Complete with the correct word 15 marks i love going

2 Complete with the correct word.
(15 marks)
I love going o)
camping in the
summer. I always pack my 1)
to go fishing on the
lake. I also take a 2)
to keep food cool. It’s also a good idea to
pack a 3)
in case there
isn’t any dry 4)
to build a 5)
Пж помагите даю 20​

Светило науки — 2 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи



I love going 0) camping in the summer. I also take a 1) fishing rod to go fishing on the lake. I also take a 2) cool box to keep food cool. It’s also a good idea to pack a3) camp stove in case there isn’t any dry 4) fire wood to build a 5) camp fire.

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2 Complete with the …


10 Фев 2020

в 19:48




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Английский язык

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Ex.1. Put the preposition into the proper place. Translate the sentences. 5. What were you laughing when I opened…


Английский язык

12 Апр



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Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1)heavy, 2)cost. 3) helpful. 4)crowded. 5) peace.

1.I love living in the city,but I don’t like the high…… of living.
2.My father hates driving in …… traffic.
3.The streets in London very …..
4. In the country you usually meet frindly and….. people.
5.We go for a walk in the country, because we need some …. and quiet. Помоги!

2 ответа:






1) cost
3) crowded
Вроде бы так)

Читайте также

— Mum, do you know where my book is?
— What book, honey?
— My History book. I can’t find it.
— Maybe on the table?
— No, there isn’t.
— Maybe on the bed?
— No, mum, there isn’t.
— No idea then.
— Oh, mum, it’s in my bag.
— I don’t wonder. Let’s have breakfast.

<span>- Мама, ты не знаешь, где моя книга?
— Какая книга, дорогая?
— Мой учебник по истории. Я не могу найти его.
— Может быть, на столе?
— Нет, нет.
— Может быть, на кровати?
— Нет, мама, нет.
— Не знаю тогда.
— Ох, мама, она в моем портфеле.
— Я не удивляюсь. Давай завтракать.</span>


<span>The weather will be fine
on the 13th of May. It will be sunny and cloudless. The sky will be
clear. It won’t be hot. It will be warm and dry. The wind won’t blow. The
temperature will be plus 22-25 degrees.
To the evening it will be expected to partly cloudy. It will
be cloudy and rainy. The
temperature will be plus 16-18 degrees.</span>

Погода будет хорошей 13 мая. Будет солнечно и безоблачно. Небо
будет ясным. Будет не жарко. Будет тепло и сухо. Ветра не будет. Температура
будет плюс 22-25 градусов.

<span>Вечером ожидается небольшая облачность. Будет облачно
и дождливо. Температура воздуха составит плюс 16-18 градусов.</span>

Has Megan ever done cooking?
I don’t like Physics and Chemistry.
Kevin doesn’t travel by train.
Do you speak any foreign languages? I learn French and English.
Who is playing the piano?

1don’t speak
все сказуемые стоят в Present Simple

Страница 6 из 53

*A. Match the words. Сопоставь слова.

e.g. traffic H

1. parking   G       A. warden
2. traffic       A      B. driver
3. yellow     F       C. belt
4. zebra      E       D. lanes
5. racing     B       E. crossing
6. seat        C      F. lines
7. bike        D       G. zone
8. door        I        H. signs
                            I. handles

1 – G, 2 – A, 3 – F, 4 – E, 5 – B, 6 – C, 7 – D, 8 – I.


1. parking zone      парковочная зона
2. traffic warden     регулировщик
3. yellow lines        желтые линии
4. zebra crossing    зебра
5. racing driver       автогонщик
6. seat belt               ремень безопасности
7. bike lanes            велосипедные дорожки
8. door handles       дверные ручки

*B. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• watch • park • road • plane • bike • boat • car • lights • left • handgrip • kerb

e.g. You can’t park your car here.

9. That man is a pilot. He can fly a plane.
10. Use the handgrip when there are no free seats on the bus.
11. My little sister can’t ride a bike.
12. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a car.
13. Don’t run from the pavement onto the road.
14. Can your father sail a boat?
15. Always stop at the traffic lights when they’re red.
16. Turn left into Green street.
17. There’s a car coming. Watch out!
18. Stand on the pavement, near the kerb.


9. Этот человек − пилот. Он может управлять самолетом.
10. Держитесь за поручень, когда в автобусе нет свободных мест.
11. Моя младшая сестра не умеет кататься на велосипеде.
12. Его брат очень молод. Он не умеет водить машину.
13. Не бегайте с тротуара на дорогу.
14. Может ли твой отец управлять лодкой?
15. Всегда останавливайтесь на светофоре, когда он красный.
16. Поверните налево на Зеленую улицу.
17. Едет машина. Осторожно!
18. Встаньте на тротуар, у бордюра.

*C. Complete with the correct verb. Дополните правильным глаголом.

• look • talk • walk • lean • wave • wear • push

Road Safety Instructions
• When in the car, don’t e.g. lean out of the window.
• When on the street, 19) look both ways before crossing.
• When on the bus, don’t 20) talk to the driver.
• When you enter the bus, don’t 21) push others.
• When on the bus, don’t 22) wave out of the window.
• When going to school, 23) walk on the pavement.
• When you ride your bike, 24) wear a bicycle helmet.


