Create meaning of the word

Infinite should form for Himself and _in_ Himself, an idea of what HE willed to produce or create: and, as there is no Time with Him, to _will was_ to _create_, to _plan_ was to _will_ and to _create_; and in the ❋ Albert Pike (1850)

G. LOPEZ: I never saw something that had peace in the title create so many fights. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Remember that the word create comes from the same origin as Creator, so we are closer to God when we are using our creativity. ❋ KATHLEEN MCGOWAN (2009)

Not only does the label create entire collections for men and women, it is also responsible for accessories and lingerie. ❋ Author (2010)

In the name of what he calls the create ideological battle of our age, he remains the first American President in our history to justify what everyone throughout the free world calls torture. ❋ Unknown (2007)

CANFIELD: Well, there are a number of ways but one of the ways that I like to start with my clients is what I call create an irritation list. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The issue is not what the English word «create» means, but what the Hebrew word that is usually translated that was in Genesis 1 means. ❋ James F. McGrath (2009)

How big of a disturbance they create is often a consequence of how you handle them. ❋ Unknown (2010)

“Artists have an alternate source of revenue available through performance fees, which, together with the simple desire to create, is enough to encourage all sorts of new production.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

Artists have an alternate source of revenue available through performance fees, which, together with the simple desire to create, is enough to encourage all sorts of new production. ❋ Unknown (2010)

One of the most enjoyable types of short stories to both read and to create is one with The Twist. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And now the forums are officially open for our hooping community to once again create profiles and groups, post events in the calendar, blog, to view and share videos and more. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What took eight years to create is not going to be resolved overnight. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The only jobs Obama/Biden are working to create is jobs in the military. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I am grateful he will have no opportunity to re-create is destruction on the whole country. cspurgeon ❋ Unknown (2010)

They will, once again create a secondary investment market using those credits as a new futures investment vehicle. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«Organizations that are getting a better short-term success in retaining their key employees are the ones that pay the most, but all this will help create is a compensation spiral in which employers fight over who pays a little more.» ❋ Javier Espinoza (2010)

The desire to create is self-renewing and self-reinforcing. ❋ Rebecca Tushnet (2009)

I have created [the douche]. [Heeeeeeeee] ❋ Sgdjklkejlrg (2005)

[I’m] going to [create] [a game] ❋ UFG Hero (2019)

I am [creating] [my day] and [my life]; and it will be wonderful. ❋ Lileelicious (2008)

[Damn son]! I never would have [come up] with such a cool project. You must be full of [CREAT]!
or the more popular: » RE: I think «Re: Re: Hello» would just be a lack of [creat]» ❋ Jessie (Team Rocket) (2006)

They are so [createful] in their creative process, giving more and [grateful] being [creatives]. ❋ Trailer Park Bob (2019)

«Man, do you see the amount of [creats] on that guy over there… thats one hell of a [Plumbers Crack].»
«No bro, that’s more of a Grand [Peeping] Canyon»
Hey dude, you have some creats showing there, care to pull your pants up? ❋ Blah_Blah_Blah_Blink_Blah (2013)

[Im] about to [creat] that [pussy] ❋ Jesus Uchiha (2021)

[I didn’t] mean to hurt you- I just needed to [create optionality] in our [relationship]. ❋ Babimia (2020)

[lets] do create this book ❋ Coco Flobo (2021)

[Big Boss]: «We need to [create value] for our company.»
Manager 1: «We are really creating value for our business by putting these flowers and pictures all over the lobby.»
Manager 2: «We certainly are, but I think we need to create more value by installing a [chocolate fountain] in the boardroom.» ❋ Birdbrain5381 (2012)

  • Defenition of the word create

    • To bring into existence.
    • To pursue or be engaged in a creative activity.
    • pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; «Don’t disturb him—he is creating»
    • bring into existence; «The company was created 25 years ago»; «He created a new movement in painting»
    • invest with a new title, office, or rank; «Create one a peer»
    • create by artistic means; «create a poem; «Schoenberg created twelve-tone music»; «Picasso created Cubism»; «Auden made verses»
    • make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor»
    • create or manufacture a man-made product: «We produce more cars than we can sell»; «The company has been making toys for two centuries»
    • make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one»s office»; «create a furor»
    • create or manufacture a man-made product; «We produce more cars than we can sell»; «The company has been making toys for two centuries»
    • create by artistic means; «create a poem»; «Schoenberg created twelve-tone music»; «Picasso created Cubism»; «Auden made verses»
    • pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; «Don»t disturb him—he is creating»
    • make or cause to be or to become
    • create or manufacture a man-made product
    • create by artistic means
    • pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity
    • bring into existence
    • invest with a new title, office, or rank

Synonyms for the word create

    • build
    • coin
    • conceive
    • construct
    • craft
    • design
    • establish
    • fashion
    • form
    • found
    • generate
    • get going
    • give rise to
    • initiate
    • invent
    • make
    • originate
    • produce
    • set up
    • start

Similar words in the create

    • cook up
    • create
    • created
    • creates
    • fabricate
    • invent
    • make over
    • make up
    • manufacture
    • redo
    • refashion
    • remake

