Текст Emma, I’d like a word with you. с переводом.
Emma, I’d like a word with you.
Эмма, я бы хотела поговорить с тобой.
Mum: Emma, I’d like a word with you. | Мама: Эмма, я бы хотела поговорить с тобой. | |
Emma: Oh, Mum! What have I done now? | Эмма: О, мама! Что же я сейчас наделала? | |
Mum: Just look at the state of your bedroom! You shouldn’t have left it like that. Can’t you tidy up? | Мама: Просто взгляни на состояние твоей спальни! Тебе не следовало оставлять ее в таком виде. Ты не могла бы прибраться? | |
Emma: But, Mum. I’m doing my homework now. I can tidy it up later. | Эмма: Но мама, сейчас я делаю свое домашнее задание. Я могу прибраться позже. | |
Mum: That’s what you always say, Emma! You treat this place like a hotel! | Мама: Это то, что ты всегда говоришь, Эмма! Ты относишься к этому месту, как к гостинице! | |
Emma: But, Mum, I’m so busy at the moment. | Эмма: Но, мама, в настоящий момент я так занята. | |
Mum: Well, you’re not the only one in this house who’s busy, young lady! I work all day and then I come home and cook dinner and do all the housework. I’m not your slave, you know! | Мама: Ну, ты не единственная в этом доме, которая занята, юная леди! Я работаю весь день и потом прихожу домой, готовлю ужин и делаю работу по дому. Знаешь ли, я не ваша рабыня! | |
Emma: Well… you’ve got a point there. Look, Mum, I’m REALLY sorry. How can I make it up to you? | Эмма: Ну… здесь ты права. Послушай мама, мне ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО жаль. Чем я могу компенсировать тебе? | |
Mum: Well, you can start by tidying up this mess! | Мама: Ну, можешь начать с уборки этого беспорядка! | |
Emma: OK, Mum! And then I can give you a hand with dinner. | Эмма: Хорошо, мама! И потом я могу помочь тебе с обедом. | |
Mum: Now, that’s better! Thank you! | Мама: Так-то лучше! Спасибо! |
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Can I have a word with you alone?
Can I have a word with you, sir?
Can I have a word with you, sir?
Can I have a word with you in private?
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I met this man waiting at the gates.
He says he needs to have a word with you.
Sorry, sir.
Брат Десмонд, этот человек стоял у ворот.
Он говорит, что хочет увидеть тебя
Простите, сэр
Well, thank you.
Webber, may I have a word with you privately?
I’ll be right outside.
Доктор Веббер, могу я поговорить с Вами наедине?
Я буду за дверью.
Can I have a word?
Are you mental?
Можно на пару слов?
С ума сошла?
We’re gonna owe your mum gitloads.
I’ll have a word.
She’ll want something, though. Deffo.
Мы будем должны твоей маме целую кучу.
Я с ней переговорю.
Но она определённо что-то потребует.
— No thank you, Gusten.
But I would like to have a word with you about Maj.
Christ, what now?
Маме что-нибудь надо?
Спасибо, Густаф, ничего не надо. Я хочу поговорить с тобой о Май.
Что ещё за чёрт!
Excuse me.
Could I have a word with you, Troels.
In private.
— Простите.
Можно мне поговорить с вами, Троэльс.
В частном порядке.
Where did you tell her you’d been all this time?
Vanderley, can I have a word?
If anyone complains about me to you, will you let me know?
А что вы ей говорили всё это время, что вы куда уходите?
Вандерли, можно тебя попросить?
Если кто-нибудь пожалуется тебе на меня, скажешь, ладно?
Sweet ass.
Well if you’ll excuse me for a moment I’d just like to have a word alone with my business associate.
— You ladies take your time.
Но если позволите, мне надо переговорить с коллегой.
Конечно. Не спешите.
They’ll put you in jail, you’d have a record.
I’ll have a word with him.
Hasn’t Lene told you?
Они отправят тебя за решетку, тебе придется писать объяснительную.
Я поговорю с ним.
