Correct use of the word because


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You can use «because» in both formal and informal English. You can always use «because» and you’ll never be wrong.
» ‘Cause» is only used in informal English. It is more casual.

  • Испанский

@OldGeezer Both are used to explain the consequence of something?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@jakeLevine Yes, » ’cause» is a contraction of «because», so they mean exactly the same thing and are used grammatically in exactly the same way.

«Because», or ’cause is a conjunction that means «for the reason that». For example:

I did it because he told me to.
Just because I don’t complain, people think I’m satisfied.
I can’t see her at all, ’cause it’s too dark.

Note: ‘Cause can also be spelled ‘cos or ‘coz. All three of these spellings are often written without the apostrophe (‘): cause, cos, coz.

There is also another word «cause», which is a noun that means «the person or thing that makes something happen». For example:

Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.
There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause.
Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.

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If the title of this post made perfect sense to you, then you’re way ahead of me. But just in case, we’d best recap. Neal Whitman wrote a good article at Grammar Girl recently on the possible origins of because as a standalone preposition. This helpful passage from Whitman sets out the context:

In Standard English, the word “because” can be used two ways. One of them is to introduce a clause, as in “Aardvark was late because he was waiting for the repairman to show up.” Used this way, “because” is a subordinating conjunction. The other is to team up with “of” to form what’s called a compound preposition. For example, “Aardvark was late because of heavy traffic.” In the past three or four years, though, a new usage for “because” has been developing.

The new usage – older than 3–4 years, mind – is what Laura Bailey and Mark Liberman, respectively, have referred to as “because+noun” and “because NOUN”. Liberman says the idiom usually seems to imply “that the referenced line of reasoning is weak”. Sometimes, yes, but it’s also commonly used just for convenience, or effect: No work tomorrow because holidays!; Of course evolution is true, because science.

Because X is fashionably slangy at the moment, diffusing rapidly across communities. It has a snappy, jocular feel, with a syntactic jolt that allows long explanations to be forgone. Because time-strapped. Maybe the causal factor is so obvious as to need no elaboration, or the speaker is distracted or giddy, or online and eager to save effort and move on, or maybe the construction appeals for undefined aesthetic or social reasons.

Gretchen McCulloch, at All Things Linguistic, points out that there seem to be restrictions on what kind of noun phrases can occur here. Providing examples of what works and doesn’t work for her (e.g., Yes to: I can’t come out tonight because homework/essays; No to: I can’t come out tonight because lots of homework/this essay), she concludes:

it seems like the because+noun construction really must consist of a bare noun, not a noun with a determiner or an adjective. However, I think I might be able to be okay with:

? I can never get to bed at a reasonable hour because interesting people on the internet!

With new usages, as with old ones, what works or doesn’t varies from person to person. Bare nouns certainly seem more common in the X slot, and tend to carry more emphasis, but I’ve seen longer noun phrases, and other classes of words, used too; there are examples below.

The construction is more versatile than “because+noun” suggests. This because can be yoked to verbs (Can’t talk now because cooking), adjectives (making up examples because lazy), interjections (Because yay!), and maybe adverbs too, though in strings like Because honestly., the adverb is functioning more as an exclamation. The resulting phrases are all similarly succinct and expressive.

Here are some examples from Twitter, categorised by grammatical class:

Nouns, noun phrases, proper nouns:

Swear I can’t be the only one who really doesn’t give a shit about the color of m&m’s and just eats them by the mouthful because chocolate.

— nate13X (@Nate_Fair) November 12, 2013

School because studying. Studying because school.

— Andre Perrard (@AndreTAMU15) November 12, 2013

What if Chris is trolling again and actually is going to be the doctor but has to say he isn’t because secret reasons?

— Aimee (@_planet_kid) March 24, 2013

(Feels in the last tweet is a popular slang abbreviation of feelings, especially in the sense of strong or overwhelming emotion.)