Hyponyms for the word create

    • actualise
    • actualize
    • arouse
    • assemble
    • bear
    • beat
    • beget
    • blast
    • bootleg
    • breed
    • bring
    • bring about
    • bring forth
    • bring up
    • build
    • burn
    • call down
    • call forth
    • carve out
    • cause
    • chop
    • choreograph
    • churn out
    • clap together
    • clap up
    • clear
    • cleave
    • compose
    • confect
    • conjure
    • conjure up
    • construct
    • copy
    • create
    • create by mental act
    • create from raw material
    • create from raw stuff
    • create mentally
    • create verbally
    • custom-make
    • customise
    • customize
    • cut
    • derive
    • design
    • develop
    • direct
    • distil
    • distill
    • do
    • draw
    • dummy
    • dummy up
    • educe
    • elaborate
    • elicit
    • engender
    • enkindle
    • establish
    • evoke
    • extract
    • extrude
    • father
    • film
    • film-make
    • fire
    • form
    • froth
    • fudge together
    • generate
    • get
    • give
    • give rise
    • grind
    • incorporate
    • initiate
    • institute
    • invoke
    • kindle
    • laminate
    • lay down
    • machine
    • make
    • make for
    • make over
    • manufacture
    • mother
    • multiply
    • offset
    • organise
    • organize
    • originate
    • output
    • overproduce
    • paint
    • piece
    • play
    • preassemble
    • prefabricate
    • prepare
    • press
    • print
    • procreate
    • produce
    • proof
    • provoke
    • publish
    • pulsate
    • pulse
    • puncture
    • put forward
    • put on
    • put out
    • put together
    • raise
    • re-create
    • realise
    • realize
    • recreate
    • redo
    • refashion
    • regenerate
    • reinvent
    • remake
    • render
    • reproduce
    • return
    • scrape
    • set up
    • shell
    • short
    • short-circuit
    • sire
    • slap together
    • smelt
    • spume
    • squeeze out
    • start
    • stir
    • strike
    • style
    • substantiate
    • suds
    • tack
    • tack together
    • tailor-make
    • throw together
    • track
    • turn in
    • turn out
    • twine
    • underproduce
    • work
    • wreak
    • write
    • yield

Hypernyms for the word create

    • act
    • appoint
    • charge
    • create
    • make
    • move

Antonyms for the word create

    • destroy
    • kill

See other words

    • What is brace
    • The definition of bike
    • The interpretation of the word batch
    • What is meant by ball
    • The lexical meaning bale
    • The dictionary meaning of the word bag
    • The grammatical meaning of the word memoria
    • Meaning of the word mare
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word bribe
    • The origin of the word creature
    • Synonym for the word crest
    • Antonyms for the word danger
    • Homonyms for the word daughter
    • Hyponyms for the word daylight
    • Holonyms for the word deck
    • Hypernyms for the word decode
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word eagle
    • Translation of the word in other languages eight

1. 1) создавать, творить

to create an epic [a drama, a theory, a system of philosophy] — создать эпическую поэму [драму, теорию, философскую систему]

to create an army [a powerful industry] — создать армию [мощную промышленность]

to create difficulties [illusions, the mood] — создавать трудности [иллюзии, настроение]

to create a character — создать образ ()

he created this part — он первым создал на сцене этот образ


творить, заниматься творчеством

2. вызывать, произвести

to create a feeling of surprise — вызвать чувство удивления

to create a painful feeling in the throat — вызвать болезненное ощущение в горле

his behaviour created a bad impression — его поведение произвело плохое впечатление


возводить в звание; присваивать титул

the queen created him a knight — королева возвела его в рыцарское достоинство

1) волноваться, суетиться

you needn’t create about it — вам не следует расстраиваться по этому поводу

2) поднимать шум, устраивать бучу

he is always creating about nothing — он всегда поднимает шум из-за пустяков

the baby stopped creating and went to sleep — ребёнок перестал капризничать и заснул

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «create» в других словарях:

  • Create (!) — Origin Long Beach, California, U.S. Genres free jazz experimental traditional music no wave Years active 1999–present …   Wikipedia

  • create — cre‧ate [kriˈeɪt] verb [transitive] 1. to make something exist that did not exist before: • The building boom has created 50,000 construction jobs in the state. • The two organizations will create a company to sell life insurance in Spain, with… …   Financial and business terms

  • Create — Cre*ate , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Created}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Creating}.] 1. To bring into being; to form out of nothing; to cause to exist. [1913 Webster] In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. i. 1. [1913 Webster] 2. To effect …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • create — I verb be responsible, be the agent, be the author, be the cause of, be the reason, beget, bring about, bring into being, bring on, bring out, bring to effect, bring to pass, build, carve, cause, cause to exist, chisel, compose, conceive, concoct …   Law dictionary

  • Create — Cre*ate (kr[ e]*[=a]t ), a. [L. creatus, p. p. of creare to create; akin to Gr. krai nein to accomplish, Skr. k[.r] to make, and to E. ending cracy in aristocracy, also to crescent, cereal.] Created; composed; begotten. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • create — [krē āt′; ] often [ krē′āt΄] vt. created, creating [ME createn < L creatus, pp. of creare, to create < IE * k̑rē , var. of base * ker , to grow, cause to grow > CEREAL] 1. to cause to come into existence; bring into being; make;… …   English World dictionary

  • create — late 14c., from L. creatus, pp. of creare to make, bring forth, produce, beget, related to crescere arise, grow (see CRESCENT (Cf. crescent)). Related: Created; creating …   Etymology dictionary

  • create — *invent, discover Analogous words: *make, form, fashion, shape, forge: design, plan, scheme (see under PLAN n) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • create — [v] develop in mind or physically actualize, author, beget, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to pass, build, cause to be, coin, compose, conceive, concoct, constitute, construct, contrive, design, devise, discover, dream up, effect,… …   New thesaurus

  • create — ► VERB 1) bring into existence. 2) make (someone) a member of the nobility. 3) Brit. informal make a fuss; complain. ORIGIN Latin creare produce …   English terms dictionary

  • create — verb 1. make or cause to be or to become (Freq. 94) make a mess in one s office create a furor • Syn: ↑make • See Also: ↑make over (for: ↑mak …   Useful english dictionary

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That’s not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

Thomas Carper



Creat created, from Latin creātus, from creāre to produce, make.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Create is a verb.