Лене тебе не сказала?
I’ll do what I can.
Well, have a word with someone in his constituency.
Yes, of course.
— Сделаю всё, что смогу.
— Поговорите с его окружением.
— Да, конечно.
Could you come here for a minute?
The girls need to have a word with you.
What do you think they want?
— Да. Не мог бы ты подойти?
Девочкам нужно с тобой поговорить.
— Как думаешь, что они хотят?
Don’t let him near the tracks.
Barnett, can we have a word with you, please?
You haven’t identified yourself.
Мальчишка его предупредил.
Не дайте ему выйти к поездам. — Барнетт, можно вас на пару слов?
— Вы никак не представились.
I talk to him in the morning and arrange a loan.
But you have a word with Ben…
«It’s the end of the week, he’s bound to be flat broke.»
Утром я с ним побеседую и договорюсь о ссуде.
А ты поговори с Беном.
Неделя подходит к концу. Он наверняка на мели.
This is just the beginning.
I’ll have a word with the prime minister.
Much good that’ll do, he’ll just say it’s German domestic policy and has nothing to do with us.
Расовое очищение — это только начало.
Я поговорю с премьер-министром.
Он скажет, что нельзя вмешиваться во внутреннюю политику Германии.
Zhichen, we’ve been friends a long time.
Please, have a word to her.
I had no idea you knew each other.
Жичень, мы старые друзья.
Поговори с ней.
Я не знал, что вы были знакомы.
So you want me to play matchmaker.
Just have a word with her.
And Master Zhang?
Хочешь, чтобы я их сосватала?
Просто поговори с ней.
А господин Жанг?
Some Englishmen can breathe underwater through their ears.
I wonder if I might have a word about… those heads.
It’s lovely workmanship.
Некоторые англичане могут дышать в воде ушами.
Интересно, куда вы дели обезьяньи головы?
Отличная работа, Траскот.
Not so close, my ponderous one.
-I’d have a word with you.
Не так близко, мой неуклюжий!
— Я кое-что хочу тебе сказать.
— Что?
Yes, Frith. What is it? Excuse me, sir.
May I have a word with you?
О, черт возьми!
Как всегда, не так с этим аппаратом.
Да, Фриц, в чем дело?
— Mr Jonas, is it?
— We’ll have a word with Mr Jonas.
— No.
Мистер Джонас, да?
— Мы поговорим с мистером Джонасом.
— Thank you.
— Could I have a word with you, please?
— What is it?
— Спасибо.
— Могу я с Вами поговорить, пожалуйста?
— А в чем дело?
What’s the matter with him?
He was- they have a word for it over there- liquidated.
Oh, murdered, like we say it over here.
А что с ним?
Его… там они это называют «ликвидировали».
Убили, как мы говорим здесь.
(Door opens)
I must have a word with you.
— Er, in private.
Ах, вот как.
Сэр Хамфри, можно вас отвлечь?
– Слушаю.
Around here the music code is pretty strict.
I can have a word upstairs.
Regeneration would be fine.
Просто здесь рамки довольно жеские.
Я замолвю словечко наверху.
Обновление это здорово.
She’ll end up killing someone.
We need to have a word with the old man. Too late.
They say he’s going to the city
Она когда-нибудь кого-нибудь убьет.
Мы должны сказать старику об этом.
Ты опоздал.
How could you be so careless?
I’m going to have a word with your teacher.
-Last year Irma got a pair of shoes.
Как ты могла быть такой беспечной?
Я поговорю с твоей учительницей.
— В прошлом году Ирма получила пару ботинок.
— Read aloud from the book, Irma.
May I have a word with you?
Where was she headed?
— Читай вслух из книги, Ирма.
Можно вас на два слова?
Куда она пошла?
Поможешь мне?
Нет, мне надо поговорить с новым тренером Тэда.
Чтобы показал мне, как правильно делать наклоны.
Extra blankets in the hall closet.
Keith, your mother and I want to have a word with you.
— Can’t it wait until morning?
