Computer is derived from the word

In this week’s Dispatches from The Secret Library, Dr Oliver Tearle considers the history and original meaning of a now ubiquitous word

Here’s a pub quiz question for you: in which century were the words ‘computer’ and ‘electricity’ first used in English writing? The twentieth? ‘Computer’ may lead us to that answer, but then we reflect on Michael Faraday’s important work on electricity in the previous century. And didn’t Charles Babbage devise a forerunner to the modern computer in his Difference Engine, some time in the nineteenth century? Perhaps that’s the answer.

But no: both words make their debut in the annals of English literature in the seventeenth century. And it was one man who helped to popularise both. But the origins of the term ‘computer’, in particular, are worthy of comment. The word obviously derives from the verb ‘compute’, which is from the Latin for ‘reckon with’ (from the prefix com- and the verb putāre meaning to reckon). But what about the meaning of the word ‘computer’?

First, to deal with the more recent and most familiar meaning of the word ‘computer’: the word first came to mean an electronic device used to store and communicate information (and all of its subsequent functions) only in the 1940s: the earliest citation in the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1946. This is fitting. As is well-known now (or at least better-known than in the decades immediately following the end of the Second World War), the work of Alan Turing and other codebreakers at Bletchley Park – where Turing built his huge early computer, the Colossus – helped to shorten the war by several years.

But after the end of the war, America began to develop the computer for commercial use, and Britain hushed up its role in inventing the modern machine. Turing, shamefully, was never honoured in his lifetime, and his tragic end (dying of strychnine poisoning from eating a poisoned apple, having been forced to undergo chemical castration for his homosexuality) prevented him for getting the recognition he deserved. (The rumour that the logo of Apple computers – an apple with a bite taken out – was a deliberate allusion to Turing’s death is, by the way, not true.)

But ‘computers’ had been around for centuries – or, at least, the word ‘computer’ had been. And one of its earliest uses in English was in the work of an important seventeenth-century prose writer, Sir Thomas Browne. It is in Browne’s work that we also find early (and in many cases, the earliest) instances of words including ambidextrous, approximate, botanical, carnivorous, coma, complicated, cryptography, discrimination, electricity, elevator, ferocious, hallucination, indigenous, insecurity, medical, prairie, prefix, selection, and many, many more. I’ve blogged previously about Browne and his remarkable list of neologisms here.

Browne was born in Cheapside in London in 1605 and died in 1682, on his 77th birthday. He wrote on various topics pertaining to the natural world, and this would be the subject of his most ambitious work, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, which was published in 1646, although it was so popular it went through many more editions during Browne’s lifetime.

The full title of this book was Pseudodoxia Epidemica or Enquiries into very many received tenets and commonly presumed truths, although it is sometimes known simply as Vulgar Errors. Its purpose was to examine the widely held superstitions and beliefs of the time, and to correct those which were false; in many ways, Browne, a one-man debunking machine, was the early modern version of the TV show QI.

The context of Browne’s use of the word ‘computer’, in Pseudodoxia Epidemica, was a consideration of the difference in dates between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. When Browne was writing in the 1640s, Britain was behind much of Europe in still following the old Julian calendar, while numerous countries on the Continent had already adopted the Gregorian (which Britain would not do until 1752). Browne writes:

Now it is manifest, and most men likewise know, that the calendars of these computers, and the accounts of these days are very different: the Greeks dissenting from the Latins, and the Latins from each other: the one observing the Julian or ancient account, as Great Britain and part of Germany; the other adhering to the Gregorian or new account, as Italy, France, Spain, and the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

The context of Browne’s use of the word makes it clear that the word ‘computer’ is here being used to refer to someone who makes a calculation, specifically about dates. And this is the earliest known meaning of the term ‘computer’, a sense that the OED now categorises as ‘chiefly historical’: ‘A person who makes calculations or computations; a calculator, a reckoner; spec. a person employed to make calculations in an observatory, in surveying, etc.’

But Sir Thomas Browne didn’t coin the word ‘computer’. If anyone should get the credit for doing that, and even here we should bear in mind the usual caveat (that ‘first known use’ of a word does not necessarily equate to actual coinage of said word), then it’s a man named Richard Brathwaite (1588-1673), an English poet who published a 1613 book called Yong Mans Gleanings.

It is in this book that we find the earliest recorded use of the term ‘computer’; as Brathwaite’s use of ‘he’ makes clear, he was also referring not to a counting device or machine but to a person who does the calculating.

I haue read the truest computer of Times, and the best Arithmetician that euer breathed, and he reduceth thy dayes into a short number: The daies of Man are threescore and ten.

You can continue to explore the unusual stories behind well-known words with the surprising origins of the word virus, the history behind the word vaccine, and the reason why the word homophobia meant something quite different when it was first coined.

