Couch potato word of

The phrase «couch potato» may sound funny to you. You might picture a potato lying on a couch. While it’s not actually a potato, this expression involves a couch.

A couch potato is someone who spends most of the day lying on the couch. People use the expression to indicate someone is lazy. Some people say the term may be offensive. You should use it with people close to you or people who don’t get easily offended.

Let’s take a deeper look at this phrase.

literalcouchpotato 1

If you look for the meaning of this phrase in the dictionary, you will find the expression is used to indicate:

  • A chronic television viewer
  • A lazy and inactive person
  • Someone who doesn’t like to be physically active
  • Someone who does not exercise but watches a lot of television
  • An idler and a layabout

Expanding The Idea

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Sedentary lifestyles can cause health problems. People in developed countries often live this lifestyle. Nowadays, we spend our time doing activities that don’t require physical effort. Internet apps are fighting for our time. Most of the platforms want us to spend our time watching their content.

Children and teenagers are the most affected. We see now that every kid carries a tablet or telephone everywhere they go. They get so caught up in their virtual life that they forget to do basic things.

Parents struggle to have their kids take a shower. Some people forget to shower. You will see people using electronics during mealtime.

In the end, this lifestyle damages our society. There will be a loss of function in some parts of your body. You are likely to gain weight as well.

The Origin Of The Phrase «Couch Potato»

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This phrase is an idiomatic expression. We know this idiom is not very old because it is related to watching television.

It first appeared in 1979 in the United States of America. The newspaper Los Angeles Times released an article using the phrase «…and the Couch Potatoes who will be lying on couches watching television as they are towed toward the parade route.»

A comic artist named Robert Armstrong is credited with releasing a cartoon that made the phrase famous. In 1979, Armstrong drew two lazy characters he called «Couch Potatoes.»

After that, the phrase became popular. People started using it to name someone who spends lots of time watching television. Watching too much TV makes people gain weight. Making them look like potatoes.

There’s another version of the origin of this idiom. This version is more popular. You just imagine a person sitting on a couch. This person is also watching television and eating potato chips. This person is a «couch potato.»

Frequently Asked Questions

Is «Couch Potato» A Slang Word?

Yes, this term is considered slang. The expression couch potato is informal. You should only use it when you talk to friends or family members.

Is The Expression «Couch Potato» Offensive?

Any person will have an adverse reaction if you call them a «couch potato.» This expression is a criticism of someone’s lifestyle.

Some people argue that potatoes are healthy. There have been protests against changing the word potato from this idiom. People claim we should use the term «couch slouch» instead.

What Is The Plural Form For Couch Potato?

The plural form would be «couch potatoes.»

Why Is Being «A Couch Potato» Bad?

Here are some of the health issues related to being a couch potato:

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • High blood sugar

Is «You Are A Couch Potato» A Metaphor?

You can use it as a metaphor when you see someone who feels like doing nothing on the weekend. You could say that person is a couch potato. But this person could be very active during weekdays. Maybe they are just resting after a long week.

What Is An «Active Couch Potato?»

An active couch potato is a person who is active 20% of their day. But this person spends the rest of the day sitting. This is very similar to being a couch potato. If you spend more than six hours being inactive, you won’t lose much fat. Your body will not turn fat into energy after more than 4 hours of sitting down.

What Can I Do To Stop Being A Couch Potato?

  1. The First Thing You Need To Do Is Accept You Are Living A Lazy Life

Acceptance is the first step to begin the adjustment.

  1. Understand This Is A Process, And It Takes Time.

On some days, you may not feel like exercising. That’s normal, and it will take time before you do it enthusiastically.

  1. Find Your Motivation

This could be your health or your appearance. Setting a goal is very important.

  1. Choose A Time In The Day That Is Convenient For Your Schedule

Make sure you exercise at a time that fits your daily schedule. People claim the morning is the best time.

  1. Set A Daily Walking Goal

Counting your steps can be beneficial.