А в шкафчике в коридоре есть одеяла.
Кит, мы с мамой хотим с тобой поговорить.
— Может, подождем до утра?
It could be very important.
I’ll have a word with your mum to make sure you don’t get in any trouble.
How does that sound?
Это может быть очень важно.
Я поговорю с твоей мамой, чтобы у тебя не было неприятностей.
Как по-твоему?
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Everyday English Speaking Course
The first phrase I want to teach you today is actually a question; it is “Could I have a word with you?” Now, this question simply means can I talk with you, and it’s used in a very specific situation. “Could I have a word with you” is used when you are in a group of people, there are multiple people.
For example, in a meeting at work with your colleagues, and you want to talk with just one person from the group alone, privately without the other people listening. So the question “could I have a word with you” is a polite and indirect way to express to that person that you want to talk to him/her privately, away from the other people.
A similar question for asking to talk with somebody is this: “Do you have a moment?” “Do you have a moment?” is more frequently used when you’re just talking to one person. For example, you called a person on the phone, or you went to your co-workers office to visit them, and “do you have a moment?” is a way to ask if the other person has time to talk with you, if they are available and not busy. So, “do you have a moment?” is a way to respect that person’s time.
The person might answer “Yes, of course,” and then you can continue the conversation; or the person might answer “I’m a little bit busy” and in that case, you’d have to wait until later to speak with that person.
Now, “Could I have a word with you?” and “Do you have a moment?” are a little bit formal. They would be used in more professional situations, but if you’re in a more informal situation, like with your friends, then you would probably ask somebody like this: “Could I talk to you for a minute?” or “Could I talk to you for a second?” This is just the more informal way of expressing your desire to speak with that person.
Now, some students ask me the difference between talk to, talk with, speak to, and speak with, and in this case, there really isn’t any difference between them. So you could say “Could I speak with you for a minute?” – that’s also possible, but I think the most common way to say it is “could I talk to you for a minute”.
So now you know 3 ways to ask to speak with someone else: “Could I have a word with you?” for asking to speak with someone privately, and get them away from a group, “Do you have a moment?” as a way to ask about the other persons availability for a conversation, and the most informal phrase, “Could I talk to you for a minute?” which you could use among friends.
That’s all for today, so tune in tomorrow to learn more spoken English phrases.
have a word with — перевод на русский
I’m going to have a word with Clipton.
Я пойду, поговорю с Клиптоном.
I’ll have a word with Max and Toni tomorrow.
А знаешь, что? Завтра я поговорю с Максом и Тони.
I’m gonna have a word with him.
Я поговорю с ним.
I’m going to have a word with Chinn, not to mention our Axon friends.
Я поговорю с Чинном, не говоря уже о наших друзьях аксонах.
Well, I’d better go and have a word with the Brigadier.
Ну, я лучше пойду и поговорю с Бригадиром.
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— May I have a word with you, sir?
— Можно вас на пару слов, сэр?
Excuse me, may I have a word with you?
Простите, можно вас на пару слов?
May we have a word with you, please?
Можно вас на пару слов, пожалуйста?
Mayor Tilton, may we have a word with you?
Мэр Тильтон, можно вас на пару слов?
Can I have a word with you, sir?
Можно вас на пару слов, сэр?
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Can we have a word with you, sir?
Можно с вами поговорить?
Might I have a word with you?
Можно с вами поговорить?
Could I have a word with you, sir?
Можно с вами поговорить, сэр?
— Martha, can I have a word with you?
— Марта, можно с вами поговорить? — Да.
Might I have a word with you, sir?
— Можно с вами поговорить, сэр?
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Well, why not? I could have a word with Wally at the pub.
Я переговорю с Ролли в пабе.
Do you mind if I have a word with her?
Ты не возражаешь, если я переговорю с ней?
I will also have a word with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
И переговорю с комиссаром городской полиции.
Do you mind if I have a word with your wife?
— Ты не против, если я переговорю с твоей женой?
Now you wait outside while I have a word with chief of staff mahoney.
