отходы, потери, лом, пустыня, терять, тратить впустую, негодный, отработанный
существительное ↓
- растрачивание, ненужная или излишняя трата; расточительство
waste of time — напрасная трата времени
waste of fuel — перерасход топлива
what a waste of energy! — какая пустая /бессмысленная/ трата сил!
to go /to run/ to waste — а) тратиться непроизводительно; б) оставаться неиспользованным; в) идти в отходы
to cut to waste — а) кроить (ткань) нерасчётливо /неэкономно/; б) сл. напрасно тратить (время)
- потери, убыль; ущерб, убыток
- юр. повреждение, порча; небрежное отношение (арендатора к нанятому имуществу и т. п.)
- отходы (тж. waste products); обрезки, обрывки (бумаги и т. п.) выжимки
- концы, обтирочный материал
ещё 16 вариантов
глагол ↓
- расточать, растрачивать, непроизводительно расходовать, напрасно тратить (деньги и т. п.); терять (время и т. п.)
to waste words /breath/ — говорить на ветер
to waste one’s life — прожигать /проводить бесцельно/ жизнь
his efforts were wasted — его усилия пропали даром
to be wasted on /upon/ smb. — остаться непонятым, непризнанным, не произвести впечатления на кого-л.
actor wasted on provincial audiences — актёр, загубивший свой талант в провинциальных театрах
my joke was wasted on him — моя шутка до него не дошла
all advice will be wasted on him — давать ему советы бесполезно
- пропадать попусту; растрачиваться без пользы
turn the water off, don’t let it waste — закрой кран, чтобы вода зря не текла
- упускать
to waste an opportunity — упустить возможность
- опустошать; разорять; портить; разрушать
Roman legions wasted their country — римские легионы опустошили /разорили/ их страну
- юр. портить арендованное имущество
ещё 7 вариантов
прилагательное ↓
- пустынный; незаселённый; невозделанный; непроизводительный, неплодородный; засушливый
to lie waste — быть неиспользованной /невозделанной, необработанной/ (о земле)
waste life — бесплодно прожитая жизнь
the waste periods of history — образн. бедные событиями исторические периоды
- опустошённый
to lay waste — опустошать, разорять
to be waste — амер. сл. промотаться, сидеть без денег
- излишний, ненужный; напрасный
waste stowage /tonnage/ — мор. неиспользованный тоннаж
- негодный; бракованный
waste products — отходы (производства)
waste iron — железный лом, скрап
waste wood — щепа, отходы древесины
- тех. отработанный
waste steam — отработанный пар
waste heat — отработанное тепло
Мои примеры
the trackless wastes of the desert — непроходимые и бесплодные земли пустыни
regulations on the disposal of waste — нормативные акты по утилизации отходов
the discharge of toxic waste into the sea — сброс токсичных отходов в море
the off-site disposal of harmful waste — внеплощадочная утилизация вредных отходов
to waste / spend one’s breath — пускать слова на ветер, попусту тратить слова
toxic waste dump — свалка токсичных отходов
fervent waste — знойная пустыня
to recover the waste heat — рекуперировать отбросное тепло
to waste a neutron — терять нейтрон
purposeless waste of time — бессмысленная трата времени
waste water reclamation — очистка промышленных вод
filling by waste rock — закладка попутной породы
tailings go to waste — хвосты идут в отвал
Примеры с переводом
He was not going to waste time.
Он не собирался терять время даром.
Don’t waste your money on that junk!
Не стоит тратить деньги на эту рухлядь!
I decided not to waste money on a hotel.
Я решил не тратить денег на гостиницу.
All his efforts were wasted.
Все его усилия были безрезультатны. / Все его усилия были тщетны.
Haste makes waste. посл.
Поспешишь — людей насмешишь.
The afternoon wasted away.
День угас.
Please pitch your waste paper in here.
Пожалуйста, бросайте использованную бумагу сюда.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
His talents were being wasted as a lawyer.
…waste acreage that was not fit for anything…
Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.
