Cute one word says

List of top 25 famous quotes and sayings about cute one word to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 25 Cute One Word Sayings

#1. The word ‘fairy’ conjures up images of cute little creatures, so I don’t use it. I use ‘metahominids’ from the Greek for ‘other’ and ‘men.’ They aren’t cute — this is no fairy story. — Author: F.R. Maher

Cute One Word Sayings #726986

#2. It’s not that weird, but when I was in Peru, I ate a guinea pig. If you’re going to eat guinea pig, you call it cuy. Cute word for such a cute little animal that I ate a few times. — Author: Nick Kroll

Cute One Word Sayings #1631643

#3. The American public is somewhat ambivalent about what they expect out of thenational forest. — Author: Ralph Regula

Cute One Word Sayings #1572653

#4. I believe we need more culturally diverse books — about disabled characters, though not about their disability, about people with different sexual orientations, or a boy who is a cross-dresser. We need to reflect the diversity of our society. — Author: Malorie Blackman

Cute One Word Sayings #1558743

#5. Somethin’ about the lad draws her to ‘im, just like somethin’ about her draws ‘im to ‘er. You understand?»

«No, not at all.» Ryder exhaled. «You say the word ‘him’ and ‘her’ so messed up, do you know that? The letter H is just completely disregarded. — Author: L.A. Casey

Cute One Word Sayings #1499873

#6. When I was just a cute little caterpillar, you loved me. So I became a butterfly so you would never leave. — Author: Crystal Woods

Cute One Word Sayings #1477269

#7. I hear you laughing, and yes you are taller than me, better looking than me, you are fitter than me, your body rippling with muscle, you are also 30 years my junior, but its still gonna hurt like hell when I kick you in the balls. — Author: J.W. Murison

Cute One Word Sayings #1372700

#8. We all have our tastes and our type … [But] for me to say ‘You’re beautiful’, I can only say that to my girlfriend. The word ‘beautiful’ has such a different caliber than any other word out there, like sexy, hot, cute. — Author: Kellan Lutz

Cute One Word Sayings #1220765

#9. Today’s secular libertarians, who want to remove biblical religion from public life, have trouble making sense of the civil rights movement because it was so clearly a religiously inspired movement that entered the public arena and made a major difference in American life. — Author: Bruce L. Shelley

Cute One Word Sayings #1112962

#10. I’m drawn to almost any piece of writing with the words ‘divine love’ and ‘impeachment’ in the first sentence. But I know the word ‘divine’ makes many progressive people run screaming for their cute little lives, and so one hesitates to use it. — Author: Anne Lamott

Cute One Word Sayings #892217

#11. He watched Carl pouring coffee into a huge mug bearing a photo of a cute corgi, below which was the word Alastair. — Author: K.C. Wells

Cute One Word Sayings #864480

#12. That was the plan?
part of it, you don’t wan tot know the rest. i believe the word ‘these dog colllars would make excellent restraints’ were involved.
it was a brilliant idea. and we only got really cute well-made collars. this is my favorite. we had the tag engraved to say BUBBA. — Author: Michele Jaffe

Cute One Word Sayings #854610

#13. Still, that didn’t stop the flare of heat from returning to Melody’s chest. «You called my boss a b word.»
Declan zeroed his gaze on hers. «No, I said she was being one, and she was. To you. And I didn’t like it. — Author: Brooklyn Skye

Cute One Word Sayings #837330

#14. Hey, can you teach me the word for friend that you wrote on my card?»
«Peng you,» I say.
«Peng you,» she says, only instead of pung yo, it sounds like penguin. «Shee shee for being my penguin,» she says. — Author: Andrea Cheng

Cute One Word Sayings #9586

#15. In the ensuing silence, I have time to contemplate the word cute — how dismissive it is, how it’s the equivalent of calling someone little, how it makes a person into a baby, how the word is a neon sign burning through the dark reading, Feel Bad About Yourself. — Author: John Green

