish) the book he (read) all this time. 6. The postman (come) after lunch and (bring) me a letter which I (expect) for a long time. 7. It (rain) since the morning, and the fields (be) quite muddy.

Ex. 20. (А, В, C) Answer the questions.

Examples: Did you work at your English yesterday? Yes. I did.

How long had you been working at your English before you went for a walk? (for an hour) I had been working at my English for an hour.


1.Did it rain yesterday?

How long had it been raining when you left home? (for 3 hours)

2.Did she work at the University before she retired?

How long had she been working there before she retired? (for 25 years)

3.Did you stay at the hotel when you were in London?

How long had you been living there when Jane arrived? (for a fortnight)

4.Did they study French before they went to France?

How long had they been studying it before they went there? (for 5 years)

5.Did they work on their book last year?

How long had they been working on it before they sent it to the publishing house? (for 2 years)

6.Did your brother play football yesterday?

How long had he been playing football before he took part in the world championship for the first time? (for 6 years)

7.Did he listen to that record yesterday?

How long had he been listening to it before he could understand all the words? (for an hour)

8.Did the children walk in the wood in the morning?

How long had they been walking before you called them back? (for 2 hours) _

Ex. 21. (A, B) Make up sentences according to the pattern.

Example: You came home. Your children were watching television. (they/not/do/any work) — Thev hadn’t been doing any work.

1.Brother and sister came home with angry faces. (thev/quarrel/on the way home)

2.There was nobody in the flat. But a delicious smell of fresh bread was in the air. (Mother/bake/bread)

3.Mary closed her eyes. She felt very tired. (she/read/too long)

4.You came home from a party. You were nearly dropping on your feet. (vou/dance/all night)

5.When I looked at my typewriter, I saw a sheet of paper in it. (somebodv/use/mv typewriter)

Ex. 22. (A, B) Make up sentences according to the pattern.

Example: I started on my journey. After an hour a tyre went flat.

Ihad been driving for an hour when a tyre went flat.

1.The lecturer began to speak. After 15 minutes the dean came in.

The lecturer

for 15 minutes when


2.Larry had arranged to meet Amy at her hotel in London. He had lost the address but he thought it was the Savoy. So he went there. After half an hour waiting he realized that he

had come to the wrong hotel.



3.* My father-in-law went to work in America in 1943. Two years later the war ended. My father-in-law when



The Past Continuous:

denotes an action going on at a definite moment in the past,

no previous duration is expressed.

The Past Perfect Continuous:

— expresses the previous duration.

• I looked out of the window. It was raining.

• It had been raining for days.


Ex. 23. (A, B) Put the verb into the correct form, the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past


Examples: Their swimming suits were wet. They had been swimming.

She was in the swimming pool. She was swimming.


The boy was leaning against the tree, out of breath. He

(run) very fast.


He came into the kitchen. His parents stopped talking.



about him.


She came into the room. Her husband was at his desk. He



When the newly weds arrived at the restaurant, their guests


for them. They felt rather hungry because they

(wait) for a long




(stand) at the bus

stop for twenty minutes when Ivo drove

up and got

out of the car.

Ex. 24. (В, C) Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. When I (get) home that evening, my little son (eat) dinner himself for the first time. 2. My sister’s wedding (be) the only thing everybody (talk) at home for the last two weeks. 3. They (go) back to the hotel and up to their suite, where they (expect) the inspector at six-thirty. 4. Presently he (turn) to look at the corner where she (stand). 5. Scarlett, who (fan) herself with a turkey-tall fan, (stop) abruptly. 6. He just (leave) for the airport when I (call). 7. «Who are you thinking of?» he (ask) after he (look) at me for a few seconds. 8. They (stand) in the open front doorway, waiting for her to come in out of the rain. 9. Their daughter (not/say) where she (sleep) and she (have) a curiously looking box in her hands.


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Decide on the correct form of the verb with each word combination перевод - Decide on the correct form of the verb with each word combination русский как сказать

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Decide on the correct form of the verb with each word combination


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Решение о правильной формы глагола с каждой комбинации слова

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Принятие решения о правильной формы глагола с каждым словосочетанием

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Принять решение о правильной формы глагола с каждого слова комбинации

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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Choose the correct form of the verb in these sentences

1. When he calls/will call i give/will give hima piece of my mind 2. i am/will be at home if you need/will need anything 3. they are/will be in the gallery if you decide/will decide to speak to them 4. if they want/will want your advice, they get/will get in touch with you 5. if you have/will have anything to report, put it in writing and send it to me 6. i write/will write about it when i have/will have time 7. he waits/will wait untill they send/will send for him 8. he is/will be all right when this is/will be over 9. i’d like to ask you a few more questins before you go/will go 10. i don’t khow/won’t know when they come/will come to see us 11. ask him if he stays/will stay for dinner 12. i wonder/will wonder if we ever see/will see each other again 13. i am will be not sure if they are/will be in time 14. he can’t tell us when the motor starts/will start

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the correct form of the verb in these sentences 1. When he calls/will call i give/will give hima piece of my mind 2. i am/will be at …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the correct form of the verb in these sentences 1. When he calls/will call i give/will give hima piece of my mind 2. i am/will be at home if you need/will need anything 3.


Exercise 3.
Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow Personality

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) _________ down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) _________ up and forgive easily. As we 3) _________ up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) _________ on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who 5) _________ us up. If we 6) _________ up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) _________ us down all the time and we 8) _________ out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died ________ peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support ________ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ________ Vanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly ________ the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised ________ when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ________ in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ________ you.

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