Day to day use english word



day to day — повседневный; ежедневный; насущный
from day to day — изо дня в день
day to day issue — суточный расход
day to day money — процентный денежный вклад выплачиваемый вкладчику по его требованию
accrue from day to day — начисляться ежедневно
change from day to day — изменяться день ото дня
day to day consumption — ежедневное потребление
shall accrue from day to day — начисляются на посуточной основе
his mood varies from day to day — его настроение ежедневно меняется
the commitment fee shall accrue from day to day — комиссионные начисляются на посуточной основе

day by day — а) каждый день; день за днём; б) с каждым днём
day-to-day — изо дня в ежедневно; изо дня в день; повседневный
day after day — день за днём; изо дня в день
day-to-day rate — текущая ставка
day-to-day test — ежедневная проверка
day-to-day work — повседневная работа; текущая работа
day-to-day life — повседневная жизнь
day-to-day loan — ссуда, возвращаемая по требованию; ссуда до востребования; онкольная ссуда
day-to-day wear — повседневная форма одежды
come day go day — день да ночь — сутки прочь
day-to-day goods — брит. товары повседневного спроса
day-to-day loans — однодневные займы, суточные деньги
day-by-day basis — обычная основа
day-to-day money — однодневные займы, суточные деньги
day off, off day — свободный день; нерабочий день
day succeeded day — день шёл за днём
day-to-day report — ежесуточный отчёт
day-to-day managed — оперативное руководство
day-to-day scatter — суточное расхождение
day-to-day demands — повседневные нужды [потребности]

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

день в день, день ото дня, день на день, день за днем

Перевод по словам

day  — день, сутки, время, рабочий день, дневной
day  — день, сутки, время, рабочий день, дневной


My health is improving from day to day.

Моё здоровье улучшается день ото дня.

We struggle on, living from day to day (=trying to find enough money each day to buy food etc).

Мы боремся с жизненными неурядицами и живём сегодняшним днём (каждый день пытаясь найти денег, чтобы купить еды и т.д.).

Day by day he grew weaker.

День ото дня он становился всё слабее. / С каждым днём он слабел всё больше.

His health weakened day by day.

С каждым днём его здоровье становилось всё слабее.

Her health was improving day by day.

Её здоровье улучшалось день ото дня. / С каждым днём ей становилось всё лучше.

His day-to-day life is based on ritual.

Его повседневная жизнь основана на ритуалах.

The ideas welled forth in his mind day by day.

Новые идеи каждый день рождались в его сознании.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Rioting broke out just three days before polling day.  

«His ailment grows upon him. It progresses day by day.  

I never know from day to day what I’m going to be doing.  

Begin a new cycle every 21 days (Day 22 becomes Day 1, etc.).  

Angela liked to rest during the heat of the day (=the hottest part of the day).  

Well, that’s my good deed for the day (=something good you try to do for someone else every day).  

It will be returned within three working days (=three days, not including weekends or public holidays).  

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

повседневного использования

повседневном использовании

ежедневного использования

повседневное использование

ежедневное использование

ежедневном использовании

повседневным использованием

повседневной работе

каждодневного использования

изо дня в день пользоваться

For day-to-day use, it probably is.

So Bitcoin is far from being a practical currency for day-to-day use.

For my day-to-day use, it’s not an issue.

In day-to-day use, however, there is no noticeable difference in speed.

A good replica could possibly be quite dependable as it’s constructed to undergo rigorous day-to-day use.

Качественная реплика может быть весьма надежной, так как она создана для строгого ежедневного использования.

Some had to be exposed to high temperatures, making them impractical for day-to-day use.

Некоторые были подвержены воздействию высоких температур, что делает их непрактичными для ежедневного использования.

In 2018, we have seen how voice recognition and voice search are becoming an integral part of day-to-day use.

В 2018 году мы увидели, что распознавание голоса и голосовой поиск становятся неотъемлемой частью повседневного использования.

The device is also expensive and not reliable enough for day-to-day use outside laboratory conditions.

Устройство также является дорогостоящим и недостаточно надёжным для повседневного использования вне лабораторных условий.

Its quick dissipation is why many people use it only for day-to-day use.

Его быстрое рассеивание объясняется тем, что многие люди используют его только для повседневного использования.

To get your system set up for day-to-day use, you’ll want to install some real software.

Чтобы система больше подходила для повседневного использования, вам нужно установить какое-то настоящее программное обеспечение.

