Could you tell me what this word means




5 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

Could you tell me what _ .

a) does this word mean
b) means this word
c) is this word mean
d) this word means

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(2 оценки)



5 лет назад

Светило науки — 32 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

Could you tell me what does this word mean???
Этот ответ правильный.
b) means this word — это вопрос так что там должен быть вспомогательный глагол
c) is this word mean — даже если прочитаешь звучит как то не так
d) this word means — это вопрос так что там должен быть вспомогательный глагол

(2 оценки)


Tanya Carousel

Senior Member


  • Oct 22, 2022

  • #1

Hello. I wondered if you could tell me which option is correct:
1) Could you tell me, please, what does this word mean?
2) Could you tell me, please, what this word means?
Thanks in advance!

Вопросы в английском языке 2: вопросы в сложных предложениях и косвенные вопросы


Do you know where … ? / I don’t know why … / Could you tell me what … ? etc.

Мы говорим:

Where has Tom gone?


Do you know where Tom has gone? (not Do you know where has Tom gone?)

Когда вопрос (Where has Tom gone?) является частью сложного предложения (Do you know … ? / I don’t know … / Can you tell me … ? etc.), порядок слов меняется. Точнее, мы уже указали вопросительный порядок слов в первой части предложения (когда вынесли do и can в начало предложения), поэтому во второй части он просто уже не нужен. Мы говорим:

◇ What time is it?


Do you know what time it is?

◇ Who are those people?


I don’t know who those people are.

◇ Where can I find Linda?


Can you tell me where I can find Linda?

◇ How much will it cost?


Do you have any idea how much it will cost?

Будьте аккуратнее со вспомогательными глаголами do/does/did в вопросах. Они вызывают привыкание и их хочется использовать в похожих фразах:

◇ What time does the film begin?


Do you know what time the film begins? (not

does the film begin


◇ What do you mean?


Please explain what you mean.

◇ Why did she leave early?


I wonder why she left early.

Используйте if или whether там, где нет других вопросительных слов (what, why и пр.):

◇ Did anybody see you?


Do you know if anybody saw you?
илиwhether anybody saw you?


He asked me where … (косвенные вопросы)

Такие же изменения происходят и в косвенных вопросах (reported questions). Сравните:


The police officer said to us, ‘Where are you going?’


The police officer asked us where we were going.


Clare said, ‘What time do the banks close?’


Clare wanted to know what time the banks closed.

В косвенной речи глагол обычно меняется на прошедшее время (were, closed и т.п.). См. урок 47.

Изучите эти примеры. У вас было собеседование по поводу работы, вам задавали следующие вопросы:

Позже вы говорите другу о том, какие вопросы вам задавали. Вы используете косвенную речь:

  • She asked if (or whether) I was willing to travel.
  • She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
  • She asked how long I had been working in my present job.
  • She asked why I had applied for the job. (or … why I applied)
  • She wanted to know if (or whether) I could speak any foreign languages.
  • She asked if (or whether) I had a driving licence.


1. Составьте новое предложение из вопроса в скобках?

  1. (Where has Tom gone?) Do you know …
  2. (Where is the post office?) Could you tell me where …
  3. (What’s the time?) I wonder …
  4. (What does this word mean?) I want to know …
  5. (What time did they leave?) Do you know …
  6. (Is Sue going out tonight?) I don’t know …
  7. (Where does Caroline live?) Do you have any idea …
  8. (Where did I park the car?) I can’t remember …
  9. Key

  10. (Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell me …
  11. (What do you want?) Tell me …
  12. (Why didn’t Kate come to the party?) I don’t know …
  13. (How much does it cost to park here?) Do you know …
  14. (Who is that woman?) I have no idea …
  15. (Did Liz get my letter?) Do you know …
  16. (How far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me …


2. Вы звоните Свете по домашнему телефону, но ее нет дома. Кто-то другой отвечает на звонок. Вы хотите узнать три вещи:
(1) Where has she gone? (2) When will she be back? и (3) Did she go out alone?
Закончите разговор:

A: Do you know where …

B: Sorry, I’ve got no idea.
A: Never mind. I don’t suppose you know …

B: No, I’m afraid not.
A: One more thing. Do you happen to know …

B: I’m afraid I didn’t see her go out.
A: OK. Well, thank you anyway. Goodbye.


3. Вас долгое время не было в родном городе, и вот вы только что туда вернулись. Вы встречаете вашего друга Антона. Он задает вам кучу вопросов:

Остановить Антона было сложно, но вы справились. А теперь вы сообщаете другому своему другу о том, что у вас спрашивал Антон. Используйте косвенную речь.


