Cross the odd word out action folk

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Where does each person work? Complete the table with words from the list: managing director, artist, author, lawyer, nurse, secretary, fisherman, translator, businessman, surgeon, architect, doctor, gardener, cashier.


04 Окт, 17


в категории школьный раздел

1 ответ

Find the odd word out and circle it. a) shirt, trousers, shoes, uniform, tie, socks, jacket, trainers, belt b) handbag, umbrella, earrings, bracelet, belt, ring, boots


11 Ноя, 17


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Ответы к странице 51

1. Mark the adjectives P (positive) or N (negative). Then use them to complete the sentences below. — Отметьте позитивные прилагательные буквой Р, а негативные — N. Затем используйте их, чтобы закончить предложения, данные ниже.


1. shallow — N — мелкий, неглубокий, поверхностный
2. likeable — P — приятный, привлекательный, располагающий к себе
3. intelligent — P — умный, интеллигентный, стал умным в результате образования и воспитания
4. hardworking — Р — трудолюбивый
5. irresponsible — N — безответственный
6. talented — Р — талантливый
7. creative — Р — креативный, творческий
8. irritating — N — вызывающий раздражение

Дополнительный ответ:

1. Good Will Hunting is a film about an intelligent man who can answer difficult maths questions. — «Умница Уилл Хантинг» — это фильм об умном мужчине, который может дать ответ на сложные математические вопросы.
2. The acting was extremely shallow; none of the actors portrayed the real emotions of their characters. — Игра была невразумительной, никто из актеров не показал реальных эмоций своих персонажей.
3. Kate is a very creative painter who always finds new artistic ways to express her ideas. — Кейт очень творчески одаренная художница, которая всегда находит новые художественные приемы для выражения своих идей.
4. It is irresponsible of parents to let their children watch films showing violence. — Безответственно со стороны родителей позволять детям смотреть фильмы, демонстрирующие насилие.
5. Many people found the background music of the play to be very irritating and wanted it to stop. — Многие считают фоновую музыку во время пьесы раздражающей и хотят, чтобы она прекратилась.
6. The main character in the novel is a likeable girl called Kate, who is always friendly to the people she meets. — Главная героиня романа — располагающая к себе девушка по имени Кейт, она всегда дружелюбна к людям, с которыми встречается.
7. A film director must be hardworking, because sometimes it takes all day to shoot one scene. — Режиссер фильма должен быть трудолюбивым, поскольку иногда для съемки одной сцены требуется целый день.
8. Mark is a very talented artist; it seems he was born with the gift to paint. — Марк очень талантливый художник; кажется, что он был рожден с даром к рисованию.

2. Circle the odd word out. — Обведите лишнее в ряду слово.


1. lawyer — director — author — playwright — юрист — режиссер — автор — драматург
2. action — folk — comedy — thriller — боевик — фолк — комедия — триллер
3. tune — melody — composer — song — мелодия, напев — мелодия, музыкальная тема — композитор — песня
4. dull — creative — unimaginative — boring — тупой — креативный — обыденный — скучный
5. merchant — trader — moneylender — photographer — торговец — участник торгов — ростовщик, кредитор — фотограф

3. Fill in: disagree, compositions, turn up, geniuses, artistic, leading. — Вставьте слова: disagree, compositions, turn up, geniuses, artistic, leading


1) Turn up your radio for the latest album by 2) leading rock group Radiohead! In Rainbows marks the band’s change to a more 3) artistic style of music with many songs sounding more like classical 4) compositions than rock tunes. After this album few would 5) disagree that Radiohead are 6) geniuses of the music industry.

Сделайте свое радио погромче, чтобы услышать последний альбом ведущей рок-группы Radiohead! В альбоме «In Rainbows» можно увидеть переход группы к более художественному стилю музыки со многими песнями, звучащими больше как классические композиции, чем рок-мелодии. После этого альбома мало кто будет спорить, что Radiohead — гении музыкальной индустрии.

4. Fill in the crossword using the words that complete the sentences. The first letter of each word is given. — Решите кроссворд, используя слова, которые вы вставите в предложения. Первые буквы каждого слова уже даны.


Across — По горизонтали

2) Some people believe a replica of the Mona Lisa hangs in the Louvre while they keep the original in a safer place. — Некоторые люди считают, что в Лувре висит копия картины «Мона Лиза», а оригинал хранят в более безопасном месте.
4) In The Merchant of Venice, Portia uses a disguise to make it appear she is a young lawyer. — В «Венецианском купце» Порция маскируется под молодого юриста.
6) The battle of good versus evil has been a popular theme in films for decades. — Битва добра со злом была популярной темой фильмов на протяжении десятилетий.
7) The author didn’t write under his real name because he wanted to hide his identity. — Автор не писал под своим настоящим именем, потому что хотел скрыть свою личность.
8) The main themes of the novel are love and destiny. — Основные темы романа — любовь и судьба.

Down — По вертикали

1) They assured the artist her paintings would fetch a high price at the art exhibition. — Они заверили художницу, что ее картины будут дорого стоить на художественной выставке.
3) The story is about an heiress who gets a beautiful castle when her father dies. — История о наследнице, которая после смерти отца получает прекрасный замок.
5) Many of Charles Dickens’s novels reflect the difficult lives of poor families in 19th century England. — Многие романы Чарльза Диккенса отражают тяжелую жизнь бедных семей в Англии XIX века. 


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    «Дидактический материал к учебнику “Spotlight”, 9 класс»

    (комплекс лексикограмматических упражнений)


    Притыченко З.Л.,

    учитель английского языка

    Горловской ОШ IIII ступеней №12

    с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов

    Card 1 (Module 1, Unit 1a)

    1. In each line underline one word that doesn‘t belong to the group.

    a) to celebrate, a fireworks display, an animal shelter, a colourful parade;

    b) household chores, to dress up, a carnival, a change of clothes;

    c) a cooking contest, enter the competition, to take place, a space station;

    d) a carnival, a nightmare, pancakes, a big bonfire.

    2. Look at the pictures and names of the festivals. Match the name of the

    fest with the picture.

    1. Celebration of Light, Vancouver, BC;

    2. March of the Scarecrows, Belgium;

    3. Maslenitsa, Russia;

    4. Splatfest, Spain;

    5. International Shellfish Festival, Prince Edward Island.

    3. Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below.

    Bright, cooking contest, raise money, change of clothes, competition, street

    parade, fireworks display

    1) Over the years, this organization has … for local charities.

    2) Why don’t you take part in this …? I’m sure you will be a winner!

    3) All the girls were excited to see Disney princesses at that colourful….

    4) Lots of festivals have …

    5) I think you should take a spare … on your camping trip.

    6) I believe that it’s a … idea to enter the…

    4. What is wrong with these sentences? Find and correct the mistakes.

    1) March of the Scarecrows is a huge food fight that has been a strong

    tradition in Valencia since around 1945.

    2) There is always a big bonfire at the end of Maslenitsa carnival week to

    say hello to summer.

    3) The night sky burst with colour when a cooking contest began.

    4) All the festival-goers eat tomatoes for Maslenitsa.

    5) You need raise money for local charity if you take part in Splatfest.

    6) Every year on 6


    October, the central market square of Brussels becomes

    full of people made of sand.

    Card 2 (Module 1, Unit 1b)

    1. Unscramble the words given in bold print.

    1) Itusrnipetos is a belief in things or events that bring good or bad luck

    that has no scientific explanation.

    2) Seeing a wonboiar when it isn’t raining is very good luck.

    3) If a dilabyrd lands on your hand it is good luck.

    4) Killing a disper is bad luck.

    5) Seeing a hosonitg star is very good luck.

    6) Some people believe that walking under a dalerd is bad luck.

    2. Complete the superstitions below filling in the gap with an appropriate


    1. Giving knives or things that cut _____a wedding present is considered a bad






    2. Walking _____ a ladder is considered to be a bad luck.





    3. Get out of the bed _____ the same side that you get in to avoid bad luck.





    4. It’s a good luck to toss a pinch of salt _____one shoulder.





    5. It is good luck if a ladybird lands ____ your hand.





    3. Match two parts of an expression and complete the sentences using these


    1. load a) star

    2. lucky b) clover

    3. shooting c) of rubbish

    4. old wivesʾ d) charm

    5. believe in e) superstitions

    6. four leaf f) a mirror

    7. break g) tales

    1) Do you _________________? Yes, I think that superstitions are an

    important part of our life!