  1. The Place Doesn’t Matter.

Whether you exercise at home or at the gym doesn’t matter. The important thing is getting it done.

  1. You Can Do Circuits Exercises

Some of the options you have are:

  1. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  2. Circuit training
  3. Tabata workout
  4. TV exercising
  5. Household chores
  1. Set Sleep Schedules

Sleeping is a vital part of the exercising routine. Make sure you set a sleep schedule to have a good rest.

  1. Make Small Changes

There are small things you can change in your life. These changes can get you more movement:

  1. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
  2. Get off the public transportation a few stops away from your destination.
  3. Park far away from your destination.
  1. Prepare Ahead Of Time

Hours before your exercise, prepare your clothes and drinks.

  1. Picture Your Older Self

This helps you to create an image of your future. You might not like it. This could motivate you to make changes in your life.

  1. Create A Reward System That Motivates You To Work Out.

You could give yourself rewards after achieving certain goals. What you could do:

  1. An immediate reward after a workout
  2. Postpone a desire until you end your routine

Synonyms And Other Similar Expressions

Here’s a list of other expressions that indicate the same meaning:

  • Couch slouch
  • TV viewer
  • Bystander
  • Goof-off
  • Idler
  • Inactive person
  • Laggard
  • Lazy person
  • Lazy-bones
  • Loafer
  • Lotus-eater
  • Lounger
  • Slouch
  • Sluggard
  • Sofa spud
  • Spud
  • Video-gazer
  • Inert

Other Terms Related To The Expression

Here are other terms that are often related to the expression. Even though we only say «couch potato,» there are other words that come to mind.

  1. Television

People usually sit in their couches to watch TV. This usually happens for a long period of time.

  1. Sofa

Couches and sofas are related. Both are pieces of furniture. Both go located in the living room. They are usually positioned in front of the TV.

  1. Lazy

This is related to the perception of the people. Couch potatoes are considered to be lazy.

  1. Loaf

Because people usually eat while watching TV. This happens especially when spending many hours watching TV.

  1. Leisure

Watching TV or lying down is considered leisure. People do this when they don’t have anything to do after work or after finishing their house chores. Couch potatoes are people with no pending duties.

Other Idioms

  • Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Place
  • Clear As Mud
  • Clouds On The Horizon

Example Sentences Using The Phrase

  1. My mom is a great couch potato; she can watch TV 24 hours a day.
  2. Some people debate whether couch potatoes are less intelligent than the rest.
  3. My mom always tells me, «don’t be a couch potato. Go outside and play.»
  4. In the past year, I have become a couch potato. The gym is calling me right now.
  5. I’ve heard my neighbor argue, «You are such a couch potato.». How can you dream about being slim? «You can only watch television and eat all the time.»
  6. It never occurred to me that people would call me a couch potato; I think I am addicted to television now.
  7. Get a job and make money, don’t lie around like a couch potato. You’re an adult now.
  8. If you want to dream about Michelle, stop being a couch potato.

Bottom Line

The phrase «couch potato» is used when you want to call someone lazy. This is an expression you should use in informal settings. You should use it with friends and family members because it can be perceived negatively. Some people don’t like to be called a «couch potato.»

The phrase started as slang. It first appeared around 1979. A cartoon made it mainstream. It’s been used ever since. People have many questions about this expression. Some people don’t know how to use it in conversations.

There are many ways to stop being a couch potato. It’s up to you to get out of this lifestyle. Your health could be compromised if you are sedentary. The term «active couch potato» refers to someone who visits the gym, then spends the rest of the day relaxing.

It is good to learn new idioms every day. This will expand your vocabulary and understanding. There are many things to remember before using an idiom. You must be mindful of how other people react to the things you say. The main takeaway here is that couch potato is not a polite expression.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Дословный перевод

Диванная картофелина.

Смысловое значение

Домосед. A couch potato можно назвать тех, кто проводит много времени, сидя на диване и смотря телевизор. Ужасно ленивый человек.


