Count the letters in word

World’s simplest letter counter for web developers and programmers. Just paste your text in the form below, press Count Characters button, and you get the number of characters in your string. Press button, get letter count. No ads, nonsense or garbage.


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Want to find number of words in text?

Use the Word Count tool!

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Characters 0 Words 0 Lines 0

Character Counter is a 100% free online character count calculator that’s simple to use. Sometimes users prefer simplicity over all of the detailed writing information Word Counter provides, and this is exactly what this tool offers. It displays character count and word count which is often the only information a person needs to know about their writing. Best of all, you receive the needed information at a lightning fast speed.

To find out the word and character count of your writing, simply copy and paste text into the tool or write directly into the text area. Once done, the free online tool will display both counts for the text that’s been inserted. This can be useful in many instances, but it can be especially helpful when you are writing for something that has a character minimum or limit.

Character and word limits are quite common these days on the Internet. The one that most people are likely aware of is the 140 character limit for tweets on Twitter, but character limits aren’t restricted to Twitter. There are limits for text messages (SMS), Yelp reviews, Facebook posts, Pinterest pins, Reddit titles and comments, eBay titles and descriptions as well as many others. Knowing these limits, as well as being able to see as you approach them, will enable you to better express yourself within the imposed limits.

For students, there are usually limits or minimums for homework assignments. The same is often true for college applications. Abiding by these can have a major impact on how this writing is graded and reviewed, and it shows whether or not you’re able to follow basic directions. Character counter can make sure you don’t accidentally go over limits or fail to meet minimums that can be detrimental to these assignments.

This information can also be quite helpful for writers. Knowing the number of words and characters can help writers better understand the length of their writing, and work to display the pages of their writing in a specific way. For those who write for magazines and newspapers where there is limited space, knowing these counts can help the writer get the most information into that limited space.

For job seekers, knowing the number of characters of your resume can be essential to get all the information you want onto a single page. You can fool around with different fonts, their sizes and spacing to adjust the number of characters you can fit on a single page, but it’s important to know the number you’re attempting to fit on the page.

Character Counter isn’t only for English. The tool can be helpful for those writing in non-English languages where character count is important. This can be the case for languages Japanese, Korean, Chinese and many others where characters are the basis of the written language. Even for those who aren’t writing in English, knowing the character count of the writing is often beneficial to the writing.

To use Line Counter, Paste test in the given textarea box below and this tool will show you how many lines are there in your text or word document.

With the online Letter Counter Tool by SEO Tools Centre, stop worrying about passing characters limit for your Facebook posts, tweets or email messages. This tool will tell you the exact number of letters that your piece of text has so that you don’t go overboard with your writing work. 

What is Letter Counter?

Letter or Character counter is a 100% free online tool that would allow you to easily find out the number of letters and words in your piece of writing. This tool is easy to use letter frequency counter which will keep track of the word and character count for you.

letter counter

With the free online character counter, you won’t have to rely on paid software like MS word to count the letters in your writing. You can use this tool to make sure that your textual content meets the character limits for any given platform like Facebook or twitter, as well as for your personal assignments. This counter tool will be your personal assistance that would take care of menial tasks like calculating the number of words and letters in content for you.    

Why Use Letter Counter Tool?

Character limits are everywhere these days. For example, you cannot write a tweet longer than 280 character these days. And this limit is not just for twitter, you will also find limited use of characters for Facebook posts, reddit titles, Yelp reviews and even the text messages that you sent from your phone. With the online character counter, you can keep track of the number of characters that you are using, to make sure that your piece of textual content doesn’t cross the specified limit.

Letters or characters limit is also sometimes a requirement for educational work. College assignments or any kind of academic work might require you to follow a certain character limit. You can use the online sentence counter which is similar tool to find the number of sentence and characters in your work to make sure that you meet the minimum characters requirement and don’t exceed the character limit guidelines that have been given to you.          

Features of SEO Tools Centre Letter Counter Tool

Free to use

The letter counter tool is free to use. You can use it to find out the number of characters in Social media posts, eBay titles, Facebook status, text message and so much more. And without paying any kind of charges. 

No Registration Needed

You don’t need to register yourself anywhere for using this tool. Unlike most character counting tools, this tool is free to use and can be used without any kind of registration requirement. This tool will help you count the number of characters in any piece of writing in real time.   