Bye going to study for English because didn’t finish this morning because fell asleep

— I LOVE YOU JUSTIN ! (@charminrauhl) November 10, 2013

Would a perfume ban violate the First Amendment? Is that expression? Because want.

— Jillian C. York (@jilliancyork) November 7, 2013

Those moments when you choose to eat a salad not because you want salad… but because want croutons.

— Rebekah Loper (@RebekahLoper) November 7, 2013


Going to bed way early because exhausted:/

— Morgan♡ (@_mo_mo37) November 7, 2013

PREDICTION: Zach Edwards will be ESPN’s impact player against Rutgers next week because random.

— Cincy on the Prowl (@CincyOnTheProwl) November 9, 2013

{Falls on her bed and cuddles pillows because tired}

— Devanhi Evergrace (@MirkwoodsMuse) November 13, 2013

A lot of people should really start thinking before they talk because stupid.

— Clayton Collins (@ClaytonJCollins) August 16, 2013


I need to talk to my cousin too. because oooh !

— kimani . ✌♥ (@CaylaKx3) November 12, 2013

That feeling you get when you finish an essay and you just want to cry because yay

— Alexis Isaacson (@AlexisIsaacson) November 12, 2013

Admittedly, not in the UK yet, because aargh.

— Richard Cobbett (@richardcobbett) June 10, 2013

Uhmmm I wish my friend would of told me about windows down sooner because #woohoo

— I Love you Connor (@JessupFan) August 26, 2012


why upside down because race car meme

On Language Log I left a comment (before I’d checked) suggesting the usage could’ve come from the “because race car” meme of 2011. But corpus searches show examples from years before that. GloWbE has loads, with many of the noun phrases recurring – science, math, people, art, reasons, comedy, baconineptitude, fun, patriarchy, politics, school, intersectionality, and winner all show up at least twice in the X slot.

Scanning COHA and COCA for similar constructions, I found examples from ABC’s This Week, 2012: “I’m supporting the Patriots because Patriots.”; CNN’s Larry King Show, 2001: “And of course, that was last thing in the world she would do because publicity.” (though the omission of a definite article makes me wonder if it was poorly transcribed); and NBC’s Dateline, 2005:

I definitely kind of viewed him as a suspect.


Well, because motive.

Fox News Sunday, 15 years ago, has: “And Primary Colors I think has hit the country like a dud, because behavior. It’s not inspiring.” But I’m not sure: it may be more like “because behaviour, it’s not inspiring”, where the noun is fronted and the grammar, though loose, doesn’t use the prepositional because we’re looking at. Ditto this from Ebony, 2007: “People die of heart attacks and strokes because diabetes. It is one of the more underlisted causes of death…”

Written examples of prepositional because aren’t rare, but they’re pretty much unheard of in edited text, except where it’s reported speech. COCA offers the following, from the Roeper Review, 1996: “But motivation alone does not assure success: ‘Because circumstances. I was just lucky, really…’”

There’s also an old and standard construction that’s superficially very similar to prepositional because. The last time I remember seeing it was in Final Cut, Steven Bach’s book on the making of Heaven’s Gate:

It was pointed out that there seemed to be plenty of time for endless reexamination of footage or for monomaniacal reworking of technical processes, but those all were justified in the name of Art, while seeing how the picture played before an audience was both pointless, because Cimino knew how it would play, and ignoble because a question of mere Commerce.

It’s different, though, because elliptical. Bach’s “ignoble because a question…” is a grammatical elision of “ignoble because it was a question…”. Our non-standard idiom, by contrast, isn’t eliding particular words – it’s substituting for a whole, possibly vague, train of thought, and could take the form “because Commerce(!)”. Bach’s couldn’t.