Oliver Tearle is the author of The Secret Library: A Book-Lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History, available now from Michael O’Mara Books.

programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly

  • Afrikaans: rekenaar (af)
  • Albanian: kompjuter m
  • Amharic: ኮምፒዩተር ? (kompiyutär)
  • Amis: kampiwta, tingnaw
  • Apache:
    Western Apache: bésh eʼléhí
  • Arabic: حَاسُوب (ar) m (ḥāsūb), حَاسِب‎ m (ḥāsib), كَمْبْيُوتَر (ar) m (kambyūtar)
    Hijazi Arabic: كمبيوتر(kambyūtar, kampyūtar), كمپيوتر(kampyūtar)
  • Armenian: համակարգիչ (hy) (hamakargičʿ)
  • Assamese: কম্পিউটাৰ (kompiutar), পৰিকলন যন্ত্ৰ (porikolon zontro), সংগণক যন্ত্ৰ (xoṅgonok zontro)
  • Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: ܚܲܫܘܼܒ݂ܵܐ‎ m (ḥašuḇā), ܟܘܿܡܦܝܘܼܬܸܪ‎ m (kompyutir)
  • Asturian: computadora f, ordenador m
  • Atayal: tennaw
  • Azerbaijani: kompüter (az), bilgisayar (az)
  • Basque: ordenagailu
  • Belarusian: камп’ю́тар m (kampʺjútar), кампу́тар m (kampútar), камп’ю́тэр m (kampʺjúter)
  • Bengali: কম্পিউটার (bn) (kompiuṭar), গণকযন্ত্র (gonkojontro)
  • Bouyei: dianqnaoj
  • Breton: urzhiataer (br) m, kompoder (br) m
  • Bulgarian: компю́тър (bg) m (kompjútǎr)
  • Bunun: tinnau
  • Burmese: ကွန်ပျူတာ (my) (kwanpyuta)
  • Catalan: ordinador (ca) m
  • Cebuano: kompyuter, dagitok, dagitabyan
  • Cherokee: ᎠᏍᏆᎾᎪᏗᏍᎩ (asquanagodisgi)
  • Cheyenne: tséohketoetanóto
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 電腦电脑 (yue) (din6 nou5)
    Dungan: дянно (di͡anno)
    Hakka: 電腦电脑 (hak) (thien-nó), 計算機计算机 (hak) (kie-son-kî, ki-son-kî)
    Mandarin: 電腦电脑 (zh) (diànnǎo), 計算機计算机 (zh) (jìsuànjī)
    Min Dong: 電腦电脑 (cdo) (diêng-nō̤)
    Min Nan: 電腦电脑 (zh-min-nan) (tiān-náu), 計算機计算机 (zh-min-nan) (kè-sǹg-ki)
    Wu: 電腦电脑 (wuu) (di nau)
  • Cornish: jynn amontya m
  • Cree: ᒪᓯᓇᑕᑲᐣ ᒋᑲᐢᑌᐸᔨᒋᑲᓂᐢ (masinatakan cikastepayicikanis)
  • Czech: počítač (cs) m
  • Danish: regnemaskine c, computer (da) c, datamat c
  • Dutch: computer (nl) m, rekenaar (nl) m
  • Dzongkha: གློག་རིག (glog rig)
  • Esperanto: komputilo (eo)
  • Estonian: arvuti (et), kompuuter (obsolete), raal (et) (obsolete)
  • Faroese: telda (fo) f
  • Finnish: tietokone (fi)
  • French: ordinateur (fr) m
  • Fula:
    Adlam: 𞤸𞤭𞥅𞤧𞤮𞤪𞤺𞤢𞤤
    Roman: hiisorgal
  • Galician: ordenador (gl) m, computador (gl) m, computadora (gl) f
  • Georgian: კომპიუტერი (ka) (ḳomṗiuṭeri), გამომთვლელი მანქანა (gamomtvleli mankana), პერსონალური კომპიუტერი (ṗersonaluri ḳomṗiuṭeri)
  • German: Computer (de) m, Rechner (de) m
  • Greek: υπολογιστής (el) m (ypologistís), κομπιούτερ (el) n (kompioúter)
  • Greenlandic: qarasaasiaq, computeri
  • Guaraní: mohendaha
  • Guiqiong: diɐnnə
  • Gujarati: સંગણક m (saṅgṇak)
  • Haitian Creole: òdinatè, konpitè
  • Hausa: na’ura (ha)
  • Hawaiian: lolouila, kamepuila
  • Hebrew: מַחְשֵׁב (he) m (makhshév)
  • Hindi: संगणक (hi) m (saṅgṇak), कंप्यूटर (hi) m (kampyūṭar), अभिकलित्र m (abhiklitra)
  • Hungarian: számítógép (hu), (dated) komputer (hu)
  • Hunsrik: Komputatoer m
  • Icelandic: tölva (is) f, rafheili m (obsolete), rafreiknir m (obsolete), rafeindareiknir m (obsolete)
  • Igbo: orunotu
  • Inari Sami: tiättur
  • Indonesian: komputer (id)
  • Interlingua: computator (ia)
  • Inuktitut: ᖃᕋᓴᐅᔭᖅ (qarasaoyaq)
  • Irish: ríomhaire (ga) m
  • Italian: calcolatore (it) m, computer (it) m, elaboratore (it) m
  • Japanese: コンピュータ (ja) (kompyūta), 電脳 (ja) (でんのう, dennō) (rare), 電子計算機 (ja) (でんしけいさんき, denshi keisanki) (rare), 電算 (ja) (でんさん, densan)
  • Jeju: 콤퓨타 (kompyuta)
  • Kalmyk: тооцлур (tootslur)
  • Kamba: kompiuta ?
  • Kanakanabu: tennau
  • Kannada: ಗಣಕಯಂತ್ರ (kn) (gaṇakayantra)
  • Kaurna: mukarntu
  • Kavalan: tiannaw
  • Kazakh: компьютер (kk) (kompüter), білгісаяр (kk) (bılgısaär)
  • Khmer: កុំព្យូទ័រ (km) (kompyuutoa), គណិតូបករណ៍ (kʊənnetoopkɑɑ)
  • Kikuyu: mompyuta ?, kompyuta ?
  • Kis: ekompyuta
  • Kongo: ludinatelo ?
  • Korean: 컴퓨터 (ko) (keompyuteo) (South Korea), 전자계산기(電子計算機) (ko) (jeonjagyesan’gi), 콤퓨터 (ko) (kompyuteo) (North Korea), 뗀노 (ko) (ttenno) (Yanbian)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: کۆمپیوتەر(kompîwter)
    Northern Kurdish: kompûter (ku), bilgîsayar (ku), xêvjimêr (ku), kombers (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: компьютер (ky) (kompʹyuter), эсепкер (esepker)
  • Ladino: majhshev ?, contador m
