Contraction word for you had

What is the contraction word for they had?


Is ‘i’d I would or I had?

The contraction I’d can mean either ‘I would’ or ‘I had’. If you’re unable to understand the meaning of I’d (or he’d, she’d, we’d, etc.) from the context of a sentence, try looking at the verb form that follows it: would is followed by the bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

What is the contraction for had not?

List o’ Common Contractions:

WORDS (negating a verb) CONTRACTION
were not weren’t
have not haven’t
has not hasn’t
had not hadn’t

What is the contraction for it has?


How many contractions are there?

Contraction words are made out of common words, and there are a little over 90 standard contractions.

Is its ever correct?

Its’ is never correct. Your grammar and spellchecker should flag it for you. Always change it to one of the forms below. It’s is the contraction (abbreviated form) of “it is” and “it has.” It’s has no other meanings–only “it is” and “it has.”

When to use were or was?

Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they. There is a tip you might want to consider. Even though you are singular, you must use “were”.

When to use its or their?

BizWritingTip response: As ABC Enterprises is considered a singular noun, you would have to use the personal pronoun “its.” ABC Enterprises offered all its employees a bonus. (Its is replacing the company’s name.) You would only use “their” when the noun it is replacing is plural.

What is the correct possessive form of it?

Its is the possessive form of “it.” It’s (with an apostrophe) is always short for “it is” (it’s so fun) or “it has” (it’s been nice knowing you).

Can its be possessive?

Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, “belonging to it,” or a “quality of it” (Example: The carrier lost its license) or (Example: Its color is red.) And there’s absolutely, positively no such word as its’.

What is a possessive in grammar?

A possessive noun is a noun that possesses something—i.e., it has something. In most cases, a possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe +s to the noun, or if the noun is plural and already ends in s, only an apostrophe needs to be added. When a noun ends in the letter s or an s sound, the same format applies.

What is the difference between your and you re?

Your is a possessive adjective. It is always followed by a noun in a sentence. You’re is a contraction of two words, “you” and “are.” Contractions can be easily recognized by the apostrophe. If not the correct word to use is your.

Is it your pretty or you’re pretty?

“You’re” is the compound of “you are”. So it’s “you are cute”. “Your” is possessive.

What your is correct?

Understanding how to use YOUR and YOU’RE: Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. Your is always followed by a noun or gerund. You’re is the contraction of “you are” and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).

Is it crazy or your crazy?

Replace YOUR with MY. If it sounds correct then YOUR is correct. If it doesn’t sound correct, then you need to use YOU’RE. YOUR house is big. YOUR crazy.

Is more crazy correct?

The comparative form of crazy; more crazy.

Is it your dad or youre dad?

“You’re” is short for “you are.” “Your” shows that something belongs to “you” or is related to “you” (e.g., your car, your father).

Which is or that is?

In a defining clause, use that. In non-defining clauses, use which. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. If you can remove the clause without destroying the meaning of the sentence, the clause is nonessential and you can use which.

Which is correct sentence?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense.

Who is VS that is?

When you are determining whether you should use who or that, keep these simple guidelines in mind: Who is always used to refer to people. That is always used when you are talking about an object. That can also be used when you are talking about a class or type of person, such as a team.

What’s the difference between which and that?

“That” is used to indicate a specific object, item, person, condition, etc., while “which” is used to add information to objects, items, people, situations, etc. Because “which” indicates a non-restrictive (optional) clause, it is usually set off by commas before “which” and at the end of the clause.

Which vs what questions?

“Which” is more formal when asking a question that requires a choice between a number of items. You can use “What” if you want, though. Generally speaking, you can replace the usage of “which” with “what” and be OK grammatically. It doesn’t always work the other way around, however.

What is the difference between who Which And that?

Both which and that can function as relative pronouns. That is only used in defining relative clauses while which can be used in both defining and non-defining clauses. That can be used to refer to both objects and persons. Which is not used for persons.

Can which and that be used interchangeably?

Although “which” and “that” are both pronouns, they are not interchangeable. “Which” is used for non-restrictive phrases, and “that” is used for restrictive phrases.

What is the difference between which and that in relative clauses?

The grammatical explanation is that “which” introduces a non-essential clause, meaning that it doesn’t define the noun it’s describing, while “that” introduces an essential clause, meaning that it clarifies exactly which noun the sentence is about.

Who that which relative clauses?

Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, whose, which, that. The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative clause.

What is defining and non defining clause?

A defining relative clause identifies who or what we are speaking about, whereas a non-defining relative clause just gives us more information about who or what we are speaking about. A non-defining relative clause is separated from the main part of the sentence by commas.

What is a defining clause?

A defining clause looks to the noun modified and singles it out among others that could exist in the context. A defining clause points a finger at the noun modified and says, “that noun, not any others named by that noun.” A defining clause begins with the relative pronoun that and is not set off by commas.

What is mean by defining?

Something defining is essential to what something is. In the dictionary, definitions tell you what words mean, and the similar word defining has to do with what things are too. The defining characteristic of a chair is that you sit on it. The defining feature of food is you can eat it.

How do you identify a defining clause?

We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about someone or something – information that we need in order to understand what or who is being referred to. A defining relative clause usually comes immediately after the noun it describes.

What is the contraction word for they had?


What is the contraction word for it is?

For example: The contraction for “it is” is: its, it’s, i’ts. Words: you’re, we’ll, I’d, won’t, how’ll, haven’t, who’d, I’ve, why’s, when’d.

Is ‘i’d I had or I would?

The contraction I’d can mean either ‘I would’ or ‘I had’. If you’re unable to understand the meaning of I’d (or he’d, she’d, we’d, etc.) from the context of a sentence, try looking at the verb form that follows it: would is followed by the bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

Is I have had correct?

“Have had” is using the verb have in the present perfect tense. Consider the present tense sentence: I have a lot of homework. This means that I have a lot of homework now.

What is the meaning of I had?

I possessed

What is I have been?

“Has been” and “have been” are both in the present perfect tense. “Has been” is used in the third-person singular and “have been” is used for first- and second-person singular and all plural uses. The present perfect tense refers to an action that began at some time in the past and is still in progress.

Had a great time meaning?

To enjoy oneself; to find pleasure in a particular situation or activity. This phrase can also be used as an imperative. We had a really good time at the circus last weekend. A: “I’m going to a concert tonight.” B: “Ooh, have a good time!” See also: good, have, time.

How do you respond to had dinner?

  1. Both “just had dinner” and “just have dinner” are grammatically correct, but in different contexts.
  2. If I just ate dinner, that’s what I’d say, not “I just had dinner.” Someone saying that could be telegraphing, “I’m not a native speaker of American English.” I “eat” dinner, I don’t “have it.”

Do you had your breakfast?

Normally, one would say, “Have you had breakfast?” or “Did you have breakfast [yet]?” to ask if someone has eaten breakfast on a particular day or morning. When used with breakfast, do can also mean eat (besides make, etc).

What did you eat in breakfast?

Breakfast Ideas

  • eggs.
  • French toast, waffles, or pancakes (try wheat or whole-grain varieties)
  • cold cereal and milk.
  • hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat (try some dried fruit or nuts on top)
  • whole-grain toast, bagel, or English muffin with cheese.
  • yogurt with fruit or nuts.

Have you had the breakfast correct the sentence?

“Have you had your breakfast?” is correct. You finished your breakfast already. You did finish your breakfast. Both sentences use past tense.

How do you use have you had?

The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have)….Have had and had had

  1. I have a sister.
  2. She has a car.
  3. He has a nice job.
  4. I have breakfast at 8.30.
  5. I have a shower before I go to bed.
  6. I have a nap in the afternoon.

Have you eaten yet meaning?

The person is basically asking you whether you already had your dinner/lunch/breakfast. Sometimes, it is an indication that they want to invite you out. Sometimes, it is an indication that they worry about you. Sometimes, it is just an indication to know what you ate that time.

Did you eaten your dinner?

“Have you eaten dinner” is a perfectly understandable and grammatically correct question. However, there are other ways to say it: “Have you had dinner?” is a little more conversational. “Have” is a verb you can substitute for “eat” in American English.

Is Have you eaten correct?

In standard English, the past participle form of eat is always eaten. Ate is the simple past form. In the perfect tenses, which are indicated by has, had and have, you will always use eaten, even in questions where has, had or have has moved to the front of the sentence away from the verb: I eat, we eat, Jeff eats.

Did you eat or ate?

3 Answers. You would never say “Did you ate?”. In this specific context you would use “Did you eat?” or “Have you eaten?” You can use “Ate” as a verb to simplify other sentences, for example: “I ate today” rather than “I have eaten today”.

Did you eat or have you eaten?

I come up with some sentences as f. In London, it’s nearly always “Have you had lunch?” “Eaten” is rarely used. The best answer is, “Have you eaten lunch yet?” The present perfect form is used to show a period of time from the past until right now, and that’s what the speaker really wants to know.

Did u eat your lunch?

-Did you eat your lunch? Both are correct. Have you eaten your lunch? is more common when the intent is to have lunch together at 3 if he hasn’t eaten his lunch yet.

What is the contraction word for they had?

Alex Heath


What is the contraction word for they had?

This is an explanatory supplement to the Wikipedia:Manual of Style guideline.

Contraction Meaning
they’d they had / they would
they’ll they shall / they will
they’re they are / they were
they’ve they have

Where do you have contractions at?

