Cross out the unnecessary word marks voice is very much louder than alans

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Срочно пжжж, большая благодарочка будет!!!!
Cross out the unnecessary word.

1 Mark’s voice is very much louder than Alan’s.

2 Mrs Garrison is the most oldest teacher in the school.

3 This village is by far quieter than the one we live in.

4 Playing golf isn’t as more tiring as playing football.

5 As time went by, it got darker and the darker.

6 The more you study, the better than your marks will be.

7 This task is the less difficult than the others.

8 He drives the far fastest of all.

9 Jane is as much tall as Sarah.

10 It was a quite an exciting film.

1 ответ:





2.most,in the far


5.As went







1.Mark’s voice is much louder than Alan’s

2.Mrs. Harrison is the oldest teacher at school

3.Mrs. Harrison is the oldest teacher at school

4.Playing golf is not as tiring as playing football

5.It got darker and darker over time

6.The more you study, the better your grade will be.

7.This task is less difficult than others.

8.He drives the fastest of all

9.Jane is as tall as Sarah

10.It was a pretty exciting movie.

Читайте также

1. I want to tell you about…
2. To belate for classes
3. To prepare for classes

Буква a) and ))))))))))

I believe people in Russia usually decorate New Year trees for 5 days before the New Year.

1. It was 5 o’clock… 2. We were cooking dinner…. 3. We went to the stadium… 4. It was 7 o’clock… 5. They just decided to turn away… 6. We returned to the cinema…. 7. My brother said that it was the end of the game… 9. I was doing my homework…

счмсчисмсмчсмсммчсчммсч всм ⊂∫↑⊇

Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
студенческих работ !

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

Choose the correct letter a, b, с or d.
Have you ever зееп с) the Great Wall of China? ...

Choose the correct letter a, b, с or d.
Have you ever зееп с) the Great Wall of China?

Mark" voice is very much louder than Alan"s.
Ответ: very ...

Mark» voice is very much louder than Alan»s.
Ответ: very

Open the brackets and complete the sentences with infinitive, gerund or participle.
She couldn"t bear him _ thinking (think) about her that way.
Hav ...

Open the brackets and complete the sentences with infinitive, gerund or participle.
She couldn»t bear him _ thinking (think) about her that way.
Having worked (work) for the whole day, I felt tired.
This problem is too difficult to solve (solve) right away.
You seem to misunderstand (misunderstand) me.
Excuse me for giving (give) you so much trouble.
The publishers withdrew the offending paragraph from the book, and publicly regretted
(cause) anyone embarrassment.
The crying (cry) girl was hungry.
My friend insisted on раутд (pay).
The weather being (be) fine, they went for a walk.
They forgot to invite (invite) me.
having caused

Match а phrase to each picture.
It can"t be real
It could be dangerous
It must be a Picasso
She might be feeling ill
It must be fast
$ ...

Match а phrase to each picture.
It can»t be real
It could be dangerous
It must be a Picasso
She might be feeling ill
It must be fast

You have to tread quite a fine line between being accused, оп the one hand,
fof not making enough use of the writers you have been readi ...

You have to tread quite a fine line between being accused, оп the one hand,
fof not making enough use of the writers you have been reading on the course,
ind, on the other, of having followed them too slavishly, to the point of
роды them. One of your early tasks аз a student is to get а feel for how to
trike the right balance.
itext 1
«ou have to tread quite a fine line between being accused, on the one hand,
ОЕ not making enough use of the writers you have been reading on the course,
ind, on the other, of having followed them too slavishly, to the point of
родни them. One of your early tasks аз а student is to get a feel for how to
trike the right balance.
I Outright copying
text 2
hen you are writing you need to be careful to use the information you have
fread well. At one extreme you may be blamed for not making enough use of the
writers you have been reading on the course.While at the other extreme, you
ау be accused of having followed them too slavishly, to the point of plagiarisingI
ee Early on as a student you need to balance these two extremes.
Patchwork plagiarism
text 3
Мои must be careful of being blamed for not using the information you have read
п your course, and, in contrast, of having used the information too much so that
it looks like you have plagiarised. One of your first jobs as a student is to learn
ow to balance these two extremes
I Paraphrase plagiarism

Jacques Cousteau is famous for
Выберите один ответ:
a. studying his religion
_ b. film-making and educating the public
c. setting up the world rec ...

Jacques Cousteau is famous for
Выберите один ответ:
a. studying his religion
_ b. film-making and educating the public
c. setting up the world record

Often called an , Syd Barrett formed the supergroup Pink Floyd in 1965.
Выберите один ответ:
а. excessive genius
b. eccentric genius ...

Often called an , Syd Barrett formed the supergroup Pink Floyd in 1965.
Выберите один ответ:
а. excessive genius
b. eccentric genius

Шоцг саг had ¥ (have) our logo оп the side, it would be a cheap form of advertising. ...

Шоцг саг had ¥ (have) our logo оп the side, it would be a cheap form of advertising.

5. Brush your teeth. (to brush) ...

5. Brush your teeth. (to brush)

The doctor"s practice in Harley Street.
Выберите один ответ:
а. 5
b. is being ...

The doctor»s practice in Harley Street.
Выберите один ответ:
а. 5
b. is being

Read the text again and say whether the statements are true or false.
Then main purpose of the experiment described in the text is to gather realisti ...

