Correct the word order in the sentences being

The standard order of words in an English sentence is subject + verb + object. While this sounds simple, there are far more complicated sentences where placing the words in the right order may turn out quite challenging. 

Here we have prepared three types of interactive exercises created on Learning Apps and suitable for the Intermediate level.

Task 1. Choose the correct word order of the sentences

This exercise presents two options of sentences in which one sentence has the correct word order while the other does not. Here students get a general understanding of word order in English.

Task 2. Put the words in the correct order

Here students go deeper and have more practice with the word order in English. In the exercise, they will find examples with different types of adjectives, adverbs, indirect questions, etc.

Task 3. Complete the questions with the correct question tags

The last exercise aims to check how well your students know the rules of question tags.

Share with us in the comments below how effective the exercises were and how you usually practise word order with your Intermediate students.

Read as well:

1. What is Word Order?

Word order is important: it’s what makes your sentences make sense! So, proper word order is an essential part of writing and speaking—when we put words in the wrong order, the result is a confusing, unclear, and an incorrect sentence.

2.Examples of Word Order

Here are some examples of words put into the correct and incorrect order:

I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters at home. CORRECT

2 brothers and 2 sisters have I at home. INCORRECT

I am in middle school. CORRECT

In middle school I am. INCORRECT

How are you today? CORRECT

You are how today? INCORRECT

As you can see, it’s usually easy to see whether or not your words are in the correct order. When words are out of order, they stand out, and usually change the meaning of a sentence or make it hard to understand.

3. Types of Word Order

In English, we follow one main pattern for normal sentences and one main pattern for sentences that ask a question.

a. Standard Word Order

A sentence’s standard word order is Subject + Verb + Object (SVO). Remember, the subject is what a sentence is about; so, it comes first. For example:

The dog (subject) + eats (verb) + popcorn (object).

The subject comes first in a sentence because it makes our meaning clear when writing and speaking. Then, the verb comes after the subject, and the object comes after the verb; and that’s the most common word order. Otherwise, a sentence doesn’t make sense, like this:

Eats popcorn the dog. (verb + object + subject)

Popcorn the dog eats. (object + subject + verb)

B. Questions

When asking a question, we follow the order auxiliary verb/modal auxiliary + subject + verb (ASV). Auxiliary verbs and modal auxiliaries share meaning or function, many which are forms of the verb “to be.” Auxiliary verbs can change form, but modal auxiliaries don’t. Here’s a chart to help you:

auxiliary verbs

As said, questions follow the form ASV; or, if they have an object, ASVO. Here are some examples:

Can he cook?  “Can” (auxiliary) “he” (subject) “cook” (verb)

Does your dog like popcorn?  “Does” (A) “your dog” (S) “like” (V) “popcorn” (O)

Are you burning the popcorn? “Are” (A) “you” (S) “burning” (V) “popcorn” (O)

4. Parts of Word Order

While almost sentences need to follow the basic SVO word order, we add other words, like indirect objects and modifiers, to make them more detailed.

a. Indirect Objects

When we add an indirect object, a sentence will follow a slightly different order. Indirect objects always come between the verb and the object, following the pattern SVIO, like this:

I fed the dog some popcorn.

This sentence has “I” (subject) “fed” (verb) “dog” (indirect object) “popcorn” (direct object).

b. Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional phrases also have special positions in sentences. When we use the prepositions like “to” or “for,” then the indirect object becomes part of a prepositional phrase, and follows the order SVOP, like this:

I fed some popcorn to the dog.

Other prepositional phrases, determining time and location, can go at either the beginning or the end of a sentence:

            He ate popcorn at the fair.      -Or-     At the fair he ate popcorn.

      In the morning I will go home.            I will go home in the morning.

c. Adverbs

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, adding things like time, manner, degree; and often end in ly, like “slowly,” “recently,” “nearly,” and so on. As a rule, an adverb (or any modifier) should be as close as possible to the thing it is modifying. But, adverbs are special because they can usually be placed in more than one spot in the sentence and are still correct. So, there are rules about their placement, but also many exceptions.

In general, when modifying an adjective or adverb, an adverb should go before the word it modifies:

The dog was extremely hungry. CORRECT adverb modifies “hungry”

Extremely, the dog was hungry. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

The extremely dog was hungry. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

The dog was hungry extremely. INCORRECT misplaced adverb

As you can see, the word “extremely” only makes sense just before the adjective “hungry.” In this situation, the adverb can only go in one place.

When modifying a verb, an adverb should generally go right after the word it modifies, as in the first sentence below. BUT, these other uses are also correct, though they may not be the best:

The dog ran quickly to the fair. CORRECT * BEST POSITION

Quickly the dog ran to the fair. CORRECT

The dog quickly ran to the fair. CORRECT

The dog ran to the fair quickly. CORRECT

For adverbs expressing frequency (how often something happens) the adverb goes directly after the subject:

The dog always eats popcorn.

