Cross the odd word out and translate it

Cross the odd word out.
1. wardrobe – bed – sink – chair
2. fridge – book – table – cooker
3. sofa – washbasin – toilet – bath
4. armchair – carpet – coffee table – garden
5. kitchen – bathroom – bedroom – garage

Английский язык 5 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 3 (страница 54). Номер №2


Перевод задания
Вычеркните лишнее слово.
1. шкаф − кровать − раковина − стул
2. холодильник − книга − стол − плита
3. диван − умывальник − унитаз − ванна
4. кресло − ковер − журнальный столик − сад
5. кухня − ванная − спальня − гараж

1. wardrobe – bed –


– chair
2. fridge –


– table – cooker


– washbasin – toilet – bath
4. armchair – carpet – coffee table –


5. kitchen – bathroom – bedroom –


Перевод ответа
1. шкаф − кровать −









− стул
2. холодильник −






− стол − плита






− умывальник − унитаз − ванна
4. кресло − ковер − журнальный столик −




5. кухня − ванная − спальня −






NAME ____________          SURNAME
________________                CLASS ______________        MARK____

Test 3. Module 3.1

1. Listen to two people talking about
their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer.

1.Katie’s bedroom
is on the …

a) second floor b)
first floor c) third floor

2. Katie’s got a
desk next to …

a) the window b)
her bed c) her wardrobe

3. Bob has got ….

a) three posters
on the wall b) a computer on his desk c) trainers under his bed

4. Katie’s bedroom
is next to …

a) her sister’s
bedroom b) her brother’s bedroom c) the bathroom

5. Bob has the
same room as …

a) his brother b)
his sister c) no one

2. Cross the odd word out and translate

1. wardrobe, bed,
sink, chair

2. fridge, book,
table, cooker

3. sofa,
washbasin, toilet, bath

4. sixteenth,
twelve, eleven, fifteen

5. twentieth,
twenty-first, sixth, two

3. Look at the picture and complete with is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. There ……………….…
any chairs in the bedroom.

2. There ………………….…
a lamp on the desk.

3. There ………………………
books in the bookcase.

4. There ……………………….
a mirror next to the wardrobe.

5. There …………………..…
a computer next to the lamp.

4. Choose the correct item. (10)

1. I have got a
desk … my bedroom.

a) under b) in c)

2. Dave’s trainers
are … the bed.

a) in b)under c)

3. The armchair is
… the fireplace.

a) in front of b) behind
c) on

4. Wendy has got a
painting … the wall.

a) on b) in c) in
front of

5. The desk is …
the bed.

a) next to b) on
c) under

5. Match the exchanges. (15)

1. You have a nice home.

2. Where is the kitchen?

3. Have you got a bookcase?

4. Are there any paintings in the room?

5. What floor is it on?

a) Yes, there are five on the wall.

b) Thank you very much.

c) It’s next to the dining room.

d) It’s on the first floor.

e) Yes, and it has got many books.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is Mike’s
favourite room?


2. What is on the


3. What colour are
the walls?


4. Where is his


5. What is always
under his bed?


NAME ____________          SURNAME
________________                CLASS ______________        MARK____

Test 3. Module 3.2

1. Listen to two people talking about
their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer.

1.Katie’s bedroom
is on the …

a) second floor b)
first floor c) third floor

2. Katie’s got a
desk next to …

a) the window b)
her bed c) her wardrobe

3. Bob has got ….

a) three posters
on the wall b) a computer on his desk c) trainers under his bed

4. Katie’s bedroom
is next to …

a) her sister’s
bedroom b) her brother’s bedroom c) the bathroom

5. Bob has the
same room as …

a) his brother b)
his sister c) no one

2. Cross the odd word out and translate

1. fifteenth,
twenty-second, seventh, three

2. armchair,
carpet, coffee table, garden

3. kitchen,
garage, bathroom, bedroom

4. bed, washbasin,
toilet, bath

5. nineteenth,
eleven, twenty, four

3. Look at the picture and complete with is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. There … books in the bookcase.

