Cross the odd word out fried toasted

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6a.

Exercise 1. List the words under the correct heading.
Упражнение 1. Распределите слова по категориям.


• grapes • oil • chicken • raspberries • broccoli • potatoes • mangoes • yoghurt • cherries • biscuit • tea • milk • aubergine • cake • cheese • pepper • cucumber • prawn • tuna • orange juice • crisps • lamb • cola • carrots • sardine • lobster • pineapple • chocolate


FRUIT (фрукты): grapes (виноград), raspberries (малина), cherries (вишня), pineapple (ананас), mangoes (манго)

VEGETABLES (овощи): broccoli (брокколи), potatoes (картофель), aubergine (баклажан), cucumber (огурец), pepper (перец), carrots (морковь)

MEAT & POULTRY (мясо, птица): chicken (курица), lamb (баранина)

DAIRY PRODUCTS (молочные продукты): milk (молоко), cheese (сыр), yoghurt (йогурт)

SEAFOOD, FISH (морская еда, рыба): prawn (креветка), lobster (лобстер, омар), tuna (тунец), sardine (сардина)

FATS & SWEETS (жиры и сладости): biscuit (печенье), cake (пирожное, торт), chocolate (шоколад), oil (масло), crisps (чипсы)

DRINKS (напитки): orange juice (апельсиновый сок), cola (кола), tea (чай)

Exercise 2. Fill in: carbohydrates, fat, sugar, minerals, protein, vitamins, fibre.
Упражнение 2.Вставить: carbohydrates, fat, sugar, minerals, protein, vitamins, fibre.


1) You need this to help you grow. You can find it in meat, eggs and milk. (__)
2) It helps to store energy in your body. You can find it in butter & oil. (__)
3) It is used to make food and drinks taste sweet. You can find it in biscuits and cakes. (__)
4) Substances you need to be healthy. You can find them in fruit and vegetables. (__)
5) Parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest. Helps food pass through the body quickly. (__)
6) They provide you with energy. You can find them in bread, pasta and rice. (__)
7) A substance that is formed naturally in rocks or the earth and is found in small quantities in food and drinks. (__)

1) You need this to help you grow. You can find it in meat, eggs and milk. (protein)
Вам надо это для помощи росту. Вы можете найти это в мясе, яйцах и молоке. (белок)

2) It helps to store energy in your body. You can find it in butter & oil. (fat)
Это помогает накапливать энергию в организме. Вы можете найти это в сливочном и растительном масле. (жир)

3) It is used to make food and drinks taste sweet. You can find it in biscuits and cakes. (sugar)
Это используется, чтобы сделать вкус еды и питья сладким. Вы можете найти это в печенье и пирожных. (сахар)

4) Substances you need to be healthy. You can find them in fruit and vegetables. (vitamins)
Вещества, которые вам нужны, чтобы быть здоровым. Вы можете найти их во фруктах и овощах. (витамины)

5) Parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest. Helps food pass through the body quickly. (fibre)
Части растений или семян, которые ваш организм не может переварить. Помогает еще быстро проходить через организм. (пищевые волокна)

6) They provide you with energy. You can find them in bread, pasta and rice. (carbohydrates)
Они снабжают тебя энергией. Вы можете найти их в хлебе, пасте (макаронах) и рисе. (углеводы)

7) A substance that is formed naturally in rocks or the earth and is found in small quantities in food and drinks. (minerals)
Вещество, которые естественным образом образуется в камнях или земле и находится в маленьких количествах в еде и напитках. (минералы)

Exercise 3. What is each question about: wine, steak, water, courses, coffee?
Упражнение 3. О чем каждый вопрос: wine, steak, water, courses, coffee?


1) Still or fizzy? (__)
2) Black or white? (__)
3) Medium or well done? (__)
4) Starter, main, dessert? (__)
5) Red or white? (__)

1) Still or fizzy? (water)
Без газа или с газом? (вода)

2) Black or white? (coffee)
Черный или белый? (кофе)

3) Medium or well done? (steak)
Средней прожарки или хорошо прожаренный? (стейк)

4) Starter, main, dessert? (courses)
Закуска, основное блюдо, десерт? (блюда)

5) Red or white? (wine)
Красное или белое?

Exercise 4. Cross the odd one out.
Упражнение 4. Определите лишнее слово.


1) steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice
2) baked, boiled, roast, toasted potatoes
3) toasted, roasted, baked, fried bread
4) fried, toasted, grilled, raw fish
5) roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

1) steamed (приготовленный на пару), boiled (сваренный), grilled (приготовленный на гриле), fried (жареный) rice (рис)
Лишнее слово grilled, т.к. рис невозможно приготовить на гриле.

2) baked (запеченный), boiled (отварной), roast (жареный), toasted (приготовленный в виде тостов) potatoes (картофель)
Лишнее слово toasted, т.к. из картофеля не готовят тосты.

