Cross out one extra word in each sentence after the flood the most important


4 Cross out one extra word in each sentence.
1 It’s a difficult race A few people have managed
to finish it in under one hour.
2. I would like both of students to report to my
office at one o’clock
3 All of people enjoy some form of social
4. They gave us a little new information, so it was
hard to write another story
5 There are a lots of friendly generous people
here. You’ll find it easy to make friends​

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Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: alexeyvoronchikhin99


Автор ответа: prettylittlemermaid


1. It

2. Would

3. His

4. It

5. Had

6. Would

7. It

8. Been

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Предмет: Алгебра,
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Помогите пожалуйста!.
Очень нужно!​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
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Помогите пожалуйста нужно с решением. Математика 7 класс. Номер 10

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Найдите значение выражение

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3. Укажите неверные утверждения относительно Евразии:
а) Столица Испании – Вена
б) Евразии свойственно широкое распространение континентальных типов климата
в) Самое влажное место на планете – город Черрапунджи в Индии (около 12 000 мм в год)
г) Наиболее развитыми странами Евразии являются Греция, Молдова, Вьетнам
д) Основные озера Евразии: Каспийское и Аральское (озера-моря), Байкал, Ладожское, Онежское, Балхаш, Лобнор
е) В Исландии представлены почти все типы вулканов (самый известный – действующий вулкан Гекла)
ж) Европа – самая большая, самая населенная и многообразная часть света

6 лет назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: lera30072005

в прямоугольном треугольнике AB=5cm,AC=18cm. Чему равна площадь треугольника ABC?

6 лет назад

Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
1 The bookseller told to me that the book I was
looking for was no longer for sale.
2 The tourists wanted to know how much did the
city map cost.
3 Lots of fans asked to the famous author to sign
their copies.
4 Our teacher once said us that he used to write
5 They wanted to know if whether we ever read

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика


Cross-out the mistake in each sentence and type the right word

She haven’t lost her keys and a phone.

We hadn’t play a violin in the living room.

I has just catches a cold.

Where have you be all my life?

Where shall you lived before?​


Светило науки — 2881 ответ — 11625 раз оказано помощи

1. She hasn’t lost her keys and a phone.

2. We hadn’t (haven’t) played a violin in the living room.

3. I have just caught a cold.

4. Where have you been all my life?

5. Where have you lived before?


Светило науки — 16 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

She doesn’t lost her keys and a phone.
We can’t play a violin in the living room.
I have just catches a cold.
Where do you be all my life?
Where do you lived before?

2 Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
1 ‘m not sure, but i might definitely stay in tonight
2 I’m sure that people won’t probably stop eating meat very easily
3 We’re not sure, but we might to get a fuel-efficient car
4 lexpect people will might travel to the Moon orie day
5 The hole in the ozone layer definitely on’t not get smaller if we keep producing polluting gases.
6 Pollution will to definitely increase if we don’t change our habits.
Пожалуйста сделайте ​

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