Okay so I was just scrolling through YouTube today when I ran across this video. Normally, I kinda just watch them and then move on to find some more new music but I noticed something about this video that I really wanted to share with you guys.
Maybe you’ve been searching for ways to practice reading in Korean or even working on your listening but the things you’ve been finding aren’t all that interesting or maybe they’re not something you would use in everyday speech. Well, this is a video I thought would be helpful.
Sometimes I find makeup tutorials like this and share them when I find them because for the beauty gurus that follow me but also want to practice Korean, it’s super helpful! And this is no different, especially if you’re a fan of iKON.
The video is completely in Korean but it has built-in subtitles, that are in Korean to help you follow along if you’re working on listening and/or reading. To help you out some for words you may not understand, just click the CC button for English translation. This video is also subtitled in Japanese so you can switch to that translation as well.
Try to watch it first without the subtitles and then go back again with the CC on and see how much you understood!
Published January 17, 2018
Do it, you know you want to . . .
Manias have to start somewhere—with an irresistible urge, a sudden overwhelming feeling that absolutely, positively cannot be ignored no matter how hard you try. And, once you get the urge, it’s impossible not to do it.
You’ll feel the urge with some of the urge-words lined up here. And, you’ll have the lexicon to describe the feeling the next time it pounces on you unannounced. (Some, though, are really just a little too weird.)
WATCH: We’re All Guilty Of Phubbing … Here’s Why
Mom’s made a gorgeous quadruple-layer coconut cake for the annual family reunion. It’s frosted to perfection and sprinkled with coconut flakes. And, it’s totally off-limits.
Of course, you feel the irresistible urge to do the inadvisable: dive in head first and scarf down a piece of cake. That urge to do the-one-and-only-thing-you-shall-not-ever-do? That’s cacoethes. In Greek, cacoethes literally means “bad disposition.” And, you’ll be in a real bad position when Mom finds out what you did.
When the paper you’ve spent weeks writing suddenly disappears from your hard-drive, the stream of four-letter terrors pouring forth from your mouth is a symptom of coprolalia, the urge to use obscene language. From the Greek words copro (“dung, filth”) and lalia (“talk, prattle”), coprolalia really takes bad words to the level of excrement.
Echolalia seems to be a tactic irritatingly employed by politicians who don’t want to answer questions with substantive responses. Instead, they feel the urge to echo (or reiterate) the interviewer’s own words (as if saying something new and insightful). The result being: absolutely nothing.
This also happens in regular conversations, when the listener simply repeats the speaker to fill in gaps in conversation: “I’ve recently moved to the area.” “Oh! You’ve recently moved to the area!” Yea . . . this has been established, and a tone of exclamation doesn’t make the repetition any less meaningless.
Nymphomania & Satyriasis
Most everyone knows that nymphomania is the uncontrollable urge in women to have sex. Healthy urges are great, especially when it comes to pleasurable activities. But, in moderation people! Funny that nymphomania is so well known, while satyriasis—the uncontrollable urge in men to have sex—is hardly recognized.
Nymph means “bride” in Greek and a satyr was a goatlike man in Greek myth who loved to party and chase the nymphs. Since ancient times, nymphs and satyrs have been figuring out how to satisfy and control life’s lusty appetites, one nibble and bite at a time.
Cute Aggression
Cute aggression is that feeling you get when you see your cat, fast asleep, stretching out like a little human on its back with its paws curled under its chin (as if holding an imaginary blanket). Your feline is just so freaking cute, you get this weird urge to squeeze it tightly. What you’re feeling is completely natural (and scientifically proven by Yale researchers).
It’s the “you’re so cute I could eat your face” urge.
If you’re the type of cute-aggressor who upon seeing a baby sloth wrapped in a rainbow blanket, holding a teddy bear, and smiling at you from inside a teacup—screams “You’re so cute I want to pull out all my hair, eyelashes, and nose hair!”, you suffer from both cute aggression and trichotillomania. In Greek, thrix means “hair” and tillein “to pull.”
Now, we’re being entirely facetious with our example, so let’s sober up a minute. Trichotillomania is a medical condition first studied in the late 1800s. The urge to pull out one’s hair is a type of impulse-control disorder; such disorders are important to remember as we talk about urges. Most people have no trouble controlling their impulses, but some truly suffer from a lack of control, and that’s not a laughing matter.