Technical specifications are worthy of the best supercar, however, engineers assure us that this car will be suited for day-to-day use.

Технические характеристики достойны лучшего суперкара, но конструкторы уверяют, что машина пригодна для повседневного использования.

The system is also expensive and not reliable enough to be used outside of the laboratory for day-to-day use.

Устройство также является дорогостоящим и недостаточно надёжным для повседневного использования вне лабораторных условий.

Perfect for traveling or day-to-day use.

These systems generally also prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide during normal day-to-day use of the underground parking garage.

Эти системы, как правило, также предотвращают накопление угарного газа во время нормального повседневного использования автостоянки.

Economy and safety for day-to-day use.

At least in terms of day-to-day use, that is.

With exceptional durability, it is perfect for day-to-day use in both gourmet home kitchens and prestigious restaurants around the world.

Благодаря своей прочности, она идеально подходит для повседневного использования как на домашних кухнях, так и в престижных ресторанах по всему миру.

Suitable for day-to-day use for all seasons.

A stockpile is a collection of nonperishable goods beyond what you need for day-to-day use.

It should not be used for large amounts of litecoin, but is a great option for day-to-day use or accepting payments on the go.

Не должен использоваться для хранения больших объемов Zcash, но является отличным вариантом для повседневного использования или принятия платежей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 121. Точных совпадений: 121. Затраченное время: 113 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

This can vary widely, from day to day or promotional periods.


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Они могут сильно отличаться от одного дня к другому или в акционные периоды.


She goes day to day Knowing that this dude is gonna kill her.

In short, manage the day to day in such a rugged environment.


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This Group will manage day to day implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding.

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Эта Группа будет изо дня в день воплощать Меморандум о взаимопонимании.

Each team of workers is lead by supervisor who monitors day to day works.


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Каждая группа работников lead Supervisor, который контролирует изо дня в день.


His accusations against the band in media changed from day to day.


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Его обвинения в СМИ в адрес группы менялись со дня на день.


The material is a

strong plastic that certainly could handle the day to day.


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Материал представляет собой сильный пластик, который, безусловно, может обрабатывать изо дня в день.


Good for College, courses, or even


the day to day.


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We offer a professional service and fast delivery time- even from day to day.


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Предлагаем профессиональное обслуживание и быстрое время реализации заказа- даже со дня на день.


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И это необязательно должна быть ежедневная борьба.

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From day to day it was apparent that he was changing,

his body was growing and getting longer and his nature was forming.


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Сура меняется, растет и взрослеет, как формируется его характер.


From day to day I felt the physical things

and circumstances lose their value more and more, and my spiritual strength grew.


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Изо дня в день физические вещи и обстоятельства

больше и больше теряли для меня свои ценность и духовная сила росла.



make an order»day to day«, it is necessary


issue it no later

than 16.00 of the current



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Чтобы осуществить заказ» день в день«, необходимо его оформить не позднее 16.


It is no art


reach good results now and again; it is much harder


ensure high quality of products and services day to day.


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Нет большого искусства в том, чтобы достичь хорошего результата один раз или несколько,

гораздо сложнее обеспечивать высокое качество продукции и услуг ежедневно.


The number of travelers increases from day to day, and with it the quality of service rises,

and the prices for tickets become relatively cheaper.


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Число путешествующих увеличивается изо дня в день, а вместе с этим повышается сервис обслуживания, да

и цены на билеты становятся сравнительно дешевле.


Traveling or day to day— Easily used for travelling


day to day

display all of your jewelry and beauty accessories.

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Путешествий или день в день— легко использовать для путешествий

или повседневной отображения всех ваших украшений и косметических принадлежностей.

Not only the weather changes from day to day but the climate does too,

but much slowlier- for hundreds of thousands and millions of years.


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Не только погода изменяется изо дня в день, происходят и изменения климата,

они протекают гораздо медленнее-


течение сотен тысяч и миллионов лет.


Poetry embeds the image when the day to day is represented by Art,

the details of the movement, of colors and light.

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Поэзия встраивает изображение, когда день в день представлено искусство, детали движения, цвета и света.

Numerous difficulties form day to day, but the art is a spirit that colors everything that is white and black»,

so I’m going.

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Многочисленные трудности формы день в день, но искусство- это дух, что цвета все, что есть белый и черный», так

что я собираюсь.

The teacher must create a routine that should not die,

know and encourage your student day to day


check your knowledge.


