Compound words with the word head in them

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Searching for a list of terms comprising multiple words containing a specific word? Check out this collection of such terms. Here, you’ll find compound words starting with «head.»

headache headgate headmost headshot
headachy headgear headnote headshrinker
headage headguard headphone headspace
headband headhunt headpiece headspring
headbang headhunter headpin headsquare
headbanger headhunting headquarter headstall
headbanging headlamp headquarters headstand
headboard headland headrace headstay
headborough headlease headrail headstick
headcase headless headreach headstock
headchair headlessness headrest headstone
headcheese headlight headrig headstream
headcloth headlike headring headstrong
headcount headline headroom headwaiter
headdress headliner headrope headward
headend headlock headsail headwater
headfast headlong headscarf headway
headfirst headman headset headwind
headfish headmark headshake headword
headforemost headmaster headsheets headwork
headframe headmistress headship headworker

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  4. Vocabulary 08 — Compound Words formed from ‘Head’

Vocabulary 08 - Compound Words formed from 'Head'

Flowers in pots — ‘Flowerpot’ is a compound word formed from ‘flower’ and ‘pot’.

Vocabulary 08 — Compound Words formed from ‘Head’

The English language has eight parts of speech, two of which — nouns and verbs — play important roles, as they are always found in sentences. Other parts of speech, such as adjectives and adverbs, are almost as important if you want to communicate effectively.

We have learnt that nouns are classified into different types, such as single nouns, abstract nouns, collective nouns and compound nouns. While the other types of nouns are by and large stand-alone words, compound nouns are formed by making use of two other words. Compound words are made without changing the original words in any way. Usually, two base words are placed side by side and a new word is formed.

The words news, stand and paper are stand alone words and from these three words two new words can be formed — newsstand and newspaper. You will notice that there is no change in the original words and they are simply placed side by side to form the new words.

It is not the case that any two words can be used together to form compound words. From the words flower, petal, bud and pot only one compound word can be formed — flowerpot.

Over time words were continuously being added to the English language and new words were introduced. This is still going on today. Many of these new words are compound words.

There are many compound words that are formed with one main word to which other words are added to give many new compound words. One such word is HEAD. Play this quiz and expand your knowledge of compound words that can be formed with head as the primary word.


Choose the compound word that describes the caption at the top of a magazine or newspaper article.






Choose the compound word that describes a count of the number of people present.






Choose the compound word that describes an upright panel at the end of a bed where the head rests.






Choose the compound word that describes a padded support for the head on the back of a car seat.






Choose the compound word that describes the chief or main office of a company or establishment.






Choose the compound word that describes a continuous pain in the head.






Choose the compound word that describes things or items that are worn on the head.






Choose the compound word that describes the characteristic of a person who is determined and wilful.






Choose the compound word that describes a device used for listening to music privately.






Choose the compound word that describes the leader or head of a tribe or a village.





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  • blackhead
  • blockhead
  • headache
  • headband
  • headdress
  • headland
  • headlight
  • headline
  • headlock
  • headmaster
  • headset
  • headstone
  • headstock
  • headstand
  • headwaiter
  • pinhead
  • whitehead

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Q: Compound words with head

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My wife will let me listen to classical music only if I agree to wear my ……….

My father lodged an insurance claim last week because he had an accident and broke one of the ……… on his car.

Jimmy wanted to go to the Halloween party in an Indian costume, but he was unable to find a ……… to complete his outfit.

The flight from Sydney to Singapore will take two hours longer than usual this morning as the plane is flying into a strong ……….

I was very surprised to read the ……… in the newspaper this morning regarding the incarceration of our country’s former president.

First-time entrants in this year’s city marathon will be given a ten-minute ……… over the rest of the field.
head start
head off

I was very disappointed to find out that the new car that I wanted to buy had insufficient ……….

All flights out of Sydney’s new airport were delayed last Tuesday due to an extremely strong ……… that was blowing across the tarmac.

Mixing spirits and beer is not a very good idea. I usually wake up with a very bad ……… the next morning.

We were extremely upset when we arrived at the cemetery and discovered that my late grandfather’s ……… had been destroyed by vandals.

First, what are compound words, and what are the 3 types of compound words?

Compound Definition/Compound Words Definition

A compound is a noun, an adjective or a verb made of two or more words, written as one or more words. A compound word can be closed ( for example, seafood), open for example, water ice) or hyphenated (for example, first-class).

  1. Closed compound words form one single word.
  2. Open compound words are spelled as two separate words.
  3. Hyphenated compound words are joined by a hyphen.