Инструкции по безопасности дорожного движения
• Находясь в машине, не высовывайся из окна.
• На улице перед переходом 19) посмотрите в обе стороны.
• В автобусе не 20) разговаривайте с водителем.
• Когда вы садитесь в автобус, 21) не толкайте других.
• Находясь в автобусе, 22) не махайте из окна.
• Собираясь в школу, 23) идите по тротуару.
• Когда вы едете на велосипеде, 24) надевайте велосипедный шлем.

*D. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

e.g. Never carry a second person _ your bike.
        A. by      B. on        C. in

25. Be careful when you cross the street _ foot.
       A. in      B. on     C. by
26. When you travel_ a bus, don’t annoy others.
       A. on   B. from   C. at
27. Always wear a seat belt when you travel _ a car.
       A. at     B. on     C. in
28.  It’s safe to travel _ train.
       A. in    B. on      C. by
29. It isn’t dangerous to travel _ plane.
      A. on   B. by      C. in
30. The library isn’t far so I go _ bike.
      A. in    B. by       C. on

25 – B, 26 – A, 27 – C, 28 – C, 29 – B, 30 – B.


25. Будьте осторожны, переходя улицу пешком.
26. Когда вы путешествуете на автобусе, не раздражайте других.
27. Всегда пристегивайтесь ремнем безопасности, путешествуя в машине.
28. Путешествовать поездом безопасно.
29. Путешествовать самолетом не опасно.
30. Библиотека недалеко, так что я езжу на велосипеде.

*E. Complete with can or can’t. Вставь can или can’t.

e.g. I can swim. Я умею плавать

31. They can draw.
32. She can cook.
33. He can use a computer.
34. I can’t ride a motorbike.
35. She can’t fly a kite.


31. Они умеют рисовать.
32. Она умеет готовить.
33. Он умеет работать на компьютере.
34. Я не умею ездить на мотоцикле.
35. Она не умеет запускать воздушного змея.

*F. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. You can / can’t turn left.
например, Вы можете / не можете повернуть налево.

36. You can / can’t drive here.
37. You can / can’t go straight here.
38. You can / can’t drive at 30 mph.
39. You can / can’t park here.


36. Вы не можете сюда ехать.
37. Вы не можете ехать здесь прямо.
38. Вы можете ехать со скоростью 30 миль в час.
39. Здесь можно парковаться.

*G. Choose the correct response. Выбери верный ответ.

e.g. Is there a cinema near here?           C      A. Not really.

40. Is it far?                                             A        B. No, you turn left.
41. Do you know where the bank is?      F        C. Yes, there’s one on the corner.
42. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?     B        D. Don’t mention it.
43. Thank you very much.                       D        E. Yes. There is a nice one on Beech Street.
44. Is there a café around here?             E         F. Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s.

40 – A, 41 – F, 42 – B, 43 – D, 44 – E.


например, Здесь есть кинотеатр?
40. Это далеко?
41. Вы знаете, где находится банк?
42. На светофоре повернуть направо?
43. Большое спасибо.
44. Здесь есть кафе?

А. Не совсем.
B. Нет, поверните налево.
C. Да, на углу есть один.
D. Не упоминайте об этом.
E. Да. Есть один хороший на Бич−стрит.
F. Да, рядом с аптекой.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she’s twelve years old. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. Susan can play the guitar and the piano. She is very good at sport. She can swim very well and she can sail a boat. 1 can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car!

Меня зовут Фрэн, и мне десять лет. Моя лучшая подруга − Сьюзан, ей двенадцать лет. Сьюзан очень умна и может многое. Сьюзан умеет играть на гитаре и фортепиано. Она очень хороша в спорте. Она очень хорошо плавает и умеет управлять лодкой. Я не умею плавать и не умею управлять лодкой. Сьюзан каждый день готовит обед для себя и своего младшего брата. Я не умею готовить, потому что мама говорит, что я слишком маленькая. Есть одна вещь, которую мы со Сьюзан делать не можем. Мы не умеем водить машину!

e.g. Who is ten years old, Susan or Fran? Кому десять лет, Сьюзан или Фрэн? 
       Fran.                                                     Фрэн.

45. How old is Fran’s best friend?
46. What can Susan play?
   The guitar and the piano.
47. What sport can’t Fran do?
   Swim and sail the boat.
48. Who cooks lunch every day?
49. What can’t Susan and Fran do?
   Drive a car.


45. Сколько лет лучшей подруге Фрэн?
46. На чем может играть Сьюзан?
   Гитара и фортепиано.
47. Какой спорт Фрэн не умеет делать?
   Плавать и управлять лодкой.
48. Кто готовит обед каждый день?
49. Чего не умеют делать Сьюзан и Фрэн?
   Водить машину.

*I. Listen to two people talking about the town where they live and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Послушайте, как два человека говорят о городе, в котором они живут, и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.

e.g. Bill’s flat is on the
A. 3rd floor.
B. 4th floor.
C. 5th floor.

50. Martha knows the location of the
     A. bank.
     B. supermarket.
     C. post office.
51. The supermarket is on
     A. Maple Avenue.
     B. Beech Drive.
     C. Birch Drive.
52. Martha has got
     A. three children.
     B. four little girls.
     C. two little boys.
53. The town has got
     A. one park.
     B. two parks.
     C. four parks.
54. It is
     A. morning.
     B. afternoon.
     C. night.

50 – C, 51 – C, 52 – A, 53 – B, 54 – B.