2. There … any armchairs in the bedroom.

3. There … a computer on the desk.

4. There … a fireplace next to the wardrobe.

5. There … a lamp next to the computer.

4. Choose the correct item. (10)

1. Peter has got a
painting … the wall.

a) on b) in c) in
front of

2. The bookcase is
… the desk.

a) next to b) on
c) under

3. I have got a
coffee table … my living room.

a) under b) in c)

4. Mary’s trainers
are … the bed.

a) in b)under c)

5. The sofa is …
the fireplace.

a) in front of b)
behind c) on

5. Match the exchanges. (15)

1. You have a nice home.

2. Where is the bathroom?

3. Have you got a bookcase?

4. Are there any paintings in the room?

5. Is there a coffee table in your
living room?

a) Yes, there are three on the wall.

b) Thank you very much.

c) It’s next to the kitchen.

d) Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

e) Yes, and it has got many books.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is Ann’s
favourite room?


2. What is on the


3. What colour are
the walls?


4. Where is her


5. What is always
under her bed?


Spotlight 5

Control work №3.

Variant 1.

1. Listen to two people talking about their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer. Прослушай, как двое людей говорят о их спальнях и выбери правильный ответ.

1.Katie’s bedroom is on the …

a) second floor b) first floor c) third floor

2. Katie’s got a desk next to …

a) the window b) her bed c) her wardrobe

3. Bob has got ….

a) three posters on the wall b) a computer on his desk c) trainers under his bed

4. Katie’s bedroom is next to …

a) her sister’s bedroom b) her brother’s bedroom c) the bathroom

5. Bob has the same room as …

a) his brother b) his sister c) no one

2. Cross the odd word out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. wardrobe, bed, sink, chair

2. fridge, book, table, cooker

3. sofa, washbasin, toilet, bath

4. sixteenth, twelve, eleven, fifteen

5. twentieth, twenty-first, sixth, two

3. Look at the picture and complete with is/isn’t/are/aren’t. Посмотри на картинку и заполни пропуски is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. There … any chairs in the bedroom.

2. There … a lamp on the desk.

3. There … books in the bookcase.

4. There … a mirror next to the wardrobe.

5. There … a computer next to the lamp.

4. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный ответ.

1. I have got a desk … my bedroom.

a) under b) in c) on

2. Dave’s trainers are … the bed.

a) in b)under c) over

3. The armchair is … the fireplace.

a) in front of b) behind c) on

4. Wendy has got a painting … the wall.

a) on b) in c) in front of

5. The desk is … the bed.

a) next to b) on c) under

5. Match the exchanges. Соотнеси предложения.

1. You have a nice home.

2. Where is the kitchen?

3. Have you got a bookcase?

4. Are there any paintings in the room?

5. What floor is it on?

a) Yes, there are five on the wall.

b) Thank you very much.

c) It’s next to the dining room.

d) It’s on the first floor.

e) Yes, and it has got many books.

6. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

1. What is Mike’s favourite room?

2. What is on the walls?

3. What colour are the walls?

4. Where is his desk?

5. What is always under his bed?

Control work №3.

Variant 2.

1. Listen to two people talking about their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer. Прослушай, как двое людей говорят о их спальнях и выбери правильный ответ.

1.Katie’s bedroom is on the …

a) second floor b) first floor c) third floor

2. Katie’s got a desk next to …

a) the window b) her bed c) her wardrobe

3. Bob has got ….

a) three posters on the wall b) a computer on his desk c) trainers under his bed

4. Katie’s bedroom is next to …

a) her sister’s bedroom b) her brother’s bedroom c) the bathroom

5. Bob has the same room as …

a) his brother b) his sister c) no one

2. Cross the odd word out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. fifteenth, twenty-second, seventh, three

2. armchair, carpet, coffee table, garden

3. kitchen, garage, bathroom, bedroom

4. bed, washbasin, toilet, bath

5. nineteenth, eleven, twenty, four

3. Look at the picture and complete with is/isn’t/are/aren’t. Посмотри на картинку и заполни пропуски is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

1. There … books in the bookcase.

2. There … any armchairs in the bedroom.

3. There … a computer on the desk.

4. There … a fireplace next to the wardrobe.

5. There … a lamp next to the computer.

4. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный ответ.