    2) Do you know that walking under the ladder is bad luck? I think you should

    pay less attention to _______________.

    3) If you see a ______________ it is very good luck.

    4) I found a _______________ and later I found 10£ in the street.

    5) To __________________ means 7 years’ bad luck.

    6) I think that all the superstitions are _________________.

    7) I am quite superstitious and I never go anywhere without my ___________.

    Card 3 (Module 1, Unit 1c). Grammar

    Present Tenses

    1. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form

    of the verbs in brackets:

    1. She (run) because she’s late for her lesson.

    2. Our teacher always (give) us lots of homework.

    3. We (not want) to go to the street parade.

    4. What time (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?

    5. I (not work) today. I’m on holiday.

    6. People (speak) English in Jamaica.

    7. Archie (not use) his computer at the moment.

    8. (Tony / live) near the park?

    2. Complete the sentences below by putting the verb in brackets into the

    present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.

    1. I (paint) this room for five days now. It’s a never-ending job.

    2. How long (you/know) Mike?

    3. I (have) this watch for twenty years. It’s as accurate as it was the day I bought it.

    4. I (never/be) to Sweden.

    5. How long (you/live) in this house?

    6. Hi, John. Sorry I’m late. I hope you (not/wait) long.

    7. So, Michael, what (you/do) since I last saw you?

    8. It (rain) all day today.

    9. This strategy seems to be good. Sales of our products (increase) for some time.

    10. This manager (visit) our branch office three time so far this year.

    3. Choose the correct present form:

    1. What’s that noise? Jason …(have) a birthday party.

    a) have had b) is having c) has

    2. More and more people … (go) to university these days.

    a) are going b) go c) have gone

    3. Who …. (use) my MP3 player? — I have.

    a) uses b) is using c) has used

    4. David and Mary …. (go) out together now for nearly five years.

    a) have gone b) go c) have been going

    5. Kate (not finish) painting the flowers yet.

    a) has not finished b) doesn’t finish c) isn’t finishing

    6. Den … (look) for his pen-knife at the moment.

    a) has looked b) is looking c) looks

    7. Nick … (play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

    a) plays b) is playing c) has been playing

    8. Are you going to the concert on Saturday night? Yes. Actually, I….

    (already/buy) the tickets.

    a) have already bought b) buy c) have been already buying

    Adverbs of Frequency

    4. Put the following adverbs of frequency in the correct order from the most

    often to the least often (1-6):

    5. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb of frequency in brackets in

    its correct position.

    1. They go to the museums (often)

    2. She listens to classical music (rarely)

    3. He reads the newspaper (sometimes)

    4. Sarah smiles (never)

    5. She complains about her husband (always)

    6. He feels terribly (often)

    7. She helps her daughter with her homework (never)

    8. I eat meat (seldom).

    Relative clauses

    6. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate relative pronoun.

    1. This is the shop ____ was awarded as the best shop in the city.

    2. The girl ____ brother go with me to the gym is a good singer.

    3. The man ____ broke into our house was caught in two days.

    4. She visits her grandmother ____ lives in countryside every summer.

    5. She was wearing a dress ___ looked like princess’.

    6. The bookshelf ____ we bought last week has broken down.

    7. The man ___ was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter.

    8. A woman ____ son was crying paid no attention to him.

    9. The woman ____ car had broken down on her way home spend 3 hours waiting

    for help.

    10. My best friend ____ I know for years will never let me down.

    Card 4 (Module 1, Unit 1d)

    1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

    1. blow out candles a) планировать вечеринку

    2. decorate a tree b) произносить тост

    3. eat a special meal c) серпантин

    4. flower arrangement d) задувать свечи

    5. exchange gifts e) фотографировать

    6. make a toast f) цветочная композиция

    7. plan a party g) съесть праздничное блюдо

    8. streamer h) украсить дерево

    9. take pictures i) обмениваться подарками

    2. Look at the pictures and write what idiom with “cake” is hidden. Match

    the picture with idiom. Fill in the gaps using the idioms

    A. the idiom is _____________

    B. the idiom is _____________

    C. the idiom is _____________

    D. the idiom is _____________

    1) Her new book is selling _______.

    2) And the ring is just the ____________.

    3) That job was a ______________. It was the easiest thing that I ever did.

    4) You want to spend your money and still have it. You can’t have your cake

    and eat it too!

    3. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:

    sing a carol, wear a mask, blow out candles, decorate a tree, take pictures, pull a cracker,

    exchange gifts, wedding reception

    1. My mother’s voice is really charming. She always _____________ during our

    family holidays.

    2. Their ____________________ was so great. The bride was so tender in her

    long white dress.

    3. We have a strong tradition to _________________ in our family for Christmas.

    We have a lot of hand-made decorations.

    4. You have to __________________ on the top of the birthday cake.

    5. Welcome to today’s Christmas cracker programme! Your task is to

    ______________ with your partner.

    6. Everyone should ________________ on this bright Carnival.

    7. Can we ________________ of our today’s party? I want to show them to my

    relatives from France.

    8. Bob and Sue always _________________ with each other on Christmas Eve.

    Card 5 (Module 1, Units 1e-1f)

    1. Complete the crossword:

    1. To put up … (украшать)

    2. … hands (взяться за руки)

    3. … biscuit (песочное печенье)

    4. Собирать(ся)

    5. Праздничный

    6. Майское дерево (столб, украшенный цветами и лентами)

    7. Колокольный звон

    8. Поощрять

    9. Обман, хитрость, шутка

    10. out old things ыбрасывать старые вещи)

    11. Толпа людей

    2. Match the following words with their antonyms.

    1. throw out old things a) casual

    2. festive b) plan meeting

    3. to fool d) reduce

    4. allow e) keep things

    5. trick f) truth

    6. increase g) take seriously

    7. bump into h) forbid

    3. Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in


    1) It is so (annoy) to communicate with fool people.

    2) I feel (exhaust) after such a long working day.

    3) It was a really (bore) party. No one liked it.

    4) He feels (surprise) at how fast autumn comes.

    5) Imagine how (excite) it would be to visit Splatfest.

    6) She is an (amaze) person. She always tries to do her best in everything.

    7) I always feel (embarrass) when people try to play tricks on me.

    4. Fill in: off, back, down, up, into.

    1. When I heard my favourite song on the radio I turned it ___ loud and danced

    around my apartment.

    2. I asked this girl out for a date and she turned me _____.

    3. Will you turn ____ the TV? Dad is sleeping.

    4. The old dress was turned ____ a skirt.

    5. It was beginning to rain, therefore we decided to turn _____.

    Card 6 (Module 1, Culture Corner&PSHE)

    1. Divide the words given below into those referring to Pow-Wow celebration

    in India and those referring to Remembrance Day in the UK

    Colours and musical rhythms, red poppy, memorial services, tribe,

    commemoration, handicraft, wreath, trader, jewellery, battlefield, cross, charm


    2. Match the words with their definitions:

    a) variety of types of work where useful and

    decorative objects are made completely by hand

    b) plant that has bright red or orange flowers

    c) an arrangement of leaves or flowers in the

    shape of a circle that is worn or placed as a sign

    of honor or victory

    d) a person who buys, sells, or exchanges goods

    e) something that is done

    to remember officially and give respect to a

    great person or event

    f) small decorative items worn for

    personal adornment, such

    as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings,

    and bracelets.

    h) people united by ties of descent from a

    common ancestor

    3. Choose the correct word:

    1. The Indian trader’s/tribe’s market is a great attraction for people coming to

    the Pow-Wow celebration.

    2. The poppy/chamomile is a symbol of Remembrance Day.

    3. Street parades/memorial services take place all over Britain on the second

    Sunday in November.

    4. Indian artists display their traditional wreaths/handicrafts.

    5. The 11


    November is a commemoration/celebration day in Britain.

    6. Beautifully designed bouquets of roses/charm bags are some of the items

    on sale at the market.

    4. Complete the table of nouns and verbs which can be used to talk about

    Pow-Wow celebration in India and Remembrance Day in the UK.

    Card 7 (Module 2, Unit 2a)

    1. Match the following English words and expressions with their Russian


    1) basement a) подъездная дорога

    2) block of flats b) крыша

    3) attic c) антенна

    4) porch d) тропинка, дорожка

    5) roof e) сарай

    6) shed f) многоэтажный дом

    7) stable g) чердак

    8) driveway h) конюшня

    9) path j) подвал

    10) aerial k) крыльцо

    2. Match two parts of a word expression:

    3. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.

