Cute word for boyfriend

cute things to say to your boyfriend

While it is more typical for boyfriends to say sweet things to their girlfriends, guys appreciate hearing cute things as well. Never underestimate how much a nice comment can lift up your boyfriend’s day. You might be wondering what the point is of paying your boyfriend a compliment once in a while. Hearing something nice from a significant other can brighten up anybody’s day, especially if they are having a bad day. And if your boyfriend is already having a good day, then hearing something sweet from you will make his day even better than before. Being told cute things can make your boyfriend feel loved, missed, and appreciated. That is why it is important to not be stingy with your kind words. In this article, we have listed 230 cute things to say to your boyfriend.

Do not be afraid to be romantic and mushy with your boyfriend on days that are not special occasions. While birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day are all special occasions that are worth celebrating, the ordinary days in life should be celebrated in their own way. When you say something thoughtful and cute to your boyfriend on a normal day, it will feel like a special day to him and he might even be inspired to return the gesture with his own romantic words for you.

Coming up with cute things to say to your boyfriend can be difficult, not because you do not care about him, but because it can be very difficult to express your feelings. Putting your feelings into words can be difficult, but the phrases below can help you express the romantic thoughts that are in your head.

Remember that communication is key, especially in a romantic relationship. Besides the typical day-to-day messages that are communicated between you and your boyfriend, you will also want to make sure that your relationship flourishes. Making the effort and going out of your way to shower your boyfriend with the occasional sweet compliment will help take your relationship to the next level.

When you pay your boyfriend a compliment, you will show that you are paying attention to him. Whether you are talking about your boyfriend’s nice smile or how much you love him, he will surely love knowing that he is on your mind. When you fill your relationship with positive, romantic words, you will very likely receive the same energy back.

There are many ways that you can get these cute messages to your boyfriend. While you can say them to his face or over the phone, you can also text him these messages. If you happen to pack your boyfriend lunch sometimes, you can sneak in a sweet note. And if you are in school, you can slip a note into his locker or leave a note sticking out of one of his textbooks. There are many fun and creative ways for you to pass on these cute messages to your boyfriend.

Whether you need to think of something to text your boyfriend or want to write something for him in a greeting card, you will find plenty of sweet phrases below that your boyfriend will appreciate.

1. You are so cute when you smile.

2. I love it when you use your big, strong arms to pick me up.

3. You know how to rock my world.

4. Everything is better with you around.

5. With you as my boyfriend, I couldn’t possibly ask for more.

6. Giving you my heart is the best thing I ever could have done.

7. I miss you so much when we are apart that I begin to look at old messages from you to make me feel better.

8. Whenever you hug me, I never want to let go.

9. If I could use 2 words to describe you, I would say: the best.

10. Saying goodnight to you is so hard for me to do.

11. You make me want to be the best I can be.

12. Our story is one that I would love to tell our future children and grandchildren one day.

13. I feel so safe when I am in your arms.

14. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.

15. I want to know everything about you.

16. You always know how to make me smile.

17. You could never bore me.

18. You look so handsome today.

19. My heart belongs to you and only you.

20. Every little thing you do makes me fall deeper in love with you.

21. While we are not perfect people, I do think that we are perfect for each other.

22. When god made you, he was thinking of the perfect companion for me.

23. I thank god that we found our way to each other.

24. You make me smile so much that I feel like a little kid again.

25. You got away with the perfect crime when you stole my heart.

26. Out of all the love stories out there, I like ours the most.

27. Waking up next to you is the best feeling in the world.

28. When I look at you, I know that everything will be okay.

29. You are number one in my book.

30. I love wearing your shirts because they remind me of you and make me feel safe.

31. You remind me that there is a lot of good in this world.

32. Coming home to you is one of the best parts of my day.

33. I love that you help me reach the things on the top shelves that I’m too short to get.

34. You are the only person that I want to go on adventures with.

35. Your hair looked so cute today.

36. You are the peanut butter to my jelly.

37. We go together like a burger and French fries.

38. We couldn’t be a better pairing if we were milk and cookies.

39. Your eyes sparkle like the brightest stars.

40. Whenever we walk together, I love holding on to your big, strong arms.

41. I love it when you say my name.

42. You are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

43. Everything you do is adorable.

44. You make my heart melt like cheese on a hot skillet.

45. My heart explodes with excitement whenever you are near.

46. When I look at you, it’s almost as if all my dreams have come true.

47. Since you treat me like a queen, I’m ready to make you my king.

48. I want to make you feel like you’ve won the lottery.

49. Your happiness is my happiness.

50. What is better than being together with your best friend for the rest of your life?

51. Today is just another page of our wonderful story together.

52. Our love story is like a book. I love re-reading the earlier chapters and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

