Correct use of the word whether

whether if

На этом уроке мы рассмотрим предложения с союзами whether, whether… or, whether… or not, а также предложения с союзом if, но не в значении «если». В русском языке этим конструкциям соответствуют предложения с частицей «ли».


  • Союз whether или if: I’m not sure whether (if) she likes roses.
  • Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lilies.
  • Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not.

Союз whether используется как частица «ли» в русских предложениях вроде этого: «Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы».

I don’t know whether she likes roses. — Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы

Предложения такого типа называют косвенными вопросами. Само предложение является утвердительным, но в нем в косвенной форме передается вопрос: «Нравятся ли ей розы?» Обратите внимание, что в обеих частях предложения порядок слов — как в утвердительном предложении, поскольку по форме предложение и есть утвердительное.

  • Правильно: I’m not sure whether she likes roses.
  • Неправильно: I’m not sure whether does she like roses?

Приведу несколько примеров:

They asked me whether I wanted to take a tour. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я отправиться на экскурсию.

I didn’t know whether she would like roses. — Я не знал, понравятся ли ей розы.

He didn’t tell me whether he was bored. — Он не сказал мне, было ли ему скучно.

I couldn’t understand whether he was lying. — Я не мог понять, лгал ли он.

Как видите, предложения этого типа в английском языке и в русском строятся совершенно по-разному. В русском языке мы добавляем частицу «ли» к глаголу, а в английском союз whether между частями предложения.

Времена в предложении согласуются так же, как в предложениях типа «I know that you like jazz». Напомню основные правила:

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, придаточная тоже в прошедшем (в русском языке придаточная часть может быть в настоящем):

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to go home. — Я не был уверен, хочу ли я пойти домой.

Действие в придаточной части выражено в Present Simple, если речь идет о действии, которое происходит всегда или регулярно:

They asked me whether I work on Mondays. — Они спросили меня, работаю ли я по понедельникам.

I don’t remember whether Australia is the largest continent. — Я не помню, является ли Австралия самым большим континентом.

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, а в придаточной речь о будущем, используется форма «будущее в прошедшем», то есть would + verb:

I didn’t know whether I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

She asked me whether I would work as a teacher. — Она спросила меня, буду ли я работать учителем.

Союз whether в примерах выше можно заменить на if, смысл не изменится:

I’m not sure whether/if she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

I didn’t know whether/if I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies.

Косвенный вопрос с союзом whether подразумевает ответ «да» или «нет». Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

Здесь два варианта: либо розы нравятся, либо нет.

Союз whether… or позволяет построить альтернативный вопрос в косвенной форме:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или лилии.

Здесь варианта ответа тоже два, но не «да» или «нет», а «розы» или «лилии».

Другие примеры:

I don’t remember whether he lived in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg. — Я не помню, жил ли он в Москве или Санкт-Петербурге.

They asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я чай или кофе.

Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not

Союз whether… or часто используется в форме whether… or not, когда подразумевается положительный или отрицательный ответ. Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или нет.

They asked me whether I needed help or not. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь или нет.

По смыслу эти предложения практически не отличаются от предложений без «or not»:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

Разница лишь в том, что в варианте с «or not» подчеркивается, что речь идет именно о выборе между противоположными вещами: нравятся розы или не нравятся розы, а не о выборе между вариантами: нравятся розы или лилии.

Союз whether… or not также может использоваться в значении «независимо от того, будет ли (было ли, есть ли) А или нет». Приведу примеры:

He always tells the truth whether it is polite or not. — Он всегда говорит правду, независимо от того, вежливо ли это или нет.

Whether you support my decision or not, I will move to another city. — Неважно, поддержите вы мое решение или нет, я перееду в другой город.

Особенно часто в этом значении используется оборот «Whether you like it or not — Нравится тебе или нет».

I will marry Billy whether you like it or not! — Я выйду замуж за Билли, нравится вам это или нет!

