Cross the odd word out chicken roast


B. Circle out the odd word.

7. milk juice water oil

8. onion banana garlic tomato

9. fish lamb beef pork

10. apple orange carrot grape

11. stir waiter mix peel

C. Match the words in two columns to get expressions with containers and quantities.

12. A bottle of  b) olive oil

13. A carton of d) milk  

14. A box of a) cereal  

15. A packet of f) crisps

16. A piece of  i) cheese

17. A kilo of  j) rice

18. A jar of h) jam

19. A bag of c) potato

20. A loaf of g) bread

21. A bar of e) chocolate

D. Choose the correct word.

22. Please have some of these chocolates. I know you like them.

23. Have you got some coffee?

24. There isn’t any  water in the bottle.

25. Have we got any milk?

26. There was a little/ little food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

27. Is there much cake?

28. There isn’t much chicken.

29. There’re  few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

30. There aren’t many tomatoes.


31. On Mondays, I _swim______________ in the swimming-pool with my friends (swim)

32. Stop singing! I _am doing_____________________ my lessons (do)

33. I met_________ Sue at the pub yesterday. (meet)

34. The children didn`t__come__________ to school yesterday. (come)

35. We __were_________ at home last night. (be)

36. He sometimes _goes________ to the cinema (go)

F. Choose the correct answer.

37. The English have A… for breakfast.

A – cereal or toast with tea

B- spaghetti and coffee

38. Sunday roast is…

A – roast chicken with potatoes and gravy

B – roast beef with potatoes, vegetables and gravy

39. The English have…A for dessert

A – home made puddings, apple pie and trifle

B – fruit salad and biscuits

40. A packed lunch is…

A – a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and drink

B – salad, shepherd’s pie, juice


10 class

Variant 1

Cross the odd word out

1. steamed, boiled, grilled,
fried rice

2. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

3. roast, fried, scrambled,
grilled chicken

4. cold, fake, sparkling,
still water

5. healthy, strict, special,
fresh diet

2. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму, обращая внимание
на тип условных предложений.

0 тип

1. When my sister … (come) to
town we … (go) to the cinema together. (Когда моя сестра приезжает в город, мы
ходим вместе в кино.)

2. If my kids … (run) in the
playground they … (become) very thirsty. (Если мои дети бегают на игровой
площадке, они очень хотят пить.)

I тип

1. If it … (cost) too much I …
(not take) it. (Если он стоит слишком много, я не возьму его.)

2. She … (be) angry if you …
(lose) this photo. (Она разозлится, если ты потеряешь эту фотографию.)

3. If you … (not eat up) the
bread we … (feed) the birds in the garden. (Если вы не съедите хлеб, мы
покормим птиц в саду.)

II тип

1. If I … (have) free time now
I … (watch) my favourite film. (Если бы у меня было свободное время сейчас, я
бы посмотрел любимый фильм.)

2. If I … (be) you I … (not
eat) fast food. (На твоем месте я бы не ел фаст фуд.)

3. His job … (be) so hard if
he … (not have) a secretary. (Его работа была бы такой тяжелой, если бы у него
не было секретаря.)

III тип

1. If you … (not smoke) so
much you … (not be) in hospital now. (Если бы ты не курил столько, ты бы сейчас
не лежал в больнице.)

2. If we … (meet) him
yesterday we … (call) you. (Если бы мы встретили его вчера, мы бы позвонили

3.Fill in:keep, fight, prescription,
feel, complain, pain, spices, starving, sour, carrots

 1. I am usually
in a very good mood but sometimes I _________ down in the dumps too.

 2. I
find that natural lemonade is extremely _____________!

 3. He
can’t ___________ his emotions under control.

 4. My
favourite vegetables are cabbage and____________.

 5. Make
sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to ________ off

10 class

Variant 2

1. Choose the odd word out

cold, fake, sparkling, still water

steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice

healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

2.  Поставьте
глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму, обращая внимание на тип условных

0 тип

1. When my sister … (come) to
town we … (go) to the cinema together. (Когда моя сестра приезжает в город, мы
ходим вместе в кино.)

2. If my kids … (run) in the
playground they … (become) very thirsty. (Если мои дети бегают на игровой
площадке, они очень хотят пить.)

I тип

1. If it … (cost) too much I …
(not take) it. (Если он стоит слишком много, я не возьму его.)

2. She … (be) angry if you …
(lose) this photo. (Она разозлится, если ты потеряешь эту фотографию.)

3. If you … (not eat up) the
bread we … (feed) the birds in the garden. (Если вы не съедите хлеб, мы
покормим птиц в саду.)