[Analogous examples: “Professor Einstein holds that perception is generally false because relative.” (Time magazine, 1929). “The will to avoid industrial evils was effective, because sincere.” (Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men). “One way of building up the suspense is for your protagonist to become increasingly unnerved, because increasingly aware that something out of the ordinary is going on.” (Sarah LeFanu, Writing Fantasy Fiction.) “Words that were admitted sparingly because unlimited in number or very numerous.” (Robert Burchfield, Unlocking the English Language).]

But back to novel because X. Where did it come from? No one is quite sure. Neal Whitman agrees with Language Log commenters who think it could be from “Because hey”–type sentences (If life gives you lemons, keep them, because, hey, free lemons), where hey functions “like an adaptor, letting you shift from the ordinary speech register to this casual and condensed register”. And then people started dropping the hey.

xkcd comic on cancer, Two Years, with 'but [noun]' constructionIt’s not always hey, either: take this line from the linguistically trend-setting Buffy, season 5 (January 2001): “I don’t even get how we made that guy, because, wow, advanced!” There may also be forerunners in child–parent exchanges like “Why? That’s the why” and “Why? Because.”; and in the popular insults “Because shut up” and “Because fuck you, that’s why.”

However it arose, it seems to be spreading. Language loves economy, and the sheer efficiency of this use of because is likely boosting its popularity. Similar constructions are occurring with but, also, so, thus and similar words – see the frame from xkcd, above. And in the Language Log thread (which is worth reading in full), Rod Johnson says a friend “ended a litany of miscellaneous complaints with ‘In conclusion, STUFF.’” All these syntactic compressions may be reinforcing each other.

I’ve used the construction myself, though not often. On Twitter a year ago I was asked if there’s a “male equivalent of feminist”, and because of the medium’s spatial limitations (and because I was impulsively drawn to the unorthodox syntax) I said: “No precise equivalent, because patriarchy, but ‘masculist’/’masculinist’ is closest. Interpretations of it vary a lot.”

Is prepositional-because grammatical? Sure. Not in Standard English, of course. But lots of people are using it in a systematic and semantically transparent way. It has obvious appeal in a range of informal contexts, though whether it manages ultimately to insinuate itself into more formally acceptable usage remains to be seen.

You needn’t use or like this usage of because, and you might even find it annoying, but there’s nothing linguistically problematic about it. Because grammar weirds, because language.



Following up on this post, Megan Garber at the Atlantic (“English Has a New Preposition, Because Internet”) describes the construction as “exceptionally bloggy and aggressively casual and implicitly ironic. And also highly adaptable.” She notes the significant role of the internet in its development and dissemination, and speculates on its origins.

Gretchen McCulloch has also returned to it at All Things Linguistic (“Where ‘because noun’ probably came from”), delving further into the grammaticality of different forms of because X and suggesting a different origin story from the because-hey hypothesis.

There’s more coverage at Neatorama, Daily Dot, CBS News, Boing Boing, and the Russian site Coverage elsewhere (Business Insider, Mashable et al.) mostly repeats the Atlantic story, but I’ll add useful links here as they happen.)

My post’s title may be a bit misleading, and I regret that. I wanted it to include the because X construction, but I ended up sounding too emphatic: because‘s prepositional nature here is not certain. CGEL apparently considers it one even in its traditional roles, but other language commentators disagree. See the comments for discussion.

On Twitter, Jonathan Lipps offers the example “Unfortunately, [noun phrase]”, and suggests that it’s not so much about because changing as it is the generalisation of “[noun-phrase]-as-elided-clause”.

Joining the preposition camp is Joe at Mr. Verb, who  notes that because originates as a prepositional phrase (by cause), and finds the new usage “has a pretty classic distribution of a preposition […] and the semantics are not weird for a preposition”. He also raises interesting questions from the point of view of historical linguistics.

Cognitive psychologist Jessica Love has a fascinating post at the American Scholar on the appeal of ungrammatical trends and memes, including “because X”, lolspeak, doge, etc. She writes:

Many of us—especially younger generations—seem to take special pleasure in wordplay that upends standard grammatical conventions. But why? According to one psychological theory, humor is fundamentally about detecting something that violates our expectations, but in a nonthreatening way. . . . Given grammar’s relatively low stakes, then, it is fodder for immediate humor.