I don't understand this sentence. Could you tell me what this word mea перевод - I don't understand this sentence. Could you tell me what this word mea русский как сказать

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I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what this word means


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Я не понимаю это предложение. Могли бы вы сказать мне, что означает это слово

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Я не понимаю это предложение. Не могли бы вы сказать мне, что это слово означает

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


я не понимаю эту фразу.ты мог бы сказать мне, что это слово означает

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

. Where is the post office? Could you tell ше I where the post office is 2
. What does this word mean? Do you know what this word means ? 8310

. Where is the post office? Could you tell ше I where the post office is 2
. What does this word mean? Do you know what this word means ? 8310
. What»s the time? I wonder what time is
. Where did you park your car? Can»t you remember where you parked your саг ?
. Is Ann coming to the meting? I don»t know if Ann is coming to the meting
. Where does Jack live? Have you any 14еа I where Jack lives ?
. What time did he leave? Do you know what time he left ?
. Where can I change some money? Could you tell me I where I can change some money
. What qualifications do I need? I want to know what qualifications I need
Why didn»t Tom come to the party? Idon»t know why Tom did not come to the party

Match the terms with their definitions.
A long piece of stone or wood at the top of a door or window frame that supports the wall
The l ...

Match the terms with their definitions.
A long piece of stone or wood at the top of a door or window frame that supports the wall
The length of something from one end to the other(NOUN)
Any of the large, sloping pieces of wood that support a roof(NOUN)
A square block, especially of stone, on which a column or a statue stands(NOUN)
Most important, because of including or affecting all other areas (adj)

I regret to inform you that...
Выберите один ответ:
© а. formal
b. informal ...

I regret to inform you that…
Выберите один ответ:
© а. formal
b. informal

After you land, you can collect this in the airport.
Выберите один ответ:
а. meal
b. boarding card
¢. baggage ...

After you land, you can collect this in the airport.
Выберите один ответ:
а. meal
b. boarding card
¢. baggage

Chinese is very difficult to learn.
Выберите один ответ:
а. false
b. not given
c. true ...

Chinese is very difficult to learn.
Выберите один ответ:
а. false
b. not given
c. true

According to Maria Montessori method, it is Пе teacher that controls the pace, topic and lessons, not the class or the
Выберите один ответ:

According to Maria Montessori method, it is Пе teacher that controls the pace, topic and lessons, not the class or the
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ¥

Make up a sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
Kate and Mary/ to have /the same sense of humo ...

Make up a sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
Kate and Mary/ to have /the same sense of humour.
Kate and Mary have the same sense of humour.

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
(используйте только один пробел между словами; в начале и в ко ...

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
(используйте только один пробел между словами; в начале и в конце пробел не нужен)
The office works 9 to 5.
Whattime does the office work 2

В каком виде чтения необходимо обращать внимание на логические связи предложений и абзацев текста?
Выберите один ответ:
а. Reading for detail (изуча ...

В каком виде чтения необходимо обращать внимание на логические связи предложений и абзацев текста?
Выберите один ответ:
а. Reading for detail (изучающее чтение)
b. Scanning (поисково-просмотровое чтение)
с. Skimming (ознакомительное чтение)

Complete the question.
Where did
He studied medicine at the university of Basel. ...

Complete the question.
Where did
He studied medicine at the university of Basel.

Choose the best Russian equivalent for the given adjectives
honest честный
sensible разумный
strong-willed волевой
зепзшуе чувствительный
moody к ...

Choose the best Russian equivalent for the given adjectives
honest честный
sensible разумный
strong-willed волевой
зепзшуе чувствительный
moody капризный
adventurous отважный
determined целеустремленный
talkative болтливый
even-tempered — уравновешенный
reliable надежный
assertive решительный
likeable располагающий к себе

Write the verbs т brackets т the past continuous or the past simple.
When! was studying (study) at university, I took a part-time job as a security g ...

