Convert word numbers to number

Word to Number Converter is easy to use tool to convert decimal words to Number. Copy, Paste and Convert to Number.

«Words to numbers» refers to converting words or text representing a numerical value into its corresponding numerical form. For example, the term «three» can be converted to the numerical form «3».

This process is often used in various applications, such as altering the amount written on a check or invoice into its numerical form for processing or converting text input in a calculator or spreadsheet program into numerical values for calculation.

How Words to Numbers Converter works?

There are different approaches to converting words to numbers, depending on the context and the specific requirements of the task. One standard method is to use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to identify the numerical value from the text input and convert it into its numerical form. Another approach is to use pre-defined lookup tables or libraries that map words to their corresponding numerical values. This tool uses pre-defined constants and logic to convert words to numbers.

Do you want to convert words and phrases to lottery numbers? Then you have come to right place.

What can you do with Words to Numbers?

  • Translate Word to Number is a very unique tool to convert US Dollar Text to Numbers.
  • This tool allows loading the Word URL, which loads Words and converts to Number. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • Users can also convert Word File to Number by uploading the file.
  • Word to Number Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Example of Word

Output: Word to Number


For Advanced Users

External URL

Load External URL in Browser URL like this

Data as Parameter

Load Data in Browser URL input like this Million

Coming soon These number tools are on the way

Generate Numberwang Numbers

Create a list of numberwang numbers.

Generate Magic Numbers

Create a list of neat looking numbers.

Draw a Magic Square

Create a matrix of numbers with rows and cols having same sum.

Rewrite Numbers

Given numbers and a grammar, recursively rewrite them.

Create a Floating Point Number

Create a number from the mantissa, base, and exponent.

Visualize a Floating Point Number

Show how a fp number is represented in a computer.

Convert a Number to the Scientific Notation

Convert a number to the a×10<sup>b</sup> form.

Convert Scientific Notation to a Number

Convert a number in scientific notation to a regular number.

Generate Unary Numbering

Create a list of unary numbers (1, 11, 111, 1111, …).

Generate Symbolic Numbering

Create a list of alphabetic numbers (a, b, c, …, z, aa, ab, …).

Generate Roman Numbering

Create a list of Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, iv, v…).

Generate Braille Numbering

Create a list of Braille numbers (⠂, ⠆, ⠒, ⠲, ⠢, …).

Generate Random Binary Numbers

Create a list of random binary numbers.

Generate Random Octal Numbers

Create a list of random octal numbers.

Generate Random Decimal Numbers

Create a list of random decimal numbers.

Generate Random Hex Numbers

Create a list of random hexadecimal numbers.

Calculate a Running Sum

Calculate a cumulative sum of a list of numbers.

Calculate a Running Difference

Calculate a cumulative difference of a list of numbers.

Calculate a Running Product

Calculate a cumulative product of a list of numbers.

Calculate Number Quotient

Divide two numbers and find their quotient.

Calculate Digit Quotient

Divide the digits of the given number.

Calculate the Factorial

Find the factorial of a number.

Create Number Anagrams

Create one or more anagrams of a number.

Generate Number Bigrams

Create a list of digit bigrams from a number.

Generate Number Trigrams

Create a list of digit trigrams from a number.

Generate Number N-grams

Create a list of digit ngrams from a number.

Generate a Polynomial Sequence

Create a list of polynomial progression numbers.

Generate SI Prefixes

Create a list of metric prefixes.

Analyze a Number

Report how many digits appear how many times.

Convert a Number to an Ordinal

Convert a cardinal number to an ordinal number.

Convert an Ordinal to a Number

Convert an ordinal number to a cardinal number.

Convert a Number to Roman Number

Convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals.

Convert a Roman Number to Regular Number

Convert Roman Numerals to Arabic numerals.

Generate Negafibonacci Numbers

Calculate a series of extended Fibonacci numbers.

Generate Fibonacci Primes

Find numbers that are both Fibonacci numbers and primes.

Fibonacci Number Test

Check if a number is a Fibonacci number.

Fibonacci Prime Test

Check if a number is both a Fibonacci number and a prime.

Construct Fibonacci Words

Create a sequence of Fibonacci words.

Construct Tribonacci Words

Create a sequence of Tribonacci words.

Construct Tetranacci Words

Create a sequence of Tetranacci words.

Construct Pentanacci Words

Create a sequence of Pentanacci words.

Generate Negalucas Numbers

Calculate a series of extended Lucas numbers.

