Cross out the unnecessary word he is much more taller than his brother

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 9 из раздела Grammar Check, Module 5.

Exercise 1. Complete the gaps with the correct comparative / superlative form of the words in brackets.
Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски правильной сравнительной / превосходной формой слов из скобок.


photographer, sculptor, videographer, installation artist, snacker

Liz Hickok cleverly transforms gigantic city buildings into colourful little mosaic models. Some people say that the jewel-like sculptures look (little) like art and (much) like food. That’s because Ms Hickok’s construction material of choice is Jell-O. a colourful and wobbly dessert made up almost entirely of water. She admits it is (easy) than it looks. Also, she is (interested) in producing art than viewing it; and with each new project, her skills get (good) and better. At 33 years old, she is (young) than many artists and her life is (exciting) than she could ever imagine. Her (late) design is a city in the middle of an earthquake. But, if one of her skylines is missing a monument, it is not due to a natural disaster. Admittedly, she snacks while sculpting…

photographer, sculptor, videographer, installation artist, snacker

Liz Hickok cleverly transforms gigantic city buildings into colourful little mosaic models. Some people say that the jewel-like sculptures look less like art and more like food. That’s because Ms Hickok’s construction material of choice is Jell-O, a colourful and wobbly dessert made up almost entirely of water. She admits it is easier than it looks. Also, she is more interested in producing art than viewing it; and with each new project, her skills get better and better. At 33 years old, she is younger than many artists and her life is more exciting than she could ever imagine. Her latest design is a city in the middle of an earthquake. But, if one of her skylines is missing a monument, it is not due to a natural disaster. Admittedly, she snacks while sculpting…

фотограф, скульптор, видеограф, мастер инсталляций, любитель перекусить

Лиз Хикок мастерки преобразует гигантские городские здания в красочные маленькие мозаичные модели. Многие люди говорят, что ювелирные скульптуры выглядят в меньшей степени как искусство, а в большей степени как еда. Это потому, что мисс Хикок выбрала в качестве строительного материала желатин Jell-O – красочный и дрожащий десерт, почти полностью изготовленный из воды. Она признается в том, что все гораздо проще, чем это выглядит. Также ей интереснее творить искусство, а не созерцать (досл.: смотреть) на него; и с каждым новым проектом ее навыки становятся лучше и лучше. В свои 33 года она моложе многих художников, а ее жизнь более увлекательна, чем она могла когда-либо представить. Ее последний проект – это город посреди вулкана. Но если у силуэта какого-нибудь ее здания не будет хватать колонны, то это не из-за природной катастрофы… Предположительно, она употребила ее в качестве закуски, пока лепила скульптуру…

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант.


1) Pete is __ helpful person of all.

a. less
b. little
с. the least

2) The more you exercise, the __ you’ll become.

a. fit
b. fitter
с. fittest

3) Emma is not as __ her sister.

a. funny as
b. funnier than
с. funny

4) This T-shirt is __ cheaper than the blue one.

a. much
b. very
с. lot

5) As Ivan grew up, he got taller and __ .

a. the tallest
b. taller
с. tall

6) Tom is __ older than his brother.

a. slightly
b. little
с. by far

1) Pete is the least helpful person of all. – Пит меньше всех готов помочь.

2) The more you exercise, the fitter you’ll become. – Чем больше вы тренируетесь, тем спортивнее вы становитесь.

3) Emma is not as funny as her sister. – Эмма не такая смешная, как ее сестра.

4) This T-shirt is much cheaper than the blue one. – Эта футболка гораздо дешевле, чем голубая.

5) As Ivan grew up, he got taller and taller. – По мере того, как Иван взрослел, он становился все выше и выше.

6) Tom is slightly older than his brother. – Том немного старше своего брата.

Exercise 3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form, adding any necessary words.
Упражнение 3. Поставить прилагательные из скобок в правильную форму, добавляя необходимые слова.


spotlight 9 grammar check module 5

1. Slava is (old) David.
2. David is (tall) as Paul.
3. Slava is (clever) of all.
4. David is (friendly) than Paul.
5. Paul is (handsome) of all.

1. Slava is older than David. – Слава старше, чем Дэвид.
2. David is as tall as Paul. – Дэвид такой же высокий, как Пол.
3. Slava is the cleverest of all. – Слава самый умный из всех.
4. David is less friendly than Paul. – Дэвид менее дружелюбен, чем Пол.
5. Paul is the most handsome (или the handsomest) of all. – Пол – самый симпатичный из всех.

Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.
Упражнение 4. Вычеркните ненужное слово.


1. The armchair is not as more comfortable as the sofa.
2. The more harder you work, the more successful you become.
3. Mark is very much faster than his brother.
4. My new laptop is by far better than my old one.
5. Sue’s husband is much more older than her.
6. As I went on reading the book, it got the less and less exciting.

1. The armchair is not as (more – лишнее слово) comfortable as the sofa. – Кресло не так удобное, как диван.
2. The (more – лишнее слово) harder you work, the more successful you become. – Чем усерднее вы работаете, тем успешнее вы становитесь.
3. Mark is (very – лишнее слово) much faster than his brother. – Марк намного быстрее, чем его брат.
4. My new laptop is (by – лишнее слово) far better than my old one. – Мой новый лэптоп гораздо быстрее, чем мой старый.
5. Sue’s husband is much (more – лишнее слово) older than her. – Муж Сью гораздо старше, чем она.
6. As I went on reading the book, it got (the – лишнее слово) less and less exciting. – По мере того, я читал книгу, она становилась менее и менее интересной.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски правильной формой прилагательного / наречия из скобок.


A: This pink skirt really suits you.
B: Yes and it was (cheap) than I had expected.

A: Could you speak a bit (slowly), please?
B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry.

A: Do you like the cake? I’ve made it myself.
B: Yes. That’s by far (good) cake I’ve ever had.

