Complete with the correct word you can take


• Vocabulary
A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• take campus . carry duty curious breath. parachute
• enthusiastic
1 Gary is nervous about jumping out of a plane and opening his ………
2 Mandy isn’t nosy, she’s just ……………………….. and wants to know what happened.
3 Yes, I do want to hear more. Please ………… . .. on.
4 Mark is very ………………………. about starting his new job.
S Most first year university students live on ……………..
6 Take a deep ….
………. and dive into the swimming pool.
7 You can ………………. a good salary as a manager.
8 It’s a babysitter’s ……………….. ……. to look after children.
9 He’s a world.
…. tennis player.
10 Mary loves the outdoors and wants to …..
…… up mountain biking.

1 ответ:




1. parachute

2. curious

3. carry

4. enthusiastic

5. campus

6. breath

7. earn

8. duty

9. champion

10. take

Читайте также

Ответ:1 b will drive 2 a. will visit b. Will visit

3. a. Wont fix b. Wont fix 4. Will meet b. Will meet

Объяснение: смотри вышло новое правило ч теперь ко всем глаголам пишем will в отрицательном будет wont в вопросительном на первое место выносим will оцени

catch-caught -caught












Мое любимое время года осень.Кроме того,в Америке еще это называют осень.Я люблю еще ппотому что много цветов.Красные, желтые, оранжевые и коричневые листья падают с деревьев. Погода обычно приятная, с теплым приятным ветерком и несколькими белыми облаками в синем небе. Солнце уже не горячее. (Я ненавижу, когда погода жаркая!) Б) Ранняя осень — тоже «вкусный» сезон. Люди собирают овощи и фрукты. В магазинах и на рынках есть спелые яблоки и груши, сочный виноград и сливы, красные помидоры и зеленые огурцы, вы можете увидеть много помидоров и капусту тоже. Все стараются проводить больше времени на улице. Они часто ходят в лес и собирают орехи и грибы. В) Но ранняя осень отличается от поздней осени. Дни в октябре и ноябре обычно дождливые и холодные. Они становятся короче, а ночи дольше. Птицы летят на юг, чтобы провести там холодные зимние месяцы.Многие ее не любят.Но мне нравится.Я знаю, что после белой зимы, зеленой весны и лета, которая ярка, мое любимое время года с его индийским летом снова наступит.

1) remembered

2) hoped

3) was

4) insisted

5) was

6) was

7) remained

8) was

9) went

10) had asked

11) came

12) joined

13) reading

14) started

15) was

16) went

17) looked

18) saw

19) were nodding

20) was getting

21) talked

22) gave

23) was

24) felt

25) wanted

26) have come

27) will waste

28) whispered

29) will get

30) looked

31) whispered

32) am

33) have

34) will get

35) was

36) were

37) were

38) were

39) asked

40) melted

41) told

42) sparkled

43) glowed

44) asked

45) explained

46) celebrated

47) nodded

48) gave

49) grabbed

50) held

51) was

52) couldn’t

53) looked

54) said

55) left

56) blinked

57) occured

58) could

59) received

60) didn’t matter

61) saw

62) say

63) doesn’t exist

64) looked

65) did not

1. something
2. no one
3. anybody
4. anything
5. some
6. somewhere

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Variant-2I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.2. Sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to / might go.3. It’s a school rule, all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.4. Let’s tell Anna. She could / might not know.5. Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):1. I’m sure that Brenda isn’t over thirty.2. What would you advise me to do?3. You needn’t come with me if you don’t want to.4. It’s possible for anyone to break into this house.5. The dentist will see you soon. I don’t think he’ll be long.III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.1. We’re not sure but we _________ go to Prague for Christmas this year.2. Bill cooked the lunch, so you _________ expect anything special!3. You really ________ start spending more time on your work.4. That’s really stupid idea! You _______-be serious, surely!5. You ________ realize it, but this is very important to me.6. Tell Mike he _________ take my book if he needs it.IV. Modal Verbs in the Past. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can’t, might, must, should or needn’t.1. 1. I’m sure that David took your books by mistake.2. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.3. I’m sure that Liz hasn’t met Harry before.4. It was unnecessary for you to clean the floor.5. Heather possibly hasn’t left yet.6. I’m sure they haven’t eaten all the food. It’s not possible!7. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.8. Perhaps Pam and Tom decided not to come.9. I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!10. It was a waste of time worrying, after all!V. Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct.1. It was funny that she should have remembered me.2. You mustn’t have been so unkind!3. I couldn’t have managed without you.4. I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann.5. Look, there’s $30 in my wallet. I shouldn’t have gone to the bank after all.VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.1. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.needn’tWe ____________________________________________________ so much.2. It’s just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge.possiblyThe cat __________________________________________________________ the fridge.3. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car.couldHelen ________________________________________________us a lift.4.It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door.mightThe last person ____________________________________ the door unlocked.5. School uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school.wearWe ___________________________________ school uniform at my school.

1 Fill in: monuments, take, book, drive, seaside, catch, sunstroke.
1.We can …the 3 o’clock train if we hurry.
2. I’d like to … two tickets to London.
3.Every summer we go on …holidays.
4.You … me crazy because of your behavior.
5.To avoid a … you should wear a hat and drink lots of water.
6.Many beautiful …are affected by pollution.
7. Why don’t we …a taxi?
2 Form nouns from the words and translate them into Russian.
1. selfish
2. disappoint
3. develop
4. polite
5. excite
6. retire
7. punish
3 Use –ness, -ment to form nouns.
1 amuse –
2 happy –
3 aware –
4 agree –
5 achieve –
6 announce –
7 lonely –
8 enjoy –
4 Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.
1. They are going to set …early in the morning.
2. I received my parcel … delay.
3. Summer has started to set …already, so we can go swimming.
4. He is picking up his tickets … the station.
5. We booked our travelling … advance this month.

