Complete with the comparative or superlative of the bold word mexican food is much spicier

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: superromakon



Автор ответа: wergardenviki



1. easier than

2. more powerful

3. the most relaxing

4. more slowly than

5. The worst

6. the furthest


7. older than

8. the hottest

9. the best


1. as

2. the

3. than

4. ever

5. he

6. most

7. as

8. more

9. as

10. of

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Complete with the comparative or superlative of the bold word (and than if necessary).​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Complete with the comparative or superlative of the bold word.
6. Could we meet a bit _____ tomorrow! early.
7. It was _____ film I’ve seen this year. bad
8. Sue is _____ member of my family. ambitious
9. The _____ way to travel is by train. safe
10. The beach was ____ from the hotel than we expected. far

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 安安, 六六六六六六六六六六六 六六六六点点 1.- My sister is my brother. (intelligent) animal. (big) 2.- The blue whale is 3.- Iceland is Spain (cold) 4.- This is book I’ve ever read. (good) 5.- My neighbour is person I know (lucky) 6.- Friday is the day of the week. (busy) those. (cheap) 7.- These trainers are much 8.- Frank works most people. (hard) 9.- I’m at English than you. (good) 10.- Today has been day of the year. (hot) 11.- This is CD I’ve ever listened. (bad) 12.- English is Japanese. (easy) 13.- Which mountain is in the world. (high) 14.- John is his brother. (clever) 15.- English is Latin. (useful) 16.- What is word in English? (common) 17.- The Nile is river in the world. (long) 18.- This is my brother. Mary is their daughter (old, old) 19.- That skyscraper is one of buildings in the city. (tall) 20.- The first exercise was easy but this one is (difficult) 21.- Our journey took we expected. (long) 22.- Charles is student in the school. (noisy) 23.- Madrid’s population is Santander’s (large) 24.- Nothing makes me waiting on the phone. (angry) 25.- Five years ago I was I am now, and I had hair. (fat, log) 26.- This car uses petrol. It’s economical. (much, little) 27.- Spanish is difficult to learn than Chinese. (little) 28.- It’s hotel in Santander (expensive) 29.- How much are we going? (far) 30.- I haven’t got many CDs. You’ve got I have. (many) 31.- Everyone has heard of Real Madrid. They are probably team in the world. (famous) 32.- The cheetah is animal in the world. (fast) 33.- Barcelona’s stadium is new. It’s stadium in Europe. (modern)​


Los comparativos se utilizan para demostrar las diferencia o similitudes entre dos objetos, los superlativos demuestran la máxima o menor cualidad de un objeto.

1. This exercise is easier than the previous exercise.

2. This TV show is more interesting.

3. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.

4. It is the most difficult test of all.

5. This pen writes better than my previous one.

6. This book is more exciting than that film.

7. This pupil is the most intelligent in the class.

8. This is the oldest castle in Britain.

9. Friends are more important than money.

10.This watch is more expensive than the necklace.

11. This actor is the most famous actor in Spain.

12. English is easier than italian.

13. Hostels are cheaper than hotels.

14. My sister older than me.

15. This cake is more delicious than ice cream.

16. This dress is the most beautiful in the shop.

17. This t-shirt is worse than that t-shirt.

18. My car is more modern than yours.

19. I want the newest  phone in the shop.

20. My dog is younger than hers.​

Puedes ver más comparativos y superlativos aquí


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