Generate Lucas Primes

Calculate a series of extended Lucas numbers.

Lucas Prime Test

Check if a number is both a Lucas number and a prime.

Generate Moser de Bruijn Numbers

Calculate a sequence of Moser-Bruijn numbers.

Generate Kolakoski Numbers

Calculate a sequence of Oldenburger-Kolakoski numbers.

Generate Stanley Numbers

Calculate a sequence of Stanley numbers.

Generate Gijswijt Numbers

Calculate a sequence of self-describing Gijswijt numbers.

Generate Rudin-Shapiro Numbers

Calculate a sequence of Rusin-Shapiro numbers.

Generate Baum-Sweet Numbers

Calculate a sequence of Baum-Sweet numbers.

Generate Thue-Morse Sequence

Calculate members of Thue-Morse number series.

Generate Perfect Numbers

Create a list of perfect numbers.

Generate Almost Perfect Numbers

Create a list of almost perfect numbers.

Generate Excessive Number Sequence

Calculate a sequence of abundant numbers.

Generate Deficient Number Sequence

Calculate a sequence of deficient numbers.

Calculate Dragon Curve Numbers

Generate a list of paperfolding sequence numbers.

Generate Composite Numbers

Create a list of numbers that are not prime.

Draw a Number on an LCD

Generate an LCD display that shows the given number.

Draw a Numbers Table

Generate a table of numbers.

Test if a Number is Perfect

Check if the given number is a perfect number.

Test if a Number is Abundant

Check if the given number is an abundant number.

Test if a Number is Deficient

Check if the given number is a deficient number.

Calculate the Modulo

Find the modulus of a number.

Group Number Digits

Group together digits of a number.

Split a Number into Digits

Create a list of digits from a number.

Printf Numbers

Apply sprintf or printf function to numbers.

Create Zalgo Numbers

Let Zalgo destroy your numbers.

Repeat a Number

Repeat a number multiple times.

Mirror a Number

Create a mirror copy of a number.

Custom-pad a Number

Add a padding of custom symbols to a number.

Reverse a Number

Reverse the order of digits of a number.

Rotate a Number

Cyclically rotate digits of a number to the left or right.

Increase a Number

Add one to the given number.

Increase All Digits in a Number

Add one to every digit in a number.

Decrease a Number

Subtract one from the given number.

Decrease All Digits in a Number

Subtract one from every digit in a number.

Find Patterns in Numbers

Discover patterns in sequences of numbers.

Count Number Occurrences

Find how often numeric values occur.

Generate Custom Numbers

Create numbers of arbitrary length and properties.

Print Googol

Print the Googol/Google number, which is 10<sup>100</sup>.

Generate Big Numbers

Create a list of big numbers.

Generate Small Numbers

Create a list of small numbers.

Generate Natural Numbers

Create a list of natural numbers.

Generate Rational Numbers

Create a list of rational numbers.

Generate Constant Sequence

Create a series of numbers where all terms are the same.

Generate Real Numbers

Create a sequence of real numbers.

Generate Complex Numbers

Create a list of complex numbers.

Generate Binary Numbers

Create a sequence of binary numbers.

Generate Pairs of Numbers

Create a sequence of number pairs.

Generate Triples of Numbers

Create a sequence of number triples.

Generate Tuples of Numbers

Create a sequence of number n-tuples.

Generate a Short Number

Create a number with not that many digits.

Generate a Long Number

Create a number with many digits.

Interweave Numbers

Interweave two or more number digit-by-digit.

Find the Decimal Expansion of a Number

Rewrite a number in the decimal representation.

Convert a Fraction to a Decimal

Convert a fraction to a decimal number.

Convert a Decimal to a Fraction

Convert a decimal number to a fraction.

Convert a Binary Number to Octal Number

Convert a base two number to base eight number.

Convert a Binary Number to Decimal Number

Convert a base two number to base ten number.

Convert a Binary Number to Hex Number

Convert a base two number to base sixteen number.

Convert a Octal Number to Binary Number

Convert a base eight number to base two number.

Convert a Octal Number to Decimal Number

Convert a base eight number to base ten number.

Convert a Octal Number to Hex Number

Convert a base eight number to base sixteen number.

Convert a Decimal Number to Binary Number

Convert a base ten number to base two number.

Convert a Decimal Number to Octal Number

Convert a base ten number to base eight number.

Convert a Decimal Number to Hex Number

Convert a base ten number to base sixteen number.

