Customer service one word



Автоматический перевод

обслуживание клиентов, клиентское обслуживание, клиентский сервис, сервисная служба, служба поддержки клиентов, обслуживание заказчиков, клиентская служба, обслуживание покупателей, обслуживание потребителей, служба заказчика, работа с клиентами, обслуживание абонентов, отдел обслуживания клиентов, уровень обслуживания клиентов, сервис для клиентов, клиент службы, сервис клиентов, сервисное обслуживание клиентов, обслуживание наших клиентов

Перевод по словам

customer  — клиент, заказчик, покупатель, завсегдатай
service  — обслуживание, служба, обслуживать, случать, служебный


All staff will be trained in customer service skills.

Все сотрудники пройдут обучение навыкам обслуживания клиентов.

Poor customer service ruined the company’s reputation.

Плохое обслуживание клиентов погубило репутацию компании.

Many of the banks offer a poor level of customer service.

Многие банки предоставляют низкий уровень обслуживания клиентов.

Poor customer service has ruined the company’s reputation.

Плохое обслуживание клиентов погубило репутацию компании.

At our bank we insist on high standards of customer service.

В нашем банке мы не отступаем от высоких стандартов обслуживания клиентов.

Our company has a commitment to quality and customer service.

Наша компания ориентирована на качество продукции и обслуживания клиентов.

Smaller companies often outdo larger ones in customer service.

Небольшие компании часто превосходят крупные по качеству обслуживания клиентов.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

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…trying to explain a mix-up in my mail order to a clearly raddled clerk in customer service…  

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Recently, one LinkedIn group related to contact centers conducted an interesting experiment by asking, “In one word, how would you describe the best customer service?”

How would you respond to that question? The words that were selected were revealing, as they forced contact center professionals to express the most important aspect of their service effort in a single word.

This is also a good way to show what great customer service is about. No matter how customer centric your organization is, you cannot do everything. In a digital world where customers are expecting more every day, contact center managers must prioritize what is truly important to their customers in order to deliver the best customer experience possible.

Below are the five positive customer service words selected most frequently by those that responded. Do you agree with them?

1. Empathy/Understanding

Empathy was mentioned by the greatest percentage of respondents. In this context these two words refer to the same thing – an expression of support related from the agent to the customer, that goes beyond the words in the script or the service provided. In other words, it means that your agents can put themselves in the shoes of your customers and are able to understand your customer’s truth. Empathy can lead to noticing things that are unsaid and dealing easily with conflict which are two great assets when dealing with customer’s issues. Is empathy being emphasized enough at your business?

2. Satisfaction

Satisfaction was the second most popular choice to describe great customer service. That’s the ultimate goal, so it’s not surprising that many would choose satisfaction. Different contact centers may try to achieve consistent customer satisfaction in different ways, but it should be the inspiration for every change in personnel, approach and technology.

3. Listen

Contact centers devote a great deal of time and energy to writing a script, but it’s what happens when the agent isn’t speaking that is even more important. Customers don’t want to be read the company policy; they want someone who hears their issue and responds accordingly. Consequently, you can teach your agents to improve their listening skills by asking questions, not interrupting customers and recapping the key facts.

4. Patience

This was an interesting choice. Average handle time is an important call center metric, but customers don’t care about that. Sometimes a few extra minutes are necessary to work through a customer’s issue, and to make certain they are happy with the result. It’s worth the extra time. So, make sure not to expedite the calls to hit your contact center metrics goals. Customer satisfaction is more important and should remain your priority #1.

5. Caring

Caring seems closely tied to the #1 result. But it goes one step further. It’s not just that the agent is sorry the customer is having an issue and can identify with the frustration it caused – it’s making sure the customer is happy with the resolution, and then asking if there is anything else that the company can do at that time. It’s expressing appreciation for the business, and not just because that line is in the script.

If you agents have these five qualities, your contact center is poised for greatness. If you feel like there are some areas of improvements, you can train your agents to practice active listening to help them build an emotional connection.

Beyond words, the right tools might also help. Learn how Verint Monet WFM can help you build a great customer experience with one of our workforce management software demos.

  • Steve DiGioia

  • March 17, 2016
  • Customer Service

Improve The Customer Experience

Too many people that are in the position to “greet” people never actually do that.  They may say hi or hello but that’s nothing more than an acknowledgment that someone has entered your space.  That’s it! But there is one word that will improve the customer experience. We simply need to use it for better results.

Our customers wish to be part of a team and treated warmly like you do at a gathering of friends and associates.  Think of how you feel when you enter a room, already full with a group of people, and they smile when you appear.

The one word that will improve the customer experience is “WELCOME“.

One Word For a Positive Customer Experience

When you “welcome” someone you are allowing them full access to “your space”, to treat your space as if it was “their space”, their home.

That’s the reason why we go out to eat.  Not just to fill our stomachs, but to be taken care of.  We can get food anywhere but why do we go to a specific restaurant?  Or a specific business, regardless of what type it is?

