Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence max was tired

Max: Shall we go dancing tonight?

Helen: actually am not overkeen, actually.

Max: Ive heard that you take an English exam next Friday. Are you going to prepare for it?

Helen: Ive been busy recently.

I was burning the midnight oil for the whole night. Just studying, studying and studying.

Max: Come on. A little We dancing would do us good.

Helen: Sorry, Max. If you dont mind, I will stay in tonight.

Max: OK. Maybe next time.

Helen: Certainly. We can go out next weekend after my exam.

Max: Id love to!

  1. Max has an English exam next Friday
  2.  Helen was studying all the previous night.
  3.  Max insists on dancing, but Helen refuses.
  4. They are going dancing next Friday after the exam.

1. Write the unnecessary word as in the example or put a tick (v) if
the line is correct.

1. Using a homemade telescope Galileo

2. carefully observed the sky.

3. His observations and mathematical

4. calculations as soon convinced

5. him that Copernicus was right

6. saying to that the Earth

7. is rotates about the Sun. Galileo

8. also claimed that both light and

9. heavy objects tend to fall to

10. Earth at the same rates of speed.

11. To prove at his claim Galileo

12. climbed to the top of The

13. Leaning Tower of Pisa with two

14. cannon balls of greatly different

15. weight. Before witnesses he has

16. dropped both iron balls simutaneously

17. from the top of the tower

18. They are struck the earth

19. together, proving with his claim.

Key: 1. v; 2. v; 3. v; 4. as; 5. v; 6. to; 7. is; 8. v; 9. v;
10. v; 11. at; 12. v; 13. v; 14. v; 15. has; 16. v; 17. v; 18. are; 19. with.

2. Find the odd word out and write it in the right column.

1. My books are here, yours books are in your bag.

2. I think this is no any good.

3. We’ve got a plenty of time, so let’s not hurry.

4. They need another one article on this subject.

5. We can’t afford ourselves to buy a new car.

6. She has a very few friends so she feels lonely.

7. We will go to Paris by a car.

8. They do not allow to parking here.

9. John told to me that he was going to London.

10. What an expensive furniture you’ve got!

Key: 1. books; 2. any; 3. a; 4. one; 5. ourselves; 6. a; 7. a;
8. to; 9. to; 10. an

3. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence.

1. Do you know what time does the train arrives?

2. They are going to the Las Vegas for their honeymoon.

3. Susan has left home two hours ago.

4. The film will begins at 7 o’clock in the evening.

5. Need I to buy him a birthday present?

6. I haven’t never been to Spain.

7. They were been tired after hard work.

8. While we were having lunch, the phone had rang.

9. Phone me before you will arrive at the hotel.

10. Your plants will not die unless you water them regularly.

Key: 1. does; 2. the; 3. has; 4. will; 5. to; 6. never; 7. been;
8. had; 9. will; 10. not

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, infinitive or -ing

1. Kate decided _____ (visit) her friend in hospital.

2. What about _____ (go) to the theatre this evening?

3. I expect ____ (finish) my report soon.

4. Dan can’t stand ____ (listen) to opera.

5. She refused _____ (apologise) for her rude answer.

6. We’ve decided _____ (buy) a new computer.

7. There’s no point in _____ (offer) to help him.

8. I keep putting off _____ (write) to Jane.

9. It’d be a good idea _____ (phone) the parents.

10. Susan’s planning _____ (be) a model.

Key: 1. to visit; 2. going; 3. to finish; 4. listening; 5. to
apologise; 6. to buy; 7. offering; 8. writing; 9. to phone; 10. to be

By Tatyana Makhrina,
School No. 1285, Moscow


cross out one incorrect word in each sentence and type the correct one
They has just gone to school. — have
1 Have you find your keys yesterday? -Yes, I did.
2 Has Agata wrote a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.
3 I has never been married.
4 Where do you go last night?
5 I haven’t see Olivia for more than three months.
6 Mary have lived in Moscow since 2011.
7 Did you ever been to London?
8 Last year i haven’t go to Moscow because I was ill.

Find one incorrect word in each sentence, cross it out and type the correct one
Даю 25 баллов
1. Have you ever was to California?
2. I has never tried lasange
3. They have already finish their job
4. Did she studied philosophy at university?
5. Have you done your homework? Yes, I has.
6. Where have you go? Its very late.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

    • аноним


    1. Did you find your keys yesterday? — Yes, i did.

    2. Has Agata written a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.

    3. I have never been married.

    4. Where did you go last night?

    5. I haven’t seen Olivia for more than three months.

    6. Mary has lived in Moscow since 2011.

    7. Have you ever been to London?

    8. Last year i didn’t go to Moscow because i was ill.


    1. В начале не будет have, а будет did.

    2. После Agata wrote не правильно, written будет правильней.

    3. После i всегда используется have, ошибка has.

    4. После Where пишется did, а не do потому что этот вопрос задан в форме прошедшего времени.

    5. После haven’t всегда пишется seen, а не see.

    6. После Mary пишется has, a не have.

    7. В начале пишется Have, а не Did.

    8. После i будет didn’t, а не haven’t.

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  • Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and type the correct word or words
  • Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and type the correct one have you
  • Cross out the incorrect word and type the correct one instead перевод
  • Cross out the incorrect word and type the correct one instead the taxi
  • Cross out the extra word перевод