English Compound Words Examples/Compound Words List

  • Closed compound words: Seafood, outcome, overcome, worksheet, downpour, seabird, sunflower, skincare, proofread, etc.
  • Open compound words: Water ice, big hair, high school, dining table, dining room, etc.
  • Hyphenated compound words: big-hearted, big-headed, self-actualization, well-known, well-cooked, etc.

compound words

Compound words examples

List of compound words

The following compound words lists are not comprehensive.

Compound Words: Compound Adjectives list

A compound adjective (also called compound modifier) is made up of two or more words that work jointly to modify the same noun. When compound adjectives are used before the noun they modify, they are usually hyphenated (joined together by a hyphen).

Compound adjectives whose first part is self are hyphenated as well. The words joined together by a hyphen are also known as hyphenated words.

Here is a hyphenated adjectives list:

  • He is a well-off businessman.
  • He belongs to a well-off family.
  • His father is well off.
  • She is a well-known writer.
  • Stephen R. Covey is well known.
  • Self-absorbed
  • Self-aware = self-conscious
  • Self-confident
  • Self-contained
  • Self-critical
  • Self-educated
  • Self-imposed

Compound adjectives can be created by joining multiple words; they can be in different combinations. Compound adjectives can be made up of adjectives, nouns, participles, quantifiers, and adverbs.

Here are some examples of the various combinations that we can make to come up with compound adjectives:

Compound adjectives lists:

  • Adjective + Adjective: Top-right, top-left, blue-green, etc.
  • Adjective + Noun: Part-time, full-time, good-time, etc.
  • Noun + Adjective: Sugar-free, ice-cold, duty-free, homesick, etc.

As you can notice above we combine different parts of speech to create a new word.

Present and past participles can be joined with adjectives, nouns, and adverbs to make compound adjectives:

  • Adjective + participle: Good-looking, hard-working, nice-looking, old-fashioned, open-minded, big-hearted, absent-minded, etc.
  • Noun + participle: record-breaking, mouth-watering, human being, man-sized, home-made,
  • Adverb + participle: Well-known, well-oiled, well rounded, badly-written, well-written, well-paid, dimly-lit, brightly-lit, early-rising, well-running,

Prepositions can also be employed to form compound adjectives:

  • up-to-date laptops.
  • a broken-down car.
  • a beaten-up old truck.
  • built-up areas.
  • a cashed-up businesswoman.
  • a built-in cupboard.
  • a clapped out machine ( old and in bad condition)

Another way to form compound adjectives is to join a quantifier and a noun.

  • A five-star hotel.
  • A three-floor building.
  • A three-storey building.
  •  A fifteen-year-old teenager.

A compound adjective with a number never takes the ‘s’ of the plural.

  • There are 3 five-star hotels in this city.
  • 10 three-floor buildings.

Compound Words: Compound adjectives to describe a person or something

Compound adjectives for character ( Compound adjectives personality) are usually used to describe people’s personality or character. The adjectives list below contains a number of compound adjectives tha can describe character. The other compoud adjectives can be used to describe something or someone not someone’s personality.

Compound Adjectives Examples

Hard-working is a compound adjective example

Here is a list of compound adjectives with self along with meaning

  • Self-assured

 you have confidence in your own abilities.

  • Well-behaved

 behave in a quiet and polite way.

  • Self-centered

interested only in yourself.

  • Self-conscious

uncomfortable or nervous because you are worried about what other people think about you or your behavior.

  • Self-absorbed

a self-absorbed person is a person who is concerned about or interested in himself/herself.

  • Self-addressed:

If an envelpoe is self-addressed, someone has written his/her own address on it.

  • Self-adhesive

It can be stuck to something without the use glue, etc.

  • Self-acting

Acting of or by itself.

  • Self-appointed

A self appointed president is a president who has apointed himself/herself without the greement of his/her people.

  • Self-assembly (esp, furniture)

Bought in several parts that you have to put together yourself.

  • Self-assertive

A self-assertive man is a man who is very confident and not afraid to express his opinion about something or someone.

  • Self-colour

Having one colour all over.

  • Self-confessed

Admitting that you have done something, especially something bad.

  • Self-contained (= independent)

If you are a self-contained woman, you don’t depend on other people or you do not need them.

  • Self-contradictory

Containing two statements or ideas that connot both be true.

  • Self-correcting

That can adjust or correct itself by itself.

  • Self-critical

A self-critical person criticises himself/herself.

  • Self-defeating

If a plan is self-defeating, it contains elements that will cause it to fail.

