Complete with the correct word from the list below


Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the word only once:
heavily, street, pale, deep, rough, rocky, anxiously, big, dark, strongly

1._____ raindrops. 6.____clouds rain____. 7.a(n)___lamp
3.a(n)____hole. 8.____light blow____. 9.a(n)__cliff
5.a(n)____sea. wait____
короче говоря, надо просто слова вставить, помогите, пожалуйста

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6a.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the list below. Then, circle the correct answer.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте нужное слово в вопрос и потом выберите правильный ответ.


• comet • planet • solar system • satellite • moon • galaxy

1) Which is the outermost planet in the __ ?
A. Pluto
В. Neptune
С. Jupiter

2) What is the approximate diameter of the Milky Way __ ?
A. 4.5 billion years
В. 1,000 years
С. 100,000 light years

3) In what year was the first __ launched into orbit around the Earth?
A. 1957
В. 1958
С. 1959

4) Which __ is the brightest object in the night sky after the Moon?
A. Mercury
В. Venus
С. Mars

5) What is Jupiter’s largest __ called?
A. Titan
В. Pandora
С. Ganymede

6) What is the name of a famous __ ?
A. Hawking
В. Hailey’s

1) Which is the outermost planet in the solar system? – Какая самая далекая планета в солнечной системе?
A. Pluto – Плутон
В. Neptune – Нептун
С. Jupiter – Юпитер

2) What is the approximate diameter of the Milky Way galaxy? – Каков примерный диаметр галактики Млечного пути?
A. 4.5 billion years – 4,5 миллиардов лет
В. 1,000 years – 1 000 лет
С. 100,000 light years – 100 000 световых лет

3) In what year was the first satellite launched into orbit around the Earth? – В каком году был запущен первый спутник на орбиту Земли?
A. 1957
В. 1958
С. 1959

4) Which planet is the brightest object in the night sky after the Moon? – Какая планета является самым ярким объектом на ночном небе после Луны?
A. Mercury – Меркурий
В. Venus – Венера
С. Mars – Марс

5) What is Jupiter’s largest moon called? – Как называется самый большой спутник Юпитера?
A. Titan – Титан
В. Pandora – Пандора
С. Ganymede – Ганимед

6) What is the name of a famous comet? – Как называется знаменитая комета?
A. Hawking – Хокинг
В. Hailey’s – Галлея
C. SETI – (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) программа по поиску внеземных цивилизаций

Exercise 2. Match the words in the columns. Then, use them to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите слова и полученные сочетания вставьте в предложения.


1) high-tech
2) extra-terrestrial
3) human
4) broadcast
5) communication
6) radio

a) race
b) signals
с) waves
d) life
e) hunt
f) a message

1) Mobile phones use __ to transmit signals.
2) The Prime Minister is expected to __ to the British people tomorrow informing them of his resignation.
3) I’m interested in learning about non-verbal __ so I’m attending a body language seminar.
4) Many scientists believe that probability alone suggests there is __ in the universe.
5) When the atom bomb was developed, many people feared the __ would destroy itself.
6) Oil companies are currently engaged in a __ to discover the world’s next big oil field.

1) high-tech hunt – высокотехнологичная гонка
2) extra-terrestrial life – внеземная жизнь
3) human race – человеческая раса
4) broadcast a message – отправить (транслировать) сообщение
5) communication signals – сигналы коммуникации
6) radio waves – радиоволны

1) Mobile phones use radio waves to transmit signals. – Мобильные телефоны используют радиоволны, чтобы передавать сигналы.
2) The Prime Minister is expected to broadcast a message to the British people tomorrow informing them of his resignation. – Ожидается, что завтра премьер-министр выступит с обращением к британскому народу, сообщив о своей отставке.
3) I’m interested in learning about non-verbal communication signals so I’m attending a body language seminar. – Я интересуюсь невербальными сигналами коммуникации, поэтому я посещаю семинар по языку телодвижений.
4) Many scientists believe that probability alone suggests there is extra-terrestrial life in the universe. – Многие ученые полагают, что вероятно имеется внеземная жизнь в космосе.
5) When the atom bomb was developed, many people feared the human race would destroy itself. – Когда была разработана атомная бoмба, многие люди испугались, что человеческая раса уничтожит саму себя.
6) Oil companies are currently engaged in a high-tech hunt to discover the world’s next big oil field. – Нефтяные компании в настоящий момент вовлечены в высокотехнологичную гонку по обнаружению следующего нефтеносного района в мире.