Квартира Билла находится на
А. 3 этаж.
B. 4 этаж.
С. 5 эт.
Марта знает, где находится
A. банк.
B. супермаркет.
C. почтовое отделение.
Супермаркет находится на
А. Кленовый проспект.
B. Бич Драйв.
С. Берч Драйв.
У Марты
А. трое детей.
B. четыре маленьких девочки.
C. два маленьких мальчика.
В городе есть
А. один парк.
B. два парка.
C. четыре парка.
А. утро.
B. полдень.
C. ночь.

Аудио к заданию:

− Hello!
− Hello! My name is Bill. I live one floor above you, on the fourth floor. I’m in apartment 5. Welcome to the buiding!
− Oh, hi! My name is Martha.
− Is there anything I can do for you? I like to help new people in the building.
− Oh, you are very kind! Actually I have got a probem you can help me with.
− Oh, what is it?
− Well, I can find my way to the post office, but I can’t my way to the bank or the supermarket.
− Oh, that’s easy! The bank is on the Maple Avenue. And the supermarket is on Beech Drive… oops! I mean, Birch Drive.
− Thanks. And where’s the park? I have got three little boys and they love going to the park.
− So do my four little girls! Anyway, there are two parks. One is on Willow Avenue and the other one is on Elm Road.
− Well, that’s great! Thanks for your help. I’m better going now. I have to collect the kids from school. It’s nearly three.

Перевод аудио:

− Здравствуйте!
− Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Билл. Я живу этажом выше вас, на четвертом этаже. Я в квартире 5. Добро пожаловать в дом!
− О, привет! Меня зовут Марта.
− Могу я что−нибудь для вас сделать? Мне нравится помогать новым людям в доме.
− Ой, вы очень любезны! На самом деле у меня есть проблема, с которой вы можете мне помочь.
− Ой, что это?
− Ну, я могу добраться до почты, но я не могу добраться до банка или супермаркета.
− Ой, это просто! Банк находится на Кленовой авеню. А супермаркет находится на Бич Драйв… ой! Я имею в виду Берч Драйв.
− Спасибо. А где парк? У меня трое маленьких мальчиков, и они любят ходить в парк.
− Мои четыре девочки тоже! Во всяком случае, есть два парка. Один находится на Уиллоу−авеню, а другой − на Вязовой дороге.
− Ну вот и отлично! Спасибо за вашу помощь. Мне лучше идти. Я должна забирать детей из школы. Уже почти три.


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins



A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

• polluted  • swept  • affect  • poverty  • save  • habitat  • hunting  • lay  • suffers  • raises

1 Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very ………polluted……….. .

2 It’s against the law to go ……….hunting………………………. for animals without a licence.

3  Millions of people live in ……poverty………….. in Africa.

4 Doctors ………save………………………. people’s lives every day.

5 This city …suffers…………….. from floods every year.

6 The charity …raises…………….. money to help poor families in Africa.

7 The observation team monitors animals in their natural …habitat……………..  

8 Sea turtles usually ……lay………………………. their eggs at night.

9 Hurricanes ………..affect……………………… millions of people every year.

10  The storm caused landslides which …swept…………….. houses out to sea.

B Choose the correct item.

1 Our class makes a donation to a local charity every year.

2  The volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake.

3 Karin supports many issues, including fighting poverty.

4 The charity event takes place once a year.

5 He promised the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

6 Paul had a steep fall and broke his leg.


C Choose the correct item.

1 The tornado ….B…. some houses in town last week.

 A has destroyed  

 B destroyed

 C has been destroying

2 Peter has …C….. published his third novel.

 A yet B for  C just

3 Have you ever ….B…. to Australia?

 A go B gone C been

4 Trevor has …B….. climbed a mountain.

 A ever B never C yet

5 If their team …A….. better, they would have won the game.

 A had played

 B will play

 C would play

6 They haven’t been abroad ..B…… years.

 A yet B for  C since

7 Martha …A….. as a volunteer since 2010.

 A has been working

 B was working

 C worked

8 Molly ….C…. to Cameroon last year.

 A has travelled

 B was travelling

 C travelled

9 I wish I ….C…. enough money to go on holiday next month.

 A had  B had had  

 C have

10 Last weekend, we …C….. around the campfire and sang songs.

 A sat

 B have sat

 C were sitting

11 Tony couldn’t walk because he …A….. his ankle.

 A has twisted

 B had twisted

 C have twisted

12 Jack isn’t here. He ..B…… skateboarding.

 A has gone B has been going

 C has been

13 Laura …C….. in Pakistan since 2008.

 A was living   B lived   C has lived

14 I wish it ..A…… so much yesterday.

 A didn’t rain

 B hadn’t rained

 C hasn’t rained

15 If I …B….. the lottery, I would donate some money to charity.

 A had won  B won C win  


D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

                                   тут типа текст должен быть

1 Scott left New York City because he wanted to change jobs. F  

2 Mercy Ships is a charity hospital in Liberia, Africa.  T  

3 Doctors and staff don’t get paid on Mercy Ships.  T  

4 Scott volunteered as a doctor on a floating hospital. F  

5 Unsafe water caused many of the illnesses of Mercy Ships’ patients. T  

6 “Charity: water’s” first project was in Uganda. T  

7 17 million people now receive clean water from Scott’s charity. F  

Everyday English

E Choose the correct response.

1 What are you doing?

2 Would you mind helping me?

3 What time?

4 Can I give you a hand?

5 Around six would be great.  A Of course not!

B At five o’clock.

C Actually, I’ve nearly finished.

D OK, see you tomorrow.