  • Lao: ຄອມພິວເຕີ (lo) (khǭm phiu tœ̄), ເຄື່ອງຄຳນວນ (khư̄ang kham nūan), ສະໝອງກົນ (sa mǭng kon)
  • Latgalian: dators ?
  • Latin: computatrum (la) n, ordinatrum n
  • Latvian: dators m, kompjūters m
  • Lingala: esálela ?
  • Lithuanian: kompiuteris (lt) m
  • Low German:
    German Low German: Computer (nds) m, Reekner m, Rääkner m
  • Luhya: ekompyuta ?
  • Lule Sami: dáhtámasjijnna
  • Luxembourgish: Computer m
  • Lü: ᦶᦎᧃᧈᦓᧁ (ṫaen¹naw)
  • Macedonian: сметач m (smetač), компју́тер m (kompjúter)
  • Malagasy: solosaina (mg)
  • Malay: komputer (ms)
  • Malayalam: സംഗണകം (saṅgaṇakaṃ), ഗണിനി (ml) (gaṇini), കമ്പ്യൂട്ടർ (ml) (kampyūṭṭaṟ), എണ്ണിനി (eṇṇini), ഗണനി (gaṇani), ഗണനിക (gaṇanika), സംഗണകയന്ത്രം (saṅgaṇakayantraṃ), സംഗണനി (saṅgaṇani), സകലകലായന്ത്രം (sakalakalāyantraṃ), സങ്കണകയന്ത്രം (saṅkaṇakayantraṃ)
  • Maltese: kompjuter m
  • Manx: co-earrooder m
  • Maori: rorohiko (mi)
  • Marathi: संगणक (mr) ? (saṅgṇak)
  • Meru: kompyuta ?
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: компьютер (mn) (kompʹjüter), цахим тооцоолуур (mn) (caxim toocooluur)
  • Nahuatl: chīuhpōhualhuaztli
  • Navajo: béésh bee akʼeʼelchíhí tʼáá bí nitsékeesígíí, béésh nitsékeesí
  • Nepali: कम्प्युटर (ne) (kampyuṭar), सुसाङ्ख्य (susānkhya)
  • Norman: compiuteu m
  • Northern Sami: dihtor
  • Northern Sotho: khomphutha ?
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: datamaskin (no) m
    Nynorsk: datamaskin m or f
  • Ojibwe: mazinaabikiwebinigan
  • Oriya: କମ୍ପ୍ୟୁଟର (kômpyuṭôrô)
  • Paiwan: tinnaw
  • Pashto: کمپيوټر‎ m (kampyūṭar)
  • Persian: رایانه (fa) (râyâne), کامپیوتر (fa) (kâmpyuter)
  • Pitcairn-Norfolk: kompyuuta, kohmpyuuta
  • Polish: komputer (pl) m
  • Portuguese: computador (pt) m
  • Punjabi: ਸੰਗਣਕ ? (saṅgṇak)
  • Puyuma: tinnaw
  • Quechua: antañiqiq
  • Romanian: computer (ro) n, calculator (ro) n
  • Romansch: computer m, calculader m
  • Rukai: tingnau
  • Russian: компью́тер (ru) m (kompʹjútɛr), ЭВМ (ru) f (EVM)
  • Rusyn: компю́тер m (kompjúter)
  • Rwanda-Rundi: mudasobwa (rw) ?
  • Saaroa: tinnau
  • Saisiyat: tiyaenaw
  • Sakizaya: tingnaw
  • Samoan: komipiuta
  • Sanskrit: संगणक m (saṃgaṇaka), अभिकलित्र ? (abhikalitra)
  • Scots: reckoner
  • Scottish Gaelic: coimpiutair m, rianadair m, annalair m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: рачу̀на̄р m, рачу̀нало n, компју̀тер m, редник m
    Roman: račùnār (sh) m, račùnalo (sh) n, kompjùter (sh) m, rednik m
  • Sindhi: ڳڻپيوڪر (sd) m
  • Sinhalese: පරිගණකය (si) (parigaṇakaya)
  • Skolt Sami: teâttmašina
  • Slovak: počítač (sk) m
  • Slovene: računalnik (sl) m
  • Somali: kumbuyuutar (so) ?
  • Sotho: khomputa (st) class 9
  • Southern Ndebele: umtjhiningqondo ?
  • Southern Sami: daatovre
  • Spanish: computador (es) m (Chile, Colombia), computadora (es) f (Latin America) , ordenador (es) m (Spain)
  • Swahili: kompyuta (sw) class 9/10, tarakilishi (sw) class 9/10
  • Swazi: ngcondvomshini (ss) class 1a/2a
  • Swedish: dator (sv) c, datamaskin (sv) c
  • Sylheti: ꠇꠝ꠆ꠙꠤꠃꠐꠣꠞ (xomfiuṭar)
  • Tagalog: kompyuter (tl), ordenador
  • Tajik: компютер (tg) (kompyuter), компутар (tg) (komputar), роёна (tg) (royona)
  • Tamil: கணினி (ta) (kaṇiṉi)
  • Taroko: tennaw (Tgdaya), patas samaw (Truku)
  • Tatar: санак (sanaq)
  • Telugu: కంప్యూటర్ (te) (kampyūṭar), గణనయంత్రం (gaṇanayantraṁ)
  • Thai: คอมพิวเตอร์ (th) (kɔm-piu-dtə̂ə), คณิตกรณ์ (th) (ká-nít-dtà-gɔɔn) (dated), คอม (kɔm) (colloquial)
  • Thao: tian-nau
  • Tibetan: གློག་ཀླད (glog klad)
  • Tigrinya: ኮምፕዩተር (kompəyutär)
  • Tok Pisin: komputa
  • Tsou: kampiuto
  • Tswana: khomphuta ?
  • Tulu: ಗಣಕ (gaṇaka)
  • Turkish: bilgisayar (tr)
  • Turkmen: kompýuter
  • Ukrainian: комп’ю́тер (uk) m (kompʺjúter)
  • Urdu: کمپیوٹر (ur) m (kampyūṭar), حاسب (ur) (hāsib)
  • Uyghur: كومپيۇتېر (ug) (kompyutër)
  • Uzbek: kompyuter (uz)
  • Venda: khomphiyutha ?
  • Veps: tedomašin
  • Vietnamese: máy vi tính (vi), máy điện toán (vi), máy tính (vi)
  • Volapük: nünöm (vo)
  • Võro: puutri
  • Welsh: cyfrifiadur (cy) m
  • West Frisian: kompjûter (fy) m
  • White Hmong: koos pis tawj
  • Wolof: nosukaay
  • Xhosa: ikhompyutha class 9/10
  • Yakut: көмпүүтэр (kömpüüter)
  • Yami: tiannaw
  • Yiddish: קאָמפּיוטער‎ m (kompyuter)
  • Yoruba: kọ̀ǹpútà, kọ̀m̀pútà (nonstandard), ero onisiro
  • Yup’ik: naaqsuun
  • Zhuang: dennauj
  • Zulu: ikhompyutha (zu) class 5/6, isiqoqelalwazi ?