Cute One Word Sayings #708879

#16. Happiness is Grandad saving links to cat videos in a Word document so he can share them when she visits. — Author: Carys Bray

Cute One Word Sayings #683010

#17. The United States, for a French citizen, is a friend, an ally, to whom we owe, along with most Europeans, our freedom. — Author: Jean-Pierre Raffarin

Cute One Word Sayings #612656

#18. There’s nothing that irritates Americans more than the fact that some members of Congress think they are entitled to their own set of rules. And it’s true — too many people in Washington live in an alternate reality. — Author: Claire McCaskill

Cute One Word Sayings #565252

#19. I started riding the whole ‘fluffy’ train, and it’s a cute word and socially a lot more acceptable than someone saying is fat or obese. If you call a girl ‘fat,’ yo, she’ll raise hell, but if you say, ‘Aw girl, look at you, you’re fluffy,’ there’s almost a sexy appeal to it. — Author: Gabriel Iglesias

Cute One Word Sayings #556580

#20. I was a comfort factor. I’m not a hustler. — Author: Mary Matalin

Cute One Word Sayings #414722

#21. Aw, you were really cute when you were a kid.»

«Hot, I think is the word you’re looking for, Boston.»

I glance at him over my shoulder. He’s sitting on the arm of the sofa.

«Um, no, I definitely mean cute. Pedophilia isn’t my thing.»

«Ah, yeah, good point. — Author: Samantha Towle

Cute One Word Sayings #297523

#22. Every writer, by the way he uses the language, reveals something of his spirit, his habits, his capacities, his bias … Avoid the elaborate, the pretentious, the coy, and the cute. Do not be tempted by a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-center handy, ready and able. — Author: William Strunk Jr.

Cute One Word Sayings #254012

#23. She smiled. «How … cute.» She chose the word rather like a candy, which she bit. — Author: Matthew Skelton

Cute One Word Sayings #204073

#24. Wow, you got a car!» she said, surveying the toy box. «it’s so cute!»
Cute. He was starting to hate that word.
«I think the word you’re looking for is manly,» he said. — Author: Wendy Higgins

Cute One Word Sayings #150398

#25. 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. — Author: Anonymous

Cute One Word Sayings #136114

Guys and girls can be guilty of tossing around “cute” haphazardly. But if your crush uses one of these other cute words, you may be in for a treat.

Cute Words

Okay, I will admit that if a guy whom I thought was really hot told me that he thought I was cute, I wouldn’t be all that excited. To me, cute sounds more like a downgrade from hot or gorgeous. But the truth is that cute is only a word.

When someone says you’re cute, don’t assume that you know exactly what they’re trying to say. There are several other cute words that may make you much happier, but maybe the person delivering the compliment was a little tongue-tied.

50 cute words and their meanings

Okay, so maybe the word “cute” isn’t exactly at the top of your list for your favorite compliments to recieve. But what your crush may be trying to say is one of these other cute words that may pack more of a punch. Before you right him or her off, check out what your admirer may have wanted to say instead.

#1 Adorable. Who doesn’t want to be adorable? Adorable is someone who simply can’t be resisted.

#2 Beautiful. This cute word has a special type of elegance attached to it. Old-fashioned and classy, beautiful is something that sets a woman apart from the rest.

#3 Charming. A charming person is someone who’s entertaining and whom you just can’t get enough of.

#4 Delightful. If you’re delightful, that means that you lighten the mood and make everyone in the room stand up and take notice—not just for your looks, but your demeanor.

#5 Pleasant. This cute word means that you an absolute pleasure to be around.

#6 Pretty. Pretty is unassuming and classic. It is also someone who ages gracefully. [Read: 18 ways to look pretty and sweet and catch his eye]

#7 Dainty. Dainty means that you are fragile, but in an elegant way. It’s all in the perspective, right?

