Convert decimal to word

Coming soon These text tools are on the way

Calculate Levenstein Distance

Find Levenstein distance of two text fragments.

Tokenize Text

Create a list of all words in text.

Lemmatize Text

Lemmatize all words in text.

Stem Words in Text

Apply stemming to all words in text.

Color Symbols in Text

Add color to punctuation symbols in text.

Color Letters in Text

Add color to letters in text.

Color Words in Text

Add color to words in text.

Color Sentences in Text

Add color to sentences in text.

Color Paragraphs in Text

Add color to paragraphs in text.

Generate Glitch Text

Mess up characters in your text.

Generate Random Text

Generate text using random words.

Generate Lorem Ipsum Text

Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text.

Create a Crossword Puzzle

Generate a crossword puzzle from the given words.

Convert Text to Code Points

Convert text characters to their corresponding code points.

Convert Code Points to Text

Convert numeric character code points to text.

Convert CSV to Text Columns

Convert CSV data to plain text columns.

Convert Text Columns to CSV

Convert plain text columns to a CSV file.

Generate Text Trigrams

Create a list of all 3-grams.

Generate Text Skip-grams

Create a list of all n-skip-m-grams.

Convert Text to a Number

Encode the entire text to a single number.

Convert a Number to Text

Decode text that was encoded as a number back to text.

Chunkify Text

Divide text into chunks of certain size.

Format Text

Apply formatting and modification functions to text.

Find the Number of Symbols in Text

Count the number of punctuation marks and other sybmols in text.

Find the Number of Letters in Text

Count the number of letters in text.

Find the Number of Sentences in Text

Count the number of sentences in text.

Find the Number of Paragraphs in Text

Count the number of paragraphs in text.

Statistical Text Analysis

Analyze text for most frequent letters, words, and phrases.

Find Patterns in Text

Analyze text for interesting patterns.

Add Diacritics to Text

Add accent marks to text letters.

Enumerate Letters

Add a counter before every letter in text.

Enumerate Words

Add a counter before every word in text.

Enumerate Sentences

Add a counter before every sentence in text.

Enumerate Paragraphs

Add a counter before every paragraph in text.

Interweave Text Fragments

Interleave the letters or words of the given text fragments.

Randomize Letter Spacing

Mess up the spacing between letters in any text.

Find All Email Addresses in Text

Extract all emails from text.

Find All Web Addresses in Text

Extract all URLs from text.

Find All Numbers in Text

Extract all numbers from text.

Find All Countries in Text

Extract all countries from text.

Find All Cities in Text

Extract all cities from text.

Encode Text to Punycode

Convert text to punycode.

Decode Punycode to Text

Convert punycode to text.

Convert Text to Baudot Code

Encode text to Baudot encoding.

Convert Baudot Code to Text

Decode Baudot-encoded text.

Convert Text to Base32

Encode text to base32 encoding.

Convert Base32 to Text

Decode base32-encoded text.

Convert Text to Base45

Encode text to base45 encoding.

Convert Base45 to Text

Decode base45-encoded text.

Convert Text to Base58

Encode text to base58 encoding.

Convert Base58 to Text

Decode base58-encoded text.

Convert Text to Base85

Encode text to Ascii85 encoding.

Convert Base85 to Text

Decode Ascii85-encoded text.

Convert Text to Base65536

Encode text to base65536 encoding.

Convert Base65536 to Text

Decode base65536-encoded text.

Convert Text to Nettext

Encode text to nettext encoding.

Convert Nettext to Text

Decode nettext-encoded text.

Convert Text to Speech

Convert written text into natural sounding voice.

Convert Speech to Text

Convert a voice recording to text.

UTF8-encode Text

Encode text to UTF8 encoding.

UTF8-decode Text

Decode UTF8-encoded text.

UTF16-encode Text

Encode text to UTF16 encoding.

UTF16-decode Text

Decode UTF8-encoded text.

UTF32-encode Text

Encode text to UTF32 encoding.

UTF32-decode Text

Decode UTF32-encoded text.

Uuencode Text

Convert text to Unix-to-Unix encoding.