You’re sitting in your office cubicle, managing bites of snack-machine grub in between phone calls and emails, and the sudden warmth of an aha moment hits you: It’s time to get out and head to warmer climates. Aruba, Cancun, Sharm el-Sheikh, Goa—”goa” anywhere!Wanderlust—the burning desire to travel the world—has cast its glowing rays upon you.
Also known as the urge to hug tarantulas. Nah, we’re just fooling.Tarantism is the uncontrollable urge to dance . . . with a tarantula. Ok, we need to stop, otherwise you won’t trust us anymore. No, the urge is merely to dance. Period. And, sometimes that urge can turn into a mania.
For a couple centuries in Renaissance Italy, tarantism overtook those Italians. Although, this urge to dance wasn’t rhythmically-driven; people recognized the dance fever as a symptom of poisonous bites from wolf spiders.
But, what about choreomania?
Choreomania is actually “dance madness,” and it’s what happens when tarantism gets really out of control. Want to check out some other manias that go beyond the mere urges we talked about here? Check out these mad habits that are hard to break.
(Author’s note – I know I said this post would be publishing tomorrow but I changed my mind as there is another post I want to publish on Tuesday so I needed this one to be published today .)
Some people pick one word or even 3 words to use as they navigate life through the year.
In 2019 my word was Hope.
In 2020 my words were Believe, Abide, Stand and Bloom. (Like Lays Potato Chips, I could choose just one.)
While I was indecisive about 2020’s word, I am not indecisive about my word for 2021. It came to when I was reading Mark Batterson’s Draw the Circle, The 40 Day Prayer Challenge. I got to day 10 which is about a widow and a judge. After reading that day’s verse and the first paragraph, I had my word for 2021 and that word is…
The title of the devotion for Day 10 is Crazy Faith and the accompanying Bible verse is
It is the story of a widow with crazy faith that she will get the justice she seeks if she keeps showing up at the judge’s house. (Spoiler Alert – she does get justice)
Batterson writes:
I love the parable of the persistent widow. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I think persistent is a nice word for crazy. This woman is crazy, but when the cause is a righteous one, it’s a holy crazy!
Draw the Circle, The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson, Day 10 Devotion – Crazy Faith
So that is what I aim to have this year – a crazy faith, a holy crazy faith.
What does crazy faith look like? Well being persistent is part of it. Being persistent means showing up, never giving up, never surrendering (except to God’s will). Crazy faith also means:
16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)
4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!
Philippians 4:4 (NLT)
Won’t you join me in having a crazy faith this year?
Bio: Michele Kearns is the founder and HUG© (Hope Unites Globally) Award-Winner of JoyReturns. She shares her widowhood adventures hoping to inspire widows to move through grief and rebuild their lives. A graduate of Kent State University with a Bachelor’s degree in communications, she’s currently using those skills as a virtual logistics contact center representative for a Fortune 100 company. She’s also managed call center teams, co-facilitated a grief support group, and helped small businesses with various writing assignments. Michele is a bookworm, and a lover of history, music, chocolate, red roses, and golden retrievers. She is also the amateur photographer behind the blog OgleOhio.com.
June 9, 2014 in Writing, Writing for Children | Tags: ABSURD WORDS, american slang, Cool Words, crazy words, dictionary, Fun Words, funny words, Interesting Words, Language, Lexicon, random words, slang, thesaurus, tongue-twisters, unusual words, vocabulary, weird words, Words, words for kids
All writers love language. And we especially love fun, amazing words, don’t we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying “ooh”…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I’ve put together a list of favorite fun words that I’ll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers!
It’s a book! More words & super cool facts! Click to order!