3) toasted (приготовленный в виде тостов), roasted (запеченный), baked (испеченный), fried (жареный) bread
Лишнее слово roasted, т.к. хлеб обычно не запекают.

4) fried (жареная), toasted (приготовленная в виде тостов), grilled (приготовленная на гриле), raw (сырая) fish (рыба)
Лишнее слово toasted, т.к. рыбу не готовят в виде тостов.

5) roast (запеченный), fried (жареный), scrambled (взбитый), grilled (приготовленный на гриле) chicken (цыпленок)
Лишнее слово scrambled, т.к. цыпленка невозможно взбить.

Exercise 5. Match the pictures to the words.
Упражнение 5. Соотнесите слова и картинки.


Spotlight 10 Workbook 6a

1) sour – кислый
2) sweet – сладкий
3) bitter – горький
4) spicy – острый

Exercise 6. Fill in: slice, bowl, piece, handful.
Упражнение 6. Вставить: slice, bowl, piece, handful.


A: What would you like for breakfast?
B: A __ of cereal, please.

A: How many raisins do we need for the cake?
B: Just a __ .

A: How about a __ of lemon in your drink?
B: Oh yes. please.

A: It’s my birthday today. Please have a __ of cake.
B: Thanks very much.

A: What would you like for breakfast? – Что бы ты хотел на завтрак?
B: A bowl of cereal, please. – Чашку овсянки, пожалуйста.

A: How many raisins do we need for the cake? – Сколько изюма надо для торта?
B: Just a handful. – Горсть.

A: How about a slice of lemon in your drink? – Как насчет дольки лимона в напиток?
B: Oh yes. please. – О да, пожалуйста.

A: It’s my birthday today. Please have a piece of cake. – Сегодня мое день рождения. Пожалуйста, возьми кусочек торта.
B: Thanks very much. – Большое спасибо.

Exercise 7. Fill in: desserts, dishes, starters, additives, fizzy drink, main courses.
Упражнение 7. Вставить: desserts, dishes, starters, additives, fizzy drink, main courses.


• Prawn Cocktail
• Soup of the day

• Spaghetti Carbonara
• Roast chicken with lemon & garlic
• Grilled salmon with tomato sauce

• Fruit salad
• Chocolate cake with ice cream

All our __ are made from fresh product with no artificial __ . We also have a children’s menu. Each meal comes with a free __ .

Open: Tues – Sat 12 am – 12 pm

starters (закуска)
• Prawn Cocktail (коктейль из креветок)
• Soup of the day (суп дня)

main courses (главные блюда)
• Spaghetti Carbonara (спагетти карбонара)
• Roast chicken with lemon & garlic (запеченный цыпленок с лимоном и чесноком)
• Grilled salmon with tomato sauce (жареный на гриле лосось с томатным соусом)

desserts (десерт)
• Fruit salad (фруктовый салат)
• Chocolate cake with ice cream (шоколадный торт с мороженым)

All our dishes are made from fresh product with no artificial additives (Все наши блюда приготовлены из свежи продуктов без искусственных добавок). We also have a children’s menu (У нас также есть детское меню). Each meal comes with a free fizzy drink (Каждая еда идет с бесплатный газированным напитком).

Open: Tues – Sat 12 am – 12 pm
Мы открыты: со вторника по субботу, с 12 дня до 12 ночи

Английский язык,

вопрос задал katya27278,

8 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил elftl


2) donning room
4) bathroom
6) desk

Ответил tatpetr1985


1) mirror
2) garden
3) chair
4) bathroom
5) bookcase
6) desk

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выразите время в секундах: 2ч. 30мин. 15с. ПЛИИИИЗЗЗЗ!!!!!!!!!

Задания составлены по материалам сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий по английскому языку для 6-7 класса. Improve your language skills. — M.: «Интеллект-Центр», 2007. — 96 с. Автор: Хотунцева Е.А. и предназначены для учащихся 6-7 классов школ разного типа, учителей английс­кого языка и родителей, а также могут быть использованы в процессе организации повторения и промежуточного контроля изученного материала на уроках английского языка и индивиду­альных занятиях с учащимися.

Exercise 1. Cross the odd word out.

  1. I’ve got only much little money left, so I can’t buy that jacket.

  2. Was the film as more exciting as the book?

  3. He is travelling to Manchester by the train.

  4. This is the shop whose its alarm went off last night.

  5. Is this a your briefcase or his?

Exercise 2. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Could I have some an ice cubes in my drink, please?

  2. A brown bear is more bigger than a koala bear.

  3. The Rome is the capital of Italy.

  4. This is not my coat, mine one is hanging behind the door.

  5. The news are was so shocking!

Exercise 3. Cross the odd word out.

1. Give me some more little milk, please.

2; The Cooks are being looking for a new house at the moment.

  1. When was the last time you have visited your parents?

  2. You mustn’t to walk too close to the edge of the cliff.

  3. Tom is more, heavier than Bill.

Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. He is much more taller than his father.