#8 Darling. When you are darling, you are someone who just melts everyone’s hearts.

#9 Delectable. Delectable means that they could just eat you up. Like a delicacy at a high-end restaurant, being delectable makes you the best item on the menu.

#10 Delicious. Delicious means that you’re the best tasting thing around. You can take that physically or metaphorically, depending on how you want to knock his socks off.

#11 Heavenly. Heavenly, well that is a tall order. Sent from the heavens, you are something that is out of this world.

#12 Fetching. Not in a Fido kinda of way—fetching means that you can fetch the attention and the adoration of everyone in the room.

#13 Dreamy. Justin Bieber may be dreamy to some. It’s an adjective that means just too good to be true.

#14 Dishy. If you’re dishy, it means that you’re the special on the menu for the evening. Like something that the restaurant runs out of because everyone wants to take a bite, someone who is dishy is in high demand.

#15 Sexy. You normally wouldn’t equate sexy with cute, but the dictionary does! [Read: How to look sexy without trying to look sexy]

#16 Precious. There is nothing more precious than the love of your life. If someone calls you precious, what they may really mean is that you are precious to them and to their heart, meaning they hold you in high esteem.

#17 Pleasing. Pleasing means that you bring them pleasure. Although that sounds pretty horrible when you think of the exact definition, that doesn’t mean you’re easy. It means that your look is pleasing to the eye.

#18 Luscious. Luscious things are rich, elegant, and overwhelming.

#19 Hot. We all know what hot means—that you are so good-looking you’re too hot to touch!

#20 Captivating. Being captivating means that a guy can’t get you off of his mind. You literally hold him captive.

#21 Attractive. Attraction is what draws two things together. If someone tells you that you’re attractive, they mean that your heart pulls toward theirs. [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on]

#22 Ambrosial. Ambrosia was a gift to the gods. The best fruit that they could find, it was both delectable and highly coveted.

#23 Alluring. When you allure someone, you draw them in. When someone says you’re alluring, it means that you are drawing them in, because there is something about you that is so highly attractive.

#24 Delicate. If you are delicate, you’re like a fainting flower. Delicate girls are classy and old-school beautiful.

#25 Angelic. Angelic means that you are an angel or a gift from the heavens. Made in perfection, you are the most revered being that anyone can imagine.

#26 Beauteous. A fun play on “beautiful,” perhaps. Maybe the person who gives you this compliment sees the beauty and fun in you.

#27 Bewitching. If you bewitch someone, it means that you put a spell on them. Magical, you are the thing that they dream of. You also have the ability to change everything in their realm to be out of this world.

#28 Classy. Classy is something that never goes out of style. A true classic, if someone calls you classy, they’re calling you a high-class debutante.

#29 Dazzling. Another of our favorite cute words, dazzling is similar to sparkling, but it’s more captivating and magical.

#30 Divine. Divine means of the Gods and sent from heaven. That is truly a high compliment.

#31 Elegant. Elegant means that you have class and grace. Taught well and highly-respected, you are a woman who commands and deserves the adoration of everyone around. [Read: 12 important dating rules for classy men and women]

#32 Enticing. Enticing means that you can lure someone in. Similar to attractive, enticing is one step more amorous.

#33 Excellent. Excellent, is, well, excellent. Is there anything better than being the biggest superlative there is?

#34 Exquisite. Someone who is exquisite is so unimaginably beautiful that it overcomes you with love. Exquisite is a person with whom you instantly fall in love and never want to let go.

#35 Fair. Fair is not the opposite of unfair. Fair means that you are graceful and elegant.

#36 Fascinating. This means that you are interesting and intriguing, all rolled into one.

#37 Foxy. Okay, maybe this isn’t something anyone has said since the 70s, but foxy means that you can turn on any guy with a jerry curl.

#38 Good-looking. Of course, lots of these cute words have something to do with your great looks, but after all, that’s what flirting is all about, right?