Create may refer to: ▪ Creativity, phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created ▪ Create, an American public television network consisting of lifestyle and human interest programming from the libraries of PBS and American Public Television ▪ Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program, a proposed improvement to the rail lines in the Chicago area ▪ Create, one of the four basic functions of persistent storage identified in the acronym CRUD ▪ CREATE, a statement in SQL ▪ Create, a free jazz band ▪ iRobot Create, a hobbyist robot based on the iRobot Roomba platform ▪ Create: New Student Orientation, UBC’s Okanagan campus’ new-to-UBC student orientation program ▪ Create, a 2010 video game published by EA ▪ Create, a entertainment venue in Los Angeles ▪ Create International, an international ministry of Youth With A Mission ▪ Create Project, a web-based community focused on communication and sharing between Free and Open Source Creative applications…

Definition of create in the English dictionary

The first definition of create in the dictionary is to cause to come into existence. Other definition of create is to invest with a new honour, office, or title; appoint. Create is also to be the cause of.




I create

you create

he/she/it creates

we create

you create

they create

Present continuous

I am creating

you are creating

he/she/it is creating

we are creating

you are creating

they are creating

Present perfect

I have created

you have created

he/she/it has created

we have created

you have created

they have created

Present perfect continuous

I have been creating

you have been creating

he/she/it has been creating

we have been creating

you have been creating

they have been creating

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I created

you created

he/she/it created

we created

you created

they created

Past continuous

I was creating

you were creating

he/she/it was creating

we were creating

you were creating

they were creating

Past perfect

I had created

you had created

he/she/it had created

we had created

you had created

they had created

Past perfect continuous

I had been creating

you had been creating

he/she/it had been creating

we had been creating

you had been creating

they had been creating

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will create

you will create

he/she/it will create

we will create

you will create

they will create

Future continuous

I will be creating

you will be creating

he/she/it will be creating

we will be creating

you will be creating

they will be creating

Future perfect

I will have created

you will have created

he/she/it will have created

we will have created

you will have created

they will have created

Future perfect continuous

I will have been creating

you will have been creating

he/she/it will have been creating

we will have been creating

you will have been creating

they will have been creating

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would create

you would create

he/she/it would create

we would create

you would create

they would create

Conditional continuous

I would be creating

you would be creating

he/she/it would be creating

we would be creating

you would be creating

they would be creating

Conditional perfect

I would have create

you would have create

he/she/it would have create

we would have create

you would have create

they would have create

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been creating

you would have been creating

he/she/it would have been creating

we would have been creating

you would have been creating

they would have been creating

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you create
we let´s create
you create

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of create in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «create» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «create» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of create to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of create from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «create» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

tạo ra

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

तयार करा

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

a crea

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of create


The term «create» is very widely used and occupies the 601 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «create» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of create

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «create».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «create» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «create» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about create


Famous quotes and sentences with the word create.

Men create real miracles when they use their God-given courage and intelligence.

I like to be in a huis clos, as the French say — in one place. It’s something that in general can create a bit of claustrophobia. But for me, claustrophobia becomes almost immediately claustrophilia. I love it!

I think our problems are inherently unsolvable. We need to change our genetic make-up or create computers that will think us out of it. I don’t think humans are able to deal with what we have.

If you’re wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.

It strikes me as hubris that Universal will buy EMI. What it will do is create a super-major that will have far too much power… I think when Universal goes up over 40 percent market share, I don’t see how reasonable regulators can countenance. It will impact not just labels, but artists and cultural diversity.

I think you create your own hipness.

Fuel cells create a better automobile that’s 50 percent more energy-efficient overall and sustainable from energy and safety perspectives.

That’s not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of a good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

I like being a consumer. I’ll do collabs with brands I like, only because I would like something free to wear. But I don’t want people to dress like me, which is what you’re asking when you create a brand. The fashion industry’s just a super-duper headache.


Discover the use of create in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to create and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Where Women Create Book of Organization: The Art of Creating …

Compiles tips from over fifty women artisans who have organized their studios and home offices in a manner that inspires creativity and maximizes productivity.


The Knowledge-creating Company: How Japanese Companies …

Looks at case studies from such firms as Honda, Canon, Matsushita, and NEC, and examines two types of business knowledge, explicit and tacit

Ikujirō Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi, 1995


How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed

Kurzweil discusses how the brain works, how the mind emerges, brain-computer interfaces, and the implications of vastly increasing the powers of our intelligence to address the world’s problems.

What if our logic and science derive from art forms, rather than the other way around? In this trenchant volume, Rollo May helps all of us find those creative impulses that, once liberated, offer new possibilities for achievement.


Gymnastics: How to Create Champions

This book answers in detail the many unanswered questionsrelating to high performance.

Leonid Arkaev, N. G. Suchilin, 2004


Imaginary Companions and the Children Who Create Them

If you have a child who creates imaginary creatures, or if you work with pre-schoolers, you will find this book very helpful in understanding the roles that imaginary companions play in children’s emotional lives.

Marjorie Taylor Professor of Psychology University of Oregon, 1999


Game Design: How to Create Video and Tabletop Games, Start …

With practice challenges, a list of resources for further exploration, and a glossary of industry terms, this manual is essential»—Provided by publisher.


Kotler On Marketing: How To Create, Win, and Dominate Markets

Philip Kotler’s name is synonymous with marketing.


Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand …

The book offers a fresh and engaging introductory look at a topic of broad interest, and is an important work for students of the environment, activists and environmental professionals interested in understanding the cultural context of …


Beyond Winning: Negotiating to Create Value in Deals and …

Too often, deals blow up, cases don’t settle, relationships fall apart, justice is delayed. Beyond Winning charts a way out of our current crisis of confidence in the legal system.