  • Self-drive

A self-drive car is a car that you hire and drive by yourself.

  • Self-deniying

Without concern for one’s own advantage; selfless.

  • Self-effacing

A self-effacing man is a modest and does not want to attract attention to himeself or his abilities.

  • Self-employed

If you are self-employed, you work for yourself and are not employed by a company, a person, etc.

  • Self-evident

Obvious and does not need further explanation or proof.

  • Self-explanatory

Easy to understand and does not nee any more explanation.

  • Self-important

A slef-important person thinks that he/she is more important than others.

Other compound adjectives describing character

  • Hard-working:

always doing a lot of work.

  • Good-natured

naturally friendly and does not get angry easily.

  • Over-confident

 too sure about yourself and your abilities.

  • Strong-willed

 very determined to do what you want to do.

  • Weak-willed

not determined enough to succeed in what you want to do.

  • Strong-minded

somebody who is strong-minded is not willing to change their opinions and beliefs.

  • Broad-minded

happy to accept ideas and ways of life different to your own.

  • Open-minded

 willing to accept opinions and ideas which are different from yours.

  • Narrow-minded

 not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own.

  • Bad-tempered

often annoyed, angry, or impatient.

  • Short-tempered

if someone is short-tempered, he or she gets angry easily for no good reason.

  • Easy-going

calm and relaxed; not easily worried or upset.

  • Big-headed

 you think you are more intelligent or more important than you really are.

  • Thick-skinned

 if you are thick-skinned, you are not easily hurt by criticism.

  • Cold-hearted

 if you are cold-hearted, you don’t feel sorry about other people’s suffering.

  • Level headed

 Calm and sensible; able to make good decisions even in difficult situations.

  • Laid-back: You are not usually worried about other people’s behavior or things that need to be done.

These compound adjectives describing character traits are really interesting. So, which compound adjectives describe your personality?

Do this character adjectives quiz here to test your knowledge of compound adjectives.

Compound Nouns

Definition for compound noun

What is a compound noun? How do you make a compound noun? What are compound nouns?

A compound noun refers to a noun that is composed of two or more words. These compound words work together as a single unit to name a place, a person, or a thing. Compound nouns are usually created by joining two nouns or an adjective and a noun together (adjective+noun) (noun+adjective) (adjective+adjective), etc.

Compound nouns types

There are 3 types of compound nouns, namely open compound nouns. They are written as separate words ( living room, swimming pool, secretary general, etc.), closed compound nouns. They are written as one single word (blackbird, policeman, makeup, etc.), and hyphenated compound words (mother-in-law, father-in-law, check-in, etc.)

Compound Noun Examples

compound words

Here is a compound nouns list

20 + examples of compound nouns

 There are different combinations of compound nouns, but they are usually combined this way: (noun + noun) (adjective + noun), (noun + adjective), (verb + noun), etc.

  • Football (noun + noun)
  • Snowman
  • Sunflower
  • Dragonfly
  • Seafood
  • Bookcase
  • Toothpaste
  • Backpack
  • Living room
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Dining room
  • Bathtub
  • Website
  • Policeman
  • Policewoman
  • Watercolor
  • Bus stop
  • Handbag
  • Whiteboard ( adjective + noun)
  • Blackboard
  • Blackbird
  • Greenhouse
  • Greenpeace
  • Software
  • Mobile phone
  • Full moon
  • Full board
  • Blackberry
  • Check-in ( verb + preposition)
  • Checkout
  • Makeup
  • lookout
  • Drawback
  • Fall-off
  • Falling-out
  • Fill-up
  • Sunrise (noun + verb)
  • Sunset
  • Haircut
  • Rainfall

Tip: To turn compound nouns into the plural, we usually add ‘s’, ‘es’ or ‘ies’ to the main word of the compound noun.

The main word is usually the second word, but there are exceptions.

A bookcase          bookcases

A bedroom          bedrooms

A handbag          handbags

A website          websites


A father-in-law          fathers-in-law

A secretary general           secretaries general

A passerby           passers-by

We believe that this post is good for learners of English who want to broaden their knowledge of compound words. It can even be used by teachers to teach compound words.

Compound words video

Noun+noun compound nouns

Noun Noun Compound noun
Sea Food Seafood
Sea Farer Seafarer
Home Front Home front
Home Ground Home ground
Home Help Home help
Home Land Homeland
Bus Stop Bus stop
Snow Man Snowman
Snow Ball Snowball

Noun+adjective compound nouns

Noun Adjective Compound noun
Spoon Fu Spoonful
Truck Full Truckful

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