Where do you feel the pain? Contractions are usually only felt in the front of the abdomen or pelvic region. Contractions usually start in the lower back and move to the front of the abdomen.

How do contractions feel when they first start?

What do contractions feel like when they first start? Contractions can feel overwhelming and cause discomfort when they start or you may not be able to feel them unless you touch your belly and feel the tightening. You can feel your belly getting super hard and tight at intervals.

How soon after diarrhea does labor start?

Loose bowel movements can happen 24–48 hours before labor. Nesting is a spurt of energy some women may experience before labor begins. You may want to clean the house, wash clothing, or shop for groceries.

What exercise can I do to open my cervix?

Walking around the room, doing simple movements in bed or chair, or even changing positions may encourage dilation. This is because the weight of the baby applies pressure to the cervix. People may also find swaying or dancing to calming music effective.

How can I open my cervix to get pregnant?

The cervix feels soft, like your lips, and the opening of the cervix is open so that sperm can pass through it. The cervix is also more centrally placed during this time. You may increase your chances of getting pregnant by having sex one to two days prior to ovulation.

What is a painless delivery?

Painless delivery refers to the use of an epidural injection which is given by an anaesthesiologist for pain relief during labour. It is injected in the lower back, and a plastic tube is placed through which drugs are released around the spinal cord.

Can active labor start suddenly?

It’s very unlikely that you will suddenly go into labor without warning. Your body will let you know that you’re close to the big day, so you can make sure your hospital bag is packed, and be ready to go to the hospital when the time is right.

Is a quick Labour more painful?

While most labors stretch several long hours, some women experience a “precipitous labor” that only lasts two or three hours. Fast labor seems great at first glance (fewer contractions and less pain!) but it could actually come with a host of worrisome side effects ranging from emotional trauma to baby head injury.

What is Fast Labor called?

If your labor is faster than the normal range, it’s called precipitous labor. Most moms hope for a quick and easy labor, but precipitous labor may be too fast and can lead to health concerns for both you and your baby.

How fast can you give birth?

What is the earliest week you can safely deliver? The earlier your baby is born, the greater the risks to their health and survival. If born before week 37, your baby is considered a “preterm” or “premature” baby. If born before week 28, your baby is considered “extremely premature.”

How long is active labor?

How long it lasts: Active labor often lasts four to eight hours or more. On average, your cervix will dilate at approximately one centimeter per hour.

What is the shortest time in labor?

This mom gave birth in just two minutes, and while it might be the shortest labor and delivery ever recorded, a fast or precipitate labor is not always a good thing. An Australian mother wins the award for shortest labor ever after giving birth to her fifth child in two minutes flat.

What is the longest labor on record?

After 75 days – and what is believed to be the longest labour ever recorded – Joanna gave birth to a healthy girl, Iga, and boy, Ignacy. The two babies were delivered by caesarean at a neo-natal clinic in Wroclaw, Poland. Each weighed just under 4lb.

What is the youngest mother in the world?

Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado

What is 10 babies born at once called?

Quintuplets occur naturally in 1 in 55,000,000 births. The first quintuplets known to survive infancy were the identical female Canadian Dionne Quintuplets, born in 1934. Quintuplets are sometimes referred to as “quins” in the UK and “quints” in North America.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the contraction word for they had?
  2. What is the contraction word for it is?
  3. Is ‘i’d I had or I would?
  4. Is I have had correct?
  5. What is the meaning of I had?
  6. What is I have been?
  7. Had a great time meaning?
  8. How do you respond to had dinner?
  9. Do you had your breakfast?
  10. What did you eat in breakfast?
  11. Have you had the breakfast correct the sentence?
  12. How do you use have you had?
  13. Have you eaten yet meaning?
  14. Did you eaten your dinner?
  15. Is Have you eaten correct?
  16. Did you eat or ate?
  17. Did you eat or have you eaten?
  18. Did u eat your lunch?


What is the contraction word for it is?

For example: The contraction for “it is” is: its, it’s, i’ts. Words: you’re, we’ll, I’d, won’t, how’ll, haven’t, who’d, I’ve, why’s, when’d.

Is ‘i’d I had or I would?

The contraction I’d can mean either ‘I would’ or ‘I had’. If you’re unable to understand the meaning of I’d (or he’d, she’d, we’d, etc.) from the context of a sentence, try looking at the verb form that follows it: would is followed by the bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

Is I have had correct?

“Have had” is using the verb have in the present perfect tense. Consider the present tense sentence: I have a lot of homework. This means that I have a lot of homework now.

What is the meaning of I had?

I possessed

What is I have been?

“Has been” and “have been” are both in the present perfect tense. “Has been” is used in the third-person singular and “have been” is used for first- and second-person singular and all plural uses. The present perfect tense refers to an action that began at some time in the past and is still in progress.

Had a great time meaning?

To enjoy oneself; to find pleasure in a particular situation or activity. This phrase can also be used as an imperative. We had a really good time at the circus last weekend. A: “I’m going to a concert tonight.” B: “Ooh, have a good time!” See also: good, have, time.

How do you respond to had dinner?

  1. Both “just had dinner” and “just have dinner” are grammatically correct, but in different contexts.
  2. If I just ate dinner, that’s what I’d say, not “I just had dinner.” Someone saying that could be telegraphing, “I’m not a native speaker of American English.” I “eat” dinner, I don’t “have it.”

Do you had your breakfast?

Normally, one would say, “Have you had breakfast?” or “Did you have breakfast [yet]?” to ask if someone has eaten breakfast on a particular day or morning. When used with breakfast, do can also mean eat (besides make, etc).

What did you eat in breakfast?

Breakfast Ideas

  • eggs.
  • French toast, waffles, or pancakes (try wheat or whole-grain varieties)
  • cold cereal and milk.
  • hot cereal, such as oatmeal or cream of wheat (try some dried fruit or nuts on top)
  • whole-grain toast, bagel, or English muffin with cheese.
  • yogurt with fruit or nuts.

Have you had the breakfast correct the sentence?

“Have you had your breakfast?” is correct. You finished your breakfast already. You did finish your breakfast. Both sentences use past tense.

How do you use have you had?

The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have)….Have had and had had

  1. I have a sister.
  2. She has a car.
  3. He has a nice job.
  4. I have breakfast at 8.30.
  5. I have a shower before I go to bed.
  6. I have a nap in the afternoon.

Have you eaten yet meaning?

The person is basically asking you whether you already had your dinner/lunch/breakfast. Sometimes, it is an indication that they want to invite you out. Sometimes, it is an indication that they worry about you. Sometimes, it is just an indication to know what you ate that time.

Did you eaten your dinner?

“Have you eaten dinner” is a perfectly understandable and grammatically correct question. However, there are other ways to say it: “Have you had dinner?” is a little more conversational. “Have” is a verb you can substitute for “eat” in American English.

Is Have you eaten correct?

In standard English, the past participle form of eat is always eaten. Ate is the simple past form. In the perfect tenses, which are indicated by has, had and have, you will always use eaten, even in questions where has, had or have has moved to the front of the sentence away from the verb: I eat, we eat, Jeff eats.

Did you eat or ate?

3 Answers. You would never say “Did you ate?”. In this specific context you would use “Did you eat?” or “Have you eaten?” You can use “Ate” as a verb to simplify other sentences, for example: “I ate today” rather than “I have eaten today”.

Did you eat or have you eaten?

I come up with some sentences as f. In London, it’s nearly always “Have you had lunch?” “Eaten” is rarely used. The best answer is, “Have you eaten lunch yet?” The present perfect form is used to show a period of time from the past until right now, and that’s what the speaker really wants to know.

Did u eat your lunch?

-Did you eat your lunch? Both are correct. Have you eaten your lunch? is more common when the intent is to have lunch together at 3 if he hasn’t eaten his lunch yet.

1. contraction of had: I was glad they’d gone.

2. contraction of did: Where’d they go?
Technically incorrect, but very much used as it coincides with spoken English so much.

3. contraction of should or would: He’d like to go. I’d like to remind you of your promise.
As far as I know, this is never a contraction of should, only a contraction of would. (If people have seen examples, please post them)

4. contraction of -ed: She OK’d the plan.
As explained before, this should be OKed, but as people get confused by the use of acronyms etc. under a very colloquial use of english (OK as a verb, etc) it is quite common to see ‘d put instead of «ed» to denote past tense.

I wonder if it is possible to get counfused by, for example:

He would like to go
He did like to go
This wouldn’t happen:
You should say «He liked to go» and not «He did like to go». There is the possibility to say «He did like to go» (A él sí le gustaba ir), but since you are stressing the «did», it would never be contracted.

The only case for (incorrectly) contracting «did» to ‘d is with with questions, as you quote above:

Where’d you go?
What’d he do?

But it is an incorrect contraction, but still commonly used.

Thanks a lot

This lesson explains how to make contractions with the verb HAVE and a subject pronoun or the negative adverb not. Before you continue, review these lessons: Contractions | Verb HAVE.

The simple present of the verb HAVE (have | has) is frequently contracted with a subject. Join the conjugated verb to the subject and replace the first two letters of the verb with an apostrophe.

not contracted   words
  delete first
two letters
I have Ihave Ihave I’ve
They have Theyhave Theyhave They’ve

In American English, has is not usually contracted with a subject when it is the main verb in a sentence.

uncontracted (common)   contracted (not common)
I have a blue car. I’ve a blue car.
We have good news. We’ve good news.