Convert a Hex Number to Binary Number

Convert a base sixteen number to base two number.

Convert a Hex Number to Octal Number

Convert a base sixteen number to base eight number.

Convert a Hex Number to Decimal Number

Convert a base sixteen number to base ten number.

Convert Any Number to Any Base

Convert any number in any base to any other base.

Change Number’s Mantissa

Change the significand of a number.

Change Number’s Exponent

Change the power of a number.

Replace Digits with Letters

Replace digits in a number with alphabet letters.

Create a Number Spiral

Form a spiral from the digits of a number.

Create a Number Circle

Form a circle from the digits of a number.

Create a Number Tree

Form a tree from the given numbers.

Create a Number Digit Tree

Form a tree from the digits of a number.

Remove Decimal Point

Remove the decimal separator from a decimal number.

Add Errors to Numbers

Modify numbers so they are almost the same but have errors.

Change Number Font

Write numbers in a different font.

Generate Bold Numbers

Write numbers in a bold font.

Generate Underline Numbers

Write numbers with an underline below them.

Generate Strikethrough Numbers

Write numbers with a strikethrough on them.

Generate Superscript Numbers

Write numbers in a superscript font.

Generate Subscript Numbers

Write numbers in a subscript font.

Create Fake Numbers

Change digits in a number to Unicode look-alikes.

Perturb Numbers

Change the given numbers a little bit.

Perturb Number Digits

Change the digits of the given numbers a little bit.

Find Entropy of a Number

Calculate the complexity (entropy) of a number.

Numberwang Number Test

Test if the given number is numberwang.

Convert Word to Number allows you to convert a decimal number written in words to it’s numeric form

Modal Header

Some text in the modal.

Output: Converted result

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World’s simplest online text to numbers translator for web developers and programmers. Just paste the words in the form below, press the Convert button, and you’ll get numbers. Press a button – get numbers. No ads, nonsense, or garbage.

Announcement: We just launched Online Math Tools – a collection of utilities for solving math problems. Check it out!

Using a Words to Numbers Converter in Cross-browser Testing

A words to numbers converter can be useful if you’re doing cross-browser testing. For example, if you need to write tests that convert English words to numbers then with this utility, you can generate many test cases for it. Also, you can use it to generate a look-up table that maps words to numbers. Or, you can use this program at any time when you have any words convert.

Pro tip: You can use ?input=text query argument to pass text to tools.

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    Given a string S, containing numeric words, the task is to convert the given string to the actual number.


    Input: S = “zero four zero one”
    Output: 0401

    Input: S = “four zero one four”
    Output: 4014

    Method #1: Using loop + join() + split() One of the ways to solve this problem is to use a map, where one can map the numeric with words and then split the strings and rejoin using mapping to numbers. 


    help_dict = {

        'one': '1',

        'two': '2',

        'three': '3',

        'four': '4',

        'five': '5',

        'six': '6',

        'seven': '7',

        'eight': '8',

        'nine': '9',

        'zero': '0'


    test_str = "zero four zero one"

    print("The original string is : " + test_str)

    res = ''.join(help_dict[ele] for ele in test_str.split())

    print("The string after performing replace : " + res)


    The original string is : zero four zero one
    The string after performing replace : 0401

    Time complexity: O(n)
    Auxiliary space: O(n), where n is length of string.

    Method #2: Using word2number library This problem can also be solved using PyPI library word2number. It has inbuilt functions that convert words to numbers. 


    from word2number import w2n

    test_str = "zero four zero one"

    print("The original string is : " + test_str)

    res = w2n.word_to_num(test_str)

    print("The string after performing replace : " + str(res))

    Time complexity: O(n)
    Auxiliary space: O(n)

    Approach 2: Using Regular Expressions (re)
    We can use the re module in python to find all the word occurrences in the string and then use a dictionary to map the words to numbers. After that, we can use the re.sub function to replace all the word occurrences with their corresponding numbers.


    import re

    def convert_to_numbers(s):

        words_to_numbers = {

            'one': '1',

            'two': '2',

            'three': '3',

            'four': '4',

            'five': '5',

            'six': '6',

            'seven': '7',

            'eight': '8',

            'nine': '9',

            'zero': '0'


        pattern = re.compile(r'b(' + '|'.join(words_to_numbers.keys()) + r')b')

        return re.sub(pattern, lambda x: words_to_numbers[], s)

    s = "zero four zero one"


    Time complexity: O(n)
    Auxiliary space: O(n)

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