Convert writing to word

Convert to WORD format online, for free.

Max file size 1GB.
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How to Convert to WORD?

  1. Click the “Choose Files” button to select your files.
  2. Convert to WORD by clicking the «Convert» button
  3. Once the conversion finishes, click the «Download WORD» button to save the file.

Convert Any File

FreeConvert supports 500+ file formats. Simply upload your files and convert them to WORD format. Alternatively, you can upload WORD files and convert them to a different format. All from the convenience of one tool!

Best Quality

We use both open source and custom software to make sure our conversions are of the highest quality. In most cases, you can fine-tune conversion parameters using “Advanced Settings” (optional).

Free & Secure

Our WORD converter is free and works on any web browser. We guarantee file security and privacy. Files are protected with 256-bit SSL encryption and automatically deleted after 2 hours.

Convert WORD to other file types can convert your WORD files to these other formats:

Specific WORD converters

While this page can convert any Document to WORD, you may wish to visit following Converter pages that only support specific conversions

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Best Free Online Text to Word Converter

  • To convert one file type to another, you can use this app’s feature for free. Without registration and a captcha. Here you can convert documents online and save them in the format you need on your computer or any other device.
  • Text to Word Converter is your multipurpose conversion tool for almost all popular file formats. You can make it online in seconds for free.
  • You can use our online tool without downloading any software and free of charge. Just use your browser.
  • Even though the tool is free, no one limits you by the number and size. It significantly distinguishes the Text to Word Converter from competitors.
  • Forget about malware, viruses, and storage space. With our application, you only upload the edited file and nothing else.
  • Quick and easy

    Text to Word Converter is a service for online file conversion from one type to another. We support many popular formats for work, all possible image formats, multimedia file formats, etc. Our Text to Word conversion tool is easy to use: select the desired file type, then define the output format of your document, upload the file and click ‘Upload’.

    Security guaranteed

    We guarantee secure and private. We do not get the right to your file and there will be no manual checking. We care about your privacy and your files. In this regard, we will also not share your data with other parties. It is essential that you have the opportunity to immediately delete the files you have uploaded from our server. If you forget to do this, they will be automatically deleted from our server after 24 hours. We completely secure your information.

    Universal conversion

    You can convert files to Text to Word from any OS or device with an internet connection. Our service works on any OS including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    Most popular conversions

    We support the most common conversion options for work and study. Use our Free application to decrease your workload, when dealing with both document and image files.

    Fast and Easy Conversion

    Fast and Easy Conversion

    Upload your document, choose the save format type and click on “Convert” button. You will get the download link as soon as the file is converted.

    Convert from Anywhere

    Convert from Anywhere

    It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. All files are processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation required for you.

    Conversion Quality

    Conversion Quality

    . All files are processed using Aspose APIs, which are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.

    TXT to DOC (WORD) Converter

    Convert your txt files to doc online & free

    Drop files here. 100 MB maximum file size or Sign Up

    Convert to TXT


    Plaintext Text File

    TXT is a file format that contains the text, organized in rows. Text files opposed binaries that contain data that is not intended for interpretation as a text (encoded sound or image). The text file can contain both formatted and unformatted text. Since the very simple text files, they are frequently used for storing data.

    DOC Converter


    Microsoft Word Document

    DOC is a file extension for word processing documents. It is associated mainly with Microsoft Word application. DOC files can also contain charts and tables, videos, images, sounds and diagrams. It supports almost all the Operating Systems.

    How to convert TXT to DOC

    Step 1

    Upload txt-file(s)

    Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.

    Step 2

    Choose «to doc»

    Choose doc or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)

    Step 3

    Download your doc

    Let the file convert and you can download your doc file right afterwards

    TXT to DOC Quality Rating

    4.6 (18,667 votes)

    You need to convert and download at least 1 file to provide feedback!