Because we feel good when we go there.  Because of how they make us feel welcome.  Because they make us feel special.

If you don’t feel special why keep going back?

That’s the appeal of the neighborhood bar or hairstylist/barber.  Sure, they probably have a great selection of beers and do a wonderful job with your hair and you leave perfectly coiffed. But it’s more than that, much more.

The Best Customer Service Phrase

If a warm and proper welcome makes YOU feel so special and brings a smile to your face, don’t your customers deserve the same?  If they get the “warm fuzzies” maybe they will spend more time browsing your store’s aisles, willing to spend more time to find the “right” shirt, gift, or product.

You make more money, you create another loyal customer, and set the foundation of more business to come.

Sounds like a win-win to me…

How do YOU welcome your customers?

#exceptionalcustomerservice, #bestcustomerservicephrase

Copyright © 2015-2023 Steve DiGioia

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Steve DiGioia

With 20+ years in the hospitality industry and a lifetime of customer service experience, Steve DiGioia shares real-world tips and tactics to improve your customer service, increase employee morale, and provide the experience your customers desire.

As a certified trainer, author & speaker, Steve has been voted a 6-time “World’s Top 30 Customer Service Professional” by Global and a “Top Customer Service Influencer” by multiple industry-leading sources. He is also a featured contributor to the leading hospitality and customer service websites.

With a tagline of “Finding Ways to WOW Your Customer”, Steve continues his pursuit of excellence on his award-winning blog sharing his best strategies on customer service, management, and leadership. Follow Steve on Twitter @Steve DiGioia.

How you define customer service can make or break support. And that’s just the tip of the clarity-giving power a shared language creates.

Customer support, like any other part of your business, has its own lingo, language, and linguistics. Not just technical terms you need to understand for the sake of your backend processes but also frontend, customer-facing phases as well as acronymns, acronyms, acronmyns.

Putting together a glossary for your company and adding it to your support handbook is the first step to clear communication. When everyone both within and outside your team speaks the same language, things go so much smoother.

Of course, it starts with…

What is customer service?

Customer service is a broad term used to define how a company supports its customers before, during, and after a purchase. In other words, customer service isn’t just about customers.

Instead, the idea reaches out to every experience a visitor, lead, prospect, or customer has with your business.

We’ve written extensively about what makes good customer service and the skills necessary to improve support. Both of those articles are worth checking out.

But what really matters is defining all the terms for yourself.

Customer support glossary

To help you shortcut that process, here are 60 customer service terms every agent, leader, and founder needs to know…


A member of the support team who is predominantly responsible for solving support tickets and dealing with customer communications in general.

Application Program Interface (API)

A predefined set of functions and processes that provide the building blocks for creation and/or personalization of applications.

Average First Response Time

The average time it takes for your support team to make first contact with a customer after receiving a request.

Average Handle Time

The average time it takes your support team to resolve a case completely.

Average Reply Time

The average time it takes your support team to get back to a customer (to any communication, not just the first contact).


The amount of unresolved customer support requests in a particular time frame.


A comparison of an agent or company’s performance versus the performance of other agents, companies, competitors, or widely agreed on indicators.


Everything your customers or the general public thinks or knows when they hear your company name.


An issue with your product or service that requires the help of your engineering team to resolve.

Business Hours

The days and hours when your customers can directly reach your support team.

Canned Response (or, Macros)

Reusable replies to common questions, available for all agents to use—they can usually be inserted with a shortcut or click for saving time.


All the possible ways your customers can reach your support team, for example phone, email, social media, live chat, etc.


The loss of clients or customers over a certain period of time.

Customer Effort

The amount of work your customer has to do themselves to resolve an issue. Generally best kept at a low as possible level.

Customer Experience

The customer’s opinion of their experience and relationship with your company through various points of their lifecycle.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

A metric that measures your customers’ general happiness and loyalty with regards to your company.

Customer Service

The assistance, advice and information provided by a company to people, businesses etc that use their product or service.


The practice of selling an additional product or service to an already existing customer.


The time during which your product or service is unavailable for use because of an issue or maintenance.


The ability to understand another person’s feelings—arguably the most important skill of any customer support agent.


A specific characteristic of your product or service that satisfies a certain requirement or need for a customer.


A customer’s opinion of their experience with your company and how you could improve.

Feedback Loop

A process that entails gathering customer feedback, take necessary action, and communicate the results back to the customer(s).

First Contact Resolution Rate (FCRR)

A customer-service metric that measures how often your support team resolves cases in a single response.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

A publicly available collection of the most common questions about your product/service/company, and the answers to them.


The application of gaming aspects⁠—such as leaderboards, point systems, unlocking achievement, levels, etc⁠—to encourage or guide certain customer behaviors.

Help Desk

A software (or platform) companies use to manage their customer support.

