Cool one word phrases

Sometimes we just need a word to express or feel our emotions. One word which can describe everything really well. And for that what can be better than one word quotes. Yes, there is a quote in every word. Every person takes every word in a different manner and that’s the beauty of one-word quotes.

We are here with different kind of one-word quotes. Each word has some meaning and they can help you a lot in expressing your emotions too. Check them out and see how relatable you feel to some of them!


  • Best One Word Quotes
  • One Word Quotes for Instagram and Facebook
  • Top One Word Quotes on Life and Love

Best One Word Quotes

  1. Inspire
  2. Smile
  3. Breathe
  4. Freedom
  5. Infinity
  6. Happy
  7. Fly
  8. Dream
  9. Motivate
  10. Believe
  11. Positive
  12. Relax
  13. Enjoy
  14. Hope
  15. Think
  16. Listen
  17. Mindfulness
  18. Nurture
  19. Outstanding
  20. Practice
  21. Question
  22. Release
  23. Understand
  24. Value
  25. Winner
  26. Excellence
  27. Youthful
  28. Zeal
  29. Action
  30. Fly
  31. Dream
  32. Freedom
  33. Question
  34. Think
  35. Love
  36. Meditate
  37. Goals
  38. Laugh
  39. Cuddle
  40. Bless
  41. Imagine
  42. Compete
  43. Classy
  44. Confidence
  45. Focus
  46. Brave
  47. Blissful
  48. Wander
  49. Opportunities
  50. Win
  51. Mistake
  52. Appreciate
  53. Forgive
  54. Creativity
  55. Strength
  56. Success
  57. Surrender
  58. Beautiful
  59. Smoke
  60. Craze
  61. Lust
  62. Dance
  63. Illusion
  64. Empower
  65. Estasy
  66. Escape
  67. Euphoria
  68. Enthuasiasm
  69. Grieve
  70. Lost
  71. Luck
  72. Craze
  73. Vivacious
  74. Attractive
  75. Looney
  76. Pulsation
  77. Crumble
  78. Cluster
  79. Shine
  80. Rise
  81. Star
  82. Intonation
  83. Queen
  84. Xoxo
  85. Boredom
  86. Furious
  87. Fussy
  88. Buried

One Word Quotes for Instagram and Facebook

Here are some more one word quotes for Instagram or Facebook. You can use these 1-words as captions of your photos.

  1. Soul
  2. Gloomy
  3. Oppressed
  4. Possessed
  5. Elation
  6. Misery
  7. Joy
  8. Solitude
  9. Supine
  10. Doting
  11. Dauntless
  12. Nirvana
  13. Breathtaking
  14. Wondrous
  15. Sensational
  16. Spectacular
  17. Revenue
  18. Optimistic
  19. Fuzzy
  20. Grumpy
  21. Rowdy
  22. Conquer
  23. High
  24. Detach
  25. Aroused
  26. Mourn
  27. Yell
  28. Bossy
  29. Creamy
  30. Trust
  31. Sin
  32. Realism
  33. Creatures
  34. Biased
  35. Nihilism
  36. Free
  37. Yawn
  38. Rule
  39. Vanish
  40. Courage
  41. Sassy
  42. Classy

Top One Word Quotes on Life and Love

We have some more One word quotes on Life. You can simply download any of these and use them as your DP, status or a wallpaper.

A lot of these are French one words but with true meanings!!

We hope you have too many good quotes with you now. Each one of them is so good it must be a tough choice to choose one of them. Words can express our feelings really well, but sometimes we just don’t want to write long and long paragraphs, we want to go with fewer words. That time can there be anything more good than one-word quotes? No right? We can hear your voice.

Choose one of your favorites from these and post it wherever you want. Happy Posting!

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Have you ever felt that people, who talk too much about nothing, start to irritate you after a while? In some situations, it’s possible to agree that talkative people can be too annoying! Of course, sometimes we cannot bring all the necessary nuances of some cases without a detailed story.

However, it doesn’t mean that you need to use many additional words to share your ideas. It’s easy to lose the whole essence of a conversation in the thousands of words!

Everybody knows how useful words can be! In this regard, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of one-word expressions and quotes! Even a single word of encouragement can help you to cheer up a person; while a simple word, said in a heated moment, is able to hurt a man to a core. Isn’t it powerful?