#39 Gorgeous. Another testament to your physical attractiveness, gorgeous is one of those cute words that never goes out of style.

#40 Graceful. Grace is something that you are born with. It is an undeniable characteristic that makes you elegant and desired. [Read: How to be graceful and elegant in 10 easy steps]

#41 Grand. Not since The Great Gatsby has anyone called someone grand, but hey, it would be nice to hear every now and again.

#42 Ideal. If you are ideal, you are the very idea of the best thing that a person could ever imagine. Can’t shake a stick at that!

#43 Lovely. As Stevie Wonder said, “Isn’t she lovely?” If he had a song about it, it must be pretty awesome, no?

#44 Magnificent. Magna, meaning great, and ificent is the root word for… oh who cares, it’s amazing.

#45 Marvelous. If you’re marvelous, you’re something truly spectacular, one-of-a-kind.

#46 Nice. Not all cute words have to be something outrageous. After all, don’t we all hope that people think we’re nice to be around. [Read: 15 tips to be nice and loved by all instantly]

#47 Pulchritudinous. Pronounced, “pul-kruh-TOO-di-nuhs,” this is one of the most impressive cute words out there. It means breathtaking beauty.

#48 Radiant. Radiant means that your beauty radiates to everything else around you. Thus, just being in your presence makes everyone around you feel good.

#49 Ravishing. When you’re ravishing to someone, they can’t ever get enough of you. They are simply overtaken by everything about you.

#50 Refined. Refined means that you have a special class and sophistication that others desire. [Read: How to accept compliments without feeling awkward]

Take these cute words for what they’re worth, and don’t ever underestimate yourself based on how someone defines you. But, hey, if you’re paid a compliment, maybe you could pull something off this list to give right back!

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cute — перевод на русский


You’re kind of cute when you say that.

Ты такой милый, когда так говоришь.

He was cute… with a lock of hair… that kept falling over his forehead.

Он был милый, со своей небольшой прядью которая спадала на лоб.

— Isn’t he cute?

Милый, правда?

And this scarf’s cute.

А какой милый шарф.

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I think the reason Lydia was attracted to the young guy is because he was so cute. [Laughs]

Думаю, Лидия заинтересовалась тем молодым человеком потому, что он был очень симпатичный.

Cute little fellow.


Well… looks really cute!

— Да, симпатичный.

— He sure is cute, look at that…

Он такой симпатичный, посмотрите на него..

— He’s so cute.

Такой симпатичный

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Ain’t I cute?

Какая я красивая.

Very cute.

Очень красивая.

— I think she’s cute.

Красивая дамочка.

Cute little thing, isn’t it?

Красивая машинка, правда?

You’re cute enough as it is. Comb it yourself!

Ты и так красивая.

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That maid, she’s cute you know.

Та горничная, она хорошенькая.

! — Isn’t she cute?

— Ну, разве она не хорошенькая?

She’s cute.

Она хорошенькая.

So cute!

Такая хорошенькая!

— Isn’t she cute?

— Разве она не хорошенькая?

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She’s cute too.

Вдобавок, милашка.

— She’s cute.

Какая милашка.

How lovely! Cute.

Какая красивая, милашка.

She’s really cute.

Она просто милашка.

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Pierrot’s new girl is cute.

-А она миленькая, подружка Пьеро.

Little Red Riding Hood… You are so cute.

= Красная Шапочка… = … ты такая миленькая!

She’s really cute and she’s loaded too.

Она очень миленькая и тоже в теме.

She’s cute!

Она миленькая!

— Pretty cute, huh?

Миленькая, да?

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Isn’t she cute?

Правда, она прелесть?

Aw, isn’t he cute?

Ну разве он не прелесть?

I think it’s cute.

По-моему, он — прелесть.

That’s cute.

ака€ прелесть.

Isn’t she cute?

Разве она не прелесть?