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Возможные однокоренные слова
wastage — потери, убыль, утечка, усушка, изнашивание
wasteful — расточительный, нерасчетливый
waster — расточитель, брак, беспризорный ребенок, никудышный человек, бездомный человек
wasting — атрофия, исхудание, упадок сил, опустошительный, изнурительный
wasted — привыкший к наркотикам
wasteless — безотходный, неистощимый, неисчерпаемый
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: waste
he/she/it: wastes
ing ф. (present participle): wasting
2-я ф. (past tense): wasted
3-я ф. (past participle): wasted
ед. ч.(singular): waste
мн. ч.(plural): wastes
to use carelessly; lose; squander: It’s not good to waste food.
Not to be confused with:
waist – the narrow middle part of an object: She wore a sash at her waist.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
v. wast·ed, wast·ing, wastes
1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.
2. To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble: Disease wasted his body.
3. To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose: waste an opportunity.
a. To destroy completely: The invaders wasted the village.
b. Slang To kill; murder.
1. To lose energy, strength, weight, or vigor; become weak or enfeebled: wasting away from an illness.
2. To pass without being put to use: Time is wasting.
1. The act or an instance of wasting or the condition of being wasted: a waste of talent; gone to waste.
2. A place, region, or land that is uninhabited or uncultivated; a desert or wilderness.
3. A devastated or destroyed region, town, or building; a ruin.
a. An unusable or unwanted substance or material, such as a waste product: industrial wastes.
b. Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.
5. Garbage; trash.
6. The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body; excrement.
1. Regarded or discarded as worthless or useless: waste trimmings.
2. Used as a conveyance or container for refuse: a waste bin.
3. Excreted from the body: waste matter.
waste (one’s) breath
To gain or accomplish nothing by speaking.
[Middle English wasten, from Old North French waster, from Latin vāstāre, to make empty, from vāstus, empty; see euə- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: waste, blow1, dissipate, fritter1, squander
These verbs mean to spend or expend without restraint and often to no avail: wasted my inheritance; blew a fortune at the casino; dissipated their energies in pointless argument; frittering away her entire allowance; squandered his talent on writing jingles.
Antonym: save1
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (tr) to use, consume, or expend thoughtlessly, carelessly, or to no avail
2. (tr) to fail to take advantage of: to waste an opportunity.
3. (Medicine) (when: intr, often foll by away) to lose or cause to lose bodily strength, health, etc
4. to exhaust or become exhausted
5. (tr) to ravage
6. (tr) informal to murder or kill: I want that guy wasted by tomorrow.
7. the act of wasting or state of being wasted
8. a failure to take advantage of something
9. anything unused or not used to full advantage
10. anything or anyone rejected as useless, worthless, or in excess of what is required
11. garbage, rubbish, or trash
12. (Physical Geography) (usually plural) a land or region that is wild or uncultivated
13. (Physical Geography) obsolete a land or region that is devastated or ruined
14. (Physiology) physiol
a. the useless products of metabolism
b. indigestible food residue
15. (Physical Geography) disintegrated rock material resulting from erosion
16. (Law) law reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect, esp by a life-tenant
17. rejected as useless, unwanted, or worthless
18. produced in excess of what is required
19. not cultivated, inhabited, or productive: waste land.
20. (Physiology)
a. of or denoting the useless products of metabolism
b. of or denoting indigestible food residue
21. destroyed, devastated, or ruined
22. designed to contain or convey waste products
23. lay waste to devastate or destroy
[C13: from Anglo-French waster, from Latin vastāre to lay waste, from vastus empty]
ˈwastable adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
v. wast•ed, wast•ing,
n., adj. v.t.
1. to consume or use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste natural resources.
2. to fail or neglect to use.
3. to destroy or consume gradually; wear away: waves wasting the rocky shore.
4. to wear down or reduce in bodily substance or strength; emaciate; enfeeble: to be wasted by disease.
5. to devastate or ruin: a country wasted by a long futile war.
6. Slang. to kill or murder.
7. to be consumed or employed uselessly or inadequately.
