Computers in our life the word

word computer
once meant a person who did computations, but now it refers to
electronic devices. Computers
can do much more than calculate. They help
now to solve many important and complicated problems in science,
engineering and business. Electronic devices are widely used in
scientific research, industrial design and production; they control
the work of plants and power stations, calculate the trajectories of
spaceships and help people to discover new phenomena of nature.
can make
tomorrow’s weather forecast, translate
from and into foreign languages
as well as play chess, write poetry or compose music.

the invention of the Internet, computers
have also been used to collect information from digital libraries
situated all over the world, to send and get electronic messages
(email), as well as to work, shop, and bank from home.

Computers save a lot of time
and energy, operate at a great speed, store large quantities of
information, carry out long and complex operations. How long does it
take you to multiply the large numbers? In one third of a second, a
computer can multiply two 128-digit numbers. In one second, it can
add 4,000 five-digit numbers; in two seconds, it can solve 320
division problems. The same machine does the work of thousands of
mathematicians faster and without the errors, which human beings can

The machine can display the
results of data processing on a screen, can print them on paper, and
store them away on magnetic tapes or disks. The electronic machine
can give an accurate and fast answer or combination of possible
answers from the information, which is stored on it. But … it is
human beings who think, who feed information into the machines.
Computers work for us, but they do not think for us.


38. Search TEXT A for the English equivalents of the following
Russian phrases.

  1. решать важные
    задачи в науке, технике, коммерческой

  2. открывать

  3. составлять прогноз
    погоды на завтра;

  4. отправлять
    электронное сообщение;

  5. класть
    в банк;

  6. ошибки, которые
    могут сделать люди;

  7. экономить много
    времени и денег;

  8. выводить
    ответы на экран;

  9. сохранить
    на магнитных лентах или дисках;

  10. ряд возможных

Ex. 39.
Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

  1. Today computers can translate
    ___ and ___ foreign languages.

  2. They
    operate ___ a great speed.

  3. Computers process a large
    volume ___ data ___ a short period ___ time.

  4. Thanks to the Internet,
    people can work, shop and bank ___ home.

  5. A modern computer can do
    500,000 sums ___ second.

  6. In schools, pupils learn how
    to operate ___ a computer.

  7. Data can be input into the
    computer ___ floppy disks or compact disks.

  8. Computer
    keyboards are similar ___ typewriter

  9. The speed ___ this computer
    translation is one page ___ 40 seconds.

  10. Every time I tried to feed
    the data ___ the computer, it gave me an error message.

40. Answer the questions.

  1. What
    did the word computer
    in the past?

  2. Does
    the word computer
    refer to an electronic device now?

  3. Are computers used only for
    calculations now? What can they be used for?

  4. What do you use the computer

  5. Would you prefer to play
    chess with computer or with your friend? Why?

  6. Can computers help in
    translating from and into Japanese or Spanish? What is your attitude
    towards machine translation?

  7. How long does it take you to
    multiply two 127-digit numbers? How fast can computers do it?

  8. Can you solve 320 division
    problems in a second? What about the computing machine?

  9. What do people use the
    Internet for? What about you?

  10. Have you ever tried to shop
    over the Internet? What did you buy?

Ex. 41.
If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

  1. Computers can solve now many
    accurate problems in science, engineering and business.

  2. In
    the past, the word ‘computer’
    referred to a person who did research.

  3. Computers
    can make
    yesterday’s weather forecast.

  4. Electronic devices are
    sometimes used in scientific research and industrial design.

  5. By
    means of the Internet, you can send written messages to your friend,
    who lives on the other continent.

  6. Computers help people to
    invent new phenomena of nature.

  7. Computers save a lot of time
    and money.

  8. One computing machine can
    replace two mathematicians and does the calculation without any

Ex. 42.
Restore the interview given by the English sociologist to the
correspondent of the journal ‘Computer Press’.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Sociologist: Computers
are very popular in England today. 90 % of young people at the age of
12-19 are computer-literate.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Sociologist: 43%
of them have computers at home and about 25 % use home computers
every day.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Sociologist: 93
% of pupils operate computers at school.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Sociologist: 75
% of young Englishmen think that computers make their life easier and
more interesting and the knowledge of a computer helps to find a good

Journalist: Are
there any social problems of computer technology in England?