53. I think we make a really cute couple.

54. Whenever I’m with you, I do not have to try hard to be someone that I’m not. I can just be myself.

55. Now that I have found you, I never want to lose you.

56. Without you, I would be so lost.

57. I can’t help it that you’re such a lovable guy.

58. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

59. You always know what to say to brighten up my worst day.

60. You are a guy that any girl would be lucky to have.

61. The thought of anything bad happening to you drives me crazy.

62. You are such a thoughtful boyfriend.

63. You will never have to catch me because I will never stop falling for you.

64. I can’t get you off my mind.

65. I wish you could hold me in your arms right now.

66. You have shown me what true love feels like.

67. I love that you treat me like a princess every day.

68. I love how hard you work for our future.

69. You always know how to sweep me off my feet.

70. Your love is like a drug, I can’t go a single day without it.

71. I fall in love with you every time you smile.

72. I love how you go the extra mile just to make me happy.

73. You are so amazing. Is there anything you cannot do?

74. I feel safe whenever I am with you.

75. I love the way you say my name.

76. You know me better than anyone else does.

77. I feel so much chemistry between us when we are together.

78. We are meant to be together.

79. It only takes a minute for me to start missing you.

80. I can’t stop telling my friends how great you are.

81. You are all that I want and all that I need.

82. Your happiness puts the biggest smile on my face.

83. I need you as much as plants need water.

84. When I’m with you, I’m in paradise.

85. The story of you and me is my favorite love story.

86. You’re the kind of guy that most girls can only dream of.

87. Sometimes I think that you are an angel that was sent to me from god.

88. I cannot imagine a future without you in it.

89. You inspire me to chase my dreams and be the best person I can be.

90. Because of you, I know what true love is.

91. When we are apart, you are always in my dreams.

92. You know the way into my heart.

93. You are my dream come true.

94. You have my heart, just remember to take good care of it.

95. When I’m with you, “goodbye” is my least favorite word.

96. I want to fall asleep in your arms.

97. I wish I could go back in time so I could meet you sooner and spend even more time with you.

98. Thank you for sharing your love with me.

99. Thank you for staying with me, even through the tough times.

100. I can’t wait until I can see you again.

101. It took a moment for me to fall in love with you, but I will keep loving you forever.

102. You mean everything to me.

103. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

104. Your very presence fills my heart with so much joy.

105. Cupid didn’t rest until you and I got together.

106. Our lives are so intertwined now that I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

107. Let’s run away and start a new life together where it’s just you and me.

108. You always know how to be such a gentleman.

109. I love that you treat me like a lady.

110. I am yours and you are mine.

111. It’s so hard to get you out of my head.

112. If you are wondering why I am so happy, the answer is you.

113. I cannot wait to see you again so you can hold me in your arms.

114. You are my better half.

115. You are my best friend, boyfriend, and the love of my life.

116. I cannot wait to give you a kiss.

117. You make me want to be the best girlfriend in the world.

118. I want to be your wife and the mom of your kids.

119. I hope you know just how special you are.

120. I feel so lucky to have you by my side.

121. I love it when you hold my hand in yours.

122. You are so handsome and chivalrous. You are my white knight.

123. You kiss makes my heart soar.

124. Your embrace is the safest place for me to be.

125. I could cuddle with you all night.

126. I was just thinking about you.

127. I love everything about you.

128. I love talking to you about anything and everything.

129. I cherish the time we spend together.

130. You have awakened a passion in me that I never knew was there before.

131. I hit a home run when I snagged you.

132. I’m so addicted to your love, your touch, and everything else about you.

133. Goodbye was never such a hard word for me to say until I met you.

134. You have made all of my dreams come true.

135. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

136. I mean it when I say that I think about you every single day.

137. You’re the kind of boyfriend that makes everyone jealous of our relationship.

138. I will hold your hand through thick and thin.

139. I could use all the stars to list all of the things that I love about you, but I would run out of stars.

140. I want to kiss every part of your body.

141. I want to shower you with kisses.

142. Every day with you is another part of our wonderful journey.

143. A world without you would be so dull and gray.

144. You are perfect in my eyes.

145. You make my heart sing.

146. Even after all this time, you still give my stomach butterflies.

147. You have the most beautiful soul that I have ever known.

148. You are my first thought when I wake up and the last thing on my mind when I doze off to sleep.

149. I would do anything to be with you.

150. I would swim all of the seas in the ocean to be with you.

151. I would walk thousands of miles just so I could be in your arms.

152. The thought of being without you drives me crazy.

153. No one has ever loved me the way that you do.

154. I would not change a thing about you because I love you just as you are.

155. You know how to treat me right.

156. You know how to spoil me.

157. You can shower me with jewels and riches, but to me the most valuable thing in the world will always be your kisses.

158. I am a better person now because of you.

159. You are the only guy for me.

160. When I am with you, I can let my walls come down.

161. I can be my true self when I am with you.

162. Your love is all I need.

163. I never thought that I would find someone who is as lovely as you.

164. With you, every day is a special day.

165. My feelings for you grow deeper with every passing day.

166. You know how to make me forget about my troubles.

167. You are the sweetest boyfriend that a girl could ever ask for.

168. I am so thankful for all of your love and affection.

169. If I could hold anything in my hand right now, it would not be pearls or money. I just want to hold your hand.

170. The sound of your voice is enough to make me smile.

171. You have given me a reason to enjoy life to the fullest.

172. You are such a gentleman.

173. You are my knight in shining armor.

174. To me, you are luckier than any four leaf clover.

175. You are always on my mind, even when I am dreaming.

176. I thank God every day that I have you.

177. You make my days so much sweeter.

178. Your kisses are sweeter than honey.

179. You are the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

180. I need you in my life.

181. I miss you so much when you are away.

182. Your intelligence is so attractive.

183. I’m smiling because you make me so happy.

184. I’ll be seeing you in my dreams.

185. The hours fly by too fast when we’re together.

186. I have always known that you were the one.

187. I never believed in the idea of soul mates until I met you.

188. You are the reason I get up every morning.

189. Now I understand that all of the hard times in my life have led me straight to you.

190. I am calling the police, because you have stolen my heart.

191. Promise that you will never let me go.

192. My home is wherever you happen to be.

193. You are so thoughtful that you put my needs before your own.

194. I love it when it is cold out and you let me wear your jacket.

195. You are my happy place.

196. You are the missing piece to my puzzle. I have been searching for you for all these years.

197. You are the only guy for me.

198. No other guy compares to you.

199. I just want you to hold me in your arms for the rest of eternity.

200. As I learn more and more about you, I love you even more than before.

201. I love that you and I can just be weird together.

202. You will own my heart for the rest of my life.

203. I thought that chivalry was dead until I met you.

204. I love dressing up for you and only you.

205. Promise me that you will never let me go.

206. I promise to always be there for you.

207. I want to make you the happiest guy in the world.

208. Out of all the fish in the sea, you are the only one for me.

209. My heart flutters when it’s near you.

210. You have been through my head all day.

211. When I close my eyes, I think of you.

212. You are my sunshine.

213. I don’t know what I would do without you by my side.

214. You are the best thing since sliced bread.

215. You are sweeter than pie.

216. When you hold my hand, my heart skips a beat.

217. I could dance with you all night long.

218. I love it when you say my name.

219. Your touch feels like magic.

220. I can feel the sparks flying off of us when we kiss.

221. You and I have so much chemistry, we should have been lab partners.

222. You complement me so well.

223. I could never stop loving you.

224. Asking me to not think about you would be like asking me to stop breathing.

225. You are the only thing on this earth worth fighting for.

226. You make me feel like I am the only girl in the world.

227. When you touch me, I feel a spark that I never felt before I met you.

228. Let’s go on a never-ending adventure together.

229. What did I do to deserve such a sweet guy like you?

230. Let’s just lay here together and never get up.

Check out our other article: Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend.


The inspiration for romantic gestures does not have to end here. You can use some of the ideas from these cute phrases as a springboard for your own ideas. Use the phrases here, or find a way to say them in your own words. Either way, make sure that what you say to your boyfriend comes from the heart. He will surely appreciate the gesture and that you have made the effort to be romantic.

Guys might not exactly admit it, but they love simply being appreciated by their friends. Connection, love, and value are a few of the most important elements of a wholesome partnership.

Complimenting him and appreciating the points he does for you can greatly assist in producing your man feel happy and cherished.

Uncertain what to say?

Fortunately, we are discussing many samples of cute what you should say in your man, boyfriend. You can decide the one you have from several categories listed below: various, sweet, great, to help make him happy in addition to make him smile.

Not sure how to say it?

Texting and saying cute things to your boyfriend can heat up your relationship quickly. If you still want to show some different care, go for custom die-cut stickers. Design sweet content between you and him on stickers. Surprise him with sweet stickers on coffee mugs. Even his little things: notebooks, desks, phone cases, water glasses. Whatever it is, use your imagination and let him know that you are always there for him.

Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You are the dream I’ve been waiting for.

I was having a bad day before I thought of you. Now, my day and my world is much brighter.

I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I can’t remember what my life was like before you.

I wish you were here to hold me in your arms. There’s no better feeling in the world.

I really want you to come over, but you’re so hot, my air conditioning bill would go through the roof the moment you walked through the door.

Words can’t even begin to describe how much I love you. Whenever I’m with you, I feel like I’m bursting at the seams with love.

Do you know CPR? Good, because you just took my breath away.

You, my love, are the cheese to my macaroni.

I feel so safe when you put your arms around me. I know that you will protect me from whatever life may bring my way.

I can tell you anything without holding back. And that’s because you understand me so well.

My friends are so jealous that I have you. They wish they could have a relationship that’s as perfect as ours.

You make me feel just like a princess. You know just what to do to spoil me rotten.

You’re so great at everything you do. I wonder if there’s anything you can’t do.

You always know what to say to make me smile from ear to ear.

I love that you’re ambitious. There’s nothing more attractive than a hard-working man.

The first time I saw you, I was afraid to talk to you. The first time I spoke to you, I was afraid to hold you. When I held you for the first time, I was so scared to love you. Now that I love with every fiber of my being, I’m terrified of losing you.

There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing that I make you happy. And there’s no one else in the world who can make me happier than you.

They say that nothing lasts forever. Will you let me be your nothing?

I really wish you were here. I want to cuddle with you and fall asleep with me in your arms.

You always find a way to make me laugh – even when I don’t want to smile.

Read Our Special Quotes : 260+ Very Best Relationship Quotes and Sayings

Best Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

The more I get to know you, the more I love you. The more I love you, the more I never want to let you go.

You fill my life with happiness and my heart with so much love.

Just the sound of your name makes me smile and my heart flutter.