    1. Some buildings have a basement room where things are stored and it is called

    ________ .

    a) attic b) cellar c) pantry

    2. An entrance to a building that has a separate roof is called ___________ .

    a) study b) cottage c) porch

    3. The part of a building that is entirely or partly below the ground is called


    a) roof b) basement c) attic

    4. A small, single-storied house, especially in the country is called ____________ .

    a) detached b) cottage c) block of flats

    5. An area or town located at the edge of an urban city is called ____________.

    a) space station b) city centre c) suburb

    4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    Я не люблю протирать мебель от пыли, но делаю это два раза в неделю.

    Мама научила меня заправлять кровать, когда я был ребенком.

    Мне кажется, что взрослым проще поддерживать комнату в чистоте, чем


    Гладить белье и мыть тарелки – это не для меня.

    Моя бабушка не любит пылесосить пол, ей кажется, что пол лучше


    Card 8 (Module 2, Unit 2b)

    1. Match two parts of an expression and complete the sentences using these


    1. drive sb a) sb’s nerves

    2. have b) the phone

    3. get on c) money

    4. make it d) without asking

    5. take things e) a point

    6. get off f) crazy

    7. pocket g) up to sb

    1. I run out of _________, so I’m not going to the cinema with you tonight.

    2. I can’t stand when people take things __________ .

    3. Playing loud music drives ____________.

    4. My sister never ____________ the phone. I don’t like it at all.

    5. I should admit that you have ____________ here. I have to change my mind.

    6. It seems to me that you should make ___________. You are such a great


    7. You get _____________ when you leave the kitchen in such a mess!

    2. Look at the pictures and write what idiom with home” is hidden. Match

    the picture with idiom. Fill in the gaps using the idioms

    A. the idiom is _____________

    B. the idiom is _____________

    C. the idiom is _____________

    D. the idiom is _____________

    1) I feel ____________ here. It’s a wonderful place.

    2) Is it dangerous? No, It’s ____________.

    3) We are really close friends. We ______________.

    4) It is great that we’ve solved this problem! Yes, we are ___________ now!

    Card 9 (Module 2, Unit 2c) Grammar

    Infinitive/ing forms

    1. Complete the table:

    Verb +infinitive/-ing


    Begin, continue, decide, hate, like, agree, love, expect, admit, advise, deny,

    manage, fancy, imagine, refuse.

    2. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer.

    1. We go ___ every week.

    A. swim B. to swim C. swimming

    2. He dreams of ___ an actor.

    A. become B. to become C. becoming

    3. It’s not easy ___ good friends.

    A. find B. to find C. finding

    4. He wanted ___ a new computer game.

    A. buy B. to buy C. buying

    5. My mum is afraid of ___.

    A. fly B. to fly C. flying

    3. Write the correct form of the verb (infinitive with/without to or gerund).

    2. — My friends encouraged me _____________ (apply) for this job.

    3. I didn’t mean ____________ (hurt) your feelings.

    4. — I must apologize for _____________ (be) rude.

    5. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate _____________ (call) me.

    6. Don’t you dare ____________ (talk) to me like that!


    4. Choose the right form:

    1) She can`t be a model. She isn`t slim ____________________(enough, too).

    2) They don`t like lard. They think it is __________________ fat to eat (enough,


    3) This car is very speedy but I am not sure he is professional _______________to

    drive it (enough, too).

    4) It is warm _____________outside (enough, too). So, don`t put your hat on.

    5) Do they have ________________money to buy this flat? (enough, too).

    6) Mum cooked ___________________food to feed all the guests (enough, too).

    7) I need to move this fridge closer to the window but I am not strong

    ___________________(enough, too) to do it.

    8) The room is _______________small for three of us (enough, too).

    9) This young man is tall ___________________(enough, too) to play basketball.

    Card 10 (Module 2, Unit 2d)

    1. Complete the crossword:

    1. A big market where you can buy everything you need.

    2. You go there if you want a new hairdo.

    3. You can buy a packet of painkillers, pills, medicine there.

    4. You go there if you want to buy some fruits, vegetables.

    5. If you need a loaf of bread, rolls, long loaf you go there.

    6. If you need some cash you go there.

    7. You can go there with your guests for a special occasion.

    8. If you want to buy some pork or beef you go there.

    9. You can buy a magazine, a newspaper, a greeting card there.

    10. Place where all the neighbours live.

    11. You can have a lunch with your friend there.

    2. Match the activities with the places where you can do them.

    1. Buy some apples and oranges

    2. Buy a magazine, a newspaper, a

    greeting card

    4. You are not satisfied with your


    5. You ‘ve got a headache.

    6. You need to buy some bread for dinner

    7. You want to cook a roast beef.

    8. You’ve got a big shopping list.

    3. Find the opposites for the next adjectives. Write down 5 sentences using

    these adjectives.








    Stupid —

    Card 11 (Module 2, Units 2e-2f)

    1. Form nouns from the adjectives given below using suffixes. Complete the

    sentences with these nouns.

    Important, arrogant, active, secret, urgent, secure, kind, quiet

    1. Physical ______ is very important to stay healthy.

    2. My neighbor is full of __________. He believes he is never wrong.

    3. I miss the ___________ of the countryside.

    4. We have installed a ____________ system at out cottage.

    5. There is no __________ to do it right now.

    6. Thank you for your ____________ and hospitality.

    7. We all should understand the _____________ of such activities.

    2. Match the meaning with the phrasal verb.

    c. cosmetics (put on), complete

    something missed, invent,


    e. head in a specific direction

    3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb.

    1. He made ____ pretty well after switching jobs.

    2. I had to make _____ my home work again as I made some mistakes.

    3. How do you make ____ for being late to your own wedding?

    4. Scott made ___ the refrigerator as soon as he walked through the door.

    5. It took the clown 10 minutes to make ____ his face.

    Card 12 (Module 3, Unit 3a)

    1. In each line underline one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

    a) hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

    b) sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

    c) mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

    d) humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

    2. Read definitions of some words and decide which word is defined.

    1. When you see something or someone,

    especially that is rare or trying to hide.

    2. A small area of the sea or other violent

    water in which there is a powerful circular

    current of water which can pull objects

    down into its centre.

    3. A sea animal with a long body and ten

    arms situated around the mouth.

    5. An animal like a large monkey which has

    no tail and uses its arms to swing through


    3. Complete the sentences using the words from the table in ex. 2:

    1. This is the first _____________ of this particularly rare bird in this


    2. I’m scared of _____________ thunderstorms.

    3. Chimpanzees and gorillas are both _____________.

    4. ______________ are very dangerous: they make the object drown.

    5. ______________ are members of the Cephalopoda class.

    4. Sort the characteristics of three creatures given below in the columns:

    Huge eyes, giant tentacles, a long tail, a snakelike head, two-legged, a humped

    back, long arms, a short neck, sharp hooks, a hairy body

    Card 13 (Module 3, Unit 3b)

    1. given in bold print:

    1) I had a terrible meihngtal last night. I shake like a leaf.

    2) Nightmares are just our subconscious inmd trying to deal with our stress.

    3) That’s a great feirle for me to know that it was just a dream.

    4) I had a mread that my teeth were falling out. It was awful.

    5) I don’t believe that dreams have any neamisng.

    2. Choose the correct word:

    1. It is impossible to remember/shake all the dreams.

    2. What was your night/nightmare about?

    3. Nightmares are just our subconscious/horrifying mind trying to deal with

    our stress.

    4. I woke up shaking/trembling like a leaf and with my heart pounding.

    5. I think someone got out of the back/wrong side of the bed this morning.

    6. I had a wonderful/horrible nightmare last night.

    3. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:

    Chase, confused, deal with, fail, get out of the wrong side of the bed, nightmares,

    relief, to shake like a leaf, subconscious, under stress

    1. How often do you have__________ .

    2. Today I _______________ because I was scared by my nightmare.

    3. I see you _________________. What’s wrong with your mood?

    4. Nightmares are our ____________ mind trying to deal with our stress.

    5. You are often ___________, so, it’s not surprising that you often see


    6. It was a great __________ for me to know that it was just a dream and not a

    real event.

    7. I don’t think you will __________ your exam only because you had a


    8. I often see a dream where scaring monsters ____________ after me.

    9. I think you should _____________ your problems, your nightmares will

    disappear then.

    10. In my dream I couldn’t answer any question at the exam and I was really

    __________ .

    Card 14 (Module 3, Unit 3c). Grammar

    1. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the

    verbs in brackets:

    1) This time last week I (lie) on the beach.