. . . . . . . . . . .

Ex. 43.
Read and translate TEXT B, using a dictionary.

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Компьютеры в нашей жизни/ Computers In Our Life с переводом на русский язык.

Computers In Our Life Компьютеры в нашей жизни
Our life would be boring without computers. It’s hard to believe that one device can provide people with entertainment, news, education, music. With the appearance of computer many things have lost their importance. People don’t watch TV anymore, don’t go to the cinema very often. They don’t listen to the radio, CD- or MP3-player. They’ve stopped buying newspapers and magazines. Many have taken online classes. Thus, computers and Internet have become an integral part of every family. Наша жизнь была бы скучной без компьютеров. Трудно поверить, что одно устройство может обеспечить людей развлечением, новостями, образованием, музыкой. С появлением компьютера многие вещи утратили свое значение. Люди не смотрят больше телевизор, не ходят часто в кино. Они не слушают радио, CD- или MP3-плееры. Они перестали покупать газеты и журналы. Многие занимаются онлайн обучением. Таким образом, компьютеры и Интернет стали неотъемлемой частью каждой семьи.
Computer is a powerful tool. It helps to create colourful presentations, to calculate large numbers, to write articles, to save and edit photos, to keep documentation and, of course, to surf the web. Компьютер – мощный инструмент. Он помогает создавать красочные презентации, высчитывать крупные числа, сохранять и редактировать фотографии, хранить документацию и, конечно же, бороздить просторы интернета.
Internet is the main stream of information nowadays. It informs us, entertains and educates. We find everyday news online, educational resources, films, music, games. Everyone can find something to his or her own taste there. However, computers have certain disadvantages. Интернет – основной источник информации в настоящее время. Он держит нас в курсе событий, развлекает и обучает нас. Мы находим повседневные новости онлайн, образовательные ресурсы, фильмы, музыку, игры. Каждый может найти там что-то на свой вкус. Тем не менее, компьютеры имеют определенные недостатки.
First of all, there is too much violence online, as well as aggressive pictures and irrelevant information. All this can lead to different problems. Во-первых, в Интернете слишком много насилия, а также агрессивных картинок и ошибочной информации. Все это может приводить к различным проблемам.
Secondly, Internet is a free space, where personal information can easily be stolen. So, people should be aware of what they are posting or downloading. Во-вторых, Интернет является свободным пространством, где могут легко украсть личные данные. Таким образом, люди должны быть осведомлены о том, что они размещают и что скачивают.
Thirdly, computers have turned people into passive creatures. They can spend hours in front of the monitors, which results into poor eyesight and other health issues. В-третьих, компьютеры превратили людей в пассивных существ. Они могут часами сидеть перед мониторами, что приводит к ухудшению зрения и другим проблемам со здоровьем.
In conclusion, I’d like to add that computers are good at certain extent. If they are being used wisely and moderately, then they can make our life better. В заключение я хотела бы добавить, что компьютеры хороши до определенной степени. Если их использовать с умом и в меру, то они могут сделать нашу жизнь лучше.

Computers play an important role in our everyday life. Let’s see the uses of computers in various fields and why the computer is important in our life. 

Importance of Computers
The Importance of Computer in Our Life

Why Are Computers So Important In Our Lives?

Today, the computer is indispensable, and its presence has become very important and necessary in our daily life, and it has become easier for us to do many operations and activities.

A computer is an electronic device that receives information and data, automatically stores it and retrieves it at any time, and uses it in a useful manner. The computer converts different types of numbers and solves intractable mathematical equations very quickly and with high accuracy. That is why we need a clean PC build.

The computer was invented in the second half of the twentieth century and now it has become the backbone of life.

Some operations before the invention of the computer were very difficult, including searches and doing some arithmetic activities. In 1642 AD, the calculator was invented to facilitate arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, and other arithmetic operations.

Read Here: What are the Uses of Mathematics in Everyday Life?