I left a comment on Jessica’s post, and hope to revisit the subject here before long.

Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan briefly covers the discussion at The Dish: Because Linguistics.

Update season 2:

The American Dialect Society has named because its 2013 Word of the Year (I called it in December) prompting renewed discussion of the word’s precise grammatical role in the because X construction. A very helpful post at All Things Linguistic makes a persuasive case that this novel because “isn’t a preposition (but is actually cooler)“.

At Language Log, Geoffrey Pullum takes polite but firm issue with McCulloch’s interpretation, in a post on the promiscuity of prepositions: “the mistake of trusting a standard dictionary definition of ‘preposition’ has misled All Things Linguistic (and even Stan Carey to some extent), just like it misleads everyone else.”

Linguist Neal Whitman revisits the grammar of because in both its new and traditional uses, at Visual Thesaurus: “So yes, because is a preposition, but not on account of this new usage. But there’s still the question of exactly what kind of complement this particular prepositional flavor of because takes.”

Tyler Schnoebelen at the Idibon blog has done some serious number-crunching on this, analysing twenty-something thousand tweets for patterns of because X (the top X? Yolo). For stats, laughs, and useful academic links, read his post ‘Innovating because innovation.’

The blog materfamilias reads has drawn my attention to a use of because X from way back in 1949, in Nancy Mitford’s book Love in a Cold Climate: ‘I hadn’t a bit expected that he would come to London for it because for one thing, knee-breeches.’

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 13th, 2013 at 7:15 pm and is filed under grammar, language, linguistics, slang, syntax, usage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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What’s the difference between because and because of? The word because is used when we express the reason or cause of something. Sometimes, we use it on its own, and other times, we use because of. Both of them give reasons, but grammatically, they are used in different situations. Do you know the difference between the two? In this short English grammar lesson, I will teach you how to use these common words correctly.

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Part of speech is the basic building block in English grammar. It is a category of words that have the same syntactical meaning.

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1 / 10

What is the difference between syntax and semantics?

Syntax is grammar, semantics is meaning

Syntax is meaning, semantics is grammar

Syntax is pronunciation, semantics is meaning

Syntax is vocabulary, semantics is grammar

2 / 10

Choose the synonym for the word «clever»:





3 / 10

Choose the correct word: The new __________ policy is not acceptable.





4 / 10

Choose the word that means the same as «to misplace»:

To lose

To find

To hide

To cover

5 / 10

What is a word or phrase used to describe or evaluate, often in a literary, artistic, or musical context, called?





6 / 10

Choose the correct word: The problem was finally __________.





7 / 10

Put ________ bag on ________ table, then give me ________ apple and ________ bar of chocolate.

the … the … an … a

the … the … a … a

a … a … the … the

a … the … an … the

8 / 10

What is the study of words and their meanings called?





9 / 10

Choose the correct word: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your __________.





10 / 10

What is the term for a word or phrase that has multiple meanings?





It includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunction, interjection, and determiner. Of the above, the intersection connects two parts of a sentence: phrases and clauses.

There are three types of conjunction: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative. Two widely used words in speech, because and although, fall under the category of a subordinating convergence.

A subordinating conjunction connects a main clause with a dependent clause. The main clause is an independent entity with complete meaning, whereas the subordinate clause is not.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Because” is a conjunction used to introduce the reason or cause of an action or event; “although” is a conjunction used to introduce a contrast or a conflicting idea, showing that something is true despite an opposing factor.
  2. “Because” shows causation, while “although” shows concession or contrast between two statements.
  3. “because” and “although” are conjunctions used to connect clauses, but they serve different purposes in expressing relationships between ideas.