Instead, Americans prefer using the present perfect with got (past participle of the verb GET).

uncontracted   contracted   American English
I have a blue car. I’ve a blue car. I’ve got a blue car.
We have good news. We’ve good news. We’ve got good news.

Has can never be contracted with its subject (he, she, or it) when it is the main verb in the sentence and is in the present tense.

uncontracted incorrect
He has chocolate. He’s chocolate.
She has a car. She’s a car.

These false contractions look the same as contractions made with BE and change the meaning:

He+is He’s
She+is She’s
It+is It’s

However, these contractions are possible when HAVE is the auxiliary verb in the sentence.

uncontracted = contracted
He has left. He’s left.
It has rained. It’s rained.

We know these contractions are formed with has because they are  followed by past participles (left | rained).

In negative statements, the auxiliary verb HAVE is often contracted with the negative adverb not. Join not to the conjugation and replace the o with an apostrophe.

uncontracted   words
the o
have not havenot havenot haven’t
has not hasnot hasnot hasn’t

Here are examples of both forms of contraction: (subject + HAVE) and (HAVE + not).

uncontracted   less common   more common
I have not finished. I’ve not finished. I haven’t finished.
You have not eaten. You’ve not eaten. You haven’t eaten.
He has not started. He’s not started. He hasn’t started.
It has not rained. It’s not rained. It hasn’t rained.
We have not seen it. We’ve not seen it. We haven’t seen it.
They have not met. They’ve not met. They haven’t met.

There is no difference in meaning between these two forms of contraction, but the contractions with not are more common.

Related lessons:

  • Verb HAVE
  • Contractions with BE
  • Contractions with DO
  • EM

  • Articles

  • Usage

  • Punctuation


Contractions are shortened forms of words, in which some letters are omitted. An apostrophe generally marks the omission. Standard contractions include those that shorten the word not, the verbs be and have, and modal verbs. Here is a list of commonly used contractions.

Contracted Forms in English

Contraction Full form Examples
n’t not don’t (do not), isn’t (is not)
’s is, has she’s (she is, she has), what’s (what is, what has)
’re are you’re (you are), we’re (we are)
’ve have I’ve (I have), could’ve (could have)
’d had, would I’d (I had, I would), we’d (we had, we would)
’ll will I’ll (I will), you’ll (you will)
I’m I am
let’s let us
ma’am madam

(See also: List of standard contractions in English)

Contractions are often used in speech and lend an informal, personal tone to writing. Avoid using contractions in formal texts, such as academic papers.


  • Informal: We haven’t accounted for changes in pressure in this study.
    Formal: We have not accounted for changes in pressure in this study.

What is a contraction in grammar?

A contraction is a word in which some sounds or letters are omitted. An apostrophe generally replaces the omitted letters. Contractions are common in speech and informal writing.


  • What’s going on?

    what is = what’s (an apostrophe replaces the “i” in is)

  • I don’t know.

    do not = don’t (an apostrophe indicates the omitted “o” in not)

  • I’m happy to help.

    I am = I’m (an apostrophe replaces “a”)

Common contractions in English shorten the word not (isn’t, shouldn’t), the be verb (I’m, she’s, we’re), the have verb (you’ve, could’ve), and modal verbs (we’ll, they’d).

When should contractions be used?

Contractions lend an informal tone to writing and replace talking to your reader. In messages and personal communication, contractions sound normal and natural.


  • I’m on my way.
  • That’s fine. Don’t worry.
  • It’s all right.
  • Sorry I couldn’t take your call.

In contrast, in academic and other formal texts, avoiding contractions lends an air of formality to the document.


  • Informal: We couldn’t collect sufficient real-world data.
    Formal: We could not collect sufficient real-world data.
  • Informal: It’s important to account for bias.
    Formal: It is important to account for bias.

In ad copy, marketing slogans, and other signage, contractions can help save space and make your message sound more friendly.


  • It’s finger lickin’ good. (KFC)
  • I’m lovin’ it. (McDonald’s)
  • Because you’re worth it. (L’Oreal)

In creative writing as well, contractions, which are common in speech, can make dialogue sound more natural.


  • “Now you said you’d do it, now let’s see you do it.”
    Don’t you crowd me now; you better look out.”
    “Well, you said you’d do it—why don’t you do it?”

    — Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)


Avoid using contractions in formal texts, such as academic papers, cover letters, and business proposals.


  • Informal: We haven’t reviewed the financial statements of the subsidiaries yet.
    Formal: We have not reviewed the financial statements of the subsidiaries yet.

In this article, we discuss common contractions in English and when they are used.

Contractions with not

Not can be contracted to n’t when it is used with an auxiliary verb like can and have.


  • I can’t believe you don’t have a phone. (cannot, do not)
  • Haven’t you pressed the button yet? (have not)
  • I won’t tell anyone what happened. (will not)
  • Nesbit shouldn’t spend all his time indoors. (should not)

Can, which already ends in n, combines with not to form can’t. Will and shall lose their endings and combine with not to form won’t and shan’t.

Here is a list of not contractions in English: note how the adverb not combines with both primary (be, have, do) and modal auxiliary verbs (like can and could).

Contractions with Not

Contraction Full form
don’t do not
didn’t did not
isn’t is not
wasn’t was not
aren’t are not (also am not)
weren’t were not
hasn’t has not
haven’t have not
hadn’t had not
can’t cannot
couldn’t could not
shan’t shall not
shouldn’t should not
won’t will not
wouldn’t would not
mightn’t might not
mustn’t must not
needn’t need not

Be verb with not

The be verb contracts with not in two ways: you can either contract the verb form itself (is, are, am) or contract not.


  • Contracted not: Anita isn’t ready.
  • Contracted be verb: She’s not ready.

The word not is contracted more often with nouns.


  • Farley isn’t happy.

    Seen more often than “Farley’s not happy.” (The name “Farley” of course is a noun.)

  • The books aren’t here.

    Seen more often than “The books’re not here.” (“The books” is a noun phrase.)

The be verb is contracted more often with pronouns.


  • She’s not happy.

    Seen more often than “She isn’t happy” (where “she” is a pronoun).

  • They’re not here.

    Seen more often than “They aren’t here.”

Amn’t or aren’t?

With the pronoun I, use aren’t not amn’t to frame questions.


  • Aren’t I clever?
  • I’m your friend, aren’t I?

    for “I’m your friend,

    am I not


However, when the sentence is not a question but a statement, “I am not” is usually contracted to “I’m not” rather than “I aren’t.”


  • I’m not joking.

    Generally preferred to “I aren’t joking.”

In some dialects (Scottish and Irish), amn’t is acceptable in speech but still avoided in writing.

Ain’t (nonstandard)

Ain’t is a nonstandard contraction used colloquially in some dialects, where it replaces the relatively more formal contractions isn’t and aren’t.


  • I ain’t dead.
  • They ain’t listenin’.
  • That ain’t important now, is it?
  • It ain’t done till I say it’s done.

It may occasionally also replace hasn’t or haven’t.


  • They ain’t made a lock yet our Nesbit can’t pick.


The contraction ain’t is considered nonstandard and used only very informally.

Be and have contractions

Be and have, which take the verb forms am, is, are, has, have, and had, can contract and combine with a noun or pronoun (and occasionally, an adverb).


  • Lulu’s a dancer. (Lulu is)
  • Your order’s being processed. (order is)
  • I’m not ready. (I am)
  • They’re already here. (they are)
  • Lulu’s been baking again. (Lulu has been)
  • They’ve found the answer. (they have found)
  • She’d called me already before you got here. (she had called)
  • Here’s your money. (here is)
  • There’s no money in this purse. (there is)
  • That’s the restaurant I was telling you about. (that is)

Note that the have verb is not contracted in writing when it is the main verb and means “to possess.”


  • Poor: Poco’s seven cars in his garage.

    The main verb is has: Poco


    . Don’t contract it.

    Better: Poco has seven cars in his garage.

  • Poor: We’d no money.
    Better: We had no money.
  • but

  • Acceptable: Poco’s bought another car.

    The main verb is bought: Poco has bought. Has functions as an auxiliary (or helping) verb and can be contracted.

  • Acceptable: We’d discovered the cure by then.


Don’t use affirmative contractions at the end of a clause or a sentence.


  • Incorrect:“Have you ordered the shoes?” “Yes, I’ve.”
    Correct:“Have you ordered the shoes?” “Yes, I have.”
  • Incorrect:“Are you ready?” “I don’t know that I’m.”
    Correct:“Are you ready?” “I don’t know that I am.”
  • Incorrect:“Would you help me if you could?” “Of course I’d.”
    Correct: “Would you help me if you could?” “Of course I would.”

In contrast, negative contractions are acceptable at the end of a clause or a sentence.


  • Correct: No, I haven’t.
  • Correct: Of course I wouldn’t.

Contractions with pronouns

Personal pronouns like I, you, and they combine with the be and have verbs (am, is, are, has, have) to form standard contractions. These pronouns also combine with the modal verbs will and would.


  • Hi, I’m Maya. (I am)
  • You’re coming with me. (you are)
  • It’s my first day at work. (it is)
  • We’re happy to help. (we are)
  • She’s had a long day. (she has)
  • They’ve all gone on a picnic together. (they have)
  • I knew he’d been fighting. (he had)
  • Of course I’ll help you. (I will)
  • She’d know if we were lying. (she would)

The following table shows how contractions for personal pronouns are formed.