He never runs slowly.

I rarely see him.

Adverbs expressing time (when something happens) can go at either the beginning or of the end of the sentence, depending what’s important about the sentence. If the time isn’t very important, then it goes at the beginning of the sentence, but if you want to emphasize the time, then the adverb goes at the end of the sentence:

Now the dog wants popcorn. Emphasis on “the dog wants popcorn”

The dog wants popcorn now. Emphasis on “now”

5. How to Use Avoid Mistakes with Word Order

Aside from following the proper SVO pattern, it’s important to write and speak in the way that is the least confusing and the most clear. If you make mistakes with your word order, then your sentences won’t make sense. Basically, if a sentence is hard to understand, then it isn’t correct. Here are a few key things to remember:

  • The subject is what a sentence is about, so it should come first.
  • A modifier (like an adverb) should generally go as close as possible to the thing it is modifying.
  • Indirect objects can change the word order from SVO to SVIO
  • Prepositional phrases have special positions in sentences

Finally, here’s an easy tip: when writing, always reread your sentences out loud to make sure that the words are in the proper order—it is usually pretty easy to hear! If a sentence is clear, then you should only need to read it once to understand it.

Avoid mistakes using the correct worder

1. Sentences

correct word order incorrect word order tip
I was shopping in Leipzig. I was in Leipzig shopping. 1
He played football yesterday. He played yesterday football . 2
Yesterday he played football.
Dan rode his bike carefully. Dan rode carefully his bike. 3
He often reads books. He reads often books. 4a
He Is always late. He always is late. 4b
tip Be careful! detailed explanation
1 main verb before place Word order: subject-verb-object-place-time
2 place before expression of time Word order: subject-verb-object-place-time
3 object before adverb of manner Position of adverbs
4a adverb of frequency before main verb Position of adverbs of frequency
4b adverb of frequency after form of to be Position of adverbs of frequency

2. Questions

correct word order incorrect word order tip
Do you play football or handball? Play you football or handball? 5
When did you see Peggy yesterday? When did you yesterday see Peggy? 6
tip Be careful! detailed explanation
5 Start the question with the auxiliary do. Questions in the Simple Present
6 Put the expression of time (yesterday) at the end of the question. Questions in the Simple Past

In English, the word order is strict. That means we can’t place parts of the sentence wherever we want, but we should follow some certain rules when making sentences. These rules apply not only to formal language but also to everyday spoken English. So, we should learn and always follow them.

Direct word order and inversion

When the sentence is positive (affirmative), the word order is direct. That means the verb follows the subject.


Caroline is a local celebrity. Caroline = subject, is = verb

We work remotely. We = subject, work = verb

You have been learning Spanish for two years. You= subject, have been learning = verb

In questions (interrogative sentences) the subject and the verb swap places. We call it indirect word order, or inversion.


Am I right? WRONG I am right?

How old are they? WRONG How old they are?

What day is it today? WRONG What day it is today?

If there is an auxiliary verb, its first word will precede the subject.


Are you sleeping?

Have you read my message?

Will you help me, please?

Has anyone been looking for me?

Will he have finished the job by 5 o’clock?

Direct and indirect objects

The object normally goes right after the verb. We don’t put any other words between them.

I like my job very much. WRONG like very much my job

He meets his friends every Friday. WRONG meets every Friday his friends

In the examples above, the object is direct. A direct object answers the question «whom» or «what» and there is no preposition after the verb. If we can’t put the object without a preposition (talk to smb, agree with smb, rely on smb), the object is indirect.

I’m not satisfied with my test score.

Let’s talk about the new project.

Now, if we have two objects, one is indirect and the other is direct, then the direct object has the priority to go first.

The professor explained the concept to the students. WRONG to the student the concept

He said nothing about those errors. WRONG about those errors nothing

If there are two direct objects and one of them is a pronoun, the pronoun goes behind the verb.

Could you show me the way, please? WRONG the way me

They wished her luck. WRONG luck her

Place and time

Expressions of time and place usually go together after the verb and the object (if there is one). We first indicate the place (where, where to) and then the time (when, how often, how long).


We go {to the theatre} {every month}. where=to the theatre, how often=every month

There were lots of people {in the park} {on Sunday}. where=in the park, when=on Sunday

Jim will give me a lift {to the station} {after the meeting}. where to=to the station, when=after the meeting

lt is often possible to put time at the beginning of the sentence.

At this time tomorrow, we’ll be going to the airport.

Sometimes I want to be alone.


Let’s briefly sum up the rules:

  1. Positive sentence: subject + verb. Question sentence: verb + subject
  2. Do not split the verb and the object
  3. Direct objects go before the indirect objects
  4. If one of two direct objects is a pronoun, it goes first
  5. Place goes before time

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