Words can be used as both a medicine and poison at the same time! Words are an efficient way to manipulate public opinion as well as each individual. That’s why you should always choose carefully what you want to say to avoid misunderstanding of any kind!

Perhaps, it sounds confusing, but one word may be enough to reach a specific goal! You’ll be surprised to hear that it’s easy to get a piece of motivation with the help of only one word! It’s not hard to remember motivational quotes, consisted only of a single word, to improve your life. Find your inspiration in the inspirational one-word quotes we’ve rounded up for you below!

What do you think of the idea to use famous one word sayings about life and love are the best ideas as captions for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks in order to attract somebody’s attention? Sounds interesting, right? That’s why pay your attention to the following 1 word quotations.

They are simple to focus on and easy to use. You don’t need to spend a lot of time writing or reading these meaningful quotes and sayings: concise, deep, useful, universal, effective. Do you need any other reasons to save some of the great images with one word quotes to live by?

Whatever happens in your life, always remember that brevity is the soul of wit! Enjoy the following one word quotes for all occasions!

Inspirational Quotes To Show The Power Of One Word

Do you know at least one person who doesn’t need to be motivated? It’s easy to predict your negative answer. Sooner or later everybody needs to get a word of inspiration and motivation!

No matter how much purposeful and self-motivated you are, you’ll definitely face times of disappointment and tiredness on the way to your goal. In the case, you feel the lack of strength to move on, pay attention to the inspirational one word quotes! Be sure, even one word from the list below will inspire you:

  • Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. – Buddha
  • Everything starts with one step, or one brick, or one word or one day. – Jeremy Gilley
  • I cannot take back one word or action; the past does not change for anyone. – Charles Van Doren
  • Sometimes kids ask how I’ve been able to write so many books. The answer is simple: one word at a time. Which is another good lesson, I think. You don’t have to do everything at once. You don’t have to know how every story is going to end. You just have to take that next step, look for that next idea, write that next word. – Andrew Clements
  • One word can end a fight; One hug can start a friendship; One smile can bring Unity; One person can change your entire life! – Israelmore Ayivor

Vital One Word Sayings about Life

It may seem that it’s almost impossible to tell others about your life or thoughts with the help of just one word! It’s a widespread mistake! From time to time, a single word, chosen carefully, maybe eloquent!

Why should you believe us? This is because almost all elements of our life, important for people, can be called in one word: happiness, love, family, belief, encouragement, support, etc. Who knows, maybe, these one word sayings about life will become your guiding principle:

  • My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that’s procrastination. – Ron Cooper
  • What drove me and kept me going over the decades? If I had to use a single word, it would be ‘curiosity’. –  Eve Arnold
  • Opportunities – You only get few chances to change yourself. Make sure you avail the opportunity that comes your way. – Unknown
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘grace.’  – Max Lucado

Powerful 1 Word Quotes for You To Live By

You have already heard how powerful one word can be. However, you may think that it’s only the myth, created for too gullible people. You have the chance to admit that you were wrong with your thoughts!

Relevant quotes with 1 necessary word are exactly what you need to live by! Let the following one word quotes be your life motto:

  • All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. – Winston Churchill
  • Dare. Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail. – Lester B. Pearson
  • The one word that no politician will ever speak, is ‘enough.’ Enough.  – Carl Hiaasen
  • If I had to describe myself in one word, ‘Hercules.‘  – Bryce Harper
  • I get paralyzingly nervous a lot of times, so I tried bravado. The way I dress and carry myself, a lot of people find it intimidating. I think my whole career can be boiled down to the one word I always say in meetings: ‘strength.’  – Lorde

Famous One Word Quotes about Everything

Every situation in our life can be defined with one word. It’s up to you to decide what word it will be! There are so many things that influence your choice of the word! Everything depends on the time, place, personal attitude, feelings, and so on.

In any case, famous one word quotes will interest you as soon as they reveal the most popular aspects of life!