    Перетащите документ в эту область

    (Поддерживаемые форматы: DOC, DOCX, EPUB, FB2, RTF, XLS, XLSX, HTM, HTML, TXT, ODT, PPT, PPTX)

    Наш конвертер в MS WORD формат

    Онлайн конвертер — очень удобный и практичный инструмент для конвертирования документов из одного формата в другой. Онлайн конвертер форматов TXT, Excel, Powerpoint в DOC формат — это онлайн утилита, которая облегчит жизнь любому букинисту и поможет сконвертировать любой файл или документ в Word DOC формат. Конвертер преобразует ваш документ в формат, доступный для редактирования, с наилучшим качеством. Вам не требуется устанавливать дополнительное программное обеспечение или создавать учётные записи, вместо этого вы просто заходите на наш сайт и конвертируете ваши документы онлайн

    С помощью нашего сервиса вы можете преобразовать любой документ Microsoft Word в формат PDF. Чтобы распознать текст из документа PDF, воспользуйтесь ссылкой сервис распознавания. PDF документы также могут быть сконвертированы в Word.

    Зачем конвертировать в WORD формат

    Существует множество причин для конвертирования файлов в Word документ. Возможно вам необходимо отредактировать документ или добавить какую-нибудь информацию или же отредактировать ошибки в документе. Вдобавок, конвертируемый документ может быть частью отчёта и вам необходимо скопировать его часть в общую структуру отчёта. Очень важно, что всё конвертирование бесплатное и не требует установки отдельных приложений или создания учётных записей. К тому же конвертер оптимизирован под офисные нужды и выполняют конвертирование в считанные секунды или минуты, в зависимости от сложности исходного документа.

    Шаги конвертации

    Конвертер не требует установки дополнительных программ и создания учётных записей. Он абсолютно бесплатен в отличие от многих других приложений.

    Кроме того, бывает достаточно сложно найти официальные и надёжные сайты, соответствующие стандарту и выполняющие качественное конвертирование.

    Для конвертирования в WORD формат вам необходимо выбрать желаемый итоговый формат DOC или DOCX и загрузить документ для конвертирования.

    Ниже описаны для конвертирования документа на нашем сервисе:

    • Посетите ваш портал
    • Выберите желаемый конечный формат (DOC или DOCX)
    • Загрузите файл с диска или с веб странички, или же просто перетащите документ в область, обозначенную «Перетащите документ в эту область»
    • Конвертер запуститься автоматически
    • По завершении конвертирования, сконвертированный документ сохранится в браузере

    Преимущества тестового онлайн конвертера в Word

    Форматы документов

    Наш сервис поддерживает следующие исходные форматы: DOC DOCX EPUB FB2 RTF TXT ODT XLS XLSX PPT PPTX HTM HTML. Мы поддерживаем большое набор форматов для конвертирования, а также постоянно стараемся его расширять.

    Сервис бесплатный

    Сервис некоммерческий и не имеет ограничений на размер конвертируемого документа, т.е. ваш исходный документ может быть любого размера, но мы берём на себя право самостоятельно распределять ресурсы сервера для преобразований.

    Не требует дополнительных установок

    Конвертирование документа происходит онлайн, нет необходимости устанавливать дополнительное ПО.

    how to convert handwriting to text in word

    How to convert handwriting to text in Word ? This is something that has been done manually for years, but now there is a way to automate this process.

    If you have ever tried to write out a long paper document or letter by hand, then you know how frustrating it can be. Writing out words by hand is slow and tedious.

    In today’s world, handwriting has become less common. Many people prefer to type their school notes rather than write them out longhand.

    However, if you need to Write on iPad something down quickly, you might find yourself wishing you could convert handwritten text into typed text.

    This tutorial shows you how to convert handwritten documents into text using Microsoft Word.


    • 1 How to Convert Handwriting into Word Document
    • 2 How to convert handwriting pdf to text in word
      • 2.1 Step 1.
      • 2.2 Step 2.
      • 2.3 Step 3.
    • 3 Convert Scan Handwriting to Text Microsoft Word
      • 3.1 Step 1.
      • 3.2 Step 2. 
    • 4 Convert Touch-Screen Handwriting to Text (Draw to text word)
    • 5 Convert Scanned Handwriting to Text
    • 6 Create Custom Font
    • 7  The Best Software to Convert Handwriting to Text Converter Online

    How to Convert Handwriting into Word Document

    Handwriting is a lot more personal than typing, which can be hard to write with quickly and accurately. But how to convert handwriting to word document. Fortunately, there are many apps on your phone or computer that let you convert handwritten text to word document with just the tap of one button.