You are the reason I breathe, and sometimes, you take my breath away.

I never thought that love could be a part of me until I met you. You showed me happiness and what it’s like to be loved.

Your hands are my favorite thing in the world to hold. Your heart is my favorite thing to love.

Until I can hold you in my arms once again, I will hold you in my heart.

You will always be mine – forever and always. To the moon and back.

Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need your help. You’re always there no matter how big or small the problem is.

I love your smell. Can I keep your shirt with me while you’re away?

You’re so handsome. All of the girls in this room are checking you out.

I love to be pampered, and nobody pampers me quite like you.

Whenever I look into your eyes, I know that we were meant to be. Every moment I spend with you is like a dream come true.

I love being with you more than anything else in the world because I know it doesn’t get any better than you.

Stealing a kiss, holding your hands and snuggling up together – all of these things make my day. And it’s all because of you.

Each time you leave, you take a piece of me with you. Only when we’re together, I do feel complete.”

Life is like a game of soccer, and I scored the winning goal the moment I met you.

Fate is my new best friend. After all, she put me in your path.

You’re the smartest person I know. How is it that you always have the answers to everything?

You’re the guy that every girl dreams of meeting and falling in love with. I’m so lucky to have found you.

Read Our Special Quotes : 200 Motivational Quotes About Life And Success

Cute Love Quotes To Say

Sweet Quotes To Make My Guy Smile

You’re so patient. Even when I’m having a tough day and complaining about everything, you still listen so intently to every word I say.

Just the thought of lying next to you in bed sends chills up my spine.

If I had to live my life all over again, I would only change one thing: I would have met and loved you sooner.

I didn’t think it was possible to be in love, lust and like all at the same time until I met you.

If we could convert our love to electricity, we could light up all of New York City.

You feel as intoxicating as wine, so I look forward to growing old with you. After all, fine wine only tastes better with age.

If being with you is a dream, then I don’t ever want to wake up. Let me live in this dream forever and always.

When we’re together, I don’t need light from a bulb or warmth from a jacket. All I need is you. You are the flame that gives me light and warmth.

I lived my life in black and white until the day I met you. Now, my world is bursting with bright, beautiful colors and the hope of happiness as long as you are in my arms.

With your arms around me, I can face anything that life throws at me. I know you will always be there to help see me through anything and protect me from harm.

I want nothing more in this world than to have your arms around me and your kiss upon my forehead.

When can I see you again? I long for your touch; hope for your kiss.

Good morning, sweetheart. I dreamt of you last night.

I think I’m falling for you. Will you catch me, please?

I can’t even begin to find the words to explain how I feel when I see your face and hear your voice. All I know is that I love this feeling and never want to be without it.

I could explain why I love you. But that would take forever. Why don’t I just show you?

You rock my world. I just want to let you know that you’re on my mind right now.

You be my Romeo, and I’ll be your Juliet. But let’s rewrite the ending and live out our days in pure bliss.

If you ever randomly think about us kissing, that’s because all of the kisses I’ve blown for you have finally found their way to your cheek.

I had an amazing dream about you. I’ll have to show you later.

Read Our Special Quotes : 200+ Best Good Morning Love Quotes

Cute Love Quotes To Say

You know what my first thought was this morning? You.

You, my love, are like a box of chocolates. You’re sweet, addicting, irresistible, and always lift my spirits.

Other people want diamonds and cars. All I want is time spent with you. There is no greater gift or valuable treasure in the world than your love.

You’re more than just my boyfriend. You’re my best friend.

You are the most handsome guy in the universe.

Meeting you wasn’t the first day of the rest of my life. Meeting you was the first day of the best of my life.

I like you a lottle. It’s like a little, except a lot. And I still have a crush on you, too.

I’m glad I met you so young. That just means we have more time to spend together.

You make me smile. You make me laugh. You’re a little bit different and awkward at times. But that’s why I love you so much, and I can never, ever forget about you.

They say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I think I’ve finally found my Nemo.

Your smile is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

I’m jealous of all the people who get to see you every day.

It really doesn’t matter if we talk about absolutely nothing as long as I’m talking with you.

I really don’t care if you’re sick. Kissing you is definitely worth catching a cold over.

Before the day I met you, I didn’t know what it was like to be able to look into someone’s eyes and smile for no reason at all.

Every person has their own reasons for waking up each morning. Mine is you.

If you were a new hamburger at McDonald’s, you would be called McGorgeous.

Your arms are my most favorite place in the world to be.

Your joyous laughter and adorable smile are what attracted me to you in the first place. But it’s your loving heart that makes me want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I’m not afraid to fall in love – as long as you’re the one who catches me.

I’ve been searching for you since the moment I heard my first fairy-tale.

I love you yesterday and the day before that. I love you still. I always have, and I always will.

Read Our Special Quotes : Images and Messages

Sweet Things to Say To Your Men

We were meant to be. They may call it luck, but we call it destiny.

I could ramble on about you all day and night, and still have a thousand more good things to say. But eventually, all of these words become pointless. So, I’ll just leave it at this:

you’re the most amazing person in the world, and I will never be able to imagine living my life without you in it.

I can’t promise that I can fix all of your problems. But I can promise that you will never, ever have to face them alone.

You’re the one person in this world I need to talk to when I’m having a bad day. The one person who will never judge me. You’re my best friend, my rock, my lover. To say that you’re my boyfriend just doesn’t do you justice.

I love it when my hands are entangled in yours, and when I lay my head on your chest. I love listening to your heartbeat; it makes me feels so safe. I know nothing bad can happen to me as long as I’m in your arms.

I love you every step of the way.

I love you for all that you are. I love you for all that you’ve been. I love you for all that you are yet to be.

From the very first moment I saw you, you had me. I was already yours.

I sometimes get mad. I sometimes get jealous. I sometimes get worried, and curious. But I only get this way because I care and love you.

The day you came into my life, I suddenly realized why it never worked with anyone else.

I really don’t mean to brag, but I think we’re really adorable together.

Can I borrow a kiss from you? I promise to give it back.

I know you’re not perfect. You have flaws just like I do. But you make me so happy. And that’s all that truly matters.

You have absolutely no idea how much happiness you bring to my life.

I love it when you hug and hold me tight. There’s no better feeling in the world.

I miss you. I love you with all my heart. Your silly, sweet smile warms my soul. Your eyes make me weak in the knees. I just want to kiss you and wrap my arms around you.

I feel amazed when I look at you. Not because of how handsome you are (and you are handsome), but because everything I have ever wanted is sitting right in front of me.

Thank you for staying by my side even when you had a million reasons to leave. Thank you for making everything easier when life gets difficult to bear.

Every single day – I am grateful for you.

If I could just press pause, in this moment, I’d stay right here in your arms.

Holding your hand, stealing your kiss, smuggling in a warm hug all these things make my day and it is all because of you, my love.

Only my heart could tell you how much I love you. My words aren’t enough.

Your face is literally the cutest thing that I have ever seen in my life.

Read Our Special Quotes : 380+ Sweet & Romantic Good Morning Messages to My Love

cute things to text or say to your boyfriend

You are the reason I am breathing, but yet sometimes you take my breath away.

You make my heart do flips just by thinking of you.

You’re so sweet and caring, you make me feel like a spoilt kitten.

You are mine, forever and always….

You’re the cheese to my macaroni.

I love the way you hold me when we’re in bed.

I wish I could hold you forever and never let you go.

You are so unbelievably sweet and caring.

You’re always there for me when I need your help with anything, no matter how small or big.

No man has ever loved me the way you love me.

You are like a delicate chocolate. Sweet, tasty and irresistible.

Gosh, you look so sexy, all the girls here are checking you out!

Each time you say goodbye to go home I feel so alone; the only time I feel complete is when we meet up again.

