Ctrl end excel vba

  1. 10-19-2005, 11:05 PM


    Ctrl+End with VBA

    How can I use VBA to find out which cell Excel would move to if I pressed
    Ctrl+End (i.e. how do I find the last cell in the used range using VBA)?

  2. 10-19-2005, 11:36 PM


    ilyaskazi is offline

    Forum Contributor

    By pressing CTRL + End key excel takes you to last used range of your active sheet.

    Through vba, try this…

    Last edited by ilyaskazi; 10-19-2005 at 11:39 PM.

  3. 10-20-2005, 12:05 AM


    Re: Ctrl+End with VBA

    Hi Dave B,

    > how do I find the last cell in the used range using VBA)?


    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)

    Note that the last cell in the used range may not be populated.


    «Dave B» <davidbarbetta@hotmail.com> wrote in message

    > How can I use VBA to find out which cell Excel would move to if I pressed
    > Ctrl+End (i.e. how do I find the last cell in the used range using VBA)?
    > Thanks.

  4. 10-20-2005, 08:05 AM


    Re: Ctrl+End with VBA

    I believe this 1-line code should do what you’re looking for.


    or as an alternative, this 1 line should work also.


  5. 06-16-2014, 09:41 AM


    HarveyParis is offline

    Registered User

    Re: Ctrl+End with VBA

    ilyaskazi’s anwer is just fine. Thanks a lot.
    The others too. Just replace «.Select» by «.Address» to have the cell.

    MsgBox (ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Address)
    MsgBox (ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Address)

    And if you want only the row
    MsgBox («La ligne active est : » & ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row)
    Usefull when you want to make a loop until «end of file».


  1. VBA Editor Keyboard Shortcut Keys List
  2. Function Keys:
  3. Ctrl + Function Combination Keys:
  4. Ctrl + Letter Combination Keys:
  5. Shift + Function Combination Keys:
  6. Alt + Function Combination Keys:
  7. Alt + Letter Combination Shortcut Keys:
  8. Ctrl + Shift + Function/Key Combination Shortcut Keys:
  9. Other Shortcut Keys:
  10. Video Tutorial
  11. Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:
  12. Other Useful Resources:
  13. VBA Excel. Свойство End объекта Range
  14. Свойство Range.End
  15. Синтаксис
  16. Параметры
  17. Примеры
  18. Ctrl-End doesn’t bring me to the last cell [closed]
  19. 2 Answers 2
  20. VBA Code for «CTRL+HOME/END»?
  21. Lazarus416
  22. Excel Facts
  23. AlphaFrog
  24. Lazarus416
  25. AlphaFrog
  26. Lazarus416

VBA Editor Keyboard Shortcut Keys List

VBA Editor Keyboard Shortcut Keys Complete List helps to fasten process in visual basic editor. These keys works for standard U.S. English keyboards. If it is non U.S. English keyboards the shortcut keys are little different.
Let us how to use keyboard keys as VBA editor shortcut keys.

The following are complete list of VBA editor keyboard shortcut keys list and its performed action.

Function Keys:

Here are the function keys used in the VBA editor window as shortcut keys.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
F1 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Help/td>
F2 Object Browser
F3 Find
F4 Properties Window
F5 Runs the current procedure
F6 Split between two code Windows
F7 Code window
F8 Step into code line by line
F9 Breakpoint
F10 Activates Menu Bar

Ctrl + Function Combination Keys:

Here are the Ctrl + Function combination keys which are used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Ctrl + F2 Focus To Object Box
Ctrl + F4 Close the active child code Window
Ctrl + F6 Go to the next open window
Ctrl + F8 Run To Cursor
Ctrl + F10 Activate Menu Bar

Ctrl + Letter Combination Keys:

Here are the Ctrl + Letter combination keys which are used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Ctrl + A Select All Text
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + E Export Module
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + G Immediate Window
Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + I Turn On Quick Information
Ctrl + J List Properties/Methods/Members
Ctrl + L Show Call Stack
Ctrl + M Import File
Ctrl + N New Line
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + R Project Explorer
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + T Show All Available Available Components
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Y Cut Entire Line
Ctrl + Z Undo

