Cross out the word in each sentence where is


Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence.

  1. Where is /does Michael Schumacher come from?
  2. Kimi Raikkonen like /is fond of jogging.
  3. Kimi is /races for McLaren Mercedes.


Сhoose the right form of the verb.

Kimi Raikkonen.


a famous racing car driver.


to play ice-hockey and drive karts. Kimi is fond of


Match the sentence and the picture.

He is fond of ice-hockey.

He likes jogging.

He enjoys driving.


Divide all the answers into two groups:

The answers to the question «Who does he look like»?

The answers to the question «What does he look like»?

Who does he look like?

What does he look like

The detective is plump.

Adam looks like hid Dad.

Adam has a broad smile.

Mike looks like a real detective.

Нe looks like Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber is young and slim.


Match the sportsman and the personal information.

He has short fair hair. He was born on 3-rd, January, 1969.

His nickname is Iceman. He is fond of jogging and snowboarding.


Put the phrases in the correct order.

Host: Hello! Today the guest in our studio is a very famous racing car driver. What’s your name?


Host: What do you do, Kimi?


Host: What team do you race for?


Host:Where do you come from?


Host: What are your hobbies?


Host: Thank you, Kimi!

Thank you very much for coming!

I race for McLaren Mercedes.

I am fond of snowboarding, jogging and ice-hockey.

I am Finnish.

I am a racing car driver.

My name is Kimi Raikkonen.


Select and underline the right variant.

Ayrton Senna comes from

1)San Marino



Ayrton Senna was born….

1)On 21-st, March, 1960

2)On 21-st, May, 1990

3)On 21-st, March, 1980

He won the world championship….

1) two times

2) three times

3) four times


Let’s play! Find 5 hidden words related to the theme «Hot wheels»







Complete the questions with the right words.

  1. Where

    these sportsmen come from?

  2. team does Kimi Raikkonen race for?

  3. What

    this woman do?


Complete the sentences, using the fact file of the person.

Fact file






Racing Car Driver


3-rd, April,1987




Cycling, Mountain Biking, Motorsport, football


Red Bull

His full name

. This sportsman

German. Sebastian



football. He

Red Bull. He

3-rd, April, 1987.


Complete the fact file, using the text.


Shakira Ripoll was born on February 2, 1977, in Colombia. She was the only daughter of a rich jeweller and his wife. Shakira used to love attention and wished to find a way to get it. She sang a lot for her schoolmates and teachers. Also, she was keen on dancing in her childhood. It helped her to express herself and become famous in school. It’s interesting that no one had ever taught her to dance. Between the ages of ten and thirteen Shakira was invited to various dance events and became very popular in the area. One famous record company noticed her and signed a contract for three albums with that talented young singer. 

Fact File







February, 2, 1977







Match the halves of the sentences.

playing tennis as well as driving.

being the youngest successful racing car driver.


Listen to the dialogue and cross out the incorrect sentences.

  1. The girl works at the flower shop.
  2.  The girl is Chinese.
  3.  The girl likes spending her spare time in the garden.
  4. The girl likes buying flowers.


Find the words in a crossword puzzle, related to the fact file theme.

Пишите строчными буквами.


cross out one incorrect word in each sentence and type the correct one
They has just gone to school. — have
1 Have you find your keys yesterday? -Yes, I did.
2 Has Agata wrote a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.
3 I has never been married.
4 Where do you go last night?
5 I haven’t see Olivia for more than three months.
6 Mary have lived in Moscow since 2011.
7 Did you ever been to London?
8 Last year i haven’t go to Moscow because I was ill.


  • 1) to
  • 2) much
  • 3) the
  • 4) most
  • 5) for
  • 6) enough
  • 7) too
  • 8) it


1) Amanda said she might to go shopping tomorrow.

Конструкция smn might V используется без частицы to.

  • Верный вариант: Amanda said she might go shopping tomorrow.
  • Лишнее слово: to.

2) Jenny is as much old as Claire.

В конструкции as <…> as much не требуется.

  • Верный вариант: Jane is as old as Claire.
  • Лишнее слово: much.

3) My home town is much the quieter than the city where I live now.

Сравнительная степень прилагательных (Comparative form) строится без артикля the.

  • Верный вариант: My home town is much quieter than the city where I live now.
  • Лишнее слово: the.

4) Ben is the most cleverest student in the class.

Превосходная степень прилагательных (Superlative form) строится двумя способами в зависимости от количества слогов в слове:

  • 1) если в слове 1 слог либо 2 слога и окончание -y, к нему добавляется артикль the и окончание -est;
  • 2) если в слове слогов 2 (без окончания -y) и более, к прилагательному добавляется артикль the и слово most.

В слове clever два слога, окончание -y отсутствует => превосходная форма будет образовываться с помощью окончания -est => most — лишнее слово.

  • Верный вариант: Ben is the cleverest student in the class.
  • Лишнее слово: most.

5) Do you fancy for going to see that new Italian film at the Odeon tonight?

После глагола fancy предлоги не ставятся (конструкция to fancy Ving — to fancy going в данном случае).

  • Верный вариант: Do you fancy going to see that new Italian film at the Odeon tonight?
  • Лишнее слово: for.

6) I wanted to take the last bus home but I was too late enough.

Контекст подразумевает, что человек не успел на автобус, поскольку слишком опоздал. Следовательно, enough в предложении не требуется (enough — достаточно).

  • Верный вариант: I wanted to take the last bus home but I was too late.
  • Лишнее слово: enough.

7) She wasn’t too old enough to vote in the last election.

Контекст подразумевает, что она не была достаточно взрослой, чтобы голосовать. Следовательно, too в предложении не требуется (too — слишком).

  • Верный вариант: She wasn’t old enough to vote in the last election.
  • Лишнее слово: too.

8) The house was too small for us to rent it.

«Too small for us to rent» — it не требуется, поскольку эта характеристика относится к the house.

  • Верный вариант: The house was too small for us to rent.
  • Лишнее слово: it.

Find one incorrect word in each sentence, cross it out and type the correct one
Даю 25 баллов
1. Have you ever was to California?
2. I has never tried lasange
3. They have already finish their job
4. Did she studied philosophy at university?
5. Have you done your homework? Yes, I has.
6. Where have you go? Its very late.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

2 Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
1 ‘m not sure, but i might definitely stay in tonight
2 I’m sure that people won’t probably stop eating meat very easily
3 We’re not sure, but we might to get a fuel-efficient car
4 lexpect people will might travel to the Moon orie day
5 The hole in the ozone layer definitely on’t not get smaller if we keep producing polluting gases.
6 Pollution will to definitely increase if we don’t change our habits.
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