Contractions with Personal Pronouns

Contraction Full form Pronoun contraction
’m am I’m
’s is, has she’s, he’s, it’s
’re are we’re, you’re, they’re
’ve have I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve
’d had, would I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, it’d, we’d, they’d
’ll will I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, it’ll, we’ll, they’ll

Note how contractions with ’s can be short for either is or has: “He’s” can mean “he is” or “he has.” Similarly, contractions with ’d can stand for either had or would: “I’d” means both “I had” and “I would.”


The contraction of “you are” is you’re, not your.


  • Incorrect: Your not wrong.
    Correct: You’re not wrong. (you are)
  • Incorrect: Your your own worst enemy.
    Correct: You’re your own worst enemy. (you are)

Your is a possessive that appears before a noun.


  • Your answers are not wrong.
  • The enemy of your enemy is your friend.


Insert an apostrophe in its only if it is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” Omit the apostrophe when it is a possessive.


  • It’s raining.

    it’s = it is (contraction)

  • It’s stopped raining.

    it’s = it has (contraction)

  • The kitten is chasing its tail.

    its tail = the kitten’s tail (possessive; no apostrophe)

Other pronouns like that, which, and who can also form contractions with be and have in informal usage.


  • That’s not true! (that is)
  • The report that’s being released today is misleading. (that is)
  • My friend Farley, who’s an astronaut, is afraid of heights. (who is)
  • The person who’s been eating all the cookies is me. (who has)
  • These reports, which’ve already been released, are misleading. (which have)

Contractions with nouns

In speech, nouns form contractions with is and has (singular forms of the be and have verbs). These contractions are not generally seen in writing, and never in formal texts.


  • Rita’s my sister. (Rita is)
  • Farley’s in quarantine this week. (Farley is)
  • Your money’s on the way. (money is)
  • My daughter’s going to Thailand in May. (daughter is)
  • The cat’s been eating all the cheese again. (cat has)
  • Anita’s found the answer! (Anita has)

It is rarer for the plural verbs are and have to join with nouns (cakes’re baked; the cats’ve been eating).

Contractions with adverbs

Adverbs like now, here, and there combine with is to form contractions in informal usage.


  • Now’s your chance! (now is)
  • Here’s the entrance to the cave. (here is)
  • There’s a slight chance I might be wrong. (there is)

There can also form a contraction with has.


  • There’s been no change in status since we last spoke. (there has)

Plural contractions are rarer: there’re, there’ve.

Contractions with modal verbs

Modal verbs like could and would combine with have.


  • You could’ve done better, but you didn’t even try. (could have)
  • (would have)
  • You should’ve given her a chance to explain. (should have)


Could have and should have are contracted to could’ve and should’ve, not could of or should of. Could’ve is sometimes incorrectly written as could of because of how this contraction is pronounced.


  • You could of/could’ve told me you had an extra phone.
  • I should of/should’ve realized this would be a problem.

Will and would are contracted to ’ll and ’d in casual communication.


  • Anita’ll never believe what just happened. (Anita will)
  • I’ll buy the flowers myself. (I will)
  • You’ll call me, won’t you? (you will)
  • They’ll call us tomorrow. (they will)
  • You’d never know she was lying. (you would)
  • We’d like to cancel our membership. (we would)

Modal verbs can also form contractions with not.


  • Farley can’t find his shoes. (cannot)
  • She won’t tell anyone. (will not)
  • I wouldn’t know where to begin. (would not)
  • It shouldn’t be this hard. (should not)

Here is a list of contractions with modal verbs.

Contractions with Modal Verbs

Contraction Full form
could’ve could have
should’ve should have
would’ve would have
might’ve might have
must’ve must have
’ll will (I’ll, you’ll, we’ll)
’d would (I’d, she’d, they’d)
can’t cannot
couldn’t could not
shan’t shall not
shouldn’t should not
won’t will not
wouldn’t would not
mightn’t might not
mustn’t must not
oughtn’t ought not
needn’t need not

Contractions in questions

Negative forms using not are contracted in questions, not only in speech but also in formal usage.


  • Hasn’t Rita returned from Neptune yet?

    Not “

    Has not

    Rita returned yet?,” which would sound odd and archaic.

  • Don’t you want to get paid?
  • Couldn’t you find the answer?
  • Can’t you see I’m busy?

Negative question tags are also always contracted.


  • Farley should be given another chance, shouldn’t he?

    Not “Should not he?”

  • Rita has come back, hasn’t she?
  • Help me out, won’t you?

Forms of be and have can combine with question words like who and what in speech.


  • What’s going on? (what is)
  • What’s happened to him? (what has)
  • What’ve you done? (what have)
  • Where’s Anita when you need her? (where is)
  • Where’s she gone? (where has)
  • Where’ve you been? (where have)
  • Who’s that? (who is)
  • Who’s been eating all my porridge? (who has)
  • Who’ve you been talking to? (who have)

Contractions of words like what, where, and there with the plural verb are (what’re, where’re, there’re) are less common than singular forms (what’s, where’s, there’s).


Who’s is a contraction of who is, while whose is a possessive.


  • Who’s/Whose that at the window?

    who’s = who is (contraction)

  • Who’s/Whose been sitting in my chair?

    who’s = who has (contraction)

  • Who’s/Whose chair is this?

    whose = whom does it belong to (possessive)

Double contractions

Double contractions with have occur in speech but not in writing.


  • Rita couldn’t’ve planned this all by herself. (could not have)
  • Poco shouldn’t’ve bought that new car. (should not have)
  • I’d’ve known if she’d been lying. (I would have)

The be verb doesn’t form double contractions.


  • Incorrect: She’sn’t not happy.
    Correct: She’s not happy.
    Correct: She isn’t happy.
  • Incorrect: I’mn’t going on holiday this year.
    Correct: I’m not going on holiday this year.

Other contractions

Certain words like ma’am are contracted in speech. An apostrophe is used to signify the omitted sounds.


  • Yes, ma’am. I’ll send you the report today. (for madam)
  • Call the bo’s’n! (for boatswain)


The contraction let’s, used often in speech, is a contraction of let us, not let is. Use let’s to make suggestions.


  • Let’s go watch a movie. (let us)
  • Let’s play a game, shall we? (let us)

O’clock (contracted of)

The contraction o’clock is short for “of the clock” and is used to indicate time.


  • Is it nine o’clock already?
  • I usually wake up at six o’clock.

The word of is also contracted in other terms like man-o’-war, will-o’-the-wisp, cat-o’-nine-tails, and jack-o’-lantern.


In some dialects of English, the final sound of a word ending in -ing is not pronounced. When such speech is transcribed, an apostrophe is used to indicate the omitted “g.”


  • We were just singin’ and dancin’ in the rain.
  • Well, you know he’s a ramblin’ man.

Relaxed pronunciation

Phrases such as kind of and sort of, commonly used in casual conversation, are often contracted to kinda and sorta.


  • I’m kinda confused about this layout.
  • I’m sorta impressed by what she has done here.
  • Would you like a cuppa tea?

In everyday speech, the infinitive marker to is sometimes combined with words such as going and want. Note that these are colloquialisms never used in formal writing.


  • I wanna fly like a bird.
  • I’m gonna go now.
  • I hafta find out what happened.

Aphaeresis, syncope, apocope

In informal speech, the first unstressed syllable of a word is sometimes dropped (by a process called aphaeresis.) An apostrophe marks the missing syllable.


  • I ain’t talkin’ ’bout that.


  • You’ll do it ’cause I asked you to.


When a syllable or sound from the middle of a word is dropped, it is called syncope. An apostrophe marks the elision. It is often found in poetry, where meter is helped by the dropping of a sound.


  • They flew o’er hills and mountains.
  • Yes, ma’am, we have rooms available.

The omission or elision of syllables at the end of a word is called apocope.


  • Did you watch the match on tele last night? (short for television)
  • Have you uploaded the photo? (for photograph)

Poetic contractions

Words may be contracted in poetry for the sake of rhythm and meter. Such contractions are not otherwise found in writing. These include words like o’er (over), ’tis (it is), ’twas (it was), e’er (ever), and ne’er (never). Note that modern poets do not often require or use poetic contractions.


  • It ate the food it ne’er had eat,
    And round and round it flew.

  • I, smiling at him, shook my head:
    ’Tis now we’re tired, my heart and I.

  • Gliding o’er all, through all,
    Through Nature, Time, and Space . . .


A contraction is a form of elision, in which sounds or syllables are elided or omitted for ease of speaking or for the sake of meter.

List of standard contractions in English

Here is a list of over 70 commonly used contractions in English.