You have to make a hard choice whether you like it or not. — Ты должен сделать трудный выбор, нравится тебе это или нет.

Союз whether or… not также может использоваться слитно как whether or not:

I don’t know whether or not they have children. — Я не знаю, есть ли у них дети.

Whether or not you have time, you have to come to the meeting. — Неважно, есть у тебя время или нет, ты должен прийти на встречу.


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“Whether” and “whether or not” are both common phrases in English. It would help to know when they apply, and this article will help you figure out when each one works. There are certain grammatical rules that make one more favorable than the other.

“Whether” is the grammatically correct variation. “Whether or not” is a redundant phrase because “or not” is already implied when “whether” is used to compare two options. You can use it to emphasize your point informally, but “whether” is usually the best choice.

whether or whether or not

“Whether” is a conjunction that implies a binary choice. You can tell this based on the two options that are usually presented by it:

  • I did not know whether he was going to be there for me.

“Or not” also implies a binary choice, so it would be redundant to include it alongside “whether.” However, in spoken English, it can be common to hear it because it adds emphasis to the choice.

  • I did not care whether or not they wanted me to listen.
  • I did not care whether they wanted me to listen or not.

“Or not” can come either directly after “whether” or at the end of the phrase that comes after “whether.” The placement adds emphasis in different ways.


“Whether” works well on its own. It’s the correct choice if you’re writing formally because it’s the logical one that does not include a redundant phrase. You should use it to show that you are making a clear choice between two variables.

If you want to know how to use “whether” in a sentence, you can refer to the following:

  1. Regardless of whether you wanted to do that, I can tell that you had something else in mind.
  2. Whether she chose to do that was her own decision. I’m not going to tell her that she needs to stop.
  3. I thought you already knew whether you were going to college. Maybe you can spend a little more time thinking about it.
  4. I’m not sure whether they’re going to be kind to you. You really need to be careful when talking with people like that.
  5. Are you talking about whether they should go forward with this idea? I think they’d be foolish not to!
  6. I didn’t think about whether this was going to affect anybody else. I’m really sorry that it had to come to this!

Whether or Not

“Whether or not” is considered redundant by many. However, that doesn’t stop it from getting used. It is still fairly common to hear in spoken English because it allows the speaker to add emphasis to the decision that they are discussing.

“Or not” can come directly after “whether:”

  • Whether or not it happens, I’ll be there.

Or at the end of the clause that comes after “whether:”

  • Whether it happens or not, I’ll be there.

Here are some examples that explain how to use “whether or not” in a sentence:

  1. Whether or not you would like to do this is irrelevant. The fact remains that you should start thinking about other people.
  2. I’m not sure whether they were going to be here or not. Maybe you can look into it for me.
  3. I thought about whether or not we were needed, but I decided that it was still beneficial for us to come and see it happen.
  4. Whether they told you or not does not matter. I just wanted to know what you found out from them.
  5. Can you tell her whether or not you’re going to be able to come? I’m tired of her asking me about it.
  6. It’s going to be like that whether or not you work with us.

Is “Whether or Not” Redundant?

“Whether or not” is redundant. “Whether” and “or not” both try to do the same thing in a sentence. “Whether” decides between two variables, and “or not” decides between two variables. For that reason, it’s best to avoid using them together formally.

“Depends on Whether or Not” or “Depends on Whether”?

“Depends on whether” is better formally. It follows the standard formal rules that you should use when writing “whether” to make a choice. “Depends on whether or not” is better informally (i.e. in spoken English), where “or not” is an emphasizer.

  • It depends on whether or not they’re all going to come along.
  • It depends on whether she wants you there.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

used as a function word usually with correlative or or with or whether to indicate (1) until the early 19th century a direct question involving alternatives; (2) an indirect question involving stated or implied alternatives

decide whether he should agree or raise objectionswondered whether to stay

; (3) alternative conditions or possibilities

see me no more, whether he be dead or noWilliam Shakespeareseated him next to her whether by accident or design



: which one of the two


whether or no

or whether or not

: in any case

they’ve only been married a very few weeks, whether or noThomas Hardy

Example Sentences


That supposes I would have the wisdom to decide what is in fact right and what is wrong, and the humility to consider whether any action I could take would make things better or worse.