A: Is your new flat in the city centre?
B: Yes and it’s also (close) to the tube station.

A: I really appreciate your help.
B: Don’t mention it. If you need any (far) help, just call me.

A: This pink skirt really suits you. – Эта розовая юбка действительно тебе идет.
B: Yes and it was cheaper than I had expected. – Да, и она была дешевле, чем я ожидал.

A: Could you speak a bit more slowly, please? – Не мог бы ты говорить суть-чуть помедленнее, пожалуйста?
B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry. – Да, конечно. Прошу прощения.

A: Do you like the cake? I’ve made it myself. – Тебе нравится торт?
B: Yes. That’s by far the best cake I’ve ever had. – Да. Это определенно лучший торт, когда я когда-либо ел.

A: Is your new flat in the city centre? – Твоя новая квартира в центре города?
B: Yes and it’s also close to the tube station. – Да, и она близко к станции метро.

A: I really appreciate your help. – Я на самом деле высоко ценю вашу помощь.
B: Don’t mention it. If you need any further help, just call me. – Не стоит! Если вам нужна будет еще помощь, то просто позвоните мне.

Exercise 6. Think of famous singers, actors, etc. in your country. Use the following adjectives to compare them.
Упражнение 6. Вспомните известных певцов, актеров и т.п. вашей страны. Сравните их, используя следующие прилагательные.


• young
• talented
• handsome
• famous
• friendly
• successful

I think Dima Bilan is younger than …

I think Brad Pitt is younger than George Clooney. – Я думаю, что Брэд Питт моложе, чем Джордж Клуни.
I think Celine Dion is more talented than Beyonce. – Я думаю, что Селин Дион более талантлива, чем Бионсе.
I think Matt Damon is more handsome than Ben Affleck. – Я думаю, что Мэтт Дэймон симпатичнее, чем Бен Аффлек.
I think Richard Gere is more famous than Edward Norton. – Я думаю, что Ричард Гир более знаменит, чем Эвард Нортон.
I think Julia Roberts is friendlier than Cameron Diaz. – Я думаю, что Джулия Робертс более дружелюбна, чем Кэмерон Диаз.
I think Owen Wilson is more successful than Matt Dillon. – Я думаю, что Оуэн Уилсон более успешен, чем Мэтт Диллон.

Exercise 7. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 7. Подчеркните правильное слово.


1. Teachers need to be very / completely patient with students.
2. It would be fairly / totally irresponsible of you to leave the children on their own in the park in the evening.
3. The essay that Mike wrote was interesting and fairly / extremely well written.
4. Josh is a(n) rather / absolutely likeable little boy.
5. I really enjoyed the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, as it is totally / extremely fast-paced and imaginative.
6. After a warm day yesterday, the snowfall today was completely / fairly unexpected.

1. Teachers need to be very patient with students. – Учителям надо быть очень терпеливыми к студентам.
2. It would be totally irresponsible of you to leave the children on their own in the park in the evening. – Это было бы безответственным с вашей стороны оставить детей самих по себе в парке вечером.
3. The essay that Mike wrote was interesting and extremely well written. – Эссе, которое написал Марк, было интересным и чрезвычайно хорошо написанным.
4. Josh is a rather likeable little boy. – Джош весьма симпатичный молодой мальчик.
5. I really enjoyed the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, as it is extremely fast-paced and imaginative. – Мне действительно понравился новый фильм о Джеймсе Бонде “Квант милосердия”, так как он чрезвычайно динамичный и образный.
6. After a warm day yesterday, the snowfall today was completely unexpected. – После вчерашнего теплого дня снегопад сегодня был совершенно неожиданным.

Exercise 8. Daniel and Susan saw these two films last night. Use the adverbs in the box to say what they thought of each film. Then think of a film you’ve recently seen and describe it to your partner using the adverbs in the list.
Упражнение 8. Даниель и Сьюзан посмотрели прошлым вечером эти два фильма. Используйте наречия, чтобы выразить их мысли о фильмах. Затем вспомните какой-нибудь недавно просмотренный фильм и опишите его с использованием данный наречий.



totally (****)
rather (**)
extremely (***)
slightly (*)

spotlight 9 grammar check 5 exercise 8


Plot: extremely imaginative
Сюжет: крайне художественный (образный)

Characters: rather mysterious
Герои: весьма загадочные

Ending: totally predictable
Концовка: абсолютно предсказуема


Plot: rather imaginative
Сюжет: весьма художественный (образный)0

Characters: extremely mysterious
Герои: чрезвычайно загадочные

Ending: slightly predictable
Концовка: слегка предсказуема

Вариант своего фильма:
Pirates of the Caribbean is a totally action-packed film with a rather unusual plot. The characters are extremely interesting, especially Captain Jack Sparrow. The ending was extremely unusual with lots of surprises.

“Пираты Карибского моря” – это фильм, абсолютно насыщенный событиями с весьма необычным сюжетом. Герои чрезвычайно интересны, особенно Капитан Джек Воробей. Концовка была чрезвычайно необычная со многими сюрпризами.

Exercise 9. Read the interview and put the verbs brackets into the correct form.
Упражнение 9. Прочитайте интервью и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.


Interviewer: On the show Lost, Sawyer enjoys reading. Do you read a lot of books as well?
Josh: I must admit, I prefer (exercise) to (read).
Interviewer: You look fit, you must read a lot!
Josh: True, but I would rather (spend) more time with my family than at the gym.
Interviewer: Hawaii is a paradise. Could it be your permanent home?
Josh: Hollywood is where the business is, so I’d have to say that I would prefer (live) in California rather than (live) in Hawaii. However, I would sooner (surf) the Hawaiian waves than (have) a successful shopping trip on California’s Rodeo Drive.