Standard English Contractions

Contraction Full form
don’t do not
didn’t did not
isn’t is not
wasn’t was not
aren’t are not (also am not)
weren’t were not
hasn’t has not
haven’t have not
hadn’t had not
can’t cannot
couldn’t could not
shan’t shall not
shouldn’t should not
won’t will not
wouldn’t would not
mightn’t might not
mustn’t must not
oughtn’t ought not
needn’t need not
could’ve could have
should’ve should have
would’ve would have
might’ve might have
must’ve must have
I’m I am
you’re you are
she’s she is, she has
he’s he is, he has
it’s it is, it has
we’re we are
they’re they are
I’ve I have
you’ve you have
we’ve we have
they’ve they have
I’ll I will
you’ll you will
he’ll he will
she’ll she will
it’ll it will
we’ll we will
they’ll they will
I’d I had, I would
you’d you had, you would
she’d she had, she would
he’d he had, he would
it’d it had, it would
we’d we had, we would
they’d they had, they would
that’s that is, that has
that’ve that have
that’d that would
which’ve which have
who’s who is, who has
who’re who are
who’ve who have
who’d who had, who would
who’ll who will
what’s what is, what has, what does
what’re what are
what’ll what will
where’s where is, where has
where’d where did
when’s when is, when has
why’s why is, why has
why’d why did
how’s how is, how has
here’s here is
there’s there is, there has
there’ll there will
there’d there had, there would
let’s let us
ma’am madam
o’clock of the clock


Last updated:

March 27, 2023

You have probably heard someone use phrases like won’t or y’all before. They are in songs and in quotes. They can be heard on TV and in everyday conversations.

These are all examples of common contractions in English. They help simplify the language.

In this post, we will show you useful English contractions that you can memorize to improve your listening and reading comprehension.

We will also explain how you should use these contractions in your own speaking and writing, to get you sounding fluent faster.

Can’t wait to get started? Let’s begin!


  • What Is a Contraction?
  • English Contractions with “Be”
  • English Contractions with “Will”
  • English Contractions with “Have”
  • English Contractions with “Would”
  • English Contractions with “Had”
  • Negative Contractions in English
  • Miscellaneous Contractions in English
  • How to Use Contractions in English the Right Way
  • Resources to Practice Using English Contractions

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What Is a Contraction?

In English, a contraction is a shortened version of a pair of words where at least one letter is dropped and an apostrophe ( ’ ) is added. For example, instead of saying “I am,” English speakers frequently use the contraction “I’m.” It has the same meaning, but it is a little shorter.

Contractions help to simplify language (they are great for keeping your comments on Twitter under the maximum character count!). Knowing different examples of contractions and their meanings is crucial because they are used everywhere in English, especially in conversational or informal situations.

To recognize contractions when reading English, look for the floating punctuation mark called an apostrophe (“I’m”), which appears in most common English contractions. If you ignore the apostrophe, you may mistake a contraction for another word.

For instance, the word “she’ll” (she will) could be misinterpreted for “shell” (as in, “a shell on the beach”), which has a completely different meaning. Pay attention to spelling and how apostrophes are used in different words when you read English aloud or in your head. This will help avoid mixing up words.

Keep in mind that apostrophes are also used when showing possession in English. In the phrase “the cat’s toy,” the apostrophe is telling us the toy belongs to the cat. Always make sure to look at the context of the sentence so you can understand why and how the apostrophe is being used.

Below, we will take a look at several common English contractions you should memorize. They’re made with the following words:

  • Be
  • Will 
  • Have
  • Had
  • Would
  • Not

And others! Then we will discuss different situations in which to use them and, finally, we will provide some resources to help you practice using contractions correctly.

English Contractions with “Be”

Original Contraction Example
I am I’m I’m trying to improve my English.
You are You’re You’re such a sweetheart!
He is He’s He’s so handsome.
She is She’s She’s very beautiful.
They are They’re They’re really cute puppies!
We are We’re We’re probably going to be late.
It is It’s It’s not a problem.
That is That’s That’s awesome!
Here is Here’s Here’s the car I told you about.
There is There’s There’s a fly in my soup!
Who is Who’s Who’s going to the party tonight?
Where is Where’s Where’s my key?
When is When’s Congratulations! When’s the wedding?
Why is Why’s Why’s he looking at me like that?
What is What’s What’s for dinner?
How is How’s How’s the new job?
Everybody is Everybody’s Everybody’s here now!
Nobody is Nobody’s Looks like nobody’s coming to the party.
Something is Something’s Something’s making a funny noise.
So is So’s I’m done with my food, and so’s he.

English Contractions with “Will”

Original Contraction Example
I will I’ll I’ll finish the project later.
You will You’ll You’ll regret that!
He will He’ll He should put on a coat or he’ll get sick.
She will She’ll She’ll love her birthday present.
They will They’ll I hope they’ll get home before dark.
It will It’ll Come to the party! It’ll be fun!
We will We’ll We’ll arrive around 3 p.m.
That will That’ll I’m not sure that’ll be enough.
This will This’ll This’ll only take a minute.
These will These’ll Those are too expensive. These’ll work just as well.
There will There’ll There’ll be about 30 people at the meeting.
Where will Where’ll Where’ll you go next?
Who will Who’ll Who’ll take care of you when you get older?
What will What’ll He lost his job last week. What’ll he do now?
How will How’ll Our phones don’t work here. How’ll we contact each other?

English Contractions with “Have”

Note: These contractions use “have” as a helping verb to indicate something that happened in the past.

In American English, contractions with “have” are only used in this situation.

Contractions are typically not used when “have” is the main verb showing possession. In other words, you could say I’ve seen that movie (I have seen that movie) but not I’ve a dog (I have a dog).

Original Contraction Example
I have I’ve I’ve been to his house before.
You have You’ve You’ve been trying to contact her for days.
He has He’s He’s been looking for a new job recently.
She has She’s She’s already booked her hotel room.
We have We’ve We’ve been wanting to visit for a long time.
They have They’ve They’ve just arrived.
Should have Should’ve We should’ve turned left at the last light.
Could have Could’ve She could’ve scored high on the test, but she didn’t study enough.
Would have Would’ve I didn’t know you were at the party. I would’ve said hello!
Might have Might’ve I might’ve missed the error if you didn’t point it out to me.
Must have Must’ve I must’ve forgotten the extra pens. I’m sorry.
What have What’ve Oh no! What’ve you done?
What has What’s What’s he been doing lately?
Where have Where’ve Where’ve they already traveled to?
Where has Where’s Where’s the cat been hiding?
There have There’ve There’ve been a lot of thunderstorms this summer.
There has There’s There’s been something different about you lately.
These have These’ve Wear your other shoes; these’ve got mud on them.
Who has Who’s Who’s got the marker?

Notice that the contractions in this table that end with “s” look exactly the same as contractions using “is.”

So, both “he has” and “he is” contract to form “he’s.” Same with “she has,” “what has” and more.

Pay attention to the context of the sentence to understand the difference between these forms!

English Contractions with “Would”

Original Contraction Example
I would I’d I’d love to visit, but plane tickets are expensive.
You would You’d I think you’d be a great salesman.
He would He’d He’d probably be happier in a different city.
She would She’d She’d like to get a dog.
We would We’d We’d love to go see that new movie.
They would They’d If my parents were here, they’d really like this hotel.
It would It’d It’d be cheaper to buy all the tickets together.
That would That’d Do you want to go to the circus? I think that’d be a fun experience.
These would These’d I love sunflowers! These’d look great in my garden.
There would There’d If he doesn’t come, then there’d only be five people for dinner.

English Contractions with “Had”

Note: The contractions for “had” and “would” look exactly the same!

So how do you tell them apart? It is all about the context.

Contractions that use “had” are usually followed by a past participle of a verb. For example: “When she called, I’d been eating.”

You can’t use these contractions as just a past tense (for instance, you wouldn’t say “She’d a dog” for “She had a dog”).

There are also some common phrases that use these contractions, like “had better,” which means something should happen or be done. For example: “She’d better call me back later!”

Original Contraction Example
I had I’d I’d never been to the beach until last summer.
You had You’d You’d better come look at this.
He had He’d She wanted to go to the movies, but he’d already seen the film.
She had She’d After searching for a month, she’d finally found the perfect bag.
We had We’d We’d practiced often so that we could win the soccer match.
They had They’d They’d already finished cooking by the time we arrived.
There had There’d They went to the house that morning, but there’d been no one at home.

Negative Contractions in English

All of these contractions use the word “not” to form a negative meaning.

Original Contraction Example
Do not Don’t I don’t know.
Cannot Can’t You can’t have any more cookies.
Must not Mustn’t You mustn’t touch that.
Are not Aren’t They aren’t coming to dinner tonight.
Could not Couldn’t She was so full that she couldn’t eat another bite.
Would not Wouldn’t My sister wouldn’t ride a bike until she was 11 years old.
Should not Shouldn’t You shouldn’t watch too much TV.
Is not Isn’t That building isn’t safe.
Does not Doesn’t He doesn’t understand what you said.
Did not Didn’t I didn’t go grocery shopping today.
Has not Hasn’t The mail still hasn’t come yet.
Had not Hadn’t I hadn’t thought of that solution.
Have not Haven’t They haven’t seen that movie.
Was not Wasn’t That wasn’t a good idea.
Will not Won’t I won’t be able to attend the meeting.
Were not Weren’t Luckily, we weren’t hurt in the car accident.
Am not; are not; is not; has not; have not Ain’t I ain’t interested in dance classes.

Note that the word “mustn’t” is most commonly used in British English.

You should also be aware that the word “ain’t” is regional, and is considered slang in many areas.

Miscellaneous Contractions in English

Original Contraction Example
Let us Let’s Let’s go shopping this afternoon.
You all Y’all Y’all need to pay attention.
Where did Where’d Where’d the dog go?
How did How’d How’d you know I was at the library?
Why did Why’d Why’d you throw that paper ball at me?
Who did Who’d Who’d you see at the store?
When did When’d I didn’t see you come in! When’d you get here?
What did What’d What’d you find?
Good day G’day G’day to you!
Madam Ma’am Have a good evening, ma’am.
Of the clock O’clock It’s five o’clock now.