P. D. James, The Private Patient, 2008

In his later years, Turing turned to the question of whether machines could be made to think the central question of artificial intelligence.

Chuck Leddy, Boston Globe, 15 Jan. 2006

If you tell me that something is a pleasure, I do not know whether it is more like revenge, or buttered toast, or success, or adoration, or relief from danger, or a good scratch.

C. S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism, 1961

I don’t know whether they were invited.

She was uncertain whether to go or stay.


… we did not indeed know where it was, and so we might get a great deal, or a little, we did not know whether;  …

Daniel Defoe, The Adventures of Captain Singleton, 1720

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

At the conclusion of the hearing, slated to last three days, Judge Lisa Novak will determine whether there is enough evidence for Li and Bayat to stand trial before a jury.

Aaron Kinney, The Mercury News, 23 Feb. 2017

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘whether.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Pronoun and Conjunction

Middle English, from Old English hwæther, hwether; akin to Old High German hwedar which of two, Latin uter, Greek poteros, Old English hwā who — more at who

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of whether was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near whether

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“Whether.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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weather versus whether

What’s the Difference Between Weather and Whether?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Weather and Whether?
  • 2 Using Weather in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Whether in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Weather vs. Whether
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Whether vs. Weather
  • 7 Article Summary

Weather and whether are homophones. Homophones sound exactly alike, but have different meanings and spellings. This means that although weather and whether have the same pronunciation, they are very different words. This means it is not possible to interchange them in our sentences.

Weather can be a noun or a verb. It has to do with temperature, pressure, wind, cloud cover, precipitation, and other factors.

  • The weather is beautiful today! It’s a great day for a picnic.

Whether is a conjunction. It introduces two alternative possibilities or options.

  • I don’t know whether I’ll pass or fail the test.

Now that you know the differences between these two words, let’s look at them in context to ensure you don’t confuse one for the other.

Using Weather in a Sentence

When to use weather: Weather relates to atmospheric conditions such as how rainy, sunny, cloudy, or windy it is outside.

Weather can be either a noun or a verb. As a noun, weather refers to pressure, precipitation, cloud cover, and things of that nature. As a verb, to weather has two possible meanings. The first definition is to change physically because of the weather. The second definition is to live through or get through a difficult situation.

For example,

  • The horses are always uncomfortable when there is stormy weather. (noun)
  • That painting has been hanging in direct sunlight for many years. The sun has weathered it horribly. (verb – definition 1)
  • My mother always fights with me on Thanksgiving. Usually I can just ignore her, but this year I’m not sure I can weather through it. (verb – definition 2)
  • All passengers on board this ship must get below deck to weather this storm! (verb – definition 2)

As you can see in the third and fourth example, it is possible to use to weather either for a difficult situation that actually comes from bad weather or for any other type of trying situation.

There are many examples of idioms that involve different types of weather, such as rain. However, there is only one that uses the word weather:

  • under the weather: not feeling well
    • I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party tonight. I’m feeling a little under the weather.

When a person uses this idiom, it usually means that the person is a little sick but their illness is not an emergency. Sometimes people use this expression euphemistically to mean that they are drunk or hung over.

Using Whether in a Sentence

When to use whether: Whether is a conjunction that introduces two alternative possibilities. Sometimes people use it in front of only the first possibility. However, it can also occur twice, in front of the first and second options.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you’re invited to the party or not. I won’t allow you to go until you finish your homework. (Here, whether occurs only before the first option.)
  • My parents don’t care what instrument I choose. Whether I study the cello or whether I study the violin makes no difference to them. (Here, whether occurs before both options.)