E I’m just collecting donations.

1 ……E………  2 ……C………  3 ……B………  4 …A…………  5 ……D………

10 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Вариант I

1 Fill in:* bargain, *loyal, * manufactured, *faded, * film, *moody, * great outdoors, *dishonest, * run, * street markets.

1). Many expensive designer clothes are now _______ cheaply in Asia.

2). Paul is quite _____; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.

3). My mother believes that the best bargains can be found at the ______ in our town.

4). Have you got any plans for tonight? Would you like to catch a ______ ?

5). This leather jacket was a real ______ . I got it for 30.

6). Emily is going to be late because she has to ______ errand for her grandmother.

7). I think you should buy a new pair jeans as those ones are _______ .

8). John cannot be trusted .He is very ______ .

9). Luke loves the _______. He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends.

10). He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a ______ fan.

II. Underline the correct word.

11). She is acting the supporting supportive role in the film.

12). He isn’t respected respectful because he is rude to people.

13). My friend is very caring careful driver.

14). I’m not a morning person. I’m like a bear with a sore paw head when I wake up.

15). No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye shoulder when he comes in.

16). Dance music and clubbing are my romance passion.

17). I think Tim is _____ mean jealous of me because I have a new computer.

18). Ann is a very kind and loyal trusting girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

19). My brother is a caring careful person. I remember him sitting up with meal night once when I had a fever and could not sleep.

20). Roger can also be dedicated mean. He doesn’t like sharing things or spending money.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

21). _____ ( you drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

22). Tom ____ ( leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

23). Tim and Matilda______ ( be ) married since 2010.

24). He _____ ( drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

25). Clare’s train _____ ( arrive) at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

26). I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I ______ ( leave) for Spain on Friday night.

27). Liz and I are good friends. We _____ ( know) each other for four years.

28). She _____ (revise) for the exams since Monday.

29). — Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

— Yes, I ____ (see) Jack at nine o’clock.

30). How long ______ (you know) Julian?

IV. Fill in the correct particle: * up, *forward to, *down on, *out for, *after

31). Jane is really looking ______ her sister’s wedding.

32). Julie looks _____ our children while we’re at work.

33). I don’t remember her phone number- let me look it ______ .

34). Look _____ sharks when you go swimming !

35). He’s a bit of a snob and looks _____ people who aren’t from his social background.

V. Fill in the gaps with: * gone to,* been to, * been in.

36). I am alone in the house. My parents have _____ London.

37). “Is Philip at home?” “No, he has _____ work”.

38). Anita has just come home. She has _____ the theatre.

39). They have _____ Rome for two months. They enjoy the city.

40). She’s having a shower right now because she _____ the gym.

VI. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

41). Tim was very ______ ( DISAPPOINT) when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.

42). The trip to Jamaica was really ______. ( AMAZE)

43). She’s very _____ (CARE) person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.

44). My car is very _____ (ECONOMY). I don’t spend much money on petrol.

45). My dad was _____ (FURY) when I told him what I’d done.

Вариант II

1 Fill in:* bargain, *loyal, * manufactured, *faded, * film, *moody, * great outdoors, *dishonest, * run, * street markets.

1). He goes to all of his teams’ matches. He is a ______ fan.

2). Many expensive designer clothes are now _______ cheaply in Asia.

3). Paul is quite _____; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.

4). My mother believes that the best bargains can be found at the ______ in our town.

5). Have you got any plans for tonight? Would you like to catch a ______ ?

6). This leather jacket was a real ______ . I got it for 30.

7). Emily is going to be late because she has to ______ errand for her grandmother.

8). I think you should buy a new pair jeans as those ones are _______ .

9). John cannot be trusted .He is very ______ .

10). Luke loves the _______. He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends.

II. Underline the correct word.

1). Roger can also be dedicated mean. He doesn’t like sharing things or spending money.

2)She is acting the supporting supportive role in the film.

3). He isn’t respected respectful because he is rude to people.

4). My friend is very caring careful driver.

5). I’m not a morning person. I’m like a bear with a sore paw head when I wake up.

6). No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye shoulder when he comes in.

7). Dance music and clubbing are my romance passion.

8). I think Tim is _____ mean jealous of me because I have a new computer.

9). Ann is a very kind and loyal trusting girl; she believes whatever people tell her.

10). My brother is a caring careful person. I remember him sitting up with meal night once when I had a fever and could not sleep.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1). _____ ( you drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

2). Tom ____ ( leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

3). Tim and Matilda______ ( be ) married since 2010.

4). He _____ ( drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

5). Clare’s train _____ ( arrive) at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

6). I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I ______ ( leave) for Spain on Friday night.

7). Liz and I are good friends. We _____ ( know) each other for four years.

8). She _____ (revise) for the exams since Monday.

9). — Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?

— Yes, I ____ (see) Jack at nine o’clock.

10). How long ______ (you know) Julian?

IV. Fill in the correct particle: * up, *forward to, *down on, *out for, *after

1). Jane is really looking ______ her sister’s wedding.

2). Julie looks _____ our children while we’re at work.

3). I don’t remember her phone number- let me look it ______ .

4). Look _____ sharks when you go swimming !

5). He’s a bit of a snob and looks _____ people who aren’t from his social background.

V. Fill in the gaps with: * gone to,* been to, * been in.

1). I am alone in the house. My parents have _____ London.

2). “Is Philip at home?” “No, he has _____ work”.

