Cross out the wrong word and type the correct ones the train

Cross out the wrong words and type the correct ones.
1. The train arrive at 5 pm.
2. I is coming back in a week.
3. I think they will leave last Friday.
4. My parents are go to visit me soon.
5. We will probably buying that house.
6. My father is going changing his job.
7. The bus comes yesterday in the afternoon.
Срочно дам 60 баллов.

    • аноним


    1. Did you find your keys yesterday? — Yes, i did.

    2. Has Agata written a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.

    3. I have never been married.

    4. Where did you go last night?

    5. I haven’t seen Olivia for more than three months.

    6. Mary has lived in Moscow since 2011.

    7. Have you ever been to London?

    8. Last year i didn’t go to Moscow because i was ill.


    1. В начале не будет have, а будет did.

    2. После Agata wrote не правильно, written будет правильней.

    3. После i всегда используется have, ошибка has.

    4. После Where пишется did, а не do потому что этот вопрос задан в форме прошедшего времени.

    5. После haven’t всегда пишется seen, а не see.

    6. После Mary пишется has, a не have.

    7. В начале пишется Have, а не Did.

    8. После i будет didn’t, а не haven’t.

  • Cross the odd word out.

    Cross the odd word out?

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    Josh: Hey Annie, is that you? I thought you were away at university!

    Annie: Oh hi, Josh! Yeah, I am.


    Josh: Oh, OK! So how are you finding student life?

    Annie: Oh Josh, I absolutely love it!


    Josh: That’s so cool! What are you studying again?


    The lectures and seminars are really


    Josh: That’s good.


    Josh: I can imagine! It certainly wouldn’t be my cup of tea!


    So tell me, what are your plans?

    Josh: I’ve decided to become an electrician and I’ve started an apprenticeship. It’s going really well.


    That’s great!

    Josh: Yeah, thanks, I’m really happy. The course is practical but you learn plenty of theory, too. I miss all of you guys who have gone away to university, though.


    My flat mates won’t mind. They’re cool!

    Josh: Thanks, Annie! I might just do that!

    Гюзель Кольцоваученик (Английский язык)







    There’s a mistake in each line. Cross the wrong word out and type the correct one.



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