Just like “ain’t,” the word “y’all” is regional and is considered slang in some places.

The contraction “g’day” is mainly used in Australia.

How to Use Contractions in English the Right Way

Okay, so now you know the common contractions in English—but you might not be comfortable using them yet. Here are some rules to help you speak or write confidently with contractions.

  • Do not double up on contractions. There should only be one apostrophe in a word. For example, “you’re’nt” is not proper English and is just plain weird.
  • With the exception of negative contractions, most contractions cannot go at the end of a sentence. Make sure to say the entire phrase. For example:

    “Is the cold contagious?”

    Correct: “The doctor said it is.”

    Incorrect: “The doctor said it’s.”

    However, negative contractions can end a sentence. Take a look at this example:

    Correct: “If he goes to the party, I won’t.” (Here, we get a full understanding of the speaker’s intentions. The speaker will not go to the party.)

    Incorrect: “If he goes to the party, I’ll.” (Here, the meaning is unclear. This sentence leaves the listener wondering: “You will what? You will go to the party, or you will avoid him?”)

  • Contractions that sound very much like other words (also known as homophones) typically are not used at the end of sentences, either. These include it’s (sounds like its), they’re (sounds like there or their) and you’re (sounds like your).

    For example, if we ask the question: “Are they coming on vacation?”

    Correct: “Yes, they are.”

    Incorrect: “Yes, they’re.”

Most of the time, it is acceptable to use contractions in everyday English. People use them all of the time in both spoken and written English.

However, sometimes contractions are considered less formal than the full phrase. Saying “I can’t help you” is more casual than saying “I cannot help you.”

Also, be aware that the words “y’all” and “ain’t” may be considered slang, depending on where you are. Some American dialects consider these contractions acceptable and use them a lot. In other places and situations, these words are considered very poor English and should be avoided. If you are in an English class, it is probably better to not use these words.

Make sure to always assess the situation to see if using a contraction is appropriate. Most of the time, though, using a standard contraction will be just fine.

Resources to Practice Using English Contractions

To master contractions, you will first want to memorize the list provided above. But you also need to be exposed to different speaking styles or dialects.

Practice with as many language partners or native speakers as possible. Even native speakers from the same area may speak differently and use different contractions.

If you need to find an English speaker to practice with, try using Wyzant, where you can choose from hundreds of English tutors to find one that matches your goals, learning style and budget. Wyzant is a cool option because you can choose in-person lessons or virtual tutoring using a webcam.

Most Wyzant tutors are experienced, certified educators who will have no problem providing expert contraction guidance or help with any other language need. Browse the profiles to start exploring your options.

You should also watch movies, YouTube videos and listen to songs from people from different English-speaking places. They can show contractions as used by native speakers, which will help you learn how to use them naturally. 

For example, here is a YouTube video that uses the popular song “Call Me Maybe” to help explain contractions. It also has some more examples of slang contractions that are sometimes used in English.

If you want to hear more sophisticated language, watch a movie with very proper English, such as “Pride and Prejudice.” If you want to hear dialects with a lot of contractions and slang, you could try watching the popular TV series “The Walking Dead.”

But again, try watching all kinds of different shows and movies. The more English you are exposed to, the more you will learn!

Another resource is the language learning program FluentU. It has a library of short authentic videos that cover different topics. Each clip has interactive captions, so you can spot contractions and see how they’re used in context. You can also click on a contraction, or any other word or phrase, to get information about its definition, grammar and usage in sentences.

You can also get some interactive practice with online quizzes. Here are three to try:

  • This quiz gives you a full sentence with a phrase that can be turned into a contraction. It gives you different answer choices to choose from and you need to pick the contraction that uses the apostrophe correctly.
  • This quiz gives you a sentence and a phrase that needs to be turned into a contraction. However, there are no answer choices given and you need to write the phrase in its contraction form. It is very good practice!
  • This site provides more examples of contractions being used in sentences. There is also a quiz at the very bottom where you need to choose the correct contraction based on the context of the sentence.

    Unlike the other quizzes, this one does not tell you which phrase to use ahead of time. You have to figure it out yourself!

Now that you have learned the basics of contractions, use these resources and any others you can find to master contractions and improve your English!

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In English grammar, we might use the contracted form of a verb when we are speaking or writing informally.

Let’s look at a list of contracted forms of verbs (with their expanded form) so you know how to use them:

Contracted Forms of Verbs List

What is the contracted form of a verb?

A contraction is a shortened form of a verb that is used when two words are combined to form one.

This involves removing one or more letters and adding an apostrophe to create a new word. For example, “I am” becomes “I’m.”

When are contracted forms used?

Contracted forms are used frequently in everyday spoken language and informal written language, such as e-mails and text messages.

They cannot be used in formal, academic writing, or professional documents where each word needs to be spelled out completely.

The following is a list of common contracted forms of verbs:

  • I am – I’m
  • I am not – I ain’t
  • Let us – Let’s
  • I will – I’ll
  • We will – We’ll
  • I would – I’d
  • We are – We’re
  • You will – You’ll
  • You would – You’d
  • He is – He’s
  • She is – She’s
  • It is – It’s
  • She has – She’s
  • He has – He’s
  • It has – It’s
  • We have – We’ve
  • They have – They’ve
  • Where is – Where’s
  • Who is – Who’s
  • There is – There’s
  • They are – They’re
  • They will – They’ll
  • Might have – Might’ve
  • Must have – must’ve

Negative Common Contractions

  • Is not – Isn’t
  • Are not – Aren’t
  • Can not – Can’t
  • Was not – Wasn’t
  • Could not – Couldn’t
  • Did not – Didn’t
  • Have not – Haven’t
  • Had not – Hadn’t
  • Has not – Hasn’t
  • Should not – Shouldn’t
  • Would not – Wouldn’t
  • Were not – Weren’t
  • Will not – Won’t

While contracted forms of verbs are usually informal in nature, it is always best to use the full form in a formal context.

Contractions With The Verb HAVE

Here are some shortened forms of the verb “have.”

  • I have – I’ve
  • You have – You’ve
  • He has – He’s
  • She has – She’s
  • It has – It’s
  • We have – We’ve
  • They have – They’ve
  • I have not – I haven’tI’ve not
  • You have not – You haven’t – You’ve not
  • He has not – He hasn’t – He’s not
  • She has not – She hasn’t – She’s not
  • It has not – It hasn’t – It’s not
  • We have not got – We haven’t – We’ve not
  • They have not got – They haven’t – they’ve not

The contracted form “haven’t” is more common than the contraction with not. However, this may vary depending on the region you are living.

Example sentences:

We have not met. We’ve not met (less common). We haven’t met (more common).

Contractions With The Verb HAVE (Past Form)

  • I had – I’d
  • You had – You’d
  • He had – He’d
  • She had – She’d
  • It had – It’d
  • We had – We’d
  • They had – They’d
  • I had not – I hadn’t – I’d not
  • You had not – You hadn’t – You’d not
  • He had not – He hadn’t – He’d Not
  • She had not – She hadn’t – She’d Not
  • It had not – It hadn’t – It’d Not
  • We had not – We hadn’t – We’d Not
  • They had not – They hadn’t – They’d Not

In American English, instead of saying:

“I have a new toy” they prefer to say, “I’ve got a new toy.” This is informal. However, “I’ve a new toy” is also correct; it’s just less common.

However, “has” can never be contracted when it’s the main verb in the sentence and in the third person present tense (he, she, it).

For example:

  • She has food.

“She’s food.” This is incorrect. Instead, we can say, “She’s got food”

  • He has a bicycle.

“He’s a bicycle.” This is incorrect. Instead, we can say, “He’s got a new bicycle.”

However, if “have” is the auxiliary (helping) verb, then we can contract the verb:

  • He has arrived.

“He’s arrived.” This is correct, as the main verb is “arrive” and not have.

  • It has snowed.

“It’s snowed.” This is correct as the main verb is “snow” and not have.

Contractions With The Verb BE

  • I am – I’m
  • You are – You’re
  • He is – He’s
  • She is – She’s
  • It is – It’s
  • We are – We’re
  • They are – They’re
  • There is – There’s
  • How is – How’s
  • What is – What’s
  • Where is – Where’s
  • Here is – Here’s
  • You are not – you aren’t – you’re not
  • He is not – he isn’t – he’s not
  • She is not – she isn’t – she’s not
  • It is not – it isn’t – it’s not
  • We are not – we aren’t – we’re not
  • They are not – they aren’t – they’re not

The contracted form “isn’t/aren’t” and “not” are used interchangeably and you will hear both said.

If you want to emphasize that you are not involved in something, you might be more inclined to use the “not” contracted form when speaking, although either contracted form is perfectly fine.

For example, “she’s not a liar.”

Contractions with the Verb BE (Past Form)

  • I was not – I wasn’t
  • You were not – You weren’t
  • He was not – he wasn’t
  • She was not – she wasn’t
  • It was not – it wasn’t
  • We were not – we weren’t
  • They were not – they weren’t

You can also use the contracted form with a noun, for example, “the dog’s on the sofa” (the dog is on the sofa) and “Alice’s here” (Alice is here).