    2) I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm (go) off.

    3) When the teacher (arrive) all the students stood up.

    4) He (see) the accident while he was walking to work.

    5) The phone rang while we (have) dinner.

    6) When the phone rang, I (get) up to answer it.

    2. Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past perfect continuous form

    of the verbs in brackets:

    1. Peter was Sally‘s best friend. She (know) him all her life.

    2. The children were wet because they (play) football in the rain.

    3. We were very hungry because we (not / eat).

    4. I was delighted when I found my keys. I (look) for them for hours.

    5. She was exhausted because she (work) since eight o’clock that morning.

    6. Everything was white because it (snow).

    7. The passengers were cross because the airline (lose) everyone’s bags.

    8. I (not / see) Jacob for several years, but I recognized him immediately.

    3. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).

    1. The removal van __________(arrive) before they_____________(finish)


    2. Before they ___________(move) to this town, they _________(live) in Chicago.

    3. After the kids ___________(eat) their lunch, they __________(take) a little nap.

    4. After school we always _________(meet) at the youth club.

    5. Soon after sunrise we __________(cycle) to an observation point that I______

    never ______(hear) of before.

    6. When I _________(come) home, my mother ______ already

    _________(prepare) dinner.

    7. When Monica ___________(finish) her homework, she ____________(go) out

    to play with her friends.

    8. When we ____________(meet) Andrew, we ____________(tell) him about our


    4. Complete the sentences with used to/would.

    1. When I was little, I (hate) olives.

    2. Paul _____________ (not/behave) like this before we were married.

    3. My granddad _______ (do) a lot of extreme sports when he was younger.

    4. ___________ (you/go) skiing in winter when you were a child?

    5. I ___________ (not/go out) as much as I d now.

    6. Where ________ (your family/live) before Word War II?

    Card 15 (Module 3, Unit 3d-3e)

    1. Choose the correct words:

    1. People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical


    2. Jack’s car was so shiny that he could see his own shadow/reflection in it.

    3. She’s got a vivid fantasy/imagination and always comes up with nice


    4. Seeing is a(n) easy/complicated process.

    5. Optical fantasies/illusions can teach us many important lessons about


    6. Patrick has a brilliant mind/head he wants to become a brain/head


    2. Complete the sentences with an appropriate modal verb:

    1. They _______be out. They aren’t answering the phone.

    2. Helen ________ be at secondary school. She’s only eight.

    3. Jack ________be on holiday. I haven’t seen him for a week.

    4. Oliver hasn’t called. He _________have my number.

    5. They _________be rich — they‘ve got three houses!

    6. She _________be awake yet. It’s only seven o’clock.

    3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

    1. Они, должно быть, видят оптическую иллюзию.

    2. Он может быть на фотовыставке.

    3. Не может быть, чтобы эта картина была такой дорогой.

    4. Мои родители, должно быть, пошли на художественную выставку.

    5. Не может быть, чтобы это полотно было таким старым.

    6. Мы может быть примем участие в этом конкурсе.

    Card 16 (Module 3, Unit 3а — Across the Curriculum)

    1. Form compound adjectives using the words below:

    Five, good, old, nice, well, deep

    1. I had a nightmare about a …-headed monster.

    2. My niece is a very …-looking young lady.

    3. Your topic is …-done!

    4. The Kraken was a -sea monster from a legend.

    5. I find your views are …-fashioned. You should be more modern.

    Phrasal verb come

    2. Fill in up with, across, over, down with, out.

    1. She ______ a great proposal for the new advertising campaign.

    2. It is so pity that he _______ the flu.

    3. Why don’t you ____________to our place one evening?

    4. When does Tom’s new book ___________?

    5. Julie _________ some photographs of her grandparents in the attic.

    3. Unscramble the words and do the crossword.

    1. tivewpion

    2. hsaep

    3. yrela

    4. nilgeretc

    5. redycnil

    6. buce

    7. quaser

    8. gelnairt


    Module 4 Technology … (pp. 57-72)

    Card 17

    I. Match the words in the two columns. Then, use the phrases to

    complete the sentences.

    1. I need a robot that can ….. , because one of my chores is to keep

    the garden tidy.

    2. There are many gadgets and machines on the market that already

    ….. , but scientists promise that future robots will satisfy even

    more of our demands.

    3. Robots in factories are there to ….. that are dangerous or difficult

    for humans.

    4. Floors in homes will never be dirty again once there are robots to

    ….. !

    5. Should we trust robots to take on

    jobs where humans could ….. if

    they make a mistake.

    6. Do you think that robotic doctors

    will ever ….. ?

    Card 18

    1. Match the words with their definitions.

    1. The tool you use to type words onto

    the computer.

    2. The program that checks your


    3. Talking to other users by typing or

    using headphones.

    4. The most popular internet search


    5. What you use to click things on the


    6. What is another word for computer


    7. Any physical part of a computer.

    8. The object on your screen that lets

    you point at things.

    10. A machine that lets you put paper

    documents onto your computer.

    11. A program that destroys your

    computer system.

    12. Any program on the computer.

    13. The object that your mouse sits on.

    2. a. Pair dictation. Work in pairs: student A says the

    definition, Student B writes the word. Then change over.

    b. Make up sentences with three of the words. Let your

    partner translate them into English.

    Card 19

    I. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.

    1. We (to do) the washing by 8 o’clock.

    2. Sam (to leave) by next week.

    3. She (to discuss) this with her father tonight.

    4. The police (to arrest) the driver by this time tomorrow.

    5. Sandra (to complete) the essay by next Monday.

    II. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect Simple or Future Perfect


    1. By 2018 we ______ (live) in Moscow for 12 years.

    2. He __________ (write) a book by the end of the week.

    3. He __________ (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock


    4. ______________ (finish, you) this project by the next week?

    5. ______________ (be, she) in Canada for 5 months this week.

    III. Choose the correct item.

    1. Save your files … something goes wrong with your computer.

    A so as B in order C in case

    2. I need a scanner … I can transfer these photos to my PC.

    A so that B in order C in order to

    3. Wendy went online … to find some information about her school


    A in order that B so as C so that

    4. Mary wants a laptop … to use her brother’s computer anymore.

    A so that not B in case not C so as not

    Card 20

    I. Match column A to column B to complete the idioms. Use them to

    make your own sentences.

    II. Underline the correct item.

    1. In 2007 the total number of Internet visitors/users in China reached

    210 million.

    2. Creating an email account/subscription is quick and simple.

    3. It’s easy to spend many hours browsing/looking up the web.

    4. Many parents think children should not have access/way to certain


    5. With a broadband connection/communication you get fast access.

    6. Soon we’ll be ble to connect every appliance to a global/whole


    III. Divide into two groups and

    discuss computers in our lives. Group A

    speaks about advantages and group B

    speaks about disadvantages. Say what you

    think about computers and their impact on

    our lives, how they have changed our way

    of life, communication and many other


    Card 21

    I. Circle the correct item.

    1. I’m very tired, I … bed early tonight.

    a) will go to

    b) go to

    c) am going to go to

    2. Don’t worry. I … late tomorrow morning!

    a) am not going to be

    b) am not

    c) will not be

    3. Now that he has the money he his

    own flat.

    a) is buying

    b) is going to buy

    c) buys

    4. My aerobics class … at 8 pm.

    a) is starting

    b) starts

    c) going to start

    5. The phone is ringing. I … it!

    a) am getting

    b) get

    c) will get

    II. Underline the appropriate time phrase and put the verbs in brackets

    into the correct tense.

    1. Don’t forget to turn off the lights after / before you (leave) the


    2. I … (vacuum) the carpets while / since you … (do) the ironing.

    3. By the time / As long as Sam (realize) his mistake, it (be) too


    4. He … (not / know) when / until she … (come) back.

    5. I … (call) you as soon as / until I … (arrive) home.

    6. I … (pay) you back the moment / while I … (get) paid.

    III. Read the letter and put the verbs in brackets into the correct future


    Dear Lillian,

    Hello! How is your life in Hawaii?

    I’m writing to you because I’m building a dog robot. I 1) …. (take) it to

    my teacher to help me finish it at the end of this week. By the time you

    read this, it 2) (perform) tasks for 5 days, which is 35 days in dog

    years! So far, it can bring items, but when I finish it, it 3) (learn)

    many other commands, such as feeding other dogs and chasing cats. I

    think you 4) (love) it.

    Write back soon with any suggestions.



    Card 22

    I. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap.