It is more common for whether to occur only once in a sentence. When a person chooses to use it twice, it is often to give added emphasis to the fact that there are two alternative options.

People frequently use whether when there is one positive option, and a second opposite or negative option. In this case, they often use the expression whether or not.

  • It doesn’t matter whether or not I can sing. I have stage fright so I won’t be going on stage regardless.

Occasionally, people list only one option with whether. In this case, the second option is implied. To demonstrate, omit the phrase or not from the example above.

The sentence becomes It doesn’t matter whether I can sing. I have stage fright so I won’t be going on stage regardless. The listener can infer from context that the second, unmentioned option is that the person cannot sing.

Remembering Weather vs. Whether

Many teachers suggest a tip regarding the word sea to help students remember the spelling for each word. Weather is especially important at sea because ships are at the mercy of the weather. Both the word weather and sea have the letters ea.

Alternatively, you could look at the word whether which has the word he in it two times. Think of the sentence whether he stays or he goes makes no difference. This shows that he has two options. Because whether always is about two options, it can help you remember.

Outside Examples

  • The National Weather Service issued a beach hazards warning through Saturday evening, as 3- to 6-foot waves are expected during the day. –Chicago Tribune
  • Fighting a sore throat all week in the difficult weather conditions, the 59-year-old German star closed with an even-par 72 to finish at four-under 280 and beat American Corey Pavin by three strokes.–LA Times
  • “I used to get headaches and have to take medicine sometimes and I wasn’t sleeping great thinking about whether I impressed this school or that school,” Wiggins said. –USA Today
  • Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said his agency may send as many as 10 officers to get training and tools needed to “confirm who individuals are before we release them” and to determine whether they’re wanted by federal immigration agencies or by anyone else. –Houston Chronicle

Quiz: Whether vs. Weather

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either whether or weather.

  • Today the _______________ is so sunny!
  • I could never handle the cold ____________ in Russia.
  • The constant storms have really ________________ this house. The roof is almost falling off!
  • We should buy our mother a gift for her birthday. I’m not sure _____________ she’d prefer jewelry or something homemade.
  • ____________ or not you choose to attend university classes, I’ll support you.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use weather or whether? When speaking, both words have the same pronunciation, so you do not have to worry about whether you are using the right one. In writing, make sure to use the correct spelling.

Weather can mean atmospheric conditions such as stormy, sunny, or rainy, getting through something challenging, or being affected physically by weather.

  • Whether is a conjunction that shows two alternative options.

There is no overlap between the meanings of these two words, so use the information above to keep them straight.


  1. weather
  2. weather
  3. weathered
  4. whether
  5. Whether

When is «if» and when is «whether» used?

A listener to these podcasts who lives in Brazil has sent me an e-mail to say, please can I make a podcast about when we say «if» and when we say «whether».

Я получил письмо от слушателя из Бразилии, который попросил меня записать подкаст о том, когда надо говорить if и когда – whether.

I have thought very hard about this, because it is not easy to explain. The trouble is that you do not think about the grammar rules for your own language. You just know what word is correct and what word is wrong.

Я очень долго думал на эту тему, потому что это нелегко объяснить. Дело в том, что вы никогда не задумываетесь о грамматических правилах своего собственного языка. Вы просто знаете, какое слово правильное, а какое – нет.

At one time, perhaps 50 years ago, there were clear rules about when we should use «if» and when we should use «whether». I shall explain these rules first, because if you stick to these rules, your English will be correct. But I will also tell you that, unfortunately, we English often do not obey the rules.

Когда-то давно – может быть, лет 50 назад – существовали четкие правила о том, где нужно употреблять if, а где – whether. Я начну с этих правил, потому что, следуя им, вы будете говорить по-английски правильно. Но я также отмечу, что, к сожалению, мы, англичане, часто не соблюдаем правила.

Here are some sentences where we use the word «if».

Вот несколько предложений, где нужно использовать if.

