Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence mrs miller


Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence.

  1. One moment please. Let I me check my diary.
  2. I can fit for you in at 4 pm.
  3. Would be 9 am be convenient?


Match the phrase to the picture.

A farewell party

A brainstorming

A date


Choose the right word for each gap.

  • I if the doctor could me in at 12 pm tomorrow?
  • I’m there is before 3 pm.
  • How about 3 pm?
  • Sorry, it’s , too.
  • 4 pm be OK?
  • Yes. He is free.








Divide all the phrases into two groups: Making an appointment/ Cancelling an appointment:

Making an appointment:

Cancelling an appointment:

I’d love to!

Shall we say 6 pm?

I’ m afraid I can’t make it to the theatre this Friday.

We’ll do it some other time!


Match the phrase to its translation.

I would like to put off the meeting.

Shall we say this time tomorrow?

We’ll do it some other time!

Как насчёт завтрашнего дня, в это время?

Оставим это до следующего раза!

Я бы хотела перенести встречу.


Put the phrases in the correct order.

— I am a little busy on Saturday. Can we manage Sunday?

— I was thinking of Saturday.

— This weekend? Let me see… Yeah… it should be OK… Which day?

— Yes. Sunday is fine, too.

— I just wanted to know if you fancied playing football this weekend?


Listen and underline the right variant.

  1. Kate wants to postpone the visit to the theatre.
  2. Kate is busy at work.
  3. Jane is angry.
  4. They put off the meeting for Sunday.


Let’s play! Find 5 hidden words related to the theme «Meetings».







Complete the sentences with the right words.

  1. Sorry, I would like to

    off the meeting for 6 pm? Is it possible?

  2. Shall we

    7 o’clock at the airport?

  3. We’ll do it

    other time.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrases:

1) I am a little busy on Sunday. Can we


2) I’ll look

to it.

3) Could you

your name one more time?


Choose True, False or Not Stated.

1. Helen wants to make an appointment.

  • True
  • False
  • Not Stated

2. Mrs Jason is busy on Monday and Thursday.

  • True
  • False
  • Not Stated

3. Wednesday morning suits both Helen and Mrs Jason.

  • True
  • False
  • Not Stated


Match the halves of the sentences.

I can’t make it to the café tonight!


Listen to the dialogue and cross out the incorrect sentences.

  1. Mike is going to the party.
  2. Mandy is busy till 7.15.
  3. Mike wants to help Mandy.
  4. Mandy and Mike meet in the store.


Choose the right word.

1)   I am slightly busy this Friday morning. But I am

most of Monday.

2)   I have an appointment today for 5 pm. I am afraid, I can’t

it, because of an urgent meeting at work.

3)   I’ m afraid I can’t

it to the theatre this Friday.

1. Cross out one incorrect word in each sentence.

  1. Mr Black was
    tired because she had  been  being
     on her report for 10 days.
  2. When I was
    talking  talked
     to her, I understood that she had not read
    my letter.
  3. Kate was
     home when she had met her
  4. The house
    looked abandoned. Nobody had  been
    visited it for ages.
  5. What were
    being  doing last month?
  6. Alex’s
    hands were covered in paint. He 
    has  had
     been  painting.
  7. My
    sister went to the hospital yesterday. She hadn’t  
    felt  feeling well for several days.
  8. Jessica
    invited some friends to her housewarming party last weekend. Unfortunately
    some of them didn’t  come. Some even hadn’t  

Past Perfect Simple And

2. Choose
the correct option to complete the sentences

office was quite dirty. It seemed they ___ it for months.

didn’t clean

had not cleaned

weren’t cleaning

wasn’t hungry in the evening. She ___ dinner earlier.

had had


was having

rain stopped, but the grass was wet. It ___ for several hours.


had rained

had been raining

was that woman? I ___ her before.

didn’t see

hadn’t seen

not saw

was sitting on the ground and breathing heavily. He ___.

had ran

was running

had been running

I didn’t see John
at work yesterday. He ___ earlier.

had left

b)      had been leaving

c)      left

We knew each other very well. We ___ on
our first day at school.

had met

e)      met

f)       were meeting

3. Ask questions:

1. I enjoy studying biology. (Why…?) Why do you like studying

2. Biology has many subdivisions. (What subdivisions…?) What
subdivisions does biology have?

3. I have chosen ecology as my future speciality. (What…?) What
have you chosen as your futurespeciality?

4. The biology faculty is one of the largest and one of the oldest
in the University; it was founded in 1934. (When…?)
When was
the biology faculty founded?

