Cross out the odd word in each line paying attention to the vowels



по английскому языку»





– на — Амуре


по выполнению работы

На выполнение работы дается 1,5 часа (90
минут). Работа состоит из 3 частей, включающих 35 заданий.

Часть 1 включает 10 заданий. В каждом
задании дано 4 слова, нужно выбрать 1 лишнее из этих слов.

Часть 2 содержит текст и 5 послетекстовых
заданий. После прочтения текста, вам следует выполнить тест, выбрав 1
правильный вариант ответа.

Часть 3 состоит из двух частей, в каждой
из которых по 10 заданий. В 1 части вам нужно подобрать 10 русских эквивалентов
к английским пословицам. А во 2 части к каждому заданию дается 2 варианта
ответов, только один из которых правильный.

Внимательно прочитайте каждое задание и
предлагаемые варианты ответа, если они имеются. Отвечайте только после того,
как вы поняли вопрос и проанализировали все варианты ответа.

Выполняйте задание в том порядке, в каком
они даны. Для экономии времени пропускайте задание, которое не удается
выполнить сразу, и переходите к следующему. К пропущенному заданию вы можете
вернуться после выполнения всей работы, если останется время.

Приступайте  к выполнению работы.

Желаем успеха!

Part I. Cross out the odd word in each
line, paying attention to the vowels.

1.    tea, sea, death, peas

2.    heard, hurt, third, heart

3.    south, round, southern, bound

4.    shawl, own, blow, show

5.    gone, long, ton, cot

6.    ear, wear, hear, beer

7.    wild, mind, grind, wilderness

8.    season, meal, meadow, lean

9.    cut, butcher, but, butter

10.  bear, share, ear, air

Part II. Read the text and answer the questions.

Safari Parks

A safari park is like a large zoo, where the animals live in natural
conditions. There are several safari parks in Britain and they are very popular
places for visit. One of the most famous is at Windsor, which is close to
London airport.

You can visit some parts of the safari park on foot. Here you can see the
animals that are not dangerous, like giraffes, zebras, camels and antelopes.
The animals walk around as they were in Africa.

But safari parks also have lions, tigers, leopards and other dangerous animals.
These can not be kept with the other animals, because they would eat them. They
would also eat the visitors, so they have to drive through the parts where
these animals live. You have to keep your windows closed and you mustn’t get
out of the car. It is not a good idea to take a new car into this part of the
park, because the monkeys climb on the cars. They often scratch the paint and
they sometimes pull aerials and windscreen wipers off.

Safari parks are much better than ordinary zoos, because the animals do not to
live in small cages.

How do the animals live in safari parks?

in large cages                                        C. in natural conditions

in small cages                                        D. in comfortable rooms

You can visit some parts of the safari park with non-dangerous animals

by car                                                     C. by little

by special bus                                         D. on foot

How do the visitors have to behave in safari parks?

They have to drive through the parts where dangerous animals live.

They have to keep their windows closed.

They must not get out of the car.

All variants are correct.

The dangerous animals______________

can eat non-dangerous animals

sometimes pull aerials and windscreen wipers off

live with non-dangerous animals together

live apart in small cages

What is the most beautiful safari park in Britain?


Blackpool safari park

Manchester safari park

We do not know.

Part III.

1. Find the Russian equivalents of the following English proverbs.

1. A bag of

2. A bed of

3. A cat has
9 lives.

4. Act the

5. A good
name is better than riches.

6. Agree like
dog and cat.

7. All for
one, one for all.

8. A man or a

9. A man can
die but once.

10. Any port
in a storm.

A. Корчить из себя господина.

B. Жить как кошка с собакой.

C. Все за одного, один за всех.

D. Кожа да кости.

E. Либо пан, либо пропал.

F. Не житье, а малина.

G. Добрая слава дороже богатства.

H.Утопающий за соломинку

I. Живуч как кошка.

J. Двум смертям не бывать.

the right answer.

was founded

a) more than
2 thousand years ago; b) more than 3 thousand years ago; 

2. In the
center of Trafalgar there is a monument to

a) Queen
Victoria; b) Admiral Nelson

3. a) In the
middle of Piccadilly Circus is the figure of Eros.

      b) In
the middle of Piccadilly Circus is the figure of Admiral Nelson.

 4. a) The
Houses of Parliament have only one Tower with Big Ben.

      b) The
Houses of Parliament have two towers: the Tower with Big Ben and the Victoria

  5.  a) The
residence of the British Queen is the Buckingham Castle.

       b) The
residence of the British Queen is the Buckingham Palace.

  6.  a) The
British Museum has the best collections of decorative art.

       b) The
National Gallery has wonderful collection of western paintings.

