Convert pdf to word text ocr

Конвертор картинки в текст позволяет извлекать текст из изображения или конвертировать PDF в Doc, Excel или текстовый формат онлайн с помощью оптического распознавания символов


1 ШАГ — Загрузить


2 ШАГ — Выбрать язык и выходной формат

3 — Конвертировать

Максимальный размер 15 mb.


Используйте OCR онлайн

для извлечения текста и символов из отсканированных PDF-документов (включая многостраничные файлы), фотографий и изображений, снятых цифровой камерой

Картинка в текст

Любые изображения JPG, BMP или PNG могут быть преобразованы в текстовые форматы вывода с тем же макетом, что и исходный файл

Конвертировать PDF в DOC

Конвертируйте PDF в WORD или EXCEL онлайн. Извлечение текста из отсканированных PDF-документов, фотографий и сканированных изображений бесплатно

Совместимость с iOS и Android

Вы можете конвертировать файлы с мобильных устройств (iPhone или Android) или ПК (WindowsLinuxMacOS)

Безопасное преобразование

Все документы, загруженные под гостевой учетной записью, будут автоматически удалены после конвертации. Выходные файлы для зарегистрированных пользователей хранятся один месяц

Бесплатный сервис

Услуга OCR бесплатна для пользователей «Гость» (без регистрации) и позволяет конвертировать 15 файлов в час

Преобразование отсканированных документов и изображений в редактируемые форматы Word, Pdf, Excel и Txt (простой текст)

Доступно страниц: 10 (Вы уже использовали 0 страниц)

Если вам нужно распознать больше страниц, пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь

Загрузите файлы для распознавания или перетащите их на эту страницу

Поддерживаемые форматы файлов:

pdf, jpg, bmp, gif, jp2, jpeg, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, ppm, tga, tiff, wbmp

  • Китайский OCR
  • Немецкий OCR
  • Нидерландский OCR
  • Английский OCR
  • Французский OCR
  • Итальянский OCR

Как распознать текст с изображения?

Шаг 1

Загрузите изображения или PDF-файлы

Выберите файлы с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox, по ссылке или перетащив их на страницу

Шаг 2

Язык и формат

Выберите все языки, используемые в документе. Кроме того, выберите .doc или любой другой формат, который вам нужен в результате (поддерживается больше 10 текстовых форматов)

Шаг 3

Конвертируйте и скачивайте

Нажмите «Распознать», и вы можете сразу загрузить распознанный текстовый файл

PDF to WORD (with OCR) You can easily convert your PDF files to WORD by doing a text recognition (OCR) in scanned pages with this online tool. Furthermore, the Online PDF Converter offers many more features. Just select the files, which you want to merge, edit, unlock or convert. Supported formats
Depending on your files you can set many options (most of them can be combined!)
— You can select particular pages, rotate PDF pages, reorder pages, split files and much more (just have a look at the buttons right of the selected file)
— A PDF protection for printing, copying and editing is removed automatically (without password). For read-protected PDF files the correct password is required.
— Many other options can be defined, like header/footer, layout and compression.

Please report all problems and bugs in the Feedback-Section to improve the quality of the converter. Thank you!

What language is the text? (For best results)

All uploaded files are permanently removed from our servers within 1 hour.

By uploading a document, you agree to our terms and conditions.

The original layout and format will be maintained like magic!

Reading text. This may take a moment…

Powered by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology


How this free online OCR tool works

This online tool converts scans or images of text documents into editable Word documents using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. All Word documents are converted with the original document layout and columns preserved. The larger and more clear the scans of text, the better the results will be. In most cases, we can achieve over 99% accuracy in detecting the text in your images.
This tool is free to use, no registration necessary.

OCR: How to convert an image to text

This tool is ideal for transforming non-editable scanned documents (such as scanned contracts, invoices, receipts, or text archives) back into digitized text which can be further edited, searched, or indexed.

Files supported by this free OCR tool

Just drag and drop any PNG, or JPG, or multi-page PDF document containing images of text into the form and your file will instantly be converted into a Word document you can edit.

OCR tool limitations for converting images to text

You are free to use this tool without limitation. The tool accepts files of up to 10 MB and scanned PDFs of up to 30 pages. If you need to split your PDF into smaller files, you may do so to here. There are no limits to how often you may use this tool.


We take your privacy seriously; your data is safe. All uploaded files are permanently removed from our servers within 1 hour. If you want to learn more, please see our privacy policy for more details.

Преобразовать отсканированные страницы PDF в текст с помощью OCR с более чем 100 языков распознавания Russian

Загрузка PDF-редактора, пожалуйста, подождите …

Что это PDF OCR ?

PDF ocr — это бесплатный онлайн-инструмент для извлечения текста из отсканированного PDF-документа. Если вы хотите преобразовать PDF в слово, PDF в текст или отсканированный PDF в слово, тогда PDF ocr — ваш инструмент. С помощью онлайн-инструмента распознавания PDF вы можете быстро и легко конвертировать PDF в Word.


В этом видео будет подробно показано Как PDF ocr.

Дополнительные настройки

Метод OCR

Исходный язык файла

Чтобы получить оптимальный результат, выберите все языки, которые есть в файле.

Улучшить OCR

Применить фильтр:

Конвертер DOCX

Преобразование из PDF в DOCX или из результатов сканирования в DOCX. PDF — очень удобный формат, но его сложно редактировать. Упростите извлечение цитат, редактирование текста или его повторное использование!

What are the Main Differences Between the Two PDF to Word OCR Solutions?

No Download Needed

With our online PDF to Word OCR tool, you convert your scanned files online directly in your browser (an active internet connection is required).