3). Anita has just come home. She has _____ the theatre.

4). They have _____ Rome for two months. They enjoy the city.

5). She’s having a shower right now because she _____ the gym.

VI. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

1). Tim was very ______ ( DISAPPOINT) when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.

2). The trip to Jamaica was really ______. ( AMAZE)

3). She’s very _____ (CARE) person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.

4). My car is very _____ (ECONOMY). I don’t spend much money on petrol.

5). My dad was _____ (FURY) when I told him what I’d done.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №1

I вариант

II вариант


1). Manufactured

2). Moody

3). Street markets

4). Film

5). Bargain

6). Run

7). Faded

8). Dishonest

9). Great outdoors

10). Loyal


1) Loyal

2) Manufactured

3). Moody

4). Street markets

5). Film

6). Bargain

7). Run

8). Faded

9). Dishonest

10). Great outdoors





4) Head





9)Trusting .




1). Mean



4) Head





9)Trusting .


10) Supporting


Do you drink…?


Have been married

Has drunk


Am leaving

Have known

Has been revising

Am seeing

Have you known…?


Do you drink…?


Have been married

Has drunk


Am leaving

Have known

Has been revising

Am seeing

Have you known…?


1). Forward to 41).

2). After 42).

3). Up 43).

4). Out for 44).

5). Down on 45).


1). Forward to 41).

2). After 42).

3). Up 43).

4). Out for 44).

5). Down on 45).






Gone to Gone to

Been to

Been in

Been to


Gone to Gone to

Been to

Been in

Been to

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант I

1. Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. * handing out *household chores * shopping spree * pocket money * can’t afford to splash out * make ends meet *catching up quickly * digging deeper into their pockets

1) He went out on a _________ and got everything he wanted for himself.

2) I think children should do _______ to help their parents and earn a little extra money.

3) Many parents are ______ more and more money to their teenagers each month.

4) My parents ________ a lot of money on extra things for my sister and me.

5) My parents give me ______ every week.

6) The number of girls playing video games is ________ to the number of boys playing.

7) Some people are working two jobs to _____ these days.

8) Many teenagers are _______ to pay for all the things they want.

2. Fill in: * borrow, *student, * credit, * cash, *pay, * afford, *cost, *waste.

9). A. I would like to buy two mirrors.

B. One is enough. Don’t _____ money on something we don’t need.

10). A. Let me ______ for dinner.

B. Thank you.

11). A. Good morning. I would like to _______ this cheque, please.

B. Yes, of course. Sign it on the check, please.

12). A. Come out with us tonight, will you?

B. Sorry, I cannot _______ to go out tonight.

13) A. How would you like to pay for this?

B. I will use my ______ card, please.

14). A. How many bills do you pay every month?

B. I pay for my rent and my _______ loan.

15). A. Do you like my new watch?

B. Wow! It must have ______ you a fortune.

16). A. Why have you not bought a new car yet?

B. I would have to _______ money and I don’t want to do that.

3 Fill in: *off, *up, *over, *out,* after.

17). Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

18). Who do you take ______ , your mum or your dad?

19). Tom’s taking me _____ for my birthday.

20). Mr. Jones took ______ the company when his grandfather died.

21). Take _____ your trousers so that I can wash them.

22). I’m going to take my parents ____ tonight.

23). Sarah took _____ jogging in order to lose weight.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

24). I hope you have a fast _____________ ( RECOVER)

25). When did the two countries sign this ________ ( AGREE)

26). He looked at her in ________ ( AMAZE)

27). Can I make a ________? ( SUGGEST)

28). __________ ( ACCOMMODATE) is quite expensive at this ski resort.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Infinitive or the — ing form.

29). I can’t stand _____ (listen) to jazz music.

30). I’m tired of ______ (do) the same exercise.

31). This year Jack plans _____ (buy) a house.

32). I can only _____ ( hope) everything turns out well.

33). You should _____ ( pay ) more attention in class.

34). Let’s _____ (eat) out tonight.

35). I don’t know how ______ ( drive) a car.

36). There’s no point in ______ ( complain). He won’t listen to you.

37). Tom is really looking forward to ______ ( go ) on holiday to Spain this summer.

38) Would you like me _____ ( cook) dinner tonight?

39). Do you fancy ______ ( go ) to the football match on Sunday?

40). I’m not very keen on _____ ( play ) computer games.

41). Would you like _____ ( watch) a good comedy tonight?

42). I can’t wait ____ ( get ) to know to know everyone.

43). I didn’t mind ______ ( be ) alone when I was a child.

44). Mum made us ____ ( tidy ) the kitchen.

45). I suggest _____ ( ask ) for help.

46). I can’t help _____ ( smile ) when I see her.

47). Remind me ______ ( help ) her with the dishes.

48). Jack forgot _____ ( call) the doctor to make an appointment.

Вариант I

1. Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. * handing out *household chores * shopping spree * pocket money * can’t afford to splash out * make ends meet *catching up quickly * digging deeper into their pockets

1) He went out on a _________ and got everything he wanted for himself.

2) I think children should do _______ to help their parents and earn a little extra money.

3) Many parents are ______ more and more money to their teenagers each month.

4) My parents ________ a lot of money on extra things for my sister and me.

5) My parents give me ______ every week.

6) The number of girls playing video games is ________ to the number of boys playing.

7) Some people are working two jobs to _____ these days.

8) Many teenagers are _______ to pay for all the things they want.