Robert H. Mnookin, Scott R. Peppet, Andrew S. Tulumello, 2000


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term create is used in the context of the following news items.

Amazon now lets you create customized 3D prints of video game …

Amazon has partnered with Sandboxr, a company specializing in 3D-printed collectibles, to let you create customized 3D prints of video game … «VentureBeat, Jul 15»

Vodafone plans to create 200 jobs in Dublin

The venture, which was piloted last year, will involve an investment of €60m over five years. It will bring to 2,000 the number of people … «, Jul 15»

How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to create custom shortcuts for any program, whether it’s a traditional “desktop” app, a new-fangled “universal app” or … «Laptop Mag, Jul 15»

McDonald’s Fancy ‘Create Your Taste’ Burgers Are Now Available …

Late last year, McDonald’s Australia introduced its first Create Your Taste restaurant: a premium dining experience focusing on gourmet … «Lifehacker Australia, Jul 15»

create the ultimate ‘she shed’

Poulter says it is easy to create your own bespoke she shed. «It doesn’t matter really how small it is just as long as it has got room for a comfy … «, Jul 15»

Watch Amy Winehouse, Mark Ronson Create ‘Back to Black’ in ‘Amy …

The critically acclaimed Amy Winehouse documentary Amy opens nationwide this Friday, but in a new clip, fans can see the singer belt out her … «, Jul 15»

Man Booker International and Independent foreign fiction prizes …

The UK’s two leading prizes for international literature are to be merged to create a new annual super-prize that will reward both the writers and … «The Guardian, Jul 15»

Huge Solihull Touchwood redevelopment to create almost 1000 jobs

This is set to be the new face of Solihull’s Touchwood shopping centre in a massive redevelopment due to create almost 1,000 jobs. «Birmingham Mail, Jul 15»

Gowlings merges with U.K.’s Wragge Lawrence Graham to create

Tyler Anderson/National PostThe move to merge with U.K.-based Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. ends years of speculation about what might … «Financial Post, Jul 15»

BRICS nations agree to create $100 billion forex pool

MOSCOW: The 5-nation BRICS group today signed an agreement to create a USD 100 billion pool of foreign- exchange reserves to help each … «Economic Times, Jul 15»


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show 212 types…
hide 212 types…
beget, bring forth, engender, father, generate, get, mother, sire

make children

multiply, procreate, reproduce

have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant


form or produce anew


make a way or path by removing objects

distil, distill, extract

extract by the process of distillation

derive, educe

develop or evolve from a latent or potential state

froth, spume, suds

make froth or foam and become bubbly

establish, lay down, make

institute, enact, or establish


make by piercing


make by twisting together or intertwining


make by cutting into


make tracks upon

bring, institute

advance or set forth in court

short, short-circuit

create a short circuit in


create anew


created by grinding

bring forth, generate

bring into existence

initiate, originate, start

bring into being

give, yield

cause to happen or be responsible for

bring, make for, play, work, wreak

cause to happen or to occur as a consequence

arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise, stir

summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

create by mental act, create mentally

create mentally and abstractly rather than with one’s hands


create by artistic means

actualise, actualize, realise, realize, substantiate

make real or concrete; give reality or substance to

cause, do, make

give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally

establish, give

bring about

put on, turn in

carry out (performances)

bear, turn out

bring forth, «The apple tree bore delicious apples this year»

create from raw material, create from raw stuff

make from scratch

build, construct, make

make by combining materials and parts

build, establish

build or establish something abstract

assemble, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack together

create by putting components or members together


make consistent with a certain fashion or style


produce by ignition or a blow

copy, re-create

make a replica of

create verbally

create with or from words

compose, write

write music


compose a sequence of dance steps, often to music


guide the actors in (plays and films)


record in film


make films; be a film maker


create anew


create an offset in


make by scraping

bring forth, produce

bring forth or yield

achieve, beget, bring about, give rise, produce

cause to happen, occur, or exist


create by pressing


to prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery


form or shape by cutting or incising


form by probing, penetrating, or digging


create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise


make by pounding or trampling


form or shape by chopping


create or produce in a mechanical way

blast, shell

create by using explosives

arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, pique, provoke, raise

call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)


form a corporation

form, organise, organize

create (as an entity)


style women’s hair in a pompadour


multiply through reproduction

fructify, set

bear fruit

breed, multiply

have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)

bear, birth, deliver, give birth, have

cause to be born

brood, cover, hatch, incubate

sit on (eggs)


replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue


distill (alcohol) illegally; produce moonshine


make multiple copies of


produce by cracking

spin off

produce as a consequence of something larger

customise, customize

make according to requirements

initiate, lead up

set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for

determine, influence, mold, regulate, shape

shape or influence; give direction to

draw, make

make, formulate, or derive in the mind


form anew in the imagination; recollect and re-form in the mind

anathemise, anathemize, bedamn, beshrew, curse, damn, imprecate, maledict

wish harm upon; invoke evil upon


give a benediction to

mark, set

establish as the highest level or best performance

etymologise, etymologize

give the etymology or derivation or suggest an etymology (for a word)


construct a revetment


bring in or establish in a new place or environment

do, make

create or design, often in a certain way

comfit, confect, confection

make into a confection

come up

bring forth, usually something desirable


generate gradually


apply or start

regenerate, renew

reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new

give birth

create or produce an idea


formulate in regular order; to reduce to a scheme or formula

contrive, devise, excogitate, forge, formulate, invent

come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort


prepare according to a formula

conceive, conceptualise, conceptualize, gestate

have the idea for

concoct, dream up, hatch, think of, think up

devise or invent

fictionalise, fictionalize, retell

make into fiction

conceive of, envisage, ideate, imagine

form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case

contrive, design, plan, project

make or work out a plan for; devise

coin, mint, strike

form by stamping, punching, or printing


form a web by making a thread

design, plan

make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form


create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner

initiate, pioneer

take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of

effect, effectuate, set up


bring on, induce

cause to arise


make concrete and real


compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way


give occasion to

call forth, evoke, kick up, provoke

evoke or provoke to appear or occur


fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location)