The computer has been able to invade the lives of individuals in a large way, and it is used in all areas of their lives, and based on this great position that it has enjoyed, the manufacturers have been interested in producing many shapes and types for it in line with the user’s need, including the mobile device, office devices, and others.

The more advanced the device is, the more benefits will be gained from it. There are many things to consider before buying an All in One Computers for everyday use.

Computer use is common in homes, institutions, businesses, and education, it is also an integral part of the services, entertainment, and other sectors.

The Uses of Computers in Our Daily Lives

The computer is used in several areas of our lives, including the following:

Education: The use of computers in the field of education is one of its most important benefits in daily human life. It is one of the most important educational tools used by teachers and students.

The computer is used in the field of education in schools and universities, where hard disks and magnetic disks are used to explain the lessons, and drawings and films are used to deliver information to students, as well as the students retain the information in order to retrieve it at a later time.

The computer has restructured the education system. Schools, colleges, and almost all educational institutions use at least one computer each semester, and many colleges and universities offer online degrees to students.

Many schools and colleges around the world are now using computer and Internet technologies to teach students digitally and creatively, as the use of the computer in the classroom unleashes creativity and imagination among students.  Through computer programs, you can learn more deeply and more accurately, such as: drawing tools, spreadsheets, music, video lectures, and PowerPoint presentations.

This has led to the creation of new models of work in the field of education, such as: small classes, smart classrooms, and digital classrooms.

Medicine: The computer is widely used in the field of health care, as it has become an integral part of hospitals, laboratories, and medical clinics. 

The following are some examples of computer uses in health care:

 The computer is used to archive patients’ records and the treatments they receive.

It facilitates the medical diagnosis of patients and monitors their health conditions.

It is an effective medical tool, which allows monitoring of the heart rate and blood pressure of a sick person. 

It helps in performing some types of surgeries.

It provides the possibility of exchanging medical expertise and consultations between doctors around the world.

The Internet: The computer is used to access the Internet, and the Internet is used as a means of communication between people in all countries of the world. 

With the help of the Internet you keep in touch with your friends and family, computers provide this to you easily, and the Internet is also used to search for information. You just have to type a word in the search engine and open many pages to provide all the information about the specific word, and you can also watch movies, videos, and news on computers connected to the Internet.

Communication: Computers are one of the main tools that allow communication between people regardless of their location, as the computer has become an effective communication tool that brings together family members, relatives, and friends, and allows job interviews to be conducted virtually. This is done by connecting the computer to the Internet, and then using some programs and tools to conduct Internet communications, whether visual or even audio.

A computer connected to the Internet allows the use of various social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These means allow users to interact with each other by sharing photos, videos, and other activities.

The computer is also used to organize phone lines, pay phone bills, and control the purity of voice calls.

Business: The business sector is one of the most important sectors in which the computer is used, due to the numerous and important services it provides for employers or workers.

Through the computer, many different actions can be performed,  such as conducting online sales, transferring funds between accounts, completing large account operations, and other institutional work that requires speed and accuracy.

 The computer also provides business companies with the ability to create economic forecast plans based on some of the data it is provided with. In addition, corporate computers provide protection for their data and information from theft or vandalism.

When a user surfs the browser, there is a passing of information between the server and the user’s PC. It should be encrypted with modern encryption standards. It is therefore necessary to have an SSL certificate to secure online transactions.

The use of computers in business has made it easier to find employees. This is done through some specialized social media such as LinkedIn.

The computer has also made it easier to manage the company’s employee records through specialized programs, as well as to prepare the company’s budget, tax forms, and others.

Transportation: The computer is used in transportation, where the routes of transportation lines are controlled, as well as booking travel tickets via the computer and recently via the Internet, and booking international airline tickets anywhere in the world via the Internet.

The computer is used to control transportation, determine the take-off and direction of aircraft, and store information about workers in the field of transportation.

The industry: Computer uses are widespread in the industry, as most companies today have a wide range of uses for computers, and factories have become highly dependent on the operation of machines to ensure a high level of quality.

 The use of computers in the industry has been a great necessity, as it is used as a means to allocate industrial resources more efficiently, as well as as a means to reach a larger group of potential customers. As a result, IT jobs have flourished as the industry relies on computers for its daily operations.