No Internet Needed

Able2Extract PRO works completely offline. You can use it to convert your docs offline without having to upload files to external servers for conversion.

The Quicker Way

The online scanned PDF to Word converter only converts entire image PDFs to DOCX with a 2-step conversion process. No advanced conversion options.

The More Accurate Way

Unlike the free online converter, Able2Extract PRO offers the latest generation OCR engine with advanced settings and selective conversion options.

OCR for Scanned Files in English

The online converter automatically recognizes scanned PDF text and converts it to an editable Word file, but can’t recognize non-English characters.

Multi-language OCR Engine

The OCR engine in Able2Extract PRO can successfully convert scanned documents in English, Spanish, French, German and 8 additional languages.

Only Whole Documents

You can convert whole PDFs only which can induce longer waiting times for large documents. Recognition algorithm underperforms on graphical elements.

Partial Conversions + R2V

Ability to perform partial page conversions (supported by Raster-to-Vector) makes Able2Extract Pro the best choice for both scanned text and graphical elements.

2 Free Conversions per Day

Two free conversion actions per day — no email address required. The file size limit is 50 MB. We use a 2048-bits RSA key with SHA-256 encryption.

7-day Free Trial

Able2Extract PRO has a 3-page conversion limit after one unrestricted conversion action. Purchasing a license removes this limitation.

PDF Converter with Basic OCR

Our free online tool can only convert scanned PDF to Word. You can’t select a different output file format like Excel or use batch processing and other advanced features.

Full-featured PDF Software

Able2Extract PRO is a complete solution packed with advanced PDF conversion, editing, OCR, security and eSignature tools for all your PDF needs.


Scanned PDF to Word FAQ

Select Source Languages


(Supported Formats: PDF, BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, PNG)

What does our OCR service

Have you ever wished that you press “Ctrl + F” and search through the printed material for the specific information you’re looking for? Or that you have to edit the contents of a magazine or a PDF document without having to retype the complete document?
The classical solution in all these cases was to re-type the entire content and edit it. That is still the normal practice when it comes to editing printed contracts, brochures or magazine pages. But we all know how laborious and hectic this solution can get. Free OCR converter, on the other hand, is something that can solve your problem, save you money, save your precious time and deliver quick and efficient results just by a few clicks

With our service you can convert Microsoft Word document to PDF format. Anytime you can make a PDF to Word conversion. Also, if you want to convert a book in DJVU format, please, use this link Djvu to PDF. Our service also allows to convert images to PDF. To prepare PDF from eBook or Fb2 document, please, use the link ePub to PDF. Additionaly splitting or merging of PDF can be executed at the corresponding pages: Split PDF and Merge PDF.

About OCR

Optical Character Recognition or OCR is a technology that enables you to convert printed or handwritten documents into editable text files. Just by scanning the printed documents through the OCR text scanner software you can easily convert the files into soft copies which can be edited, copied or shared as per your requirements. The OCR text scanners are highly versatile and can scan text from images, printed documents and PDF files. The OCR software can be downloaded or used as OCR online services.

How the OCR works

Although, the concept of “machines” reading “texts” is not new and was introduced as early as the 1960s. Though at that time the computer could have read only one type of font called the OCR-A. With the advancement of technology, OCR text scanners became more advanced and enabled the users to utilize the technology for a wider array of applications. Currently, the OCR text scanners majorly use two different methods to pick up the printed text and convert it to the editable format.

The Matrix Matching method

The first method is the matrix matching technique. This method works on the principle of matching the printed text with a database of character templates and fonts. The OCR text scanner scans through the printed text, compares it with the existing library of templates and once a match is found, it transforms the data into the corresponding ASCII code. You can then manipulate this data as per your requirements. This method is quick in returning results but due to the limitation of the database the matrix matching method has its limitations. The method fails when it has to read the text not present in its database and outputs incorrect text. Hence the users have to remain vigilant while using this method as it can create errors that need to be corrected manually.

Feature Extraction Method

The other method used by OCR software is the feature extraction method. This method is based on Artificial Intelligence, where the OCR online software is designed to pick up the common points in the shapes of the letters such as the curvatures, slanting and empty spaces of an alphabet. The OCR text scanners search for these common points in a text and return the results in ASCII code of characters after a certain percentage of “match” is found.
Hence this method looks for recurring patterns that represent a letter and the software can predict the letter just by scanning through the common points found in the pattern. The method is more flexible and can work with a large number of printed or handwritten documents.

Further, the AI constantly updates its knowledge of different handwritings and fonts which makes it more versatile with usage.

OCR online

The easiest way to convert your printed files into editable version is by using the OCR online services offered by our free OCR converter. It’s extremely easy to use the OCR online services as you only have to scan the document, upload it and the file will be converted into an editable version to be downloaded. Free OCR service is a great opportunity for businesses to take advantage of and save their precious time and money.

There are multiple benefits to using free OCR services online. These benefits include:

  • The time taken for the complete process is greatly reduced and large documents can be prepared in just a few minutes. Editing contracts, magazine pages and brochures has become very easy now.
  • Simplification of the process for data extraction from complex documents.
  • Reducing the chance of human error involved in the read and retype method.
  • Elimination of man-hour costs required for the hectic data entry process.
  • The OCR text scanners are sophisticated and can detect difficult handwritings too that can take time for the human eye to read and process.

With faster turn-around times and advanced OCR text scanners, the technology can save a substantial amount of time and cost for the users that can be used for a variety of printed or PDF documents.

Our Online OCR service benefits

OCR Source Formats

Scanned PDF or different image formats

No Limitations

There is no limitation on the number of pages to be recognized

Service Resources Only

OCR recognition is executed on the our servers only

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