II тип

1. If I … (have) free time now
I … (watch) my favourite film. (Если бы у меня было свободное время сейчас, я
бы посмотрел любимый фильм.)

2. If I … (be) you I … (not
eat) fast food. (На твоем месте я бы не ел фаст фуд.)

3. His job … (be) so hard if
he … (not have) a secretary. (Его работа была бы такой тяжелой, если бы у него
не было секретаря.)

III тип

1. If you … (not smoke) so
much you … (not be) in hospital now. (Если бы ты не курил столько, ты бы сейчас
не лежал в больнице.)

2. If we … (meet) him
yesterday we … (call) you. (Если бы мы встретили его вчера, мы бы позвонили

in:keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, starving, sour,

1. I’ve had this ___________ in my back since yesterday.

2. Why do you always _________
about everything? Don’t you like the food?

3.  The soup is very tasty. What _________ did you use?

4. You can get this medicine
only with a doctor’s ___________.

5. Is
there anything to eat? My tummy is ___________.

Test 10-6

  1. Match the words to form phrases

  1. regular

  2. low carbohydrate

  3. sugary

  4. dry

  5. tooth

  6. sparkling

  7. bitter

  8. well-balanced

  1. drinks

  2. skin

  3. decay

  4. exercise

  5. diet

  6. meals

  7. water

  8. chocolate

  1. 2. Cross the odd word out

  2. 1. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice

  3. 2. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

  4. 3. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

  5. 4. cold, fake, sparkling, still water

  6. 5. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

  7. 3. Choose and complete the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

  1. Why didn’t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

  2. d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn’t feel / wouldn’t feel / wouldn’t have felt so tired.

  3. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught/had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back!

  4. What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall / hadn’t fallen / wouldn’t fall over, he won / would win / would have won the race.

  5. If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.

  6. If I ___________ (win) a lot of money, I ______________ (buy) a new car.

  7. When water ___________ (freeze), it ___________ (turn) into ice.

  8. If I ____________ (be) you, I _____________ (follow)your mum’s advice.

  1. 4. Use the prefixes (pre-, semi-, super-, under-, re-) to form compound words

  1. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. (hero)

  2. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. (appear)

  3. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. (age)

  4. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. (final)

  5. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. (heat)

  1. 5.Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

  1. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

  2. He has decided to give __________ smoking.

  3. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

  4. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

  5. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

  1. 6.Put down the correct prepositions:

  2. 1.

  3. 2. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.She suffers ___ headaches.

  4. 3. He can’t cope ___ the stress.

  5. 4. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.

  6. 5. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.

  7. Test 10-6 (2)

  8. 1. Choose the odd word out

  9. 1. cold, fake, sparkling, still water

  10. 2. steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice

  11. 3. healthy, strict, special, fresh diet

  12. 4. grilled, raw, bitter, oily fish

  13. 5. roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken

  1. Fill in: keep, fight, prescription, feel, complain, pain, spices, starving, sour, carrots.

  1. 1. I’ve had this ___________ in my back since yesterday.

  2. 2. Why do you always _________ about everything? Don’t you like the food?

  3. 3. The soup is very tasty. What _________ did you use?

  4. 4. You can get this medicine only with a doctor’s ___________.

  5. 5. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is ___________.

  6. 6. I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I _________ down in the dumps too.

  7. 7. I find that natural lemonade is extremely _____________!

  8. 8. He can’t ___________ his emotions under control.

  9. 9. My favourite vegetables are cabbage and____________.

  10. 10. Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to ________ off infections.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. If I __________ (not/have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

  2. I _________ (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

  3. If I __________ (know) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

  4. If I were you, I __________ (go) to see a dentist.

  5. If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you __________ (not/get) red spots all over your body.

  6. If you ___________ (work) out regularly, you _________ (keep) fit.

  7. If he ____________ (not/forget) his mobile at work, he ______________ (not/call) his boss from a phone box.

  8. If you ______________ (leave) ice in the sun, it ___________ (milt).

  1. Use the prefixes to form compound words to complete the sentences.

  1. ___________________ children are allowed to watch this film. AGE

  2. If Milan wins the __________________ football match today, they’ll play in the final on Wednesday. FINAL

  3. The ghost disappeared and ________________ after a while. APPEAR

  4. You must _______________ the oven for 10 minutes before you put the cake in. HEAT

  5. Spiderman is the most famous ________________ in the world. HERO

  1. Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

  1. He has decided to give __________ smoking.

  2. The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

  3. Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

  4. They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

  5. Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

  1. Put down the correct prepositions:

  1. 1. Not exercising enough can result ____ problems later in life.