Shift + Function Combination Keys:

Here are the Shift + Function combination keys used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Shift + F2 Procedure Definition
Shift + F3 Find Previous
Shift + F4 Find Next
Shift + F8 Execute Procedure at a time
Shift + F9 Quick Watch
Shift + F10 Show Right Click Menu

Alt + Function Combination Keys:

Here are the Alt + Function combination keys used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Alt + F4 Close VBE
Alt + F5 Run Error Handler
Alt + F11 Toggles between VBE and Application

Alt + Letter Combination Shortcut Keys:

Here are the Alt + Letter Combination Shortcut Keys used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Alt + A Add-Ins Menu
Alt + D Debug Menu
Alt + E Edit Menu
Alt + F File Menu
Alt + H Help Menu
Alt + I Insert Menu
Alt + O Format Menu
Alt + Q Closes the Visual Basic Editor and Return to Application
Alt + R Run Menu
Alt + T Tools Menu
Alt + V View Menu
Alt + W Window Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Function/Key Combination Shortcut Keys:

Here are the Ctrl + Shift + Function/Key combination Shortcut Keys which are used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Previous/Last Position
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Step out of procedure/code
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clear All Breakpoints
Ctrl + Shift + I Turn On parameter information
Ctrl + Shift + J Displays Available List Constants

Other Shortcut Keys:

Here are the other Keys which are used in the VBA editor window.

Shortcut Key Action Performed
Insert Toggle Insert Mode
Delete Deletes right side character of the cursor
Backspace Deletes left side character of the cursor
Tab Indents the current line
Enter New Line
Home Moves to the beginning of the current line
End Moves to the end of the current line
Page Up Moves one screen upwards
Page Down Moves one screen downwards
Left Arrow← Moves left one character
Right Arrow→ Moves right one character
Up Arrow↑ Moves up one line
Down Arrow↓ Moves down one line
Ctrl + Home Moves to the top of the module
Ctrl + End Moves to the bottom of the module
Ctrl + Page Up Moves to the top of the current procedure
Ctrl + Page Down Moves to the start of the next procedure
Ctrl + Left Arrow Moves one word to the left
Ctrl + Right Arrow Moves one word to the right
Ctrl + Up Arrow Moves to the sub or function directly above
Ctrl + Down Arrow Moves to the sub or function directly below
Ctrl + Break Stops execution
Ctrl + Insert Copy selection to Clipboard
Ctrl + Enter Enters a New Line/Carriage Return
Ctrl + Delete Delete To End Of Word
Ctrl + Spacebar Turn On Complete Word
Ctrl + Backspace Delete To Start Of Word
Ctrl + Tab Moves to the next module
Shift + Tab Un-indent the current line
Shift + Insert Paste the current clipboard
Shift + Home Selects to the start of the line
Shift + End Selects to the end of the line
Shift + Page Up5 Selects to the top of the module
Shift + Page Down6 Selects to the bottom of the module
Shift + Left Arrow← Extends the selection one character to the left
Shift + Right Arrow→ Extends the selection one character to the right
Shift + Up Arrow↑ Extends the selection up one line
Shift + Down Arrow↓ Extends the selection down one line
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Previous/Last Position
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Step out of procedure/code
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clear All Breakpoints
Ctrl + Shift + I Turn On parameter information
Ctrl + Shift + J Displays Available List Constants
Alt + Spacebar Activates System Menu
Alt + Backspace Undo the last action
Alt + Tab Moves to the next application

Video Tutorial

You can also watch this tutorial at YouTube.

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Other Useful Resources:

Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.


VBA Excel. Свойство End объекта Range

Свойство End объекта Range применяется для поиска первых и последних заполненных ячеек в VBA Excel — аналог сочетания клавиш Ctrl+стрелка.