8. to become gradually used up or worn away.
9. to become physically worn, esp. emaciated or enfeebled.
10. to diminish gradually, as wealth or power; dwindle.
11. useless consumption or expenditure; an act or instance of wasting: a complete waste of my time.
12. neglect, instead of use.
13. gradual impairment or decay.
14. devastation or ruin.
15. an area devastated or ruined: a blackened waste where timberland had stood.
16. anything unused, inadequately used, or unproductive.
17. desolate country, as desert.
18. something left over or superfluous: salvaging factory wastes.
19. material derived by mechanical and chemical disintegration of rock, as the detritus transported by streams, rivers, etc.
20. garbage; refuse.
21. wastes, excrement.
22. not used or in use: waste energy.
23. (of land, regions, etc.) wild; desolate.
24. (of regions, towns, etc.) in a state of desolation and ruin.
25. left over; superfluous: to utilize the waste products of manufacture.
26. rejected as useless or worthless; refuse.
27. Physiol. pertaining to material unused by or unusable to the organism.
28. designed or used to receive or carry away useless material (often in combination): a waste pipe.
1. go to waste, to be wasted, rather than used or consumed.
2. lay waste, to devastate; destroy.
[1150–1200; Middle English < Old North French waster (Old French g(u)aster) < Latin vāstāre, derivative of vāstus desolate; Old North French w-, Old French gu- by influence of c. Frankish *wōsti desolate (c. Old High German wuosti)]
wast′a•ble, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- wastrel — Pronounced WAYS-trul, it is either a wasteful or worthless person, derived from the verb «waste,» from Latin vastus, «desert, waste.»
- bratwurst — From German Brat, «meat without waste,» and Wurst, «sausage.»
- eat your heart out — Goes back as far as Diogenes Laertius, who credited Pythagoras with saying «Do not eat your heart»—meaning «Don’t waste your life worrying about something»—2,500 years ago.
- sullage — Waste from household sinks, showers, and baths—but not toilets; it also figuratively means filth or refuse.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
- In delay we waste our lights in vain, like lamps by day —William Shakespeare
- Wasted his wealth like spittle —Stephen Vincent Benet
- Wasted more money in a day than a Boeing 747 full of proverbial welfare queens could have squandered in a century —Hodding Carter III, Wall Street Journal March 30, 1986
Carter’s simile referred to new defense spending policies.
- Wasteful as drunkenness at undue times —Robert Browning
- Wasteful as regrets —Anon
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
– waste
These words are both pronounced /weɪst/.
1. ‘waist’
Waist is a noun. Your waist is the middle part of your body, above your hips.
She tied a belt around her waist.
He was naked from the waist up.
2. ‘waste’ used as a verb
Waste is most commonly a verb. If you waste time, money, or energy, you use it on something that is unimportant or unnecessary.
You‘re wasting time asking him to help – he won’t.
We wasted money on a computer that didn’t work.
3. ‘waste’ used as a noun
You can also say that something is a waste of time, money, or energy.
I’ll never do that again. It’s a waste of time.
It’s a waste of money buying a new washing machine when we could repair the old one.
Waste also refers to material that has been used and is no longer wanted, for example because the useful part has been removed.
The river was full of industrial waste.