Interviewer: On the show Lost, Sawyer enjoys reading. Do you read a lot of books as well?
Интервьюер: На шоу “Потерянный” Сойер наслаждается чтением. Вы также читаете много книг?
Josh: I must admit, I prefer exercising to reading.
Джош: Я должен признать, что предпочитаю физические упражнения чтению.
Interviewer: You look fit, you must read a lot!
Интервьюер: Вы выглядите спортивно, должно быть вы много читаете!
Josh: True, but I would rather spend more time with my family than at the gym.
Джош: Верно, но я скорее проведу больше времени с моей семьей, чем в спортзале.
Interviewer: Hawaii is a paradise. Could it be your permanent home?
Интервьюер: Гавайи – это рай. Могли бы они стать вашим постоянным домом?
Josh: Hollywood is where the business is, so I’d have to say that I would prefer to live in California rather than live in Hawaii. However, I would sooner surf the Hawaiian waves than have a successful shopping trip on California’s Rodeo Drive.
Джош: Голливуд – это центр бизнеса, поэтому я должен сказать, что я бы предпочел жить в Калифорнии, а не в на Гавайский островах. Хотя я бы скорее посёрфил на Гавайских волнах, чем отправился бы в шоппинг-тур на Родео-Драйв в Калифорнии.

Exercise 10. Ask and answer questions using would rather, prefer or would prefer and the prompts below. The choice of answers is yours.
Упражнение 10. Задайте вопросы, используя would rather, prefer или would prefer. Выбор ответа на ваше усмотрение.


1) football or basketball?
2) to have a salad or cheeseburger for dinner?
3) listening to music or watching TV?
4) have lunch at home or eat out today?
5) see a romantic comedy or see a horror film?
6) to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight?

1) football or basketball?
A: Do you prefer football or basketball? – Ты предпочитаешь футбол или баскетбол?
В: I prefer football to basketball. – Я предпочитаю футбол баскетболу.

2) to have a salad or cheeseburger for dinner?
A: Would you rather have a salad or a cheeseburger for dinner? – Ты бы предпочел на обед салат или чизбургер?
B: I would rather have a salad than a cheeseburger for dinner. – Я бы предпочитаю салат, а не чизбургер.

3) listening to music or watching TV?
A: Do you prefer listening to music or watching TV? – Ты предпочитаешь слушать музыку или смотреть телевизор?
B: I prefer listening to music than watching TV. – Я предпочитаю слушать музыку, а не смотреть телевизор.

4) have lunch at home or eat out today?
A: Would you rather have lunch at home or eat out today? – Ты бы лучше пообедала дома или где-нибудь сегодня?
B: I would rather have lunch at home than eat out at today. – Я бы лучше пообедала дома, а не где-нибудь сегодня.

5) see a romantic comedy or see a horror film?
A: Would you rather see a romantic comedy or see a horror film? – Ты бы лучше посмотрел романтическую комедию или фильм ужасов?
B: I would rather see a horror film than see a romantic comedy. – Я бы лучше посмотрел фильм ужасов, а не романтическую комедию.

6) to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight?
A: Would you prefer to go to the cinema or go to the theatre tonight? – Ты бы предпочел пойти в кино или в театр сегодня вечером?
B: I would prefer to go to the theatre than go to the cinema tonight. – Я бы предпочел пойти в театр, а не в кино сегодня вечером.

as I crept into the house I knew id probably get into trouble suddenly the living-room door flew open where on earth have you been shouted my mother its after midnight sorry mum i said we just got talking and i forgot the time well ive been worried sick she said you could have at least phoned to say youd be late with that she left the room and closed the door with a sigh i slowly made my way upstairs to bed

VIII. Put the adjectives in the correct position.

1. lace / blue / beautiful / handkerchief.

2. a(n) stone / ancient / small / cottage

3. a(n) English / huge / wooden / wardrobe

4. a(n) Chinese / amazing / old / story

5. a(n) American / new / exciting / film

6. a pair of / wire / old / reading / glasses

IX. Make compound adjectives to describe the following.

1. a walk that takes ten minutes

2. a story which is written well

3. a building which has twelve storeys

4. a train which moves fast

5. a student who works hard

X. Write the correct form of the comparative or superlative and complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. In my opinion, _____ (dangerous) animal of all.

2. _____ is _____(nice) place I have ever been to.

3. _____ (sweet) sugar.

4. I can _____ (good), but I can _____ even _____ (good).

5. I think _____ (difficult) subject of all.

6. _____ (valuable) rubies.

7. _____ (healthy) food of all.


Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.

Dear Anita,

I’m writing to tell you about the auction I went to last weekend. It was held in (1) _____ (large) house in the village and the items sold were far (2) _____ (beautiful) I had expected.

I saw (3) _____ (pretty) vase I’ve ever seen, but it was also (4) _____ (expensive) item there, so I couldn’t afford to buy it. I bid for some chairs. They were far (5) _____ (nice) mine, but unfortunately some made a (6) _____ (good) offer than me and I couldn’t afford to make (7) _____ (high) bid.

In the end, I bought (8) _____ (small) item of all, although it was not (9) _____ (cheap) of all! It was a gold locket, which I’m going to give to my (10) _____ (old) daughter on her 18th birthday. I think it’s (11) _____ (lovely) necklace I’ve ever seen and it was (12) _____ (easy) to carry home than a set of chairs!

I enjoyed the auction very much and hope to go to another one soon. Perhaps next time you’ll come with me.

Write soon and tell me all your news.



(12 marks)

II. Cross out the unnecessary word.

1. He is much more taller than his brother.

2. As time went by, I got the more and more nervous.

3. I hardly not know anyone in my new job.

4. Going on holiday abroad is very more exciting than staying at home.

5. This flat is so bigger than the one we saw yesterday.

6. The more time you spend with your children, the more than they appreciate it.

(6 marks)

III. Complete the sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. I’ve never heard such a silly excuse.

theIt’s _____ I’ve ever heard.

2. Jane’s car was cheaper than Adam’s.

lessJane’s car _____ Adam’s.

3. As we got closer, I became more nervous.

the The closer we got, _____ I became.

