Cross the odd word bake bread cucumbers potatoes beans

1. Choose the correct word STEAM/MASH/FRY

2. Cross the odd word

Bake: bread, cucumbers, potatoes, beans.

Fry: fish, meat, eggs, watermelon.

Pickle: onions, rice, tomatoes,

Grill: vegetables, fish, pasta,

Roast: duck, chicken, potatoes, strawberries.

Steam: sausage, broccoli, buns,

Boil: pasta, rice, butter,

3. Put in the missing words

steamed, side, demand, fresh, menu,
advance, starter, Cash, order, sauce, credit

Hello, can I bring something for you?

Can I see the ________, please.

Here you are. Let me know when you are ready to ________.

Can I have a shrimp salad for the ________?

Sorry, Miss. We’ve just run out of shrimps. They are in great________ today.

Oh, what about fish? Is the salmon ________?

Yes, and what would you like on the ________?

Just some ________ vegetables.

Any ________ for you?

No, thank you. And I’d like to pay in ________.

Cash or ________ card, Miss?


I’ll be right back.

the correct answers

Are you worried about the
Maths test tomorrow?—Not a little bit. It’s going to be a piece of cake/butter/bread.

I don’t like horror
films. It’s not my cup of milk/tea/coffee.

Don’t worry about the
broken vase. Let’s not cry over spilt water/juice/milk.

Did you know that Anna’s
dad has got a Ferrari?!—I doubt that. You should take everything she says with
a teaspoon/pinch/gramm of salt.

We are preparing a
surprise party for Nick. Please, don’t spill the beans/oil/soda for him!

ОГЭ. Лексика:
Addiction to Shopping

Read the text.
Change the forms of the given words to make a grammatically correct text

Nowadays addiction to shopping is a big
problem, especially among teenagers. Today you are able to find plenty of
_______ (expense)and quite affordable things even for a teenager with little
pocket money. But does it make any _______ (differ) to society or environment
if you are in fashionable jeans or not? Lots of people are really obsessed with
the impression they create. They even need somebody’s _______ (assist) to
understand which things are _______ (value) and which are absolutely _______ (use).
So, be _______ (response) when going shopping.


Cross the odd word out.

1 bath – sink – washbasin – mirror

2 dining room – garden – kitchen – hall

3 desk – coffee table – chair – table

4 bed – bathroom – wardrobe – carpet

5 computer – bookcase – digital camera – television

6 fridge – cooker – desk – table

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Слайд 1Веб-квест для урока английского языка 7 класс
Тема: еда

Веб-квест для урока английского языка 7 класс  Тема: еда

Слайд 3Exercise 2 Cross the odd word out
apple, apricot, grapes, kiwi,

juice, water, banana, milk, cola
cabbage, melon, onion, tomato, radish
add, bake, cook, garlic, cut
potato, fry, tomato, pea, pepper
tea, lemon, fig, pineapple, avocado
coke, cocktail, beer, grill, wine
beet, pumpkin, spinach, drill, cherry
grind , currant, heat, mince, pour, roast
gooseberry, raspberry, stir, strawberry

Exercise 2 Cross the odd word out apple, apricot, grapes, kiwi, carrot juice, water, banana, milk, colacabbage,

Слайд 4Exercise 3 Find 15 names of fruits

Exercise 3 Find 15 names of fruits

Слайд 5Exercise 4 Find 15 names of vegetables

Exercise 4 Find 15 names of vegetables

Слайд 6Exercise 5 Put letters in the correct order


Exercise 5  Put letters in the correct order(drinks) jgiuareepcjorcaeiegnujaupceleipjigruaecpeetaefcofeearwtkilmIewnereb

Слайд 7Exercise 5 Match verbs with their definitions
to bake
to boil

to chop
to cut
to fry
to grate
to grease
to melt
to peel

to cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables.
to cut meat into slices.
to take the skin off of fruits or vegetables.
to cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil.
to separate or divide by using a knife.
to cook in an oven by using heat.
to heat water until little bubbles form.
to divide into small parts by rubbing on a serrated surface, usually used with cheese
to coat with oil or butter.
to make something become liquid through heating.