I never thought of ‘goodbye’ is a bad word till we had to say it to each other.

I just don’t know how you can listen to me so patiently, even when I’m complaining so much about everything in my life.

Your lips are like a drug to me. My mind will start to tremble even If I miss it for a day.

I want to start and end my day with your sweet kisses. Today, tomorrow and forever.

My friends are jealous of me for having such a perfect relationship with you.

You are one of those very interesting persons that anyone would die to be with.

There’s no one in the world who can understand me better than you do.

I absolutely love to spending time with you!

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Cute things to text or say to your boyfriend

Sweet Things to Say

No one has ever come close to making me feel the way you do.

I can’t imagine my life without you.

You’re the piece of me I didn’t know was missing.

Every ounce of fear and insecurity I have disappears in your arms.

You’re such a chivalrous gentlemen when you’re with me.

We have our ups and downs, but it’s worth it.

Your hand is my favorite thing to hold.

Even after all this time, you still give me butterflies.

You’ve been a blessing to my life.

I could spend my day watching you work out.

You are a lovely surprise that every girl hopes she will get and never does. I am lucky that I did.

I love your *insert body part* so much, it’s so hard to take my hands off you.

You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I love every little thing about you.

You came in my way as an answer to my prayer.

You smell so awesome. Lend me your shirt when next time you leave the town. I would hug it and sleep throughout the night as if you were holding me.

I’ll never be able to put how much I love you into words.

You are the most charming guy I have ever met.

I don’t think it’s even possible to love someone as much as I love you.

When I look at you I know we were meant to be at each moment I spend with you seems like a dream come true.

Holding your hand, stealing your kiss, smuggling in a warm hug all these things make my day and it is all because of you, my love.

Read Our Special Quotes : 360+ Very Best Good Night Text Messages for Him

Love Quotes

Whenever we’re apart, I can’t stop thinking about you.

I don’t think I’m ever going to forget this wonderful date.

I didn’t know what true love is all about until I met you.

You bring so much happiness and joy into my life, I can’t believe it.

I hope we can grow old together.

I’m not sure what I was doing with my heart before you came along.

You always know just what to say to make smile.

I love watching you sweat/work out. The more you sweat, the sexier you look…

I could go any extra miles if you are there to hold my hands and walk with me.

If I got to relive my whole life, the only thing I would change is that I would have met you years ago.

I am falling for you… will you catch me?

I don’t think my mind can forget you even if I get Alzheimer’s.

Do you know magic? Whenever you are near, everything else disappears. All that is left is just you and me.

Staring at you, I could spend even my entire life.

Gosh! You look so sexy; all the girls here are checking you out.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

You’re my last thought before I go to sleep, and my first when I wake up.

I’ve never met a guy who’s more ambitious and determined than you.

I’d do anything to make you smile.

God has blessed me with such an incredible man.

Read Our Special Quotes : 200 Cute Love Quotes For Her From The Heart

Sweet Cute Things To Say

The moment you smile, my trouble disappears.

I feel so safe with your arms around me.

I would do anything to be the girl you come home to every night and wake up to every morning.

Every time I see your smile, you are making me fall for you even more.

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you.

I don’t ever want to know what life feels like without you by my side.

I feel so safe and protected when I’m around you.

The world seems so perfect when you hold me in your arms.

Everything you do makes me fall more and more in love with you.

I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.

If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.

I want to wake up by your side every day for the rest of our life.

Loving you was the best decision of my life.

My life is music, my love is colorful and every day is fruitful….all because of you, my love.

If life is like a game of football, I scored the winning goal the day I met you.

I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.

I’m so lucky to have you as a best friend and boyfriend.

You take care of me so well I feel like a princess when I’m with you.

I feel so safe and protected when I’m around you.

I’ve never been so happy.

You are the reason of my smile!

When I look into your eyes, I see a gateway to a world I want to exist in.

I love the way you kiss me without saying a word.

Read Our Special Quotes : 110+ Really Cute Love Quotes for Him

Love Text Messages

You’re the man of my dreams.

I want to spend my forever with you.

All my friends want to find a guy who’s just like you!

I don’t know how you put up with me, but I’m glad that you do.

You are the only man for me. I don’t want anyone else.

I had such a great time on our last date.

I can’t wait to make even more memories with you.

You’re so smart. How do you always have all the answers to everything I ask you?

You make me feel like a princess.

I can’t stop smiling when I’m around you.

You’re the manliest guy I’ve ever met.

I’m so thankful that our paths crossed.

You have made me an incredibly happier, better person.

Your smell turns me on. Can I have your shirt to sleep with when you go out of town?

I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone before they even left until I met you.

My friends are jealous of me for having such a perfect relationship with you.

Whenever you’re feeling down, know that I’m here.

Everyone thinks I brag a lot about you. But, you know what, I just can’t stop myself.

If I had to relive my whole life the only thing that I would change is that I would have met you years ago than when I did.

I wish you were here right now.

I’ve never met a guy who can pick such thoughtful gifts for a girl!

Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you right no.

You’re my drug and I’m addicted to you!

Just the thought of being with you in bed sends a shiver up my spine.

You always know how to make me smile even when I’m down.

The day I met you was the best and I hope what we have will last as long as I live or I cannot imagine the rest.

Sweet Things to Say To Your Me

Romantic Love Messages

Send your loved one some romantic heart touching lines not only special day but whenever you can. It’s good to stay keep in touch with romance that will help to grow the relationship and stands strong in every situation. Let’s share these heart touching love messages and quotes to wrap your loving person heart with sweet feelings of love and get the two heart melt in true deep feelings of love. 

If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would know how much I love you. You hold a very special place in my heart! I will love you forever!

I don’t need a thousand reasons to feel special. All I need is you to live in this world. You are the sunshine of my life.

I wish to be everything that brings a smile on your face and happiness in your heart. I want to love you like no else ever did!

I fell in love right at the first moment I saw you. My love for you will never fade away. I love you for everything you are!

There is not a single scale in this world that can measure my love for you. It’s deeper than the ocean and truer than my reality!

My love for you is nothing to do with me. It’s all about the way you are and the way you bring joy to everyone around you.

Every morning of my life gives you a new reason to love you and to appreciate you for what you’ve given me. You are the one that holds the key to my heart!

If there’s one thing in this world I’m afraid to lose, it’s you. I am so in love with you that I can’t afford to lose you!

Each time I look at you, I just smile to myself and think, ‘I certainly could not have done better’. You are perfect the way you are. I love you honey.

I had been dreaming of you, way before I met you, way before you were even born in this world. And I am happy that you are mine now.

Each time I make a wish, I wish for us to be together forever. I know it will come true because you already live in my heart. I love you.

I love you more than the stars in the night even every day we fight my love will never change, even slight I just love you, I simply do.

Look at the computer keyboard, U and I were placed side by side. That’s how the alphabets should be arranged because my love will never cease to exist as long as it’s you and me.

If I was a teardrop in your eye I would roll down onto your lips. But if you were a tear in my eye I would never cry as I would be afraid to lose you.

I will never promise you everything on earth, but I’ll promise you everything my heart brings out because you own my heart.


I can’t imagine your joy now that you have the man of your dreams.

Whether it is your husband or boyfriend, these special Romantic Words for Him will blow his mind.

Having a man to love you for who you are; heart and body is one of the most beautiful feeling ever.

Much more, having a man who you love with your whole self is a huge icing on the cake.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling your man how much he means to you.

So, as often as possible, go through our Romantic Words for Him and tell your man exactly how much you love him.

Sweet Cute and Romantic Words for Him – your Boyfriend or Husband.

1. Mr handsome, I look at you every day and I sincerely wish I had met you earlier.
I needed to have had a love like yours all along.