 7.  a)
Westminster Abbey is a church where many British Kings and Queens were crowned.

       b) St.
Paul’s Cathedral is a church where most British Kings and Queens were crowned.

  8.  a) “The
City” is an amusement park.

“The City” is the business and commercial heart of London.

  9.  a) The
Tower of London was a fortress, but now it is a prison.

       b) The
Tower of London was a fortress and a palace, but now it is a museum.

  10.  a) In
the centre of the City there is the Tower of London.

       b) In
the centre of the City there is the Big Ben.

Ответы к олимпиаде:

Part 1.

В разработке представлены олимпиадные тестовые задания с ответами по английскому языку для 7 класса. Предлагаемый материал, направленный на выявление уровня сформированности фонетических, грамматических, лексических умений и навыков, поможет педагогу подготовить школьников 7 класса к олимпиаде, воспитать познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка и пробудить в учащемся уверенность в своих способностях.

Предназначено учителям английского языка, а также может быть полезно родителям для дополнительных занятий иностранным языком с детьми.

Olympiad for the 7th form
I. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

1. tea, sea, death, peas
2. heard, heart, third, hurt
3. south, round, southern, bound
4. shawl, own, blow, show
5. gone, long, ton, cot
6. ear, wear, hear, beer
7. wild, mind, grind, wilderness
8. season, meal, meadow, lean
9. cut, butcher, but, butter
10. bear, share, ear, air
II. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. My friend is interested _________medicine.
A. in
B. on
C. about
D. for
2. We are going for a walk. Who ________ to go with?
A. is wanting
B. does want
C. want
D. wants
3. She never drinks strong coffee, _________?
A. does not she
B. is she
C. does she
D. is not she
4. She is good _______foreign languages.
A. with
B. for
C. in
D. at
5. Could you give me ________ please?
A. a piece of advice
B. an advice
C. a advice
D. some advices
6. The journalist asked me_______.
A. what was my favourite pastime
B. what is my favourite pastime
C. what my favourite pastime was
D. what my favourite pastime is
7. It happened________our way home.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. about
8. By the time we arrived at the station, the train________.
A. left
B. has left
C. had left
D. was left
9. If he lived in the country he_______happier.
A. was
B. is
C. will be
D. would
10. When did he arrive_________Moscow?
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. for
11. Nobody _________why people walk or talk in their sleep.
A. know
B. knows
C. knew
D. is knowing

12. _________that strange man sitting over there?
A. Whose
B. Which
C. Who’s
D. Who
III. Read the text and answer the questions.
Safari Parks A safari park is like a large zoo, where the animals live in natural conditions. There are several safari parks in Britain and they are very popular places for visit. One of the most famous is at Windsor, which is close to London airport.
You can visit some parts of the safari park on foot. Here you can see the animals that are not dangerous, like giraffes, zebras, camels and antelopes. The animals walk around as if they were in Africa.
But safari parks also have lions, tigers, leopards and other dangerous animals. These cannot be kept with the other animals, because they would eat them. They would also eat the visitors, so they have to drive through the parts where animals live. You have to keep your windows closed and you must not get out of the car. It is not a good idea to take a new car into this part of the park, because the monkeys climb on the cars. They often scratch the paint and they sometimes pull aerials and windscreen wipers off.
Safari parks are much better than ordinary zoos, because the animals do not have to live in small cages.
1. How do the animals live in a safari park?
A. in large cages
B. in small cages
C. in natural conditions
D. in comfortable rooms
2. You can visit some parts of the safari park with non-dangerous animals_________________.
A. by car
B. by special bus
C. by little locomotive
D. on foot
3. How do the visitors have to behave in safari park?
A. They have to drive through the parks where dangerous animals live.
B. They have to keep their windows closed.
C. They must not get out of the car.
D. All variants are correct.
4. The dangerous animals__________________________________.
A. can eat non-dangerous animals
B. sometimes put aerials and windscreen wipers off
C. live with non-dangerous animals
D. live apart in small cages
5. What is the most beautiful safari park in Britain?
A. Windsor
B. Blackpool safari park
C. Manchester safari park
D. We don’t know.