Again this is informal and is more common when speaking.

Contractions with the verb DO

  • I do not – I don’t
  • You do not – You don’t
  • He does not – He doesn’t
  • She does not – She doesn’t
  • We do not – We don’t
  • They do not – They don’t

Contractions with the Verb DO (Past Form)

  • I did not – I didn’t
  • You did not – You didn’t
  • He did not – He didn’t
  • She did not – She didn’t
  • It did not – It didn’t
  • We did not – We didn’t
  • They did not – They didn’t

Contractions With The Modal Verb WILL

  • I will – I’ll
  • He will – He’ll
  • She will – She’ll
  • It will – It’ll
  • We will – We’ll
  • They will – They’ll
  • I will not – I won’t – I’ll not
  • He will not – He won’t – He’ll not
  • She will not – She won’t – She’ll not
  • It will not – It won’t – It’ll not
  • We will not – We won’t – We’ll not
  • They will not – They won’t – They’ll not

Nowadays, most people say “won’t” instead of “not.

For example,

  • “I’ll not go to the dance.” (old-fashioned; not common)
  • I won’t go to the dance.” (more common)

Contractions with the modal verb WOULD

  • I would – I’d
  • He would – He’d
  • She would – She’d
  • It would – It’d
  • We would – We’d
  • They would – They’d
  • I would not – I wouldn’t – I’d not
  • He would not – He wouldn’t – He’d not
  • She would not- She wouldn’t- She’d not
  • It would not – It wouldn’t – It’d not
  • We would not – We wouldn’t – We’d not
  • They would not – They’d not- They’d not

“I’d not” is grammatically correct but sounds odd to native English speakers as it is not used. It is most more common to say I wouldn’t, he wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, etc.

Contractions with the modal verb WOULD (Past Form)

  • I would have – I would’ve – I’d have
  • You would have – You would’ve – You’d have
  • He would have – He would’ve – He’d have
  • She would have – She would’ve – She’d have
  • It would have – It would’ve – It’d have
  • We would have – We would’ve – We’d have
  • They would have- They would’ve – They’d have
  • I would not have – I wouldn’t have- I’d not have
  • He would not have – He wouldn’t have- He’d not have
  • She would not have – She wouldn’t have- She’d not have
  • It would not have – It wouldn’t have- It’d not have
  • We would not have – We wouldn’t have- We’d not have
  • They would not have – They would’ve – They’d not have

“I’d not have” is grammatically correct but sounds strange to native English speakers as it is not spoken. It is most more common to say I wouldn’t have, he wouldn’t have, she wouldn’t have, etc.

Short Forms of Other Modal Verbs

The modals can, may, must, should, and can also be contracted when used as auxiliaries. For example, “He can’t do it,” “She shouldn’t have come,” and “I wouldn’t have done it.”

  • Cannot – Can’t
  • Can Not Have – Can’t’ve
  • Must not – Mustn’t
  • Must not have – Mustn’t’ve
  • Should not- Shouldn’t
  • Should not have – Shouldn’t’ve
  • Shall not – Shan’t
  • Shall not have – Shalln’t’ve
  • Used not – Usen’t – Usedn’t
  • Could not – Couldn’t
  • Could not have – Couldn’t’ve
  • Might not – Mightn’t
  • Might not have – Mightn’t’ve
  • Ought not to – Oughtn’t to
  • Ought not have – Oughtn’t’ve
  • Need not – Needn’t
  • Need not have – Needn’t’ve
  • Will not – Won’t
  • Will not have – Won’t’ve
  • Dare not – Daren’t
  • Dare not have – Daren’t’ve
  • Had Not – Hadn’t

Some of the contractions are rare and awkward, like “oughtn’t’ve” and “usedn’t.”

In Conclusion

The contracted forms of verbs are informal and are used more commonly in speech.

It is good to know them in case you hear them in spoken English, and their usage varies depending on the region.

I’m an Irish tutor and founder of TPR Teaching. I started teaching in 2016 and have since taught in the UK, Spain, and online.

I love learning new things about the English language and how to teach it better. I’m always trying to improve my knowledge, so I can better meet the needs of others!

I enjoy traveling, nature walks, and soaking up a new culture. Please share the posts if you find them helpful!

1. How to Make Positive Contractions

Here are the words that can make contractions in English:

  • am → ‘m
  • are → ‘re
  • is → ‘s
  • will → ‘ll
  • would → ‘d
  • have → ‘ve
  • has → ‘s
  • had → ‘d

Let’s see an example in a sentence:

  • You are the nicest person I have ever met.

We can make two contractions here. Can you see where?

You can contract you are to you’re, and I have to I’ve.

  • You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met.

The pronunciation of English contractions can change depending on how fast you’re speaking. The pronunciation can be quite clear and ‘textbook’:

  • You’re the nicest person I’ve met.

Or, the pronunciation can be faster and weaker:

  • You’re the nicest person I’ve met.

English Contractions - Pronunciation of Contractions - nice person image

This fast, weak pronunciation is very common.

Let’s do another example:

  • They will think he has gone completely mad!

Can you see where we can make contractions?

Here’s the answer:

  • They’ll think he’s gone completely mad!

Many learners find English contractions with will difficult to pronounce.

Let’s practice quickly: say they’ll.

As you pronounce the vowel, /eɪ/, slide your tongue forward to add the /l/ sound.

Now, try the full sentence:

  • They’ll think he’s gone completely mad!

Let’s do one more example:

  • I am sure she would call if anything had happened.

Here, you can make three contractions. Can you see them?

We can make contractions with am, would and had:

  • I’m sure she’d call if anything’d happened.

Try saying the sentence.

Do you notice anything here? There are two things which we need to pay attention to.

Firstly, different words (had and would), can have the same contraction: ‘d.

Secondly, the pronunciation of the ‘d contraction is different in she’d and anything’d. Do you know why?

Let’s find out!

Learn more with this Oxford Online English lesson on ‘modal verbs – would’.

2. How to Pronounce English Contractions

Most English contractions have two different pronunciations.

The only contractions which never change are will and am. Contractions of will are always pronounced ‘ll. Am is always ‘m.

Contractions of are, is, would, have, has and had can have different pronunciations.

Why does the pronunciation change? It mostly depends on the sound before the contraction. Sometimes, it depends on the sound after the contraction.

For would, have, and had, it depends whether the sound before the contraction is a vowel or a consonant.

The contraction of have is pronounced /v/ after a vowel sound:

  • I’ve /aɪv/
  • we’ve /wiːv/
  • they’ve /ðeɪv/

After a consonant, the contraction of have is pronounced /əv/:

  • could’ve /’kʊdəv/
  • would’ve /wʊdəv/
  • might’ve /’maɪtəv/

The same rule is true for would and had. The contraction is pronounced /d/ after a vowel, and /əd/ after a consonant:

  • I’d /aɪd/
  • she’d /ʃiːd/


  • it’d /’ɪtəd/
  • Tom’d /’tɒməd/

There’s one exception to this: if someone’s name ends with a vowel sound, we usually treat it like a consonant for contractions. So, if you want to say:

  • Sophie’d help you if you asked her.

Even though Sophie ends with a vowel sound, we generally pronounce the contraction as /əd/, because it’s a name.

Notice how I said ‘usually’ and ‘generally’? It’s because this isn’t exactly a rule. It’s more common, and I advise you to follow it, but not all native speakers speak this way all the time.

Next, let’s look at is and has.

The contraction of is and has is pronounced /z/ after most sounds:

  • he’s /hiːz/
  • there’s /ðeəz/
  • Dave’s /deɪvz/

However, after /t/, /p/, /k/, /f/ or /θ/, the contraction of is or has is pronounced /s/.

  • it’s /ɪts/
  • Seth’s /seθs/
  • top’s /tops/

We don’t contract is or has after the sounds /tʃ/, /ʃ/, /dʒ/, /ʒ/, /s/ or /z/, because the pronunciation of these contractions is too difficult.

That leaves are. Are is a bit different, because the pronunciation depends on the sound after, not before. Look at an example:

  • We’re a good team.
  • We’re the best team.

Before a vowel sound, the contraction of are has a /r/ sound. Before a consonant sound, the contraction is pronounced as a schwa sound: /ə/.

Now, you’ve seen common English contractions and learned about the pronunciation of contractions.

Next, let’s look at:

3. How to make Negative English Contractions

If you have an auxiliary verb plus not, you can put the words together and contract not to n’t.

For example:

  • do not → don’t
  • is not → isn’t
  • have not → haven’t
  • would not → wouldn’t

This isn’t a full list.

There’s one which is a bit strange: will not contracts to won’t.

Also, you can’t make a negative contraction with am not. You can’t say amn’t. Why not? I can’t even say ‘amn’t’. Saying ‘amn’t’ is really difficult. That’s why.

Let’s try a few examples. Look at this sentence. Where can you make contractions?

  • He does not understand why they did not help him.

We can contract this to:

  • He doesn’t understand why they didn’t help him.

Let’s do another:

  • They are not happy that the company has not told them anything.

There are two contractions here. Can you see them?

  • They aren’t happy that the company hasn’t told them anything.

We’ll do one more example:

  • You should not have said yes if you could not do it.

Where are the possible contractions here?

  • You shouldn’t have said yes if you couldn’t do it.

Sometimes with negative contractions, there are two possible contractions. For example:

  • They are not here yet.