  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • If someone was like, ‘Describe yourself in one word,’ I would never say, ‘Handsome.’ – Ian Harding
  • Encourage. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. – Margaret Cousins
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The one word that makes a good manager – decisiveness. – Lee Iacocca

Best One Word Quotes About Love

When people hear the word “love”, all of them associate it with something personal. As a rule, they unlikely to have the same thoughts. However, love has one meaning, common to everybody! What is love for you? Is it an innermost feeling, or a problem for you? If you still cannot define what love means exactly, don’t miss the best one word quotes about love! Isn’t it a good way to understand other people?

  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love. – Sophocles
  • The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love‘. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. – Lydia M. Child
  • Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. –  Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap. – Ray Charles
  • I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. – Martin Luther King

Universal Single Word to Use in Motivational Quotes

People are used to thinking that long texts and phrases are better to use to motivate somebody. It’s a common belief that you should make up a kind of essay to persuade a person to change his or her life, move on, reach different goals and so on.

Although a thousand words are useful, sometimes this way may be counterproductive! Do you really want to waste your precious time, trying to cheer somebody up? We don’t think so!

That’s why you’d better apply to motivational quotes with a single word! If it’s impossible to help your friend with a single word, you don’t have any chances to motivate him or her even with a thousand words!

  • One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice–president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared‘. – Dan Quayle
  • Action. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Fly – Don’t think what would happen if you fail! Think, what if you fly? – Unknown
  • Dream – Have the courage to pursue your dreams. Live them and act on them. -Unknown
  • The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience. – Tokugawa Ieyasu

Witty One Word Captions for Instagram

Don’t know how to make your page on the social net popular? Do you think that you have tried everything? That’s not entirely true! You haven’t used witty one word captions for social pages, collected in the post!

The users of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will become interested in the short, but creative captions, used on your page! Don’t write long posts. They make everybody bored, so people begin losing their interest in your profile. One word captions are what you need!

  • Grateful. I am grateful for all of my blessings.
  • Kindness. I express myself with love and kindness.
  • Freedom – You’re free to go. Enjoy the air of freedom and live your life.
  • Question. I ask the right questions to progress in the right direction.
  • Think. I create my day and life with the thoughts I think.

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images

Great images with only one word are much more attractive than the same with long text. You’re surely puzzled over this statement now, aren’t you? In fact, one word contains the kind of mystery.

People can solve it, but the truth is that the answer will be different for different people. Don’t look for the deeper meaning of the following 1 word quotations on images, enjoy them:

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 1

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 5

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 4

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 3

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 2

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Cool Phrases

Cool phrases are sayings from the entertainment and media world. They are picked up by youngsters and used as a part of their daily vocabulary. The following article will cover some cool phrases to say and look cool…


Cool phrases are not just abstract words put together that seem like some coded language. Instead, cool sayings are a part of every generation and are really catchy phrases. These phrases to say catch up fast with young blood and become famous quotes. They are often used to describe various things and emotions. I hope you ‘dig’ what I am saying and enjoy the following ‘groovy’ phrases to say.

Random Quotes for a Cool Mind
The definition of cool is different for different people. People from various cultural backgrounds and countries have their own set of random phrases that imply towards a totally different concept. At times, quotes by famous personalities turn into cool phrases. Look around you, there will be plenty of graffiti posted on walls with a few cool, random words. These random thoughts turn into cool thoughts and phrases.

With Facebook increasing in popularity, you find many talents coming up with really short, random phrases as their status messages. These messages are also a part of the cool cracks that count as groovy thoughts. So, without rambling on and on about cool phrases, I shall now begin with my list. These include cool words for tattoos, famous phrases by celebrities and random sayings posted on the Internet. Hope you enjoy them all.

Cool Phrases for Tattoos One step closer

  • Sister
  • Strength and honor
  • If you have never been there, you can’t imagine how it feels. And if you have, you can’t imagine how it doesn’t….
  • Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
  • No day but today ~ From Broadway Musical ‘Rent’
  • It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.
  • Life won’t wait
  • Aut viam inveniam aut faciam (Either I will find a way or I will make one)
  • I wish to weep but sorrow is stupid. I wish to believe but belief is a graveyard.
  • We are more than most will ever know
  • Unless someone like you cares a whole awful, nothing is going to get better – it’s not. ~ From Dr. Seuss’ book ‘The Lorax’
  • Non omnis moriar ~ (Not all of me shall die ~ Horace, Odes)
  • Anything I could desire, I already have
  • Wake your dreams ~ Lord of the Rings 