Computer is derived from a Latin word “computare” which means to “to calculate” , “to count” , “to sum up” or “to think together”. So, more precisely the word computer mean s a “device that performs computation“.

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Hello, Today I’m going to show you an easy way to learn what is computer system and the best definition of computer.

In this post, I will explain How does a computer system work in detail.

This Article is Best on the whole internet.

I Guaranteed you, after reading this article you will not need to read any other Articles. In fact, our readers satisfied in this blog post.

A Computer is an electronic Machine/Device which accepts data from the user stored in Memory perform Mathematical as well as logical operation and gives the required results or information, is called a computer.

A computer is a very smart device that runs on electricity.

A computer is a programmable machine that works on the instruction given by the user.

The computer runs only by the combination of hardware and software.

The word computer is derived from the Latin word «computare». The word «computare» means Calculation.

That is, the computers of earlier times were capable of calculating only.

Earlier computers were used only for calculating. Like — adding or subtracting a number.

But nowadays computer systems can also do calculations, and are also capable of performing many other tasks.

Due to these characteristics of computers, today the whole world is using computers everywhere. Such as — schools, colleges, offices, banks, airports and etc.

Suggested video of What is a computer to improved your knowledge.

What is Computer Full Form?

This computer full form that we have mentioned, this computer full form is very popular.

The Full-Form of computer is Commonly Operated Machine Particular Used For Trade Education Research.

Suggested video of full form of computer

How does a Computer Work?

Today I discuss how the computer system works and what steps does the computer does by following any work.

Computer Basically works on four modules, which are given below.

  1. Input
  2. Processing
  3. Output
  4. Storage

1.) Input

Some kind of data is inputted by the user or we can say in easy language that the user inputted some instruction.

We can input any type of data from a computer with the help of input devices. Input devices Such as — Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone.

Q. Which types of data input by the Keyboard ?

Ans — With the help of keyboard, we can input any type of text data. Like — a word or any number.

Q. Which types of data input by the Mouse ?

Ans — With the help of Computer Mouse, we can input clickable type data on the monitor screen.

Like — Open and close any File, Folder, Applications and Minimize, Maximize and close the Computer screen.