  2. 2. She suffers __ headaches.

  3. 3. He can’t cope __ the stress.

  4. 4. The doctor advised me __ fatty food.

  5. 5. He’s in hospital recovering ___ his operation.

Cross the odd word out.
1. horse, cow, sheep, lion, dog
2. tiger, elephant, eagle, zebra, monkey
3. hen, turkey, chicken, duck, parrot
4. tortoise, guinea pig, whale, dolphin, goldfish

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 4.Section 3. Номер №14


Перевод задания
Вычеркните лишнее слово.
1. лошадь, корова, овца, лев, собака
2. тигр, слон, орел, зебра, обезьяна
3. курица, индейка, курица, утка, попугай
4. черепаха, морская свинка, кит, дельфин, золотая рыбка

1. lion (все остальные – живут на ферме)
2. eagle (все остальные – без крыльев)
3. parrot (все остальные – птицы на ферме)
4. guinea pig (все остальные – живут в воде)

Перевод ответа
1. лев
2. орел
3. попугай
4. морская свинка

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 2a.

Exercise 1. Tick the appropriate boxes to show possible ways of cooking the product.
Упражнение 1. Для различных продуктов отметьте все возможные способы приготовления.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 2a ex1

grilled (на гриле)
mashed (толченый)
fried (жареный на плите)
baked (печеный)
roast (жареный в печи и т.п.)
boiled (вареный в кипящей воде)
poached (варить в несильном кипятке)
steamed (приготовленный на пару)
scrambled (перемешанные, взболтанные)
pickled (соленые, в маринаде)

FISH (рыба): grilled, fried, baked, roast, boiled, poached, steamed, pickled.
CHICKEN (курица): grilled, fried, baked, roast, boiled, poached, steamed.
EGGES (яйца): fried, baked, roast, boiled, poached, steamed, scrambled, pickled.
MEAT (мясо): grilled, fried, baked, roast, boiled, poached, steamed, pickled.
VEGETABLES (овощи): grilled, mashed, fried, baked, roast, boiled, poached, steamed, pickled.
RICE (рис): grilled, mashed, fried, baked, roast, boiled, steamed.
POTATOES (картофель): grilled, mashed, fried, baked, roast, boiled, steamed.

Exercise 2. Circle the odd word out.
Упражнение 2. Выберите лишнее слово.


1) sauce:
creamy – fried – spicy – rich

2) diet:
appealing – healthy – poor – balanced

3) salad:
side – green – end – fruit

4) meat:
undercooked – raw – overcooked – rich

5) weight:
miss – gain – put on – lose

6) chocolate:
white – dark – heavy – milk

7) food:
frozen – quick – junk – fast

8) meal:
four-course – light – easy – home-cooked

1) sauce (соус): creamy (сливочный) – fried (жареный) – spicy (острый) – rich (жирный)
• лишнее слово – fried (жареный)

2) diet (диета): appealing (умоляющий) – healthy (здоровый) – poor (скудный, плохой) – balanced (сбалансированный)
• лишнее слово – appealing (умоляющий)

3) salad (салат): side (в виде небольшой порции) – green (зеленый) – end (конечный) — fruit (фруктовый)
• лишнее слово – end (конечный)

4) meat (мясо): undercooked (недоваренный) – raw (сырой) – overcooked (переваренный) – rich (богатый)
• лишнее слово – rich (богатый)

5) weight (вес): miss (не хватать) — gain (набрать) – put on (набрать) – lose (потерять)
• лишнее слово – miss (не хватать)

6) chocolate (шоколад): white (белый) – dark (темный) – heavy (тяжелый) – milk (молочный)
• лишнее слово – heavy (тяжелый)

7) food (еда): frozen (замороженный) – quick (быстрый) – junk (неполезный) – fast (быстрый)
• лишнее слово – quick (быстрый)

8) meal (еда, прием пищи): four-course (из четырех блюд) – light (легкий) – easy (легкий) – home-cooked (домашний)
• лишнее слово – easy (легкий)

Exercise 3. Match the words in the columns and then use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences below.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слова и затем полученные фразы используйте в данных ниже предложениях.


1) fussy
2) head
3) take
4) food

a) pride in
b) tradition
с) eater
d) for

1) As Jenny ___ the school canteen to have her lunch, she remembered she had some crisps and some biscuits in her bag.
2) Liam ___ his cooking. He thinks he’s one of the best cooks in the city!
3) A lot of young children don’t like many types of food. They are ___ .
4) Sushi is one of the oldest ___ in Japan.