5. I study many subjects at the Biology faculty. (What subjects…?)
What subjects do you study at the Biology faculty?

6. After graduating I’d like to work at a research laboratory.
Where would you like to work after graduating?

the phrasal verbs with their meanings

Isaac Newton.
Формат ОГЭ

4. Complete the text with the correct words

Everyone _____(know) KNOWS
the name of Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists. Newton was an
English physicist and mathematician. He _____(be) WAS born
in 1642 in Lincolnshire, England. Newton’s father _____(die) HAD DIED three months before his son _____(bear) WAS BORN. His mother _____(marry) MARRIED another man and _____(go) WENT to live with her new husband. Newton _____(must) HAD TO stay with his grandmother.

Newton _____(have) HAD great
skills in building machines. He and _____(go) WENT
to grammar school and then _____(study) STUDIED natural
science and mathematics at Cambridge University. At the university, Newton _____(get)
GOT interested in the works of mechanical

Between the ages of 22 and 24, Newton _____(make) MADE his greatest discoveries in mathematics, optics,
and mechanics, such as the nature of white light and the law of gravitation.
The idea of the law of gravitation _____(come) CAME to
Newton in his garden as he _____watch) WAS WATCHING the
fall of an apple. This observation _____(lead) LED to
a great scientific discovery.

Newton never _____(marry) MARRIED,
and the only people who _____(live) LIVED with
him _____(be) WERE his niece and her husband.
Newton _____(die) DIED in 1727 in London at the
age of 84. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Reading: Multiple Choice

5. Choose the correct answers.

We can not imagine our life without the telephone.
This is the first thing we take in our hands in the morning, very often use it
during the day and,to be honest, the last thing we see before going to bed.

A telephone was patented in the USA in 1876 by
Alexander Bell. A handset was used both to receive and send peoples’ messages.
A bell was invented by Mr Watson, Mr Bell’s colleague, later in 1878. The distance
of operation of this line didn’t exceed 500 meters. For a very long time, A.
Bell was believed to be the inventor of the telephone. However, in 2002 the
Congress of the USA credited Antonio Meucci with the right of the invention of
the telephone. The thing is that Antonio had published an article about the
telephone in an Italian newspaper 17 years earlier than A. Bell made his great
invention. He failed to patent it because of financial problems.

The first telephones were without a direct
communication line. That means that manual telephone stations could be used
only with the help of operators. Only at the beginning of the 1920s, the
possibility of direct connection appeared, and the disk phones were produced
and used.

Nowadays cell phones or mobile phones are common
because they are very convenient and quite cheap. The coverage zone is now wide
and stable, allowing to make phone calls and send messages almost from
everywhere. The whole cover zone is divided into «cells». The main
idea of cell communication is based on the principle of honeycomb* in a
beehive**. There are base stations and the coverage zone of each in ideal
conditions looks like a circle. But because of the buildings, the shape is
distorted and looks like a hexagon. The coverage zones of each base station
slightly overlap each other providing a stable signal even when the user moves
from one zone to another.

Communication is a very important thing in our life.
The evidence of that we might find in ancient times, when not having a phone people
communicated using a whistle or gong. Now we have plenty of opportunities and
devices to meet all our needs.

1. Telephone is  

a)      the
most essential thing in our lives.

b)      the
thing which most people are addicted to.

the thing we often use.

2. A bell was invented by  

a)      Alexander

Mr. Watson.

c)      Antonio

3. The distance of the first line operation was  

less than 500 metres.

b)      more
than 500 metres.

c)      more
than 5000 metres.

4. A telephone first was invented by  

a)      Alexander

b)      Mr.

Antonio Meucci.

5. The first telephones were  

a)      with
a direct communication line.

b)      disk

without a direct communication line.

6. Stable communication is NOT provided if  

there are gaps between the cover zones of base stations.

b)      a
user moves from one zone to another.

c)      there
are buildings in the area.

7. Means of communication in ancient times were  

a)      imaginative
and effective.


c)      the
same as now.


cross out one incorrect word in each sentence and type the correct one
They has just gone to school. — have
1 Have you find your keys yesterday? -Yes, I did.
2 Has Agata wrote a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.
3 I has never been married.
4 Where do you go last night?
5 I haven’t see Olivia for more than three months.
6 Mary have lived in Moscow since 2011.
7 Did you ever been to London?
8 Last year i haven’t go to Moscow because I was ill.

Find one incorrect word in each sentence, cross it out and type the correct one
Даю 25 баллов
1. Have you ever was to California?
2. I has never tried lasange
3. They have already finish their job
4. Did she studied philosophy at university?
5. Have you done your homework? Yes, I has.
6. Where have you go? Its very late.

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