Your kidneys help to remove waste from your body.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: wasted
Gerund: wasting
Imperative |
waste |
waste |
Present |
I waste |
you waste |
he/she/it wastes |
we waste |
you waste |
they waste |
Preterite |
I wasted |
you wasted |
he/she/it wasted |
we wasted |
you wasted |
they wasted |
Present Continuous |
I am wasting |
you are wasting |
he/she/it is wasting |
we are wasting |
you are wasting |
they are wasting |
Present Perfect |
I have wasted |
you have wasted |
he/she/it has wasted |
we have wasted |
you have wasted |
they have wasted |
Past Continuous |
I was wasting |
you were wasting |
he/she/it was wasting |
we were wasting |
you were wasting |
they were wasting |
Past Perfect |
I had wasted |
you had wasted |
he/she/it had wasted |
we had wasted |
you had wasted |
they had wasted |
Future |
I will waste |
you will waste |
he/she/it will waste |
we will waste |
you will waste |
they will waste |
Future Perfect |
I will have wasted |
you will have wasted |
he/she/it will have wasted |
we will have wasted |
you will have wasted |
they will have wasted |
Future Continuous |
I will be wasting |
you will be wasting |
he/she/it will be wasting |
we will be wasting |
you will be wasting |
they will be wasting |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been wasting |
you have been wasting |
he/she/it has been wasting |
we have been wasting |
you have been wasting |
they have been wasting |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been wasting |
you will have been wasting |
he/she/it will have been wasting |
we will have been wasting |
you will have been wasting |
they will have been wasting |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been wasting |
you had been wasting |
he/she/it had been wasting |
we had been wasting |
you had been wasting |
they had been wasting |
Conditional |
I would waste |
you would waste |
he/she/it would waste |
we would waste |
you would waste |
they would waste |
Past Conditional |
I would have wasted |
you would have wasted |
he/she/it would have wasted |
we would have wasted |
you would have wasted |
they would have wasted |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | waste material, waste matter, waste product material, stuff — the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; «coal is a hard black material»; «wheat is the stuff they use to make bread» dross, impurity — worthless or dangerous material that should be removed; «there were impurities in the water» exhaust, exhaust fumes, fumes — gases ejected from an engine as waste products body waste, excrement, excreta, excretory product, excretion — waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body filth, skank, crud — any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant sewage, sewerage — waste matter carried away in sewers or drains effluent, sewer water, wastewater — water mixed with waste matter food waste, garbage, refuse, scraps — food that is discarded (as from a kitchen) pollutant — waste matter that contaminates the water or air or soil rubbish, trash, scrap — worthless material that is to be disposed of slop — (usually plural) waste water from a kitchen or bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand; «she carried out the sink slops» toxic industrial waste, toxic waste — poisonous waste materials; can cause injury (especially by chemical means) |
2. | wastefulness, dissipation boondoggle — work of little or no value done merely to look busy activity — any specific behavior; «they avoided all recreational activity» waste of effort, waste of energy — a useless effort waste of material — a useless consumption of material waste of money — money spent for inadequate return; «the senator said that the project was a waste of money» waste of time — the devotion of time to a useless activity; «the waste of time could prove fatal» high life, highlife, lavishness, prodigality, extravagance — excessive spending squandering — spending resources lavishly and wastefully; «more wasteful than the squandering of time» |
3. | thriftlessness, wastefulness improvidence, shortsightedness — a lack of prudence and care by someone in the management of resources |
4. | barren, wasteland heathland, heath — a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation wild, wilderness — a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition; «it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers» |
5. | waste — (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect
permissive waste human action, human activity, act, deed — something that people do or cause to happen law, jurisprudence — the collection of rules imposed by authority; «civilization presupposes respect for the law»; «the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order» |