1) fussy eater – разборчивый в еде (дословно: разборчивый едок)
2) head for – направиться, направляться
3) take pride in – гордиться
4) food tradition – кулинарная традиция

1) As Jenny was heading for the school canteen to have her lunch, she remembered she had some crisps and some biscuits in her bag. – Когда Дженни направлялась в школьную столовую на обед, она вспомнила, что у нее в сумке было немного чипсов и печенья.

2) Liam takes pride in his cooking. He thinks he’s one of the best cooks in the city! – Лиам гордится своей приготовленной едой. Он думает, что он один из самых лучших поваров в городе!

3) A lot of young children don’t like many types of food. They are fussy eaters. – Многим детям не нравятся многие типы еды. Они привередливы в еде.

4) Sushi is one of the oldest food traditions in Japan. – Суши – это одна из самых старых кулинарных традиций в Японии.

Exercise 4. Fill in: appealing, nourishing, lunchtime, packed, nursery, portions, basically.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова: appealing, nourishing, lunchtime, packed, nursery, portions, basically.


1) This restaurant serves very small ___ . I’m always hungry after I leave here!

2) Babies drink a lot of milk as it’s very ___ for them and helps them to grow up strong and healthy.

3) Patty likes sharing her food with the other little children at the ___ school.

4) Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is ___ a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain.

5) Could we meet at ___ ?

6) Not only should obentos be nourishing and healthy, they should also look ___ .

7) Peter doesn’t like the food that they serve at his school canteen so he always brings a ___ lunch from home.

1) This restaurant serves very small portions. I’m always hungry after I leave here! – В этом ресторане подают очень маленькие порции. Я всегда голоден, когда ухожу отсюда!

2) Babies drink a lot of milk as it’s very nourishing for them and helps them to grow up strong and healthy. – Малыши пьют много молока, так как оно очень питательно для них и помогает им расти сильными и здоровыми.

3) Patty likes sharing her food with the other little children at the nursery school. – Пэтти любит делиться своей едой с другими маленькими детьми в детском саду.

4) Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is basically a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain. – Традиционная испанская тортилья.ю которая в сущности является густым омлетом с картофелем, является очень популярной в Испании.

5) Could we meet at lunchtime? – Мы могли бы встретиться за обедом?

6) Not only should obentos be nourishing and healthy, they should also look appealing. – Обенто не только питательны и полезны, но и выглядят привлекательно.

7) Peter doesn’t like the food that they serve at his school canteen so he always brings a packed lunch from home. – Питеру не нравится еда, которую подают в его школьной столовой, поэтому он всегда приносит с собой из дома упакованный обед.

Будь ласка допоможіть. Буду дуже вдячна за вашу допомогу!

Choose the correct item.
1) This roast chicken ….. delicious!
A. teste B. is tasting C. tastes
2) They go to the cinema ….. .
A. every week B. at the moment C. usually
3) ….. you seeing Peter tomorrow night?
A. Do B. Are C. Is
4) A: Can I help you, miss?
B: Yes, I ….. for a birthday present for my daughter.
A. look B. i’m looking C. looks
5) ….. she wear a uniform at work?
A. Are B. Is C. Does
6) A: These shirts ….. me any more.
B: Why don’t you buy some new ones?
A. doesn’t fit B. d don’t fit C. isn’t fitting
7) I enjoy traveling by train but I ….. traveling by plane.
A. like B. hate C. likes
8) Annette ….. two sisters and a brother.
A. has B. is having C. have
9) A: You ….. very pretty today.
B: Thanks.
A. are looking B. look C. looks
10) A: When ….. she leaving for Boston?
B: On the 15th of July.
A. does B. has C. is
11) My brother is a very easy-going person. ….., he can be a bit rube at times.
A. However B. As well as C. And
12) A: Are you ….. anything at the weekend?
B: No, I’m not.
A. do B. does C. doing

Cross out the unnecessary word, as in the example.
1. She is often goes to the park on Sunday.
2. The are been going on holiday on Monday.
3. I am enjoy going to parties.
4. The plane from Paris does arrives at 7.30.
5. They are looking for a house at the present.
6. Does he do listen to music in his free time?
7. I like swimming but I don’t like fishing too.
8. She is at home at now.​

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  • Cross the odd word out bed bathroom wardrobe carpet
  • Cross the odd word out bath sink
  • Cross the odd word out as in the example
  • Cross the odd word out and translate it
  • Cross the odd word out action folk