IV. Choose the correct translation

1. Когда он встает? – Обычно в половине восьмого. a. When do he gets up? – Usually at half to eight. b. When does he get up? – Usually at half past seven. c. When is he getting up? – Usually at half past seven. 2. У меня нет ни братьев, ни сестер. Я единственный ребенок. a. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I’m the only child. b. I haven’t got no brothers or sisters. I’m alone child. c. I have got not any brother and sisters. I’m an only children. 3. Я не голоден. Я хочу всего лишь тарелку супа на обед. a. I don’t hungry. I just want a cup of soup for lunch. b. I not hungry. I just wanting a bowl of soap for lunch. c. I’m not hungry. I just want a bowl of soup for lunch. 4. Я был в Лондоне в 1996. a. I was being in London in 1996. b. I was in London in 1996. c. I did be in London in 1996. 5. В моем районе много многоквартирных домов и супермаркет. a. In my neighbourhood lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket. b. There are lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket in my neighbourhood. c. There stand in my neighbourhood lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket. 6. Я принимаю горячую ванну и слушаю радио. a. I have a hot bath and listen to the radio. b. I accept a hot bathroom and listen the radio. c. I have a hot bathroom and listening to the radio. 7. На дорогах слишком много машин. a. There are too many cars on the roads. b. On the roads are too many cars. c. Many cars are too enough on the roads. 8. .Муж моей сестры программист. a. Husband’s my sister is a computer expert. b. My sister husband is a computer expert. c. My sister’s husband is a computer expert. 9. В холодильнике немного сыра, зато много помидоров. a. In the fridge not many cheese but many tomatoes. b. There are not many cheese but many tomatoes in the fridge. c. There isn’t much cheese but there are many tomatoes in the fridge. 10. Какой у нее характер? a. What is she like? b. What does she like? c. How is her character? 11. I eat chocolates while my boyfriend reads novels to me. a. Я ем шоколадные конфеты, а мой друг читает мне романы. b. Я покупаю шоколад, а мой друг романы для чтения. c. Я ем шоколад, а мой друг читает мне нотации за это. 12. Children leave school when they are sixteen or eighteen. a. Дети живут в школе до шестнадцати или восемнадцати. b. Дети заканчивают школу в шестнадцать или восемнадцать лет. c. Дети посещают школу, когда им шестнадцать или восемнадцать. 13. I’m looking for my glasses. a. Я смотрю в мои очки. b. Я осматриваю мои очки. c. Я ищу свои очки. 14. A woman helps me with the housework and the cooking. a. Женщина помогает мне делать уроки и кормит меня. b. Женщина помогает мне по дому и готовит еду. c. Женщина просит меня помочь ей убрать дом и сварить еду. 15. I usually stay at a friend’s flat. a. Я всегда жду друга у его квартиры. b. Я обычно стою у друга в квартире. c. Я обычно останавливаюсь в квартире одного из моих друзей.
V. Read the text and answer the question.
The men are Alex, Bret and Carlo.
The one wearing the baseball cap is not Carlo.
Carlo is not the one reading the magazine.
The man holding the tennis racket is older than the one wearing glasses, but younger than the one sitting down.
Bret is the oldest.

Пожалуйста помогите прошу Вас!


Find the odd word in each line.

A) a bottle, a can, a packet, a top ;

b) cake, scone, bread, milk

c) a table, a timetable, a bed, a chair

d) a hospital, a school, a worker, a bank.

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Crosses & Noughts










  1. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

  1. bald, bold, coast, post, most

  2. heard, hurt, dirt, herd, heart

  3. glow, soul, soldier, shoulder, should

  4. food, mood, brood, blood, rude

  5. few, feud, fruit, busy, pool

  6. rose, low, move, noble, toll

  7. iron, violent, fright, vital, minus, lyric

  8. simple, permit, perfect, turtle, curly

  9. stare, hair, warn, fair, mare

  10. medal, lesson, record, lady, ever

  1. What do the following abbreviations stand for?

PM — , BBC — , UK — , C of E — , MP — , BA — , RN — , RAP — , GMT — , mph — , VIP — , SOS — , UFO — , a.m. — , p.m. — , AD — , BC — , AIDS — .

  1. Choose the correct answer for each question.

  1. Who is the symbol of the British nation?

A – Uncle Sam B – John Bull C – Winston Churchill

  1. The colour that represents Ireland is _______

A – green B – red C – yellow

  1. Where is Glasgow situated?

A – in Scotland B – in Wales C – in England

  1. What’s the name of the British flag?

A – Star-Spangled Banner B – Stripes & Stars C – Union Jack

  1. Where is Ben Nevis situated?

A – in Scotland B – in Wales C – in England D – in Northern Ireland

  1. What is Eisteddfod?

A – a country B – a dish C – a festival D – a dance

  1. The Romans first invaded Britain in ___________.

A – the 5-th century AD B – the 5-th century AD C – the 1-st century BC

  1. The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is ____.

A – The Times B – The Guardian C – The Financial Times

  1. Stonehenge is about _______ years old.

A – 40 B – 400 C – 4000

  1. The Irish Sea is _____________ of England.

A – to the east B — to the west C – to the north

  1. Match the words in column A with the words in column B then explain the similes.

  1. as black as a) snow 1) e (very black)