Uudecode Text

Decode Unix-to-Unix-encoded text.

Xxencode Text

Convert text to Xxencoding.

Convert Text to Quoted Printable

Encode text to QP encoding.

Convert Quoted Printable to Text

Strip HTML Tags from Text

Remove all HTML tags from Text.

Strip XML Tags from Text

Remove all XML tags from Text.

Remove Carriage Returns from Text

Remove new line symbols from the end of each text line.

Compare Text

Find the difference between two text fragments.

Create Text Typos

Generate various text typos.

Create a Mirror Copy of Text

Generate a mirror reflection of text.

Grep Text

Grep text for regular expression matches.

Head Text

Extract first symbols, words, or lines from text.

Tail Text

Extract last symbols, words, or lines from text

Generate Text Mnemonic

Return the first letter of each word in text.

Duplicate Sentences in Text

Make every sentence to be two sentences in the given text.

Remove Sentences from Text

Delete certain sentences from text.

Duplicate Paragraphs in Text

Make every paragraph to be two paragraphs in the given text.

Create a Word Cloud

Create an image from all words in text.

Create a Letter Circle

Create a circle from all letters in text.

Create a Letter Spiral

Create a spiral from all letters in text.

Create a Word Circle

Create a circle from all words in text.

Create a Letter Matrix

Create a matrix of any dimensions from letters in text.

Create a Word Matrix

Create a matrix of any dimensions from words in text.

Create a Word Spiral

Create a spiral from all words in text.

Split Words into Syllables

Split the input text into syllables.

Draw LCD Text

Write any text on an LCD display (with LCD font).

Draw a 2D Text

Convert text to 2-dimensional drawing.

Draw a 3D Text

Convert text to 3-dimensional drawing.

Create a Text Marquee

Create a horizontally or vertically scrolling text.

Animate Text

Create a GIF animation of a text message.

Slowly Reveal Text Message

Create a GIF animation that slowly reveals a text message.

Mojibake Text

Decode text using the wrong encoding and create garbled text.

Unbake Mojibaked Text

Try to find original text from garbled mojibaked text.

Obfuscate Text

Make text harder to read.

Print the Alphabet

Generate the entire alphabet from a to z.

Randomize the Alphabet

Print the alphabet in random order.

Scramble Text

Make text barely readable.

Remove Curse Words from Text

Delete swear words from text.

Edit Text

Edit text in a neat browser-based editor.

Numbers to Words Converter is easy to use tool to convert Numbers to Readable Strings. Copy, Paste, and Convert.

A Number to Word converter is a tool or program that converts a numerical value (such as 100,000,000) into its equivalent written form (such as «One Hundred Million»).

This tool is typically used in financial or banking applications to convert numerical values into written form for check writing, invoicing, or other similar tasks.

They can also be used in different applications where it is necessary to convert numerical values into written form, such as in academic, educational, or research contexts.

Number-to-Word converters are available in many programming languages, such as Java, C++, C#, Javascript, and many more. This tool is designed to make numbers easier to read and understand.

What can you do with Number to Text?

  • Convert Numbers to Words is a very unique tool to convert Numbers for US Dollar, India Rupees, British Pound and Euro.
  • This tools supports Thousand, Million, Billion, Trillion, Quadrillion, Quintillion, Sextillion, Septillion, Octillion and Nonillion
  • This tool allows loading the Numbers URL, which loads Numbers and converts to Words. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • Users can also convert Numbers File to Easy to read words by uploading the file.
  • Converted words can be converted into UPPER CASE, lower case and Title Case.
  • Convert Number to Words Calculator Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Example of Numbers

Numbers Try it.


Output: Numbers to Words


For Advanced Users

External URL

Load External URL in Browser URL like this

Data as Parameter

Load Data in Browser URL input like this,000,000

World’s simplest online decimal to text converter for web developers and programmers. Just paste dec values (integers) in the form below, press the Convert Dec to Text button, and you’ll get plain text. Press a button – get text. No ads, nonsense, or garbage.