4. Tom has bought the same number of sweets as Lucy.

manyTom has bought _____ Lucy.

5. Ben is smarter than Steve.

asSteve _____ Ben.

(5 marks)

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. I have never seen such _____ men!

a. higher c. tall

b. high d. the tallest

2. I don’t think you should select the pictures so carefully. _____ will do.

a. Some c. Any

b. No d. None

3. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry _____ .

a. it c. them

b. their d. theirs

4. _____ Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.

a. A c. An

b. The d. –

5. There isn’t _____ sense in what you suggest.

a. many c. few

b. much d. a few

6. The forecast promises such _____ good weather, but I don’t believe it.

a. a c. — d. the

7. Would you like _____ sweet?

a. other c. others

b. another d. the others

8. Who can tell me where _____ ?

a. is my key c. my key was

b. my key is d. my key had been

9. _____ breakfast on the train was awful.

a. A c. The

b.An d. –

10. This really is _____ food I’ve ever eaten.

a. worst c. bad

b. the worst d. the bad

11. _____ are only seven stations on this metro-line.

a. These c. There

b. It d. This

12. _____ there any news in your parent’s letter?

a. Are c. Have

b. Were d. Is

13. There aren’t _____ fruits at this time of the year.

a. some c. no

b. any d. none

14. Of the two irons I have one is burnt, and _____ is out of order too.

a. the others c. another

b. other d. the other

15. _____ something strange in this situation.

a. There is c. This is

b. It is d. That is

16. _____ Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles.

a. The c. A

b. An d. –

17. I’d like to know what _____ .

a. the matter is c. what’s the matter

b. matter is d. happening

18. I’ve got two TV-sets. One is in the living-room, and _____ is in the kitchen.

a. another c. others

b. other d. the other

19. _____ snow on the top of the mountain peak.

a. There is c. Here is

b. It is d. What is

20. What _____ wonderful weather it is today!

a. a c. —

b. an d. the

21. Turn over _____ page 20, please.

a. a c. —

b. an d. the

22. _____ not a single light in the house.

a. It is c. There is

b. This is d. Here is

23. _____ is no coffee left.

a. It c. Here

b. There d. This

24. Is there _____ strange in what I’m saying?

a. some c. any

b. anything d. nothing

25. I’ve got no idea where _____ .

a. it is c. has it

b. is it d. does it

26. There _____ no news today.

a. are c. have been

b. is d. have

27. _____ can help me! I’m totally lost.

a. Anybody c. Somebody

b. Nobody d. Everybody

28. Join us! We are sure to have _____ lovely time.

a. a c. the

b. an d. –

29. While in Spain we visited _____ Prado Art Museum.

a. a c. —

b. an d. the

30. We made a short trip to _____ Netherlands.

a. the c. an

b. a d. –

31. Some people like summer best, some like spring or autumn, _____ prefer winter.

a. another c. the others

b. the other d. others

32. There is _____ provocative in her behavior. She is very shy and modest.

a. something c. everything

b. anything d. nothing

(32 marks) Total: 55 marks.


Личные формы глагола в английском языке имеют шесть грамматических категорий:

Лицо (Person) – 1-е, 2-е, 3-е.

Число(Number) – единственное (Singular) и множественное (Plural).

Время (Tense) – настоящее (Present), прошедшее (Past), будущее (Future) и будущее в прошедшем (Future-in-the Past).

Вид (Aspect) – длительный (Progressive) и перфектный (Perfect).

Залог(Voice) – действительный (Active) и страдательный (Passive).

Наклонение (Mood) – изъявительное (Indicative), повелительное (Imperative), сослагательное (Subjunctive).

К неличным формам глагола относятся:

Инфинитив (Infinitive).

Причастия (Participle I, Participle II).

Герундий (Gerund).

1. Смысловые и вспомогательные глаголы.

Большинство английских глаголов имеют самостоятельное значение и в предложении выступают в роли простого сказуемого. Они называются смысловыми.

Небольшая группа глаголов называется вспомогательными, потому что они помогают образовывать сложные глагольные сказуемые или видо-временные формы глагола. Вспомогательные глаголы теряют свое самостоятельное значение.

Вспомогательными являются глаголы-связки, служебные и модальные глаголы.


В качестве связок используются глаголы: to be, to get, to grow, to become, to lock, to turn.

В английском языке в именном составном сказуемом связка никогда не опускается.

My name is Roger. I am a designer. – Моё имя Роджер. Я — дизайнер.


Служебные глаголы to be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would) необходимы для образования различных видовременных форм:

be – временных форм Progressive; временных форм страдательного залога Passive;

do – вопросительной и отрицательной формы времён Simple;

have – всех временных форм Perfect;

shall, will – форм будущего времени Future;

should, would – для образования одной из форм сослагательного наклонения (Subjunctive).


Времена группы “Indefinite” употребляются:

1. для констатации факта совершения действия;

2. для выражения обычно совершаемого действия в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени.

В эту группу входят три времени: Present, Past и Future.

Задания составлены по материалам сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий по английскому языку для 6-7 класса. Improve your language skills. — M.: «Интеллект-Центр», 2007. — 96 с. Автор: Хотунцева Е.А. и предназначены для учащихся 6-7 классов школ разного типа, учителей английс­кого языка и родителей, а также могут быть использованы в процессе организации повторения и промежуточного контроля изученного материала на уроках английского языка и индивиду­альных занятиях с учащимися.

Exercise 1. Cross the odd word out.

  1. I’ve got only much little money left, so I can’t buy that jacket.

  2. Was the film as more exciting as the book?

  3. He is travelling to Manchester by the train.

  4. This is the shop whose its alarm went off last night.

  5. Is this a your briefcase or his?

Exercise 2. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Could I have some an ice cubes in my drink, please?