  2. as blind as b) a post

  3. as cool as c) gold

  4. as deaf as d) a hatter

  5. as white as e) coal

  6. as fit as f) lead

  7. as good as g) a mouse

  8. as heavy as h) a cucumber

  9. as mad as i) a fiddle

  10. as quiet as j) a bat

  1. Match the English words with Russian equivalents.

  1. Parking meter a) пешеходный переход

  2. Drain b) стоянка такси

  3. Window display c) пассажир на заднем сиденьи

  4. Pedestrian crossing d) человек, убирающий улицы

  5. Road sweeper e) водосток

  6. Tramlines f) трамвайные линии

  7. Pillion passenger g) витрина

  8. Taxi rank h) торговец газетами

  9. Advertising pillar i) счетчик парковки

  10. News vendor j) стойка для рекламы

  1. Guess who these quotations belong to.

  1. All the world’s a stage.

  2. England is a nation of shopkeepers.

  3. If the British can survive their meals, they can survive anything.

  4. Coffee in England always tastes like a chemistry experiment.

  5. There is in the Englishman a combination of qualities, a modesty, an independence, a responsibility…

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte

  2. George Bernard Shaw

  3. William Shakespeare

  4. Agatha Christie

  5. Charles Dickens

  1. Match the English & Russian idioms.

  1. To be under smb’s thumb a) ради бога

  2. To be a thorn in smb’s side b) брать голыми руками

  3. Let it be so c) как бы то ни было

  4. Nothing to speak of d) под башмаком

  5. For goodness’ sake e) не бог весть что

  6. To win hands down f) была не была!

  7. To touch smb’s heart g) взять себя в руки

  8. To pull oneself together h) бог с тобой

  9. Come hell or high water! i) брать за душу

  10. Be that as it may j) бельмо на глазу

  1. Express the meaning of each phrase in one word

  1. An opening from which liquid comes out, such as a tube or pipe – s_ _ _ t.

  2. A person who loves his/her country – p _ _ _ _ _ t.

  3. A period of very cold weather – f _ _ _ _ e.

  4. A long narrow piece of material for binding round a wound – b_ _ _ _ _ e.

  5. A group of people elected to govern a town – c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.

  6. The use of strength; trying hard – e _ _ _ _ _ t.

  7. A noble soldier on horseback – k _ _ _ _ t.

  8. A long speech, part in a play or film, spoken by one person only –

m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e.

  1. A very common reddish-yellow round fruit with a bitter-sweet taste and a thick skin – o _ _ _ _ e.

  2. A formal decision made by a group vote – r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.

  1. Guess who these quotations belong to.

  1. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

  2. I came, I saw, I conquered.

  3. He laughs best that laughs last.

  4. Don’t let school interfere with your education.

  5. To be, or not to be, that is the question.

  6. I awoke one morning and found myself famous.

  7. Children should be seen, not heard.

  8. That’s elementary, Watson.

  9. The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty.

  10. Let them eat cake.

  1. Mark Twain

  2. George Bernard Shaw

  3. Julius Caesar

  4. Queen Victoria

  5. Marie Antoinette

  6. William Shakespeare

  7. George Gordon Byron

  8. John Vanbrugh

  9. Oscar Wilde

  10. Arthur Conan Doyle

  1. Match a phrasal verb in A with a definition in B.

  1. Show off a) admit responsibility

  2. Find out b) have a calmer, more stable life

  3. Doze off c) explode

  4. Hold on d) be quiet

  5. Speak up e) discover

  6. Set off f) be happier

  7. Blow up g) not go out, stay at home

  8. Settle down h) stop burning

  9. Turn up i) arrive

  10. Own up j) wait

  11. Cheer up k) boast

  12. Go out l) fall asleep

  13. Shut up m) talk louder

  14. Stay in n) begin a journey

Школьная олимпиада 9-11 классы

вариант №1

Read the text and choose the correct variant of the questions.

David came late. The film was interesting. He liked to go to the cinema on Saturdays. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he must take his exam in Maths and there was no time left. The film was forgotten at once.

A. Who did come late?

B. Who came late?

C. Who comes late?

2. A. Did the film was interesting?

B. Did film interesting?

C. Was the film interesting?

3. A. When did he liked to go to the cinema?

B. When did he like to go to the cinema?

C. When he liked to go to the cinema?

4. A. Was he happy?

B. Did he was happy?

C. Did he be happy?

5. A. What did he suddenly remembered?

B. What did he remember suddenly?

C. What was he remembered suddenly?

6. A. What exam he must take?

B. What exam did he must take?

C. What exam must he take?

7. A. Was there any time left?

B. Did there time left?

C. Did there was time left?

8. A. Was the film forgotten at once?

B. Did film was forgotten at once?

C. The film was forgotten at once?

2. Correct the mistakes.

1. My friend doesn`t goes to the theatre a lot.

2. Are the cinemas close in the evening?

3. How you often play tennis?

4. She not comes home early.

5. My sister does never wait for me.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. Usually I … the violin but now I … the piano.