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He looks so cute. [Laughs]

— Он такой славный!

Very cute.

Очень славный.

You’re cute as a senior citizen.

Такой славный старичок.

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They’re very cute.

Как это забавно. И в самом деле.

The last time I threw a lamp at him he thought it was cute, but tonight he forgot himself and screamed and the neighbors called the police.

В прошлый раз, когда я бросала в него лампу, он думал, что это даже забавно, но сегодня он вышел из себя и начал кричать а соседи вывали полицию.

«Danger. Men drinking.» it’s cute, Stan.

«Осторожно, здесь пьют. » Это забавно, Стэн.

It’s pretty cute.

Очень забавно.

Nailing a man to a cross ain’t so cute, either.

Распять человека на кресте тоже не очень забавно. Да.

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Cute, huh?

Хороша, да?

You know, honey… you’re awful cute when you get riled.

Знаешь, дорогая, ты невероятно хороша, когда злишься.

She’s cute.

До чего же она хороша!

Really cute !

Действительно, хороша !

You see, Vittoria, you’re now 16 years old and very cute.

Виктория, тебе уже шестнадцать. Ты хороша собой. Но что у тебя в голове?

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CUTE, CUTEST — милый, мило. Если вы учите английский язык, то вам понадобится составить словосочетания или предложения с этим словом. Ищите их в данной статье.


  • Что такое по-английски слово CUTE, CUTEST: перевод с английского на русский язык с транскрипцией
  • Словосочетания VERY, YOU, ARE THEY, SHE IS, SO CUTE, CUTE BABY, BUT CRAZY, NICE, TOO, HOW, REALLY, SUPER CUTE, COUPLE, GIRL: перевод с английского языка на русский язык
  • Видео: Cutest Cats Compilation 2017. Best Cute Cat Videos Ever

Английский язык сопровождает современного человека повсюду: его изучают в школе, институте, знать его необходимо на работе, а также при поездках за границу и так далее.

  • Выучить английский язык можно, если есть желание.
  • Понадобится терпение, старание и хорошая память.
  • В этой статье мы изучим слово CUTE, CUTEST. Также рассмотрим самые распространенные словосочетания с этим словом и их перевод на русский язык.

Что такое по-английски слово cute?

Что такое по-английски слово CUTE?

CUTE [kju:t] — это имя прилагательное. Переводится так: милый, привлекательныйумныймиловидный, сообразительный, находчивый, остроумный. В разговорной речи употребляется о человеке или о предмете.

CUTEST [kju:test] — перевод такой же: милый, привлекательный, умный, миловидный, сообразительный, находчивый, остроумный. Но употребляется, когда хочется сказать: самый милый, самый привлекательный, самый умный и так далее.

Словосочетания VERY, YOU, ARE THEY, SHE IS, SO CUTE, CUTE BABY, BUT CRAZY, NICE, TOO, HOW, REALLY, SUPER CUTE, COUPLE, GIRL: перевод с английского языка на русский язык

Словосочетания со словом cute

Словосочетания со словом CUTE

Учить английские слова легче сразу фразами. Они так легче запоминаются, а также происходит заучивание именно разговорной речи.

  • VERY CUTE — очень милый, очень мило 
  • YOU CUTE — ты милый 
  • ARE THEY CUTE — они милые 
  • SHE IS CUTE — она милая, она симпатичная 
  • SO CUTE — так мило 
  • CUTE BABY — милый ребенок 
  • BUT CRAZY CUTE — но безумно милая 
  • NICE CUTE — хороший милый 
  • TOO CUTE — слишком мило 
  • HOW CUTE — как мило 
  • REALLY CUTE — действительно милый, очень милый 
  • SUPER CUTE — супер мило 
  • COUPLE CUTE — милая пара 
  • GIRL CUTE — симпатичная девушка 

Вот еще несколько популярных словосочетаний и предложений с этим словом:

Словосочетания со словом cute

Словосочетания со словом CUTE
Словосочетания со словом cute
Словосочетания со словом CUTE

Теперь вы знаете достаточно словосочетаний и предложений, чтобы выразить восхищение чем-либо или каким-либо человеком или живым существом на английском языке. Если вы представитель сильной половины человечества и хотите покорить сердце дамы, то сделайте ей комплимент или выразите восхищение, подобрав одну из выше написанных фраз.