  2. A brown bear is more bigger than a koala bear.

  3. The Rome is the capital of Italy.

  4. This is not my coat, mine one is hanging behind the door.

  5. The news are was so shocking!

Exercise 3. Cross the odd word out.

1. Give me some more little milk, please.

2; The Cooks are being looking for a new house at the moment.

  1. When was the last time you have visited your parents?

  2. You mustn’t to walk too close to the edge of the cliff.

  3. Tom is more, heavier than Bill.

Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. He is much more taller than his father.

  2. Did anybody man break into your house last night?

  3. The fog is been very thick, I can’t see anything.

  4. There is not much the milk left in the fridge.

  5. Nobody phoned yesterday. Nobody came also either.

Exercise 5. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Becky is as much clever as Stella.

  2. There was no one people left at the party by 2 o’clock.

  3. Let me give you some an advice.

  4. How much the flour shall I buy?

  5. — I’ve got an idea! — Me also too.

Exercise 6. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Why is are the clothes so wet?

  2. He has read that book last month.

  3. He was hungry so that he made a sandwich

  4. The man for whom that he works is German.

  5. She told to me a wonderful story.

Exercise 7. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. That’s the woman whose her house burnt down.

  2. May I give you a good advice? Spend more time in the open air.

  3. This car is not mine car. It’s Peter’s.

4. I have read this book last summer.

5. I usually go to school on the foot.

Exercise 8. Cross the odd word out.

1. They never work on at the weekend.

2. Is this dress as more beautiful as the blue one?

  1. The Browns are being traveling around Europe now

  2. Can you buy a some cat food when you go to the shops, please?

  3. The fog is very thick. I can’t to see anything.

Exercise 9. Cross the odd word out.

  1. What do you do in on Sunday afternoons?

  2. Today it is as more cold as yesterday.

  3. He is being traveling to Manchester by train now.

  4. Can I have a some ticket for the car park, please?

  5. I must to feed the dog now, it is hungry.

Exercise 10. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Where did Sally go on at Friday night?

  2. My sister Kate is as older than her friend Maria.

  3. You mustn’t to make that silly mistake again!

  4. There aren’t the any lemons, but there is some ice cream.

  5. I’ve got the a new mobile phone.

Exercise 11. Cross the odd word out.

1. This is a their house. They designed it themselves.

2. I couldn’t to find my bag nowhere.

  1. We stayed at the bad worst hotel in the whole city.

  2. Now 1 make fewer mistakes in English than the last year.

  3. It was midnight and there it were few people in the streets.

Exercise 12. Cross the odd word out.

  1. My parents are never go out.

  2. Could you pass to me this plate?

  3. Her hair looks better than yours hair.

  4. — Have you got many things? — No, just one the small bag.

  5. In this country February is the most coldest month of the year.

Exercise 13. Cross the odd word out.

  1. She didn’t say a no thing.

  2. Come here and look on at these photos.

  3. Hannah have left home three years ago.

  4. I’ve stopped reading newspapers. The news is are always bad.

  5. In 1970s, the Beatles were being the richest musicians in the world.

Exercise 14. Cross the odd word out.

1. These flowers are mine. Don’t to touch them!

2. I like to ski in winter very good much.

3. There were was a lot of interesting news on TV yesterday.

  1. This car isn’t as fast than as that one.

  2. I’ll get you a drink if you will like.

Exercise l5. Cross the odd word out.

1. I have received a letter from her an hour ago.

  1. Is he still at the same school yet?

  2. I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you now. I have had to help my mother.

  3. It is been raining. I think I’ll take my coat.

  4. If I will go to Spain, I will stay at his aunt’s.

Keys to the tests.

Exercise 1.

1. much 2. more 3. the 4. its 5. a

Exercise 2.

1. little 2. more 3. the 4. one 5. are

Exercise 3.

1. little 2. being 3. have 4. to 5. more

Exercise 4.

1. more 2. man 3. been 4. the 5. also

Exercise 5.

1. much 2. people 3. an 4. the 5. also

Exercise 6.

1. is 2. has 3. that 4. that 5. to

Exercise 7.

1. her 2. a 3. car 4. have 5. the

Exercise 8.

1. on 2. more 3. being 4. a 5. to

Exercise 9.

1. in 2. more 3. Being 4. some 5. to

Exercise 10. 2. as 3. to 4. the 5. the

Exercise 11.

1.a 3.bad 4.the

Exercise 12.

1. are 2. to 3. hair. 4. the 5. most

Exercise 13.


1. a 2. on 3. have 4. arc 5. being

Exercise 14.

1. to 2. good 3. Were 4.than 5. will

Exercise 15.

1. have 2. yet 3. had 4. been 5. will

Comparatives and Superlatives.

We use the comparative to compare one person or thing with another. We use the superlative to compare one person or thing with more than one person or thing of the same group. We often use than after a comparative and the before a superlative. She is younger than me. She’s the youngest person in the room.

Formation of comparatives and superlatives from adjectives and adverbs:

  1. with one-syllable adjectives, we add -(e)r to form the comparative and -(e)st to form the superlative.

large — larger — largest

Note: for one-syllable adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant, we double the consonant.

thin — thinner — thinnest

  1. with two-syllable adjectives ending in -ly, -y, -w, we also add -er / -est. lively — livelier — liveliest

Note: for adjectives ending in a consonant + y, we replace the -y with an -i. tidy — tidier — tidiest

  1. with other two-syllable adjectives or adjectives with more than two syllables, comparatives and superlatives are formed with more/most. comfortable — more comfortable — most comfortable
  2. with adverbs that have the same form as their adjectives, we add -er/-est. hard — harder – hardest

These include: hard, fast, free, high, low, deep, early, late, long, near, straight, right, wrong. Also hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

e.g. The lake is deep, (adjective)

They went deep into the forest, (adverb)

These biscuits are very hard, (adjective)

He tried hard in order to succeed, (adverb)

‘Bella Donna’ is a weekly magazine, (adjective)

It comes out weekly, (adverb)

► The adverbs below have two forms, each with a different meaning:

  1. The treasure was buried deep underground. (= a long way down)

He is deeply in love with her. (= very)

  1. The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free. (= without payment)

The animals in the safari park can roam freely. (= without limit or restriction.)