Q. Which types of data input by the Microphone ?

Ans — With the help of a Microphone, we can input Voice data on the computer.

Like — I say open my computer icon, then the computer recognizes voice data and open my computer.

Today computer is very smart and the computer accepts all types of instructions given by the user.

I hope you Understand.

2.) Processing

Any type of data that is inputted by the user, that data or instruction computer understands which type of data or instruction is. 

Like is arithmetic data or logic data.

All the processing function is done by the CPU. A CPU is a microprocessor chip.

This microprocessor chip is very fast than the human brain.

Note — When a computer processes input data, that data is temporarily stored in computer RAM while processing.

I hope you understand computer processing.

3.) Output

When we input some kind of data, that data is processed after input, which comes after processing is our output.

The output of which is visible to us on the monitor screen.

There are several types of output devices.

We have a soft copy, and we have to print the soft copy.

So we instruct the computer to print. So the output we get will be received by the printer as a hard copy.

I hope you understand.

4.) Storage

Space is required to display the result that comes after processing. Output results without storage will not be displayed.

A computer has a storage device to store data.
There are two types of storage devices, 1. Temporary Storage 2. Permanent storage

Whenever the computer displays the results after processing any data, it is the temporary data which is stored in the temporary storage RAM.

If we save the result that comes after processing, then that data is saved from temporary storage RAM to permanent storage.

I hope you understand.

Suggested video of How does computer system work.

Basic Parts of Computer System

There are Four Main Parts Of Computer. These four devices are meet together and build a computer.

If there is no one of these devices, then we cannot call it a computer.

These four devices have a different main role in our computer system. These four devices are interlinked.

These four devices are also known as Main Parts of Computer, which are given below.

  1. CPU
  2. Keyboard
  3. Mouse
  4. Desktop Screen

1.) CPU

Parts of computer - CPU

Central Processing Unit

The full name of the CPU is Central Processing Unit.

The CPU is also called the brain of the computer.

The CPU controls the entire computer system. It is also the main part of a computer.

2.) Keyboard

Parts of computer - Keyboard

Computer Keyboard

Keyboard is an input device. We use the keyboard to input any type of data into the computer. The keyboard is also a main part of the computer.

3.) Mouse

Parts of computer - Mouse

Computer Mouse

The mouse is also a pointing device and input device.

The mouse is used to open a folder, icon and any application on the computer screen.

The mouse is the main part of a computer.

4.) Desktop Screen

Parts of computer - Desktop Screen

Desktop Screen

Monitor is an output device. It is appear like a TV.

Monitor implements any output in soft copy. Monitor is the main part of a computer.

Benefits of Using Computer

  • Save Your Time
  • Get Information
  • Can Make Money
  • Data store Capability
  • Product Employment
  • Keep Your Entertained
  • Multitasking of Computer
  • Connect on the internet to get all things

What are Advantage of Computer

  • Today computers are being used on a large scale everywhere, the biggest reason for this is that it works much faster than humans, it can do very large calculations in a few seconds.
  • Today everything is available on computer, you can store a lot of data in computer and use it anytime and if you have internet facility then you can secure your data on internet also using cloud storage Can keep.
  • You can get in touch with your friends anytime and anywhere through features like video calls, email, social networking.

Read Also — 20 Main Advantages of computer in detail.

What are Disadvantage of Computer

  • While another computer is making people smart, another one is making more ill use of it.
  • More use of computer and mobile is proving to be harmful to health.
  • More frequent damage to the eyes is due to continuous viewing on mobile and computer screen.

Read Also — 10 Disadvantages of using computer in detail.

Features of Computer System

There are following important Features and Characteristics of Computer.

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Diligence
  • Automatic
  • Logical Decision
  • Storage Capacity

1.) Speed

Computer is a fast device and perform the amount of works in 2 seconds.

Then a human being performing that work is month or year. 

It Can perform million of calculations interaction of few second.

2.) Accuracy 

Computer are very accurate. It never results in kinds of error in the calculation.

Some time we get some error but these are because of the mistake perform by us.

The Accuracy Of the computer is a constantly high and it can perform hundred of operation with the carry out calculation and analysis accurately and speedily.

3.) Diligence

Computer is free form monetary and tiredness. Lack of concentration etc and hence can work together with out waiting and error.

4.) Storage Capacity

A computer can store and resell any amount of information because of it’s secondary storage capacity.

It has ability to take information and to store that information for future retrieval.

5.) Automatic

Computer are automatic machine because once started on job they carry on until the job is finished without any human assistance.

6.) Logical Decision

Computer can be logical decision in nano second. In Arithmetic calculation , Railway Reservation.

What are Limitations of Computer?

There are many limitations of computer system, which is given below.

  • Lack of common-sense
  • Zero IQ
  • No Feeling
  • Computers can’t Decide
  • Computers can’t Express their Idea
  • Computers can’t Implement
  • Computers can’t Think
  • Depend on the user input
  • An expert user can work on a computer

Read Also — Limitations of computer in detail.

Generations of Computer

The time of upgrade in the computer is called Generations of Computer. There are five generations of computer, which are given below.

1st Generations of computer 

Computers from 1940 to 1956 are called First Generations computers. Vacuum Tubes technology was used in first generation computers.