Entertainment: Computers are among the best sources of entertainment because they offer a wide range of options related to entertainment and entertainment. Through the computer, you can listen to music, watch some movies and videos, and talk and chat with your friends.

Today, everything related to daily life can be done with a few simple clicks, where breakfast can be ordered online, newspapers can also be read, and work from home can be done comfortably with the help of a laptop.

Engineering and military: Both the engineering and military fields are broad areas of computer use. The computer helps accomplish many operations, including: 

The computer provides special programs for advanced engineering drawing,  such as the design of buildings, structures, ships, planes, city planning, and design through 2D and 3D graphics.

The computer is used in the field of military industries and to control them through computerized control systems that control missile launches, military communications, military planning operations, and smart weapons.

Security systems: The computer is used in various electronic protection systems, such as surveillance cameras, which are widely used in private and government facilities in order to monitor the movement of goods and people in these areas.

Some types of computers, particularly those built with facial recognition and fingerprint, have also contributed to reducing the possibility of identity fraud.

Automation systems: Computers are used in automation systems that are concerned with the manufacture of automated robots.

It also facilitates the completion of much other work such as manufacturing and assembling auto parts, in addition to that, robots or automated programs can be used in scientific discovery tasks that are difficult for humans to carry out, such as exploring geographical areas that are inaccessible to humans.

Problem Solving: Today, the computer is used to find solutions to any problem through computer experts. Technological problems are solved by finding solutions by experts, directly or indirectly, and this affects our daily lives positively.

The Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life

The importance of computers in daily life can be summarized as follows:

  • A computer is a vital tool for accessing and processing information and data, as it is the first window to access the Internet.
  • It is an important tool for science students, who generally rely on it in preparing their educational reports and projects.
  • It facilitates ways of communicating with others by editing and writing messages and preparing reports and documents.
  • It is an effective element in achieving success in the educational process.
  • It is a major tool in distance education, this type of education cannot be completed without the presence of a laptop or computer.
  • It helps to be familiar with the news and stay up to date, as it is a means of communicating with the outside world.
  • It helps in doing some electronic transactions, such as making payments, purchasing, and others.
  • It helps perform the tasks assigned to the user.
  • It provides tools and means to facilitate work, such as tables, worksheets, presentations, and many more.
  • It preserves and stores information away from the damaging factors of traditional methods of storage.
  • It facilitates making and storing calculations.

The importance of the computer also appears in filling leisure time with games and watching valuable videos, and its role in entertainment also emerges.

Computers and its uses grew rapidly and widely through out the world. They are used to deal with many tasks due to their various potential. It helps to resolve problems human life encounters in daily life. Therefore, they have more influence on our life. The impact of computer usage on our life obviously identified as Savings of Money, Time and Effort. To understand the depth of computer intervention in human life, have a look at developments happened in the areas of Communication, Education, Utility facilities and Health care.

Within the last 3 decades, computer has been recognized as the most life changing and successful invention solving problems in human life. Today, where business caters, there you find applying computer usage. Look at educational sector, health, transportation, or communication sector, we can see the influence and application of computer. It’s difficult to survive a business without adopting computer usage either directly or indirectly in this modern world.

The subject «Computer and Human Life» has become one of the most interesting subject in schools and colleges. Thus, in many essays and group discussions, particularly in schools and colleges, students are often asked to write «How have computers changed our life?» or «Influence of Computers in Human Life».

Computer has been intervened to every sphere of human life such as Mobile phones, TV shows, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Railways, Matrimonial, Share Tradings, Online Purchasing, Banking, Sports, Traffic controls, Security Surveillance systems, Job Recruitment, Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc. are a few of them, perhaps difficult to list all.

1. Computer and Human Life Correlated with Communication

Computer can bring people closer together and facilitate contacts between them using Email, Chatting, Videoconferencing, Mobile Phones and Social Medias. It saves time, efforts and money compared with letters used, before making influence of computers in human life. These days, we seldom use hand written letters, put in the envelopes and transport over long distances because most of us have computer and education to make use of it.