Свойство Range.End

Возвращаемая свойством Range.End ячейка в зависимости от расположения и содержания исходной:

Исходная ячейка Возвращаемая ячейка
Исходная ячейка пустая Первая заполненная ячейка или, если в указанном направлении заполненных ячеек нет, последняя ячейка строки или столбца в заданном направлении.
Исходная ячейка не пустая и не крайняя внутри исходного заполненного диапазона в указанном направлении Последняя заполненная ячейка исходного заполненного диапазона в указанном направлении
Исходная ячейка не пустая, но в указанном направлении является крайней внутри исходного заполненного диапазона Первая заполненная ячейка следующего заполненного диапазона или, если в указанном направлении заполненных ячеек нет, последняя ячейка строки или столбца в заданном направлении.


Expression — выражение (переменная), представляющее объект Range .


Параметр Описание
Direction Константа из коллекции XlDirection , задающая направление перемещения. Обязательный параметр.
Константа Значение Направление
xlDown -4121 Вниз
xlToLeft -4159 Влево
xlToRight -4161 Вправо
xlUp -4162 Вверх


Скриншот области рабочего листа для визуализации примеров применения свойства Range.End :

Примеры возвращаемых ячеек свойством End объекта Range(«C10») с разными значениями параметра Direction:

Выражение с Range.End Возвращенная ячейка
Set myRange = Range(«C10»).End(xlDown) Range(«C16»)
Set myRange = Range(«C10»).End(xlToLeft) Range(«A10»)
Set myRange = Range(«C10»).End(xlToRight) Range(«E10»)
Set myRange = Range(«C10»).End(xlUp) Range(«C4»)

Пример возвращения заполненной значениями части столбца:


Ctrl-End doesn’t bring me to the last cell [closed]

Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow.

Closed 9 years ago .

Ctrl-end key is supposed to bring me to the bottom, right-most cell. However, on several cases, it goes beyond that, meaning it goes hundreds of cells down, even if there are actually no data on those cells.

Can you advise a VBA script on how to clean-up those possibly invisible data that causes this? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work with a regular delete as despite doing that, it still behaves the same way.

2 Answers 2

Ctrl-End does take you to the bottom-right cell, it just uses different rules to what you’d expect in deciding what that cell should be. Just about any cell that’s been referenced in any way will be included in the decision. It’s annoying, but that’s how Excel «works».

    Select the last cell that contains data in the worksheet

To delete any unused rows:

  • Move down one row from the last cell with data.
  • Hold the Ctrl and Shift keys, and press the Down Arrow key
  • Right-click in the selected cells, and, from the shortcut menu, choose Delete
  • Select Entire Row, click OK.

delete entire row

To delete any unused columns:

  • Move right one column from the last cell with data.
  • Hold the Ctrl and Shift keys, and press the Right Arrow key
  • Right-click in the selected cells, and, from the shortcut menu, choose Delete
  • Select Entire Column, click OK.

Save the file. Note: In older versions of Excel, you may have to Save, then close and re-open the file before the used range is reset.




Board Regular

Is there a VBA code that I can use to mimic the ctrl+home/end function? When I record a macro manually and use those functions, it inserts code to select a specific cell rather than code to «goto the 1st cell» or «goto the last cell». Thanks in advance for any info.

Excel Facts


MrExcel MVP

I think Ctrl+Home always moves to cell A1 assuming it’s visible. If A1 is not visible, then this moves to the 1st visible cell.

This is equivalent to Ctrl+End


Board Regular

Appreciate it. I’ll give that one a try.

Oh. one more related question, is there a VBA equivalent to ctrl+shift+end? As I sit here and think about it, that’s really the one I need. For selecting all of the (variable sized) worksheet so that I can covert it to a table as part of the macro.


MrExcel MVP

This selects contiguous data starting from A1

Or this.
Range(«A1», Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Select


Board Regular

This selects contiguous data starting from A1

Or this.
Range(«A1», Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Select

Thanks Alpha, the first one worked great (once I figured out how to stick in the table conversion code). You just made my life MUCH easier.