2nd Generations of computer  

Computers from 1956 to 1963 are called seconds Generations computers. Transistor was used in second generations of computers.

3nd Generations of computer 

Computers from 1964 to 1971 are called Third Generations computers. Integrated Circuit (IC) was used in third generations of computers.

4th Generations of computer

Computers from 1972 to 2010 are called fourth Generations computers. Microprocessor Technology was used in fourth generations of computers.

5th Generations of computer

Computers from 2010 to Present are called fifth Generations computers. Artificial Intelligence Technology was used in fifth generations of computers.

Read Also — Generations of computer in detail.

What is Classification of Computer?

Classification of computers is particularized in three main categories, which are given below.

  • Classification of Computers on the basis of Size.
  • Classification of Computer on the of Type.
  • Classification of Computer According to Purpose.

Classifications of computer Based on Size

Classification of Computers on the basis of Size is divided into four parts.

  • Micro Computer
  • Mini Computer
  • Mainframe computer
  • Super Computer

Classifications of computer Based on Type

Classification of Computers on the basis of Type is divided into Three parts.

  • Analog Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer
  • Classifications of computer According to Purpose

    Classification of Computers according to purpose is divided into Two parts.

    • Special Purpose computer
    • General Purpose computer

    Read Also — Classifications of computer system in detail.

    Components of Computer System

    There are the Main Five Components of a computer system, which are given below.

    • Input Unit
    • Output unit
    • Memory Unit
    • Control unit
    • Arithmetic and Logic Unit

    Read Also — Basic components of computer system in detail

    Uses of Computer System

    Today, computer is use in every field. Our 21 Century, we are fully depends on computer. Today computers are become our part of life.

    Read Also — Uses of computer System in detail.

    Uses of computers in various Fields, which are given below.

    Uses of the computer in the Education

    Uses of the computer in the Health and Medicine

    Uses of the computer in the Business

    Uses of the computer in the Entertainment

    Uses of the computer in the Science

    Uses of the computer in the Government

    Uses of the computer in the Sports

    Uses of the computer in the Hospitals

    Uses of the computer in the Banking sector

    Uses of the computer in the Marketing

    Uses of the computer in the Military

    Uses of the computer in the Railway Station

    History of Computer

    The history of computers is 2000 — 3000 years old. Charles Babbage is the father of computer. Ada Lovelace is the Mother of computer. 

    Abacus is the Computer in the Whole World. Abacus computer was build in 2400 BC.

    Abacus is a mechanical device and this mechanical device is used to Arithmetic calculations Like Add number, Subtract number, multiply number, Divide number. Abacus Just like a calculator.

    FAQ Related to Computer system

    What is a computer short definition?

    A short definition of computer, A device that gets some input by the user and in turn gives the output to the user is called a computer.

    Who Invented computer?

    Charles Babbage invented the computer.

    What type of computer is cheapest one?

    Mobile computer is the cheapest computer.

    How much RAM do I need my computer?

    Minimum 4GB RAM and Maximum 32GB RAM Should be in a computer.

    What is the full meaning of computer?

    The full meaning of computer is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used.

    It means — The computer system is a very common electronic machine that can be used by anyone.

    Who is the mother of computer?

    Ada Lovelace is the mother of computer system.

    What is the heart of computer?

    Microprocessor is the heart of computer system.

    I know my readers love this article.

    If you any doubts in this article please check out contact us page.

    I Hope you Understand what is a computer system and fow does a computer work.

    Share this post and mention your comment. 

    What is Computer in English, What is Computer, History of Computer, What is Full Form of Computer in English, What is Full Form of Computer.

    What is Computer in English?, Features of Computer and History of Computer – In today’s time “Computer” has become an important part of every person’s life, be it school or office, or restaurant or any of our own. Important tasks have to be done, computers are being used for almost every task and even the biggest tasks are being completed in less time.

    If seen in today’s time, if someone does not have knowledge of computer then he may have to face many problems in his life. Because wherever we look, we see that computers are being used.

    What is Computer in English? | Computer Features and History of Computers, Awesome 04 Full Form of Computer

    Nowadays people are studying on computer sitting at home and exams are also being done online, many such work is being done by computer itself. So in this post we will discuss about what is computer, features of computer and history of computer.

    Definition of Computer, Meaning : Computer is an electronic device, which takes user’s data as input and processes it and gives result as output. First input data, then processing, then output data, this is how the computer works.

    In layman’s language a computer can be called an electronic machine, which calculates data, stores data and manages data following the instructions of the user.

    The word computer is derived from the word compute, which is a Latin word which means to calculate. However, it is not limited to just counting.

    So friends, now you must have known what is computer, what is the definition of computer and how the word computer originated. So let us now know further how many types of computers are there.

    What are the Types of Computers :

    • Super Computer
    • Mainframe Computer
    • Workstation Computer
    • Personal Computer
    • Macintosh Computer
    • Laptops and Notebooks
    • Smartphones and Tablets

    Super Computer – Super computer is a computer with a higher level of performance than a normal computer. That’s why it is called super computer. It is the fastest and most powerful computer among all available computers. It is used where high database work is done.