    1. Where ………………………….. this time in three days?

    a. will you have been

    b. will you be being

    c. will you be

    2. What ……………………………. this time tomorrow?

    a. will you have done

    b. will you be doing

    c. will you do

    3. I don’t think I …………………………… my dinner in time for the party.

    a. cook

    b. have cooked

    c. will have cooked

    4. Don’t call me in the evening because I

    ……………………. at a live show of Madonna.

    a. will be

    b. am being

    c. will have been

    5. Do you think he ……….………………….……… English

    in two years’ time?

    a. will study

    b. will have studied

    c. will be studying

    II. Complete the dialogue. Act it out.

    Kate: Just think, this time next week I (lie) _______________ on a tropical beach.

    Leo: While you (relax) on the beach, I (stressed out) ________________ over my

    project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I (work) ___________

    so hard? Kate: I (manage) ________________ somehow. Leo: You are terrible.

    Can’t you take me with you? Kate: No. But I (send) _______________ you a

    postcard of a beautiful white sand beach. Leo: Great! That (make)

    _______________ me feel much better!

    Module 5 Art and Literature … (pp.73-88)

    CARD 23

    I. Match the words with their definitions. Use the words to make your

    own sentences.

    something which is a very small

    copy of an object

    made or done by someone whose

    name is unknown or not made


    any activity that is considered to be

    damaging or destroying something

    that was good

    to make something by cutting into,

    especially wood or stone, or to cut

    into the surface of stone, wood, etc.

    II. Fill in the gaps with the words in the list to make collocations.

    Grains/ take/ private/ artistic/ anonymous/ miniature/ animal/ learning/

    add/ stay perfectly.

    1. ……. sculptures

    2. remain ……. .

    3. ……. a look

    4. ……. difficulties

    5. ……. behaviourist

    6. ……. still

    7. ……. creativity

    8. ……. value to

    9. ……. property

    10. ……. of rice

    III. Write the opposites to the following words.

    a) huge, unimportant, impatiently;

    b) excluded, inability;

    c) beautiful, responsible, public, worthless.

    Card 24

    I. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

    wrote/ drums/ composed/ play/ blow/ improvise/ conducted

    1. Don’t you think the Maestro _______________ the orchestra well?

    2. He beat the _____________ like a madman.

    3. John Lennon _____________ the lyrics to many of the Beatles best songs.

    4. The most famous opera _______________ by Mascagni was “Cavaleria

    Rusticana”. 5. Jazz musicians almost always ______________ their solos.

    6. Most professional musicians ______________ their instruments up to five

    hours a day.

    7. I can remember the time when former President of the United States

    Clinton appeared on MTV to ______________ his horn the saxophone.

    II. Match the verb in column A with the noun in column B.

    III. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about music

    Card 25

    I. Complete the sentences using comparative or superlative degree of

    comparison of adjectives.

    a. My father is heavy. My uncle is much ______________ than my father.

    b. The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was ______________.

    c. Sochi is sunny. Do you know the _____________ place in Russia?

    d. Sten is a successful sportsman. His sister is __________ than Sten.

    e. My mother has a soft voice. But my teacher’s voice is __________ than my


    II. Use “as…as” or “not as…as” in the sentences below.

    a. Today it’s ________________ yesterday. (not/ windy)

    b. This copy is ________________ the other one. (bad)

    c. Simon is ____________ Fred. (not/ tall)

    d. Grapefruit juice is ________________ lemonade. (not/


    e. Silver is _________________ gold. (not/ heavy)

    III. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

    very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

    a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

    b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

    c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

    d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

    e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!

    CARD 26

    I. Mark the adjectives P (positive) or N (negative).

    1. shallow …

    2. likeable …

    3. intelligent …

    4. hardworking …

    5. irresponsible …

    6. talented …

    7. creative …

    8. irritating

    II. Circle the odd word out.

    1. lawyer director author playwright

    2. action folk comedy thriller

    3. tune melody composer song

    4. dull creative unimaginative boring

    5. merchant trader moneylender photographer

    III. What’s the English for:

    Остаться неизвестным, трудности в обучении, частная

    собственность, раскрашивать чернобелые картинки, проектировать

    дом, написать портрет известного скульптора, второй куплет песни,

    напевать популярный мотив, фильм с трюками и спецэффектами,

    иметь кассовый успех, быть в центре внимания, расхлебывать кашу,

    случайно встретить друга.

    IV. Choose the correct words, then check in a dictionary.

    1. The book is set / situated in Tudor times.

    2. Matthew Fox plays / stars the lead role in “Lost”.

    3. My sister takes /makes photographs for a living.

    4. I’m going to a dance presentation / performance at the theatre


    5. The Mona Lisa is the most famous art exhibit / exhibition in the


    V. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-,

    mis-, under- and the verbs in capitals.

    Card 27

    I. Choose the correct answer.

    1. Pete is … helpful person of all.

    a) less

    b) little

    c) the least

    2. The more you exercise, the … you’ll become.

    a) fit

    b) fitter

    c) fittest

    3. Emma is not as … her sister.

    a) funny as

    b) funnier than

    c) funny

    4. This T-shirt is … cheaper than the blue one.

    a) much

    b) very

    c) lot

    5. As Ivan grew up, he got taller and … .

    a) the tallest

    b) taller

    c) tall

    6. Tom is … older than his brother.

    a) slightly

    b) little

    c) by far

    II. Cross out the unnecessary word.

    1. The armchair is not as more comfortable as the sofa.

    2. The more harder you work, the more successful you become.

    3. Mark is very much faster than his brother.

    4. My new laptop is by far better than my old one.

    5. Sue’s husband is much more older than her.

    6. As I went on reading the book, it got less and less exciting.

    III. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective / adverb in


    1. A: This pink skirt really suits you

    B: Yes and it was … (cheap) than I had expected.

    2. A: Could you speak a bit … (slowly), please?

    B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry.

    3. A: Do you like the cake? I made it myself.

    B: Yes. That’s by far … (good) cake I’ve ever had.

    4. A: Is your new flat in the city centre?

    B: Yes and it’s also … (close) to the tube station.

    5. A: I really appreciate your help.

    B: Don’t mention it. If you need any(far) help, just call


    Module 6 — Town & Community … (pp. 89-104)

    Card 28

    I. Match the words in the two columns. Then use them in their correct

    form to complete the sentences.

    1. We should all … with projects that will help improve our community.

    2. Henry’s grown up on a farm, so he knows very well what it’s like to …


    3. When the doctor told her that her puppy was going to be fine, she … .

    4. Instead of … your friends all the time, why don’t you do something more


    5. I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was the … for


    6. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it … .

    II. Underline the correct item.

    1. We found the puppy abandoned/neglected on the side of a


    2. Our teacher has asked us to donate /report any books or toys we

    don’t need to the local children’s hospital.

    3. Do you think you could spare a couple/plenty of hours each week to

    take Mrs Doe’s dog for a walk?

    4. If a person cannot look after a pet extremely/propely, they should not

    be allowed to own one.

    5. The local council is asking for volunteers to plant/feed trees in the

    city square.

    6. You can support/encourage charities like the Red Cross by

    volunteering or donating money.

    III. Fill in: staff, foster, remove, answer, rescue, worthwhite,


    1. It took the fire fighter a lot of time to … the koala from the burning


    2. Helping people or animals in need is certainly … cause.

    3. After the animals recover, they are placed in … homes where

    they’re loved and looked after.

    4. This charity aims at helping … the recent earthquake disaster.

    5. It is against the law to … endangered species from their natural


    6. The … members at the animal clinic are very helpful and willing

    to teach you how tolook after your pet.

    7. The local community centre is asking for a volunteer to … phone

    calls and help in the organization of various events.

    Card 29

    I. Match the words/phrases in column A to their descriptions in

    column B.

    a. Path used only by people

    riding bikes

    b. circular construction whee

    roads meet

    c. sets of lights that controls

    the movement of cars, buses,

    etc. on the road

    d. place on the road marked

    with black and white stripes,

    where cars stop to allow

    people to cross the road.

    e. path by either side of a road

    for people to walk on.

    II. Choose the correct response.

    1. A: How do you get to the supermarket from here?

    B: a Go past the chemist’s and take the first turn on the left.

    b I hope you enjoy your stay here.

    2. A: How often does the bus to the library run?

    B: a Take the No. 10 bus.

    b About every fifteen minutes.

    3. A: Where is the nearest bank?

    B: a I’m not sure. I’m not from


    b You’ll have to take the train.