Cool Phrases for Facebook Status

  • Only in a mad world do people queue for an iPhone while looking at queues of people queuing for an iPhone on their iPhones.
  • I heard the CEO of AT&T got married recently. The service was great but the reception was terrible.
  • Does it break the restraining order if you’re looking at them through a telescope
  • They say obesity is the new smoking but I’ll bet they have a hard time banning it from restaurants.
  • Water is clear up close but looks blue from far away. Scientists are still puzzled by why we cannot see the entire contents of the ocean just by standing on the beach.
  • My body seems to be growing old without me.
  • I was born intelligent education ruined me.
  • If it’s true that we are here to help others, then, what exactly are others here for?
  • Money is not everything. There’s always MasterCard & Visa.
  • Your future depends on your dreams – so go to sleep!
  • The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget, The more you forget, the less you know, So.. why learn?? 

Short Cool Phrases to Say

  • When all else fails, give up!
  • Swingin’
  • Rockin’
  • Gnarly
  • Gravy
  • Hip
  • Swell
  • Choice
  • Bad
  • Out of sight The best part of ‘believe’ is the ‘lie’.
  • Dude man
  • Let’s bounce
  • Step right up
  • Buffalo chips
  • Burnt to a crisp
  • Breathing down my neck
  • Kick the bucket
  • Would that be a killer
  • Never say dieHasta la vista, baby!
  • Awesome
  • Spiffy
  • Capitol
  • Uber
  • Kosher
  • Stellar
  • Primo
  • Wicked
  • I don’t want my pain taken away, I need my pain! 

These were some cool Facebook status messages. You can add some of your own set of catchy phrases in this list. Every day new phrases to say are invented and the list is surely inexhaustible. I hope you have enjoyed reading some of these short phrases to say.


The quotes and sayings in this article are not written by the author. These quotes, sayings and phrases are collected from various sources and any kind of similarity in the listings is purely coincidental.

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Why 2 Word Quotes?

Short quotes with two words are great as they are easy to memorize and, thus, are always on your mind. Words can change lives, and Just two words are enough to have a greater impact than any longer quote. Also, two words quotes are preferred over longer quotes as they are catchier and have a deeper impact. Two-word quotes are those short quotes that have some meaning and can be used for various purposes, for instance, to motivate someone, to inspire someone, or to show love. Two-word phrases are a group of two words expressing a concept. They can be used within a sentence or as a single unit. This article has a list of over 200 such inspirational, influential and deepest short quotes and best two-word phrases for life.

Short quotes have the same power as that of long ones, this one might not be 2 words but we still love it.

Motivational Short Quotes

1. «Be Still.»

2. ‘Fear Not.’

3. «I Can.»

4. «Be Yourself.»

5. «Dream Bird.»

6. «Rise Above.»

7. «You Matter.»

8. «You Can.»

9. «I Will.»

10. «Accept Yourself.»

11. «Be Fearless.»

12. «Trust Yourself.»

13. «Don’t Stop.»

14. «Consistency=Success.»

15. «Be Honest.»

16. «Amplify hope.»

17. «Stay Focused.»

18. «Don’t Panic.»

19. «Move Forward.»

20. «Try Again.»

Short Quotes About Love

21. «Love Endures.»

22. «Unconditional Love.»

23. «Love Much.»

24. «Love Fearlessly.»

25. «Love Fiercely.»

26. «True Love.»

27. «Love You.»

28. «Got Love?»

29. «Be Kind.»

30. «Stay Beautiful.»

31. «Good Vibes.»

32. «Love Life.»

33. «Mixed Feelings.»

Inspirational Short Quotes

34. «Chase Grace.»

35. «Have Faith.»

36. «Work Hard.»

37. «Laugh Today.»

38. «Keep Going.»

39. «Live Well.»

40. «Act justly.»

41. «Look Within.»

42. «Infinite Possibilities.»

43. «Enjoy Life.»

44. «Stay Positive.»

45. «Cherish Today»

46. «Risk Taker.»

47. «Stay Curious.»

48. «Enjoy Today.»

49. «Just Start.»

50. «Exist Loudly.»