A. play, am playing B. am playing, play

2. He … in the garden when Tom … .

A. sat, was coming B. was sitting, came

3. … you … the article yet?

4. I … a message from Kelly last Saturday.

A. have got B. got

5. The book wasn`t so heavy as he … .

A. has thought B. had thought

6. My mother wasn`t at the shop when I … .

A. had come B. came

7. Some smiling men … the piano.

A. were playing B. had played

4. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. I think he … the address already.

A. has found B. has been found

2. Dinner … at 2 p.m. every day.

A. is being served B. is served

3. Some wild animals … into the country and … to the zoo.

A. were smuggled, sold B. were being smuggled, sold

4. His name … in the book.

A. hasn`t been mentioned B. wasn`t mentioned

5. … the article … by the secretary next week?

A. Will … be translated B. Would … be translated

5. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. He fired his gun … the bird.

A. on B. by C. at

2. Water was running … the hill.

A. over B. across C. through

3. They haven`t been at the seaside … 3 years.

A. since B. for C. about

4. This book was written … a gifted writer.

A. with B. at C. by

5. I haven`t been there … 2005.

A. since B. over C. through

6. Complete the sentences with the correct questions tags.

1. Nobody gave me a book, … ?

A. did they B. didn`t they C. did he

2. There are a lot of books on the shelves, … ?

A. aren`t there B. are there C. do there

3. You didn`t do your hometask, … ?

A. did you B. had you C. haven`t you

4. He doesn`t try hard, … ?

A. do heB. doesn`t he C. does he

5. Let`s go on foot, … ?

A. will they B. shall C. shan`t we

7. Supply the articles if necessary.

1. … Urals

2. … Philippines

3. … Atlantic Ocean

4. … English Channel

5. … Crimea

8. Choose the correct word.

1. Who in your group knows/knowledge Latin well?

2. Will you be so kind as to food/feed my dog while I am working in the garden?

3. Why aren`t you friendship/ friendly to him?

4. Are you pleased/pleasant with my work?

5. Don`t be afraid. The army will make a man/manly of you.

9. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

1. tea, sea, death, peas

2. stone, long, strong, pot

3. cut, but, nut, pupil

4. kind, nice, wild, simple


Школьная олимпиада 9-11 классы

вариант №2

Read the text and choose the correct variant of the questions.

Sally came late. The party was interesting. She liked to go to the party on Saturdays. She was happy. But suddenly she remembered that she must take her exam in History and there was no time left. The party was forgotten at once.

A. Who did come late?

B. Who came late?

C. Who comes late?

2. A. Did the party was interesting?

B. Did party interesting?

C. Was the party interesting?

3. A. When did she liked to go to the cinema?

B. When did she like to go to the cinema?

C. When she liked to go to the cinema?

4. A. Was she happy?

B. Did she was happy?

C. Did she be happy?

5. A. What did she suddenly remembered?

B. What did she remember suddenly?

C. What was she remembered suddenly?

6. A. What exam she must take?

B. What exam did she must take?

C. What exam must she take?

7. A. Was there any time left?

B. Did there time left?

C. Did there was time left?

8. A. Was the party forgotten at once?

B. Did party was forgotten at once?

C. The party was forgotten at once?

2. Correct the mistakes.

1. Does he go to sleep always late?

2. They enjoy the theatre, but they don`t go very often there.

3. I don`t phone my parents often in Moscow.

4. The next bus at two o`clock leaves.

5. Do her brother drive a car fast?

3. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. We … for about an hour when it started to rain.

A. were playing B. had been playing

2. For long months she … his secret.

A. had been keeping B. had kept

3. If we … the 10.30 train, we … too early.

A. catch, shall arrive B. shall catch, arrive

4. We … a party. … you… ?

A. shall have, Are … coming? B. are having, Will … come

5. Do you know when they … ?

A. would come B. will come

6. By the time we come they … .

A. will be going B. will have gone

7. They … for you at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

A. will have waited B. will be waiting C. will have been waiting

4. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. Who … my new car at the moment?

A. is being used B. is using

2. The road … by the company last year.

A. isn`t used B. wasn`t used

3. Our car … at the moment.

A. is being cleaned B. is cleaned

4. Our town … during the war.

A. was being destroyed B. was destroyed

5. When … Charley … ?

A. has… been fed B. was fed

5. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. We haven`t seen each other … three years.