Friendly User Interface

The user interface of the tool is probably the simplest and the easiest one that you can find out there. You won’t find this tool to be difficult to use.  

Fast Letter Counting Speed

This tool calculates the number of letters or characters at a lightning fast speed. This tool is easiest to use and works at an incredibly fast speed. In fact, it is one of the fastest character counting tools that you can find out there.  

How to use Letter Counter Tool?

  • Letter counter tool by SEO Tools center is incredibly simple to use. Here is how you can use this amazingly tool

SEO Tools Centre Letter Counter

  • Write the text in the tool

how to count letters online step 1

  • You can copy and paste from external sources as well

how to count letters online step 2

  • Letter counter will give you results in real time
  • This tool would show you the total number of letters as well as word in your text content that you have added in the tool 

SEOToolsCentre’s Letter Counter FAQs

What is a letter counter?

A letter counter is a free online word counter tool that allows you to write a detailed piece of writing as per your character limits. This tool gives you the complete word and character count details about the content that you add in it. 

How does the letter calculate tool work?

This tool detects the piece of content that you gave written and considers a line break as the end of a character. It also considers a space as well as punctuation as a separate character. This is how this tool works.   

How to calculate letters in Facebook Post?

You can use online letter counter tool by SEO tools center for this purpose. Just copy and paste your text in this tool and it would take care of the rest for you.

Why use the letter counter tool? 

This tool allows you to stay within the minimum and maximum characters range for your academic work as well as for Social Media Content like Facebook posts, tweets and so much more. This why you need to use this tool.

How to use the letter counting tool?

Copy and paste the piece of content in which you want to find the number of characters in the tool. This is all that you have to do. The tool would take care of the rest for you.

In Python, we can easily count the letters in a word using the Python len() function and list comprehension to filter out characters which aren’t letters.

def countLetters(word):
    return len([x for x in word if x.isalpha()])



This is equivalent to looping over all letters in a word and checking if each character is a letter.

def countLetters(word):
    count = 0
    for x in word:
        if x.isalpha():
            count = count + 1
    return count



If you’d like to get the count of each letter in Python, you can use the Python collections module.

import collections


Counter({'W': 1, 'o': 1, 'r': 1, 'd': 1})

If you’d like to get the letters of all words in a string, we can use the Python split() function in combination with the len() function.

string_of_words = "This is a string of words."

letter_counts = []
for x in string_of_words.split(" "):
    letter_counts.append(len([x for x in word if x.isalpha()]))


[4, 2, 1, 6, 2, 5]

When working with strings, it is very useful to be able to easily extract information about our variables.

One such piece of information which is valuable is the number of letters a string has.

We can use the Python len() function to get the number of letters in a string easily.



If you have a string with punctuation or numbers in it, we can use list comprehension to filter out the characters which aren’t letters and then get the length of this new string.

def countLetters(word):
    return len([x for x in word if x.isalpha()])



If you don’t want to use list comprehension, loop over each element in the string and see if it is a letter or not with the Python isalpha() function.

def countLetters(word):
    count = 0
    for x in word:
        if x.isalpha():
            count = count + 1
    return count



Finding Count of All Letters in a Word Using Python

In Python, we can also find the unique count of all letters in a word, and the number of times each letter appears in a word.

The Python collections module is very useful and provides a number of functions which allow us to create new data structures from lists.

One such data structure is the Counter data structure.

The Counter data structure counts up all of the occurrences of a value in a list.

To get the count of all letters in a word, we can use the Python collections Counter data structure in the following Python code.

import collections


Counter({'W': 1, 'o': 1, 'r': 1, 'd': 1})

If you then want to get the count of any particular letter, you can access the count just like you would access a value in a dictionary.

import collections

c = collections.Counter("Word")



Counting Letters of All Words in a String Using Python

When processing strings in a program, it can be useful to know how many words there are in the string, and how many letters are in each word. Using Python, we can easily get the number of letters in each word in a string with the Python len() function.

Let’s say you have a string which is a sentence (in other words, each word in the sentence is delimited by a space).

We can use the Python split() function to change the string into a list, and then loop over the list to get the length of each word in a string.