А теперь выйдите, пока я переговорю с начальником штаба Махони.
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Could you have a word with me?
Да, я знаю. Можно вас на два слова?
Countess! May i have a word with you?
Графиня, можно вас на два слова?
It’s just sour. — Excuse me, can I have a word with you?
— Извините, можно вас на два слова?
Monsieur de Valmont, may I have a word with you, please?
Мсье де Вальмон, можно Вас на два слова?
-May I have a word with you?
-Капитан, можно вас на два слова?
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— I wanted to have a word with you.
Мне нужно поговорить с вами, отче.
Your Majesty, I must have a word with you…
Выше Величество, мне нужно поговорить с Вами!
Kent, I need to have a word with you.
Кент, мне нужно поговорить с вами.
— I need to have a word with you.
— Мне нужно поговорить с вами.
I need to have a word with Anna.
-Мне нужно поговорить с Анной.
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After the session, I’d like to have a word with Mr. Tanigawa.
После того как закончите, я хотела бы перекинуться словечком с г-ом Танигавой.
If you find him, I’d like to have a word with him.
Если вы найдёте его, я бы хотел перекинуться словечком с ним.
Now listen, do you think I could have a word with your client for a second?
Как думаете, можно мне перекинуться словечком с вашим клиентом?
I’m going to have words with Harriet Wingate.
А я хочу перекинуться словечком с Гарриет Вингейт.
I’d love to have a word with Uncle Sam.
Хочу перекинуться словечком с дядей Сэмом.
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Maybe, but I’d like to have a word with him.
Думаю, нам нужно срочно увидится. Хотелось бы перекинуться парой слов с месье.
Actually, in my role as security chief of this joyous German occasion, I’m afraid I must have a word with Mademoiselle Mimieux.
Будучи ответственным за безопасность этого милого немецкого вечера, я должен буду перекинуться парой слов с мадмуазель Мимьё.
I need to have a word with Detective Wysocki please.
Мне нужно перекинуться парой слов с детективом Высоки.
Ralph, it’s time to have a word with your mum.
Ральф, пришло время перекинуться парой слов с твоей мамой.
Ah, Marco, I was just coming to have a word with you.
Марко, я бы хотел просто перекинуться парой слов с вами.
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Could we have a word with you, please?
Мы можем поговорить?
Clark, can I have a word with you?
Кларк, мы можем поговорить?
May I have a word with you?
Мы можем поговорить?
— Why don’t you let me have a look at the accommodation that you have, and take it in for a second then I can have a word with George Swine?
-Почему бы вам не показать мне номер, что вы получили, заглянули бы на секундочку а потом я мог бы поговорить с Джорджем Свайном? Всё просто.
Might I have a word with you, my dear?
Я мог бы поговорить с вами, моим дорогой?
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Now then, I’ve been having words with James in your absence.
В ваше отсутствие я разговаривал с Джеймсом.
Dad, I’ve had a word with Mum, she thinks the insurance thing is a great idea.
Пап, я разговаривал с мамой, она считает идею со страхованием отличной.
I had a word with Sarah Smith last night.
— Прекрасно. Прошлой ночью я разговаривал с Сарой Смит.
Yeah, I had words with Faris.
Ну да, я разговаривал с Фэрисом.
I’ve just had a word with Saito.
Я только что разговаривал с Саито.
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- поговорю с
- вас на пару слов
- можно с вами поговорить
- переговорю с
- вас на два слова
- нужно поговорить с вами
- перекинуться словечком с
- перекинуться парой слов с
- мы можем поговорить
- разговаривал с
Здравствуйте! Нужно составить диалог на английском, по этому примеру (желательно с переводом) на 5-6 реплик.
Mum: Emma, I’d like a word with you.
Emma: Oh, Mum! What have I done this time?
Mum: Just look at the state of your bedroom! You shouldn’t have left it like that. Can’t you tidy up?
Emma: But, Mum, I’m doing my homework now. I can clean up later.
Mum: That’s what you always say, Emma! You treat this place like a hotel!