A. in B. for C. since

2. We were caught … a storm.

A. at B. by C. on

3. Are you fond … reading?

A. through B. of C. over

4. I haven`t seen you … ages.

A. for B. since C. over

5. Is the road busy … night.

A. at B. since C. untill

6. Complete the sentences with the correct questions tags.

1. You go in for sport, … ?

A. aren`t you B. do you C. don`t you

2. There is nobody there, … ?

A. is there B. isn`t there C. does there

3. I am not ugly, … ?

A. am not I B. am I C. are I

4. Don`t do it, … ?

A. do you B. will you C. don`t you

5. I am very kind, … ?

A. am not I B. are I C. aren`t I

7. Supply the articles if necessary.

1. … Asia

2. … London

3. … USA

4. … Baikal

5. … Caucasus

8. Choose the correct word.

1. Are you pride/proud of your football team?

2. May is the last month of our school year. We are gaiety/gay at the thought of the coming holidays.

3. She was a lovely girl with blue eyes and gold/golden hair.

4. Will you tell us the story of her life/live.

5. He was very sorrow/sorry that he had lost her address.

9. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

1. post, most, rose, hot

2. name, late, break, sad

3. drug, put, aunt, nut

4. medal, lesson, pet, he


Школьная олимпиада 8 класс

Read the text and choose the correct variant of the questions.

David came late. The play was interesting. He liked to go to the theatre on Sundays. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he must take his exam in Maths and there was no time left. The play was forgotten at once.

A. Who did come late?

B. Who came late?

C. Who comes late?

2. A. Did the play was interesting?

B. Did play interesting?

C. Was the play interesting?

3. A. When did he liked to go to the theatre?

B. When did he like to go to the theatre?

C. When he liked to go to the theatre?

4. A. Was he happy?

B. Did he was happy?

C. Did he be happy?

5. A. What did he suddenly remembered?

B. What did he remember suddenly?

C. What was he remembered suddenly?

6. A. What exam he must take?

B. What exam did he must take?

C. What exam must he take?

7. A. Was there any time left?

B. Did there time left?

C. Did there was time left?

8. A. Was the play forgotten at once?

B. Did play was forgotten at once?

C. The play was forgotten at once?

2. Correct the mistakes.

1. My friend doesn`t goes to the theatre a lot.

2. Are the cinemas close in the evening?

3. How you often play tennis?

4. She not comes home early.

5. My sister does never wait for me.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. Usually I … the violin but now I … the piano.

A. play, am playing B. am playing, play

2. He … in the garden when Tom … .

A. sat, was coming B. was sitting, came

3. … you … the article yet?

A. Do … write B. Have … written

4. I … a message from Kelly last Saturday.

A. have got B. got

5. The book isn`t so heavy as he … .

A. has thought B. thought

6. If the weather … rainy, I`ll take on a raincoat.

A. will be B. is

7. I know when he … .

A. will come B. comes

4. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. He fired his gun … the bird.

A. on B. by C. at

2. Water was running … the hill.

A. over B. across C. through

3. They haven`t been at the seaside … 3 years.

A. since B. for C. about

4. I haven`t been there … 2005.

A. since B. over C. through

5. Complete the sentences with the correct questions tags.

1. Nobody gave me a book, … ?

A. did they B. didn`t they C. did he

2. There are a lot of books on the shelves, … ?

A. aren`t there B. are there C. do there

3. You didn`t do your hometask, … ?

A. did you B. had you C. haven`t you

4. He doesn`t try hard, … ?

A. do heB. doesn`t he C. does he

6. Supply the articles if necessary.

1. … Urals

2. … Atlantic Ocean

3. … Crimea

4. … London

5. … USA

7. Choose the correct word.

1. Who in your group knows/knowledge Latin well?

2. Will you be so kind as to food/feed my dog while I am working in the garden?

3. Why aren`t you friendship/ friendly to him?

4. Are you pleased/pleasant with my work?

5. Don`t be afraid. The army will make a man/manly of you.

8. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

1. tea, sea, death, read

2. stone, long, strong, pot

3. cut, but, nut, pupil

4. kind, nice, child, simple

Школьная олимпиада 7 класс

Read the text and choose the correct variant of the questions.

David came late. The play was interesting. He liked to go to the theatre on Sundays. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he must take his exam in Maths and there was no time left. The play was forgotten at once.

A. Who did come late?

B. Who came late?

C. Who comes late?

2. A. Did the play was interesting?

B. Did play interesting?

C. Was the play interesting?

3. A. When did he liked to go to the theatre?

B. When did he like to go to the theatre?

C. When he liked to go to the theatre?

4. A. Was he happy?

B. Did he was happy?

C. Did he be happy?

5. A. What did he suddenly remembered?

B. What did he remember suddenly?

C. What was he remembered suddenly?

6. A. What exam he must take?

B. What exam did he must take?

C. What exam must he take?

7. A. Was there any time left?

B. Did there time left?

C. Did there was time left?

8. A. Was the play forgotten at once?

B. Did play was forgotten at once?

C. The play was forgotten at once?

2. Correct the mistakes.

1. My friend doesn`t goes to the theatre a lot.

2. Are the cinemas close in the evening?

3. How you often play tennis?

4. She not comes home early.

5. My sister does never wait for me.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1. Usually I … the violin but now I … the piano.