2. Fill in: * borrow, *student, * credit, * cash, *pay, * afford, *cost, *waste.

9). A. I would like to buy two mirrors.

B. One is enough. Don’t _____ money on something we don’t need.

10). A. Let me ______ for dinner.

B. Thank you.

11). A. Good morning. I would like to _______ this cheque, please.

B. Yes, of course. Sign it on the check, please.

12). A. Come out with us tonight, will you?

B. Sorry, I cannot _______ to go out tonight.

13) A. How would you like to pay for this?

B. I will use my ______ card, please.

14). A. How many bills do you pay every month?

B. I pay for my rent and my _______ loan.

15). A. Do you like my new watch?

B. Wow! It must have ______ you a fortune.

16). A. Why have you not bought a new car yet?

B. I would have to _______ money and I don’t want to do that.

3 Fill in: *off, *up, *over, *out,* after.

17). Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

18). Who do you take ______ , your mum or your dad?

19). Tom’s taking me _____ for my birthday.

20). Mr. Jones took ______ the company when his grandfather died.

21). Take _____ your trousers so that I can wash them.

22). I’m going to take my parents ____ tonight.

23). Sarah took _____ jogging in order to lose weight.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

24). I hope you have a fast _____________ ( RECOVER)

25). When did the two countries sign this ________ ( AGREE)

26). He looked at her in ________ ( AMAZE)

27). Can I make a ________? ( SUGGEST)

28). __________ ( ACCOMMODATE) is quite expensive at this ski resort.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Infinitive or the — ing form.

29). I can’t stand _____ (listen) to jazz music.

30). I’m tired of ______ (do) the same exercise.

31). This year Jack plans _____ (buy) a house.

32). I can only _____ ( hope) everything turns out well.

33). You should _____ ( pay ) more attention in class.

34). Let’s _____ (eat) out tonight.

35). I don’t know how ______ ( drive) a car.

36). There’s no point in ______ ( complain). He won’t listen to you.

37). Tom is really looking forward to ______ ( go ) on holiday to Spain this summer.

38) Would you like me _____ ( cook) dinner tonight?

39). Do you fancy ______ ( go ) to the football match on Sunday?

40). I’m not very keen on _____ ( play ) computer games.

41). Would you like _____ ( watch) a good comedy tonight?

42). I can’t wait ____ ( get ) to know to know everyone.

43). I didn’t mind ______ ( be ) alone when I was a child.

44). Mum made us ____ ( tidy ) the kitchen.

45). I suggest _____ ( ask ) for help.

46). I can’t help _____ ( smile ) when I see her.

47). Remind me ______ ( help ) her with the dishes.

48). Jack forgot _____ ( call) the doctor to make an appointment.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №2

I вариант

II вариант


1) shopping spree 17) up 2) household chores 10). pay 18) after

3) handing out 19) out

4). can’t afford to splash out 20) over

5). pocket money 21) off

6). catching up quickly 22) out

7). make ends meet 23) up

8). digger deep into their pockets


1) digger deep into their pockets 17) up 2) household chores 10). pay 18) after

3) handing out 19) out

4). can’t afford to splash out 20) over

5). pocket money 21) off

6). catching up quickly 22) out

7). make ends meet 23) up

8). shopping spree


9). waste 17) up

10). pay 18) after

11) cash 19) out

12) afford 20) over

13) credit 21) off

14) student 22) out

15) cost 23) up

16) borrow


9) borrow 17) up

10). pay 18) after

11) cash 19) out

12) afford 20) over

13) credit 21) off

14) student 22) out

15) cost 23) up

16) waste
















up 22) o 23)




AMAZEMENT 41) to watch







AMAZEMENT 41) to watch



listening 39) going

doing 40) playing

to buy

hope watch get

pay 44) tidy

to drive


complaining smiling


to help

to cook

to call




listening 39) going

doing 40) playing

to buy

hope watch


pay 44) tidy

to drive


complaining smiling


to help

to cook

to call



Контрольная работа №3

Вариант I

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: * private, *activities, * motivated, * uniform, * training, * attend, * rules, *strict, * sit, *public.

1. She goes to a very expensive ______ school abroad.

2. Every morning we begin with physical ______ at acrobatic school.

3. The students are encouraged to participate in extra- curricular ________ .

4. When do you ______ your exams?

5. Students must wear a school ______ every day.

6. It is important for everyone to follow the ______ .

7. This school is known for its discipline and _______ teachers.

8. Students are very _______ to do well at this school.

9. Do you use a bicycle or the ________ transport?

10. He has to _______ extra classes at the weekend.

II. Complete the text with: * experience, * responsibility, * attended, * interview, *training, * apply, *companies, *profession, * participate, * skills.

Finishing school is a very busy, exciting time for people. Everyone wants to find a good job and begin working in their chosen 1) ______ . The first step is to find a suitable vacancy and 2) ____ for the position. If you are called for an 3) _____ you will be asked what 4) ___you have and where you 5) _____ school. They may ask if you have any previous 6) _____ in that type of work.Many large businesses and 7) ______will require their new employees to 8) _______ in a special 9) ______ course before they are given the 0) __ of working on their own.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct FUTURE FORM: future simple, present continuous, be going to, present simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous

1). The kids _________ ( go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

2). Helen and I ________ (go ) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

3). By the end of the month I _______ (finish ) this project.

4). This time next week I _______ ( shop ) in Milan.

