Cross out the word or phrase that is not correct

СРОЧНО! 22 балла!

Cross out the word or phrase that you cannot use with the words in bold.

1 get the sack/skills/a pay rise

2 beat/support/enter the other team

3 win a match/a race/a goal 4 make sense/goals/decisions

5 state/optional/compulsory subjects

6 get your best/injured/fit

7 pass/revise/fail an exam


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 Private schools in England are very expensive.
2 John’s really passionate ______football.

He wants to be a professional footballer.
3 I have no idea how to play cricket — the

______ are too complicated for me.

4 Gina’s studying to be a doctor but she hasn’t

chosen the area of medicine she wants to ______ in yet.

5 I think she earns quite a high _______in

her new job.

6.I _______playing chess a bit boring.

7 My uncle has a successful _______ as an actor, writer and director in theatre and television.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Tick ()
the correct sentence, a or b.

1 a There was much snow last

b There was some snow last
winter, but
not much.

2 a Is there any milk? I
can’t see one.

b Is there any milk? I can’t
see any.

3 a There’s some potatoes,
but only few.

b There are some potatoes, but
only a few.

4 a There are a lot of cars
parked in the street.

b There are lots cars parked
in the street.

5 a Is there much
unemployment in
your town?

b Is there much unemployed
people in
your town?

6 a Only a little people
believe his story.

b Only a few people believe
his story.

7 a How much homeworks do you

b How much homework do you

8 a There isn’t much rice
and there isn’t
any eggs.

b There isn’t much rice and
there aren’t
any eggs.

9 a How lovely! Somebody gave
you some

b How lovely! Anybody gave you

10 a I went anywhere
interesting for my holiday.

b I didn’t go anywhere
interesting for my

point for each correct answer


Exercise 7 Descriptions

Complete the conversations
with words from the box.

latest more as (x2) funniest funnier than
friendlier tastier like was
what the most nice

1 A I
started a new job today, working in an office.

B What
are the other people (1) like

A They’re
very (2) __________. They seem
(3) __________ than the people in
my old job, and the job is much (4) __________ interesting.

B You
worked in a shop before, didn’t you?

A Yes.
Working in an office is better (5) __________ working in a shop,
I’ll tell you! That was the (6) __________ job I’ve ever had. I
hated it.

2 C We
went out for a meal to Luigi’s last night – you know, that new
Italian restaurant.

D Mm,
I know. What (7) __________ it like?

C It
was (8) __________ best Italian meal I’ve ever had, and it wasn’t
as expensive (9) __________ Giovanni’s.

D Yes.
Giovanni’s used to be the (10) __________ popular restaurant around
here, but then it started getting very expensive.

C And
the service isn’t (11) __________ good as it was.

D What
did you have?

C Paul
and I both had veal, but mine was cooked in wine and herbs, and it
was (12) __________ than Paul’s. But his was nice, too.

3 E Have
you read John Harrison’s (13) __________ book, Going
Round the World

F No.
(14) __________’s it like?

think it’s the (15) __________ book he’s written. I laughed
out loud all the way through.

didn’t like The Truth and
the Light
, the one that came out last year.

E Neither
did I. This one’s much (16) __________ .

point for each correct answer


8 Words that go together

Cross out the word or phrase
that doesn’t go with the verb.

1 pay for
a meal / someone back /

2 get on
well with someone / out for a meal /
a takeaway pizza

3 turn music
and films / round / something off

4 look after
a baby / up a word / a football match

5 go out
with friends / gigs and clubs /
running every day

6 do nothing
/ your homework / a mistake

7 play for
clothes online / games on PlayStation /
the piano

8 take off
your jumper / a coffee / off late

9 speak a
language fluently / Spanish and French /
me the time

point for each correct answer


9 Vocabulary

Choose the correct words to
complete the sentences, a, b, or c.

1 Can you … me the time,

talk b say c tell

2 Thank you. That was a
really delicious … !

a diet b meal c food

3 What did you get … your

a for b from c at

4 How often do you … on

a go b send c chat to

5 It’s very icy so you must
drive … .

a fast b carefully c careful

6 She always gets up … at
the weekend.

a late b lately c loudly

7 We rang the firefighters
and they arrived … .

a already b immediately c

8 She’s quite … but she
doesn’t spend much on other people.

a expensive b generous c

9 You can’t say that he’s
polite. In fact, he’s really very … .

a rude b lazy c tidy

10 Would you like a … of

a loaf b packet c piece

11 They brought a lovely …
of wine to have with dinner.

a bottle b litre c can

12 Did it take you long to …
up Spanish?

a look b take c pick

13 Why did she fall … with
her best friend?

a out b off c on

point for each correct answer





University Press 2012

1) Can you speak French?
2) I can give you a hand tomorrow morning, if you like.
3) Ill be able to take my driving test after a few more lessons.
4) Jack could play the guitar before he learnt to talk!
5) If only I could afford to buy that top!
6) We could have gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead.
7) I could have got a more expensive computer, but it didnt seem worth it.
8)  I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow!
9) I bet youd love to be able to get satellite TV.
10) Youd better tell the coach if you cant play on Saturday.
1) Hello. Could / Can I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?
2) We could / were allowed to go home early yesterday because our teacher was ill.
3) The head teacher said we could / were allowed to/ go home.
4) Do you think I should / could be worried about these spots on my
5) You ought to / should enter that talent contest!
6) You couldn’t / shouldn’t talk to people like that! Its rude!
7) Alan should write / have written two essays in the exam yesterday,
not one!
8) No, you may / should not go out tonight. You know youre grounded!
9) Diana should have waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.
10) What were you doing in the park? You ought to have done / have been doing your homework then!

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