In-app Support

A way to contact customer support directly in your web or mobile application without having to exit it.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A data-driven goal that helps measure the performance and objectives of an agent or team.

Knowledge Base

A self-serve online library of everything there is to know about your product or service.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

A prediction or measurement of the profit that can be attributed to a customer during their entire lifecycle.

Live Chat

A support channel that allows you to have real-time conversations with your customers.


The choice of using the product or service provided by a certain company or business over competitors.


A quantifiable measure that is used to track and assess the status and results of a process or activity.

Multi-Channel Support

The ability to provide support in more than just one channel.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A measure of how likely your customers are to recommend your product or service to other people.


The process that your customers go through when immediately after the purchase or being a trial.

Open Ticket

The first, default state of a customer support ticket, before being assigned to an agent or dealt with in any way.


Including a third party to provide support to your customers on your behalf.

Overdue Ticket

A ticket that has not been resolved during the agreed time according to the Service Level Agreement.

Pending Ticket

The second stage of a customer support ticket—basically a further research/issue resolving stage before getting back to a customer and closing the ticket.


Tailoring support to individual customers by attaching names, faces, and a generally “human” touch to your communication.


An act of taking steps to help control a (negative) situation before it even becomes an issue.


When a ticket that has been assigned to a certain agent, gets handed over to a different one.

Resolution Rate

The percentage of issues your customer support agents actually resolve from the number of total tickets received.


The ability of a company or business to keep its customers over a specified period of time.


A customer’s publicized opinion about your service, product or company.

Service Culture

A collection of shared values, beliefs, and rules of behavior in a company regarding customer support.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A contract between a company and the end-user of their product or service that defines the level of service—often uptime or response time.


A questionnaire sent to the customer—generally after resolving the issue—to find out how happy they were with the support they received.


Each individual issue or request raised by a customer that needs a reply or resolution. (We actually hate the word “ticket” and instead use the term “conversation.”)

Ticket Status

Every stage of a support ticket during its lifecycle—for example, open, pending, closed, etc.


The external expression that conveys your current emotion or attitude, and depends on the situation.


The process of trying to get to the root cause of an issue in order to resolve it.

Unassigned Ticket

A support ticket that has not yet been handed over to a specific support agent.


The act of persuading a customer to upgrade or add on to their already existing product or service.

User Error

An issue that was brought on or caused by the customer as opposed to a faulty product or service.


The steady “personality” of an agent or company that doesn’t change based on the current situation.


An application or part of an interface that enables a user to perform a function.

Make sure you grab the downloadable document with the whole glossary here, and add your own company⁠—or business specific terms to it.

What are some words or phrases that you use that you would add to this list? Let us know in the comments!

customer service
  1. служба поддержки абонентов
  2. обслуживание потребителя
  3. информационно-техническое обслуживание клиентов

информационно-техническое обслуживание клиентов



  • информационные технологии в целом


  • customer service

служба поддержки абонентов

[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]


  • информационные технологии в целом


  • customer service

Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии.

Смотреть что такое «customer service» в других словарях:

  • Customer service — is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al. (2002),[1] “Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a… …   Wikipedia

  • customer service — ➔ service1 * * * customer service UK US noun (also customer care) COMMERCE ► [U] the way that an organization deals with customers before, during, and after a sale, and the activities involved in dealing with customers: »customer service… …   Financial and business terms

  • customer service — /ˈkastomer ˈservis, ingl. ˌkʌstəməˈs0ːvɪs/ [loc. ingl., propr. «servizio (service) per il cliente (customer)»] loc. sost. m. inv. servizio clienti, assistenza clienti …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Customer Service — The process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service. Often, customer service takes place while performing a transaction for the customer, such as making a sale or returning an item. Customer service can take the form of an in… …   Investment dictionary

  • Customer Service — Unter Kundendienst oder Kundenservice versteht man zum einen eine organisatorische Einheit in einem Unternehmen, zum anderen die Leistung dieser Abteilung oder des ganzen Unternehmens. Im Handel werden unter Kundendienst Zusatzleistungen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • customer service — N UNCOUNT Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers, for example how well they treat them. [BUSINESS] …a mail order business with a strong reputation for customer service… The firm has an excellent… …   English dictionary

  • customer service — noun Customer service is used before these nouns: ↑hotline, ↑representative …   Collocations dictionary

  • Customer service training — refers to teaching employees the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to increase customer satisfaction. Contents 1 Audience 2 Content 3 Methodology 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Customer Service Assurance — (CSA) in telecom and Internet services means the collection of Communication Service Provider (CSP) customer usage information from all practical sources including network traffic, network devices, content servers, management databases and user… …   Wikipedia

  • customer service center — ➔ centre …   Financial and business terms

  • Customer service advisor — A customer service advisor, or CSA, (also customer service associate and customer service representative) is a generic job title in the service industry. It covers a variety of customer facing occupations, primarily in call centres and stores.… …   Wikipedia

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