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Учителю необходимо создать процедуру, которая не должны умереть,

знать и поощрять студент вашего дня в день для проверки ваших знаний.


The uniqueness of the domestic internal payment system is the speed of its operation:


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Уникальность отечественной внутренней платежной системы заключается


скорости ее работы:


When you are not at peace, when you are not nourished then you shrivel and

you are barely surviving from day to day.


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Когда вы не


мире, когда вам не оказывают питательную поддержку, то вы сморщиваетесь,


When there is a lot of work


do at home, when the mood is at zero,

when you are tired of doing what you do from day to day.


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Когда дома полно работы, когда настроение на нуле, когда просто надоело делать то,


Nowadays economic situation in the Russian

Federation leads


a change in exchange rate from day to day, sometimes the difference is significant.


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Экономическое состояние





период приводит к изменению обменного курса изо дня в день, иногда очень значительному.


With the rise of the dollar a lot of people are

looking for a cheap unlocked cell phone for your day to day.


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С ростом курса доллара многие люди ищут дешевка телефон и


Nevertheless it is the Master Blender’s



sample the flavour of the tobaccos in use from day to day.


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Однако обязанность Ligador составителя смеси-« лигадора»-


Recent Examples on the Web

There’s a lot more responsibility than day-to-day work or game day set up.

Anthony Maluso, Baltimore Sun, 1 Apr. 2023

Great Jones Straight Bourbon $45 at In her role as head distiller, Celina Perez oversees the day-to-day operations of Great Jones Distilling Co., handling the spirit production process from fermentation and distillation to new product development.

Samantha Simon, ELLE, 31 Mar. 2023

Sanderson, 76, alleged the accident left him with a traumatic brain injury that has impaired his cognitive functions in a way that has negatively affected his day-to-day life and personal relationships.

Doha Madani, NBC News, 31 Mar. 2023

And one major part of your day-to-day is, of course, your career.

Jacqueline Tempera, Women’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

Leaders have the most significant impact on their direct reports’ day-to-day experience and play an essential role in employee retention.

Anna Oakes, Quartz, 31 Mar. 2023

That could well turn into a day-to-day thing, said campaign aides and political analysts.

David Jackson, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

The Suns are back to full strength with both Deandre Ayton and Kevin Durant back in the lineup, while the Nuggets have listed both Jamal Murray and Nikola Jokic as day-to-day.

Ian Firstenberg, Chicago Tribune, 31 Mar. 2023

Fleiss had stepped back from active involvement on the shows of late and had not been day-to-day on The Bachelor in the past decade.

Ryan Gajewski, The Hollywood Reporter, 30 Mar. 2023

The actress is all about staying active in her day-to-day life, and likes to get some of that movement in while gardening.

Jacqueline Tempera, Women’s Health, 21 Mar. 2023

Unique Coach CitySole technology optimizes comfort and flexibility within these shoes, and the low-top design is both stylish yet wearable for whatever your vacation or day-to-day life may have in store.

Merrell Readman, Travel + Leisure, 21 Mar. 2023

Defenseman Cale Makar is day-to-day with a lower-body injury, though it’s not considered serious.

Mike Brehm, USA TODAY, 20 Mar. 2023

The answer can be found in monotasking and embracing gratitude in our day-to-day lives.

Chris Schembra, Rolling Stone, 20 Mar. 2023

Your holiday ensembles can look a bit different than your day-to-day uniform, especially in the spring and summer time, when playful dressing is at an all-time high.

Rachel Besser, Vogue, 20 Mar. 2023

Tallulah Stallvik, a junior at The Cambridge School of Weston, used poetry to look at the little things affecting their day-to-day life.

Abigail Lee,, 19 Mar. 2023

In 2021, New City America took over day-to-day management of the avenue on behalf of the Association, formerly Third Avenue Village.

Tammy Murga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Mar. 2023

In all likelihood, only someone stuck in such day-to-day drudgery would refrain from asking too many questions when she’s offered what appears to be, if not a dream job, a safe refuge.

Joe Leydon, Variety, 19 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘day-to-day.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Asked by: Godfrey Conn

Score: 5/5
(30 votes)

(idiomatic) Happening every day. I would like to know about the day-to-day workings of the business. (idiomatic, US, sports) Subject to daily redetermination. He has an ankle sprain and his status is day-to-day.

How do you use day to day in a sentence?

occurring or done each day.