For anyone who needs the full conversion code to convert a dynamic range into a table, here it is:


How do I adjust the below code to work with the equivalent of crtl shift end in VBA (which I think is xlLastCell or xlCellTypeLastCell)?

My sheet has 64 columns I only want to select Column 1 to 58 where I have data starting on row 2. The below works unless the sheet is blank and then all rows from row 2 to 1048575 are selected. Because I have protected cells below row 200,000 my script errors with the below.

With Worksheet(WorkSheet)
End With

Community's user avatar

asked Oct 30, 2017 at 17:48

user1609391's user avatar


Start at row 200,000 and look up.

With Worksheet(WorkSheet)
    .Range(.Cells(200000, "A").End(XlUP), .Cells(2, "BF")).ClearContents
End With

'possible alternate to avoid clearing row 1
With Worksheet(WorkSheet)
    .Range(.Cells(200000, "A").End(XlUP).offset(1, 0), .Cells(2, "BF")).ClearContents
End With

answered Oct 30, 2017 at 17:53


Do you spend a lot of time programming in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Excel?

If you want to work more efficiently, then learning keyboard shortcuts is the way to go. Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time and effort when coding in VBA for Excel.

You can learn how to do many actions in VBA for Excel with the press of a few keys. You’ll be able to work faster and smarter than ever before to build your macros when you use these keyboard shortcuts!

Check out our full list of VBA keyboard shortcuts today and start working like a pro!

Be sure to check out the complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel for more great keyboard shortcuts!

Visual Basic Keyboard Shortcuts


Move the cursor up one line.


Move the cursor down one line.


Move the cursor one character to the left.


Move the cursor one character to the right.

Page Up

Move the viewable area of the module up one page.

Page Down

Move the viewable area of the module down one page.


Add one level of indentation to a highlighted block of code.


Toggle insert mode on or off.


Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.


Move the cursor to the end of the current line.

Back Space

Deletes one character to the left of the cursor.


Deletes one character to the right of the cursor.


Open visual basic editor help.


Open the visual basic object browser.


Perform the Find Next command.


Open the Properies window.


Run the current procedure.


Move the cursor between split windows.


Step into code
Equivalent to Debug > Step Into.


Toggle code breakpoints on or off
Equivalent to Debug > Toggle Breakpoint.


Activate focus on the menu bar. Select different menu headings with left or right keys and open a menu with the down key.

Alt + A

Open the Add-Ins menu.

Alt + D

Open the Debug menu.

Alt + E

Open the Edit menu.

Alt + F

Open the File menu.

Alt + H

Open the Help menu.

Alt + J

Open the Insert menu.

Alt + O

Open the Format menu.

Alt + Q

Close the visual basic editor.

Alt + R

Open the Run menu.

Alt + T

Open the Tools menu.

Alt + V

Open the View menu.

Alt + W

Open the Window menu.

Alt + F4

Close the visual basic editor.

Alt + F5

Run Error Handler.

Alt + F6

Switch Between Last 2 Windows.

Alt + F7

Step Error Handler.

Alt + F11

Switch between the visual basic editor and Excel.

Alt + Tab

Cycle through all open Windows applications.

Alt + Space Bar

Open visual basic editor system menu.

Alt + Back Space

Undo the last command.

Ctrl + A

Select all text in the current module.

Ctrl + C

Copy the current selection.

Ctrl + E

Export the currently selected module.

Ctrl + F

Open the Find dialog box.

Ctrl + G

Open the Immediate window.

Ctrl + H

Open the Replace dialog box.

Ctrl + I

Display Quick Info for object selected.

Ctrl + J

Show a list of available properties or methods
Equivalent to Edit > List Properties/Methods.

Ctrl + J

Bring object to front when creating a user form.

Ctrl + K

Send object to back when creating a user form.

Ctrl + L

Equivalent to View > Call Stack.

Ctrl + M

Import a module file
Equivalent to File > Import File….

Ctrl + N

Create a new line.

Ctrl + P

Open the Print VBAProject dialog box.

Ctrl + R

Open the Project window.