Read the text again and say whether the statements are true or false.
Then main purpose of the experiment described in the text is to gather realistic data that can be used in computer simulations
of building fires.
Выберите один ответ:

What is one disadvantage of eco-tourism?
Выберите один ответ:
а. К has lots of people.
р. It causes more problems.
с. It"s in different parts of t ...

What is one disadvantage of eco-tourism?
Выберите один ответ:
а. К has lots of people.
р. It causes more problems.
с. It»s in different parts of the world.

In Japan Alex could not speak to other kids because he was very reserved and shy.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

In Japan Alex could not speak to other kids because he was very reserved and shy.
Выберите один ответ:

The game was cancelled due to $ ¥ the bad weather. ...

The game was cancelled due to $ ¥ the bad weather.

The first psychometric test was developed by Alfred Binet.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

The first psychometric test was developed by Alfred Binet.
Выберите один ответ:

Match the terms with their definitions.
an overflow structure constructed to bypass flood water and prevent overtopping the
dam crest. Often, dams h ...

Match the terms with their definitions.
an overflow structure constructed to bypass flood water and prevent overtopping the
dam crest. Often, dams have two spillways
a specific measurement of liquid pressure above a vertical datum
a depression in a channel or reservoir deep enough to reduce the velocity or
turbulence of the flow
water forming a physiographical feature, for example a sea or a reservoir
the prevailing pattern of water flow over a given time. More specifically, it refers to the
duration and timing of flooding resulting from surface water (overland flow),
precipitation, and ground water inflow
a barrier across the width of a river that alters the flow characteristics of water and
usually results in a change in the height of the river level. They are also used to control
the flow of water for outlets of lakes, ponds, and reservoirs
the attempt to make land suitable for building or farming
Emergency spillway
Hydraulic head
Stilling basin
Water regime

Какая часть отрывка переведена неверно?
Filters may be positioned in a variety of locations. The filter may be located between the reservoir and the  ...

Какая часть отрывка переведена неверно?
Filters may be positioned in a variety of locations. The filter may be located between the reservoir and the pump
intake. Blockage of the filter will cause cavitation and possibly failure of the pump.
1) Фильтры могут быть расположены в разных местах.
2) Фильтр может быть расположен между резервуаром и входным отверстием насоса.
3) Блокировка фильтра приведет к его засорению и его поломке.
Выберите один ответ:

Sometimes if you ... (take) a chance, it pays off.
Ответ: take ...

Sometimes if you … (take) a chance, it pays off.
Ответ: take

We have been at home 3 o"clock.
Выберите один ответ:
а. п
b. at
с. эпсе
9. for ...

We have been at home 3 o»clock.
Выберите один ответ:
а. п
b. at
с. эпсе
9. for

Choose the word that mean the following.
To express disapproval of someone or something
Выберите один ответ:
© а. То encourage
b. То approach
©   ...

Choose the word that mean the following.
To express disapproval of someone or something
Выберите один ответ:
© а. То encourage
b. То approach
© c.Tocriticise

1 I’m busier
than my little sister.

2 London is more
old than New York.

3 It is the most
sharp pencil I have.

4 Do you know the
shortest way to the station?

5 This exercise is
more difficult than that one.

6 Be activer at
your lessons, please.

7 She is the most
pretty girl I’ve ever known.

8 The boy is as
taller as his father.

9 He makes more
mistakes than you do.

10 Baseball is the
popularest summer sport in America.

11 Yesterday he
started to feel more bad.

12 Soon it began
to get more darker and it was time to go back home.

13 He said that
money was the most important for him.

14 I’ve got a
headache. Be quieter, please.

15 Mary’s answer
is correcter than yours.

16 Can you come
more early next time?

17 You should be

14 Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Mark’s voice is very much louder
    than Alan’s.

  2. Mrs. Garrison is the most oldest
    teacher in the school.

  3. This village is by far quieter than
    the one we live in.

  4. Playing golf isn’t as more tiring
    as playing football.

  5. As time went by, it got darker and
    the darker.

  6. The more you study, the better than
    your marks will be.

  7. This task is the less difficult than
    the others.

  8. He drives the far fastest of all.

  9. Jane is as much tall as Sarah.

  10. It was a quite an exciting film.

1 5 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold.


16 Write a small paragraph (50 words) beginning I’m a fan of …….. .

The paragraph
could be about a sport, art, or a political figure, a fashion

designer, etc.
Describe this person,

you like him/her, follow him/her.

At home
interview 5 people concerning their likes in reading and listening to
music. Complete the following chart and then analyze it and in the
class make the presentation (within 1 minute) of the information you
have got. Note the genres of books, people’s age, music

Names of people


Names of books

Names of records









1 Read the article. Seven sentences have been removed from it. Choose

from the
sentences A-H the one which best fits each gap 1-6. There is one

sentence which
you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

ended up with about 30 000 pounds, which is still a big windfall
for me.

Even Tony’s wildest dreams could not have prepared him for the
truth, though.

C So,
what kind of ‘treasure’ does Tony find on his expeditions to the
local countryside?

D He
spends every weekend searching for buried treasure, whatever the

E Tony’s
children used to wish that their dad would give up his strange hobby.

F I’d
been searching all day, but the only things I’d managed to dig up
were a few bits of rubbish.

just love finding things, no matter what their value might be.

H The
experts who valued Tony’s find told him that it was a very precious
century statue that had great historical importance.

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