Using a Decimal Number to String Converter in Cross-browser Testing

A decimal number to string converter can be useful if you’re doing cross-browser testing. For example, if you have made a web application that uses quick keyboard shortcuts or logs key presses, then often the key presses are recorded as keycodes. Each keycode is a decimal number (an integer) that represents the ASCII code or Windows 1252 code of the key. To make sure that your web application works correctly from release to release and doesn’t break during refactoring, you have to write unit tests for it. These tests are run before the release to make sure the JavaScript code that works with keycodes or ASCII codes remains working. You can also use this program to decode a secret message that someone has sent you if they encoded text to decimal numbers before. Such secret messages are often used in web forums and chat programs to hide spoilers. You can just paste the integers here and see what it says. Another use case is debugging data dumps. If you have a data dump in base-10, then you can paste it here and convert it to readable text.

Pro tip: You can use ?input=text query argument to pass text to tools.

Decimal In Words
25.567 Twenty-five and five hundred sixty-seven…
0.003 Three thousandths
2.60 Two and sixty hundredths
2.600 Two and six hundred thousandths
8492.432 Eight thousand four hundred ninety-two a…
7.11 Seven and eleven hundredths
5.33 Five and thirty-three hundredths
202.01 Two hundred two and one hundredths
1017.36 One thousand seventeen and thirty-six hu…
4.25 Four and twenty-five hundredths
0.7 Seven tenths
8.6 Eight and six tenths
1,017.36 One and thirty-six hundredths
0.8 Eight tenths
7.6 Seven and six tenths
4.2 Four and two tenths
8.60 Eight and sixty hundredths
1.809 One and eight hundred nine thousandths
-96.453 Four hundred fifty-three thousandths
9.1 Nine and one tenths

Coming soon These string tools are on the way

View and Edit Strings

Quickly edit a string in a browser-based editor.

Replace Multiple Strings

Replace a set of strings with a new set of strings.

Title-case a String

Convert a string to a title.

Proper-case a String

Convert a string to proper case.

Capitalize Words in a String

Convert the first letter of every word in a string to uppercase.

Justify a String

Stretch out a string and align it along the left and right margins.

Left-align a String

Align a string to the left.

Format a Multi-line String

Format and align a multi-line string.

Number of Letters in a String

Find how many letters there are in a string.

Number of Words in a String

Find how many words there are in a string.

Number of Lines in a String

Find how many lines there are in a multi-line string.

Number of Paragraphs in a String

Find how many paragraphs there are in a multi-line string.

Sort Letters in a String

Sort all letters in a string alphabetically.

Sort Words in a String

Sort all words in a string alphabetically.

Sort a Numeric String

Sort a string that contains only numbers.

Reverse Words in a String

Reverse the order of all words in a string.

Reverse Sentences in a String

Reverse the order of all sentences in a string.

String Frequency Analysis

Find most frequent letters, words and phrases in a string.

Generate a Custom String

Create a string with specific properties.

Create String Mnemonic

Generate a mnemonic for words in a string.

Create an Anagram from a String

Rearrange letters in a string and create a new string.

Number a Multi-line String

Add line numbers to a multi-line string.

Wrap a String

Wrap strings to the given line length.

Chunkify a String

Split a string into chunks of certain length.

Divide a String into Syllables

Find syllables in a string.

Shuffle Words in a String

Shuffle the order of all words in a string.

Extract Emails from a String

Find and extract all email addresses from a string.

Extract URLs from a String

Find and extract all web addresses from a string.

Zigzagify a String

Make a string go in zigzags.

Circlify a String

Make a string go in a circle.

Squarify a String

Make a string go in a square or a rectangle.

Spiralify a String

Make a string go in a spiral.

Blockify a String

Fit a string in an N-by-M block.

Extract Numbers from a String

Find and extract all numbers from a string.

Calculate String Statistics

Analyze a string’s complexity, including entropy.

ROT18 a String

Quickly convert a string to ROT18.

Convert a String to Punycode

Encode a string to punycode.

Convert Punycode to a String

Decode a string from punycode.

QP-encode a String

Convert a string to quoted-printable encoding.

QP-decode a String

Convert quoted-printable encoded data to a string.