51. «Loosen Up.»

two words have a greater impact than any longer quote

Power Words Quotes

52. «You Sparkle.»

53. «Why Not?»

54. «Laugh Often.»

55. «Game On.»

56. «Dream Big.»

57. «Imperfectly Perfect.»

58. «Feel Free.»

59. «Laughter Heals.»

60. «A Weapon.»

61. «Everything Counts.»

66. «Enjoy Life.»

67. «Self-Loving.»

68. «Look Up.»

69. «Mind Matter.»

70. «I am.»

71. «Hakuna Matata.»

Cool Short Quotes

68. «Think Different.»

69. «Limited Edition.»

70. «Stay Weird.»

71. «Perfectly Imperfect.»

72. «Stay Messy.»

73. «Feeling Groovy»

74. «Be Uncommon.»

75. «Dance Today.»

76. «Be colorful.»

77. «Just Sayin…»

78. «Don’t Quit.»

79. «Chill Out.»

80. «Stay Classy.»

81. «Keep Calm.»

82. «Under Construction.»

83. «Play Nice.»

Short Meaningful 2 Word Quotes

84. «Give Thanks.»

85. «Smile Everyday.»

86. «Dream Always.»

87. «Hold On.»

88. «Have Patience.»

89. «Happy Endings.»

90. «Be Thankful.»

91. «Forever free.»

92. «Alive & Well.»

93. «Getting There.»

94. «Perfectly Content.»

95. «Invite Tranquility.»

96. «Forget This.»

97. «Explore Magic.»

98. «No Boundaries.»

99. «Keep Smiling.»

100. «Be Spontaneous.»

101. «Find Balance.»

102. «Inhale Exhale.»

103. «Worry Less.»

Two Word Captions

104. «Beautiful Disaster.»

105. «God’s Masterpiece.»

106. «Sunday Funday.»

107. «Happy Trails.»

108. «For Real.»

109. «Lovely Day.»

110. «Hello Gorgeous.»

111. «Carpe diem.»

112. «I Remember…»

113. «Come Back.»

114. «Stay Tuned.»

115. «Friends Forever.»

116. «But Why?»

117. «Lost Soul.»

118. «Fairy Dust.»

119. «No Filter.»

120. «Call Me.»

121. «Frisky Friday.»

122. «Beautiful Chaos.»

123. «Warning Sign.»

124. «Embrace Elegance.»

125. «Be Fierce.»

126. «Embrace Elegance.»

127. «Hopelessly Romantic.»

128. «Sunny Vibes.»

2 Word Phrases

129. «Little Things.»

130. «Think Twice.»

131. «Radiant Positivity.»

132. «Be Authentic.»

133. «Be Present.»

134. «Follow Through»

135. «Free Yourself.»

136. «Start living.»

137. «Miracle Happens.»

138. «Crazy Beautiful.»

139. «Breathe Deeply.»

140. «Just Imagine.»

2 Word Sayings

141. «Inner Peace.

142. «Never Settle.»

143. «Wild Things.»

144. «Take Chances.»

144. «Create Yourself.»

145. «Baby steps.»

146. «Just Believe.»

147. «Golden Days.»

148. «Inhale Exhale.»

149. «Day Dreaming.»

150. «Blue Skies.»

151. «Simply Happy.»

152. «Let Go.»

153. “Be awesome.”

154. “Accept yourself.”

155. “Act justly.”

156. “Alive & well.”

157. “Amplify hope.”

Best Quotes in 2 Words

159. “Aim high.”

160. “Be limitless.” 

161. “Food passion.”

162. “Safe place.”

163. “Endless love.”

164. “Happy memories.”

165. “Define yourself.”

166. “Adventure awaits.”

167. “Go live.”

168. “Grow Gratitude.”                                                                                                                         

169. “Find yourself.”

170. “Not today.”

171. “For life.”

172. “Let’s chill.”

173. “Miss you.”

174. “I see.”

175. “Believe me.”

176. “Rock on.”

177. “Let God.”

178. “Time heals.”

179. “Hello gorgeous!”

180. “Be mine.”

2 Word Quotes For Instagram

181. “Never forget.”

182. “Marry me.”

183. “Exact estimate.”

184. “Fully empty.”