Print media, Television and Radio play important role in our life. They too have influence of computers from production, control, storage and broadcasting. Using computers we are able to create a document, display it on screen, modify and print it on a printer or publish in front of the world through world wide web. Computer connected with internet has ability to publish ideas, thoughts, criticism etc, instantly across the world. Social networking sites like, Facebook, Twitter, blogger, Youtube, Whatsapp etc. opens another sophisticated yet easy to use viral communication, reveals the importance of computer and human life. If it is not exaggerated, our younger generation has become addicted to use these modern tools. A majority of college students cannot have a day without login to at least one social networking site.

2. Influence of Computer in Education

No doubt! Computer has made massive makeover in education field. Three decades ago, if anyone has a doubt to be clarified in a learning process, finding right expert itself was a cumbersome task and there may not be available further opinion about the subject. Although the different and more easiest clarification or solution are available on the other side of the world, we were unable to know its whereabouts because lack of communication. In this modern world, our «Guru» as all we know is «Google search» being evolved as Human Assist adopting Artificial Intelligence (the latest trends in Computer application).

Tablet PC for Education

Tablet PC for Education

In education sector, teaching and learning reached new highs after started using computers in our life. We can find answers virtually on any subjects in a moment, and can communicate this information to number of ways in real time. Needless to say, we can see every educational institution has interaction of students with computers and most of them are equipped with smart class rooms.

The invention of tablet computer made smooth transition to student with computer from heavy bags carrying books and other learning accessories.

Libraries have gone digital as well, so the public have access larger amount of information virtually anywhere. Connecting to the internet gives us access to worlds of information right at our fingertips and anywhere. Distant education through online and online exams are getting more popular and becomes the paradigm of the higher education.

3. A New Era in Education — MOOC

Most of the universities offer distant education and exams using online channels to their students in which many famous universities have made tie-ups with MOOC providers. MOOCs become a paradigm in the heart of real knowledge seekers who gets new horizon to the world of learning with learner’s convenience.

What is MOOC?

MOOC is the acronym for Massive Open Online Course. The title itself declare that learner has to be online for MOOC’s course, ie., connected through internet. It taught by various universities all around the world with the help of MOOC technology. MOOCs are available (both free and paid) for anyone with an internet connection, time and thirst for knowledge. Some of the popular MOOC providers include Coursera, edX, Udacity, and FutureLearn partnered with universities, companies, and professors to provide MOOCs. A learner has to signup with MOOC technology provider’s website or mobile application prior joining a course.

Education Through MOOC

Some popular universities partnered with online education providers, for example, Coursera, Khanacademy are famous among them. More and more universities added day by day to Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) concept in education. It brings learning process to the learner’s convenience as well as unlimited participants.

MOOC course

MOOC course

4. Influence of Computer in Utility Facilities

Computer also facilitate comfort to our life and provides convenience. For transportation, it facilitate the way people travel. Airways, Roadways and waterways uses computers to control their operation. It saves time and relieve severity of traveling difficulties.

GPS and map application permits us to go virtually anywhere in the world without fear and deviation. If we straggled in a city or desolated place, these technology help us reaching exactly where we want to be. Google Map capable to predict time required, traffic conditions, traffic block, weather status and sometimes, giving vital advises and alerts about the roads and destinations we are traveling. GPS enabled map devices have become a standard equipment in modern vehicles.

Other utility facilities like Electricity, Water, Agriculture, etc. are more sophisticated and improved by computer influence.

Computer simplifies Security and Monitoring system using access control and CCTV surveillance system. It helps bringing down robbery, theft and violence in sensitive areas. Most of the educational institutions, industries, offices, shops, traffic signals, railway stations, trains have equipped these facilities.

5. Computer Brings Tremendous Progress in Health Care Sector

Computers provide potential for improving the effectiveness of medical care. It uses storing data of hospital such as patient data and medical information. Doctors and nurses can access to this data easier which resulted in decreasing the process of time. In addition, many operations are no longer manually perform, rather computers are used to manage these tasks.