breed, engender, spawn

call forth

actuate, incentivize, incite, motivate, move, prompt, propel

give an incentive for action

force, impel

urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate


bear seeds


yield crops


bear too much


bear fruit


make by shaping or bringing together constituents

counterfeit, fake, forge

make a copy of with the intent to deceive


construct with drywall


build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels


build of or with wattle

frame, frame up

construct by fitting or uniting parts together

rebuild, reconstruct

build again


build with groins


construct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed

confuse, jumble, mix up

assemble without order or sense


assemble once again, after taking something apart


set up for a particular purpose


create by mixing or combining

forge, form, mold, mould, shape, work

make something, usually for a specific function


place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax

erect, put up, raise, rear, set up

construct, build, or erect

rig up

erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure


prepare with dry heat in an oven


prepare by brewing

cook, fix, make, prepare, ready

prepare for eating by applying heat


prepare a hot meal


make (textiles) by knitting


create by looping or crocheting


make into knots; make knots out of

tissue, weave

create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton

intertwine, tat

make lacework by knotting or looping

interpret, represent

create an image or likeness of


create code, write a computer program


make a reproduction or copy of


copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of

back up

make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy


copy on a duplicator


make multiple identical copies of

mimeo, mimeograph

print copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph


make copies on a Roneograph


make up

compose, indite, pen, write

produce a literary work

rhyme, rime

compose rhymes

recite, retell

render verbally, «recite a poem»


write in counterpoint

set to music

write (music) for (a text)

arrange, set

adapt for performance in a different way


write a musical score for

melodise, melodize

supply a melody for

harmonise, harmonize

write a harmony for

instrument, instrumentate

write an instrumental score for

stage direct

direct for the stage

present, represent, stage

perform (a play), especially on a stage

cinematise, cinematize

make a film of or adopt so as to make into a film


record on microfilm


give a performance (of something)

act, play, represent

play a role or part


enact or perform again

model, simulate

create a representation or model of

play, spiel

replay (as a melody)

induce, induct

produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes


create anew and make over

develop, evolve, germinate

work out

publish, write

have (one’s written work) issued for publication

program, programme

write a computer program


build (a road) from logs laid side by side


produce spores

crank out, grind out

produce in a routine or monotonous manner


create designs

rough, rough in, rough out

prepare in preliminary or sketchy form


gather and light the materials for

channelise, channelize

make a channel for; provide with a channel


increase the likelihood of (a response)


create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts


create by linking linguistic units

free, liberate, release

release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition


make with or as if with an explosion


produce naturally

strike a chord, touch a chord

evoke a reaction, response, or emotion

ask for, invite

increase the likelihood of


elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.


arouse again


arouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way


cause a sharp emotional pain

fire up, heat, ignite, inflame, stir up, wake

arouse or excite feelings and passions

excite, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir

stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of


arouse or elicit a feeling


make angry

discomfit, discompose, disconcert, rattle, untune, upset

cause to lose one’s composure


cause to be ashamed

bruise, hurt, injure, offend, spite, wound

hurt the feelings of

overcome, overpower, overtake, overwhelm, sweep over, whelm

overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli


excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of


manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait)

regroup, reorganise, reorganize

organize anew, as after a setback

choose up

form sides, as for a game

draw up

form or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers


form (military personnel) into a regiment


organize into or form a syndicate

lead, leave, result

have as a result or residue

date back, date from, go back

belong to an earlier time

beg the question

elicit or call to mind a question, especially one that has not yet been addressed


increase or intensify an emotion or response

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  • British

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verb (used with object), cre·at·ed, cre·at·ing.

to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.

to evolve from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.

Theater. to perform (a role) for the first time or in the first production of a play.

to make by investing with new rank or by designating; constitute; appoint: to create a peer.

to be the cause or occasion of; give rise to: The announcement created confusion.

to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design: to create a revolution; to create an opportunity to ask for a raise.

verb (used without object), cre·at·ed, cre·at·ing.

to do something creative or constructive.

British. to make a fuss.




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of create

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English creat (past participle), from Latin creātus, equivalent to creā- (stem of creāre “to make”) + -tus past participle suffix


cre·at·a·ble, adjectivein·ter·cre·ate, verb (used with object), in·ter·cre·at·ed, in·ter·cre·at·ing.self-cre·at·ing, adjectiveun·cre·at·a·ble, adjective

Words nearby create

creamy, creance, crease, crease-resistant, creasy, create, create a scene, created, creatine, creatine kinase, creatine phosphate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to create

build, conceive, constitute, construct, design, devise, discover, establish, forge, form, found, generate, initiate, invent, make, organize, plan, produce, set up, shape

How to use create in a sentence

  • Besides our poll, yesterday Google read the story and created their own poll and posted about it on Twitter.

  • After all, if you know what people are searching for, you can create content that guides them to your site.

  • Curata, Flipboard, Pocket, and Vestorly are some of the most popular content curation tools you can use to create highly engaging stories to post and share.

  • Nebula Caravel Acquisition—a SPAC created by True Wind Capital, a private equity firm—will acquire Rover, which will retain its management team and get an infusion of fresh capital.

  • The Schneider Electric paid search team made an intentional shift from creating and running reactive paid search campaigns to proactive market and industry-based planning.