Ctrl + S

Save the current project.

Ctrl + T

Open the Components dialog box.

Ctrl + V

Paste the last item copied to your clipboard.

Ctrl + W

Equivalent to Debug > Edit Watch.

Ctrl + X

Cut the current selection.

Ctrl + Y

Cut the entire current line.

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last command.

Ctrl + F2

Activate focus to the object selection drop down.

Ctrl + F4

Close current window.

Ctrl + F8

Equivalent to Debug > Run To Cursor.

Ctrl + F9

Equivalent to Debug > Set Next Statement.

Ctrl + F10

Activate focus on the menu bar. Select different menu headings with left or right keys and open a menu with the down key.

Ctrl + Tab

Cycle through all open visual basic windows.

Ctrl + Space Bar

Auto complete current word.

Ctrl + Back Space

Delete one word to the left of the cursor.

Ctrl + Insert

Copy the current selection.

Ctrl + Delete

Delete one word to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl + Home

Move the cursor to the start of the current module.

Ctrl + End

Move the cursor to the end of the current module.

Ctrl + Page Up

Move the cursor to the start of the current procedure.

Ctrl + Page Down

Move the cursor to the end of the current procedure.

Ctrl + Up

Move the cursor to the previous procedure.

Ctrl + Down

Move the cursor to the next procedure.

Ctrl + Left

Move the cursor to the left by one word.

Ctrl + Right

Move the cursor to the right by one word.

Shift + F2

Go to variable declaration or object definition.

Shift + F3

Find previous item from the cursor for the last item searched.

Shift + F4

Find next item from the cursor for the last item searched.

Shift + F8

Equivalent to Debug > Step Over.

Shift + F9

Equivalent to Debug > Quick Watch.

Shift + F10

Equivalent to right click to show menu.

Shift + Tab

Remove one level of indentation from a highlighted block of code.

Shift + Insert

Paste the last item copied to your clipboard.

Shift + Home

Select from the cursor to the start of the current line.

Shift + End

Select from the cursor to the end of the current line.

Shift + Page Up

Select from the cursor to the top of the module.

Shift + Page Down

Select from the cursor to the bottom of the module.

Shift + Up

Extend the current selection up one line.

Shift + Down

Extend the current selection down one line.

Shift + Left

Extend the current selection to the left by one character.

Shift + Right

Extend the current selection to the left by one character.

Ctrl + Shift + I

Equivalent to Edit > Parameter Info.

Ctrl + Shift + J

Equivalent to Edit > List Constants.

Ctrl + Shift + F2

Move the cursor to its previous position.

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Equivalent to Debug > Step Out.

Ctrl + Shift + F9

Equivalent to Debug > Clear All Breakpoints.

About the Author

John MacDougall

John is a Microsoft MVP and qualified actuary with over 15 years of experience. He has worked in a variety of industries, including insurance, ad tech, and most recently Power Platform consulting. He is a keen problem solver and has a passion for using technology to make businesses more efficient.

  • #2

I think Ctrl+Home always moves to cell A1 assuming it’s visible. If A1 is not visible, then this moves to the 1st visible cell.

This is equivalent to Ctrl+End

Last edited: Feb 26, 2016

  • #3

Appreciate it. I’ll give that one a try.

Oh…one more related question, is there a VBA equivalent to ctrl+shift+end? As I sit here and think about it, that’s really the one I need. For selecting all of the (variable sized) worksheet so that I can covert it to a table as part of the macro.

Last edited: Feb 26, 2016

  • #4

This selects contiguous data starting from A1

Or this…
Range(«A1», Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Select

  • #5

This selects contiguous data starting from A1

Or this…
Range(«A1», Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Select

Thanks Alpha, the first one worked great (once I figured out how to stick in the table conversion code). You just made my life MUCH easier.

For anyone who needs the full conversion code to convert a dynamic range into a table, here it is:


ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("A1").CurrentRegion, , xlYes).Name = _
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium16"

(The tablestyle can be whatever you want…)

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