  1. When she was promoted, she missed the day-to-day involvement with customers.
  2. The manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the hotel.
  3. My day-to-day life is not very exciting.
  4. Today’s NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management.

Which is correct day to day or day to day?

occurring each day; daily: day-to-day chores; day-to-day worries. concerned only with immediate needs or desires without preparation for the future.

Is day to day hyphen?

If the phrase were used as a modifier before a noun — “day-to-day operations” — then we’d use hyphens, as in “door-to-door” above. They hold the modifier together and make it easier to read.

What does day to day tasks mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English day-to-day work/business/life etcday-to-day jobs or activities are ones that you do every day as a normal part of your life, your job etc The manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the hotel.

42 related questions found

How do you write day by day?

: in small amounts every day Day by day, the situation is becoming more complex. She felt herself growing stronger day by day.

How do you use end of day?

Examples of end of day

That makes for bad law at the end of day. There will be those who have a good case, but at the end of day it will not be accepted. By the end of day two, 46 contestants remained. At the end of day, however, it is important to me that we should not give away power to another party.

Is month by month hyphenated?

Hyphens are often used to tell the ages of people and things. A handy rule, whether writing about years, months, or any other period of time, is to use hyphens unless the period of time (years, months, weeks, days) is written in plural form: With hyphens: We have a two-year-old child.

What does a day today mean?

If somone has had a terrible day full of disasters and disappointments they might say «What a day!» meaning «What an awful day/That was a terrible day«. If they had a fantastic day of joy and happiness and lovely things, they might say exactly the same thing but they would mean «I’ve had a great day».

Which is correct in person or in person?

«In person» and «in-person» are both correct, as long as the first phrase is used as an adverb and the second phrase is used as an adjective. … Remember that an adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by modifying it with information that tells what kind of.

What is correct in or on?

English speakers use in to refer to a general, longer period of time, such as months, years, decades, or centuries. For example, we say “in April,” “in 2015” or “in the 21st century.” Moving to shorter, more specific periods of time, we use on to talk about particular days, dates, and holidays .

What is called daily routine?

noun. a customary or regular course of procedure. commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical or everyday activity: the routine of an office. regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.

What is the example of day to day activities?

Despite this, many types of work or specialised hobby, sport or pastime may involve normal day-to-day activities – sitting down, standing up, walking, running, verbal interaction, writing, making a cup of tea, using an everyday object such as a keyboard, and lifting, moving or carrying everyday objects such as chairs.

What does a day to day injury mean?

(sports) Of or relating to a player who is on the verge of recovery from an injury that impedes or prevents the ability to play. … The ballplayer’s injury was listed as day-to-day.

Is month and a half hyphenated?

A. There is no need for hyphens if you’re using the phrase as a noun: We’ll be there in two and a half hours; two and a half hours is plenty of time. If you are using a phrase like that as a modifier, however, you’ll need hyphens to hold it all together: a two-and-a-half-hour trip.

Do you say 12 months or 12-month?

«Months» is the plural. If you discuss six of them, or twelve of them, you must use the plural. There is an adjective form, as in «a 12-month contract for telephone services.» That’s a different usage. It describes the contract.

Does 12-month Need a hyphen?

Just as it is not necessary to repeat the word for the unit of time in “12 months to 24 months”—the first iteration of month is implicit—the word may be elided from a version of the phrase that uses hyphens.

What does end of day mean legally?

EOD stands for “end of day.” It’s used to set a deadline for a task that should be complete by the end of the business day — typically 5:00 PM. … Acronyms used interchangeably with EOD include, end of business (EOB), end of play (EOP), close of play (COP), and close of business (COB).

What does end Day mean?

noun The day of one’s end; the day or time of one’s death.

What is end of the day time?

The end of the calendar day (midnight). The end of the daylight period (sunset).

What are the positive words?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish. …
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial. …
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ. …
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished. …
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective. …
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous. …
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving. …
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

What is the correct way to write time?


  1. Lowercase a.m. and p.m. and always use periods.
  2. Lowercase noon and midnight.
  3. Do not use 12 noon or 12 midnight (redundant). Use noon or midnight.
  4. Do not use 12 p.m. or 12 a.m. Use noon or midnight.
  5. Do not use 8 a.m. in the morning (redundant) Use 8 a.m.
  6. Do not use o’clock with a.m. or p.m.

Is day by day one word?

taking place each day; daily: a day-by-day account.

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