Write the verbs т brackets т the past continuous or the past simple.
When! was studying (study) at university, I took a part-time job as a security guard at a factory to
earn some extra money. I often worked (work) at night, and one evening! was checking
» (check) the warehouse when I heard a noise. I was really scaredso! called ¥ (call) the police.
They arrived and while they were searching » (search) the area they found someone asleep та
small cupboard next to the warehouse. The person was v (be) the daytime security guard, who
was living (live) in the factory because he couldn»t afford to rent a flat. He was wearing
< (wear) pyjamas produced in the factory. The factory owners were furious at first and were planning
< (plan) to sack the young man, but т the end they found him a cheap flat and пе kept / (keep) his

Shallow wells, brooks and springs were sufficient to supply water to the ancient cities.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

Shallow wells, brooks and springs were sufficient to supply water to the ancient cities.
Выберите один ответ:

Complete the question.
Which fiimmaker I м I read Iv I his Iv I work Iv 2
Stanly Kubrick read his work. ...

Complete the question.
Which fiimmaker I м I read Iv I his Iv I work Iv 2
Stanly Kubrick read his work.

The oldest house — build — т 1575 (PAST SIMPLE)
Ответ: was built ...

The oldest house — build — т 1575 (PAST SIMPLE)
Ответ: was built

They Вад planned (plan) to launch the new software before last October, but problems delayed the official launch date. ...

They Вад planned (plan) to launch the new software before last October, but problems delayed the official launch date.

Is your mother working пап old office building? ...

Is your mother working пап old office building?

Present Perfect Continuous is often used to focus on the duration of an action (e.g. п answer to the question How
Выберите один ответ:
Верно ...

Present Perfect Continuous is often used to focus on the duration of an action (e.g. п answer to the question How
Выберите один ответ:

What are the three basic instruments for leveling?
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
У а. prism
Yb. leveling screw
У с. focus screw
У 9. tange ...

What are the three basic instruments for leveling?
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
У а. prism
Yb. leveling screw
У с. focus screw
У 9. tangent screw
Ye. stuff
vf. tripod
У 9. automatic level

Name the part of ап essay described below
A section of a piece of writing, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single subject
Выб ...

Name the part of ап essay described below
A section of a piece of writing, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single subject
Выберите один ответ:
а. footnote
b. concluding sentence(s)
с. paragraph W
d. supporting sentences
e. main part (body)

Grammar test 11th form

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.  

11. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

21. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

22. Most of the cattle … under the trees.

a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.

23. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.

a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.

24. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,

a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.

25. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.

a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.

26. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?

a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.

27. … of the three boys got a prize,

a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.

28. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.

a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.

29. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.

a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .

30. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.

a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.

31. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.

a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.

32. Nothing is wrong,…?

a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.

33. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.

a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.

34. May I apologize … being so late?

a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.

35. All the furniture in this room … antique.

a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.

36. … traffic in the city center.

a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.

37. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.

a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.

38. She … the piano since she was ten.

a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.

39. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.

a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.

40. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.

a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.

41. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.

a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.

42. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,

a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.

43. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!

a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.

44. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”

a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.

45. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.

a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.

46. Open the window, … you?

a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.

47. You must try not to … so many mistakes.

a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.

48. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.

a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.

49. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,

a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.

50. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,

a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.

Ответы на грамматический тест по английскому языку.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d.

Сегодня предлагаю Вам грамматический тест для учеников 11 класса. Тест охватывает практически все аспекты грамматики английского языка. Данный тест по грамматике можно использовать как для проверки знаний, так и для повторения грамматических правил в 11 классе.

На сайте есть также много полезный онлайн-тестов по английскому языку.

 Наш тест по грамматике для 11 класса состоит из 50 вопросов. В основу теста легли задания из пособия для подготовке к олимпиадам по английскому языку. Составитель пособия – И. Т. Каскевич. В конце грамматического теста Вы найдете ответы. Все вопросы задавайте в комментариях.

 USE OF GRAMMAR for the 11th form.

Итак, поехали …

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.

11. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

21. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

22. Most of the cattle … under the trees.

a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.

23. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.

a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.

24. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,

a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.

25. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.

a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.

26. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?

a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.

27. … of the three boys got a prize,

a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.

28. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.

a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.

29. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.

a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .

30. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.

a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.

31. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.

a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.

32. Nothing is wrong,…?

a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.

33. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.

a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.

34. May I apologize … being so late?

a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.

35. All the furniture in this room … antique.

a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.

36. … traffic in the city center.

a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.

37. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.

a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.

38. She … the piano since she was ten.

a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.

39. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.

a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.

40. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.

a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.

41. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.

a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.

42. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,

a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.

43. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!

a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.

44. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”

a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.

45. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.

a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.

46. Open the window, … you?

a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.

47. You must try not to … so many mistakes.

a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.

48. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.

a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.

49. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,

a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.

50. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,

a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.

Ответы на грамматический тест по английскому языку.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d.

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