  1. The kite flew high in the sky. (= at/to a high level)

He is a highly respected doctor. (= very much)

  1. She arrived late for the meeting. (= not early)

He hasn’t been feeling well lately. (= recently)

  1. Which of his songs do you like most? (= superlative of much)

I’m mostly interested in modern art. (= mainly)

  1. As he came near, I realised that something was wrong. (= close)

She nearly fainted when she heard the news.

(= almost)

  1. He is a pretty strange man. (= rather)

The bridesmaids were prettily dressed in pink. (= in a pretty way)

  1. He is working hard these days. (= with a lot of effort) They hardly go anywhere now that they have children. (= almost never)

Note: Hardly has a negative meaning and is often used with: any, anyone, anywhere, anything and ever.

For each gap, turn the adjective into an  adverb.

Julia was walking 1) _______ (quick) down the street when she heard someone call her name 2) ________ (loud). She looked 3) _________ (nervous) behind her, but the street was 4) ___________ (complete) empty. There was nobody there. 5) _________ (Sudden), she heard her name again. She turned to see her brother running towards her, smiling 6) __________ (cheerful). ‘Didn’t you hear me?’ he laughed 7) __________ (happy). ‘Nick!’ gasped Julia. ‘You 8) ________ (near) frightened me to death!’

Fill in the correct adjective or adverb using the words in brackets.

  1. Gillian behaved very _________ at the party last night. (bad).
  2. You are quite ________ at playing the piano, aren’t you? (good).
  3.  Think about it ________ before you make a decision, (careful).
  4. I like my bedroom because it’s so ________ . (cosy).
  5. It makes me feel ________ to think of you living alone, (sad).
  6. If you can’t talk ________ , don’t talk at all. (sensible).
  7. Her whole family died in a ________ accident, (tragic).
  8. I was not ________ convinced by her reasoning. (whole).
  9. ______,1 can’t help you. (unfortunate).
  10. You look _______ in your new dress. (lovely).
  11. The ability to think _________ is an important skill. (logical).
  12.  I ______ believe this to be the finest novel ever written. (true).
  13. You’d better work        __________ if you want to keep your job. (hard).
  14.  Please don’t drive so ________ .(fast).
  15. Linda washes her hair __________ . (daily).
  16. That chicken tastes __________ . (delicious).
  17. You’re bound to make mistakes if you write so _________ . (careless).
  18. Your perfume smells __________ .(beautiful).
  19. Charles and Camilla have been living together __________ for years. (happy).
  20. Although I had only met him once, he greeted me        _____________ . (friendly)

Underline the correct item.

  1. This is a pretty/prettily complicated situation.
  2. They had hard/hardly been home for a minute when the phone rang.
  3. My friends are most/mostly vegetarians.
  4. Her loose outfit allowed her to move free/freely.
  5. The shelf was so high/highly that he couldn’t reach it.
  6. John may be late/lately home tonight, as he has a lot of work to do.
  7. The room was pretty/prettily decorated.
  8. Children under five years old travel free/freely.
  9. Sue has near/nearly finished her homework.
  10. They have been going out a lot late/lately.
  11. This college is high/highly recommended for its range of courses.
  12. The miners dug deep/deeply to find coal.
  13. The new supermarket is very near/nearly our house.
  14. He is deep/deeply involved in the scandal.
  15. We found it hard/hardly to get used to living in a foreign country.
  16. Which of Mel Gibson’s films do you like most/mostly?

 Underline the correct item.

  1. The arrow flew wide/widely of the target.        
  2. Computers are wide/widely used in schools nowadays.        
  3. Students can enter the museum free/freely on Saturdays.        
  4. He free/freely admitted to being a liar.
  5. 1 like sitting near/nearly the fire.
  6. Be careful! You near/nearly crashed into that cyclist.
  7. She left too late/lately to catch the train.
  8. Have you seen any good films late/lately?
  9. The death of his friend affected him deep/deeply.        
  10. To find water, they had to dig deep/deeply into the ground.        
  11. I think he’s a pretty/prettily good singer, actually.
  12. The little girl laughed pretty/prettily at the sight of the puppy.
  13. He tries very hard/hardly to make her happy.
  14. She used to be a great musician, but she hard/hardly plays at all now.
  15. Tommy came last/lastly in the 100m sprint.
  16. Last/Lastly, I would like to thank the caterers for providing such delicious food.
  17. Mr Tibbs isn’t in at the moment, but he’ll be here short/shortly.
  18. The policeman stopped short/shortly when he saw the robber had a gun.
  19. The eagle was flying high/highly above the mountains.
  20. My father is a high/highly respected surgeon.

Underline the correct item.

  1. I have been working very hard late/lately.
  2. The mountain was so high/highly that they couldn’t climb it.
  3. Hurry up! It is near/nearly time to go.
  4. Her books are most/mostly romance novels.
  5. He found it hard/hardly to explain his problem.
  6. That man is a high/highly respected doctor.
  7. Our new house is near/nearly the city centre.
  8. Which of these dresses do you like most/mostly?
  9. I had hardly/hard finished cooking when the guests arrived.
  10. The girls were pretty/ prettily dressed for the party.
  11. I got this lipstick free/freely with a magazine.
  12. He is always late/lately for work.
  13. The exam was pretty/prettily difficult, but we all passed.
  14. She was deep/deeply absorbed in her work and didn’t hear me call.
  15. Her hair blew free/freely around her head in the breeze.
  1. two-syllable or compound adverbs take more/most. carefully — more carefully — most carefully

Note: clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle, pleasant, polite, shallow, simple, stupid, quiet can form their comparatives and superlatives either with -er/-est or with more/most.