  • Whatever the FBI says, the truthers will create alternative hypotheses that try to challenge the ‘official story.’

  • They already know the answer, but they know by feigning ignorance they can create all this debate about it.

  • They just reflect the range of breeds that were used to create the Heck cattle in the first instance.

  • It was getting to create jokes at the source, and to get to hang out with comedians.

  • “We would just as soon stay away from a group that will create controversy,” the Cubs general manager Sam Bernabe told the paper.

  • I cannot believe that a good God would create or tolerate a Devil, nor that he would allow the Devil to tempt man.

  • Being a God of Love, He would not choose to create a world in which hate and pain should have a place.

  • It is the fate of all authors or chroniclers to create imaginary friends, and lose them in the course of art.

  • Think of the immeasurable wealth of a Providence who could create such a wonder for just two insignificant human beings.

  • Again, authority to create a corporation may fail through long delay in calling a meeting and organizing.

British Dictionary definitions for create


(tr) to cause to come into existence

(tr) to invest with a new honour, office, or title; appoint

(tr) to be the cause ofthese circumstances created the revolution

(tr) to act (a role) in the first production of a play

(intr) to be engaged in creative work

(intr) British slang to make a fuss or uproar

Derived forms of create

creatable, adjective

Word Origin for create

C14 creat created, from Latin creātus, from creāre to produce, make

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Inflections of ‘create‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

cre•ate /kriˈeɪt/USA pronunciation  
v. [+ object], -at•ed, -at•ing. 

  1. to cause to come into being:The belief is that God created the universe.
  2. to bring into being from one’s imagination:He created a new theory of the universe.
  3. to arrange, bring about, or produce (a feeling, emotion, etc.): This proposal is bound to create more confusion.
  4. to establish;
    set up:The government created several new agencies.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(krē āt),USA pronunciation v., -at•ed, -at•ing, adj. 

  1. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
  2. to evolve from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
  3. Show Business[Theat.]to perform (a role) for the first time or in the first production of a play.
  4. to make by investing with new rank or by designating;
    appoint:to create a peer.
  5. to be the cause or occasion of;
    give rise to:The announcement created confusion.
  6. to cause to happen;
    bring about;
    arrange, as by intention or design:to create a revolution; to create an opportunity to ask for a raise.


  1. to do something creative or constructive.
  2. British Termsto make a fuss.


  1. [Archaic.]created.
  • Latin creātus, equivalent. to creā- (stem of creāre to make) + -tus past participle suffix
  • Middle English creat (past participle) 1350–1400

cre•ata•ble, adj. 

    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged originate, invent.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

create /kriːˈeɪt/ vb

  1. (transitive) to cause to come into existence
  2. (transitive) to invest with a new honour, office, or title; appoint
  3. (transitive) to be the cause of: these circumstances created the revolution
  4. (transitive) to act (a role) in the first production of a play
  5. (intransitive) to be engaged in creative work
  6. (intransitive) Brit slang to make a fuss or uproar

Etymology: 14th Century creat created, from Latin creātus, from creāre to produce, make

creˈatable adj

create‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of CREATE in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ kri:ˈeɪt ]

v. 1 tr. a (of natural or historical forces) bring into existence; cause (poverty creates resentment). b (of a person or persons) make or cause (create a diversion; create a good impression). 2 tr. originate (an actor creates a part). 3 tr. invest (a person) with a rank (created him a lord). 4 intr. sl. Brit. make a fuss; grumble. øøcreatable adj. [ME f. L creare]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.

     Английский основной разговорный словарь.


Alternative forms

  • creäte (archaic)


From Middle English createn, from Latin creātus, the perfect passive participle of creō. In this sense, mostly displaced Old English wyrċan (whence Modern English work) and ġesċieppan (whence Modern English shape).


  • IPA(key): /kɹiːˈeɪt/
  • Rhymes: -eɪt


create (third-person singular simple present creates, present participle creating, simple past and past participle created)

  1. (transitive) To bring into existence; (sometimes in particular:)

    You can create the color orange by mixing yellow and red.

    • 1829, Thomas Tully Crybbace, An Essay on Moral Freedom:
      […] God created man a moral agent.
    • 2013 June 21, Oliver Burkeman, “The tao of tech”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 2, page 48:

      The dirty secret of the internet is that all this distraction and interruption is immensely profitable. Web companies like to boast about «creating compelling content», [] «share the things you love with the world» and so on. But the real way to build a successful online business is to be better than your rivals at undermining people’s control of their own attention.

    Synonym: generate
    Antonyms: annihilate, extinguish
    1. (especially of a god) To bring into existence out of nothing, without the prior existence of the materials or elements used.
      • 1560, [William Whittingham et al., transl.], The Bible and Holy Scriptures Conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. [] (the Geneva Bible), Geneva: [] Rouland Hall, →OCLC, Genesis I:1, folio 1, recto:

        In the beginning God created ye heauen and the earth. And the earth was without forme & voyde, and darkenes was vpon the depe, & the Spirit of God moued vpon the waters.

    2. To make or produce from other (e.g. raw, unrefined or scattered) materials or combinable elements or ideas; to design or invest with a new form, shape, function, etc.

      Couturiers create exclusive garments for an affluent clientele.

      • 2013 June 8, “The new masters and commanders”, in The Economist, volume 407, number 8839, page 52:

        From the ground, Colombo’s port does not look like much. [] But viewed from high up in one of the growing number of skyscrapers in Sri Lanka’s capital, it is clear that something extraordinary is happening: China is creating a shipping hub just 200 miles from India’s southern tip.

      Synonym: invent
      Antonym: imitate
  2. (transitive) To cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion.
    crop failures created food shortages and high prices; his stubbornness created many difficulties

    A sudden chemical spill on the highway created a chain‐collision which created a record traffic jam.

    • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter VII, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      The turmoil went on—no rest, no peace. [] It was nearly eleven o’clock now, and he strolled out again. In the little fair created by the costers’ barrows the evening only seemed beginning; and the naphtha flares made one’s eyes ache, the men’s voices grated harshly, and the girls’ faces saddened one.

  3. (transitive) To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute.

    Henry VIII created him a Duke.   Last month, the queen created two barons.

    Under the concordate with Belgium, at least one Belgian clergyman must be created cardinal; by tradition, every archbishop of Mechelen is thus created a cardinal.

    • c. 1587–1588, [Christopher Marlowe], Tamburlaine the Great. [] The First Part [], part 1, 2nd edition, London: [] [R. Robinson for] Richard Iones, [], published 1592, →OCLC; reprinted as Tamburlaine the Great (A Scolar Press Facsimile), Menston, Yorkshire; London: Scolar Press, 1973, →ISBN, Act I, scene i:

      Create him Prorex of Affrica,
      That he may win the Babilonians hearts,
      Which will reuolt from Perſean gouernment,
      Unleſſe they haue a wiſer King than you.

  4. (intransitive) To be or do something creative, imaginative, originative.

    Children usually enjoy creating, never mind if it is of any use!

  5. (transitive) In theatre, to be the first performer of a role; to originate a character.
  6. (UK, intransitive, colloquial) To make a fuss, complain; to shout.
    • 1972, H. E. Bates, The Song of the Wren
      ‘What’s the time?’ she said. ‘I must fly. Miss’ll start creating.’


Derived terms

  • cocreate
  • create daylight between oneself and someone
  • self-create

  • creable
  • creatability
  • creatable
  • creation
  • creational
  • creationally
  • creationarily
  • creationary
  • creationism
  • creationist
  • creationistic
  • creationistically
  • creative
  • creatively
  • creativeness
  • creativity
  • creator
  • creatorship
  • creatress
  • creatrix
  • creatural
  • creature
  • creatureliness
  • creaturely
  • procreate
  • re-create
  • recreate
  • recreation


to put into existence

  • Albanian: mbaroj (sq) (gheg), krijoj (sq), sajoj (sq)
  • Arabic: خَلَقَ (ar) (ḵalaqa)
    Egyptian Arabic: خلق(ḵalaʾ)
  • Aragonese: creyar
  • Armenian: ստեղծել (hy) (stełcel), (poetic) արարել (ararel)
  • Asturian: crear (ast)
  • Azerbaijani: yaratmaq (az)
  • Belarusian: твары́ць impf (tvarýcʹ), ствары́ць pf (stvarýcʹ)
  • Bengali: বানানো (bn) (bananō), তৈরি করা (tōiri kora)
  • Bulgarian: създава́м (bg) impf (sǎzdavám), създа́м pf (sǎzdám), творя́ (bg) impf (tvorjá), сътворя́вам (bg) impf (sǎtvorjávam), сътворя́ pf (sǎtvorjá)
  • Burmese: ဖန်တီး (my) (hpanti:), ဖန် (my) (hpan)
  • Catalan: crear (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 創造创造 (zh) (chuàngzào), 締造缔造 (zh) (dìzào)
  • Czech: tvořit (cs) impf, vytvořit (cs) pf, udělat (cs) pf
  • Danish: skabe
  • Dutch: creëren (nl), scheppen (nl), maken (nl)
  • Egyptian: (ptḥ)
  • Esperanto: krei
  • Estonian: looma
  • Extremaduran: crial
  • Finnish: luoda (fi)
  • French: créer (fr)
  • Galician: crear (gl)
  • Georgian: შექმნა (šekmna)
  • German: schaffen (de), kreieren (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌲𐌰𐍃𐌺𐌰𐍀𐌾𐌰𐌽 (gaskapjan)
  • Greek: δημιουργώ (el) (dimiourgó)
    Ancient: κτίζω (ktízō)
  • Haitian Creole: kreye
  • Hebrew: יָצַר (he) m (yatsár), בָּרָא (he) m (bará)
  • Higaonon: agbuhaton
  • Hindi: सर्जन करना (sarjan karnā), बनाना (hi) (banānā), रचना करना (racnā karnā), सृष्टि करना (sŕṣṭi karnā), सिरजना (hi) (sirajnā)
  • Hungarian: teremt (hu), alkot (hu), létrehoz (hu)
  • Icelandic: skapa (is)
  • Ido: krear (io)
  • Irish:
    Old Irish: do·fuissim
  • Italian: creare (it)
  • Japanese: 生み出す (umidasu), 創造する (ja) (sōzō suru)
  • Kazakh: жарату (jaratu), жасау (kk) (jasau), құру (kk) (qūru), тудыру (tudyru), шығару (şyğaru)
  • Khmer: បង្ក (km) (bɑngkɑɑ), បង្កើត (km) (bɑngkaət)
  • Korean: 창조하다 (ko) (changjohada)
  • Kyrgyz: жаратуу (ky) (jaratuu)
  • Latgalian: radeit, taiseit
  • Latin: creō (la)
  • Latvian: radīt
  • Lithuanian: kurti (lt), sukurti
  • Macedonian: создава impf (sozdava), создаде pf (sozdade), твори impf (tvori), створи pf (stvori)
  • Malay: cipta (ms), mencipta
  • Malayalam: ഉണ്ടാക്കുക (ml) (uṇṭākkuka), സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക (ml) (sr̥ṣṭikkuka)
  • Maltese: ħalaq
  • Maore Comorian: uumba
  • Mbyá Guaraní: moingo
  • Mongolian: бүтээх (mn) (büteex), үүсгэх (mn) (üüsgex)
  • Ngazidja Comorian: huumba
  • Norman: créer
  • Norwegian: skape (no)
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: творити impf (tvoriti)
  • Old East Slavic: творити impf (tvoriti)
  • Old English: wyrċan, ġesċieppan
  • Oromo: uumuu (om)
  • Persian: آفریدن (fa) (âfaridan), خلق کردن (fa) (xalq kardan), بوجود آوردن‎, ایجاد کردن (fa) (ijâd kardan)
  • Piedmontese: creé
  • Plautdietsch: schaufen
  • Polish: tworzyć (pl) impf, stworzyć (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: criar (pt)
  • Quechua: kamay
  • Romanian: crea (ro)
  • Russian: создава́ть (ru) impf (sozdavátʹ), созда́ть (ru) pf (sozdátʹ), твори́ть (ru) impf (tvorítʹ), сотвори́ть (ru) pf (sotvorítʹ)
  • Sanskrit: कृ (sa) (kṛ)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: тво̀рити impf, ства́рати impf, ство̀рити pf
    Roman: tvòriti (sh) impf, stvárati (sh) impf, stvòriti (sh) pf
  • Silesian: tworzić impf
  • Slovak: tvoriť impf, vytvoriť pf
  • Slovene: ustvarjati impf, ustvariti pf, narediti pf
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: tworiś impf
    Upper Sorbian: tworić impf
  • Spanish: crear (es), generar (es)
  • Swahili: kuumba
  • Swedish: skapa (sv)
  • Tajik: офаридан (ofaridan), эҷод кардан (ejod kardan)
  • Thai: สร้างสรรค์ (th) (sâang-sǎn), สร้าง (th) (sâang)
  • Tocharian B: pyutk-
  • Turkish: yaratmak (tr), oluşturmak (tr), meydana getirmek (tr), ortaya koymak (tr), teşekkül ettirmek, tekvin etmek (tr)
  • Turkmen: döretmek
  • Ugaritic: 𐎖𐎐𐎊 (qny)
  • Ukrainian: твори́ти (uk) impf (tvorýty), створи́ти (uk) pf (stvorýty)
  • Uyghur: ياراتماق(yaratmaq)
  • Uzbek: yaratmoq (uz), ijod etmoq
  • Vietnamese: tạo (vi), tạo nên (vi), sáng tạo (vi)
  • Welsh: creu (cy)
  • Yiddish: שאַפֿן(shafn), באַשאַפֿן(bashafn)

