Daily word of the day texts

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Word of the Day


Definition: Vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression.
Synonyms: lamenting

Idiom of the Day

shotgun house

(chiefly Southern United States slang) A one-story house in which each room is in a straight alignment with the others, connected by a continuous hallway running from the front to the back of the residence.

Today’s Holiday

Paul Bunyan Show

Paul Bunyan is the mythical hero of lumberjacks in the United States. Since 1952, the Paul Bunyan Festival, sponsored by the Ohio Forestry Association and Hocking College in Nelsonville, has focused on wood products and forestry conservation and is an opportunity for lumberjacks to test their skills. Teams of draft horses compete in a log-skidding contest—an operation that is performed today by heavy machines—and turn-of-the-century steam logging equipment is on display. The show gives visitors an opportunity to see both traditional and modern logging techniques in action.

Quote of the Day

Virtue never has been as respectable as money.
Mark Twain

Word Trivia

Today’s topic: terrier

whippet — A cross between a greyhound and a terrier. More…

terrier — A dog that «takes the earth» or unearths its prey, from Latin terra, «earth.» More…

Dobermann, pinscher — Dobermanns are named for German dog breeder Ludwig Dobermann; pinscher means «terrier» in German. More…

Jack Russell — A type of terrier—not recognized as a distinct breed— named for the Rev. John Russell (1795-1883) of Devonshire. More…

Word of the day: big cheese

3rd May, 2022

At a party last week I was introduced to a foreign businessman who was visiting London. We got talking and started chatting about what we both did. I told him about my work and when I asked what he did, he responded — in…

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Word of the day: whitewash

15th June, 2021

By the 18th of June 1984 – thirty-seven years ago today – miners in England had been on strike for three months. In what has been called «the most bitter industrial dispute in British history», the National Union of Mineworkers…

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Word of the day: Blimey!

24th May, 2021

I have to begin with a bit of a confession: I’m quite a nosy person! Sometimes I can probably be a bit too interested in what other people are doing and I always want to find out more about them!…

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Word of the day: cancel culture

30th October, 2020

Over recent years, we’ve seen the push for greater equality come in many shapes and forms — there have been the calls from Black Lives Matter protesters for an end to police brutality and racially-motivated violence against black people, the…

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Word of the day: lockdown

24th March, 2020

So after weeks of umming and ahing, it’s finally happened: the UK has been placed on lockdown. It’s strange to find myself describing daily life here using a phrase I used to mainly associate with prisons: if there has been…

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16th March, 2020

Burger King have recently launched their first plant-based burger — the Rebel Whopper – a move that you might imagine would please many vegetarians and vegans. However, the new offering has caused controversy for two reasons. Firstly, there’s the fact…

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Word of the day: pandemic

5th March, 2020

Wherever you are in the world, the news over the last few weeks has almost certainly been dominated by one story — the ongoing efforts to stop – or at least contain – the spread of Covid-19, a disease better…

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Word of the day: (the) MSM

8th December, 2019

MSM sounds like an unfortunate disease that someone might suffer from — a cancer that’s spreading and eating away at your insides, for instance. Maybe that similarity is deliberate, because what we are talking about here is the mainstream media,…

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Word of the day: prescribe

8th September, 2019

If you’re ill and go to the doctor’s, once the doctor has examined you and discussed your symptoms, they’ll usually prescribe some medicine to help you get better. The doctor usually writes a prescription which you then take to the…

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Word of the day: pop-up

3rd August, 2019

Apologies for not having written one of these word / chunk of the day posts for quite some time. I’ve just been up to my ears in work these last few weeks, although I must admit I have also actually…

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A region usually adopts a lingua franca, or common language, when its inhabitants speak many different languages or dialects.

When people hear the term lingua franca, they often think of English. Although there are millions of people worldwide who don’t speak English, it has still become the lingua franca of many regions and areas of communication. One example is aviation — for airline pilots around the world, English is the lingua franca. The term means «Frankish tongue» in Italian, a reference to the original, 11th-century lingua franca, a mixture of Italian, French, Turkish, and other Mediterranean languages.

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В этой статье вы найдете английские слова для изучения (всего 35 слов и выражений) по теме «Мой день. Распорядок дня», а также стихотворение по теме «My Day».

My Day. Английские слова для изучения

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Ниже вы найдете список английских слов №2 по теме «Family Duties» (уровень intermediate). Список подойдет для изучающих английский язык в учебном заведении или самостоятельно.

Try to wake up happy

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Our life is going the usual way. To do the same things every day is sometimes boring, although we get used to the routine with time. Definitely, all of us have the right to rest and relax. These are three English proverbs that you may find useful. Try to remember them.

1. Try to wake up happy.
2. Keep calm and carry on.
3. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

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Вот список продвинутых выражений, которые помогут вам получить хорошие баллы при подготовке монолога на тему «Домашние обязанности» (Daily Family Duties / Household Chores). Список подойдет как для учащихся 9, так и 11 классов. К выражениям предлагаются варианты предложений для устной и письменной речи. Прежде чем начать изучать этот список слов, ознакомьтесь с статьей «Как готовиться к монологу по английскому языку».

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Прочитайте тексты на английском языке из рубрики «My usual day». Тексты помогут вам закрепить на практике изученные английские слова по теме «My Day. Список №1», а также запомнить новые английские слова и выражения.


  1. Text №1 «My father’s day»
  2. Text №2 «My son’s day»
  3. Text №3 «My daughter’s day»

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earth-shattering: something very important or surprising that has a significant impact

The Mystery of Earth’s Core: Has It Stopped?

The earth’s core has stopped! The earth’s core is reversing! These are all headlines from recent news reports this past January.

While the shifting of the center of the planet is big news, it’s not as earth-shattering as some report.

The Earth’s inner core is a hot ball of iron deep inside the planet. And it does spin. That much is true. But it has not stopped spinning or changed direction.

Scientists at Peking University have found that the speed at which it spins is slowing down. The inner core speeds up and slows down every 60-70 years. This is different from the 24 hour rotation of the earth that we all experience every day. When the earth’s rotation and the inner core’s rotation match, you could say the core appears to have stopped. But it has only stopped spinning from our perspective.

Ok, so what? While we won’t be knocked off our feet as the core “stops”, this is important news. Changes in speed of the inner core might affect the Earth’s magnetic field, our climate and geology. It might even cause very small changes in the length of our day.

Sample sentences

1. The discovery of water on Mars was an earth-shattering moment for space exploration.
2. The team’s loss was earth-shattering for their fans.
3. The announcement of the new phone model was not earth-shattering, as people expected the updates.

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