1) After my uncle retired from his job, he became a couch potato. – После того как мой дядя ушел с работы, он стал домоседом.

2) Maybe he got tired of being a couch potato.- Может, ему надоело быть домоседом.

3) Cold winter weather’s no reason to be a couch potato. – Прохладная погода – это не оправдание для лежебок.

Другие идиомы на английском языке

Вы никогда не задумывались, почему в английском языке лентяев и бездельников часто называют забавным выражением «couch potato»? «Couch» – диван, «potato» – картошка, и здесь нет ошибки. В русском языке тоже есть нечто похожее – слово «овощ», которым также обозначают лентяев и всех любителей отдыхать в энергосберегающем режиме (обычно лежа на боку). Однако в русском языке слово «овощ», в данном значении, не настолько популярно, чего не скажешь об английском аналоге.

Но почему именно картошка? Если с диваном все более-менее понятно, то с картошкой не очень. Почему не свекла, морковь, лук или какой-либо другой корнеплод? Нам в ACE стало интересно, и мы выяснили историю появления выражения. Спешим поделиться ей с вами, друзья! В отличие от большинства этимологий, в нашем случае известна точная дата, когда фраза была впервые произнесена вслух.

Это случилось не так уж давно – 15 июля 1976 года. Если более точно, впервые выражение было использовано во время телефонного разговора. Автор фразы, Том Лачино (Tom Lacino), звонил своему другу, когда трубку взяла девушка последнего. Тогда Том ляпнул первое, что пришло ему в голову: «Hey, is the couch potato there?» – тогда девушка обернулась, и, увидев своего молодого человека перед телевизором, громко рассмеялась.

И хотя сам Том утверждает, что сказал это без какого-либо подтекста, и ему просто нравилось так называть своего ленивого друга, лингвисты находят в этом выражении весьма остроумную игру слов. Дело в том, что в США в 70-е годы XX века было популярно выражение «the boob tube». Словосочетание использовалось противниками ТВ (уже в 70-е у телевидения появились противники, считавшие его «зомбоящиком») для саркастичного обозначения любителей проводить свой досуг перед экраном. Так вот слово «tuber», означает не что иное, как «клубень» – съедобную часть картофеля. В таком контексте, случайно сказанное «couch potato», уже приобретает юмористический оттенок.

Занимательно, что сам автор фразы так и не заметил в своей фразе ничего особенного, чего не скажешь о его друге, Роберте Армстронге. Последний разглядел во фразе потенциал и попросил у Тома разрешение на ее использование. Позже, именно благодаря Армстронгу, фраза появилась в СМИ – ее напечатали в одной из своих статей Los-Angeles Times.

Интересный факт: в 2005 году в Объединенном Королевстве прошла череда забастовок фермеров с требованием убрать выражение из Оксфордского словаря. Фермеры утверждали, что фраза отбрасывает негативный оттенок на сам картофель и формирует негативные ассоциации с корнеплодом. Однако, главный редактор словаря John Simpson сказал фермерам лишь то, что «обвиняя слова и выражения в чем-то, вы обвиняете все общество, которое их использует». Естественно, требования фермеров не были удовлетворены.

Такова история этой фразы, друзья. Если у Вас есть знакомые лежебоки – теперь вы знаете, как их называть! На всякий случай уточним, что выражение «couch potato», хоть и занесено в Оксфордский словарь, носит весьма яркий эмоциональный оттенок. Так что употребляем только в неформальных ситуациях. Если хотите узнать больше полезных и забавных выражений – Welcome to American Club of Education! Наши преподаватели всегда в курсе последних тенденций в английском. И еще у них отличное чувство юмора! А у нас на сегодня все, друзья. Учите английский, улыбайтесь чаще и берегите себя! Bye-bye!

a couch potato
a couch potato/a couchpotato
фанат «ящика»; телеман (смотреть телевизор, жуя и лежа на диване)

Jane was in danger of turning into a couch potato when she was resting at home after her operation.