    Mainframe Computer – Mainframe computers are computers that are used by large organizations to version large amounts of data. Mainframe computers are often used as servers. Mainframe computers are larger and have more processing power than some other classes of computers, such as mini computers, servers, workstations and personal computers.

    Workstation Computer – A workstation computer is a high-performance computer originally designed for a single user. It has huge graphics capabilities and a powerful microprocessor. This computer was developed in the United States in 1981 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for its Apollo space program.

    What is Computer in English?

    Personal Computer – Personal computer is abbreviated as “PC”. These are multi-purpose computers, due to their size, design and functionality, they are considered best for personal use. It is also known as one-person computer and desktop computer. It is widely used at home for gaming, multimedia, entertainment, internet access and much more.

    Macintosh Computer – The Macintosh computer was invented by Apple in 1984. This computer is very different from other computers. Plus it is specially designed for students and pro users.

    Laptops and Notebooks – The laptop was originally designed to resemble a desktop, but is much smaller and lighter. Laptop computers are also called notebook computers. Like desktop computers, both laptops and notebooks don’t need to be connected to power all the time to run. A battery is used in this, through which both can be used by charging like a mobile phone.

    Smartphones and Tablets – The size of tablet and smartphone is very small according to computer or laptop. This is such a phone, which is not only used for talking but also as a mini computer. You can also keep them in your pocket. Currently tablets and smartphones have become very popular.

    What is Computer Hardware?

    Hardware is the part of the computer that we can touch and contains physical information, such as………

    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Printer
    • Scanner
    • CPU etc.

    These are the basic parts of the computer. So let’s know what is the work of these hardware.

    Keyboard – Keyboard is an important part of the computer, there are buttons on the keyboard, which are used to perform various functions. Keyboards are made in different countries of the world according to their own language.

    What is Computer in English? | Computer Features and History of Computers, Awesome 04 Full Form of Computer

    Mouse – Like the keyboard, the mouse is also an important part of the computer. You can do many things with the mouse. If you are viewing or reading a large web page, you can use the mouse scroller to move the page up and down or select a text or file to view or read it in its entirety, You can copy or read. You can click on any of the links available here.

    What is Computer in English? | Computer Features and History of Computers, Awesome 04 Full Form of Computer
    What is Computer ?

    Printer – A printer is a hardware output device used to make a hard copy or to print a document. A document can be of any type such as a text file, an image, or a combination of both. The printer accepts input commands from users on computers or other devices to print documents. For example, if you have to submit project report in your college then you have to prepare a soft copy of your report and print it with the help of printer.

    What is Computer in English? | Computer Features and History of Computers, Awesome 04 Full Form of Computer

    Scanner – Scanner is a computer input device through which any document, image and text is scanned and the scanned data is saved in the computer. Just as we use the printer to take out prints from which we get black, white or color prints, similarly with the help of scanner we can very easily scan any black, white and color document and print it in computer can save.

    What is Computer in English? | Computer Features and History of Computers, Awesome 04 Full Form of Computer

    What is Computer Software :

    Software is that part of the computer, which we cannot touch, which we can only see. At present no work is being done on the computer without software. Computer software is divided into three parts.

    • System Software
    • Application Software
    • Utility Software

    System Software – If you are a computer user then it is very important to have knowledge about system software as well. System software is the software that manages and controls the hardware of your computer and because of this application the software is able to run in the computer. System software controls everything from starting to closing programs in the computer. The speed of system software is fast and it is very close to the computer system.

    Application Software – All users use a variety of applications in their smartphone, computer, laptop or tablet. But very few people know what is application software. Friends application software is such an app that we can easily use in your smartphone. It is a small software which has been developed to help the users.

    What is Computer :

    Application software differs from system software in that it can be accessed by the user and allows the user to run it on the computer. Application software is generally designed keeping in mind the mobile user. Application software includes media players, MS-Office, word processors, etc.

    Utility Software – If you have learned about system software and application software, then now you must also know about what is utility software, because it is a part of computer software.

    Utility programs are called specialized software that takes care of all the maintenance and management of the system’s operating system. These software are helpful in making the capacity of computer resources hardware, software, memory etc. and its infrastructure work fast and smoothly.

    What is System Unit :

    System Unit This is the main part of the computer. In which all the devices are installed to work in the computer. The system unit is known as CPU (Central Processing Unit). CPU consists of components like motherboard, processor, hard disk etc. CPU is also called the brain of the computer and it is of four types.

    • Desktop System Unit
    • Notebook System Unit
    • Tablet PC System Unit
    • Handheld Computer System

    Desktop System Unit – The desktop system unit typically contains the system’s electronics components and secondary storage. Input and output devices such as the mouse, keyboard, and monitor are located outside the system unit. This type of system unit is designed to be vertical or horizontal.

    Notebook System Unit – Notebook system units are smaller and more portable. This system unit consists of electronics components. Notebook system unit is also known as laptop. A monitor located on the exterior of the system unit is attached.

    Tablet PC System Unit – Tablet PC system unit is similar to “notebook system unit”. Tablet PCs are high-end portable devices. Also, it supports the internal data and instructions of the stylus or pen.

    Handheld Computer System – A computer device that is used in the hand is called a handheld computer. These devices are small as well as are mostly used in hands, we can take them anywhere. That’s why they have been given this name handheld.