Exercise 3. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 3. Выбрать правильное слово.


1) Astronomers use telescopes / screensavers to explore the universe.
2) Please close the curtains. There’s a channel / beam of light coming in from the window.
3) I’m thinking of having light / laser surgery to correct my eyesight.
4) Earth completes its orbit / wave around the sun in 365.26 days.
5) When the boat started sinking, the captain sent out a distress signal / shred.
6) Scientists believe the cosmos / civilisation is about 15 billion years old.

1) Astronomers use telescopes to explore the universe. – Астрономы пользуются телескопами для изучения космоса.
2) Please close the curtains. There’s a beam of light coming in from the window. – Пожалуйста, задерните шторы. Из окна светит луч света.
3) I’m thinking of having laser surgery to correct my eyesight. – Я думаю, чтобы сделать лазерную операцию по коррекции зрения.
4) Earth completes its orbit around the sun in 365.26 days. – Земля совершает полный круг по орбите солнца за 365.26 дней.
5) When the boat started sinking, the captain sent out a distress signal. – Когда корабль начал тонуть, капитан подал сигнал бедствия.
6) Scientists believe the cosmos is about 15 billion years old. – Ученые полагают, что космосу примерно 15 миллиардов лет.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the correct word/phrase from the list below.
Упражнение 4. Расставить слова в пропуски.


• point out • shred • all the same • sit around • face the fact • intentionally • convinced • analyse

1) There isn’t a __ of evidence to support his statements.
2) She knew it was dangerous, but she did it __ .
3) I don’t understand why you are __ trying to make me jealous.
4) “We always make sure we __ our results very carefully before we publish them,” said the scientist.
5) Before you decide to apply, I should __ that we are looking for someone with experience to fill the vacancy.
6) Let’s __ and chat while we’re waiting for Lucy.
7) “I think we have to __ that we might not win the election,” said the politician.
8) I’m __ that Katie will come if we tell her how important this is to us.

1) There isn’t a shred of evidence to support his statements. – Даже маленькой толики доказательств нет в поддержку его утверждений.
2) She knew it was dangerous, but she did it all the same. – Она знала, что эт было опасным, но она все равно это сделала.
3) I don’t understand why you are intentionally trying to make me jealous. – Я не понимаю, почему вы намеренно пытаетесь заставить меня завидовать.
4) “We always make sure we analyse our results very carefully before we publish them,” said the scientist. – “Мы всегда стараемся тщательно анализировать наши результаты, перед тем как их публиковать”, – сказал ученый.
5) Before you decide to apply, I should point out that we are looking for someone with experience to fill the vacancy. – Перед тем как вы решите подать заявку, я должен подчеркнуть, что для нашей вакансии мы ищем кого-то с опытом.
6) Let’s sit around and chat while we’re waiting for Lucy. – Давайте присядем и поболтаем, пока ждем Люси.
7) “I think we have to face the fact that we might not win the election,” said the politician. – “Я думаю, что нам надо посмотреть в глаза тому факту, что мы можем не выиграть выборы”, – сказал политик.
8) I’m convinced that Katie will come if we tell her how important this is to us. – Я уверен, что Кейт придет, если мы скажем ей, насколько это важно для нас.

4 Завершите предложения правильной формой слова/фразы из списка ниже.

• Отметить

• Крупица

• Все равно

• Сидеть без дела

• Смело посмотрим на факт

• Умышленно

• Убежден

• Анализировать

1 Не было и крупицы улик в поддержку его заявления.

2 Она знала, это опасно, но она все равно это делала.

3 Я не понимаю, почему умышленно пытаешься заставить меня ревновать.

4 «Мы всегда гарантируем, что тщательно анализируем наши результаты прежде чем их опубликовать», сказал ученый.

5 До того как вы решите подать заявление, я должен отметить, что мы ищем человека с опытом на эту вакансию.

6 Давайте сядем без дела и поболтаем, пока мы ждем Люси.

7 «Я думаю что мы должны смело смотреть на тот факт, что возможно мы не выиграем выборы», сказал политик.

8 Я убежден, что Кэти придет, если мы скажем ей как это для нас важно.

1 shred (крупица)

2 all the same (все равно)

3 intentionally (умышленно)

4 analyse (анализировать)

5 point out (отметить)

6 sit around (сидеть без дела)

7 face the fact (смело посмотрим на факт)

8 convinced (убежден)


Fill in the correct word from the list below:

broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1)……. are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2)……..must catch the attention of the 3)…………, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4)………. of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5)……… , they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6)……. are 7)…….., they meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8)…………. programme.