185. “Couch potato.”

186. “FIRE, RUN!”

187. “I’m blushing.”

188. “You’re welcome.”

189. “Be happy.”

190. “Sunny Vibes.”

191. «Hustle Everyday.»

192. «Turn Destiny.»

193. «Rise, Slay.»

194. «Precious Smile.»

195. «Professional Overthinker.»

196. «Sympathize, Everyone.»

197. «Wonderful Creature.»

198. «Winners Learn.»

199. «Never Underestimate.»

200. «Rise. Defeat.»

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Memory Instagram captions

English is a cool language because well, there are so many different and expressive ways to say things.

One English word that is useful in many situations is the exclamation “cool”.

You’ve probably heard an English speaking friend say that someone or something is “cool”. Or maybe you’ve heard it used by a character on your favorite
Netflix TV series or in that
holiday movie you just watched.

“Cool” is a common way to express approval with a situation or to pay someone a compliment. If you want to become fluent in English, you don’t just know how to use “cool” properly, but you also need to know the different ways to say “cool”. What do native speakers really mean when they say “cool”?

What Is The Meaning of “Cool”?

Strictly speaking, “cool” in English is an adjective that refers to temperature. When something is cool, it is neither warm nor cold. Saying that something like the night or the weather or a glass of water is “cool” means that it is comfortably cold.

“Cool” can also be used as an adverb, to describe how someone is acting. For example, if someone is speaking “coolly” they are neither very welcoming nor totally displeased to be interacting with you.

“Cool” is also commonly used as a slang term, mostly among the younger generation of English speakers.

How Is “Cool” Used as Slang?

When we are talking about slang, the most common ways to say “cool” are to either express acceptance or agreement or to convey admiration and approval.

You can say “cool” in place of “I agree” or even “okay”. For example, if Sean asks if you can meet at the restaurant at 7:30, you can say “cool” to mean you agree to that plan.

“Cool” is also used as an exclamation of pleased surprised, to convey your admiration of a person or your approval of a situation.

For example, Mary said that she got her dream job, you can say “Cool!” and it’s understood that you are happy for her. 

7 Great Ways To Say “Cool” Without Saying “Cool”

 In English, there are often a lot of different words and phrases you can use to convey emotions – even if the literal translation of the word doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with emotions.

“Cool” literally refers to a state of physical being, not an emotion, yet it is now associated with feelings and used to express happiness and admiration. 

While “cool” is a versatile slang term that can be used in almost every situation, it’s not the only English expression you can use. There are several other words and phrases out there that means “cool” and it’s probably a good idea that you learn them as you might encounter them in conversation with native speakers.

Here are a few of the most common ways that people have to say that something or someone is “cool”.

1. Awesome

You can say something is “awesome” if you want to imply that you are impressed. If you admire someone or something, you can say “awesome”. 

For example:

Your new sports car is awesome.

You got an “A” in the test? Awesome!

You can also simply say “awesome” if someone asks you if you agree with something. 

2. Nice!

You can say something is “nice” when you want to express admiration. It’s usually used to say that you think that something someone told you is “cool”.

For example:

Do you have a date with Nancy on Friday? Nice.

3. Sweet!

Similar to “nice”, you can say sweet when you want to convey admiration. You can also say something is “sweet” when you are pleased about it.

For example:

Sweet! I have tickets for the concert.

4. Excellent

When you say something is “excellent” it is a way to say a situation is “cool”.

For example:

You got an “A” in the exam? Excellent!

Going hiking this weekend? That is an excellent plan.

5. Dope

This is a good example of how certain slang words may have multiple meanings. 

“Dope” can be an insult; it is short for “dopey” which means acting stupid. “Dope” is also used in place of addictive or dangerous drugs.

Dope is also one of the ways to say cool among young people nowadays. If something is “dope” it is “cool” or great.

For example:

Going on a surfing trip? That’s dope!

6. Killer

While beginner English language learners may be taught that “kill” or “killer” has slightly negative connotations, native speakers often use it as another way to say “cool”.

For example:

Killer dress, it suits you.

7. Sick

Again, another of the different ways to say “cool” might be confusing for beginning learners.  “Sick” means illness or feeling ill, but it is also a slang word that is used to say that you admire something.