5). “When ________ ( you fly ) to London?” “ Tomorrow morning”

6). I don’t think John _______ ( pass ) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

7). I’m cold. I ______ ( close ) the window.

8). What ________ ( you buy ) Fiona for her birthday?

9). They _______ ( live) in the same house for 25 years by next Thursday.

10). This time next year Faye ______ ( study ) in Dublin.

11). I _____ ( send ) you an SMS before I leave work, OK?

22). The Browns ______ ( move ) to their new house this weekend.

13). The ferry _______ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

IV. Choose the correct preposition.

1). Leave him alone; stop picking on at him.

2). I’ll pick you up out from the station at 9.

3). Laura is picking on at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

4). Tom’s health has picked out up recently.

5). Can you help me pick at out a tie to match the shirt?

6) You shouldn’t pick on at younger children.

Вариант II

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: * private, *activities, * motivated, * uniform, * training, * attend, * rules, *strict, * sit, *public.

1. She goes to a very expensive ______ school abroad.

2. Every morning we begin with physical ______ at acrobatic school.

3. The students are encouraged to participate in extra- curricular ________ .

4. When do you ______ your exams?

5. Students must wear a school ______ every day.

6. It is important for everyone to follow the ______ .

7. This school is known for its discipline and _______ teachers.

8. Students are very _______ to do well at this school.

9. Do you use a bicycle or the ________ transport?

10. He has to _______ extra classes at the weekend.

II. Complete the text with: * experience, * responsibility, * attended, * interview, *training, * apply, *companies, *profession, * participate, * skills.

Finishing school is a very busy, exciting time for people. Everyone wants to find a good job and begin working in their chosen 11) ________ . The first step is to find a suitable vacancy and 12) _______ for the position. If you are called for an 13) ________ you will be asked what 14) ______ you have and where you 15) _______ school. They may ask if you have any previous 1 6) _______ in that type of work.

Many large businesses and 17) ________ will require their new employees to 18) _______ in a special 19) ______ course before they are given the 20) _______ of working on their own.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct FUTURE FORM: future simple, present continuous, be going to, present simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous

21). The kids _________ ( go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

22). Helen and I ________ (go ) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

23). By the end of the month I _______ (finish ) this project.

24). This time next week I _______ ( shop ) in Milan.

25). “When ________ ( you fly ) to London?” “ Tomorrow morning”

26). I don’t think John _______ ( pass ) his French exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

27). I’m cold. I ______ ( close ) the window.

28). What ________ ( you buy ) Fiona for her birthday?

29). They _______ ( live) in the same house for 25 years by next Thursday.

30). This time next year Faye ______ ( study ) in Dublin.

31). I _____ ( send ) you an SMS before I leave work, OK?

32). The Browns ______ ( move ) to their new house this weekend.

33). The ferry _______ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

IV. Choose the correct preposition.

34). Leave him alone; stop picking on at him.

35). I’ll pick you up out from the station at 9.

36). Laura is picking on at her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

37). Tom’s health has picked out up recently.

38). Can you help me pick at out a tie to match the shirt?

39) You shouldn’t pick on at younger children.

V. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

40). They don’t have a _____ ; they do all the landscaping themselves. ( GARDEN ).

41). He usually hires a _____ when he does business in China (TRANSLATE ).

42). Kate is now the managing ______ of the company. ( DIRECT ).

43). The _____ was busy tidying the returned books. ( LIBRARY ).

44). The drum _____ received thunderous applause. (SOLO )

45). The ______ searched through old documents for years before he was convinced the events had taken place. ( HISTORY ).

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №3

I вариант

II вариант


1). Private 6). Rules 11). Profession 16). Experience

2). Training 7). Strict 12). Apply 17). Companies

3). Activities 8). Motivated 13). Interview 18). Participate

4). Sit 9).Public 14). Skills 19). Training

5). Uniform 10). Attend 15). Attend 20). Responsibility


1). Attend 6). Rules

2). Training 7). Strict 17). Companies

3). Activities 8). Motivated 18). Participate

4). Sit 9).Public 19). Training

5). Uniform 10). Private 10). Attend 10). Attend


1). Profession 6). Experience

2). Apply 7). Companies

3). Interview 8). Participate

4). Skills 9). Training

5). Attend 10). Responsibility


1). Responsibility 6). Experience

2). Apply 7). Companies

3). Interview 8). Participate

4). Skills 9). Training

5). Attend 10). Profession


1) will have gone 40) GARDENER

2) are going 41) TRANSLATOR

3) will have finished

4) will be shopping

5) are you flying 44) SOLOIST

6) will pass 45) HISTORIAN

7). will close

8). are you going to buy…?

9) will have been living

10) will be study

11) will send

12) are moving

13). leaves


1) will have gone 40) GARDENER

2) are going

3) will have finished

4) will be shopping

5) are you flying 44) SOLOIST

6) will pass 45) HISTORIAN

7). will close

8). are you going to buy…?

9) will have been living

10) will be study

11) will send

12) are moving

13). leaves 22) o 23)




up out

on 41) to watc




up out

on 45).








Контрольная работа №4

Вариант I

I Fill in: * repair, * rubbish, * compost, * adoption, * decompose, * packed

1). There are many animals up for _______ at the city zoo.

2). We need to ________ the engine so the car runs properly.

3). Have you _______ your lunch for school today?

4).Do not put things in the ______ bin that can be recycled.

5) You can put things that ________, like vegetable peeling, onto the 6) ______ heap.

