Correct spelling dictionary word

Spelling is difficult, and, even with modern spell checks, some of us want to know how to remember how to spell words.

This English spelling dictionary covers thousands of English words and outlines their definitions, their histories, their modern uses, andmost importantlytheir spellings.



Answer Spelling

Appreciate Spelling

Archery Spelling



Blue Spelling


Bought Spelling


Buddha Spelling

Carrot Spelling

Conveyor Spelling

Country Spelling

Cover Spelling

Diagnosed Spelling

Diesel Spelling


Eliminated Spelling


Enthusiast Spelling

February Spelling


Finally Spelling

Financial Spelling

Goddess Spelling

Greedy Spelling

Imagination Spelling

Immature Spelling

Injury Spelling

Kayak Spelling

Llama Spelling

Lanyard Spelling



Medicine Spelling


Mercy Spelling

Monitoring Spelling

Mozzarella Spelling

Nozzle Spelling

Oregon Spelling

Original Spelling

Phone Spelling

Pillow Spelling



Purpose Spelling

Reassess Spelling

Receipt Spelling


Recycle Spelling

Satellite Spelling

Scaffolding Spelling

Scorpion Spelling


Sigh Spelling




Venue Spelling

Weight Spelling

Следующие организации доверяют нашей программе проверки стилистики и грамматики на основе ИИ

  • BMW Group
  • European Union
  • Spiegel Magazine
  • Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)
  • Heise
  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  • Blinkist
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
  • JetBrains
  • IP Australia
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

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С его помощью вы получите советы (грамматические, пунктуационные и т. д.) по улучшению текста электронного письма, статьи для блога или обычного сообщения. LanguageTool автоматически определяет язык текста и прямо во время написания даёт подсказки. В целях обеспечения конфиденциальности расширение LanguageTool не хранит тексты пользователей.

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Теперь расширенные грамматические, орфографические и стилистические подсказки от LanguageTool можно получать прямо в популярных текстовых программах.

Поддерживаемые приложения

Интеграция с популярными офисными программами

Расширение LanguageTool интегрируется с текстовыми программами, помогая писать профессиональные тексты без ошибок. Теперь статья, диссертация или книга, над которой вы работаете, как и обычная заметка, будут выглядеть безупречно.

  • Дополнение для Google Docs

    Бесплатное расширение для браузера позволяет проверять все тексты в Документах Google на наличие грамматических и орфографических ошибок.


  • Дополнение для Microsoft Word

    Работает с Windows, Mac и даже с онлайн-версией. Требуется Word 2016 и выше или Office 365.


* Для проверки грамматики в OpenOffice требуется Java 8. В настоящее время недоступно для версии Premium. Возникли проблемы с его установкой? Обратитесь за справкой сюда: Troubleshooting

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Пишите профессионально без грамматических, пунктуационных и стилистических ошибок

LanguageTool исправляет только орфографические ошибки?

LanguageTool исправляет орфографические ошибки, а также предлагает полный анализ написания всех возможных текстов. В дополнение к орфографии, грамматике и выбору слов корректируется также стилистика текста.

Находит ли LanguageTool пунктуационные ошибки?

Да, LanguageTool выявляет и исправляет пунктуационные ошибки всех видов. Он разбирает предложения со сложной структурой и даже различает обязательные и необязательные запятые.

Каким образом в LanguageTool обнаруживаются и исправляются ошибки?

Ошибки и подсказки отображаются автоматически во время набора текста, что позволяет его сразу же откорректировать. А двойной щелчок по любому слову отобразит его синонимы.

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Какие языки проверяет LanguageTool?

LanguageTool работает с более чем 30 языками. Основными являются русский, английский, украинский, испанский, немецкий и французский. В английской версии можно выбрать между шестью языковыми вариантами (США, Великобритания, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия и Южная Африка).

LanguageTool – бесплатная программа?

LanguageTool доступна в двух версиях. Бесплатная версия исправляет орфографические, а также простые пунктуационные и некоторые стилистические ошибки. Только версия Premium выявит все ошибки и поможет создать безупречный текст. Также доступны корпоративные аккаунты для компаний.

