Cross out one wrong word in each sentence write the correct word at the end





“I used to hate literature1 at school, but now I
read a lot. I started off with fiction2. I read hundreds
of novels3, mostly thrillers4 and science
. My favourite author6 is John le

Recently, I’ve started reading quite a lot of biographies7,
and even some poetry8. Two of my favourite poets
are Antonio Machado and Federico García Lorca. They both wrote poems
in the early 20th century.”



How do you
decide which films you are going to see?

If it’s a horror film [a film that makes
people frightened, e.g. Dracula], I usually go and see it. I love horror

If a film gets good reviews [opinions in a newspaper
or magazine], then I often go and see it.



Find twelve more words, across or down, connected with books and


Cross out one
wrong word in each sentence. Write the correct word at the end.

1 Many poems are
around 300 pages. ____ novels_____________

2 Cinema grew in popularity
in the first half of the 20th year. _______________

3 I enjoy science fiction
because I like stories about the past. _______________

4 What’s happening at the
cinema? _______________

5 We went to see the film
because there was a good article in the newspaper. _______________

6 I’ve been reading a new
autobiography of Alfred Hitchcock by Donald Spoto. _______________

7 Comedies should make
people frightened. _______________


Complete the sentences with
the correct form of the word on the right.

1 William Wordsworth is a
very famous ________poet _________.

2 I thought the film was
good ________________. ENTERTAIN

3 Johnny Depp is one of my
favourite ________________. ACT

4 My daughter wrote a lovely
________________for her school magazine. POETRY

5 I thought the ________________in
the film was a bit unnatural. ACT

6 I like him very much; he’s
a great ________________. ENTERTAIN

7 I didn’t agree with what
the ________________said. REVIEW

8 Who’s your favourite ________________?


Complete the dialogue.

A: What’s 1______ on _______ at the cinema?

B: Er, there’s the 2_________________
film by Pedro Almodóvar. It only came out yesterday.

A: Oh, the guy who 3_________________
 Julieta. He’s a very good 4_________________, but I don’t understand
some of his films – they’re a bit 5_________________  for me. Anything else 6_________________?

B: Well, a couple of
romantic 7_________________, which may be fun. And they’re showing The Kite Runner again.

A: Oh, what’s that?

B: It’s a film based on the
8_________________  by Khaled
Hosseini. It’s a very good book.

Do you 9_________________  seeing that?

A: Yeah, why not.



Cross out one wrong word in each sentence. Write the correct word at the end.
I enjoy science fiction because I like stories about the past

Светило науки — 241 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи

I enjoy historical fiction because I like stories about the past.

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


там говорится о фантастике вот. Мне нравится научная фантастика, потому что я люблю истории о прошлом. нужно поставить за место о прошлом. о фантастике


  1. перевод:I like science fiction because I love science fiction stories

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    One word in each sentence is not correct.Cross out the word and choose the correct variant.

    1. The ancient Turks believed that the Earth kept on the horns of a red bull and painted it on their battle banners.
    2. The dome which is the round symbol of the sky rests upon four poles symbolizing the four parts of the world. 3. The eagle which is a king-bird soaring above all living beings is near from the Sky and the Sun.
    4. The eagle is a symbol of freedom, s sign of aspiration to great ideals and a flight to great buildings.
    5. The dark-blue colour also meant the image of Homeland which was the original home of light-blue Turks ancestors.

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    1 ответ

    2019-09-23 21:46:55

    The ancient Turks believed that the Earth is kept on the horns of a blue bull and painted it on their battle banners.

    The dome which is the spherical symbol of the sky rests upon four poles symbolizing the four parts of the world.

    The eagle which is a king-bird soaring above all living beings is near to the Sky and the Sun.

    The eagle is a symbol of freedom, a sign of aspiration to great ideals and a flight to great dreams.

    The light-blue colour also meant the image of Homeland which was the original home of light-blue Turks ancestors.

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