to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.

  • Armenian: ստեղծել (hy) (stełcel)
  • Bulgarian: създава́м (bg) impf (sǎzdavám), творя́ (bg) impf (tvorjá)
  • Danish: skabe, kreere
  • Dutch: creëren (nl), scheppen (nl), ontwerpen (nl)
  • Esperanto: krei
  • Finnish: luoda (fi)
  • German: entwerfen (de)
  • Greek: πλάθω (el) (plátho)
    Ancient: κτίζω (ktízō)
  • Japanese: 創り出す (tsukuridasu), 創造する (ja) (sōzō suru), 創作する (ja) (sōsaku suru)
  • Malayalam: സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക (ml) (sr̥ṣṭikkuka)
  • Persian: ابداع کردن (fa), ایجاد کردن (fa)
  • Portuguese: criar (pt)
  • Romanian: crea (ro)
  • Welsh: creu (cy)

colloquial: to make a fuss

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: (please verify) خَلَقَ (ar) (ḵalaqa)
  • Catalan: (please verify) crear (ca)
  • Danish: (please verify) skabe
  • Dutch: (please verify) scheppen (nl)
  • Estonian: (please verify) valmistama, (please verify) looma, (please verify) tekitama
  • French: (please verify) créer (fr)
  • German: (please verify) erschaffen (de), (please verify) entwerfen (de)
  • Hebrew: (please verify) ייצר‎ m (yitzer)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) menciptakan (id), (please verify) membuat (id), (please verify) membikin (id)
  • Interlingua: (please verify) crear
  • Italian: (please verify) creare (it)
  • Korean: (please verify) 창조하다 (ko) (changjohada)
  • Romanian: crea (ro), face (ro)
  • Serbo-Croatian: (please verify) stvòriti (sh), (please verify) nàpraviti (sh)
  • Swedish: (please verify) tillverka (sv), (please verify) göra (sv)
  • Thai: (please verify) สร้าง (th) (sâang)
  • Turkish: (please verify) yaratmak (tr)


create (comparative more create, superlative most create)

  1. (obsolete) Created, resulting from creation.
    • 1599, William Shakespeare, “The Life of Henry the Fift”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene ii]:

      Hearts create of duty and zeal.

    • 1814, Dante Alighieri, “Canto III”, in H[enry] F[rancis] Cary, transl., The Vision; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante Alighieri. […] In Three Volumes, volume I (Hell), London: [] [J. Barfield] for Taylor and Hessey, [], →OCLC, lines 7–9, page 10:

      Before me things create were none, save things / Eternal, and eternal I endure. / All hope abandon ye who enter here. [Inscription on the gate of Hell.]


Further reading

  • create at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • create in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “create”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • create on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • & cetera, Cartee, cerate, ecarte, tracee, écarté




  1. inflection of creare:
    1. second-person plural present indicative
    2. second-person plural imperative


  • cerate, recate, tacere



  • (Classical) IPA(key): /kreˈaː.te/, [kreˈäːt̪ɛ]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /kreˈa.te/, [kreˈäːt̪e]



  1. second-person plural present active imperative of creō



  1. vocative masculine singular of creātus


  • cetera

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of creat



  1. Alternative form of creat




  1. second-person singular voseo imperative of crear combined with te

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