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Будет ли LanguageTool работать в моей программе?

LanguageTool работает со многими программами и всеми распространенными интернет-браузерами. Также у нас есть специальный текстовый редактор в виде приложения для iOS, macOS (Apple) и Windows. Вам понадобится только одна учетная запись пользователя.

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Может ли LanguageTool перефразировать предложение?

Недавно в дополнение к исправлению в LanguageTool появилась функция перефразирования (на основе ИИ). С ее помощью можно переписывать целые предложения, делая их проще, короче или более официальными.

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Подходит ли LanguageTool для проверки и коррекции курсовой или дипломной работы?

Да, наша программа поможет вам проверить курсовую и дипломную работу на наличие ошибок. Для других академических работ и публикаций для печати особенно будет полезна функция проверки стилистики текста. Кстати, студенты получают скидку на LanguageTool.

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Не ограничивайтесь проверкой грамматики и орфографии — удивляйте всех понятным, четким и стилистически безупречным текстом.

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Grammar Checker & Rephraser

Check spelling, grammar and style for English texts


Refine your style with our paraphrasing tool

Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation
in one click

Whether you’re writing an email, a presentation or an essay, your resume or a cover letter in English, don’t let mistakes get in the way of your success.

Reverso detects and corrects all types of grammar and spelling mistakes: wrong verb tenses, lack of agreement between subject and verb, incorrect prepositions, confusion between words with similar spelling, typos and punctuation errors.


Rewrite and enhance any sentence with our paraphraser

Rephraser is designed to help you instantly enhance your writing, strike the right tone, or simply find inspiration. Just enter your text and our AI will suggest useful and reliable alternatives: shorter or longer, more or less formal, idiomatic or creative…

Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.


Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.


Write compelling and professional emails — avoid repetition with regular clients.


Let your ideas flow, unleash your creativity, and find inspiration anytime.


Engage your audience with impactful social media posts and emails.

Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.Write compelling and professional emails - avoid repetition with regular clients.Let your ideas flow, unleash your creativity, and find inspiration anytime.Engage your audience with impactful social media posts and emails.

Make the most out of our online grammar checker

Double-click on a word to find its synonyms

With our all-in-one writing assistant, no need to open a new tab every time you need a synonym or definition. Simply double-click on any word and enjoy a rich variety of synonyms from our comprehensive thesaurus and precise word definitions. You can even look up English verb conjugations.

Avoid unintentional plagiarism

If you have doubts if your text resembles a lot already existing publications, Reverso is at your service to prevent plagiarism. Rephraser will reword your creation to ensure its uniqueness while preserving your line of thought.

Mix and match Rephraser suggestions

Rephraser offers a wide variety of alternatives to your text while preserving the intended meaning. Feel free to mix and match the suggestions to create the perfect combination. After all, it’s up to you to decide what tone and style best fits your needs.

Learn new ways to express yourself

Tired of using the same old statements with your regular clients? Trying to find a better way to conclude an email? Use Rephraser to revamp your vocabulary and discover new idiomatic expressions for commonly-used ideas.

Enjoy AI-based translation from and to English

Not a native English speaker? Use Reverso’s AI translator to enjoy natural-sounding and accurate translations from and to English.

With Rephraser, fix errors that grammar checkers can’t detect

Grammar checkers are effective at correcting rule-based mistakes such as subject-verb agreement or wrong prepositions. This is not always enough to make your ideas shine. Use Rephraser to bring enhancements at the sentence level, making your text more fluid and pleasant to read: fix word order, reduce repetitions, replace simple words with idioms, and boost your overall style.

This tool enables you to correct the most cumbersome mistakes, with a high degree of accuracy and speed, and to improve your written English. When several corrections are possible, you are prompted to choose one of them. There are cases when mistakes are skipped in order to limit the display of warnings or when the suggested corrections are not perfectly adapted to the context. Therefore, we advise you to review the text yourself after the correction. To improve your English spelling, you can also consult our online grammar module and our conjugator. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. This way, you will enable us to improve our service. Contact us if you want to implement a spell-checking tool adapted to your company (for French, English, Spanish, Italian or other languages). If you are looking for a PC product, we recommend Ginger.