1 ответ:



broadcast, forecasters, viewer, script, screened, report, daily, bulletins

While most weather 1) forecasters are qualified meteorologists, they have to be more than just scientist. Every 2) broadcast must catch the attention of the 3) viewer, which means that it cannot be just a flat 4) report of the facts. Personality counts for a lot, and since TV meteorologists write their own 5) script, they can decide not only what to say but how to say it. Even when emergency 6) bulletins are 7) screened, the meteorologist must be as calm and good-humoured as when he or she present the 8) daily programme.

Читайте также

What did you supper in cook?

Можно поставить now!

Нет, это не справедливо
Тк во-первых, оценка выставляется как средний балл между всеми оценками, полученными за четверть (не важно контрольная или нет)
Во-вторых, судя по твоим оценкам, твой средний балл выше 4,5, а это значит, что должна стоять оценка 5
Соответственно, тебе нужно подойти к своему учителю и спросить, почему она поставила 4 (она вполне могла допустить ошибку)
Если этот вариант не сработает, тогда уже говорить родителям, пусть они идут в школу и разбираются с данной ситуацией

<span>You can carry :  your baggage , liquids.
you can join : a queue , a group of people, .
you can miss : your flight, your bus
you can leave behind : your baggage, your ticket, </span>

Past simple:
the boy wrote on the black board.
past continuous:
the boy was writing on the black board.
past perfect:
the boy had written on the black board.

present continuos:
the boy is writing on the black board.
present perfect:
the boy has writtwn on the black board.

future simple:
the boy will write on the black board.
future continuos:
the boy will be writing on the black board.
future perfect:
the boy will have written on the black board.

вроде всё..

Задания из учебника английского языка Starlight 10 Student’s book. Module 4. Unit 4.4


Fill in the correct word from the list below.
natural, captivity, protect, confine, released, species, breed, extinct

Human population expansion and the effects of hunting are threatening many…


1) species to such an extent that they are almost 2) extinct. In order to 3) protect them, many animals are kept in 4) captivity in zoos and safari parks. The idea is that when animals are able to 5) breed in safety, their numbers will increase enough so that some can be 6) released into their 7) natural habitats. Some extreme animal rights activists, however, believe that it is better to allow a species to become extinct than to 8) confine them in a prison­ like zoo.


Увеличение человеческой популяции и последствия охоты угрожают многим 1) видам до такой степени, что они почти 2) вымерли. Для того чтобы 3) защитить их, многих животных содержат в 4) неволе в зоопарках и сафари-парках. Идея заключается в том, что когда животные могут 5) размножаться в безопасности, их численность будет увеличиваться и некоторые из них могут быть 6) выпущены в свою 7) естественную среду обитания. Некоторые ярые защитники прав животных, однако, считают, что лучше позволить виду вымереть, чем 8) заключать их в тюрьму, подобную зоопарку.


Choose the correct word. Then translate the sentences into Russian.


Choose the correct word. Compare with your partner.


Rewrite the sentences in the passive.


Rewrite the following text in the passive.


Оригинал Страдательный залог
The World Wide Fund for Nature protects hundreds of species around the world. These species need special measures and extra protection if they are to survive. The WWF is currently funding over 2,000 projects. It also employs almost 4,000 people across the planet, but it always needs more support from the public. Only the public can ensure a living planet for future generations. Hundreds of species around the world are protected by the World Wide Fund for Nature. Special measures and extra protection are needed for these species if they are to survive. Over 2,000 projects are currently being funded by the WWF. Also, almost 4,000 people across the planet are employed, but more support from the public is always needed. A living planet for future generations can only be ensured by the public.


Всемирный Фонд Охраны Природы защищает сотни видов животных по всему миру. Эти виды нуждаются в особых мерах и дополнительной защите, если они хотят выжить. В настоящее время WWF финансирует более 2000 проектов. В нем также работают почти 4000 человек по всей планете, но он всегда нуждается в большей поддержке со стороны общественности. Только общественность может обеспечить живую планету для будущих поколений.


 Read the text and complete gaps 1-10 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.


 Complete each sentence using the word in bold. Use two to five words. Developers destroy large areas of forest every minute.


1. Developers destroy large areas of forest every minute.
– Large areas of forest are being destroyed every minute.
2. Governments have banned hunting elephants for their ivory.
– Hunting elephants for their ivory has been banned by governments.
3. Tuna fishing has caused a drop in the number of dolphins.
– A drop in the number of dolphins has been caused by tuna fishing.
4. We should think about conservation more.
– Conservation should be thought about more.