If the sun shines tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

Если завтра будет солнечно, мы поедем на пикник.

If the train is late, I will miss the meeting.

Если поезд опоздает, я не попаду на совещание.

If I have time, I will drink some coffee and read the newspaper.

Если у меня будет время, я выпью кофе и прочитаю газету.

If I had remembered my umbrella, I would not have got so wet.

Если бы я не забыл взять зонтик, я бы не промок так сильно.

And now here are some sentences with «whether».

А теперь несколько предложений с whether.

Whether the sun shines tomorrow or not, we will have a picnic.

Будет ли завтра солнечно или не будет, мы устроим пикник.

Whether or not the train is late, I will still miss the meeting.

Придет ли мой поезд вовремя или нет, я все равно опоздаю на совещание.

I go for a walk every day, whether it is summer or winter.

Я выхожу на прогулку каждый день, и летом, и зимой.

Now do you see the difference between «if» and «whether». «If» introduces a single condition. It talks about only one possible thing that might happen – if the sun shines tomorrow, if the train is late and so on.

Теперь вы видите разницу между «if» и «whether». If включает в себя единственный вариант развития событий. Предполагается только одно возможное условие – если будет солнечно, если поезд придет вовремя и так далее.

A sentence with «whether» talks about two or more different things that might happen – maybe the sun will shine tomorrow, maybe it will not, but we will go for a picnic whether or not the sun is shining. Very often «whether» sentences contain the words «or not»; or they say «or not» indirectly, like the last example I gave you.

Предложение с whether предполагает два или больше возможных условия – может, завтра будет солнечно, а может и нет, но мы поедем на пикник независимо от того, будет ли светить солнце. Очень часто предложения с whether содержат слова «или нет» («or not»); или же подразумевают «или нет» («or not»), как в моем последнем примере.

We also use the word «whether» to begin a noun clause that describes a question or a problem or an issue. Let’s look at some examples, so that you can see what I mean.

Также мы используем whether в начале придаточных предложений, которые описывают вопрос или проблему. Давайте взглянем на примеры, чтобы вы поняли, о чем идет речь.

John asked me whether I could go to a party on Saturday. («Whether» tells us that there is a question or problem – can you come to the party?)

Джон спросил меня, смогу ли я пойти на вечеринку в субботу. («Whether» указывает нам на вопрос или проблему – можешь ли ты пойти на вечеринку?)

I told him that it depended on whether I finished my homework in time. («Whether» tells us that there is a question or problem – will I finish my homework in time?)

Я сказал ему, что это зависит от того, сделаю ли я домашнюю работу вовремя. (Whether указывает нам на вопрос или проблему – сделаю ли я домашнюю работу вовремя?)

I do not know whether the train goes at 3pm or at 3.15pm. («Whether» tells us that there is a question or problem – what time does the train go?)

Я не знаю, уходит ли поезд в 3 часа дня или в 3.15. (Whether указывает нам на вопрос или проблему – в какое время уходит поезд?)

I need to find out whether my mother is coming at the weekend. («Whether» tells us that there is a question or problem – is my mother coming at the weekend?)

Мне нужно узнать, придет ли моя мама на выходных. (Whether указывает нам на вопрос или проблему – придет ли моя мама на выходных?)

Joanne asked her boss whether she could go home early. (“Whether” tells us that there is a question or problem – can I go home early?)

Джоанна спросила у начальника, можно ли ей уйти домой пораньше. (Whether указывает нам на вопрос или проблему – можно ли мне уйти домой пораньше?)

So – here is our simple rule.

Итак – запомните одно простое правило.

«If» introduces a single condition.

If предполагает одно условие.

«Whether» introduces alternatives, and is often followed by «or not».

Whether предполагает альтернативу, и часто после него следует «or not» («или нет»).

And «whether» starts noun clauses that tell us that there is a question or a problem.

А также whether употребляется в начале придаточных предложений, указывающих на вопрос или проблему.