2. I can say that my best defining moments started when I met you.
I wasn’t exactly looking for a man yet but your love found me and there’s no going back.

Romantic Words for Him

3. You should know that you are one of my life’s best decision.
Sharing my life and heart with you is all I intend to do for eternity.

4. I bet you don’t know the effect you have on me; even on my rough days, you still put a smile on my face.

5. Darling, I will always be happy as long as I have you around me.
You mean that much to me.

6. There are problems only your big hugs can solve.
Yes, you have that huge effect on me.

7. Hey baby boy, I love you so much because you have seen me at my worst and you have loved me even more for it.

8. King of the best, you are a daily reminder of everything that is right with this world.

9. To the best man in the world, I’m in no hurry to get to forever so I can have all the time to love you.

10. Hey prince, there isn’t really enough time in this world to love you in all the ways I want.

11. Prince charming, there’s no night I don’t want to sleep in your arms.
When I don’t, you are all I dream of.

12. I never knew I could find a man who would be all I wanted and more. And in so such a short time, you became my everything.

13. Having you as the man in my life has made me forget the past and all it’s hurts and look to the future with all happiness.

14. Dear prince charming, I will fall in love with you over and over again.
Once is no longer enough.

15. I had no idea that a person could become a home until you came into my life.
There’s no man like you, you have my heart and love.

16. When I can’t tell you what I feel for you, I hope you will let me show you what it means to have a man like you.

17. I’m at my happiest when I’m with you.
No one else makes me smile this much, no other man makes me happier.

Trending Today

18. I want to spend every minute of the day in the week of the months of each year being by your side and loving you.

19. Losing you would mean losing the best man and my soul mate, something I don’t wish for.
So do me a favour and stay.

20. After all these while, I still can’t find the right way to put into words what I feel towards you.
Darling, you are so special.

Romantic Words for Him

21. I don’t laugh this hard unless I’m with you.
My heart skips a beat every time I see you.
Everything about my heart is always going to be you.

22. I have always, still am and I will always be attracted to you.
Your heart is as amazing as your physique.

23. You are worth everything; my unconditional love and much more.
The reason I let myself be vulnerable to you without a doubt.

24. There is a whole lot of love in the world but I choose yours.
And I intend to keep choosing you always.

25. Hey, best guy, I want you to know that I’m always going to be here for you; time and time again no matter what.

26. For the rest of my days on earth, I want to come home to you; you have become my home by the way.

27. When I look at you, nothing else matters.
At that moment, my heart beats a little faster because I know that I have the man of my dreams.

28. In any other time, in any other life, be assured that I will always choose to be yours and you mine.

29. The best girl deserves the best man.
Your love was made just for me and now, we have each other.

30. If there’s anyone I want to make more memories with, it’s you.
I cherish all the beautiful moments we have had.

Romantic Words for Him

31. I am completely in love with everything you do, especially with the way you run your hands through my back as you unzip my dress.

32. There’s a feeling I have whenever I think of you, it’s a feeling I never want to stop having.

33. Hey awesome guy, you still take my breath away and even more, you do it without even trying.

34. I’m extra playful when I’m with you.
I’m extra clingy when you are around me.
I have peace just because you are here.

35. Hello prince charming, out of nowhere, you became the very core of my life, the love in my heart and the best part of me.

36. There are people who mean the world to me, who I care for as my own but I can say in all sincerity that above all, I care about you the most.

37. I can’t remember having bad days any more, it’s impossible to have such when you are here with me. You are such a gentleman.

38. At every single sunrise and sunset, I want to be right by your side, holding your hands and looking at the beauty of the world.

39. Although the future may seem uncertain, one thing I know for sure is that I want to have the best man; you, around forever.

40. It’s plain and simple; I love you very much, I want to love you until my last breath.
I want to be in your arms at night, I want to be your lady forever.

Romantic Words for Him

41. My every thought of happiness revolves around you.
When I think of the word happiness, I’m invariably thinking of you, my hunk.

42. You are the best guy that I know, you happen to also be my best friend and my favourite human too.

43. I no longer care how cheesy it is to say that I love you very much and I literally can’t stop myself from thinking about you and how much I don’t want to stop.

44. You have shown me what it means to be in love with a real man; you get to love not just my body but also my heart.

45. Loving you makes me feel like a very special lady; when I’m with you, I feel like the only girl in the world because of your love.

46. Most of the days when I’m with you, I wish the days last a little more than twenty-four hours. With you, there’s no such thing as too much time together.

47. I still ponder on how well you understand me; both on the days my hormones make me crazy and the days I’m struggling to be myself.

48. I have random thoughts of you in the middle of the day and late into the nights, oh how much of an ideal man you are, I love you every other day.

49. I know that things begin and end, I know that people come and go but you, my man are the special kind and I hope you stay forever.

50. You are my other half; sometimes my better half.
You are such a strong man, a great support system and I love you in every way possible.

Romantic Words for Him

51. Ever since I met you, it seems like forever is not as long as I thought it was.
I want to love you forever and way beyond.

52. Whatever happens, wherever we go, whatever we do, just know that I’m always going to be here for you.

53. The truth is: having you in my life as my man is the happiest I have ever been and day by day, the feelings keep getting better and more awesome.

54. You looked at me in a way no one else has before, at that moment I knew I wanted this for life. I knew I wanted to be in your arms for life.

55. And when I met you, it seemed like my life began to change all for the better, slowly and at the same time; all at once.

56. You are the best man I ever met, even though most of the times you drive me crazy, annoy the life out of me and make me yell but yet I still love you endlessly.

57. I don’t say I LOVE YOU because it’s something I have to say or because I’m trying to keep you but because I really mean it and that’s how you make me feel.

Trending Today

58. You took my heart by surprise, changed my life forever in the most unexpected way, all these you have done in so short a time.

59. The beginning and end of my journey of love and happiness lie with you; never before has my life been gifted with a good man like you.

60. When I am in your warm embrace, I feel like such a little girl.
It means a lot to me that I have you with me.

Romantic Words for Him

61. In my heart, you have a place, one I hope you stay in for as long as life remains.
It’s like every day, I keep falling more in love with you.

62. To the man after my heart, I need you to know that I am completely and helplessly in love with you.

63. There are not many men like you and I’m grateful to have one of the best men alive.
You are amazing in all the ways one can imagine.

64. I totally love my personal space but you, my favourite man has become part of that space.
I love being alone, especially alone with you.

65. Even when I wasn’t sure I wanted to give my heart to another man, somehow, I knew it was you I wanted.
It has and will always be you.

66. The happiness I feel of late, I attribute most to you.
You totally know how to make me feel like a woman, loving my heart even much more than my body.

67. The things you say, the way you say them, how much we laugh together, even the silence is all beautiful.
Never met a more loving man.

68. The moon and the stars will stop shinning, I will stop breathing before I can stop loving you, my golden man.

69. The world is so beautiful, there are things that make me so happy but nothing makes me happier than being yours and having you as mine.

70. You make me so happy, I will choose you in all the lifetimes there is, there are just no choices to make, it’s you, only you.

Romantic Words for Him

71. The best part about our love story is this; I wasn’t exactly searching for a good man but I guess God felt that I deserve one.
You are my good man.

72. In a day, I get to meet a lot of people who in a way or another make my life better but none compares with how much happiness you bring to me.

73. Hubby of life, I hope you know that you are my world and my home and there’s absolutely nothing that can change that.

74. I heard a lot about good men, I have always wanted to have my own good man, and now I have you.
I love you so much.

75. When I’m with you, dear lover of my soul, it feels like this is exactly where I was born to be;
fitted right into your arms.

76. Having you as my husband has taught me a lot, all the things we have been through has made me love you even much.
Grateful we are doing life together.