1. Застройщики каждую минуту уничтожают большие участки леса.
2. Правительства запретили охотиться на слонов за их слоновой костью.
3. Ловля тунца привела к падению численности дельфинов.
4. Мы должны больше думать о сохранении природы.



The problem of ____deforestation__________ is caused by cutting down and burning trees. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which ends up on the ___ rubbish___________ tip. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes _____extinct__________. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural _____habitat_________ is destroyed. Factories and cars _____release__________ poisonous chemicals into the air. ___release_____ groups try to protect animals and the places where they live. Pollution is__ threatening ___the lives of many animals. Several environmental groups are working to __conservation_____________ the world’s rainforests from being destroyed.

 encourage prevent adoption reduce cut down on

Choose the correct modal verb.

I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to take it to the police station as soon as possible. Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to. I had enough in my wallet. Sorry, I’m late. – You should wear a watch. I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t have got lost because I gave them a map. Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course. We needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food. When shall I visit you next? – You might call in tomorrow if you like.

  Paraphrase the following sentences using modal verbs.

16. He needs to take the exam again. 17. I’m sure Terry can’t be at the office. 18. It is possible that Jane can  call me this evening. 19. You mustn’t eat and drink in the classroom. 20. We are ought to clock in and out every day. 21. Can I do anything to help? 22. Sam could reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours. 23. We can throw a party on your birthday.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Yesterday we ran … Tim on our way to the cinema.

B to

My friend is an avid supporter … Greenpeace.

 A of

This car runs … unleaded petrol.

C on .

He has almost run … this old lady!


I feel strongly … recycling.

B about

habitat, prevent. extinct, conservation,
threatening, greenhouse, forested

1) When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species
becomes… . 2) Many animals find it more and more difficult to
survive in their natural … . 3) … groups try to protect animals
and the places where they live. 4) Pollution is … the lives of many
animals. 5) Several environmental groups are working to … the
world’s rain forests from being destroyed. 6) The earth’s …
areas are in danger of disappearing completely. 7) Carbon dioxide
forms a cover over the earth, keeping the heat of the sun close to
the earth’s surface, just as a … keeps heat in.

III. Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets:

There are many problems which 1) … (threat) our natural
environment. Acid rain, 2) … (globe) warning and air and water 3) …
(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to
help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage 4) …
(recycle) because it is the 5) … (produce) of new materials which
causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic
bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally-friendly
car is also helpful. Furthermore, joining an 6) … (organize) which
plants trees or cleans up beaches would prove that you are really 7)
… (concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such
as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many 8) … (environment)
disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and
safe for future generations.

IV. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from your topical vocabulary:

1) the … layer; 2) … rain; 3) … waste; 4) … rainforests; 5)
natural and human …; 6) to … more trees; 7) to … paper, bottles
or clothes; 8) to … water and energy; 9) we shouldn’t …
tropical rainforests.

V. Here is a school kid speaking about environmental problems. Think of how a well-educated adult would describe these same things.

1. “The air is so dirty, I can’t breathe!”

2. “The leaves aren’t green any more because there is a factory

3. “There are no more fish in the river! They’re
all gone!”

4. “Why is there so little water in the pond now?”

5. “These gases in the air smell so horrible!”

6. “People throw their rubbish everywhere!”

7. “In Africa there’s not enough water for people to drink”.

8. “There’s so much dust in the air!”

9. “Why are people killing all these beautiful animals?!”

10. “The potatoes from Granny’s vegetable garden don’t taste

VI. Use the words and phrases from the list to complete the sentences:

laws ecosystem aware reserve
packaging warnings habitat farming bank energy
forms protection

1. If everyone was environmentally_________
, the world would be a better place to live.

2. A lot of companies have made great effort and
now put their products in biodegradable

3. Organic
_________is becoming more and more popular because people know that
the fruit and vegetables are free from chemicals.

4. Many countries are choosing to use alternative
__________ because they know that fossil fuels are not infinite.

5. If there is not a balanced
_________, many plants and animals will eventually die.

6. She believes in recycling: she makes a weekly
trip to the bottle

7. Animal
_________ is an important part of the work of the World Wildlife

8. The main point of a wildlife
_________ is that animals live in their natural

9. Governments bring in water
__________ during a period
of drought.

10. Unfortunately, people haven’t been listening
carefully enough to anti-pollution

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