Exercise 5 Match verbs with their definitions to baketo boil to carveto chop to cut to fry

Слайд 8Links


Слайд 9Results
Exercise 1-1 points for each correct answer =10 points

2-1 point for each correct answer =10 points
Exercise 3-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 4-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 5-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Exercise 6-2 points for each correct answer =20 points
Maximum 100 points

Results Exercise 1-1 points for each correct answer =10 points Exercise 2-1 point for each correct answer

Слайд 10Answers
Ex. 1 bread, banana, carrot, mushroom, tomato, apple, juice, milk,

chocolate, cucumber
Ex. 2 1) carrot 2) banana 3)melon 4) garlic 5) fry 6) tea 7) grill 8) cherry 9) currant 10) stir
Ex.3 apple, apricot, pear, plum, orange, grapes, kiwi, mango, banana, lime, tangerine, persimmon, avocado, melon, watermelon
Ex. 4 aubergine, beans, peas, tomato, potato, carrot, onion, garlic, cucumber, pepper, beet, radish, dill, celery
Ex. 5 1) grape juice 2) orange juice 3) apple juice 4) grape juice 5) tea 6) coffee 7) water 8) milk 9) wine 10) beer
Ex. 6 1)f 2)g 3)b 4)a 5)e 6)d 7)h 8)i 9)j 10) c

Answers Ex. 1 bread, banana, carrot, mushroom, tomato, apple, juice, milk, chocolate, cucumber Ex. 2 1) carrot


Put the verb under the action.

To boil

To peel

To fry

To mix


Match the adverbs to the nouns.

Use of English

Put the title for each column.

Easy salad

10 min, 15 min


3 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 1 onion, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1/3 tbsp salt and pepper

Slice tomatoes and cucumbers. Put sliced vegetables in a bowl. Add olive oil, salt and pepper and mix all the ingredients.





Preparations and cooking


Make the following sentences imperative.

  1. You dice the 2-3 potatoes. –

    2-3 potatoes.

  2. You go down the street and then you turn left. –

    down the street and then


  3. Would you be so kind to open the window? –

    the window, please.


Read a recipe and answer the questions.

How many eggs do you need?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 5

What way should you cook the omlette?

  • Bake
  • Boil
  • Fry

How many people is it for?

  • 2
  • 4
  • 6

Use of English

Do you like cocktails? Put the actions in the correct order.

Put the bananas and the milk in a blender and blend the ingredients.

Pour the mixture into a glass.

Add some sugar or 2 tablespoons of syrup, blend the mixture again.

Enjoy the cocktail.

Take 3 bananas and a glass of milk.


Cross the odd word out.

  1. Fry, bake, chop, fruit, dice, mix
  2. Apples, roast, tomatoes, jam, water
  3. Go, play, run, eat, milk


Listen to the speaker and put the words in the correct place.

the oven to 220C. In a bowl, flour, sugar, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, mix an apple, an egg, sugar and lemon juice. Add the mixture and mix all the ingredients well. Then and mix again. Put the mixture into a baking dish and .

stir together

add sliced apple and raisins

bake for 40 min

to the first bowl




Listen to the speaker and type the words.


Mark the imperative sentences.

Don’t tell them the recipe.

To see is to believe.

I want to bake a cake.

Stir flour, eggs and sugar.

Healthy food is good for us.

Do you know the answer?

Use of English

Choose the correct answer.

We always

a cake for my birthday.

some bread for lunch, please.

My mum is

eggs and I am

vegetables for a salad.


Complete the direction.

The words you may need:

To dip – окунать

To dredge – посыпать.

Dip the chicken pieces in the egg mixture.

Serve the nuggets hot and fresh.

Dredge the chicken pieces into the bowl of flour or the breadcrumb mixture again.

How to make nuggets.

Dip the chicken pieces in the bowl of flour.

Bake the chicken nuggets in a 220 C oven for 25 minutes.

Chop chicken breasts up into nugget-sized pieces.


Read the text and choose true, false or not stated.

The words you may need:

Leftover – остатки

A peer – ровесник

A sibling – родной брат или сестра.

Children should learn to cook.

It’s a basic life skill, after all, being comfortable enough in the kitchen to pull a few ingredients into a simple meal. It’s healthy — a hungry 13-year-old who can cook, home alone after school, may decide to stir-fry some leftover rice with whatever is in the fridge while his noncooking peer is looking for anything in the fridge that can be eaten straight out of the box or bag. Cooking is a source of pride for the children who can take care of themselves in this way, or feed a friend or sibling.

  1. Cooking is a basic life skill. T/F/NS
  2. A teenager who can cook eats healthier food. T/F/NS
  3. A teenager must cook for his/her parents when they get home from work. T/F/NS
  4. Cooking means that a teenager can take care of his/her brothers and sistersT/F/NS
  5. Teenagers shouldnt cook for their friends. T/F/NS

Which word is the odd one out


Beefburger salad chicken sausage


Grapes peas beans potatoes


Lemonade ketchup juice water


Cheese butter rice youghurt


Bread cookie biscuit soup


Gram kilo metre ton.

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