Cross out one mistake in each sentence type the right word how old does he

RobertCor RobertCor

1 year(s) ago

Cross out one mistake in each sentence. type the right word. 1. How old does he?2. I usually gets home at 8 o’clock on the evening. 3. The Prime minister of great Britain live at number 10, downing street, London4. Do your dad drive a car?5. The train arriving in Moscow in 30 minutes6. Queen Elizabeth ll does 94 years old 7. Does he an engineer?8. Most spiders has 8 eyes​

ответы: 1

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1. не DOES, a IS

2. не GETS, а GET

3. не LIVE, a LIVES

4. не DO a DOES


6 не DOES a IS

7 не DOES a IS

8 не HAS,a HAVE

пж отметь мое решение как лучшое!!!

Albanese Albanese

Feb 14, 2022

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Cross-out the mistake in each sentence and type the right word

She haven’t lost her keys and a phone.

We hadn’t play a violin in the living room.

I has just catches a cold.

Where have you be all my life?

Where shall you lived before?​


Светило науки — 2881 ответ — 11625 раз оказано помощи

1. She hasn’t lost her keys and a phone.

2. We hadn’t (haven’t) played a violin in the living room.

3. I have just caught a cold.

4. Where have you been all my life?

5. Where have you lived before?


Светило науки — 16 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

She doesn’t lost her keys and a phone.
We can’t play a violin in the living room.
I have just catches a cold.
Where do you be all my life?
Where do you lived before?

Cross out the mistake in each sentence. Type the correct word
1. Are she playing the guitar in her room? ___
2. Is he visits his grandma right now? ___
3. Do seagulls crying above the Black Sea? ___
4. Am Maria brushing her teeth now? ___
5. What am i do here? ___
6. They aren’t go to the party. ___

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

    • аноним


    1. Did you find your keys yesterday? — Yes, i did.

    2. Has Agata written a letter to Santa Claus? — No, she hasn’t.

    3. I have never been married.

    4. Where did you go last night?

    5. I haven’t seen Olivia for more than three months.

    6. Mary has lived in Moscow since 2011.

    7. Have you ever been to London?

    8. Last year i didn’t go to Moscow because i was ill.


    1. В начале не будет have, а будет did.

    2. После Agata wrote не правильно, written будет правильней.

    3. После i всегда используется have, ошибка has.

    4. После Where пишется did, а не do потому что этот вопрос задан в форме прошедшего времени.

    5. После haven’t всегда пишется seen, а не see.

    6. После Mary пишется has, a не have.

    7. В начале пишется Have, а не Did.

    8. После i будет didn’t, а не haven’t.

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