A. play, am playing B. am playing, play

2. He … in the garden when Tom … .

A. sat, was coming B. was sitting, came

3. … you … the article?

A. write … B. Do … write

4. I … a message from Kelly last Saturday.

A. have got B. got

5. His book … as heavy as her book .

A. isn`t B. has

4. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. He fired his gun … the bird.

A. on B. by C. at

2. Water was running … the hill.

A. over B. across C. through

3. They haven`t been at the seaside … 3 years.

A. since B. for C. about

4. I haven`t been there … 2005.

A. since B. over C. through

5. Complete the sentences with the correct questions tags.

1. Nobody gave me a book, … ?

A. did they B. didn`t they C. did he

2. There are a lot of books on the shelves, … ?

A. aren`t there B. are there C. do there

3. You didn`t do your hometask, … ?

A. did you B. had you C. haven`t you

4. He doesn`t try hard, … ?

A. do heB. doesn`t he C. does he

6. Supply the articles if necessary.

1. … Urals

2. … Atlantic Ocean

3. … Crimea

4. … London

5. … USA

7. Choose the correct word.

1. Who in your group knows/knowledge Latin well?

2. Will you be so kind as to food/feed my dog while I am working in the garden?

3. Why aren`t you friendship/ friendly to him?

4. Are you pleased/pleasant with my work?

5. Don`t be afraid. The army will make a man/manly of you.

8. Cross out the odd word in each line, paying attention to the vowels.

1. tea, sea, death, read

2. stone, long, strong, pot

3. cut, but, nut, pupil

4. kind, nice, child, simple

Школьная олимпиада 6 класс

Прочитайте текст, выберите правильный вариант вопроса.

David has a family: a mother, a father, a sister. He goes to school five days a week. They like to go to the park. They play there. David has a lot of friends in the school. He likes to go to the cinema on Sundays. He can ride a bike, play football, swim, but he can`t play the piano.

1. A. David has a family?

B. Has David a family?

C. Does David have a family?

2. A. Goes he to school five days a week?

B. Do he goes to school five days a week?

C. Does he go to school five days a week?

3. A. Does they like to go to the park?

B. Do they like to go to the park?

C. Do they likes to go to the park?

4. A. Is he happy?

B. Did he is happy?

C. Did he be happy?

5. A. When do he goes to the cinema?

B. When does he go to the cinema?

C. When is he go to the cinema?

6. A. Does he can ride a bike, play football, swim?

B. Is he can ride a bike, play football, swim?

C. Can he ride a bike, play football, swim?

7. A. Can he play the piano?

B. Can he plays the piano?

C. Is can he play the piano?


1. My friend doesn`t goes to the theatre a lot.

2. Are the cinemas close in the evening?

3. Are he big or small?

4. Is you sad?

5. My sister have a cousin.

3. Запишите лишнее слово в каждой строке, обратите внимание на гласные.

1. tea, sea, death, read

2. stone, long, strong, pot

3. cut, but, nut, pupil

4. kind, nice, child, simple


1. Is John Barker 10?

2. Can you play ping-pong?

3. Is crocodile green?

4. Do you have a brother?

5. Can the dogs play football?

5. Прочитайте загадку и ответьте на вопрос.

Mary`s father has four daughters. Their names are: Nina, Nana, Nona. What is the fourth daughter`s name?

Answers (9-11 классы, 1 вариант):

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.a — 8 баллов

1.go 2.Do… 3.How often do you… 4. doesn`t come 5.never waits – 5баллов

1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.a- 7 баллов

1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a – 5 баллов

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a – 5 баллов

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.b – 5 баллов

1.the 2.the 3.the 4.the 5.the – 5 баллов

1.knows 2.feed 3.friendly 4.pleased – 5 баллов

1.death 2.gone 3.pupil 4.simple 5.busy – 5 баллов

Максимальное количество баллов – 50

Answers (9-11 классы, 2 вариант):

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a

1.Does he always go… 2.there very… 3.don`t often phone… 4.bus leaves 5.Does…

1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.b

1.b 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b

1.b 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.c

1. – 2. – 3.the 4.- 5.the

1.proud 3.golden 5.sorry 2.sad 3.put 4.he 5.ball

Максимальное количество баллов – 50

Answers (8 класс):