II. Use the words in their correct form to complete the gaps.

*replace, * congestion, *campaign, * encourage, * energy, * ban, *switch, * emissions.

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all the carbon 7) _______ produced by the vehicles ( транспорт). One group of environmentalists have started a 8) _____ to do something about it. They want to 9) ______ certain vehicles from the roads during times of high 10) _______ and 11) _______ people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by 12) ______ from a form of transport that uses a lot of 13) _______ and 14) ______ it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

III. Underline the correct preposition.

15) Would you like some dessert desert?

16). Climate change affects effects the whole world.

17).These trousers are very loose lose.

18). Polar bears are under in threat.

19). The weather whether is becoming more and more rainy.

20) We will loose lose many species if rainforests continue to disappear.

21). No one can ignore the affects effects of global warming.

IV. Fill into: *away from, * into, * over, * out of, * on

22).The cooker runs _____ electricity.

23). He almost ran _____ the old woman who was crossing the road.

24).We’ve run _____ bread. Will you go and buy some, please?

25). The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran _______the zoo.

26). Sarah ran ____ David while she was shopping at the supermarket.

V. Fill in: * Come up with *Throw away, * switch off, * turn down, * put on, *cut down on

27). Make sure you ______ all the lights before you leave.

28).You should ______ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.

29).Don’t ______ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.

30). We must try to ______ the amount of electricity we use.

31). I like to _______ the heating in winter. It helps me to sleep better.

32).We must ______ a way to use less paper.

Вариант II

I Fill in: * repair, * rubbish, * compost, * adoption, * decompose, * packed

1). ______ heap.

2). We need to ________ the engine so the car runs properly.

3). Have you _______ your lunch for school today?

4).Do not put things in the ______ bin that can be recycled.

5) You can put things that ________, like vegetable peeling, onto the

6) There are many animals up for _______ at the city zoo.

II. Use the words in their correct form to complete the gaps.

*replace, * congestion, *campaign, * encourage, * energy, * ban, *switch, * emissions.

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all the carbon 7) _______ produced by the vehicles ( транспорт). One group of environmentalists have started a 8) _____ to do something about it. They want to 9) ______ certain vehicles from the roads during times of high 10) _______ and 11) _______ people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by 12) ______ from a form of transport that uses a lot of 13) _______ and 14) ______ it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

III. Underline the correct preposition.

15) Would you like some dessert desert?

16). Climate change affects effects the whole world.

17).These trousers are very loose lose.

18). Polar bears are under in threat.

19). The weather whether is becoming more and more rainy.

20) We will loose lose many species if rainforests continue to disappear.

21). No one can ignore the affects effects of global warming.

IV. Fill into: *away from, * into, * over, * out of, * on

22).The cooker runs _____ electricity.

23). He almost ran _____ the old woman who was crossing the road.

24).We’ve run _____ bread. Will you go and buy some, please?

25). The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran _______the zoo.

26). Sarah ran ____ David while she was shopping at the supermarket.

V. Fill in: * Come up with *Throw away, * switch off, * turn down, * put on, *cut down on

27). Make sure you ______ all the lights before you leave.

28).You should ______ a jumper rather than turn the heating on.

29).Don’t ______ those glass bottles. They can be recycled.

30). We must try to ______ the amount of electricity we use.

31). I like to _______ the heating in winter. It helps me to sleep better.

32).We must ______ a way to use less paper.

Критерии оценивания

Объём выполненной работы

Количество баллов


84-100 %



67-83 %



50-66 %



0-49 %



Контрольная работа №4

I вариант

II вариант


1) Adoption

2). Repair

3). Packed 17). Loose 24). Run out of

4) Rubbish 18). Under 25). Ran away from

5). Decompose 6). Compost 20). Lose


1) Compost

2). Repair

3). Packed 17). Loose 24). Run out of

4) Rubbish 18). Under 25). Ran away from

5). Decompose

6).Adoption 10). Attend 10). Attend


7). Emission

8). campaign 16). Affects

9). ban

10). congestion

11). encourage

12). switching

13). energy

14). Replacing


7) Replacing

8). campaign 16). Affects

9). ban

10). congestion

11). encourage

12). switching

13). energy

14). Emission


15). Dessert 22). Run on

16). Affects 23). Ran over

17). Loose 24). Run out of

18). Under 25). Ran away from

19). Weather 26) Ran into

20). Lose


15). Dessert 22). Run on

16). Affects 23). Ran over

17). Loose 24). Run out of

18). Under 25). Ran away from

19). Weather 26) Ran into

20). Lose 22) o 23)


27) switch off

28) put on

29). throw away

30). Cut down on

31) turn down

32). come up with

41) to watc


27) switch off

28) put on

29). throw away

30). Cut down on

31) turn down

32). come up with

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy

• cost

• helpful

• crowded

• convenient

• peace

e.g. In a big city, you will always find convenient public transport.
11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some _ and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very _ .
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and _ people.
14. My father hates driving in _ traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high _ of living.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильным словом.
• тяжелый
• стоимость
• полезный
• переполненный
• удобный
• мир
например, В большом городе всегда есть удобный общественный транспорт.
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был _ и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень _ .
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и _ люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в _ потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая _ жизни.

11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some peace and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very crowded.
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and helpful people.
14. My father hates driving in heavy traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high cost of living.

Перевод ответа
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был тишина и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень многолюдны.
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и отзывчивые люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в плотном потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая стоимость жизни.

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