- abracadabra
- accoutrements
- adagio
- aficionado
- agita
- agog
- akimbo
- alfresco
- aloof
- ambrosial
- amok
- ampersand
- anemone
- anthropomorphic
- antimacassar
- aplomb
- apogee
- apoplectic
- appaloosa
- apparatus
- archipelago
- atingle
- avuncular
- azure
- babushka
- bailiwick
- bafflegab
- balderdash
- ballistic
- bamboozle
- bandwagon
- barnstorming
- beanpole
- bedlam
- befuddled
- bellwether
- berserk
- bibliopole
- bigmouth
- bippy
- blabbermouth
- blatherskite
- blindside
- blob
- blockhead
- blowback
- blowhard
- blubbering
- bluestockings
- boing
- boffo (boffola)
- bombastic
- bonanza
- bonkers
- boondocks
- boondoggle
- borborygmus
- bozo
- braggadocio
- brainstorm
- brannigan
- breakneck
- brouhaha
- buckaroo
- bucolic
- buffoon
- bugaboo
- bugbear
- bulbous
- bumbledom
- bumfuzzle
- bumptious
- bumpkin
- bungalow
- bunkum
- bupkis
- burnsides
- busybody
- cacophony
- cahoots
- calamity
- calliope
- candelabra
- canoodle
- cantankerous
- catamaran
- catastrophe
- catawampus
- caterwaul
- chatterbox
- chichi
- chimerical
- chimichanga
- chitchat
- clandestine
- claptrap
- clishmaclaver
- clodhopper
- coccyx
- cockamamie
- cockatoo
- codswallop
- collywobbles
- colossus
- comeuppance
- concoction
- conniption
- contraband
- conundrum
- convivial
- copacetic
- corkscrew
- cornucopia
- cowabunga
- coxcomb
- crackerjack
- crescendo
- crestfallen
- cryptozoology
- cuckoo
- curlicue
- curmudgeon
- demitasse
- denouement
- derecho
- derring-do
- desperado
- diaphanous
- diddly-squat
- digeridoo
- dilemma
- dillydally
- dimwit
- diphthong
- dirigible
- discombobulated
- dodecahedron
- doldrums
- donkeyman
- donnybrook
- doodad
- doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card)
- doppelganger
- dumbfounded
- dumbwaiter
- dunderhead
- earwig
- eavesdrop
- ebullient
- effervescence
- egads
- eggcorn
- egghead
- elixir
- ephemeral
- epiphany
- ersatz
- eucatastrophe
- extraterrestrial
- finagle
- fandango
- festooned
- fez
- fiasco
- fiddle-footed
- fiddlesticks
- finicky
- firebrand
- fishwife
- fisticuffs
- flabbergasted
- flapdoodle
- flibbertigibbet
- flimflam
- flippant
- floccinaucinihilipilification
- flophouse
- flotsam
- flummery
- flummoxed
- flyaway
- flyspeck
- folderol
- foofaraw
- foolhardy
- foolscap
- footloose
- fopdoodle
- fortuitous
- fracas
- frangipani
- freewheeling
- fricassee
- frippery
- frogman
- froufrou
- fuddy-duddy
- fussbudget
- futz
- gadfly
- gadzooks
- gallimaufry
- gambit
- gangplank
- gangway
- gargoyle
- gasbag
- gazebo
- gazpacho
- gewgaw
- genteel
- ghostwriter
- gibberish
- gimcrack
- gizmo
- glabella
- glitch
- globetrotter
- gobbledygook
- gobsmacked
- googolplex
- goosebump
- gooseflesh
- gorgonzola
- gossamer
- grandiloquent
- greenhorn
- guffaw
- gumshoe
- guru
- gussied
- guttersnipe
- haberdashery
- haboob
- hairpin
- halcyon
- halfwit
- hangdog
- haphazard
- harebrained
- harumph
- harum-scarum
- headlong
- heartstrings
- heebie-jeebie
- heirloom
- helter-skelter
- hemidemisemiquaver
- heyday
- higgledy-piggledy
- highfalutin
- hijinks
- hillbilly
- hippocampus
- hippogriff
- hobbledehoy
- hobnobbed
- hocus-pocus
- hodgepodge
- hogwash
- hokum
- hoodoo
- hoodwink
- hooey
- hooligan
- hoopla
- hootenanny
- hornswoggle
- horsefeathers
- hotbed
- hotfoot
- hothead
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- humbug
- humdinger
- humdrum
- hunky-dory
- hurly-burly
- hushpuppy
- huzzah
- hyperbole
- idiom
- idiosyncrasies
- igloo
- ignoramus
- impromptu
- incognito
- incorrigible
- incredulous
- indomitable
- indubitably
- infinitesimal
- interloper
- interrobang
- ironclad
- izzard
- jabberwocky
- jacuzzi
- jalopy
- jamboree
- jargogle