1 Fill in: monuments, take, book, drive, seaside, catch, sunstroke.

1.We can take the 3 o’clock train if we hurry.

2. I’d like to book two tickets to London.

3.Every summer we go on seaside holidays.

4.You drive me crazy because of your behavior.

5.To avoid a sunstroke you should wear a hat and drink lots of water.

6.Many beautiful monuments are affected by pollution.

7. Why don’t we take a taxi?

2 Form nouns from the words and translate them into Russian.

1. selfish — лицемерный

2. disappoint — разочаровать

3. develop — развить

4. polite — вежливый

5. excite — воздуждать

6. retire — уйти на пенсию

7. punish — наругать

3 Use –ness, -ment to form nouns.

1 amuse – amusement

2 happy –happiness

3 aware –awareness

4 agree –agreement

5 achieve –achievement

6 announce –announcement

7 lonely –loneliness

8 enjoy –enjoyment

4 Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. They are going to set up in the morning.

2. I received my parcel with delay.

3. Summer has started to set in already, so we can go swimming.

4. He is picking up his tickets at the station.

5. We booked our travelling in advance this month.

TEST 7-5

What gadget(s) help(s) you to do the following:

To surf the Net

To take pictures

To send text messages

To watch films

To talk to your friends/ relatives

To store music

To read an electronic book

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb:

I’m sure our team (to win) the competition.

We (to have) a test tomorrow.

Be careful! You (to hit) your head.

It is raining. I (to take) an umbrella.

He has saved enough money and he (to buy) a car.

ІІІ. Open the brackets and complete the sentences:

13) If you (to use) your phone at the exam, you (to be) dismissed.

14) All the objects (to become) warmer, when temperature ( to rise).

15) If we (not hurry), the concert (to start) without us.

16. If I (find) his phone number, I (try) to call him.

IV. Complete with phrasal verb

17) Helen, what are you looking … ?

18) My sister is fond of looking … somebody.

19) I don’t know this word. Can you look it … in the dictionary?

20) James is looking forward … his birthday.

V. Translate the sentences
21. Аня собирается купить виртуального питомца.

22. Я использую мобильный телефон, чтобы звонить моей семье.

23. Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдем в парк.

24. Ты найдешь хорошую работу, если будешь хорошо учиться.

25. Я думаю, что мы будем жить под стеклянным куполом

ВАРИАНТ 11. Fill in: drive, boat, touristy, monuments, catch, book, track. There two extra words.

1. ​ When in Moscow you will be able to see a lot of historical ___ ____

2. ​ Be quick! We only have a few minutes to ___ ___ the train!

3. ​ We stayed at the hotel which was off the beaten ___ ____.

4. ​ Sochi is a beautiful city but in summer it is too ___ ___.

5. ​ Her children are so naughty, they __ ___ me up the wall.

2. Form nouns from the words in bold.

1. I will never forget your ____ ___ KIND

2. We like to spend a weekend at the ___ ___ park AMUSE

3. At the job interview try to hide your __ __ NERVOUS

4. Her family is very proud of her __ __ ACHIEVE

5. She looked at him in ___ ____ AMAZE

3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I am living in Berlin now, ” said Nick

2. “My mother isn’t very well, ” she said

3. “I’d like to have a dog, ” he said

4. “I don’t know what Nina is doing, ” he said.

5. “You can come and stay at my place, ” said Dean

4. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. You should set __ ___ some money to go abroad.

2. We set __ ___ early in the morning to catch the train.

3. Weather has set __ ___ already, so let’s go camping.

4. We should set ___ __ or we’ll be late.

5. The opening of the new shopping center has been set __ __ for a few days.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Let’s meet __ __ the bus stop.

2. Does your hotel have any cars __ __ hire?

3. Drivers must be very attentive __ __ the road.

4. You should go to the hospital ___ __delay.

5. It’s cheaper to visit fashionable resorts __ __ season.


the following sentences with the correct word. This is an example at the
beginning (0).

teacher gave me some very useful          advice   . advice /advise.

years ago, very few people owned computers, but ____________________ a lot of
people have them. actually /  now

poor pronunciation sometimes_____________________ my ability to communicate in
English. affects /  effects

haven’t seen her_______________ this morning. already / yet

have always been ______________________ snakes and spiders. worried about
/afraid of

limited vocabulary ___________________me from getting a good grade in the FCE. avoided
/ prevented

3 o’clock, I __________the children from school.  bring / fetch

you learn the vocabulary in this book, you have a better _____________ of
passing the FCE. chance / possibility

My English isn’t good. I’m always making
________________ mistakes. continuous / continual

summer we had a _____________ holiday in Italy. formidable /wonderful

you enjoy the party?’ ’Yes, it was _____________. ‘fun /funny

________________swimming and running every day. go/play

asked me if I would like to _____________ her to the cinema. go with /follow

You can borrow my car, but if you ___________it, I’ll
never talk to you again! harm / damage

I like working here. It’s a good _____________. job
/ work

such a _______________girl; she’s always helping people. kind/sympathetic

asked him to __________me 20 $ until Monday. borrow / lend

My mother asked me to _________ the table. lay/lie

love being in the _________in spring. countryside / nature

I thought the painting was worth a lot of money, but
in fact it was _______. priceless / worthless

sat on the beach at dawn and watched the sun ______. raise / rise

we go to town, could you ____________me to buy some milk? remember/remind

the top of the hill, you have a marvelous _______of the town. view/scenery

a _________ boy and gets upset easily. sensible/sensitive

24. When
you come to school tomorrow, don’t forget to _______your dictionary. bring/take

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