    4. A: What’s the best way to get to

    the train station?

    B: a Take No. 8 bus from the corner.

    b Yes, turn left at the corner.

    5. A: Where is the town hall?

    B: a There’s one just around the corner.

    b It’s to the left, right across the bookshop.

    6. A: Is the City Theatre far from here?

    B: a Sure, what are you looking for?

    b Just a ten-minute walk away.

    Card 30

    I. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

    • We don’t add any harmful ingredients to our products.

    • ____________________________________________

    • The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces.

    • ____________________________________________

    • The police have just arrested him on suspicion of cruelty to animals.

    • ____________________________________________

    • They are going to open a new supermarket next week.

    • ____________________________________________

    • They publish a lot of books on IT.

    • _____________________________________

    II. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

    • This report ________________ (produce) at the request of the board.

    • Twenty hotel managers _______________ (interview) for the purpose of

    the report yesterday.

    • The job _____________ (finish) by tonight.

    • The meeting ___________ (change) to Thursday.

    • The beans ____________ (separate) from the shells.

    • He ___________ (give) some money by Jane yesterday.

    III. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.

    1. A decision to strike was taken

    2. This church was designed

    c. by a hunter with a rifle.

    d. by some of the workers.

    6. His trousers were completely


    7. The house was surrounded

    g. by her rude behaviour.

    8. Her bedroom wall was covered

    h. by a priest in a tiny little


    i. with posters of her favourite


    IV. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the

    underlined words the subject.

    • They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

    • The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

    • One of his aunts taught him maths.

    • They will pay the workers $50 every day.

    • They offered her a good job.

    V. Complete the sentences using the causative form.

    • Why don’t you go and _______________ (eyes; test)?

    • I’ve just ________________ (my hair; cut).

    • We need _____________________ (central heating; install).

    • I’m glad you like our living room! We’ve

    _______________________ (just; redecorate).

    • You should go and ______________ (that tooth; fill).

    Card 31

    I. a) Use the words below to complete the exchanges.

    single / parcel / form / overdue / account / return / scales / class

    1. A: I’d like to open a(n) … , please.

    B: Certainly. Could you please fill out this … ?

    2. A: I’d like to send this … to Rome, please.

    B: OK. Please can you put it on the … ?

    3. A: One first … ticket to Liverpool, please.

    B: … or return?

    4. A: I’d like to … these books.

    B: Unfortunately, they are four days … . That’s £ 2 please.

    b) Decide in which of the places (A_D) each exchange is taking


    A Post Office

    B Library

    C Bank

    D Airport

    1 ….. 2 ….. 3 ….. 4 …..

    II. Use the following idioms in their correct forms to complete the


    do it oneself/make oneself clear/help oneself/by oneself/make oneself


    1. There’s plenty of food in the fridge ….. to whatever you want.

    2. Class, please quiten down! I shouldn’t have to shout to ……

    3. I think Ben will need help fixing the car, I am not sure he can ….

    4. Let me try to explain this again. I didn’t ……. .

    5. Sam’s not going on holiday with anyone. He’s going ….. .

    III. Choose the correct answer.

    1. Katie told her friends to make … at home.

    a) ourselves

    b) themselves

    c) herself

    2. He doesn’t look … today. Is he alright?

    a) yourself

    b) his self

    c) himself

    3. The house … was nice, but the area was horrible.

    a) the self

    b) himself

    c) itself

    4. Alex, did you choose myn present … ?

    a) yourself

    b) itself

    c) myself

    5. She did it all by … .

    a) yourself

    b) itself

    c) herself

    6. Girls, if you want some more food, help … .

    7. a) themselves

    b) yourselves

    c) ourselves

    Card 32

    I. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in

    their correct form to complete the sentences.

    a. make sure sb is doing what

    they are supposed to.

    b. mark an item on a list

    c. make sure sb/stn is OK

    d. say you arrived at a hotel

    e. try/visit to the first time

    f. pay the bill and leave a hotel

    1. After you , someone will help you carry your luggage to your


    2. Alice always her children to make sure they are sleeping safely

    before she goes to bed herself.

    3. Laura … the items on her shopping list as she went around the


    4. Would you like to … the new amusement arcade this weekend?

    5. Peter was asked to return his room key when he … the hotel.

    6. Every now and then my parents go to my school to … how I’m doing.

    II. Underline the correct word.

    Bill: Excuse me, could you give me directions to the tram / 1) stop /

    station, please?

    Ann: Certainly. Go down this 2) pedestrian / walking street and turn left

    at a 3) sign / signal that says “Charing Cross”.

    Bill: OK is it far from here?

    Ann: Around 50 metres. The station is just past the 4) community /

    society centre. You will probably see a 5) queue / line of people outside

    the ticket office.

    Bill: Thanks for your help.

    III. What’s the English for:

    отвечать на телефонные звонки, разразиться слезами, помогать

    очищать лес, приемник для животных, кадровый состав, переходить

    улицу по “зебре”, общественные службы, открыть счет в банке,

    снять деньги, сообщить о пожаре, отправить посылку,

    зарегистрироваться в отеле, выехать из отеля, встретиться с мэром,

    запретить движение транспорта в центре города.

    IV. Fill in the correct reflexive / emphatic pronoun.

    1. I hope you like the cake; I made it … .

    2. The sculptor was very pleased with …. After the success of his


    3. Mum burnt … on the oven while preparing dinner.

    4. My parents really enjoyed … at the theatrical performance.

    5. How do you know John won the contest? Did he tell you so … ?

    6. Don’t worry, if we need anything we’ll help … .

    7. The clay … doesn’t cost much, but the potter’s wheel is expensive.

    Module 7a

    Card 33

    Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the following words:

    enclosed , irrational, teasing, triggered, screaming, lift.

    1. I wish you’d stop ______ Jack about his fear of needles.

    2. I have a fear of ______ Spaces so I avoid flying as much as possible.

    3. I realise my fear of birds is completely _____ , but I can’t seen a to get over it.

    4. Even just thinking about going in a(n) ______ makes Katie sweat.

    5. Many people with a fear of dogs remember a childhood incident which they

    believe _____ this fear.

    6. Emma started _____ loudly when the lights went out and the room was left in

    completed darkness.

    Ex. 2 Underline the correct item.

    1. It took Scott a long time to melt/fight his fear of the dark.

    2. George’s worst fear went/came true when he was bitten by a dog.

    3. Don’t you think it’s about time for you to face/activate your fear of


    4. As soon as Nathan entered the dentist’s office, his heart started pumping/

    beating faster.

    5. Joy and and anger are two tiny/basic human emotions.

    Ex. 3 Fill in: human, fight, public, shake, beats, scream, nervous, come.

    Then make sentences with the phrases.

    1. _____ loudly

    2. _____ like a leaf

    3. _____ emotion

    4. _____ system

    5. _____ our fears

    6. heart _____ faster

    7. _____ places

    Module 7a

    Card 34

    Ex.1 Match the idioms in column A to the correct emotion in column B. Then

    use them in the correct from to complete the sentences.

    A 1. Butterflies in one’s stomach B. a. jealousy

    2. a long face b. pleasure/happiness

    3. over the moon c. anger

    4. go bring red d. nervousness

    5. green with envy e. embarrassment

    6. through the roof f. sadness

    Ex.2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with

    envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

    1. Samantha had ____ before the first performance of the play.

    2. Olga was ____ when she saw the ghost.

    3. Julia went ____ when her teacher told her off for talking.

    4. Liam was ____ when he saw Jack’s new car – he wanted one too!

    5. Susan has got a very ____ today. I think she’s still upset about failing the


    6. Antony was ____ when he found out that he had won the competition.

    7. David went ____ when he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player

    without asking.

    Module 7b

    Card 35

    Ex.1 Fill in: coastguard, mountain rescue, false call, line, unconscious.

    1. А: What did you do when Tom fell while rock climbing?

    В: We immediately called the ________. We didn’t want to move him and

    cause more damage.

    2. A: Oh, sorry, I dialed the wrong number.

    B: Please, be careful next time. You can get into a lot of trouble for making

    a(n) ______.

    3. А: How did you get back to the shore safely after your boat sank?

    B: The _______ came and got us.

    4. А: What happened to Ted ?

    B: He was knocked _______ after he hit his head and was taken to the


    5. А: Hello. I need an ambulance to come to my house, please.

    В: Please, hold the _______. I’ll put you through to Emergency Services.

    Ex. 2 Match the correct response to the statement.