- jawbreaker
- jetsam
- jibber-jabber
- jink
- jitney
- jubilee
- juggernaut
- jujubes
- jumbo
- junket
- juxtaposition
- kaleidoscope
- kaput
- kerfuffle
- kerplunk
- kibosh
- killjoy
- kismet
- knickerbocker
- knickknack
- kowtow
- kumquat
- kvetch
- lackadaisical
- lagoon
- lambasted
- lampoon
- landlubber
- laughingstock
- lexicographer
- limburger
- lingo
- loco
- loggerhead
- logjam
- logophile
- logorrhea
- lollapalooza
- lollygag
- loofah
- loony
- loophole
- lugubrious
- lummox
- machinations
- madcap
- maelstrom
- magnificent
- majordomo
- malapropism
- malarkey
- manifesto
- mastermind
- mayhem
- mealymouthed
- mellifluous
- menagerie
- miasma
- miffed
- milquetoast
- misanthrope
- mishmash
- moocher
- mojo (also a character in THE MONSTORE)
- mollycoddle
- mondegreen
- moniker
- monkeyshines
- monsoon
- mnemonic
- moonstruck
- muckety-muck
- mudpuppy
- mudslinger
- muffuletta
- mufti
- mulligatawny
- mumbo-jumbo
- murmuration
- muumuu
- nabob
- namby-pamby
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- nitwit
- nomenclature
- nonplussed
- nonilllion
- nonuplets
- noodge
- nudnik
- numbskull
- onomatopoeia
- oomph
- orotund
- outfox
- outlandish
- oxymoron
- pachyderm
- pagoda
- palindrome
- palomino
- panache
- pandemonium
- pantaloons
- papyrus
- parabola
- parallelogram
- parapet
- paraphernalia
- peccadillo
- pedagogue
- peewee
- pell-mell
- persimmon
- persnickety
- petrichor
- pettifogger
- phalanx
- phantasmagorical
- phantonym
- phylactery
- piffle
- pizzazz
- plethora
- pogo
- pogonip
- pollex
- pollywog
- poltroon
- pomposity
- poppycock
- portmanteau
- potpourri
- pseudonym
- pugnacious
- pulchritudinous
- pusillanimous
- pussyfoot
- quibble
- quicksilver
- quicksticks
- quiddle
- quinzee
- quirky
- quixotic
- quizzity
- rabble-rouser
- raconteur
- rainmaker
- ragamuffin
- ragtag
- ramshackle
- ransack
- rapscallion
- razzle-dazzle
- razzmatazz
- rejigger
- rendezvous
- resplendent
- rickrack
- ricochet
- riffraff
- rigmarole
- riposte
- roundabout
- roustabout
- rubberneck
- ruckus
- ruffian
- rugrat
- rumpus
- sabayon
- sardoodledom
- sashay
- sassafras
- scalawag (also scallywag)
- scatterbrain
- schadenfreude
- schlep
- schluffy
- schmooze
- schmutz
- scintillating
- scrofulous
- scrumdiddlyumptious (Dahlism)
- scuttlebutt
- serendipity
- sesquipedalian
- shabang
- shenanigans
- skedaddle
- skirmish
- skullduggery
- slapdash
- slapstick
- slipshod
- smithereens
- smorgasbord
- snollygoster
- sobriquet
- sojourn
- spellbind
- splendiferous
- squeegee
- squooshy
- staccato
- stupefaction
- succotash
- supercilious
- superfluous
- surreptitious
- Svengali
- swashbuckler
- switcheroo
- swizzlestick
- synchronicity
- syzygy
- talisman
- taradiddle
- tchotchke
- teepee
- telekinesis
- thingamabob
- thingamajig
- thunderstruck
- tidbit
- tintinnabulation
- toadstool
- toady
- tomfoolery
- tommyrot
- toothsome
- topsy-turvy
- trapezoid
- tub-thumper
- tumultuous
- turducken
- typhoon
- ululation
- umlaut
- umpteen
- unctuous
- usurp
- uvula
- vainglorious
- vagabond
- vamoose
- verboten
- verisimilitude
- vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?)
- vertigo
- verve
- virtuoso
- vivacious
- vuvuzela
- wackadoodle
- wallflower
- wanderlust
- whatchamacallit
- whatsis
- whimsical
- whippersnapper
- whirligig
- whirlybird
- whizbang
- whodunit
- whoop
- widget
- wigwam
- willy-nilly
- windbag
- wipeout
- wiseacre
- wisecrack
- wisenheimer
- wishy-washy
- woebegone
- wonky
- woozy
- wordplay
- wordsmith
- wunderkind
- wuthering
- xylophone
- yahoo
- yokel
- yo-yo
- zaftig
- zeitgeist
- zenzizenzizenzic (yes, this is a word!)
- zephyr
- zeppelin
- ziggurat
- zigzag
- zonked
- zoom
- zydeco