Poor Ted has become such a couchpotato that we can’t persuade him to do anything.

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Смотреть что такое «a couch potato» в других словарях:

  • Couch potato (disambiguation) — Couch potato is a slang term for a person who spends most of his/her free time sitting or lying on a couch. Couch potato may also refer to: Couch Potato (song), from Weird Al Couch Potatoes (game show) Couch Potato (TV show) A viewer loyalty game …   Wikipedia

  • Couch Potato (song) — Couch Potato Song by Weird Al Yankovic from the album Poodle Hat Genre Comedy, Hip hop, Alternative rap, Comedy rap Length 4:18 Label …   Wikipedia

  • Couch-Potato — (aus dem US amerikanischen Slang) ist das Klischee einer Person, die einen Großteil ihrer Freizeit auf einem Sofa oder einem Sessel mit fernsehen, Junk Food essen und Bier trinken verbringt. Der Begriff hat eine negative Konnotation. Zu diesem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Couch-Potato — Couch Po|ta|to, Couch|po|ta|to [ ka̮ut̮ʃpəteɪtoʊ ], die; , es […toʊs] [engl. couch potato, aus: couch ↑ (Couch) u. potato = Kartoffel] (salopp): jmd., der sich nicht sportlich betätigt, sondern vorwiegend [fernsehend] auf der Couch sitzt od.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Couch Potato (TV series) — Couch Potato was an Australian children s television show broadcast on ABC TV in Australia. Airing on Sunday mornings, it was a wrapper show linking three or four animated or live action shows aimed at older pre teen and young teenage audiences.… …   Wikipedia

  • Couch Potato (TV show) — Couch Potato was a children s television show broadcast on ABC TV in Australia. Airing on Sunday mornings, it was a wrapper show linking three or four animated or live action shows aimed at old children and young teenage audiences. HistoryIn… …   Wikipedia

  • couch potato — A couch potato is an extremely idle or lazy person who chooses to spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • couch potato — couch potatoes N COUNT (disapproval) A couch potato is someone who spends most of their time watching television and does not exercise or have any interesting hobbies. [INFORMAL] …couch potatoes flicking through endless satellite TV channels …   English dictionary

  • couch potato — [n] inactive person bystander, goof off*, idler, laggard, lazy person, loafer, lotuseater*, lounger, observer, slouch, sluggard, spectator, televiewer*, TV viewer, viewer; concept 423 …   New thesaurus

  • couch potato — ► NOUN informal ▪ a person who spends a great deal of time watching television …   English terms dictionary

  • couch potato — ☆ couch potato n. Slang a chronic television viewer …   English World dictionary


The Oxford English Dictionary says:

couch potato n. [potato apparently punningly after (boob-)tuber = television addict and vegetable tuber, but perhaps simply by association with vegetable n. 2] slang (orig. U.S.) a person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, esp. watching television or videotapes.

1979 Los Angeles Times (California Record ed.) 28 Dec. iv. 1/6 The Humboldt State Marching Lumberjacks..and the Couch Potatoes who will be lying on couches watching television as they are towed toward the parade route.


The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (2008) says:

couch potato noun a person who habitually idles, watching television. Possibly a pun on ‘boob-tuber’ (a television addict) and a ‘potato’ as a ‘tuber’; it may also play on VEGETABLE (a person with an undemanding existence); the ‘couch’, of course, is where the potato is planted. One of the very few slang words or phrases where it is seemingly possible to trace the coining; in July 1976 a group of friends in California coined the term, which was first used in commerce in 1977 and then hit the big time with the Official Couch Potato Handbook (1983) US, 1976


Here’s the origin according to posts made on the American Dialect Society mailing list.

First from Barry Popik:


OED has «couch potato» from 1979.
USPTO records show it was trademarked by Robert Armstrong of Dixon, CA,
with first use of July 15, 1976, and first use in commerce of April 20, 1977.