  2. Did anybody man break into your house last night?

  3. The fog is been very thick, I can’t see anything.

  4. There is not much the milk left in the fridge.

  5. Nobody phoned yesterday. Nobody came also either.

Exercise 5. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Becky is as much clever as Stella.

  2. There was no one people left at the party by 2 o’clock.

  3. Let me give you some an advice.

  4. How much the flour shall I buy?

  5. — I’ve got an idea! — Me also too.

Exercise 6. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Why is are the clothes so wet?

  2. He has read that book last month.

  3. He was hungry so that he made a sandwich

  4. The man for whom that he works is German.

  5. She told to me a wonderful story.

Exercise 7. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. That’s the woman whose her house burnt down.

  2. May I give you a good advice? Spend more time in the open air.

  3. This car is not mine car. It’s Peter’s.

4. I have read this book last summer.

5. I usually go to school on the foot.

Exercise 8. Cross the odd word out.

1. They never work on at the weekend.

2. Is this dress as more beautiful as the blue one?

  1. The Browns are being traveling around Europe now

  2. Can you buy a some cat food when you go to the shops, please?

  3. The fog is very thick. I can’t to see anything.

Exercise 9. Cross the odd word out.

  1. What do you do in on Sunday afternoons?

  2. Today it is as more cold as yesterday.

  3. He is being traveling to Manchester by train now.

  4. Can I have a some ticket for the car park, please?

  5. I must to feed the dog now, it is hungry.

Exercise 10. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Where did Sally go on at Friday night?

  2. My sister Kate is as older than her friend Maria.

  3. You mustn’t to make that silly mistake again!

  4. There aren’t the any lemons, but there is some ice cream.

  5. I’ve got the a new mobile phone.

Exercise 11. Cross the odd word out.

1. This is a their house. They designed it themselves.

2. I couldn’t to find my bag nowhere.

  1. We stayed at the bad worst hotel in the whole city.

  2. Now 1 make fewer mistakes in English than the last year.

  3. It was midnight and there it were few people in the streets.

Exercise 12. Cross the odd word out.

  1. My parents are never go out.

  2. Could you pass to me this plate?

  3. Her hair looks better than yours hair.

  4. — Have you got many things? — No, just one the small bag.

  5. In this country February is the most coldest month of the year.

Exercise 13. Cross the odd word out.

  1. She didn’t say a no thing.

  2. Come here and look on at these photos.

  3. Hannah have left home three years ago.

  4. I’ve stopped reading newspapers. The news is are always bad.

  5. In 1970s, the Beatles were being the richest musicians in the world.

Exercise 14. Cross the odd word out.

1. These flowers are mine. Don’t to touch them!

2. I like to ski in winter very good much.

3. There were was a lot of interesting news on TV yesterday.

  1. This car isn’t as fast than as that one.

  2. I’ll get you a drink if you will like.

Exercise l5. Cross the odd word out.

1. I have received a letter from her an hour ago.

  1. Is he still at the same school yet?

  2. I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you now. I have had to help my mother.

  3. It is been raining. I think I’ll take my coat.

  4. If I will go to Spain, I will stay at his aunt’s.

Keys to the tests.

Exercise 1.

1. much 2. more 3. the 4. its 5. a

Exercise 2.

1. little 2. more 3. the 4. one 5. are

Exercise 3.

1. little 2. being 3. have 4. to 5. more

Exercise 4.

1. more 2. man 3. been 4. the 5. also

Exercise 5.

1. much 2. people 3. an 4. the 5. also

Exercise 6.

1. is 2. has 3. that 4. that 5. to

Exercise 7.

1. her 2. a 3. car 4. have 5. the

Exercise 8.

1. on 2. more 3. being 4. a 5. to

Exercise 9.

1. in 2. more 3. Being 4. some 5. to

Exercise 10. 2. as 3. to 4. the 5. the

Exercise 11.

1.a 3.bad 4.the

Exercise 12.

1. are 2. to 3. hair. 4. the 5. most

Exercise 13.


1. a 2. on 3. have 4. arc 5. being

Exercise 14.

1. to 2. good 3. Were 4.than 5. will

Exercise 15.

1. have 2. yet 3. had 4. been 5. will


Cross the odd word out.
1. wardrobe- bed- sink- chair.
2. fridge- book- table — cooker
3. sofa — washbasin — toilet — bath.
4. armchair — carpet — coffee table — garden.
5. kitchen — bathroom — bedroom — garage.


Светило науки — 1412 ответов — 13473 помощи

1. wardrobe- bed- sink (не предмет мебели)— chair.
2. fridge- book (не относится к кухне)- table — cooker
3. sofa (не относится к ванной)- washbasin — toilet — bath.
4. armchair — carpet — coffee table — garden( не предмет мебели).
5. kitchen — bathroom — bedroom — garage (не одна из комнат в доме/квартире).

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Cross the odd word out bed bathroom wardrobe carpet
  • Cross the odd word out bath sink
  • Cross the odd word out as in the example
  • Cross the odd word out and translate it
  • Cross the odd word out action folk