    A 1.Fire department. How can I help you? В а.Yes, that’s right.

    2. Is your address 184 Mulberry Road? b. The hospital called. Mike

    3.There’s been an accident at the Town Hall. was in an accident

    Please, send help. с.Sorry, dialled the wrong

    4. What service do you require? number.

    5. What’s the matter? Where are you rushing d. Stay on the line, please, help

    to? is on the way.

    e. The coastguard, please.

    Module 7с

    Card 36

    Ex. 1 Fill in: if or unless.

    1 ______ you leave now, you’ll be late for work.

    2.______ I am not busy in the afternoon, I’ll call you.

    3.______ you book your tickets in advance, you won’t get to see the concert.

    4.______ I wake up early on Saturday, I’ll go shopping.

    5._______ you water the flowers regularly, they won’t grow.

    Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    1. А: I wish Tom ____ (come) to your party.

    В: Yes. We would have had a great time.

    2. А: I really miss my brother. If only he_____ (be) here.

    В: Why don’t you visit him?

    3. А: If only people _____ (drive) more carefully.

    B: Yes. Then there would be fewer accidents.

    4. А: I wish I _____ (not/ be) so rude to Ruth this morning.

    В: I know. I think you should apologise.

    Module 7с

    Card 37

    Ex.1 Use the verbs in the list in the correct tense to complete the sentences.

    Throw, not/act, lock, not/eat, continue, visit, not/be, sit.

    1. If she ______ immediately, the fire would have spread throughout the whole


    2. If he ______ so many sweets, he would not have to visit the dentist so often!

    3. If you ______ afraid of heights, I’d take you on a helicopter ride with me.

    4. If James ______ driving so carelessly, he will have an accident.

    5. Their park would be tidier if everybody ______ their rubbish in the bins.

    6. If we ______ Italy next year, we’ll go on a tour of all the important historical


    7. If he ______ the window , the thief would not have got in.

    8. You get sunburn when you ______ out in the sun too long.

    Ex. 2 Use if or unless to make sentences.

    А: 1. People/ enjoy their jobs В: a not pass the exams

    2. it/ not rain/ tomorrow b have an accident

    3. he/ study hard c be late for school

    4. you/drive more carefully d buy me some aspirin? red and white e go on a picnic

    6. you/ go to the chemist’s f work better

    7. I/see Jane g give her your message

    8. you/ hurry h get pink

    Module 8a

    Card 38

    Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the following words:

    enclosed , irrational, teasing, triggered, screaming, lift.

    1. I wish you’d stop ______ Jack about his fear of needles.

    2. I have a fear of ______ Spaces so I avoid flying as much as possible.

    3. I realise my fear of birds is completely _____ , but I can’t seen a to get over it.

    4. Even just thinking about going in a(n) ______ makes Katie sweat.

    5. Many people with a fear of dogs remember a childhood incident which they

    believe _____ this fear.

    6. Emma started _____ loudly when the lights went out and the room was left in

    completed darkness.

    Ex. 2 Underline the correct item.

    6. It took Scott a long time to melt/fight his fear of the dark.

    7. George’s worst fear went/came true when he was bitten by a dog.

    8. Don’t you think it’s about time for you to face/activate your fear of


    9. As soon as Nathan entered the dentist’s office, his heart started pumping/

    beating faster.

    10. Joy and and anger are two tiny/basic human emotions.

    Ex. 3 Fill in: human, fight, public, shake, beats, scream, nervous, come.

    Then make sentences with the phrases.

    8. _____ loudly

    9. _____ like a leaf

    10. _____ emotion

    11. _____ system

    12. _____ our fears

    13. heart _____ faster

    14. _____ places

    Module 8a

    Card 39

    Ex.1 Match the idioms in column A to the correct emotion in column B. Then

    use them in the correct from to complete the sentences.

    A 1. Butterflies in one’s stomach B. a. jealousy

    2. a long face b. pleasure/happiness

    3. over the moon c. anger

    4. go bring red d. nervousness

    5. green with envy e. embarrassment

    6. through the roof f. sadness

    Ex.2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with

    envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

    8. Samantha had ____ before the first performance of the play.

    9. Olga was ____ when she saw the ghost.

    10. Julia went ____ when her teacher told her off for talking.

    11. Liam was ____ when he saw Jack’s new car – he wanted one too!

    12. Susan has got a very ____ today. I think she’s still upset about failing the


    13. Antony was ____ when he found out that he had won the competition.

    14. David went ____ when he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player

    without asking.

    Module 8b

    Card 40

    Ex.1 Fill in: coastguard, mountain rescue, false call, line, unconscious.

    6. А: What did you do when Tom fell while rock climbing?

    В: We immediately called the ________. We didn’t want to move him and

    cause more damage.

    7. A: Oh, sorry, I dialled the wrong number.

    B: Please, be careful next time. You can get into a lot of trouble for making

    a(n) ______.

    8. А: How did you get back to the shore safely after your boat sank?

    B: The _______ came and got us.

    9. А: What happened to Ted ?

    B: He was knocked _______ after he hit his head and was taken to the


    10. А: Hello. I need an ambulance to come to my house, please.

    В: Please, hold the _______. I’ll put you through to Emergency Services.

    Ex. 2 Match the correct response to the statement.

    A 1.Fire department. How can I help you? В а.Yes, that’s right.

    2. Is your address 184 Mulberry Road? b. The hospital called. Mike

    3.There’s been an accident at the Town Hall. was in an accident

    Please, send help. с.Sorry, dialled the wrong

    4. What service do you require? number.

    5. What’s the matter? Where are you rushing d. Stay on the line, please, help

    to? is on the way.

    e. The coastguard, please.

    Module 8с

    Card 41

    Ex. 1 Fill in: if or unless.

    1 ______ you leave now, you’ll be late for work.

    2.______ I am not busy in the afternoon, I’ll call you.

    3.______ you book your tickets in advance, you won’t get to see the concert.

    4.______ I wake up early on Saturday, I’ll go shopping.

    5._______ you water the flowers regularly, they won’t grow.

    Ex. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    5. А: I wish Tom ____ (come) to your party.

    В: Yes. We would have had a great time.

    6. А: I really miss my brother. If only he_____ (be) here.

    В: Why don’t you visit him?

    7. А: If only people _____ (drive) more carefully.

    B: Yes. Then there would be fewer accidents.

    8. А: I wish I _____ (not/ be) so rude to Ruth this morning.

    В: I know. I think you should apologise.

    Module 8с

    Card 42

    Ex.1 Use the verbs in the list in the correct tense to complete the sentences.

    Throw, not/act, lock, not/eat, continue, visit, not/be, sit.

    1. If she ______ immediately, the fire would have spread throughout the whole


    2. If he ______ so many sweets, he would not have to visit the dentist so often!

    3. If you ______ afraid of heights, I’d take you on a helicopter ride with me.

    4. If James ______ driving so carelessly, he will have an accident.

    5. Their park would be tidier if everybody ______ their rubbish in the bins.

    6. If we ______ Italy next year, we’ll go on a tour of all the important historical


    7. If he ______ the window , the thief would not have got in.

    8. You get sunburn when you ______ out in the sun too long.

    Ex. 2 Use if or unless to make sentences.

    А: 1. People/ enjoy their jobs В: a not pass the exams

    2. it/ not rain/ tomorrow b have an accident

    3. he/ study hard c be late for school

    4. you/drive more carefully d buy me some aspirin? red and white e go on a picnic

    6. you/ go to the chemist’s f work better

    7. I/see Jane g give her your message

    8. you/ hurry h get pink

    Module 8d

    Сard 43

    Ex.1 Fill in: staring, treat, nutritious, home made, dessert, roast, tasty,

    thirsty, snacks, slice.

    1. Mmmm! This soup is very______.

    2. Can I have glass of water I’m quite ________.

    3. Would you like a _____ of chocolate cake for _______?

    4. Fruit and vegetables are very________. They are full of vitamins.

    5. I always eat out. I miss eating_____ food.

    6. Let’s out at a restaurant tonight. It’s my ______.

    7. Crisps and pop corn are popular children’s _______.

    8. What’s for dinner? I’m ______.

    9. I will have the _____ beef with steamed vegetable.

    Ex.2 Make sentence as in the example

    1. Anne is busy today. We can’t go shopping together.

    I wish Anna weren’t busy today.

