Countable and uncountable nouns exercises word

Упражнения по теме: Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»

Exercises on “Countable and uncountable nouns”

  1. Разделите существительные на 2 группы:

Information, tea, friend, water, juice, ham, help, TV set, paper, cup, textbook, children, advice, nose, hand, sour cream, milk, a bottle of milk, a glass of water, a cup of tea, music, pineapple, sea, river.

Исчисляемые (countable)

Неисчисляемые (uncountable)

  1. Choose the correct word: many or much.

  1. I have ___________ information about this person.

  2. There is _____________ milk at home. You should buy it tomorrow.

  3. There are _____________ children in our street.

  4. There are _____________ seas in the world.

  5. I like to put ____________ sugar in my tea.

  1. Translate into English:

1. У меня есть много друзей. 2. На улице много снега. 3. Мне нужно много сыра для пиццы. 4. У меня много денег. Я хочу купить большой дом. 5. В нашем кабинете много стульев. 6. В этой книге много упражнений. 7.В корзине много яблок. Ты можешь взять. 8. Я вижу много полезных книг на этой полке. 9. В моем чае много молока. 10. У меня много работы дома. Помоги мне пожалуйста.

Переведите на английский язык следующие слова:

Много воды Много лимонов Мало музыки Много снега Много чая Мало света Много дней Мало травы Мало игрушек Мало радости Немного удачи Мало яиц Несколько минут Мало столов Немного сахара

Teaching ESL students countable and uncountable nouns sometimes proves to be a little challenging when things come to a higher level. Young learners will do just fine if you say that uncountable nouns are things we can’t count, and countable nouns are things we can count.

But the same won’t work with higher-level students. While this may be true when we’re talking about liquids like milk, water or juice, there are some uncountables you can actually count like money. So the basic explanation should be that you can add a number in front of countables, but you can’t do that to uncountables.

If you have already taught your higher level students countable and uncountable nouns, you can use the following interactive exercises to practise them. Activities are suitable for Intermediate level and higher.

Task 1. Choose the right option

10 multiple choice questions are awaiting your students in this exercise. Here they will have more practice with countable and uncountable nouns and will revise the rules one more time.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets

Here your students will find 10 sentences with the missing words. They must complete them with the correct form of the words in brackets using them either as a countable or an uncountable noun. If they need some help, give them some hints, e.g. paper VS papers.

Task 3. Choose the correct collocations

Some uncountable nouns can be used with the words like a piece of, a bunch of, and a pair of. In this exercise, your students will practice these collocations and enrich their vocabulary. Keep in mind that there is one incorrect noun in each group of collocations.

Hopefully, the interactive exercises on countable and uncountable nouns will spice up your classes and will help your students get a better understanding of this grammar issue.

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Countable and uncountable nouns

  • PDF worksheets
  • Online exercises
  • Grammar rules

PDF worksheets with answers:

Exercises to download for free.

Countable + uncountable nouns PDF exercise 1

  • Use a/an if necessary:
    Don’t forget to buy __ milk. And we also need __ loaf of bread.
  • little | a little, few | a few, much | many

Countable + uncountable nouns PDF exercise 2

  • Nouns with different meanings:
    chicken | a chicken, chocolate | a chocolate, room | a room…

Uncountable nouns with quantifiers PDF exercise 3

  • Make uncountable nouns countable:
    a bit of fun, a sheet of paper, a piece of music

Online exercises with answers:

Countable or uncountable 1

Countable or uncountable 2

Countable or uncountable? Choose correct answers.

Countable, uncountable or both

Countable, uncountable or both? Choose correct answers.

Countable + uncountable in sentences 1

Countable + uncountable in sentences 2

Countable + uncountable in sentences 3

Choose correct words to complete sentences.

Three short exercises 1

1. Match words with pictures.
2. Complete sentences.
3. A multiple choice quiz.

Three short exercises 2

1. Correct or incorrect?
2. An indefinite article (a, an) or nothing (-)?
3. A multiple choice quiz.

Three short exercises 3

1. Countable or uncountable?
2. Choose a, an, some or any.
3. How much or how many?

Grammar rules with examples:

Countable and uncountable nouns A quick explanation of the difference.

See also:

English nouns Compound nouns, singular and plural nouns, proper nouns and group nouns.


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