Emma: But, Mom, I’m so busy right now.
Mum: Well, you’re not the only one in this house who’s busy, young lady! I work all day and then I come home and cook dinner and do all the housework. I’m not your slave, you know!
Emma: good…your point is also true. Look, Mum, I’m REALLY sorry. How can I make it up to you?
Mum: Well, you can start by tidying up this mess!
Emma: OK, Mum! And then I can lend a hand in cooking dinner.
Mum: Now, that’s better! Thank you!
A |
What can you have? You can … · · · · · |
B |
Expressions with have Is that your camera? Can I have Is that your bicycle? Can I have Goodbye! Have a good Do you have a moment We always have a good time I’m going to have my hair I want to learn to ski but I don’t |
C |
Have + got (speaking / I’ve got My house is big. It’s We’ve got Have (in a shop) A: Do I’ve got I’ve got a |
D |
Have We The All My Common In TIP Group |
38.1 |
38.2 |
38.3 |
38.4 |
38.5 |
38.1 |
Possible answers |
2 |
lesson |
7 |
meeting |
3 |
football/ tennis/ squash/ rugby/ darts/ chess/ cards |
8 |
coffee/ cup of coffee/ cup of tea/ drink |
4 |
party |
9 |
swim |
5 |
shower/bath/ wash |
10 |
dinner/ a meal/ supper/ something to eat |
6 |
exam |
38.2 |
2 |
Scarlett has gone to the hairdresser’s to have her hair cut. |
3 |
That computer game looks great. Can I have a go? |
4 |
I want to have a word with my teacher after |
5 |
Mum didn’t have the time to go to the shop |
6 |
They don’t have or they haven’t |
38.3 |
38.4 |
Possible answers |
2 |
Have a good journey! / Have a good time! |
3 |
Have you got a cold? |
4 |
Can I have a look? |
38.5 |
Possible answers |
1 |
I’ve got one brother and two sisters. |
2 |
I have them at 9.30 every day. |
3 |
I have a salad and a cup of tea. |
4 |
Not every day, but I have to go on Wednesday and Friday. |
5 |
I’ve got two. |
6 |
Yes, we always have a good time in our English classes. |
Bob asked Tom if he could have a word with him for a minute.
Tom agreed and asked Bob what it was.
Bob said it was actually about Tom’s rubbish bin.
Tom asked Bob what the problem was.
Bob said he was sorry to say that but it stank and he couldn’t just put up with it any more.
Tom said that it was full of rubbish and wondered what Bob expected.
Bob said that Tom could put his rubbish in a bag first; so it smelt less and added that was what he did.
Tom replied that bin bags cost money and it didn’t cost him anything to throw his rubbish straight into the bin.
Bob agreed and added that he appreciated that, but the smell was offensive and very annoying. He said that it drove him crazy.
Tom agreed and said he was sorry about that.
Bob said that the smell also attracted flies and other insects, so it could become a health risk.
Tom agreed and said that was a fair point.He added that he would use bin bags from then on.
Bob thanked Tom.
Оцени ответ
Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:
• Look at the mess in your bedroom.
• I want to talk to you.
• It’s not my job to do everything for you.
• What can I do to say sorry?
• You’re right about that.
• Help you.
Mum: Emma, I’d like a word with you.
Emma: Oh, Mum! 1)……………..
Mum: Just look at the state of your bedroom! You shouldn’t have left it
like that. Can’t you tidy up?
Emma: But, Mum, I’m doing my homework now. 2)…………..
Mum: That’s what you always say, Emma! You treat this place like a hotel!
Emma: 3)………………
Mum: Well, you’re not the only one in this house who’s busy, young lady! I work all day and then I come home and cook dinner and do all the housework. I’m not your slave, you know!
Emma: 4)……………… Look, Mum, I’m REALLY sorry. How can I make it up to you?
Mum: Well, you can start by tidying up this mess!
Emma: OK, Mum! 5)…………….
Mum: Now, that’s better! Thank you!