6. Latest Trends and Near Future Expectations by Computers

While discussing changes computer has made in human life, it’s worth mentioning the changes computer bring in the near future. Some of the predicted changes are of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Interest Based Education, 3D Printing, Driver-less Vehicles and Space Traveling.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence takes over work places of repetitive jobs, reduce human intervention upto the end of job cycle. Minimum or nil supervision and management for production units. Factories will be transformed into one single machine that accept raw material at one point and the other point receives output of finished products. In between there won’t be any kind of human work force, supervision or management employees.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machines are being capable to learn new things to accomplish what humans want to get it done. It will be task based learning that machines become smarter devices human wanted to make use of.

Interest Based Education

New dimensions and methods will be adopted for teaching and learning. In our traditional system, most learners taught the subject they never liked or interested. A few of them are lucky mastering subjects they loved or interested. In the near future, computer can predict which is the flair subject a person can learn and interact actively. This way education will be more smarter than ever.

3D Printing

3D printing sweepstakes in the small scale manufacturing industry. Once 3D printing become affordable and common, it will badly affect traditional small scale manufacturers.

Conclusion to «How Have Computers Changed Our Life»

To conclude, computers have changed our life beyond imagination and continue to play important role on human life and behaviors. It provides advanced facilities for our life and also create effective learning, production, control and utilization.

Сочинение о компьютерах на английском языке пишут, чтобы оценить умение ученика использовать современную лексику. Компьютер – это электронный инструмент, который оперирует данными или информацией. Он может хранить, извлекать и обрабатывать информацию.

Сочинение о компьютерах на английском

Мы можем печатать документы, отправлять электронные письма, играть в игры и просматривать веб-страницы с помощью компьютера. Мы предоставили ниже эссе о компьютерной технике, чтобы помочь учащимся в выполнении их задания. Данную тему часто задают в качестве классной работы и домашнего задания.


  1. Тематическая лексика
  2. Короткое сочинение про «Компьютер» на английском
  3. Cочинение «Важность компьютеров» на английском
  4. Эссе на английском Я и компьютер
  5. Топик «Компьютеры в нашей жизни» на английском

Тематическая лексика

Когда вы пишете эссе на какую-либо тему, например, на тему «Компьютер», вы должны сначала узнать о различных словах или выражениях, которые люди используют, говоря на эту тему. Затем вы должны попытаться использовать их в своем сочинении. Вот некоторые слова, которые часто используются, чтобы рассказать о компьютерах английском языке:

Используемые слова и фразы для сочинения о компьютерах
Английский Русский
Hard disk drive (HDD) жесткий диск
Computer case; computer chassis системный блок
Monitor монитор
Computer cooling система охлаждения компьютера
Motherboard материнская плата
Cable кабель
Speakers колонки
Screen экран
USB flash drive USB-накопитель; флэшка
Read Only Memory (ROM) постоянное запоминающее устройство (ПЗУ)
Wireless router беспроводной маршрутизатор или роутер
Scanner сканер
Graphics-accelerator card графическая плата; графическая карта
computer mouse компьютерная мышка
digital цифровой
keyboard клавиатура
laptop ноутбук
message послание
memory память
storage хранение
to surf просматривать различные сайты в сети

С таким словарным запасом уже можно попробовать написать сочинение о компьютерах по английскому языку. Кроме того, приведенные ниже примеры топиков на тему «Компьютер» на английском с переводом также помогут вам в этом деле.

Короткое сочинение про «Компьютер» на английском

A computer is a great invention of the modern technology. It is generally a machine which has capability to store large data value in its memory. Computer works using input (like keyboard) and output (like printer) devices.

It is very simple to handle the computer as its functioning is so common that a child can handle it. It is a very reliable device which we can carry with us and use anywhere and anytime.

Computer allows us to make changes in the already stored data as well as store new data. It is a new technology which is used in offices, banks, educational institutions, etc.


Компьютер — великое изобретение современной техники. Как правило, это машина, способная хранить в памяти большие объемы данных. Компьютер работает с использованием устройств ввода (например, клавиатуры) и вывода (например, принтера).

С компьютером очень просто обращаться, так как его функционирование настолько привычно, что с ним справится даже ребенок. Это очень надежное устройство, которое мы можем носить с собой и использовать в любом месте и в любое время.

Компьютер позволяет нам вносить изменения в уже сохраненные данные, а также сохранять новые данные. Это новая технология, которая используется в офисах, банках, учебных заведениях и т.д.