Verb | 1. | waste — spend thoughtlessly; throw away; «He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends»; «You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree»
squander, blow expend, use — use up, consume fully; «The legislature expended its time on school questions» blow — spend lavishly or wastefully on; «He blew a lot of money on his new home theater» burn — spend (significant amounts of money); «He has money to burn» economize, husband, economise, conserve — use cautiously and frugally; «I try to economize my spare time»; «conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit» |
2. | waste — use inefficiently or inappropriately; «waste heat»; «waste a joke on an unappreciative audience»
apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize — put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can’t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer» |
3. | waste — get rid of; «We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer»
chuck out, discard, cast aside, cast away, throw away, toss away, toss out, put away, throw out, cast out, dispose, fling, toss — throw or cast away; «Put away your worries» |
4. | waste — run off as waste; «The water wastes back into the ocean»
run off course, flow, run, feed — move along, of liquids; «Water flowed into the cave»; «the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi» |
5. | waste — get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; «The mafia liquidated the informer»; «the double agent was neutralized»
do in, knock off, liquidate, neutralise, neutralize kill — cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; «This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank»; «The farmer killed a pig for the holidays» |
6. | ware, squander, consume fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, fool, dissipate, shoot — spend frivolously and unwisely; «Fritter away one’s inheritance» luxuriate, wanton — become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously lavish, shower — expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns; «He was showered with praise» overspend — spend at a high rate expend, spend, drop — pay out; «spend money» splurge, fling — indulge oneself; «I splurged on a new TV» |
7. | waste — lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; «After her husband died, she just pined away»
languish, pine away weaken — become weaker; «The prisoner’s resistance weakened after seven days» |
8. | waste — cause to grow thin or weak; «The treatment emaciated him»
emaciate, macerate debilitate, enfeeble, drain — make weak; «Life in the camp drained him» |
9. | waste — cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; «The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion»
devastate, lay waste to, ravage, scourge, desolate ruin, destroy — destroy completely; damage irreparably; «You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!»; «The tears ruined her make-up» ruin — reduce to ruins; «The country lay ruined after the war» |
10. | waste — become physically weaker; «Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world»
rot degenerate, deteriorate, devolve, drop — grow worse; «Her condition deteriorated»; «Conditions in the slums degenerated»; «The discussion devolved into a shouting match» gangrene, necrose, sphacelate, mortify — undergo necrosis; «the tissue around the wound necrosed» |
Adj. | 1. | godforsaken, wild inhospitable — unfavorable to life or growth; «the barren inhospitable desert»; «inhospitable mountain areas» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. squander, throw away, blow (slang), run through, lavish, misuse, dissipate, fritter away, frivol away (informal) We can’t afford to waste money on another holiday.
squander save, protect, preserve, conserve, economize, husband
2. wear out, wither, deplete, debilitate, drain, undermine, exhaust, disable, consume, gnaw, eat away, corrode, enfeeble, sap the strength of, emaciate a cruel disease which wastes the muscles
1. squandering, misuse, loss, expenditure, extravagance, frittering away, lost opportunity, dissipation, wastefulness, misapplication, prodigality, unthriftiness The whole project is a complete waste of time and resources.
squandering saving, economy, thrift, good housekeeping, frugality
2. rubbish, refuse, debris, sweepings, scrap, litter, garbage, trash, leftovers, offal, dross, dregs, leavings, offscourings This country produces 10 million tonnes of toxic waste every year.
2. uncultivated, wild, bare, barren, empty, devastated, dismal, dreary, desolate, unproductive, uninhabited Yarrow can be found growing wild on waste ground.
uncultivated cultivated, developed, productive, in use, fruitful, arable, verdant, habitable
lay something waste devastate, destroy, ruin, spoil, total (slang), sack, undo, trash (slang), ravage, raze, despoil, wreak havoc upon, depredate (rare) The war has laid waste large regions of the country.