  1. Irregular forms:

good — better — best / bad — worse — worst / much — more — most / little — less — least / far — farther/further farthest/furthest / many/lots — more – most

Put the adjectives in brackets into the  comparative or superlative form, adding  any necessary words.

  1. A: Did you enjoy the film?

B: Yes. It was _________   (funny) film I’ve ever seen.

  1. A: James is very tall.

B: Yes. He’s         ______ (tall) boy in our class.

  1. A: Was it a good party?

B: Yes. I left far ______ (late) I had intended to.

  1. A: Did you like the black dress?

B: Yes, but it was far ________ (expensive) the blue one.

  1. A: Why do you want to go to Spain?

B: Because it’s much ________ (warm) England.

  1. A: Do you enjoy your job?

B: Oh, yes. It’s _______ (good) job I’ve ever had.

  1. A: If you need any  ________ (far) help, just ask me.

B: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

  1. A: My teacher is very clever.

B: Yes. She’s _______ (intelligent) woman I’ve ever met.

  1. A: Dinosaurs were ________ (big) animals.

В: I know. They were enormous.

  1. A: How much did you pay for that bag?

B: £5. It was __________ (cheap) one I could find.

  1. A: That exam was really difficult.

В: I agree. It was a lot ________ (difficult) I had expected.

  1. A: Have you heard James playing the piano lately?

B: Yes, but he doesn’t seem to be getting __________ (good).

 Fill in the gaps with the correct form off the adjective/adverb in brackets.

  1. I like living in the country. It’s a lot __________ (peaceful) than the city.
  2. I felt very ill last week, but I’m slightly _________ (good) now.
  1. I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little _________ (loud) please?
  2. Steven is ________ (tall) boy in the basketball team.
  3. This computer is very old. I need something ________ (modern).
  4. The new library is far ________ (close) to my house than the old one.
  5. Jane’s new haircut makes her look much ___________ (attractive).
  6. This jacket was by far ________ (expensive) in the shop.

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.

Dear Anita,        

I’m writing to tell you about the auction I went to last weekend. It was held in 1) _______  (large) house in the village and the items being sold were far 2) _______ (beautiful) I had expected.

I saw 3) ________ (pretty) vase I’ve ever seen, but it was also 4) ___________ (expensive) item there, so I couldn’t afford to buy it. I bid for some chairs. They were far 5) ________ (nice) mine, but unfortunately someone made a 6)        _________ (good) offer than me and

I couldn’t afford to make a 7) ________ (high) bid.

In the end, I bought 8) _______ (small) item of all, although it was not 9) ________ (cheap) of all! It was a gold locket, which I’m going to give to my 10) ________ (old) daughter on her 18th birthday. I think it’s 11) ________ (lovely) necklace I’ve ever seen and it was 12) _______ (easy) to carry home than a set of chairs!

I enjoyed the auction very much and hope to go to  another one soon. Perhaps next time you’ll come with me. Write soon and tell me all your news.



Write the correct form off the comparative or superlative and complete the sentences  with your own ideas.

  1. In my opinion, the tiger is the most dangerous… (dangerous) animal of all.
  2. ____ is ______ (nice) place I have ever been to.
  3. ________ (sweet) sugar.
  4. I can _______ (good), but I can even        ______ (good).
  5. I think ___________ (difficult) subject of all.
  6. ___________ (valuable) rubies.
  7. ____________ (healthy) food of all.
  8. _____________ (efficient) old ones.
  9. ______________(intelligent) person I have ever met.
  10. ______________ (expensive) silver jewellery.

Types of comparisons:

  1. (half/twice/three times) as + adjective + as (to show that two people or things are similar/different in some way). In negative sentences we use not as/so … as. This coat is as expensive as that one.
  2. less + adjective + than (expresses the difference between two people or things). The opposite is more … than. Tom is less rich than his friend Tony.
  3. the least + adjective + of/in (compares one person or thing to two or more people or things in the same group).The opposite is the most … of/in. She is the least hard-working person in our office.
  4. much/а lot/far/a iittle/a bit/slightly + comparative (expresses the degree of difference between two people or things), lack is slightly taller than Jeremy.
  5. comparative and comparative (to show that something is increasing or decreasing). It gets warmer and warmer every day.
  6. the + comparative …, the + comparative (shows that two things change together, or that one thing depends on another thing). The more you study now, the less you will have to study at the end of the school year.
  7. by far + the + superlative (emphasises the difference between one person or thing and two or more people or things in the same group). Last winter was by far the coldest we have ever had.

Complete the sentences as in the example:

  1.  She gets more and more beautiful _________ every day. (beautiful)
  2. My toothache is getting        ____________ . (painful)                
  3. Your ability to remember things gets ___________ as the years go by. (bad)
  4.  The meteor was coming        __________ the Earth. ( near)

Complete each sentence as in the example:

  1. (It is dangerous.) The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is        
  2. (Your marks will be good.) The harder you work, ________________
  3. (I feel fit.) The more I exercise, ____________________
  4. (We’ll get there late.) The later we leave, ___________________
  5. (It is quiet.) The further we are from the city, ____________________
  6. (The roads became busy.) The nearer we got to the city centre, ___________

Fill in: very or much.

William has just bought a 1) _______ nice new car. It is 2) ________ faster than his old one and 3) _______ more comfortable. He is 4) _________ proud of it as it is 5) ________more stylish than any of his friends’ cars. And so it should be, because it was 6) ________ expensive indeed. He spent 7) __________ more money on it than he could afford and his friends think he was 8) __________ foolish to buy it.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms. Add “the”, “than ”or “of” where necessary.

Last night I saw 1) the worst (bad) film I’ve ever seen. It was even 2)        _______ (bad) _____ Rocky IV. It lasted 3) _________ (long) _______ three hours and, believe me, it was 4) ________ (boring) three hours        _________ my life. The acting was dull, and the story even 5) _________ (dull). I was very disappointed, as I’d left work 6) _______ (early)        _______ usual especially to see it. My friend had recommended it, saying it was 7) ________ ,         (good) film he had seen for months. I won’t listen to him again. He has 8) _______ (strange) taste _________ anyone I know.