Larry Horn concurred:

Fer sher.

Robert was a fellow-traveller of R. Crumb and his Cheap Suit
Serenaders, a somewhat funky string band. They all holed up in a
nice country house in Sonoma County at the time, and Robert lived off
the royalties of «couch potato» and silk-screened T-shirts for a
while back then. Some of the T-shirts featured a laid-back spud qua
couch potato, i.e. a «tuber». Them was the days.

Finally from A. Allan:

The origin of «couch potato» is explained in detail in a book to be published
in October by Houghton Mifflin:

«Predicting New Words: The Secrets of Their Success» by Allan Metcalf. Here
is a pertinent excerpt:

. . . Here’s how it chanced to happen, according to an illustrated history
by two of the perpetrators themselves, «Elders» Jack Mingo and Robert
Armstrong, in The Official Couch Potato Handbook (1983). The saga began in
the 1960s with nine Southern Californians who got together on Thursday nights
to watch Lost in Space. Calling themselves the «Lost in Space Club,» they
soon began meeting to watch other television shows as well. «One of them,»
the story continues, «known only as ‘The Hallidonian,’ soon made the
discovery that any day, any time was all right for prolonged, indiscriminate
TV viewing.»

Then, supposedly on July 15, 1976, another of the nine «Elders,» Tom
Iacino, uttered the term couch potato in making a phone call to The
Hallidonian. The illustrated history depicts the moment: «Hi, Annie Jo—Can I
speak to the ‘couch potato’?» asks Iacino’s telephone voice, to which Annie
Jo responds «The wha?» while across the room the Hallidonian relaxes on his
couch, watching The Flintstones. . .

Couch potatoЗначение идиомы: «Диванная картошка». Человек, который слишком много смотрит телевизор.

Объяснение идиомы: Это выражение придумали для обозначения того, кто слишком много времени проводит перед телевизором, потому что в некоторых западных странах люди, смотрящие ТВ, обычно лежат на диване и едят картофельные чипсы.

Примеры употребления с переводом:

My husband is a couch potato. He sits in front of the TV all day long. Мой муж — диванная картошка. Он сидит перед телевизором весь день.
You have a huge belly because you’re a couch potato. У тебя большой живот, потому что ты слишком много сидишь у телевизора с чипсами.
I should be more active and less of a couch potato. Тебе нужно быть более активным, а не сидеть постоянно у телевизора.

Диалог по теме:

— James. We’re going to play basketball. Do you want to play?
Джеймс, мы собираемся поиграть в баскетбол. Хочешь с нами?

— No, I’m going to watch TV today.
Нет, я сегодня буду смотреть телевизор.

— You did that all day yesterday. You better stop being a couch potato or you’re going to get a big fat belly.
Ты вчера это весь день делал. Тебе лучше перестать быть диванной картошкой, или у тебя появится большой пивной живот.

Еще одно похожее выражение:

«Good luck trying to get his attention. He’s glued to the television.»
Желаю тебе удачи в том, чтобы привлечь его внимание. Он прилип к телевизору.

08 February 2016 в 12:47, автор Софья Михалева

Перевод: некто ведущий пассивный, малоподвижный, инертный образ жизни перед экраном телевизора; бездельник, увалень, лентяй, тунеядец, тюлень, лежебока, сидень, домосед

Синонимы: idler, drone, loafer, sluggard, deadbeat, do-nothing, layabout, slouch, slug


I’m a loser on Sunday. Yeah, I’m a couch potato. I get up and try and eat and then back on the couch. And watch anything. (Adam Garcia)

Remember, what does ‘retirement’ mean? It doesn’t mean that you’re a couch potato. Leisure is not the same thing as rest. If you’re bicycling five miles a day, that’s leisure, but it certainly takes a lot of effort. (Robert Fogel)


Идиома “couch potato” появилась в повседневном английском с легкой руки писателя Джека Минго, который опубликовал в 1979 году сборник юмористических очерков “The Official Couch Potato Handbook” – “Официальное руководство по безделью”. В русском мы тоже говорим о ком-то, кто мало двигается, ничем не интересуется и не проявляет никакой активности, что он ведет “овощной” или “растительный” образ жизни. Идиома пришлась по вкусу американским маркетологам, ведь жители США тогда переживали первою волну маниакального увлечения здоровым образом жизни, и “couch potato” – дословно “диванная картофелина” – стал универсальным символом бездеятельного и безынициативного человека, поглощающего фастфуд, днями напролет тупо впялившись в экран телевизора.