The trouble is, however, that in modern English, particularly spoken English, people often say «if» when they should say «whether». In particular, people often start noun clauses about questions or problems with «if» instead of «whether». It is very common to hear people say for example «He asked me if I could go to his party on Saturday».

Проблема, однако, в том, что в современном английском языке, особенно в разговорном английском, люди часто говорят «if» в предложениях, где нужно сказать «whether». Особенно часто «whether» заменяется на «if» в придаточных предложениях с вопросом или проблемой. Очень часто можно услышать, например: «He asked me if I could go to his party on Saturday – Он спросил меня, смогу ли я прийти к нему на вечеринку в субботу».

In some languages, like French, there is a central institute or academy which decides what the proper rules for the language are. We do not have anything like this for English. Good English is simply the English that educated and intelligent English people speak. So if people say «if» instead of «whether», then «if» is correct!

В некоторых языках, например французском, официальные правила языка устанавливает центральный институт или академия. У нас в английском языке нет ничего подобного. Правильный английский – это просто тот язык, на котором говорят умные и образованные англичане. Так что если люди говорят «if» вместо «whether», значит «if» – тоже правильно!

Peter Carter

С тех пор, как я узнал, что слова «if» и «whether» могут значить одно и то же, у меня возникают трудности с их употреблением. Не могли бы вы помочь мне разобраться?


OK Felix, this is an interesting question. We use both «if» and «whether» in indirect questions, so you could say, «I don’t know if she’s coming», or, «I don’t know whether she’s coming».

Отлично, Феликс, это интересный вопрос. И if, и whether употребляются в косвенных вопросах, так что можно сказать как «I don’t know if she’s coming», так и «I don’t know whether she’s coming» («Я не знаю, придет ли она»).

But in some circumstances we can only use «whether». For example, before infinitives with «to», we only use «whether». We say, «I don’t know whether to tell him», but you wouldn’t say, «I don’t know if to tell him».

Но в некоторых случаях можно сказать только whether. Например, перед глаголами в неопределенной форме с частицей to мы употребляем только whether. Можно сказать: «I don’t know whether to tell him (я не знаю, рассказать ли ему)», но «I don’t know if to tell him» – будет неверным.

We also only use «whether» after prepositions. So we say, «We had a long discussion about whether to go by car or by train». We couldn’t use «if» in that sentence.

После предлогов также употребляется только whether. Так что, мы скажем: «We had a long discussion about whether to go by car or by train (мы долго обсуждали, ехать ли на машине или на поезде)». Сказать if в этом предложении нельзя.

We also prefer «whether» when the clause beginning with «whether» is a subject or a complement. So you say, «Whether you agree or not makes no difference to me». (The «whether you agree or not» is the subject of that sentence.)

Также предпочтительно употреблять whether, когда предложение, которое начинается с whether – придаточное подлежащее или придаточное изъяснительное. То есть, мы говорим: «Whether you agree or not makes no difference to me (мне все равно, согласен ты со мной или нет)». («Whether you agree or not» – в данном случае подлежащее).

And lastly, we use «whether» with «or». So we say, for example, «I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry». Now some people who think that there are correct and incorrect ways of speaking English think that you shouldn’t use «whether» with «or», but actually most people these days do use it.

И еще – мы употребляем whether вместе с or. Так что, мы говорим, например: «I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry (я не знал, плакать мне или смеяться)». Хотя многие из тех, кто считает, что английский язык бывает правильным и неправильным, скажут вам, что нельзя использовать whether вместе с or, большинство людей говорят сегодня именно так.

And lastly, «whether» does tend to be more formal than «if» so then in the cases where you could use «whether» or «if», if you are speaking more formally, you would probably use «whether».

И последнее – whether обычно звучит более формально, чем if, так что в случаях, когда можно употребить и то, и то другое, whether лучше подойдет в официальной речи.

Catherine Walter

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