waste away decline, dwindle, wither, perish, sink, fade, crumble, decay, wane, ebb, wear out, atrophy People dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
«It’s no use making shoes for geese»
Usage: Waste and wastage are to some extent interchangeable, but many people think that wastage should not be used to refer to loss resulting from human carelessness, inefficiency, etc.: a waste (not a wastage) of time, money, effort, etc.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. To use up foolishly or needlessly:
2. To spend (money) excessively and usually foolishly:
3. To pass (time) without working or in avoiding work:
4. To lose strength or power.Also used with away:
5. To fail to take advantage of:
6. To do away with completely and destructively:
7. To destroy completely as or as if by conquering:
8. Slang. To cause the death of:
9. Slang. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully:
1. Excessive or imprudent expenditure:
2. A tract of unproductive land:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أرْض خَراب أو غَيْر خَصْبَهضَياعضَيَاعنُفايَه، فُضالَهيُبَدِّدُ
spildeaffalden forspildt mulighedødemarkspild
eyîa, sóaeyîimörk, öræfi, auîneyîsla, sóunúrgangur
atliekosdykvietėeikvojimas veltuigaišintimakulatūra
slösa bortsopor
phung phísự phung phí
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
to lay sth waste, to lay waste to sth → dévaster qch
[energy, heat] → des déchets
a waste energy site → une installation de coïncinération waste materials
(= use too much of) [+ money, water, fuel] → gaspiller
I don’t like wasting money → Je n’aime pas gaspiller l’argent.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vi (food) → umkommen; (skills) → verkümmern; (body) → verfallen; (strength, assets) → schwinden; waste not, want not (Prov) → spare in der Zeit, so hast du in der Not (Prov)
waste heat
n (from engine etc) → Abwärme f
waste heat recovery
n → Abwärmerückgewinnung f
n → Papierabfall m; (fig) → Makulatur f
waste recovery
n → Abfallaufbereitung f, → Müllaufbereitung f
waste reprocessing plant
n → Abfallwiederaufbereitungsanlage f, → Müllverwertungswerk nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. adj (material) → di scarto; (food) → avanzato/a; (land, ground, in city) → abbandonato/a, desolato/a; (in country) → incolto/a
to lay waste → devastare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(weist) verb
to fail to use (something) fully or in the correct or most useful way. You’re wasting my time with all these stupid questions.
1. material which is or has been made useless. industrial waste from the factories; (also adjective) waste material.
2. (the) act of wasting. That was a waste of an opportunity.
3. a huge stretch of unused or infertile land, or of water, desert, ice etc. the Arctic wastes.
ˈwastage (-tidʒ) noun
loss by wasting; the amount wasted. Of the total amount, roughly 20% was wastage.
ˈwasteful adjective
involving or causing waste. Throwing away that bread is wasteful.
ˈwastefully adverbˈwastefulness nounwaste paper
paper which is thrown away as not being useful. Offices usually have a great deal of waste paper.
wastepaper basket (ˈweispeipə)
a basket or other (small) container for waste paper. Put those old letters in the wastepaper basket.
waste pipe (ˈweispaip)
a pipe to carry off waste material, or water from a sink etc. The kitchen waste pipe is blocked.
waste away
to decay; to lose weight, strength and health etc. He is wasting away because he has a terrible disease.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ ضَيَاع, يُبَدِّدُ plýtvání, plýtvat spild, spilde verschwenden, Verschwendung σπατάλη, σπαταλώ desperdiciar, desperdicio tuhlata, tuhlaus gaspillage, gaspiller otpad, rasipati rifiuto, sprecare 浪費, 浪費する 낭비, 낭비하다 afval, verspillen avfall, sløse (bort) odpady, zmarnować desperdiçar, desperdício расточительство, тратить впустую slösa bort, sopor ใช้ไปโดยเปล่าประโยชน์, การสูญเสียโดยเปล่าประโยชน์ israf, israf etmek phung phí, sự phung phí 浪费
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. desperdicio, residuo, gasto inútil; merma, pérdida;
___ of time → pérdida de tiempo;
v. desperdiciar, desgastar, malgastar;
to ___ away → demacrarse, consumirse.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
n desechos, residuos; hazardous — desechos or residuos peligrosos; medical — desechos or residuos médicos; metabolic — desechos or residuos metabólicos; vt desperdiciar; (money) malgastar; We don’t want to waste health care dollars..No queremos malgastar recursos sanitarios.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 waste /weɪst/USA pronunciation
adj. [before a noun]
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 waste
v.i. n. adj. wast′a•ble, adj.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: waste /weɪst/ vb
Etymology: 13th Century: from Anglo-French waster, from Latin vastāre to lay waste, from vastus empty ‘waste‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
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Assessment of recycled waste requires precise assessment of total waste and the specific category of waste.
Оценка рециркулируемых отходов требует точной оценки всех отходов и отходов конкретной категории.
Prevention, waste minimisation, reuse and recycling of waste should all be preferred to incineration according to the waste hierarchy.