Посмотрите видео, и вы поймете, что значит слово CUTEST. В данном видео главными героями являются милые котята — Cutest Cats.

Видео: Cutest Cats Compilation 2017. Best Cute Cat Videos Ever

  • adorable
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • delightful
  • pleasant
  • pretty
  • dainty

On this page you’ll find 46 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to cute, such as: adorable, beautiful, charming, delightful, pleasant, and pretty.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use cute in a sentence

Look at this lovely photo of Jessie and Julia, and isn’t the frame cute!


The very same thing that happened to the chick seed—they burst and out come hundreds of cute little fish minnows.


The man is a pertickler friend o’ mine, an’ the boy is a cute little chap, an’ he can pray better nor any minister in Sevenoaks.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • ambrosial
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • captivating
  • charming
  • cute
  • darling
  • dear
  • delectable
  • delicious
  • delightful
  • dishy
  • dreamy
  • fetching
  • heavenly
  • hot
  • luscious
  • pleasing
  • precious
  • sexy
  • suave
  • adept
  • apt
  • artful
  • clean
  • clever
  • crack
  • crackerjack
  • cunning
  • cute
  • deft
  • dexterous
  • expert
  • foxy
  • good
  • handy
  • hot tamale
  • ingenious
  • masterful
  • neat
  • nifty
  • nimble
  • on the ball
  • on the beam
  • proficient
  • quick on the trigger
  • quick on the uptake
  • quick-witted
  • savvy
  • sharp
  • skillful
  • slick
  • smart
  • up
  • up to speed
  • whiz
  • wizard
  • agreeable
  • beseeching
  • cute
  • emanate
  • engaging
  • entrancing
  • entreating
  • imploring
  • lovable
  • nice
  • pleading
  • present
  • supplicating
  • tempting
  • admirable
  • alluring
  • angelic
  • appealing
  • beauteous
  • bewitching
  • charming
  • classy
  • comely
  • cute
  • dazzling
  • delicate
  • delightful
  • divine
  • elegant
  • enticing
  • excellent
  • exquisite
  • fair
  • fascinating
  • fine
  • foxy
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
  • grand
  • handsome
  • ideal
  • lovely
  • magnificent
  • marvelous
  • nice
  • pleasing
  • pretty
  • pulchritudinous
  • radiant
  • ravishing
  • refined
  • resplendent
  • shapely
  • sightly
  • splendid
  • statuesque
  • stunning
  • sublime
  • superb
  • symmetrical
  • taking
  • well-formed
  • wonderful
  • acceptable
  • agreeable
  • attractive
  • beautiful
  • comely
  • cute
  • effective
  • enhancing
  • excellent
  • fair
  • graceful
  • handsome
  • neat
  • nice
  • presentable
  • pretty
  • seemly
  • tasteful
  • welcome
  • well-chosen
  • absorbing
  • alluring
  • amiable
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • bewitching
  • charismatic
  • choice
  • cute
  • dainty
  • delectable
  • delicate
  • delightful
  • desirable
  • electrifying
  • elegant
  • enamoring
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • enthralling
  • entrancing
  • eye-catching
  • fascinating
  • fetching
  • glamorous
  • graceful
  • infatuating
  • inviting
  • irresistible
  • likable
  • lovable
  • lovely
  • nice
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • provocative
  • rapturous
  • ravishing
  • seducing
  • seductive
  • sweet
  • tantalizing
  • tempting
  • titillating
  • winning
  • winsome

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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