Fill in the blanks, as in the examples.

  1. The noise got ___________ (loud) until I couldn’t bear it any longer.
  2. ____________ (hard) he works, _____________ (successful) he becomes.
  3. It rained _______ (hard) until the river burst its banks.
  4.  _______ (cold) it got, _________ (many) clothes they had to put on to keep warm.
  5. Jake ran _________ (fast) and won the race.
  6. _________ (high) he jumped _________ (loud) the crowd cheered.
  7. Cars are getting __________ (cheap) as the years go by.
  8.  __________ (young) you are,        _________ (easy) you find it to learn things.
  9. __________ (many) people are opening their own businesses these days.
  10.  _________ (old) he gets, _________ (tall) he grows.

Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. He is much more taller than his brother.
  2. As time went by, I got the more and more nervous.
  3. I hardly not know anyone in my new job.
  4. Going on holiday abroad is very more exciting than staying at home.
  5. This flat is so bigger than the one we saw yesterday.
  6. Her brooch is twice as more expensive as mine.
  7. The more time you spend with your children, the more than they appreciate it.
  8. This is the most funniest book I’ve ever read.
  9. This chewing gum tastes as like cinnamon.
  10. She invited the most of her friends to a barbecue.
  11. Your handbag is the same colour as to mine.
  12. He is regarded as like the best author of the century.
  13. The weather is becoming hotter and even hotter.
  14. Talking to him was as like talking to a brick wall.
  15. It was a quite an interesting lecture.
  16. Paul is as much old as Michael.
  17. This ring is by far prettier than the other one we saw.
  18. This house is the less expensive than the others.

Read the text and fill in the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

New York City is one of 1) _______  largest cities 2) ______ the world. It is also one of the most densely populated, with an estimated 7,400,000 inhabitants. Manhattan is the 3) __________ popular area of the city with tourists and has 4)  __________ interesting sights. There is also 5) ________a large number of businesses in this area of the city, including the head offices of some of the world’s leading companies. New York’s subway system provides transport for more 6) _________ 33% of the city’s work force.

New York is also regarded 7)  __________ a centre of entertainment. Broadway is the scene of many box-office hits, Carnegie Hall is one of the 8) _________ famous concert halls in the world and the city is also the home of several opera and ballet companies.

With 9) __________ choice of food, entertainment and social life than any other city, it is 10) __________ any wonder that people flock to New York to experience life in the Big Apple.

  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. Film budgets are getting        __________ as actors are paid more.

A as high                         C higher and higher

В the highest               D higher than

  1. Walking to the cinema took ___________  I thought it would.

A as half as long              C half as long

В half as long as              D as long as half

  1. MP3 players are definitely ____________  portable CD players.

A best of                       C the better of

В better than             D best than

  1. Cycling is ___________ than parachuting.

A less dangerous             C the least dangerous

В least dangerous             D least danger

  1. ‘Titanic’ was ___________ film ever made.

A most profitable                   C the most profitable

В the more profitable       D more profitable

  1. The more you exercise __________ you will feel.

A the more good                        C        the better

В the more better                        D        the best

  1. This designer jacket is __________ expensive item of clothing I’ve ever bought.

A by far most                        C        the most by far

В most by far                        D        by far the most

  1. This comedian is __________ than anyone else.

A much funnier                     C more funnier

В as funny                               D the funniest

  1. ‘Superman Returns’ is __________ as any other superhero film.

A twice as better                     C        twice as good

В twice as best                     D        better twice

I 0 This diet is by far _________ one that I have tried.

A most easy                        C more easy

В any easier                                D the easiest

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.

  1. A: Mark is very confident.

B: Yes. He is certainly _________ (confident) his brother.

  1. A: Did you enjoy your holiday?

B: Oh, yes. It was         _________ (good) holiday I’ve ever had.

  1. A: You’re late home tonight.

В: I know. The work took _________ (long) I had expected.

  1. A: Did you like the brown shoes?

B: Yes, but they were by far _________ (expensive) shoes in the shop.

  1. A: Have you put the heating on?

B: Yes. I’m much         __________ (warm) now.

  1. A: Do you like your new job?

B: Yes. The staff are __________ (friendly) people I’ve ever met.

  1. A: The new cinema is great.

B: Yes. It’s         __________ (big) cinema I’ve ever been to.

  1. A: Your new car looks good.

B: It is. It’s much         _________ (fast) my old car.

  1. A: Thank you for the information.

B: No problem. If you want any __________ (far) information, just ask.

  1. A: This bag is very cheap.

B: Yes, but look. This one is even _________ (cheap).

  1. A: Why are we going this way?

B: Because it’s _______ (short) route to the beach.

  1. A: The children are so noisy today.

В: I know. I wish they would be ________ (quiet).

Complete the sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold.

  1. I’ve never heard such a silly excuse.

the         It’s _______________ I’ve ever heard.

  1. Jane’s car was cheaper than Adam’s.

less      Jane’s car _____________________ Adam’s.

  1. As we got closer, I became more nervous.

the      The closer we got        , __________________I became.

  1. Tom has bought the same number of sweets as Lucy,

many            Tom has bought         ____________________ Lucy.

  1. Ben is smarter than Steve.

as        Steve         ________________________ Ben.

  1. Can’t you eat any more than that?

most         Is that __________________ you can eat?

  1. As I study more, I get better grades.

the        The more I study,         ____________________ I get.

  1. I’ve never known such an independent young woman.

the      She’s         ____________________ I’ve ever known.

  1. Josie has the same number of CDs as David.

many           Josie has ______________ David.

  1. Keith is the best tennis player of all.

than        Keith        ________________________ anyone else.



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