The concept of an automatic and interactive online spell-checker was created and developed by Reverso Technologies Inc. in addition to the online translation service. It makes use of the best technologies developed by Ginger Software with an interface, settings and complementary processings specifically devised by Reverso Technologies Inc. for the Reverso website and the corporate products.

Romashkevich, Pavel Antonovich. Full Russian spelling dictionary. S.-Petersburg: Publication of the book seller VI Gubinsky, [1908].


Ilyin, A.M. Slovarik spelling and reference, encapsulating more than 25000 words with emphasis and division of each word into parts for correct transfer from one line to another, with spelling rules, transfer rules and punctuation rules applied. Odessa: ed. of the compiler, 1912.


Vol’per, Mikhail Akimovich (1851-). New spelling dictionary. Petrograd: The publishing house «The Sower» by E. V. Vysotsky, 1922.


Ushakov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1873-1942). Orthographic dictionary. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1936.

Владимирская ОУНБ

Shaposhnikov, Ivan Nikitich. Orthographic Dictionary. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1928; Leningrad.


In another article, we described a way to use the Find and Replace function in Microsoft Word to search your manuscript for inconsistencies with formatting, spelling, and terminology. In this post, we’re offering another way to let Microsoft Word help you with your scientific manuscript: customizing your spelling dictionary and AutoCorrect options.

Spelling dictionary

Spelling errors are common in scientific manuscripts because of the large number of non-standard terms that are frequently used. Some scientific jargon is very different from any English word, but there are also tricky terms that look nearly identical to an English word. These «almost» words, such as proteins known as adhesins (close to adhesions) or the species name Vibrio cholerae (like cholera, the disease cause by this bacterium), can be particularly troublesome. For many cases, Word will automatically correct these words to a term in the dictionary, so be particularly careful to proofread your text. If you have to use a troublesome phrase like this, what should you do?

In general, the easiest option is to add that word to your spelling dictionary. Simply right-click on a term that is underlined in red and choose «Add to Dictionary.» From now on, that word will be considered correctly spelled. Additionally, if you misspell the specialized term in the future, it will be underlined and caught during spellcheck (as before), but you will not be tempted to ignore the false-positive spelling errors that arise because the dictionary simply did not recognize a correctly spelled term. Please note that you will have to add plural forms (e.g, adhesins) or verb conjugations separately.

Add to Dictionary


Adding terms to the dictionary is useful for words that you have spelled correctly but may not be recognized by Word. What if you tend to spell something wrong fairly often, and you are tired of having to change it? Or what if you are constantly typing a particularly long and troublesome term, and you would love to create a shortcut? You can make use of Word’s AutoCorrect function to help out.

For example, I worked with bacterial protein toxins in the past, and I would frequently write enertotoxin instead of enterotoxin. It was not a huge issue to fix the spelling during the spellcheck (I had added enterotoxin to my custom dictionary), but I eventually changed the AutoCorrect settings to automatically correct my mistake. To reach the AutoCorrect options, click on File, then Options. When the Word Options window pops up, choose Proofing in the sidebar. You can now click the «AutoCorrect Options» button.

AutoCorrect menu

You will now see a list of words that will be identified and replaced with a different term, including my example of enertotoxin.

AutoCorrect list

Adding terms to this list is easy. Simply type in the term you’d like to replace under ‘Replace:’ and the final text under ‘With:’. You can even include formatted text (italics, bold) if you choose, as in the following example. The bacterium Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans has a name that is a pain to type. If I needed to type this name frequently, I would create a shortcut using the AutoCorrect. For instance, I could type «AgAc» into the «Replace:» field and then the full name, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, in the «With:» field. Note: to use formatted text, you must first type the formatted text into your Word document, highlight it, and select Copy (CTRL+C). Now the formatted text will be available when you enter the AutoCorrect options.

Formatted text in Word AutoCorrect

We hope that this post offers you some ideas for simplifying the process of writing your next manuscript! If you have specific questions about your writing, you can always send them to [email protected]. Best wishes!

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