For example:

That band was sick! I want to hear them play again.

Sick moves, did you study dance? 

13 Other Ways to Say Cool

The following words can also be used to say “cool”. They are all basically words that mean you think that something is admirable.

  1. Astonishing

  2. Glorious

  3. Dynamite

  4. Splendid

  5. Exceptional

  6. Exemplary

  7. Impressive

  • Marvelous

  • Sensational

  • Wonderful

    The following slang terms are also used to mean “cool” though they are considered a bit dated.

    1. Groovy

    2. Hip

    3. Dreamy

    Ways to Say “Cool” In British and Australian English

    English is one of the most common languages in the world and, like many common world languages, there are different regional varieties of English. The three most common regional varieties of English are American English, British English, and Australian English.

    “Cool” as a slang term actually originated in American English, though it’s pretty much “universal” among all English speakers nowadays. There are, however, ways to say “cool” that are a bit more associated with British English or Australian English.

    If you hear someone say the following terms, they are basically saying that someone or something is “cool”.

    1.  Wicked

    This is an example of British slang. While other English speakers might use “wicked” to say that something is “cool”, it’s more commonly heard among those who speak British English. 

    For example:

    That was a wicked performance last night. You should be proud.

    Wicked! It’s the new BMW.

    2. Brilliant 

    “Brilliant” or simply “brill” is what British English speakers say when they want to say that something is “awesome” or “cool”

    For example:

    Brilliant! I passed the test.

    Brill, I can go on that trip this weekend.

    3. Mint

    When a British person says that something is “mint”, they mean it is of high quality. So they are saying something is worth admiring or “cool”.

    For example:

    That record is mint. Still great after all these years.

    4. Beaut

    This is an Australian slang term that is used to say that something is amazing. So, Australian English speakers will use this to say that they think something is “cool.”

    It is basically short for “beautiful” or beauty.

    For example:

    Your new car is a beaut.

    5. Bloody ripper!

    If you hear an Australian English speaker say this, they are saying that something is “awesome”. So this is basically a way to say “cool” in Australia.

    For example:

    Did you get front row seats for the concert? Bloody ripper!

    6. Crikey!

    This is possibly the most commonly known Australian slang word and it can basically be used the same way that you would say “cool”.

    For example:

    Crikey! Did you see that winning goal?

    Ways to Say Cool That You Should Use With Caution

    If you look up a slang word or phrase, you will often find that the literal or dictionary meaning is totally different from the everyday meaning. 

    As we pointed out in the beginning, “cool” is defined as an adjective describing temperature in a dictionary but means something else in daily conversation. The following ways to say “cool” in English should be used with cautions as their other meanings are not so “polite”

     1. Badass

    When you say that something or someone is “badass” you are saying that you admire them. It’s usually used to say something or someone that is “cool” is also tough and a little intimidating.

    Be careful when you use this, however, not only is it informal but “ass” technically is
    a mild English swear word. 

    For example:

    Vin Diesel gets more and more badass with each “Fast and Furious” movie.

    Your leather jacket is so badass!

    2. Bitchin’

    Like with “badass”, you can use this to say that you think that something is “cool”. Also, like “badass” however, you need to be careful around who you say this with because it derives from a swear word or insult.

    For example:

    This is my favorite club. The music is bitchin’.

    3. The shit

    Okay. “Shit” is a swear word that means feces. It is commonly used as an exclamation of pain, displeasure, or anger. However, adding the article “the” makes it another way of staying cool.

    Be very careful with this. Native English speakers will usually use a tone of voice to convey if they are saying this as an insult or a compliment, but it can be easily open to misinterpretation.

    For example

    I love that movie! It was the shit!


    In order to improve your fluency and hold daily conversations with native English speakers, it’s as important to learn different English slang words as it is to learn the most common words and phrases of English.

    One effective way to learn slang is to download lists of different English slang words and memorize them. To help you learn the different ways that “cool” can be used, we have complied these words
    into a list in a PDF that you can download.

    We also recommend that you go through this list of ways to say “cool” with your online native English speaking tutor. They can provide you with some useful tips about not only when and where you should use these different words for “cool” but also how to properly pronounce them

    Sounds cool? Awesome! Have fun learning.

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