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a – 7 баллов

1.doesn`t go… 2.Do… 3. …do… 4. doesn`t come… 5. never waits – 5 баллов

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.a – 7 баллов

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a – 5 баллов

1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c– 4 балла

1.the 2.the 3.the 4.- 5.the – 5 баллов

1.knows 2.feed 3.friendly 4.pleased – 5 баллов

1.death 2.stone 3.pupil 4.simple – 4 баллов

Максимальное количество баллов – 42

Answers (7 класс):

1. b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.a – 7 баллов

1.doesn`t go… 2.Do… 3. …do… 4. doesn`t come… 5. never waits – 5баллов

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5 – 5 баллов

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a – 5 баллов

1.c 2.a 3.a 4.c– 4 балла

1.the 2.the 3.the 4.- 5.the – 5 баллов

1.knows 2.feed 3.friendly 4.pleased – 5 баллов

1.death 2.stone 3.pupil 4.simple – 4 баллов

Максимальное количество баллов – 40

Answers (6 класс):

1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) a – 7 баллов

1) go, 2) do…, 3)is, 4) are, 5) has – 5 баллов

1) death, 2)stone, 3)pupil, 4)simple – 4 балла

1)No, he isn`t. 2)Yes, I can. 3)Yes, I do. 4)No, they can`t. – 4 балла

Mary. – 5 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов – 25 баллов

Школьный этаполимпиада по английскому языку

Фамилия, имя, отчество ___________________________________________________

Дата рождения _____________, класс ____________

Дата проведения _________________ вариант _______

Учитель: Томонова Наталья Геннадьевна


Члены жюри: ___________________________


Максимальное количество баллов: ___________

Баллы: _______ Место: _______































Школьный этаполимпиада по английскому языку

Фамилия, имя, отчество ___________________________________________________

Дата рождения _____________, класс ____________

Дата проведения _________________ вариант _______

Учитель: Томонова Наталья Геннадьевна


Члены жюри: ___________________________


Максимальное количество баллов: ___________

Баллы: _______ Место: _______































Школьная олимпиада 5 класс

Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

to study a) to stand b) to discuss c) to learn d) to read

bright a) silly b) clever c) slow d) happy

to start a) to stop b) to go c) to run d) to begin

Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

Look at our …! There are a lot of new subjects.

paper b) uniform c) timetable d) textbook

Students like to give … to their teachers.

stamps b) timetables c) chocolate d) nicknames

Where will they … their Christmas holidays?

travel b) spend c) study d) go

Last autumn my two classmates … .

went abroad b) went to bed c) went shopping

How many … languages do you learn at school?

interesting b) foreign c) easy d) heavy

Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.

Last August my father and I … abroad.

go b) will go c) went

Most British students … school uniform.

wear b) wears c) wore

How long … your party last tomorrow night?

does b) did c) will

How many girls … there in your class?

is b) are c) do

Выбери правильный вариант перевода:

students` uniform

школьная форма ученика

б) школьная форма учеников

my friend`s nickname

а) прозвище моего друга

б) прозвище моих друзей

3) her children`s marks


б) оценки её детей

Ответы: 1. 1) c, 2) d, 3) d

2.1) c, 2) d, 3) b(a), 4) a, 5) b

3. 1) c, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b

4. 1) б, 2) а, 3) б

Итоговая контрольная работа 5 класс

Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

a capital a) a building b) a country c) a museum d) a city

to take place a) to take care b) to have c) to happen d) to stay

well-known a) unknown b) famous c) fantastic d) smart

Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

You`ll hear some important … on the radio at 6 o`clock.

place of interest b) voice c) information d) music

Our city museum is not … an art gallery at all.

founded b) like c) known d) real

The … says that the Tower has a bloody history.

information b) museum c) voice d) legend

An important political meeting took … near the Houses of Parliament two years ago.

place b) care c) part d) off

Where is Don? – He is running at the … .

capital b) stadium c) art gallery d) tower

Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.

This little kitten… a warm house and a hospitable family.

is needing b) needs c) need

Look at the group of strange tourists … along the street.

are going b) going c) go

Could I speak to Miss Smith? – Sorry, she … an interview to a youth magazine.

is giving b) gives c) gave

We … a lot of balloons through the window.

are seeing b) sees c) can see

Выбери правильный вариант перевода:

Сейчас ему необходим только горячий чай.

He is needing only a cup of hot tea at the moment.

He needs only a cup of hot tea at the moment


a) What do you want?

b) What are you wanting?

3) Тише! Он пишет статью о Москве.

a) Keep silence! He is writing an article about Moscow.

b) Silence! He writes an article about Moscow.

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  • Cross out the odd word baked boiled
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  • Cross out the mistake in each sentence and type the right word