77. One of the biggest reasons I look forward to each new day is because of the man that you are; the best man there is.

78. I’m in love with a man who treats me like a queen, who touches my body just the way I want it, who kisses my lips with a lot of passion.
That man is you and I love you so much.

79. I had no idea that it was possible to love someone just as much as myself.
This is what happens when I’m in love with a man like you.

80. Even the most little moments we spend together means the most to me, the little moments we spend apart tears me apart.

Romantic Words for Him

81. I have one wish and one wish alone; that forever you will be my man and me your lady.
Until then, I still am yours.

82. It still beats me how possible it was to find everything I was looking for in a man in you.
You are still and will always be my favourite person.

83. Lying next to you, talking with you, just knowing that I am your woman changes my entire mood; usually for the better of course.

84. When I first met you, I knew you were the kind of man I needed in my life so you can imagine the joy I feel every day waking up next to you.

85. I want to see your face and touch your broad shoulder every day, I’m not ashamed to say that I am a lot more obsessed with you every single day.

86. My heart and my brain are in sync on this one; loving you with all my heart until my last breath.
You truly are all that I need.

87. Until there are no more mornings, until there are no more nights, until my heart cannot love anymore, I’m going to keep loving you.

88. I only have one life to live and I want to live it to the fullest with you by my side.
The man of my dreams has become the man in my life.

89. Whenever you are happy, I want to be part of the reason why.
When you are sad, I want to be the one to turn your frown upside down.

90. It’s not even the middle of the day, yet all I want to do is have your warm lips on mine and snuggle perfectly into your arms.

Romantic Words for Him

91. Whenever you are not around, no matter the buzz going on around me, it still feels like my whole world is empty.

92. I am super delighted for your existence, my superman and nothing is as beautiful as me being part of your life.

93. To say that you consume me completely is, to say the least; I love you so deeply that I can go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you are alright.

94. I have always craved for the good kind of love; the type that you now give me and I know that I want to be part of the reason you smile forever.

95. I want to believe that our hearts were woven from the same fabric, how else do I explain this deep connection we share? We are one and the same.

96. We aren’t just best friends, we are much more than that.
We aren’t just lovers, we are soul mates now and always.

97. I am yours and you are mine, and no these aren’t mere expressions.
There’s so much of myself inside of you that you have literally become a part of me.

98. You love me so deeply in all my entirety despite all my flaws.
And for loving me for who I am, I promise my soul will always absorb all of your love.

99. Standing right next to you, I have seen the better side of love, the selfless side and on this beautiful path, I hope to hold your love forever in my heart.

100. Darling, it’s the little things that you do, the attention to details that you pay that makes me fall more in love with you on a daily. I couldn’t ask for more.

101. You are my significant other, the one who has completely defined the word ‘love’ for me in every language and from there ever could be. I love you too.

102. You are a very special man, I’d probably never meet anyone like you again.
You are a once in a lifetime kind of love and I intend to have you for a lifetime.

103. Do you know how much you make my days better? You really listen to me, you make feel like a queen and you truly care.
I want to see where this love takes us, I have a feeling it’s somewhere between forever and eternity.

104. And most of the nights, the only thing that calms my nerves is holding your hand while I listen to your breath. Or maybe, all of the nights.

105. Every single day that we wake up to, all I ever want to be for you is a symbol of a reminder as to what love truly means.

106. The things you say, the things you don’t, they all mean a lot to me.
I love to notice when you need a new haircut or even the slightest detail about you.

107. I lose count of the numerous times I think of you each day, well how can I not think about a part of me.
Because when I think of you, I’m invariably thinking of me too.

108. I find myself smiling just thinking of the moments we have shared and the ones we are yet to explore.
Totally looking forward to your company throughout this life.

109. When you became my husband, I knew I had found my home in a person.
And even though it took a while for our hearts to align, I know this is it forever.

110. I asked the universe for a little love and beautiful friendship, and I got you, the very best man ever.
You came around with a whole lot of love and a lifetime of friendship.

111. With you, all I wake up to are bright and beautiful days.
You give me the best feelings over and over again.
Let’s do this forever.

112. Even when I have a lot of work stuff to think about; you are still number one on my ‘thought chart’.
Even if I am in a room full of people, it’s still you I look out for.

113. I know that everything that starts has an end but I hope that it’s not the same as our love.
I hope to give you the kind of love that never ends.

114. Hey hubby of life, whether we have nothing to talk about or we have plenty of things to talk about, you are still the only person I enjoy having a conversation with.

115. I lost faith in genuine love until you came and made me believe yet again that a heart could be made for another person.
You were made to sing to my heart.

116. I know that love stories are different but I couldn’t have asked to share mine with any other than the most caring man I have ever met.
I love you so much.

117. My heart is down only for you; this means that I intend to stick around come what may.
Fasten your seat belt as we do this journey of love together.

118. I just know that I want to spend the rest of our live special together showing you what love truly means; like stroking your beard when we are old and grey.

119. I want to cry with you, laugh with you, make love with you.
I want to explore everything there is on this beautiful path we chose to go down together.

120. Having you, a perfect gentleman has reminded me what following through with actions means for a relationship.
Love is more than the words, love is action.

121. I crave a lot of intimacy with you, and no this is not about sex.
I need genuine affections and to feel like I’m truly loved.
And that and more have you done.

122. There’s a lot to love about your sexy and muscular body.
However, I don’t just wish to love your body but your entire being because in doing that, I will never let go.

123. There’s such a soft heart behind your hunky frame, a caring soul beneath the strength, the most gentle touch from you; you are a whole package.

124. Darling, you are worthy of every love and light I send your way.
You have done a whole lot more for me and all I can do is to be here for you as much as you are for me.

125. You have taught me what it means to be a man’s queen, something I hope I never take for granted.
You have the biggest and most caring heart any man could have.

Romantic Words for Him

126. I have searched high and low for the appropriate words to describe such a good man like you.
But at every attempt, words fail me.

127. With you, there are no on and off days of love.
Being in your arms makes me feel like I have everything I have ever needed.

128. I’m holding on to you, because you love me so much, flaws and all.
I promise to return the favour every single day of our lives.

129. The love I imagined growing up, that’s what I have with you now.
A love that makes me excited for each new day, a love that I’m grateful for each night.

130. I may not exactly know the perfect way to love you but I know that I am giving it my all; I’m loving you with my whole being and I hope that that’s enough.

131. You loved me at a time I couldn’t quite love myself, I’m only saying that I love you too and I’m never going to be able to replace you.

132. I have something to tell you, I’m absolutely and completely obsessed with you.
You are the only man I want in my life and I wish we are in each other forever.

133. Life has been good to me but with you, it’s never been better.
With you, I am completely myself and what’s more, you love me for me.

134. I have never felt lonelier than when you are not around.
Knowing that you are somewhere in this world makes me feel complete and all the more understood.

135. There are a lot of things that hurt me but having you around makes everything a whole lot better.
Having you makes things all the easier.

136. I love the way you love me in all the ways.
It’s the little things you do that make this love special.
It’s in all the million ways you say my name and touch my body.

137. Because you are my king of heart, you are totally worth all of my time and love.
My favourite thing about you is that I understand you a lot and that makes loving you so easy.

138. I sincerely wish you could see my heart, and then maybe you might understand half of how much I love and cherish you deep down.

139. Oh that you would kiss my lips with passion and touch my body like it was our first time.
Look at me with so much love in your eyes and never let me go.

140. I think every woman out there deserves a man like you, not you lol.
Because of every single time, you make me feel like I belong in your world.

141. There’s no bottom to the depth of my heart and how much it is filled with love for you.
You are such a wonderful being and there’s no time in this world where I would stop loving you.