Проверьте себя:

I think I’m turning into a couch potato because all I want is

  1. to refurnish my living room.
  2. to stay in and just watch a DVD with a bowl of crisps.
  3. to indulge in cooking for my family.

Правильный ответ на наш предыдущий тест – вариант С.

couch potato перевод

Couch Potato: Definition, Useful Example Sentences with ESL Infographic

Couch potato! “Couch potato” is a popular idiom used today. Here you will find the meaning of the phrase, the story behind its origin, examples of how to use it properly conversations/statements and other ways to say the phrase in a more literal sense.

An idiom is a phrase or an expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom’s figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning.

Couch Potato Meaning

When someone call you a couch potato, he/she means you are a very lazy and inactive person, you spend most of the time lying on your couch watching television. You also do not exercise or have any interesting hobbies.

Origin of Couch Potato

This idiomatic expression is supposed to be originated in 1970’s in America by a comic artist who drew two idle, inactive and lazy characters he named them “Couch Potatoes” since then this phrase became very popular to call names someone who spends lots of time watching television then being habitual of TV they put on weight and looks more like a potato.

Example Sentence

  • You are such a couch potato on weekends.
  • He’s turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.
  • No more nonstop basketball for couch potato Congressional staff members.
  • The boy was a couch potato. They used to fight over very trivial things.
  • You couch potato! Get up and exercise a little during commercials.
  • Tim became a complete couch potato after he bought a new plasma – screen television.
  • He is a couch potato. He just lies around, eating chips and watching TV all day long.
  • My father becomes a couch potato during football season.
  • But just how badly does the couch potato want to be liberated? And at what price?
  • He is such a couch potato on weekends.
  • If there was a prize for the best couch potato, my husband would win it.
  • Tom, you’re a typical couch potato.
  • The American couch potato becomes maybe even a part of the American tradition!
  • You are such a couch potato on weekends!
  • You’re nothing but a couch potato, Mike! Get off the sofa, will you?
  • Many American are couch potato these days.
  • And no matter how fit you are, you’re just as susceptible to the same long-term damage as the average couch potato.
  • In many cases, Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy.
  • The last thing I want to do is to share a place with a couch potato.
  • The elder son is a bookworm while the younger one is a couch potato.

Related Words for Couch Potato

  • Homebody
  • Lazy television watcher
  • Benchwarmer
  • Lazybones
  • Sluggard
  • Inactive person
  • Bone-lazy fellow
  • Do-nothing
  • Slouch
  • Chronic television viewer
  • Television addict

Couch Potato Infographic

Couch Potato


couch potato

Meaning | Definition

  • a chronic television viewer
  • very lazy person
  • physically less active
  • somebody who takes no exercise but watches a lot of television
  • a layabout and Idler

Example Sentences

  1. My younger sister is a great couch potato; she can watch TV 24 hours a day.
  2. It is a matter of debate if couch potatoes are less intelligent than their brethren.
  3. My mom always says me that don’t be a couch potato go outside and play.
  4. I spoiled my body being a couch potato I am going to join the gym right now.
  5. I’ve heard my neighbour couple arguing, “You are such a couch potato how can you dream about being slim you can only eat and watch television all the time.”
  6. I never imagined that people will call me a couch potato; I think I am addicted to the television now.
  7. My brother is so lazy that he does nothing whole day, but sits on the couch and watch television and now I call him couch potato.
  8. Get up go find a job and start earn something now, don’t lie around like a couch potato, you’ve grown up now.
  9. Michelle is a gymnast and you are a couch potato don’t dream about her.