“Because” is a conjunction that is used to show a cause-and-effect relationship between two clauses or ideas. “Although” is a conjunction that is used to show a contrast or a concession between two clauses or ideas and is used to express a contradiction or an unexpected situation.

Because vs Althoug

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  1. Because” is a subordinating conjunction that gives the cause of something. It is also used as a compound preposition.
  2. Although” is a subordinating conjunction that means – despite something. It is also used as a prepositional phrase.

Comparison Table

Parameter Of Comparison Because Although
Prominent Usage “Because” is a subordinating conjunction that primarily gives the reason or justification for something. “Although” is a subordinating conjunction mainly used to provide contrasting information.
Other Uses “Because” is also used for :
· Introducing facts for a cause of belief
· Immediate use before another part of speech to hide unnecessary information
“Although” is also used to :
· Give information about unexpected circumstances
· Give relevant information
· Give a favorable fact for a disregarded thing
Examples · He turned the AC on because it was too hot.
· I think she is angry because we ate her chocolate.
· He stopped working because of pay cuts.
· Although I am the topper of my class, I don’t receive much attention.
· Although the pictures are old, they are still in good condition.
· Although the authorities denied any misconceptions, his ghost continued to haunt the neighborhood.
Position of the Subject and the Verb “Because” is used to modify a verb or an action. It generally follows the verb. “Although” is immediately followed by a subject and the corresponding verb.
Alternate Role “Because” can be used as a compound preposition. For this, we use “because of” in the sentence. “Although” can be used as a prepositional phrase. For this, we have to change the subject-verb structure of the sentence.

When to Use the Word Because?

Because” is a subordinator used to connect two phrases or clauses. The general structure that the sentence takes is :

  • Main Clause +because +Subordinate clause

Its most general use is to justify an action. Example :

  • I killed the ant because it came my way.
  • I patrol around because I am a policeman.

Besides, it can be employed to hide unnecessary details and make the sentence concise. Example :

  • I stopped the practice because exhausted.
  • I am unable to find my wallet because stolen.

It is also used to express a person’s belief. Example :

  • I think he took the joke on him because he is not talking to us.

Finally, it can also be used as a compound preposition. Example :

  • His sore throat is because of the cold drink he had last night.
  • She has lost her job because of my complaint.

However, one important thing to remember is that one should not use a comma before the conjunction because. The independent clause must be carefully scrutinized before ascertaining the use of a comma.


When to Use the Word Although?

Although” is a subordinator used to give contrasting information. It starts with a fact or information and then turns the situation unexpectedly.

Its most general use is to apprise about unexpected circumstances. Example :

  • He lived a miserable life, although he had a trove full of gold.
  • Although she had initially approached him, she ultimately refused the marriage.

It is widely used to disseminate pertinent information regarding a topic. Example :

  • Although the head office is closed, you can carry the documents to the magistrate’s house.
  • I will try to complete the project, although I have an important meeting tomorrow.

It can also strike a balance between two parallel aspects of a subject. Example :

  • Although a bit arrogant, he is an excellent dancer.
  • Although battered, this book has vast information.

The sentence structure has to be modified to use “although” as a prepositional phrase.

However, a comma is necessary to separate the clauses in a sentence from the subordinator.

Main Differences Between Because and Although

  1. “Because” and “although” are conjunctions. They join different parts of a sentence.
  2. Both of them belong to the category of subordinating conjunctions. However, they have considerably different uses. The main differences between the two are :
  3. “Because” gives the justification for an activity, whereas “although” is used to provide contrast.
  4. “Because” is generally used after a verb, whereas “although” is immediately followed by a subject and a verb.
  5. A sentence with a conjunction should not use a comma to separate the clauses. On the other hand, it is generally necessary to separate the clauses with a comma when “although” is used.
  6. “Because” can be used as a compound preposition, whereas “although” can be used as a prepositional phrase.
  7. But can be used with because in a sentence. However, it cannot be used with although in a sentence. This is because both “but” and “although” convey opposite meanings.



Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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