    2. I lent Diana my favourite earrings. She lost them.

    3. I lied to my best friend. He is upset with me now.

    4. I did’nt bring my umbrella with me. I’m soaking wet now.

    5. My flatmate always makes a lot of noise. I can’t study.

    6. I touched the frying pan yesterday. I burnt my.

    Module 8f

    Card 44

    Ex.1 Fill in: back, out of, up with, on, off .

    1. Please keep the dog _______ the kitchen it’s not hygienic to have him in

    there.( prevent from entering)

    2. Keep _____! The burning building is about to collapse! (don’t go near)

    3. Martha and Kate kept _______ whispering, even after I had told them to stop.


    4. Judy was finding it very difficult to keep______ her schoolwork. ( stay on


    5. The sign says “keep______ the grass”. (don’t walk on)

    Ex. 2 Choose the correct words. Check in the Word List. Make sentences with

    the other words.

    1. My brother has a poor/weak/low diet. All he eats is bread and potatoes.

    2. “Don’t harm/damage/ruin the spider, Frank. Just put it outside.’

    3. We should all improve our eating customs/habits/manners.

    4. John leads/passes/spends a very busy life.

    Задания составлены по материалам сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий по английскому языку для 6-7 класса. Improve your language skills. — M.: «Интеллект-Центр», 2007. — 96 с. Автор: Хотунцева Е.А. и предназначены для учащихся 6-7 классов школ разного типа, учителей английс­кого языка и родителей, а также могут быть использованы в процессе организации повторения и промежуточного контроля изученного материала на уроках английского языка и индивиду­альных занятиях с учащимися.

    Exercise 1. Cross the odd word out.

    1. I’ve got only much little money left, so I can’t buy that jacket.

    2. Was the film as more exciting as the book?

    3. He is travelling to Manchester by the train.

    4. This is the shop whose its alarm went off last night.

    5. Is this a your briefcase or his?

    Exercise 2. Cross the odd word out.

    1. Could I have some an ice cubes in my drink, please?

    2. A brown bear is more bigger than a koala bear.

    3. The Rome is the capital of Italy.

    4. This is not my coat, mine one is hanging behind the door.

    5. The news are was so shocking!

    Exercise 3. Cross the odd word out.

    1. Give me some more little milk, please.

    2; The Cooks are being looking for a new house at the moment.

    1. When was the last time you have visited your parents?

    2. You mustn’t to walk too close to the edge of the cliff.

    3. Tom is more, heavier than Bill.

    Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.

    1. He is much more taller than his father.

    2. Did anybody man break into your house last night?

    3. The fog is been very thick, I can’t see anything.

    4. There is not much the milk left in the fridge.

    5. Nobody phoned yesterday. Nobody came also either.

    Exercise 5. Cross out the unnecessary word.

    1. Becky is as much clever as Stella.

    2. There was no one people left at the party by 2 o’clock.

    3. Let me give you some an advice.

    4. How much the flour shall I buy?

    5. — I’ve got an idea! — Me also too.

    Exercise 6. Cross out the unnecessary word.

    1. Why is are the clothes so wet?

    2. He has read that book last month.

    3. He was hungry so that he made a sandwich

    4. The man for whom that he works is German.

    5. She told to me a wonderful story.

    Exercise 7. Cross out the unnecessary word.

    1. That’s the woman whose her house burnt down.

    2. May I give you a good advice? Spend more time in the open air.

    3. This car is not mine car. It’s Peter’s.

    4. I have read this book last summer.

    5. I usually go to school on the foot.

    Exercise 8. Cross the odd word out.

    1. They never work on at the weekend.

    2. Is this dress as more beautiful as the blue one?

    1. The Browns are being traveling around Europe now

    2. Can you buy a some cat food when you go to the shops, please?

    3. The fog is very thick. I can’t to see anything.

    Exercise 9. Cross the odd word out.

    1. What do you do in on Sunday afternoons?

    2. Today it is as more cold as yesterday.

    3. He is being traveling to Manchester by train now.

    4. Can I have a some ticket for the car park, please?

    5. I must to feed the dog now, it is hungry.

    Exercise 10. Cross the odd word out.

    1. Where did Sally go on at Friday night?

    2. My sister Kate is as older than her friend Maria.

    3. You mustn’t to make that silly mistake again!

    4. There aren’t the any lemons, but there is some ice cream.

    5. I’ve got the a new mobile phone.

    Exercise 11. Cross the odd word out.

    1. This is a their house. They designed it themselves.

    2. I couldn’t to find my bag nowhere.

    1. We stayed at the bad worst hotel in the whole city.

    2. Now 1 make fewer mistakes in English than the last year.

    3. It was midnight and there it were few people in the streets.

    Exercise 12. Cross the odd word out.

    1. My parents are never go out.

    2. Could you pass to me this plate?

    3. Her hair looks better than yours hair.

    4. — Have you got many things? — No, just one the small bag.

    5. In this country February is the most coldest month of the year.

    Exercise 13. Cross the odd word out.

    1. She didn’t say a no thing.

    2. Come here and look on at these photos.

    3. Hannah have left home three years ago.

    4. I’ve stopped reading newspapers. The news is are always bad.

    5. In 1970s, the Beatles were being the richest musicians in the world.

    Exercise 14. Cross the odd word out.

    1. These flowers are mine. Don’t to touch them!

    2. I like to ski in winter very good much.

    3. There were was a lot of interesting news on TV yesterday.

    1. This car isn’t as fast than as that one.

    2. I’ll get you a drink if you will like.

    Exercise l5. Cross the odd word out.

    1. I have received a letter from her an hour ago.

    1. Is he still at the same school yet?

    2. I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you now. I have had to help my mother.

    3. It is been raining. I think I’ll take my coat.

    4. If I will go to Spain, I will stay at his aunt’s.

    Keys to the tests.

    Exercise 1.

    1. much 2. more 3. the 4. its 5. a

    Exercise 2.

    1. little 2. more 3. the 4. one 5. are

    Exercise 3.

    1. little 2. being 3. have 4. to 5. more

    Exercise 4.

    1. more 2. man 3. been 4. the 5. also

    Exercise 5.

    1. much 2. people 3. an 4. the 5. also

    Exercise 6.

    1. is 2. has 3. that 4. that 5. to

    Exercise 7.

    1. her 2. a 3. car 4. have 5. the

    Exercise 8.

    1. on 2. more 3. being 4. a 5. to

    Exercise 9.

    1. in 2. more 3. Being 4. some 5. to

    Exercise 10. 2. as 3. to 4. the 5. the

    Exercise 11.

    1.a 3.bad 4.the

    Exercise 12.

    1. are 2. to 3. hair. 4. the 5. most

    Exercise 13.


    1. a 2. on 3. have 4. arc 5. being

    Exercise 14.

    1. to 2. good 3. Were 4.than 5. will

    Exercise 15.

    1. have 2. yet 3. had 4. been 5. will

    Английский язык,

    вопрос задал katya27278,

    8 месяцев назад

    Ответы на вопрос

    Ответил elftl


    2) donning room
    4) bathroom
    6) desk

    Ответил tatpetr1985


    1) mirror
    2) garden
    3) chair
    4) bathroom
    5) bookcase
    6) desk

    Предыдущий вопрос

    Следующий вопрос

    Новые вопросы

    7 месяцев назад

    докажите, что является чётной функция f(x)
    3)f(x)=ctg5x/x³-4x — cos3x…

    7 месяцев назад

    12умножить 5/7 умножить7/6​…

    Английский язык,
    8 месяцев назад

    помогите по английскому языку срочно!​

    8 месяцев назад

    Помогите плииз!!!Дам 30 баллов​…

    6 лет назад

    Найдите углы равнобедренного треугольника,если градусные меры угла при основании и угла при вершине относятся как 2:5…

    6 лет назад

    выразите время в секундах: 2ч. 30мин. 15с. ПЛИИИИЗЗЗЗ!!!!!!!!!


    Cross the odd word out.
    1. wardrobe- bed- sink- chair.
    2. fridge- book- table — cooker
    3. sofa — washbasin — toilet — bath.
    4. armchair — carpet — coffee table — garden.
    5. kitchen — bathroom — bedroom — garage.


    Светило науки — 1412 ответов — 13473 помощи

    1. wardrobe- bed- sink (не предмет мебели)— chair.
    2. fridge- book (не относится к кухне)- table — cooker
    3. sofa (не относится к ванной)- washbasin — toilet — bath.
    4. armchair — carpet — coffee table — garden( не предмет мебели).
    5. kitchen — bathroom — bedroom — garage (не одна из комнат в доме/квартире).

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