Предотвращение, минимизация отходов, повторное использование и рециркуляция отходов должны быть предпочтительнее сжигания в соответствии с иерархией отходов.
Plasma processing waste essentially represents nothing but a waste gasification process.
Плазменная переработка мусора (ТБО), по существу, представляет собой не что иное, как процедуру газификации мусора.
Medical waste is covered by the medical waste control regulations.
Что же касается медицинских отходов, то на них распространяются правила контроля за медицинскими отходами.
The third type of household waste is organic waste.
И, наконец, третий вид отходов — это биоорганические отходы.
Mind you, construction waste is very different from the usual residential waste.
Следует отметить то, что сам по себе строительный мусор сильно отличается от обычных бытовых отходов.
To end waste, especially food waste.
Кроме того, нужно утилизировать мусор, особенно пищевые отходы.
Consumer waste also includes solid household waste generated by domestic life.
К отходам потребления также относятся твердые бытовые отходы, которые возникают в процессе жизнедеятельности людей.
Undertake training programmes for preventing the exposure of waste handlers and recyclers, particularly waste scavengers, to hazardous chemicals and waste.
Организация учебных программ, направленных на то, чтобы лица, работающие с отходами и занимающиеся их рециркуляцией, особенно сборщики мусора, не подвергались воздействию опасных химических веществ и отходов.
For practical reasons, calculation of the waste incineration rate should consider only waste incinerated through the registered waste management system.
В силу практических причин при расчете доли сжигаемых отходов следует учитывать лишь сжигаемые отходы, проходящие через зарегистрированную систему управления отходами.
Plastic waste belongs to the category of waste prohibited for disposal at the industrial waste landfill since 2019.
Отходы пластика относятся к категории отходов, запрещенной к захоронению на полигоне промышленных отходов с 2019г.
An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being created, also known as waste reduction.
Важным методом обращения с отходами является предотвращение создания отходов, также известный как сокращение отходов.
In many developing countries, mercury waste is either incinerated with infectious waste or treated as municipal waste.
Во многих развивающихся странах ртутьсодержащие отходы сжигаются вместе с инфекционными отходами или обрабатываются как муниципальные отходы.
Green waste is any organic waste that can be composted.
«Зелёные» отходы включают в себя органический мусор, который может быть компостирован.
Keywords:waste, computer equipment waste, medical electronic waste, harmful substances and waste components, impact factors of electronic waste, safety of health, waste management.
Ключевые слова:отходы, отходы компьютерной техники, медицинские электронные отходы, вредные вещества и компоненты отходов, воздействуюшие факторы электронных отходов, безопасность здоровья, обработка отходов.
Plastic waste is divided into waste of polymer production and household waste.
Полимерные отходы подразделяют на отходы полимерного производства и отходы бытовые.
Hazardous health-care waste includes infectious waste, sharps, anatomical and pathological waste, obsolete or expired chemical products and pharmaceuticals, and radioactive materials.
К числу опасных медицинских отходов относятся инфекционные отходы, острые предметы, анатомические и патологические отходы, устаревшие или имеющие истекший срок годности химические продукты и фармацевтические препараты и радиоактивные материалы.
The terms «medical waste» or «health-care waste» refer to all waste generated by health-care establishments.
Понятие «медицинские отходы» или «отходы здравоохранения» подразумевает все отходы, генерируемые медицинскими учреждениями.
In some jurisdictions unsegregated waste is collected at the curb-side or from waste transfer stations and then sorted into recyclables and unusable waste.
В некоторых юрисдикциях несселенные отходы собираются на бордюре или с станций по пересадке отходов, а затем сортируются в рециркулируемые и неиспользуемые отходы.
Representative biomass such as crops, crop waste, timber, wood waste and animal waste.
Репрезентативная биомасса, такая как посевы, отходы сельскохозяйственных культур, древесина, древесные отходы и животные отходы.
Предложения, которые содержат waste
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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fit for the wastebasket ― никуда не годный |
fit for the wastepaper basket ― никуда не годный |
wastewater reuse ― вторичное использование сточных вод |