    What is the Function of Computer :

    People call a computer a computing machine, but this is not the whole truth, humans do not use computers only to do calculations, but computers are used for different tasks in different fields.

    We asked 3 people about computers and their uses, 3 gave different answers.

    • Asked the office person what is the use of computer, then he said that computer is used to complete our office work, big work is done with computer in less time.
    • When small children were asked, they said that computer is a game playing machine in which we can entertain ourselves by playing different types of games.
    • When the student studying was asked, he told that computer is such a machine using which we are able to study online sitting at home.

    We asked three people and the answers of all three came differently, this tells us that the computer is capable of doing different types of work along with doing calculations, that is, we can do many types of work with the computer.

    What is the Full Form of Computer : What is Computer in English?

    Friends, you should know about what is computer above, but do you know what is the full form of computer, because we have also seen that many people on the internet are searching for what is the full form of computer. But let me tell you that there is no full form of computer, people take out the broad meaning of computer according to their mind, which is as follows

    • C – Commonly
    • O – Operated
    • M – Machine
    • P – Particularly
    • U – Used for
    • T – Technical and
    • E – Educational
    • R – Research

    Other full forms of computer prevalent on the Internet.

    • A normally operating machine used exclusively for technical and education research
    • Normal operating machine specially used for technical, education and research
    • Calculator Operator Monitor Print Update Table Academic Feedback
    • Computing Oriented Manipulation Programming Used in Technology Education and Research
    • General oriented machine used purely for technical and educational research

    History of Computer :

    Friends, above what you know about computer, let us now get acquainted with the history of computer.

    Friends, as soon as we hear the name of the computer, the question often comes in our mind that who would have invented the computer, then let me tell you that the computer was invented two thousand years ago and the invention of computer changed the whole world Taxed.

    Talking about the history of computer, the computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1833. Till now computer has undergone many improvements and its various generations have come, so let us now tell you about the history of computer generations.

    First Generation of Computer :

    The first generation computer was invented in 1946 by John Prosper and Johann Mauchly under the name ENIAC. In this generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used to make electronic logic circuits and the working speed of computers of this generation was very slow. Along with this, another drawback in these computers was that no common man could buy this computer, because these computers used to be very expensive. Some of the names of first generation computers are as follows-

    • IBM-701
    • IBM-650
    • ENIAC
    • UNIVAC
    • EDVAC
    Second Generation of Computers :

    The second generation computer was invented in 1947, whose inventor is William Shockley, he tried to overcome those flaws by finding some flaws in the first generation computer, which made the size of the computer a little smaller and the working speed of the computer.

    There was a slight acceleration and the power savings started decreasing. Along with this, transistors started being used in place of vacuum tubes in this computer. Some of the names of second generation computers are as follows-

    • CDC-1604
    • CDC-3600
    • IBM-7094
    • IBM-1620
    • UNIVAC-1108

    Third Generation of Computer :

    Third generation computers were invented between 1964-1974. Computers of this time had an operating system built in to control the computer. And IC was used in this computer, which was made by MR Johnny in the year 1953. The size of these generation computers was further reduced and these computers were also named as mini computers. Some of the names of third generation computers are as follows-

    • TCD-316
    • IBM-370
    • IBM-168
    • POD-8
    • IBM-360

    Computer Fourth Generation :

    Talking about the computer of this generation, the computer of this generation was invented between 1964-1975, many changes were made in these computers and efforts were made to make the computer of this generation smaller. Also in them a circuit was drawn in a small head which was named microprocessor. These computers became faster to run and smaller in size and the cost of these computers was also very less so that common man could buy them. Some of the names of fourth generation computers are as follows-

    • PDP-11
    • DEC-10
    • Star-1000
    • CRAY-1
    • CRAY-x-MP
    Fifth Generation of Computers :

    Talking about the introduction of fifth generation computers, different types of processors have been used in these computers from 1979 till now. It is faster, smaller in size, multitasking and more durable than all other generations. The interface of this generation of computers has become user-friendly, along with many new features have also been added to it. Some names of fifth generation computers are as follows.

    • Desktop
    • A Notebook
    • Laptop
    • Ultra Book
    • Chromebook
    Computer Features :

    Computer is full of many types of features. Computers have so many features, which we cannot even imagine. So let us discuss about some of the essential features of them.

    Quick to Work :

    In earlier times, if any work had to be done, it used to take many days to do that work, but today the same work can be completed in a few seconds with the help of computer. Computer is a fast running machine which completes its tasks very fast. Nowadays computers are being used more and more to speed up the work. Because the working speed of a computer is very fast, it can do hours of work in minutes.

    Working Accuracy :

    The biggest feature of a computer is its accuracy, it gives accurate answers to your every question. Unless you give wrong input to it, it always gives correct output. The computer’s calculation is never wrong, if the computer sees an error while doing the calculation, it does not show its output or result, it gives an error message.

    Hard Working :

    The computer never gets tired, you can do as much work as you want through the computer. Because the computer is a machine, it does not feel tired. It is capable of delivering superior results with uniform speed and accuracy from start to finish.

    Hope that this post written by us “What is Computer, Features of Computer and History of Computer” will prove useful to you. Apart from this, if anyone has any question related to this article, then they can ask us by commenting. Thank you.

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