    To scan cursive to text, all you need are the right tools. Place your document on a scanner and import it into your computer. Users can turn their handwriting into fonts or use ones designed with this purpose. They may even look like genuine letterheads.

    Related: Best Laptop For Taking Handwritten Notes

    Bellow how to convert handwriting to text in word in mobile. PDFelement is a great tool to convert handwriting into text. It can scan any document and recognize the content of that handwritten page. Only your phone’s camera will work in place. 

    Step 1.

    The easiest way to open your image file is by dragging and dropping it into the interface. You can also select “Open Files” from within this program for other options on how you would like to get access.

    Step 2.

    After opening a scanned PDF file, you will be asked to perform OCR. Click on the “Tool” > ‘OCR’ button and choose your preferred font for editing text with this automated tool.

    Surround your text in Scan Mode before launching “OCR”. Tap on the blue bar labeled Change Language. Finally, tap the Apply button located next lower left side near the Pencil icon.

    Step 3.

    After converting the file, you can then edit it. The “Convert” button converts handwriting to text. Also allows editing before conversion, which helps add more words.

    Convert Scan Handwriting to Text Microsoft Word

    You can turn your handwriting Microsoft word into text in a blink of an eye with the help of this program. This tool not only converts what was written but makes sure it’s something worth reading as well. But all users from around the world love how easy it is. 

    Step 1.

     Launch the PDFelement app and tap on “Back” to return back one step. From there, click the file> Create from Scanner button when ready.

    Step 2. 

    The pop-up window now has your scanner listed. You can select it for connection or optimize scanned PDFs. Then click “Scan” to finish the process when complete -the scanned document is opened inside of it.

    To make your text editable in the created PDF format file, you must have selected “Recognize Text (OCR). Clicking on the To Text button in this tab will convert it into a .txt format. For easy importing and editing with any word processing app.

    Convert Touch-Screen Handwriting to Text (Draw to text word)

    Do you have a touch-enabled device? No longer do the hassle of having to scan and type in Cursive Chromebook. When signing documents or emailing handwritten note. Look for the draw tab on Microsoft Word handwriting to text . Select your pen/input method of choice from among digital pens or mouse writing panels. 

    You can choose to have the screen’s writing converted into text for you instead of scanning it, instead of scanning handwriting, or typing up everything. You can draw a picture with your phone for easier reading in documents.

    Convert Scanned Handwriting to Text

    How to scan a handwritten document into word. You can now use OneNote to convert hand-written notes rather than typing the entire thing out.  Open up your PDF file in this program before capturing any words, so they are saved.

    This is good for those who write faster with a apple pencil or pen as it will save them from having to type everything out when they could already be lecturing.

     You can convert handwritten text to digital text file in several different ways. Google Docs and Drive are both free tools you can use, with google docs being especially convenient because it converts your handwritten notes into editable word file or documents.

    Another option is to convert handwriting into text using an OCR (optical character recognition) tool. SimpleOCR provides free conversion for scanned documents. With Despeckle and Noisy Document features available if you need more accuracy in converting handwritten texts.

    Create Custom Font

    Now you can turn your handwriting into a font that will last for eternity. The calligrapher is an app that lets users turn their input into fonts. 

    You can take pictures and templates in seconds with one tap technology. With this service, there’s no need to be confined by other people when it comes to writing. Create custom letters on the fly, all while having fun playing around with different designs or letter styles (fonts). 

    If you want your text to look like it was written with a pen and paper, there are different fonts. Scroll through the options built into Word or Google Fonts. There are many that simulate handwriting for all styles of writing, from formal letters to journal entries. Download one which suits what kind of content is being created today.

     The Best Software to Convert Handwriting to Text Converter Online

     Handwriting is a unique form of expression. It’s one way to show off your creativity and personality, so why not convert it to text? This can be done with software that will either convert handwriting. 

    There are many options available online, but three are the best powerful tool : 

    • Microsoft OneNote.
    • PDF Scanner.
    • Office Lens.
    • Google Keep.
    • Google Drive.
    • Adobe Scan
    • CamScanner.

    Also Read: How to Take Notes in College with a Laptop


    how to convert handwriting to text in Word

    Article Name

    how to convert handwriting to text in Word


    Learn how to convert handwriting to text in word using third-party software. Follow these steps and you’ll be good at converting handwriting into text.


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