1. Peter has got a painting … the wall.

a) on b) in c) in front of

2. The bookcase is … the desk.

a) next to b) on c) under

3. I have got a coffee table … my living room.

a) under b) in c) on

4. Mary’s trainers are … the bed.

a) in b)under c) over

5. The sofa is … the fireplace.

a) in front of b) behind c) on

5. Match the exchanges. Соотнеси предложения.

1. You have a nice home.

2. Where is the bathroom?

3. Have you got a bookcase?

4. Are there any paintings in the room?

5. Is there a coffee table in your living room?

a) Yes, there are three on the wall.

b) Thank you very much.

c) It’s next to the kitchen.

d) Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

e) Yes, and it has got many books.

6. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

1. What is Ann’s favourite room?

2. What is on the walls?

3. What colour are the walls?

4. Where is her desk?

5. What is always under her bed?

Tapescript 3.

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Perhaps, but while El Pais can afford to publish the odd pro-Catalan piece, it doesn’t feel obliged to take policy advice from «Anglo-Saxon» intellectuals.
Возможно, но, хотя El Pais может позволить себе время от времени публиковать статьи в поддержку Каталонии, она не считает себя обязанной прислушиваться к советам и рекомендациям «англосаксонских» интеллектуалов.

Well, how about he put the word out that he wanted to nail Mike Hooley for scamming his arcade and Hailey rang him when he turned up?
А что если он проговорился, что хотел бы проучить Майка Кули за жульничество в его зале, а Хэйли позвонила ему, когда тот объявился?

She was scared to cross the road.
Ей было страшно переходить через дорогу.

The odd world he inhabits can be glimpsed in the bizarre beliefs of his latest wave of high-level appointees, which include a chief of staff partial to the idea that the future can be predicted using a device inspired by the Russian nesting doll.
Тот странный мир, в котором живет российский руководитель, можно увидеть в его весьма эксцентричных действиях последнего времени по назначению на высокие должности. Среди таких назначенцев глава его администрации, неравнодушный к идее о том, что будущее можно предсказать при помощи устройства, созданного по принципу русской матрешки.

Then again, your father never listened to one word out of my mouth when he was your age.
Опять же, в твоём возрасте, твой отец не слушал ни слова из того, что я говорил.


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С помощью PROMT.One наслаждайтесь точным переводом с английского на русский, а для слов и фраз смотрите английскую транскрипцию, произношение и варианты переводов с примерами употребления в разных контекстах. Бесплатный онлайн-переводчик PROMT.One — достойная альтернатива Google Translate и другим сервисам, предоставляющим перевод с английского на русский и с русского на английский.

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PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с английского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.

1 а) Обведите слово, которое не подходит.

1 концертный зал, тренажерный зал, музей, оперный театр, театр, кинотеатр

2 портрета, выступление, художественная галерея, картинки

3 актриса, актер, танцор, драматург, певец

4 стихотворения, романы, любовные романы, мюзиклы, детективы

1 gym

2 performance

3 playwright

4 musicals

b) Соедините слова с их определениями.

1 собрание пьес, мюзиклов, шоу, которые может представить театр

2 длинный отрезок серьезной музыки, написанный для оркестра

3 вид танца

4 очень успешный фильм или книга

5 романтическая музыкальная пьеса, в которой некоторые слова произносятся, а некоторые поют

а) оперетта

b) репертуар

c) балет

d) блокбастер

e) симфония

1 – b)

2 – e)

3 – c)

4 – d)

5 – a)

Английский язык,

вопрос задал katya27278,

8 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил elftl


2) donning room
4) bathroom
6) desk

Ответил tatpetr1985


1) mirror
2) garden
3) chair
4) bathroom
5) bookcase
6) desk

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