Cочинение «Важность компьютеров» на английском

Importance of computers

In today’s time, the computer has a lot of importance in our life. They have reduced our physical labor. Plus, they do any calculations for us without any errors. We can do many tasks simultaneously without any problem. They not only save the consumption of more people but also save our time.

The use of computers is increasing rapidly in every field. Today, most of the work is being done by computers.

Even new technologies that are coming nowadays are being generated with the help of computers. We research first with their help and then develop the technology.

Computers have taken us to new heights. In fact, it has contributed to every field. Whatever exists today in digital form, it’s only because of computers.

The more benefits we have from computers, the more there are disadvantages too. People have started using them in the wrong way, due to which fraud has increased. If computers are used properly, we will definitely be able to touch the heights.

It’s really a powerful machine. Therefore, we should use it in a proper way.


В наше время компьютер имеет большое значение в нашей жизни. Они уменьшили наш физический труд. Плюс, они делают за нас любые расчеты без ошибок. Мы можем выполнять много задач одновременно без каких-либо проблем. Они не только экономят потребление большего количества людей, но и экономят наше время.

Использование компьютеров быстро растет во всех областях. Сегодня большую часть работы выполняют компьютеры.

Даже новые технологии, которые появляются в настоящее время, создаются с помощью компьютеров. Сначала мы проводим исследования с их помощью, а затем разрабатываем технологию.

Компьютеры подняли нас на новые высоты. На самом деле, он внес свой вклад в каждую область. Что бы ни существовало сегодня в цифровой форме, это только благодаря компьютерам.

Чем больше у нас преимуществ от компьютеров, тем больше у них и недостатков. Люди начали использовать их не по назначению, из-за чего увеличилось мошенничество. Если компьютеры правильно использовать, мы обязательно сможем прикоснуться к высотам.

Это действительно мощная машина. Поэтому мы должны использовать его надлежащим образом.

Эссе на английском Я и компьютер

Me and a Computer      

Computer is one of the main things in my life. I can’t live a day without this electronic device. Why is this?

First, I often use a laptop to do school homework. Using it I look for useful information online, create presentations in PowerPoint, print reports, develop the necessary schemes and charts. Second, in my spare time, I like to process photos in Photoshop on my computer. I have long been fond of the retouching and creating collages, so it is a pleasure for me to do this kind of surprises for acquaintances.

Third, there is no TV set in my home, so in the evening together with my parents and younger sister we often watch movies, interesting talk shows or broadcasts on my computer. In addition, I like to listen to relaxing music and to play various online games on my laptop.

To be frank, every day I spend much time on socializing with friends through social networking websites. I also need a computer for this, because correspond using my smartphone is not always convenient. About a month ago, my laptop got broken. Masters from the repair company required a whole week to resolve this problem.

It is good that another computer remained at home, and I could prepare my lessons using it, but anyway it was a real challenge for me, because my parents’ laptop didn’t have Photoshop.

Probably, not only me find it hard to imagine one’s life without a computer, because it is really a very useful and indispensable invention. Despite this, I perfectly understand that the radiation that comes from the monitor affect my health badly. I always try to take breaks during my work with a laptop: go to another room or briefly go out.

I am sure that adherence to these simple rules makes my communication with a computer both enjoyable and secure.


Компьютер — это одна из главных вещей в моей жизни. Без этого электронного устройства я не могу прожить и дня. Почему это так?

Во-первых, я часто использую ноутбук для выполнения школьных домашних заданий. С помощью него я ищу полезную информацию в интернете, создаю презентации в программе PowerPoint, печатаю доклады, разрабатываю необходимые схемы и таблицы. Во-вторых, в свободное время на компьютере я люблю обрабатывать фотографии в программе Photoshop. Я уже давно увлекаюсь ретушью и созданием коллажей, поэтому мне доставляет удовольствие делать подобные сюрпризы для знакомых.

В-третьих, в моем доме нет телевизора, поэтому по вечерам вместе с родителями и младшей сестрой мы чаще всего смотрим фильмы, интересные ток-шоу или передачи на компьютере. Кроме того, на своем ноутбуке я люблю слушать расслабляющую музыку и играть в различные сетевые игры.