142. And when our bodies meet, boy what a spark and beautiful chemistry.
What we have is what I want in my life as long as the sunrise exist.

143. We were two strangers who fell in love, two souls that found each other.
And now, we are two hearts that will beat in harmony forever.

144. Dear King of the best, my heart will forever reach out to you.
I am like a flower that blooms at your touch.
I am yours forever.

145. I could be in your arms and forget that the world exists.
You would kiss my lips and I would feel the world melting away leaving just you and me.

146. My friends call me a little crazy but I can hear the sound of your voice when I read your text.
I can see your face when I speak to you over the phone.

147. Have you ever listened to a song for the very first time and got hooked on it?
That’s how I felt when I first met you, I knew you would be my favourite person.

148. It took having you, my prince charming in my life to make me realise that one could possibly have a feel of heaven on earth.
Love like yours is true and loyal.

149. I’m so glad that I have you, love like yours gives me nothing but sweetness.
More than 7 billion people in the world and you are my most precious.

150. I always look forward to your warm embrace, the gentle feeling of your lips on mine and everything else that follows.
If there’s a life after this, I still want to have you in it.

Pet names aren’t for everyone. Some people cringe at the thought. Get it right with these 50 cute things to call your boyfriend and avoid embarrassment. 

cute things to call your boyfriend

Isn’t it cute when a girl calls her boyfriend by a cute pet name? Well, I suppose it depends on who you ask. Some words strike guys the right way, and others turn them off completely. Nicknames can be cute, but they can also sound like nails on a chalkboard to a guy who thinks they are embarrassing. Learn some cute things to call your boyfriend that don’t make him cringe every time he hear hears them.

Don’t be that girl who calls her boyfriend something that will make other guys call him names.

Pick something cute, but not embarrassing, to create intimacy in your relationship.

Having cute names for each other can be the catalyst for enhancing your relationship, but it also has the potential to make him want to run screaming like the house is on fire.

Use this guide to learn the secrets behind creating your own unique and personal pet name that your boyfriend would love: Cute pet names and how to pick the right kind of personal pet name that has a very real meaning behind it

How do cute things to call your boyfriend increase intimacy?

There are no specific rules to pet names. You can do whatever you want with them and go for it.

However, if you want to increase intimacy in your relationship, it’s best to proceed with caution. Firstly, choose a name your boyfriend actually likes. The forthcoming list of cute things to call your boyfriend should help you with that!

Secondly, are you going to call him this in private or in public?

Having a private pet name for one another, something only the two of you know, can be very advantageous. When you whisper it in his ear when you’re out in public, it’s like a small secret that only you two know.

However, if you go for a name you call him in public, it’s also working in the same way because it’s like an ‘in’ joke, something that’s reserved for you two. It’s not like his friends or yours are going to start calling him by that name – well, hopefully not anyway! [Read: 16 secrets to a perfectly happy relationship]

The key to using pet names for intimacy building is not to tell anyone else why you’ve chosen that name. It has to have something that’s unique to your boyfriend and that means something to you both.

If anyone ever asks why you call him that, just smile enigmatically and change the subject!

Try one of these 50 cute things to call your boyfriend

The key to finding the thing that makes him smile is knowing who he is and what he wants. If he is a guy that is okay with putting your relationship out there for display, then using a nickname is fair game in any instance.

However, if he is more of a “guy’s guy,” he may prefer that whatever name you find for him be kept between the two of you.

Whether you speak the name in public or not, sometimes, the things that are secret to only the two of you are more fun.

It can become some of the glue that binds you together. If you’re struggling for inspiration, check out the list below and see if any names jump out to you. [Read: 25 awesome ways to keep a guy hooked and happy in love]

1. Handsome

Handsome is one of those old-school words that we just don’t use very much anymore. Being replaced by “hot,” handsome can make your guy feel more like an old spice type than an “Axe” one.

2. His first initial

There is something cute about shortening his name. But, instead of using the first few letters, or putting a twist on them, just use the first letter initial.

If his name is James, simply call him “J.” Short and sweet, there isn’t anything embarrassing about that! [Read: What do girls like to be called? 27 cute terms of endearment all girls love]

3. Darling

Again, an oldie but a goodie. Darling lets him know he is dearest to your heart. This may not be too unique, but it is still one of those perfectly cute things to call your boyfriend.

4. Everything

If he is everything to you, let him know in one simple word.

5. Hotness

If getting close to him makes you feel hot and bothered, then hotness is the perfect thing to call him. [Read: 50 dirty and sexy things to say to your boyfriend]

6. Good looking

Good looking is something cute that will catch his attention, say it once, or make that your special name for him.

7. Hun

Honey is the old-fashioned name for your mate. Hun is a shorter version and won’t remind him of the “honey do” list that comes after a commitment.

8. Lips

If your lips crave his and sometimes you just want to sit around and watch them as he talks, call him lips so he knows how hot those smackers are. [Read: Lip biting: The scientific explanation as to why it’s oh so sexy]

9. Ironman

Even if he is no athlete, if he is as strong as iron, Ironman is the perfect thing to call him. This is a different version of cute things to call your boyfriend.

10. Charming

Prince Charming may be a little over the top, but if he is your prince then Charming will do. [Read: 72 cute and sweet things to say to your boyfriend]

11. Flip

If the sight of him makes your heart flip, then let him know by calling him flip.

12. More

As in “love you more.” Using this as a nickname will let him know that you simply can’t get enough of him.

13. Knockout

Tough enough to knock someone out, he also knocks out your sensibilities whenever he is around. [Read: How to find true love: 20 foolproof lessons you need to learn]

14. My love

There is something very binding about calling him “my love.” Not as over the top as I love you all the time, it will remind him that he is loved and also is your one and only. This is one of the cute things to call your boyfriend, for sure!

15. My hero

If he is always there to be your knight in shining armor, then tell him so by calling him your hero. [Read: 60 cute, sweet and sexy nicknames all girls love to be called]

16. Cutes

Something quick that rolls off your tongue, Cutes can be the thing that tells him both how he looks and how he makes your heart soar.

17. Mr Right

If he is the man that you have been looking for your entire life, then let him know.

18. Sweets

Sweet as sugar? Then sweets it is. [Read: 11 sweet and intimate ways to show how much you care]

19. Sexy

Although sexy is something that is usually a term for girls, guys can be just as sexy and can make your heart go pitter-patter.

20. Sugar

If he is sweeter than you can even ask for, then this is the name for him! [Read: 24 romantic things to do for your sweet boyfriend]

21. Sunshine

If your sun rises and sets for him, then he is your personal sunshine.

22. Superstar

Better than an athlete shooting the three-pointer, if he is your superstar and saves the day every time, Superstar is one of the perfect cute things to call your boyfriend.

23. Alpha

The guy who is the alpha male in any situation deserves to be called it.

24. Smooth

Short for smooth operator, this is for the guy who knows how to operate everything with perfection. [Read: How to talk smooth with women]

25. Sunday

Nothing is better than curling up on the couch together on a Sunday afternoon. Remind him that he is the only one you want there at the end of a long week.

26. Gorgeous

Who doesn’t want to be gorgeous? He might not act like he loves it, but deep down, he thinks it is awesome that you feel that way about him.

27. One

If he is your one and only let him know! [Read: 25 ways to make your guy feel appreciated and cared for]

28. Maverick

For the guy who went to great lengths to win your heart, Maverick it is!

29. Risky

A guy who is up for any adventure and isn’t afraid to try something new should be called “Risky.” It’s one of the cute things to call your boyfriend but it has a rugged edge too.

30. Butter

If he is as yummy as butter and gives you butterflies, then this is another one of the cute things to call your boyfriend. [Read: 13 Very romantic dinner date ideas for two]

31. Toughie

A man who is tough and rugged will love it when you call him his best traits.