You could contract this to:

  • They aren’t here yet.


  • They’re not here yet.

In most places, the first option is more common. That means you contract not.

However, both are correct, and it doesn’t matter which one you use.

So now you know about the formation and pronunciation of common English contractions, but when should you use them?

4. How to Use Contractions in Spoken and Written English

Generally, you should use contractions when you speak. Using contractions sounds more natural in spoken English.

Look at an example from earlier:

  • He does not understand why they did not help him.

If you’re speaking to someone, and you say this sentence without the contractions, it sounds a bit robotic and unnatural. Try it—say the sentence out loud with no contractions. Doesn’t it sound a bit strange?

Pronouncing the contractions makes it sound much more natural:

  • He doesn’t understand why they didn’t help him.

So, are there any cases where you shouldn’t use contractions?

If you’re speaking more formally, you might use fewer contractions.

If you want to emphasise something, you shouldn’t use contractions. For example:

  • That is not what I said.
  • He is the best player on the team.
  • I have called several times.

You need to use the full, uncontracted form if you need to emphasise the verb or negative.

There’s one more case where you can’t use contractions: don’t use positive contractions at the end of a sentence or clause.

For example, if someone asks you:

  • Is he ready?

You should answer:

  • Yes, he is.

And not:

  • Yes, he’s.

However, negative contractions can go at the end of a sentence or clause, so it’s fine to say:

  • No, he isn’t.

What about written English?

You can use contractions in informal writing; you probably shouldn’t use contractions in formal writing, like an essay.

Also, many English contractions are used in speech but not generally in writing. For example, you can say:

  • These’re the chocolates that your friends’ve sent us.

Contractions like these’re, friends’ve and this’d aren’t often used in written English, even in very informal writing.

If you’re not sure if you can use a contraction or not when you’re writing, then just use the full form.

There are some more contractions like this, which are common in spoken language, but which aren’t written down.

Let’s take a look:

5. Unwritten Contractions in English

Unwritten contractions in English image

Here’s a sentence:

  • They would have enjoyed it, but they would not have stayed long.

What contractions can you make here?

Well, would contracts to ‘d, and have contracts to ‘ve. What does that give us?

In the first part, you should say:

  • They’d’ve enjoyed it…

What about the second part of the sentence?

Not contracts to n’t. Have contracts to ‘ve. So, you say:

  • …but they wouldn’t’ve stayed long.

Try saying the whole sentence with the contractions. Focus on the pronunciation of the contractions:

  • They’d’ve enjoyed it, but they wouldn’t’ve stayed long.

Do these contractions look weird? If so, it’s because we almost never write them.

What other contractions are like this?

You can contract did to ‘d in speaking, but not in writing:

  • What did you tell her? → What’d you tell her?
  • When did you get here? → When’d you get here?
  • How did you like it? → How’d you like it?

You can contract will have to ‘ll’ve and would have to ‘d’ve:

  • They will have left by now. → They’ll’ve left by now.
  • We would have been late anyway. → We’d’ve been late anyway.

You can contract not have after a modal verb to n’t’ve:

  • They could not have helped. → They couldn’t’ve helped.
  • I would not have said anything. → I wouldn’t’ve said anything.

Remember: use these contractions when you speak, but not in writing!

Thanks for watching. See you next time!

A contraction is a word or phrase that has been shortened by dropping one or more letters. In writing, an apostrophe is used to indicate the place of the missing letters. Contractions are commonly used in speech (or written dialogue), informal forms of writing, and where space is at a premium, such as in advertising.

In very formal writing, such as academic papers, grant proposals, or other works that need to appear professional, you may not want to use contractions at all.

Why Do We Use Contractions?

We rely on contractions all the time in normal conversation. When people speak to each other, there is typically an expectation that they will use contractions (can’t, won’t, shouldn’t) whenever they can, as doing so saves time.

Some people are under the impression that contractions should never appear in writing, but this belief is mistaken. The use of contractions is directly related to tone.

In informal writing (from text messages and blogs to memos and personal essays), we often rely on contractions to maintain a colloquial tone. In more formal writing assignments (such as academic reports or term papers), avoiding contractions is a way of establishing a more serious tone.

Before deciding whether to use contractions in a writing assignment, consider your audience and your purpose for writing.

The Contractive Apostrophe

In telescoped words and phrases (e.g., doesn’t, there’s, sou’wester), an apostrophe marks the spot where one or more letters have been omitted. It is not necessarily where the words have been joined together. This apostrophe is also known as the contractive apostrophe.

Some people, including the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, have been in favor of eliminating apostrophes entirely. Shaw called them «uncouth bacilli,» though it’s unlikely that Shaw’s analogy to bacteria will help the apostrophe go away anytime soon.

Contracted Nouns and Pronouns

In casual conversation, contractions involving nouns are fairly common («My dad’ll be home soon»). In writing, however, they’re much rarer than contractions with pronouns such as I’ll, he’d, and she’s. You can contract proper nouns to mean is or has, such as in the sentence «Shelly’s coming with us,» or «Jeff’s bought a new computer.» Watch out for the homonyms who’s and whose; the contraction is «who is» or «who has,» and the whole word is possessive, as in «Whose car is that?» And of course, if you’re visiting the South, you’ll likely hear the colloquial «y’all» for «you all.»

Negative Contractions and Verb Contractions

Contractions are often made with auxiliary, or helping, verbs, such as to be, do, have, and can. We can say «it isn’t raining» or «it’s not raining.» But we cannot say «it’sn’t raining.» In negative clauses, we have a choice between using negative contractions like not (n’t) and contracting the pronoun and verb (it’s). But we can’t do both.

Contracting ‘Not’

The contracted form of not (n’t) can be attached to finite forms of the helping verbs be, do, and have. However, amn’t (mainly Scottish and Irish) is extremely rare, unlike the disparaged ain’t.

The n’t form can also be attached to most of the modal auxiliaries such as can’t, couldn’t, mustn’t, shouldn’t, won’t, and wouldn’t. Yet, you won’t hear many Americans saying mayn’t or shan’t; even those contractions are too formal.

Contractions in Tag Questions

A tag question is a short question added to the end of a declarative sentence, usually to make sure that something has been done or understood. For example, «It’s a tag question, isn’t it

Because of their colloquial nature, negative tags are commonly contracted: didn’t we? haven’t you? aren’t they? This is much less formal than did not we? or did we not?

Ambiguous Contractions

Most contractions ending in ‘d and ‘s are ambiguous. The ‘d can represent either had or would‘s can represent either has or is. All the same, the meaning of these contractions is usually clear from their context. For instance, «Sam’s finished his term paper» implies completion in the past (Sam has finished), while «Sam’s tired» is in the present tense, meaning Sam is.

Multiple Contractions

They may look odd in print, but certain multiple contractions such as I’d’ve (or I’d’a) and wouldn’t’ve are fairly common in speech. We like shortcuts, so it’s easy to say something like, «If I’d’ve told you the real reason, you probably wouldn’t’ve come back with me.» Quite often, we don’t even notice it. The words just run together as we talk.

Under the category of rarities, there are a few double and even triple contracted nautical terms. These include words like bo’s’n (short for boatswain) and fo’c’s’le (a variant of forecastle), words that landlubbers can probably live without.

Before you start recklessly sprinkling apostrophes everywhere, make sure you’re not putting an apostrophe plus s on something that should actually be plural: i.e., the greengrocer’s apostrophe.

Aphaeresis, Syncope, and Apocope

Another common type of linguistic shortening (or elision) is the omission of certain sounds or letters from an individual word.

In phonetics, elision at the beginning of a word (for instance, gator from alligator) is called aphaeresis. In the middle of a word (ma’am from madam), it is a syncope. When it appears at the end of a word (ad from advertisement), we call it an apocope.

Aphaeresis and apocope can occur together, as in flu—a clipped form of influenza.

Standard Contractions in English

In the following table, you’ll find a list of more than 70 contractions in English.

aren’t are not
can’t cannot
couldn’t could not
could’ve could have
didn’t did not
doesn’t does not

do not

e’er ever
hadn’t had not
hasn’t has not
haven’t have not
he’d he had; he would
he’ll he will; he shall
he’s he is; he has
I’d I had; I would
I’ll I will; I shall
I’m I am
I’ve I have
isn’t is not
it’d it would
it’ll it shall; it will
it’s it is; it has
let’s let us
ma’am madam
mightn’t might not
might’ve might have
mustn’t must not
must’ve must have
‘n’ and
needn’t need not
ne’er never
o’er over
ol’ old
oughtn’t ought not
shan’t shall not
she’d she had; she would
she’ll she will; she shall
she’s she is; she has
shouldn’t should not
should’ve should have
that’d that would
that’s that is; that has
there’d there had; there would
there’ll there shall; there will
there’s there has; there is
they’d they had; they would
they’ll they will; they shall
they’re they are
they’ve they have
’twas it was
wasn’t was not
we’d we had; we would
we’ll we will
we’re we are
we’ve we have
weren’t were not
what’ll what will; what shall
what’re what are
what’s what is; what has; what does
what’ve what have
where’d where did
where’s where is; where has
who’d who had; who would
who’ll who will; who shall
who’s who is; who has
who’ve who have
why’d why did
won’t will not
wouldn’t would not
would’ve would have
you’d you had; you would
you’ll you will; you shall
you’re you are
you’ve you have

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