Base32-encode a String

Encode a string to base32.

Base32-decode a String

Decode a string from base32.

Base45-encode a String

Encode a string to base45.

Base45-decode a String

Decode a string from base45.

Base58-encode a String

Encode a string to base58.

Base58-decode a String

Decode a string from base58.

Base85-encode a String

Encode a string to Ascii85.

Base85-decode a String

Decode a string from Ascii85.

UTF8-decode a String

Decode a string from UTF8.

UTF16-encode a String

Encode a string to UTF16.

UTF16-decode a String

Decode a string from UTF16.

UTF32-encode a String

Encode a string to UTF32.

UTF32-decode a String

Decode a string from UTF32.

IDN-decode a String

Decode a string from IDN encoding.

Uuencode a String

Convert a string to Unix-to-Unix encoding.

Uudecode a String

Convert Unix-to-Unix data to a string.

Xxencode a String

Convert a string to Xxencoding.

Xxdecode a String

Convert an Xxencoded string to a regular string.

HTML-strip a String

Strip all HTML tags from a string.

Remove Accent Characters

Remove all diacritical signs from a string.

Add Accent Characters

Randomly add accent characters to letters in a string.

Delete String Symbols

Remove punctuation marks and other symbols from a string.

Delete String Characters

Remove characters from a string.

Delete String Vowels

Remove vowels from a string.

Delete String Consonants

Remove consonants from a string.

Add Duplicate Spaces

Duplicate spaces in a string so one space becomes two.

Remove Duplicate Spaces

Normalize string spacing and remove all duplicate spaces.

Diff Two Strings

Visualy compare and find differences between two strings.

String Levenshtein Distance

Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings.

String Hamming Distance

Calculate Hamming distance between two strings.

Find LCS of Two Strings

Find the longest common subsequence of two strings.

Rewrite a String

A tiny string rewriting system.

Reduce String Alphabet

Limit the alphabet letters that are used in a string.

Generate a Zalgo String

Convert a string to Unicode mess.

Make a Zalgo String Readable

Remove Unicode mess from a string.

Generate String Typos

Create a list of all possible string typos.

Mirror a String

Generate a mirror copy of a string.

Generate Trigrams

Generate all 3-grams of a string.

Generate all N-grams

Generate all ngrams of a string.

Generate N-skip-M-grams

Generate n-skip-m-grams of a string.

Tokenize a String

Create a list of tokens from a string.

Lemmatize a String

Lemmatize all words in a string.

Stem a String

Do stemming of all words in a string.

Grep a String

Extract fragments that match a regular expression in a string.

Head a String

Split a string into fragments and extract the beginning parts.

Tail a String

Split a string into fragments and extract the ending parts.

Convert a String to Hyperstring

Create a hyperstring from a string.

Convert Hyperstring to a String

Create a regular string from a hyperstring.

Convert a String to an Array

Create an array of characters from a string.

Convert a String to Integers

Split a string into characters and return their integer values.

Replace Letters with Digits

Put digits in place of characters in a string.

Quote a String

Wrap a string in a pair of quotes.

Unquote a String

Remove quotes around a string.

Fix String Quoting

Correct misquoted strings (add/remove missing quotes).

Shift a String

Shift characters in a string to the left or right.

Color a String

Create a colorful string.

Slugify a String

Create a SEO-friendly URL from a string.

Create Mistakes in a String

Substitute random characters in a string and make errors.

Find Mistakes in a String

Run a spell checker and find mistakes in a string.

Mix Two Strings

Interleave two strings character by character.

Repeat String Characters

Duplicate characters in a string multiple times.

Generate LCD String

Draw a string on an LCD screen.

Generate a Short String

Create a string that doesn’t have too many characters.

Generate a Long String

Create a string that has many characters.

Create a String of Certain Length

Generate a string with a certain amount of characters.

Generate Twin Strings

Create two strings that have the twin property.

Generate Triplet Strings

Create three strings that have the triplet property.

Create a String Cloud

Generate a word cloud from all words in a string.

Partition a String

Split a string into multiple substrings.

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