32. Squishy

If he’s so damn lovable you just want to squish him, then Squishy is the perfect name to call him.

33. Super

Superman is so overused. He isn’t a superhero, but he is your hero, and he is super. [Read: 25 compliments for guys they’ll never forget]

34. Awesomeness

The guy who is awesome at being everything you need, should be called awesomeness.

35. Tallie

If you are his shortie, then he is your tallie, right?

36. Thumper

Everyone will think it is because he knows the golden rule, but you call him Thumper because he makes your heart go thump, thump, thump.

37. Mine

The guy you want to have around forever and be just yours should have this stamped on him so other girls know to back off! [Read: 6 Spot-on tips on raising the idea of being exclusive]

38. Hips

He not only has amazing hips, but he knows how to use them in just the right way? Call him hips to tell him he is awesome in bed. This is one of the cute things to call your boyfriend that he will actually like!

39. Wonder

Only some guys know what the song wonderland means. If he takes the time to make your body a wonderland, then call him wonder and give him a little praise for his hard efforts.

40. Bear

If he can tear someone up if he wanted to, but is also cuddly and cute, then he is your bear. Another of the cute things to call your boyfriend! [Read: Tips for turning a guy on]

41. All

For the guy who is all you will ever need, All is sweet and short.

42. Rugged

If he can start a fire from twigs and is the ultimate hunter and gatherer, then rugged should be his name.

43. Old man

If he acts like an old man even in his twenties, it is cute to call him old man, because that is the opposite of what he actually is. It can sometimes lighten his mood too.

44. Adore

If he is so adorable you want to eat him up, then adore is a short version that is much cuter. One of the great things to call your boyfriend. [Read: How to make your boyfriend want you more than ever]

45. Smiley

If he is the thing that makes you smile, call him smiley.

46. Babe

Cool and tough, calling someone babe is so “James Dean.”

47. Grow

The guy you want to keep growing a relationship with, and eventually grow old with, should be called grow.

48. Magic

If his effect on you is like magic, he makes everything better instantly, magic it is. [Read: 25 tips to make your guy feel appreciated and cared for]

49. Eyes

The guy who has those eyes that just melt your soul should be called out for it. Eyes is the perfect way to tell him his windows to the soul tell you he is your soul mate.

50. My only

He’s your one and only, so why not make that his name? It’s one of the cute things to call your boyfriend that rings true.

Finding cute things to call your boyfriend that both you and he think is cute can be tough. Guys are, well, tough, and want to appear that way to their friends.

If you are going to call him something cute just make sure that you say it at the right time to make him feel good instead of saying it at the wrong and taking the chance of embarrassing him in front of his friends.

[Read: How to keep a guy interested in 30 super sexy ways]

A good pet name can create intimacy between you and your boyfriend, and it tells him how incredible you think he is. So melt his heart by picking one of these cute things to call your boyfriend!

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Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend

Words of affirmation are a common love language and reminding your significant other you love them is an important part in any relationship. Just telling them – “I love you” is easy. But giving them reasons why can be even more special.

Even a simple comment made during the day can linger in their mind for hours afterwards and leave them feeling loved and wanted. The best part is – it works for everyone! Even in long-distance relationships, you can send messages in a text, DM or voice note, so there’s nothing stopping you.

We’ve compiled 70 sweet & cute things to say to your boyfriend that you can use just because.

Compliment his appearance

Everyone worries about how they look. It’s always nice to be complimented – especially by your other half. A lot of the time you put in the effort for them and to know they think you look like a million dollars can mean a lot. So don’t hold back on the compliments! It will make him feel great.

  1. You are so handsome.
  2. I love everything about you.
  3. You smell amazing!
  4. I get lost in your eyes.
  5. Your hair looks so soft.
  6. Your smile makes me melt.
  7. Wow, you’re so strong!
  8. Those arms look like they could protect me.
  9. You’re so cute when you laugh.
  10. You are perfect.

Tell him you’re proud

To know someone is proud of you often makes you want to work harder. So telling him how proud you are will boost his confidence and he’ll really feel like he’s appreciated. He might not hear it that often, so don’t forget to drop it in every now and then!

  1. I’m so proud of you.
  2. You’re so determined.
  3. You’re doing amazingly.
  4. Everyone looks up to you.
  5. You’ve come so far, look at you now!
  6. I always notice the little things you do.
  7. I love being by your side through everything.
  8. You are incredible.
  9. I’m always here for you.
  10. I knew you’d smash it.

Next: 50 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend So You Fall Deeper in Love

Let him know he’s appreciated

He probably does things for you that might even go unnoticed. Whether it’s looking after you when you’re sick, buying you flowers or working long hours to support your family – he needs some recognition for his hard work. It can go a long way and reassure them that you notice even the little things.

  1. You make me a better person.
  2. Just a simple ‘Thank you’
  3. I appreciate everything you do.
  4. I admire everything about you.
  5. Thank you for loving me.
  6. You’ve done so much for us.
  7. I feel so safe when I’m with you.
  8. I’d do anything to see you smile.
  9. Let me know what I can do to help.
  10. I’ll always support you.

How does he make you feel?

When you’re with the right person, it can feel like the honeymoon phase is ever-lasting. Keep the sparks alive by letting him know just how amazing he makes you feel. 

  1. You make me feel so loved.
  2. I’m always happy when you’re here.
  3. I love how you make me laugh.
  4. I know I’ve found my soulmate in you.
  5. You make me feel like I can do anything.
  6. No one can stop us when we’re together.
  7. I can be my whole self around you.
  8. You bring out my inner child.
  9. I feel at peace with you in my life.
  10. I’ll always know I made the right choice with you in my life.

Next: 20 Games to Play With Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Significant other

Make him laugh

Even if you’re not the romantic type – you can use always use a bit of humour or sarcasm to show your love. Keep it light-hearted and your relationship will stay fun forever.

  1. I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up!
  2. You’ve got a pizza my heart. (You could send a pizza emoji with this one!)
  3. You’re the Mickey to my Minnie.
  4. You’re the Tom to my Jerry.
  5. I’m crazy about you! Or maybe I’m just crazy…
  6. Hey! You stole the key to my heart. Give it back!
  7. I love you with all my butt. I’d say my heart, but my butt is bigger.
  8. I can’t wait to get old and wrinkly with you.
  9. You’re just like sugar. You make my life so much sweeter!
  10. I can’t wait to annoy you forever and ever…

How does he make your life better?

Tell him just what it is that makes you love him. What does he give you that brightens up your day and gives you a reason to smile?

  1. I look at you every day and wonder how I got so lucky.
  2. Anywhere is home when I’m with you.
  3. I love you more and more every day.
  4. You give me a reason to smile every day.
  5. I look at you and just know… we’re meant to be.
  6. I tell my friends about you all the time.
  7. I love how you cheer me up when I’m upset.
  8. You always know the right things to say.
  9. You brighten up any room you walk into.
  10. Everyone you meet just thinks you’re amazing.

Next: 21 Exciting Games For Couples

Tell him how lucky you are.

Nothing shows more appreciation than telling someone how lucky you feel to have them in your life. He might think he’s the lucky one, but he’ll really feel like your one and only when you tell him these things.

  1. My whole family love you.
  2. You became one of the family on day one.
  3. My friends love having you around.
  4. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect person to love.
  5. You don’t choose who you fall in love with, but fate did a damn good job.
  6. I’ve never met anyone else like you.
  7. You complete me.
  8. I’m the luckiest person in the world.
  9. You seem too good to be true.
  10. I can’t believe you chose me.

There’s no better feeling than someone loving you. So use these 70 cute things to say to your boyfriend as a way of showing him just how much you love him.

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