Не скрою, ежедневно много времени я трачу на общение с друзьями в социальных сетях. Для этого мне также нужен компьютер, поскольку вести переписку с помощью смартфона не всегда удобно. Около месяца назад мой ноутбук сломался. Чтобы устранить неисправность, мастерам из ремонтной компании потребовалась целая неделя.

Хорошо, что в доме остался еще один компьютер, и я мог готовиться к урокам с его помощью, но все равно это время стало для меня настоящим испытанием, так как на ноутбуке родителей отсутствовал Photoshop.

Вероятно, не одному только мне сложно представить свою жизнь без компьютера, поскольку это действительно очень полезное и незаменимое изобретение. Несмотря на это, я прекрасно понимаю, что излучение, которое исходит от монитора, плохо влияет на мое здоровье. Я всегда стараюсь делать перерывы в работе с ноутбуком: уходить в другую комнату или ненадолго выходить на улицу.

Я уверен, что соблюдение этих простых правил делает мое общение с любимым компьютером и приятным, и безопасным.

Топик «Компьютеры в нашей жизни» на английском

Computers In Our Life

These days people cannot imagine their lives without modern technologies in particular without a computer.

Computer has become a vital part of human life. It is an obligatory tool of human development. Every major and minor industry is computerized. Computers do their jobs efficiently, fast, and productively. No doubt they have made our lives much easier.

But the problem is that together with the positive effects of the computers they also have negative impact on human beings.

Many people whose jobs are connected with computers complain on health problems such as headaches, RSI, backache, poor vision. Moreover, spending a lot of time at the computer results in eating a lot of foods which in its turn leads to the obesity.

The group, which is most at risk, is young children. Nowadays they are often left unattended. So they spend a lot of time at the monitor of the computer playing virtual computer games, watching videos or just browsing the Internet.

As a result children do not develop physically. They do not spend time outdoors playing sports or games. Later it is difficult for them to have live communication with other people because they lack necessary communicative and social skills.

So we can summarize that modern technologies and computers in particular have both positive and negative effects on people’s life. And in order to live in a harmony people must find a proper balance. They should remember a computer was initially created to help people make their lives easier not to ruin them.


Сегодня люди не представляют свою жизнь без современных технологий, в частности, без компьютера.

Компьютер стал неотъемлемой частью жизни человека. Это обязательный инструмент развития человека. Каждая большая и малая промышленность компьютеризирована. Компьютеры выполнять свою работу эффективно, быстро и продуктивно. Без сомнений, они сделали нашу жизнь намного легче.

Но проблема в том, что вместе с положительным эффектом, компьютеры оказывают негативное влияние на человека.

Многие люди, работа которых связана с компьютерами жалуются на проблемы со здоровьем, такие как головная боль, заболевания кисти, боли в спине, плохое зрение. Кроме того, проводя много времени за компьютером, начинаем чрезмерно питаться, что в свою очередь приводит к ожирению.

Маленькие дети больше всего подвержены риску. Сейчас они часто остаются без присмотра. Поэтому они много времени проводят за монитором компьютера, играют в компьютерные игры, смотрят видео или просто сидят в Интернете.

В результате дети не развиваются физически. Они не проводят время на свежем воздухе, не занимаются спортом и не играют в игры. Позже им становится трудно общаться с другими людьми в живую, потому что они не имеют необходимых коммуникативных и социальных навыков.

Итак, мы можем подвести итог, что современные технологии, и компьютеры в частности, имеют как положительные, так и отрицательные последствия для жизни людей. А для того, чтобы жить в гармонии люди должны найти правильный баланс. Они должны помнить, что компьютер изначально был создан, чтобы помочь людям, сделать их жизнь легче, а не разрушить ее.

Читайте также: Сочинение об осени на английском – примеры с переводом.

Таким образом, написать топик о компьютерах – это частое задание для школьников и студентов. Примеры сочинений о компьютерах на английском с переводом на русский язык, а также таблица с тематической лексикой, помогут вам более точно сформулировать свои мысли на предстоящих экзаменах.

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