This idiomatic expression is supposed to be originated in 1970’s in America by a comic artist who drew two idle, inactive and lazy characters he named them “Couch Potatoes” since then this phrase became very popular to call names someone who spends lots of time watching television then being habitual of TV they put on weight and looks more like a potato.

Another idea of the origin of this idiom which made it more popular is that imagine a person sitting on a couch (sofa) watching television eating potato chips. Now shorten this description into two words, “couch potato.”


What Is A Couch Potato

What Does «Couch Potato» Mean & Where Does It Come From?

It’s football season and for many of us who really enjoy the game or any other sport shown on T.V., we have the potential to turn into «couch potatoes».  And now there are all these great shows on cable television like Game of Thrones that I still need to binge watch, meaning MORE time on the couch.

I’m interested in the history of idioms especially food related ones like «couch potato». Where did they come from? When did they first start being used? What’s their story?  I even have a post with several of them at Everyday Food Phrases Explained I think you might enjoy.

Smashed Potatoes Recipe

Let’s Look at the Expression «Couch Potato»

Although many idiom scholars (are there really such people?) will say this expression was first used on July 15, 1976 by Tom Iacino who belonged to a group of people who made fun of diets, exercise and general good health measures and opted for watching a lot of television and eating a lot of junk food.  They called themselves the «boob tubers».

The «boob» comes from the expression «boob tube», a popular expression I heard my father say to me way too often, «Gary, turn off that stupid boob tube and go do your homework!»

Back then televisions actually had vacuum tubes in them which were called cathode ray tubes or CRT’s that were used to display images. When I explained this expression to my daughter, she didn’t understand the term «boob» and thought it had something to do with the female anatomy. I explained to her the term «boob» was in fact a word used to describe a «a foolish or stupid person».

Television Tubes

Then Iacino did another amazing play on words where tube becomes tuber, another way we describe an everyday potato.  He imagined a giant tuber (potato) hanging out on the couch watching the television (boob tube) and came up with the expression «couch potato».

Some other people think the term potato is used because of how it looks — fat, rounds, shapeless — sort of what someone might look like if they spend all their time on a couch watching T.V. and eating junk food.

And then there are some who associate the term «vegetable» or «in a vegetative state» describing someone who is unconscious and in a coma as being a way to describe someone «vegging out» on the couch watching television.  And since a potato is a vegetable, why not say someone is a couch potato?

The Official Couch Potato Handbook

Back in 1982 Jack Mingo wrote The Official Couch Potato Handbook — A Guide to Prolonged Television Viewing that was illustrated by Robert Armstrong and according to the book, trademarked the terms «Couch Potato» and «Couch Potatoes» and copyrighted the Couch Potato Anthem, «Is There Room On the Couch For Me».

Below you’ll see a cover of the book that is still available to purchase at Amazon and a photo of the Table of Contents. You can see that Mr. Mingo put some thought into this tantalizing work of non-fiction.

The Couch Potato Handbook   Couch Potato Handbook Contents

In the book, starting on page 63, Jack Mingo writes about the history of the Couch Potatoes that describes the founding members, including Tom Iacino and how they would «get together on Thursday nights to follow the adventures of the Space Family Robinson and Dr. Zacary Smith on Lost in Space». (One of my favorite shows at the time)

They called themselves the Lost in Space Club which eventually turned into the Couch Potatoes after Iacino coined the name. The nine members of this group watched a lot more T.V. and soon their lady friends came up with the Couch Tomatoes while watching an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show and «The Equal Rights to the Couch Movement» began.

Be sure to check out some more food expressions at Everyday Food Phrases Explained

I’m a work-at-home dad who enjoys cooking, learning everything I can about the culinary world and sharing it with you. To learn more about me… Read More…

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