Below is a Python function which will count the letters in all words in a string using Python.

string_of_words = "This is a string of words."

letter_counts = []
for x in string_of_words.split(" "):
    letter_counts.append(len([x for x in word if x.isalpha()]))


[4, 2, 1, 6, 2, 5]

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to count letters in words in Python.

What is a Character Counter?

A Character Counter or Letter Counter is an online calculator to instantly count the number of characters, letters, words and paragraphs in a text and display the character count, word count and paragraph count of a text.

Did you ever need a tool to quickly count the characters, letters or words in a text or sentence without Microsoft Word, Excel or Google Docs available? Counting characters in a text manually can be really painful and sensitive to errors. A character counter can help you quickly and accurate count all characters, letters, words and paragraphs in a text.

What is Character Count?

Character Count or Letter Count is the total number of characters or letters in a sentence, word or text.

You can calculate the character count with and without spaces. A Character, also known as char, is a single object to represent a letter, number or symbol.

Knowing the Character Count is highly useful in many applications, especially Social Media. Whether you are sending out a message to your employees on Yelp, LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter, you must focus on the character limit of your text. Understand that, especially in e-commerce, the volume of words used matters.

What about Word Count?

Word count, the number of words in a text, is a significant metric in content writing. It is particularly important for people who write reviews, blogs, websites and social media marketing posts.

With the online character counter calculator, you will only be required to copy and paste your text in the count characters area or write directly on it.

Note that every line break in your text is also calculated as a letter, while a paragraph may generate two characters, depending on the spaces used.

Who can use a Character Counter?

A character Counter tool can be extreme useful for those people:

  • For student to count the number of characters and words in an essay or assignment.
  • Teachers which have to check if the student followed the guidelines of the character and word limits on assignments and essays.
  • Text writer and publishers who are writing content for clients for a blog, website or social media
  • Social Media Managers, Marketeers and SEO specialists who have to deal with all strict Character Limits of online (social media) platforms
  • Internet users for filling in (user)names, descriptions when creating (social) online accounts or filling in online forms

Using a Character Counter to calculate the number of characters, words and paragraphs can save a lot of time (and money) for them and will make their live easier.

Character Count limits

Whether you are writing for your website or social media, what you say is important. But sometimes you have to deal with character count limits. How you say it and the number of words and characters used is what counts.

For newspaper and magazine writers where there is limited word count for each editorial, using a letter counter can help in formulating the expected word limit while still meeting the industry writing requirements.

Do you want to know more about the character count limits that are used on the popular social media platforms? You can find an overview of all Character Count Limits in our blog.

Character Counter & SEO

Character Counter & SEO, why is it important? Whether you are writing a blog post or an eBook, every editorial requires a certain number of words.

Social media platforms are designed for short and precise creations to capture the reader’s attention. If you are a digital marketer or are managing social media content, it is important that you learn the length of words to use in each platform.

Optimal Character count length

The optimal length should be focused on satisfying the search intent and creating relevant links. For SEO, great content should most of the time be at least 1000 words. The content size increases the chances of a desirable ranking in Google search engine results (SERP).

Every year, Google changes its algorithm to keep marketers guessing the magic formula of getting to the first position. However, there is just one aspect that never changes, and that is word count. While the character limit is not a ranking factor, certain elements such as the meta description can affect the click-through rate.

In SEO, the skilled you are with your character count, the higher the chances of attracting backlinks from satisfied searchers. However, it is important to understand that poor content in terms of quality is a big turn-off and could greatly affect SEO negatively.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about our tool in the list below. Is your specific question not in the list? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

You can enter an unlimited amount of text in our online Character Counter tool and there is no character limit. We tested text with more than 10 million characters in it.

The tool will show the number of characters with and without spaces, the number of (unique) words and number of paragraphs.

A Character, also known as char, is a single object to represent a letter, number or symbol.

A unique word is a word that is counted as 1 word, no matter how many times it is used in a text.

A paragraph is defined by one or multiple newlines in a text. A paragraph with 1 newline count as one character and a paragraph with 2 newlines count as 2 characters.

Character Counter tool is 100% FREE to use without any limits, like all of our social and non-social tools.

We never store any of the text, words or characters that you enter in our tool.

We support not only English, but all languages including Russian, Chinese and Korean.

Sorry, we don’t have a mobile app, but our website is 100% mobile friendly and can be used on any device.

Sorry, advertisements ensure that this website can be used for free.

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